Why does a cat bleed from its pee pad? Causes of blood in your pet's urine

New Year

The appearance of blood in a cat's urine is a very bad sign. This phenomenon indicates the development of an inflammatory process or other disease. What are the causes of blood in urine? How to properly treat hematuria? Let's look at these questions in this article.

What does normal cat urine look like?

Urine is produced by the kidneys. Everything comes out with it through the urinary system. harmful substances, excess salts, vitamins, hormones and enzymes. Without this process it is impossible correct work body.

Normally, a cat's urine is clear and varies in color from light yellow to orange. It should be free of impurities, cloudiness and blood. Urine healthy cat doesn't have.

strong smell

Causes of blood in urine

This is not what normal cat urine looks like

Hematuria develops for several reasons. Its appearance can be caused by infections, various acute and chronic diseases in the acute stage, as well as injuries and falls. The main symptom of hematuria is urine turning red or brown.

In some cases, clots or small spots of blood are visible. The urine may become colored after your cat eats beets or carrots, but in this case the color will return to normal after a couple of days.

With hematuria, the cat loses its appetite and becomes lethargic. She may be bothered by the process of urination; some animals begin to urinate past their potty (on carpets, upholstered furniture).

What does urine look like with hematuria?

With this disease, blood will be noticeable in the cat’s urine. The color depends on the number of red blood cells: the more there are, the more intensely colored the urine will be. Blood clots and inclusions are rare, but this may indicate a severe stage of the disease.

Sometimes blood in the urine may not be noticed. It is recognized only in the laboratory during microscopic examination. Red blood cells are noticeable in the urinary sediment; they can have a variety of shapes: flattened, wrinkled, or not deformed at all.

How not to start the course of the disease

Typically, cat owners do not pay attention to the color of their pets' urine. Any changes in the animal's behavior should be noted. If you notice that your cat is restless when urinating, be sure to look at the color of the urine.

On initial stages disease, it may not change color, but the animal changes its behavior: meows loudly, tries to defecate on a soft surface, rushes around the apartment. In this case, you should submit cat urine for analysis at the first signs of illness.

Collecting cat urine for analysis

Not many owners know how to properly collect urine. To do this, you will need a clean tray, gloves and a sterile container. Follow this algorithm:

  • Wash the cat litter well and pour boiling water over it;
  • remove the filler from the tray;
  • if the cat does not agree to urinate in an empty pot, place disinfected aquarium pebbles on the mesh or buy a special filler for collecting urine at the pet store;
  • after the cat has gone to the toilet, put on gloves and carefully pour the urine into a prepared container;
  • the jar should be submitted for analysis as soon as possible (3-4 hours).

Watch a video on how to collect urine from a cat for analysis.

How to detect blood in cats urine

In some cases, blood is visible to the naked eye. Pour the urine into a glass or transparent plastic jar, place it in front of a window or other light source and examine it carefully. Red or brown coloring, as well as inclusions and clots indicate hematuria.

If blood is not noticeable in the urine, but the animal is worried and behaves differently than usual, a laboratory test should be done.

The veterinarian will examine the sediment under a microscope and determine whether it contains red blood cells or other impurities: leukocytes, epithelium, pus, protein, etc.

If there is blood in your cat's urine, your veterinarian will prescribe a list of tests to make a diagnosis. It includes the following activities:

  • general urinalysis - determining the presence of blood and other impurities in the urine;
  • urine culture and sensitivity - determination of the type of infection, selection of antibiotics;
  • vaginal smear – for vaginitis;
  • general blood test - determining the presence of inflammatory processes in the body;
  • biochemical blood test - kidney function is assessed;
  • coagulogram - this test determines blood clotting;
  • x-ray abdominal cavity– to detect stones in the kidneys and ureters;
  • X-ray with contrast - will help detect tumors, stones and possible anomalies in the structure of the organs of the urinary system;
  • Ultrasound of the abdominal cavity - will detect possible infections, the presence of tumors and stones;
  • cystoscopy - examination Bladder and urethra using an endoscope, which is inserted into the vagina;
  • stone analysis - to prescribe an appropriate diet and treatment;
  • histology of the removed tumor - determining the type of tumor and prescribing treatment (chemotherapy).

