Sequence of the bath procedure. Bath procedures for women

For children

The Russian people have always been famous for their good health, while contemporaries noted that Russians use a bathhouse for treatment of all ailments. This is an excellent doctor and beauty salon in one place. Regular visits to a Russian bathhouse improve the functioning of all body systems...

The Russian people have always been famous for their good health, while contemporaries noted that Russians use a bathhouse for treatment of all ailments. Why is a bathhouse so useful? This is an excellent doctor and beauty salon in one place. Regular visits to a Russian bath remove toxins from the body, promote the regeneration of skin cells, and improve the functioning of all body systems. And, therefore, rejuvenates the body and improves appearance.

What procedures to do in a Russian bath for beauty and health?

In order for a trip to the steam room to bring maximum benefits, you should follow simple rules and know what procedures can be done in the bathhouse. It is necessary to take a steam bath, covering your head with a hat or scarf, removing all jewelry so that it does not cause a burn on the skin, and wearing light flip-flops on your feet. Before entering the steam room, you should douse yourself with warm water, and then enter the heated steam room. It is better to make the first approach on the lower steps of the shelf so that the body gets used to the temperature. The time spent in the steam room should be determined by how you feel. As soon as it becomes uncomfortable, you should go out to rest. After each visit to the steam room, you should douse yourself with water to wash away the harmful substances released in sweat. Each subsequent entry into the steam room should increase the stay time and temperature, rising to the upper steps of the shelf. You should not talk in the steam room, do exercises or perform cosmetic procedures in the bathhouse; it is better to lie quietly there, detached from problems and enjoy the process.

How to enhance the beneficial properties of bath procedures?

To enhance the effect of steam, you can use decoctions of herbs and oils. The herb for the bath should be brewed first, then strained so that the particles do not smoke on hot stones. The decoction must be diluted in large quantities water. In the steam room you can use decoctions of eucalyptus, currants, raspberries, pine needles and other herbs.

  • Lavender, grapefruit, jasmine and fir oils will lift your spirits and invigorate you.
  • Tangerine, lemon or ylang-ylang will calm and relieve tension and relax.
  • Oils of mint, cedar, chamomile, eucalyptus, and juniper will disinfect and help heal wounds.

You can also pour diluted kvass or beer onto the stones to fill the steam room with a bready aroma. These are health treatments in a bathhouse for the whole body.

Broom as a healing and rejuvenating procedure in a bathhouse

Broom is an indispensable attribute Russian bath. It helps to greatly enhance the effect of steam and temperature. Using a pre-steamed broom, the skin is first stroked and then patted, gradually increasing the strength and intensity of the effect. This is an excellent remedy for combating cellulite and fat deposits. The broom enhances bath procedures for weight loss and recovery. The following types of brooms are traditionally used:

  • Birch relieves muscle pain, cleanses the skin, heals wounds, and cleanses the lungs.
  • Oak is ideal for oily skin, regulates blood pressure and calms nerves.
  • Linden relieves headaches, stimulates kidney function, and helps with pulmonary diseases.
  • Fir and juniper stimulate blood circulation and sweating, help with neurological problems and respiratory diseases.
  • Eucalyptus is effective for lung diseases, as well as for skin wounds.
  • Nettle helps relieve joint pain, relieves inflammation, and reduces blood pressure.

Cosmetic procedures for face and body in the bath

To turn a trip to the steam room into beauty treatments, you need to take with you, in addition to detergents, also masks and treasures for the skin and hair. You can use ready-made products from the store, but it is better to prepare homemade masks from available products. Products such as salt, honey, clay, kefir, sour cream, oils, berries and other ingredients may be suitable for procedures in a Russian bath. Facial and body treatments in the bath should be alternated with a visit to the steam room. No composition should be on the skin in the steam room!