How to help your pet

Provide your cat with rest and remove it from its diet. solid food

You should not self-medicate, as this will only harm your pet. If it is impossible to show the animal to a veterinarian, consult him by phone, he will tell you how to alleviate the animal’s condition.

As first aid, you can do the following:

  • place the cat in a warm, clean room, provide it with peace;
  • for pain relief, give an injection intramuscularly with a painkiller (baralgin, no-shpa);
  • remove all solid foods from the diet and replace them with liquid foods;
  • water must be freely available;
  • Give your cat decoctions of parsley or bearberry root, they have disinfectant properties;
  • A decoction of horsetail or juniper will help remove substances that cause inflammation from the urinary tract.

Never give your cat antibiotics without a doctor's prescription, as this will only make the situation worse. Take the animal to the veterinarian as soon as possible, since only he can prescribe a diagnosis and an exact treatment regimen after a clinical examination and tests.

Treatment for blood in urine

Treatment for hematuria depends on what diagnosis the cat has been given. The diagram is drawn up by a veterinarian; it may include the following points:

  • antibiotics (intramuscular, intravenous or oral);
  • at urolithiasis a special diet is prescribed;
  • intravenous infusions solution or glucose - in case of dehydration;
  • for some - vitamin K1;
  • drugs to stop bleeding;
  • antispasmodics and painkillers;
  • surgical removal of stones and tumors;
  • If you have problems with urination, a urinary catheter is inserted.

Blood in the urine of a pregnant or postpartum cat

Cats during pregnancy and after birth sometimes have blood in their urine. This may indicate the development of urolithiasis and the exacerbation of chronic diseases of the urinary system.

Many are contraindicated during and after childbirth medical supplies, which complicates the treatment process. You should not give medications to a cat without consulting a specialist, as this can harm the animal itself and its offspring.

How to prevent blood from appearing in your cat's urine

To prevent blood from appearing in your cat’s urine, you should follow these simple steps: preventive measures:

  • carry out deworming in a timely manner;
  • Avoid walking your cat outside;
  • Protect your animal from injury and falls from heights.

The presence of blood in the urine is a symptom of serious medical conditions that should be treated. Show the animal to the veterinarian, necessary examinations and follow all your doctor's instructions.

Traces of blood in a cat's litter box cannot but cause anxiety among its owners. And, indeed, this symptom most likely indicates the presence of pathology in the pet. Urination that produces blood, or hematouria, may be accompanied by other manifestations indicating a lesion genitourinary system, or it can take place completely unsystematically. Even if the cat “doesn’t complain about anything,” but its urine continues to turn reddish, you should show the animal to a veterinarian. Unfortunately, some fillers can hide traces of blood, which delays the correct diagnosis. We'll talk further about why a cat pees in blood and what diseases it might be associated with.

Normally, urine in cats is almost colorless or has a slightly pronounced yellowish tint. Its smell depends on physiological state animal, as well as its age. In kittens and neutered cats, urine has a barely noticeable odor, while in uncastrated individuals during the heat period you can smell it a mile away. The appearance of a pungent odor in urine, which was not characteristic of it previously, indicates the proliferation of bacteria in the urinary tract or inflammation of the internal organs.

A change in the consistency or smell of urine is one of the first symptoms of urinary tract pathologies.

Signs of hematouria

It is very naive to think that blood in urine can be easily seen with the naked eye. Yes, this method certainly works in certain situations, but it is not universal. In some cases, it is possible to detect the presence of red blood cells in the urine of pets only with the help of a special blood test, since the number of red blood cells can be very small.

This method allows you to avoid many diseases of the genitourinary system, but it is not at all utilitarian. Rare owners come with their pets to pass general analyzes at least once a year. Therefore, the only method for identifying red blood cells in urine is their accumulation in such quantities that they become impossible to ignore.

Dark urine does not always indicate blood. It can be the result of a special diet, medication, or a pet’s basic love for beets.

Prerequisites for the appearance of blood in the urine of cats

Blood in the urine appears not only with internal pathologies, but also with mechanical damage, poisoning and coagulation disorders of the blood itself. But if we take the urinary system itself as a starting point, then there are several main diseases “to blame” for the appearance of blood impurities in urine.


This disease is an inflammation of the bladder, which manifests itself both “alone” and in a group with other symptoms. Cystitis often accompanies existing kidney inflammation, which did not make itself felt until the last moment.



Urolithiasis disease

KSD or urolithiasis develops due to the accumulation of sand, crystals and salts in the bladder, which prevent the free excretion of urine from the body. As they enlarge, the stones can injure the walls of the bladder, leading to traces of blood in the pet's litter box.


  • unbalanced diet. The dominance of protein in food or lack of protein leads to an increase in the concentration of urea in the urine and the formation of stones;
  • lack of vitamins. A lack of group A vitamins negatively affects the epithelium lining the walls of the genitourinary system;

  • hormonal imbalances. Fluctuations in calcium levels in the blood that occur due to dysfunction of the parathyroid glands affect the concentration of blood in the urine;
  • anatomical features. Some animals exhibit changes in the structure of the urethral canal, which impede the free flow of urine from the body;
  • gastrointestinal diseases. ICD often comes in the company of gastritis, dysbacteriosis and other ailments of the digestive system.


Urethral obstruction

Urethral obstruction is a fairly rare occurrence in cats. Its symptoms are in many ways similar to those of urolithiasis, since the cause of the obstruction is an increase in the blockage in the urinary tract, making every trip to the litter box an extremely unpleasant experience for the pet.


This pathology is mainly common among males due to the fact that their urethral canals are much longer.


Urinary tract infections

Fine urinary tract cats are sterile, and the pathogenic growth of bacteria in this area is accompanied by the appearance of symptoms characteristic of bladder inflammation. Infections can enter the body either as a result of exogenous influence (as a result of the installation of a catheter or an unsuccessful operation) or endogenous (the movement of pathogenic bacteria within the body itself).

Infection can occur after surgery the animal has undergone



Other causes of bleeding

In addition to the most common reasons listed above, there are other reasons for the appearance of blood in a pet’s urine:

Video - Why does a cat pee in blood?

Blood in urine in pregnant cats

Throughout pregnancy, right up to birth, the appearance of blood impurities in the urine of a pregnant cat is a worrying sign. If such a symptom is detected, you should immediately show the animal to a doctor so that he can prescribe an ultrasound. Reason bleeding associated with pregnancy, there may be a miscarriage or its threat.

The main danger behind your pet’s blood discharge is miscarriage.

During the birth itself and a week after it, blood clots coming out of the vagina are normal. The cat's body is repaired and cleansed, removing the last parts of the placenta and other remnants of flesh associated with bearing kittens. Pay attention to purulent impurities or Strong smell discharge, indicating possible violations work of the pet's genitourinary system.

Preparing urine for analysis

One of the main stages in passing tests is the correct collection of material. Any violations of urine storage or incorrect collection of urine significantly affect final result and make it difficult to make a correct diagnosis. can be read on our portal. Now we will briefly discuss the main methods of collecting urine, depending on its physical condition and your preferences.