After the first visits to the steam room, you can apply clean skin scrub. It is easy to prepare from a mixture of salt and vegetable oil or sour cream. It should be applied to the entire body, rubbing gently into the steamed skin. Lastly, apply to face and neck. The exposure time should not exceed 15 minutes. At this time you need to rest. After rinsing off, you can go back to the steam room to warm up and steam. After washing off the sweat under running water, you can apply any nourishing mask. For example, mix honey and sour cream in equal quantities and apply to the skin. This mask will saturate the skin with vitamins and soften it, being a rejuvenating procedure in a bathhouse. If the skin is oily, then sour cream is replaced with kefir, which has excellent drying, cleansing and softening properties.

You can prepare masks based on clay, selecting it according to your skin type. White clay is intended for oily skin, yellow and gray - for flaky and dry skin, green or yellow is suitable for aging skin that has lost its tone, but blue and red varieties of clay will save problematic skin with inflammation. The mask exposure time is about 15 minutes. In a bathhouse, the skin absorbs beneficial substances like a sponge, which is why cosmetic procedures in a bathhouse for the skin are so effective. After washing off the remnants of the mask, you can go back to the steam room.

Hair in the bath should also be given special attention. But hair masks should be done after the last visit to the steam room, because it is not recommended to sit in the steam room with wet hair. As a hair mask, you can use the already mentioned kefir, which is a universal remedy for caring for any hair. You can add oils or honey and yolk to the mask. It must be applied to the hair, rubbed into the roots and wrapped in a towel. After 10 minutes of this procedure in the bath, rinse with shampoo.

What cosmetic procedures to do in the bath should be determined in advance and the necessary compositions prepared. If a person wants to lose weight, then everything useful procedures The bath should be done on an empty stomach. If you need to gain weight, then eat lightly a couple of hours before the steam room.

A bathhouse is a place where a person relaxes body and soul, and also undergoes rejuvenating and cleansing procedures in the bathhouse. Visiting the steam room once a week will give you health and beauty for many years.

The beneficial effects of bath procedures on the human body have long been known.

In the bath, the body is freed from toxins, the skin also gets rid of accumulated toxins, making it possible to feel harmony, to feel the unity of body and soul.

Taking a steam bath is beneficial for people of any age, gender and background.

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The bath procedure has a comprehensive effect on the body: heat, water, steam, sudden temperature changes, massage. The skin becomes engorged with blood, releases sweat through the pores, removes harmful substances, and is freed from fat. Under the influence of hot air, whipping with a broom, the pores expand, and from the cold they narrow, effective gymnastics of the skin and blood vessels, training of the heart and the entire circulatory system occurs. Blood and lymph flow, water-salt metabolism, and respiratory function improve.

Russian bath - excellent prevention colds. The bath can cure radiculitis and joint diseases by warming up the muscles, tendons, and ligaments. Systematic visits to the steam room along with gymnastics and diet can help you lose weight.


You and I won’t need that many bath attributes. The essential items for the bath procedure will be a broom, soap, shampoo, washcloth, towel, cap, bath slippers and a change of underwear. It is also advisable to take a bathrobe or sheet, mittens, a scraper for scraping off sweat, bedding or small terry towels, a basin, a ladle, essential oils and decoctions of medicinal herbs, a thermos with tea and a cup. You can add massage brushes, nail scissors, pumice stones for feet, cosmetic creams, masks and scrubs to your bath equipment.

Scrubs for baths or saunas

Natural scrubs from one component. Surely, many have heard and already tried using honey, coffee, salt, clay, rubbing them from head to toe.

Today, all these products are widely used in saunas and baths. Why are they so popular? Yes, because you can get them and use them without making any special efforts, they do not require any complex preparations, that is, they are used by the most in a simple way– that is, take it, apply it and wait for the result.

Only here you should remember one rule: it is recommended to apply scrubs on the second, or better yet, third entry into the steam room. Application on the first visit is categorically excluded. In addition, after entering the steam room, you need to splash yourself with cold water. Also, do not apply the scrub to sensitive areas.