Table 1. Methods for collecting urine from a cat for analysis


Use this method if the cat is unable to empty its bladder on its own. The veterinarian inserts a syringe through the abdominal wall that reaches the animal's bladder and collects urine. At home, performing such a procedure is unacceptable and may lead to Negative consequences, up to the rupture of the animal’s bladder

A catheter is also installed in extreme cases and helps the cat remove urine from the body. Outwardly, it resembles a thin tube that penetrates the bladder. The procedure is carried out both under anesthesia and without it. Upon completion, the pet is prescribed a number of anti-inflammatory and antibacterial agents to maintain the cat’s health. One of side effects insertion of a catheter can cause infections to penetrate into the bladder

To collect urine, special bags are sold, which can be purchased both at a veterinary pharmacy (especially for cats) and at a regular pharmacy ( children's version also good for animals). In order to collect urine, you need to wait until your pet calls in the morning and attach the urine collector between the anus and genitals using a special adhesive material. If the cat resists, it is permissible to put a diaper on it to secure the urine collection bag and protect it from attacks by the animal.

One of the most simple ways is to obtain urine from the tray, which is already so familiar to the pet. Be prepared for the fact that the cat will not want to empty the bladder without the filler, which will have to be removed to maintain sterility. In case the animal refuses an empty tray, purchase a special kit for testing, which includes balls made of a special material that do not absorb urine, as well as a syringe without a needle, which allows you to transfer urine into a container. The balls are reusable, just wash them thoroughly

If your pet is addicted to human plumbing, then urine collection will be preceded by a series of manipulations. Before the procedure, clean the bathtub or toilet with soda (using aggressive chemicals unacceptable). Next, close the drain using plastic bag or films. At this point, all the main efforts are completed - all that remains is to wait for the animal’s bladder to empty and transfer the urine using a pipette or syringe into the container

What can the owner do if blood is detected in the urine?

If hematouria is detected, all that the owner can do to help his pet is to take him to the veterinarian as soon as possible before hematouria becomes more noticeable. serious complications. Not all people are able to react quickly to alarming symptoms. In the event that this moment examination by a veterinarian is not possible, provide the animal with the most comfortable conditions:

There is a list folk remedies, helping to alleviate inflammatory processes in the urinary system. Some of these recipes are presented below.

Remember that all of the above measures alleviate the pet’s condition, but do not lead to its recovery. The correct course of treatment is prescribed by a veterinarian based on a urine test. biochemical analysis blood, ultrasound and other tests prescribed if necessary.

The appearance of blood in the urine of cats is called hematuria in veterinary practice. If red urine is detected in a cat, the owner of the animal should contact a veterinary clinic to conduct a full examination and identify the causes of the problem.

Detecting red urine in a cat is not difficult for most pet owners, because if the animal goes to the cat litter box, the litter immediately acquires a characteristic color, and in addition, even if the need was relieved in the wrong place, the impurities will also be clearly visible. It is difficult to detect hematuria only in cases where animals are accustomed to going outside, where they have the opportunity to go to the toilet. If you find blood in your cat's urine, you should contact your veterinarian because similar symptom is quite alarming and may even indicate the presence of a serious illness in the animal.

It is worth noting that the most common cause of hematuria in cats is urolithiasis. Many animal owners feed their pets with low-quality food, while unknowingly limiting access to water, which often leads to the development of urolithiasis. Among other things, surgical interventions, including castration of cats, can be a prerequisite for the appearance of urolithiasis and bloody discharge in the urine. Timely detection of urolithiasis and targeted medical, surgical and physiotherapeutic therapy makes it possible to restore health to a sick animal and significantly increase its life expectancy.

IN in rare cases A cat's red urine may be a result of an injury. The thing is that cats are mobile creatures, so they can get under the feet of their owners, and also fall from great heights, which can lead to injury to the kidneys or organs of the urinary system.

When your cat's urine is red, the problem may be more serious than it seems at first glance. Cats, like people, are susceptible to the development of cancer, so when a malignant tumor develops in the kidneys or excretory tract, hematuria is often observed. In this case, the only option is surgery. In addition, the appearance of hematuria in cats may be associated with severe poisoning with rat poison or other substances that are anticoagulants. Rat poisoning typically occurs when a cat catches and eats a rat or mouse that has been poisoned. If the problem lies in poisoning, only a timely visit to the veterinarian will save the animal’s life.

Some infectious diseases may also cause hematuria in cats. For example, a disease such as leptospirosis often causes blood to appear in the urine. In addition, the appearance of hematuria in cats may be associated with severe urethritis, cystitis and pyelitis.

Timely consultation with a doctor and the prescription of complex therapy can eliminate the root cause of the appearance of blood in the urine and relieve the animal from the unpleasant sensations it experiences due to damage to certain organs and systems.

Cat owners may not always understand that their pet needs urgent treatment due to hidden symptoms illness. These conditions include hematuria – the appearance of blood in a cat’s urine for various reasons. As a rule, this problem often goes unnoticed in time, since the animal urinates in a tray with filler, where it is almost impossible to distinguish the color of the urine. And even having noticed a brownish tint to the urine, not every owner understands the seriousness of this phenomenon. However, this should be noted close attention, because hematuria indicates that the cat needs emergency medical attention.

The cat's discharge should be transparent and have a yellow-orange tint. If the owner finds blood in the cat’s urine, this indicates inflammatory process or other problems in the animal’s body that need to be eliminated.

In order to be able to control the color of the cat’s excrement, it is worth teaching him to pee on an empty tray or choose a light-colored litter. Pink, brown or red urine with possible blood clots indicates problems with the animal's health. Saturated color urine appears as a result of excess red blood cells, which indicates inflammation in the body.

In addition to the fact that there is blood in the cat’s urine, hematuria may have the following symptoms:

  • lack of appetite;
  • lethargy and apathy;
  • increased body temperature;
  • the animal urinates past the tray onto furniture and carpeting;
  • When a cat pees, nervousness is observed in its behavior as a result of painful urination.

Red urine may be the result of your cat eating carrots or beets. In this case, you don't need to do anything. The most reliable method Determining the presence of blood in the urine is considered to be a laboratory test for red blood cells.

Collecting urine for analysis

Red discharge in cats indicates serious illnesses, which may require long-term treatment. The first thing the animal owner needs to do in this situation is to collect urine for analysis. After this, you need to show the cat to the veterinarian, and send the finished material for research. For laboratory tests, urine collected no earlier than 3-4 hours ago is suitable.

Rules for collecting analysis:

  • The tray must first be rinsed with hot water;
  • The filler is either removed altogether, or small sea pebbles are placed at the bottom of the pot;
  • The finished urine is poured into a clean container and submitted for analysis no later than 4 hours after collection;
  • The animal must be fed no later than 6 hours before the test is taken.

Why is this happening

Blood in a cat’s urine is an indicator of a serious condition of the body or a disease, the development of which could be provoked by certain reasons. The veterinarian will identify them during laboratory and computer examinations. As a rule, hematuria develops as a result of various infections, diseases and injuries.

Determining the cause of blood in the urine is of great importance, since further treatment and the speed of recovery of the animal depend on this.

Depending on the reasons, there are the following types hematuria:

  1. Renal parenchymal hematuria is a consequence of kidney problems. These can be diseases of varying degrees of complexity, injuries, inflammations, infections, tumors and other anomalies.
  2. Hematuria is a pathology of the urinary tract - its causes are the presence of bacteria in the urine, infections of the bladder, urethra, ureter, as well as tumors, injuries, inflammation and other problems in the functioning of these organs.
  3. Hematuria from diseases of the genital tract - darkening of urine with vaginal discharge in cats or inflammation of the prostate in cats.
  4. Hematuria as a result of a systemic disease - pink or red urine in this case appears after liver disease, of cardio-vascular system, or other pathologies such as overheating, hypothermia, excessive physical exertion.