Honey (can be used with salt) - this will have an excellent diaphoretic effect. It turns out that by using honey, we force our body to quickly get rid of toxins, while our skin is additionally moisturized and saturated with vitamins.

Method of application: take a ceramic bowl (enamel gets very hot in the steam room), mix honey and coarse salt in it. Rub your body with this mixture while you are on the shelf in the bathhouse. Moreover, it makes sense not just to apply and wait for the result, but to rub this mixture all the time over the entire surface of the skin. Thus, we also exfoliate the roughened particles of the epidermis. After this, rinse with warm water. After using this scrub, the skin becomes soft and velvety. As mentioned above, a mixture of honey and salt greatly stimulates sweating, so before these procedures you should refrain from drink plenty of fluids liquid, since it will simply come out in the form of sweat and desired result from using a mixture of honey and salt will not be achieved.

To enhance the effect of honey, you can experiment with adding a variety of different essential oils. For baths, oils of eucalyptus, sage, juniper, spruce and others are usually used, but there is no friend to the taste and color - you can add your favorite oils in any combination.

Also very good and effective natural scrub is coffee. It also promotes deep cleansing of the skin surface. Coffee has earned the status of an excellent skin scrub thanks to substances that melt subcutaneous fat; coffee is an excellent anti-cellulite remedy.

Method of application: grind the coffee beans in a coffee grinder, but in such a way that they do not turn into dust, but remain more or less large particles so that they fulfill their role as a scrub well.

To use this scrub in a bathhouse, it is best to use coarsely ground coffee in combination with fresh sour cream.

In the steam room, rub yourself with this mixture and warm up until you feel that it is becoming unbearably hot. Then you should rinse with warm water. This substance cannot be used like honey and salt, that is, you do not need to rub it in all the time, since coffee particles can injure delicate skin. Coffee, enveloping you with its delicate aroma, helps create a relaxed and cozy atmosphere, and after using a mixture of coffee and sour cream, you will immediately feel the result. The skin will become velvety, very soft and tender to the touch. The only negative is that it is not recommended for people who have problems with blood pressure.

Next we'll talk about clay.

Naturally, the clay has been cleaned, disinfected and collected in a suitable place. Clay from a quarry located near your home is not suitable for medicinal and cosmetic purposes. On the contrary, you can pick up various problems from it that will have a bad effect on your skin.

Nowadays, pharmacies and cosmetic stores have no problems providing the widest selection of clays to the buyer. They all differ in color, and accordingly in composition and their effect on the skin. The color of clay determines the presence of certain components in it.

Blue clay

This clay has acquired the status of the most popular. It is the carrier of the most complete complex of substances and microelements necessary for our body. It contains silica, nitrogen, silver, manganese, phosphorus, calcium, aluminum, zinc, copper, iron, molybdenum, magnesium.

In addition to cleansing abilities, blue clay also has disinfecting properties. It also has an anti-inflammatory effect on the skin.

Green clay

This clay has excellent adsorbing properties.

White clay (kaolin)

It has good antiseptic properties, has been introduced into cosmetology for a very long time and is widely used mainly for dull thin skin, although it is also used to treat acne and get rid of excess sebum.

Red clay

It is used if there is insufficient amount of iron in the body.

Yellow clay

Yellow clay is a good antioxidant, removes toxins well and enriches the skin with oxygen.

Gray clay

Gray clay is used for moisturizing and toning effects. The effect is noticeable when used on dry skin.

All these types of clays today are not difficult to find in almost any pharmacy.

Method of application: instructions for preparing a mixture from purchased clay are always on the package. Most of these powdered clays should be diluted in warm water in a 1:1 ratio and stirred thoroughly until smooth. Easy to use. In the bathhouse, you should simply rub yourself with the resulting mixture and steam until it becomes hot, then rinse off the mask with warm water.

Nowadays, girls prefer to make masks from white or blue clay due to the fact that these clays are more saturated with a wide variety of minerals and are the richest in composition. Masks made from these clays moisturize the skin well, and there is no need to apply cream after them.

When using all these products in the pursuit of health and beauty, you should remember that they can only be used if you are in the bath alone or with people who will not be against these procedures, because others may be allergic to these products or they may simply be uncomfortable.

Herbal infusions

This beauty recipe has not gained as much popularity as the scrubs described above, although undeservedly, since herbal infusions have a wider range of applications. Especially in bath procedures.

It is very simple to prepare such an infusion: just a few minutes before entering the steam room, pour boiling water over the dry herbs (a couple of teaspoons per 200 ml of water) and let it brew for a while. Herbal infusions, as well as scrubs, should be applied at least during the second visit to the steam room, after having doused yourself with cool water after previous visits.

The infusion itself (water) massage movements should be applied to the skin of the face, neck, chest. And then you can rub the grass on rougher areas of the skin - thighs, back, elbows and knees.

Absolutely all medicinal herbs are suitable for preparing such infusions. You can even prepare them yourself by collecting the ones you like and drying them in the summer, and purchase them at the pharmacy. Also, if you decide to go to the bathhouse in the summer, you can take freshly picked herbs with you, they will be even more fragrant and more effective. For this purpose, nettle, centaury, clover, mantle, chamomile, and calendula are mainly used. I recommend you also try licorice and kelp, known as seaweed.

I liked the licorice infusion because it moisturizes and softens the skin very well, and after it there is no need to even use cream. After using this infusion, the skin becomes velvety and soft like a baby's. And seaweed is very useful because it contains a large amount of iodine.

Decoctions or infusions have long been used in the Russian bath medicinal herbs, which were placed on stones in order to create a special aroma in the steam room in each case or to cure the patient. Inhaling medicinal steam in a bathhouse is one of the types of inhalation.

Beneficial substances, penetrating through the respiratory tract and enlarged pores into the body, have a beneficial effect on the central nervous system.

The most famous recipe is watering stones with infusion of steamed birch brooms. Often in steam rooms they serve beer or kvass (0.5-1 cup of kvass per bowl of water).

In addition to bath decoctions of medicinal herbs, diluted watermelon juice, honey (1/2 tablespoon of honey in a bowl of hot water), infusion of horseradish leaves, vegetable oils and other substances that evaporate on hot stones are used.

Bath massagers

In addition to using various scrubs and masks for the skin in the bath, it is very effective to use massagers. They are used to improve blood microcirculation in skin cells, remove dead skin cells, and help relax.

One of the most the best massagers for the bath - a broom. However, you can fully experience the relaxing effect on your body only if you are soared by an experienced bathhouse attendant.


You can make such a massager yourself. To do this, you will need to cut 10-12 blackcurrant branches approximately 40 cm long, tie them with a rope at one end, then dry them. These sticks are for tapping yourself or a partner on the back and legs. Outwardly, this may seem like a rough device, but still, such a broom made of sticks beats very softly.

It can be done with my own hands: sew it from thick, coarse fabric, natural, of course, or simply purchase it at the pharmacy. Use a mitten to rub yourself or your partner on the back and feet.

And yet, returning to the above, I dare to assure you that the best remedy that combines the properties described above is honey and salt. So, women, when going to the bathhouse you need to purchase a pack of salt and about 200 grams of honey in advance. It is better to choose natural honey. Also, don’t forget to bring with you the dishes where you are going to mix it all.

Arriving at the bathhouse, the first thing you need to do is to melt the honey near the stove in the steam room so that it becomes liquid. Once the honey reaches the right consistency, add salt. Gently stir all this with a spoon and set it to warm up again. Add enough salt so that there is no layer of honey left, that is, so that no layer of honey is visible above the settled salt. Again we leave it all on the stove.