Regardless of the type of hematuria, treatment should be carried out in a hospital or at home exclusively under the supervision of a doctor.


To identify the cause of the presence of blood in urine and make an accurate diagnosis on the basis of which treatment will be prescribed, the veterinarian must conduct a thorough examination. First, a visual inspection of the cat is carried out. If the owner was unable to first collect urine for analysis, this can be done in a clinic using a catheter.

Examination methods and tests for hematuria:

  • General urine analysis - indicates an excess of red blood cells and other dangerous impurities in the cat’s excretions and the presence of an inflammatory process;
  • Biochemical blood test - indicates problems in the kidneys;
  • Coagulogram – determines the level of blood clotting;
  • Sensitivity and urine culture - helps to determine the presence of infection in the urine and select the right antibiotic;
  • Ultrasound of the abdominal cavity - determines the presence of tumors, stones and infections;
  • X-ray with contrast - allows you to detect anomalies, tumors and stones of the genitourinary system;
  • X-ray of the abdominal cavity - indicates the presence of stones in the organs of the urinary system;
  • Cystoscopy – allows you to examine the condition of the urethra and bladder from the inside;
  • Analysis of stones or histology of a removed tumor (if detected) - based on the data from these tests, the doctor prescribes a specific treatment.

First aid for detecting blood in a cat's secretions

What to do in a situation where it is not possible to immediately show the animal to a veterinarian? The answer is simple: do not self-medicate. It is advisable to try to contact the doctor by telephone to obtain detailed recommendations and, if necessary, prescribing an anesthetic drug. You also need to take actions that will help alleviate your pet’s condition.

First aid for hematuria:

  • Provide the cat with peace by placing it in a dry, clean room;
  • Provide access to clean water for drinking;
  • Feed the animal liquid food;
  • Give your cat a decoction of bearberry or parsley, which has disinfectant properties;
  • Decoctions of juniper and horsetail will help reduce inflammation of the urinary tract.

It is unacceptable to treat an animal with antibiotics without a doctor's prescription. It is important to collect tests as early as possible and show the cat to a specialist.


After receiving the diagnostic results and visual examination, the veterinarian makes a diagnosis and prescribes the necessary treatment.

Methods to combat hematuria:

  • The use of anti-inflammatory, antispasmodic and analgesic drugs;
  • For advanced diseases, antibiotics are indicated, administered orally or intramuscularly;
  • The use of vitamins, herbal tinctures and drugs to improve immunity;
  • The use of drugs to stop bleeding;
  • If there are stones in the urinary organs, the animal is prescribed a special diet;
  • If the body is dehydrated, intravenous infusions of glucose and physiological solutions are indicated;
  • For certain types of poisoning, a veterinarian may prescribe the use of vitamin K1.
  • Stones, tumors and other neoplasms are removed surgically;
  • If you have problems urinating, you may need to use a urinary catheter.

During pregnancy and after childbirth, the organs of the urinary system can often become inflamed and chronic diseases will worsen, but most medicines in this case, they are contraindicated for use. Therefore, the prescription of treatment should be taken as seriously as possible, because not only the health of the cat, but also its unborn kittens depends on it.


Although pink urine can be observed by various reasons, there are not so many methods for preventing this phenomenon. Almost all of them are careful care for the animal.

Measures to prevent the appearance of blood in the urine of cats:

  • The animal must receive from food required amount useful substances, so it is very important to monitor his diet and variety in the menu;
  • It is necessary to take timely preventive measures against the appearance of worms and fleas, as well as get the necessary vaccinations on time;
  • The risk of falling from a height, hitting or fighting should be minimized;
  • Walking outside must be supervised. You should walk in a safe area;
  • It is necessary to systematically check what type of urine the cat urinates and whether there is any blood in it;
  • At the first signs of any disease, you should immediately take your pet to the veterinarian and begin treating it;

It is important to remember that treating a serious disease is much more difficult than preventing it in the early stages.