Then we rest and steam, as usual - first we just warm ourselves, without a broom, next time we steam with a broom, rest a little and replenish the loss of fluid with warm tea, but after that, before entering Once again To steam, we take our mixed substance with our hands and methodically rub it over the entire body with massaging movements. We start rubbing from the neck, finish with the knees or heels, as you wish. Then we apply another layer on women's problem areas, or potentially problematic ones. Only this should be done carefully, since hot and sticky honey is instantly absorbed into the body and if you make movements abruptly, you can pull the delicate skin and cause pain to yourself or your partner.

After the procedure, the body will look like the body of a silver hare, since everything will be covered with salt crystals. We go into the steam room, warm ourselves, and use a broom. After this, you should splash yourself with cold water and cool down. Then everything is as always - steam continues, massage... The result of this procedure will exceed all expectations. The skin is tightened, velvety, soft, the result is many times superior to the effect of any spa salons. In addition, you will have plenty of time to chat and have a great time with your partner.

Thus, going to the bathhouse is not just about steam and best case scenario broom. This is a great reason to take care of yourself, get your skin and body in order, improve the state of mind and body.

Properly selected cosmetic procedures in the sauna will turn your visit into an impromptu spa salon. A variety of masks for the face, body and hair, as well as scrubs will enhance beneficial features bath procedures. Good for this natural cosmetic or special cosmetics for the bath. This also includes selected compositions of essential oils. Folk remedies based on medicinal herbs, milk and honey are also used.

A basic cosmetic set for a sauna includes:

  • cleansing products (face, hair, body skin);
  • face and body scrubs;
  • nourishing masks for face and hair;
  • skin moisturizers.

Shampoos and gels used every day should not be used for pre-washing. Such products form a thin film on the surface of the skin, which disrupts the normal functioning of the sebaceous glands. Healing and relaxing procedures in the sauna also include aromatherapy.

What to do before visiting the sauna

To bring home spa treatments maximum benefit, it is important to follow their strict sequence of actions. First you need to cleanse the skin of your face and body. It is enough to wash with warm water using a soft sponge. You can use a special massage mitten for the body.

Hair should be dry while visiting the sauna. Before taking a shower, you should put on a special cap. It is recommended to apply all hair masks after the sauna. It is important to remember that any cosmetics must be washed off before entering the steam room.

Facial treatments

After your first visit to the steam room, apply a scrub made from equal parts of salt and sour cream to well-steamed skin. It is applied with soft, massage movements to the face and neck. The duration of the procedure should not exceed 15 minutes. For sensitive skin, scrubs based on apricot kernels, poppy seeds or oatmeal are recommended. Afterwards it is applied to the skin nutritious cream.
In addition to scrubbing, nourishing, cleansing and toning masks are made between sessions. They can be:

  • based on white clay (have a cleansing and soothing effect);
  • hot oil (moisturize and nourish).

Oil masks can even be single-component, for example based on olive oil. It is enough to make 1 - 2 masks, after which the skin should be rinsed with cool water. You can also use herbal decoctions: linden, chamomile, nettle.

Body treatments

For hot douches in the steam room, it is good to use decoctions of nettle and bay leaves, as well as chamomile infusion. This procedure helps cleanse and smooth the skin. The following procedures are suitable between visits to the steam room:

  1. Scrubbing. Scrubs containing salt and honey, or coffee-salt mixtures with the addition of essential oils are popular for saunas. If the scrub is intended as an anti-cellulite procedure, citrus oils (orange or grapefruit) are suitable. Fermented milk products can be added to the mixture as a cleanser and moisturizer.
  2. Nourishing masks. These are phytocosmetics based on honey or seaweed wraps.

Hair treatments

The spa treatment in the sauna ends with hair care. This is done last, after the last entry into the steam room. Afterwards, it is recommended to wash your hair using strengthening herbal shampoos. Afterwards, you should make a mask suitable for your specific hair type and condition. Do not use a hairdryer to dry or style your hair. Instead, it is advisable to use a warm towel and gently blot your hair with it.

Which procedures are not suitable?

A visit to the sauna cannot be combined with aggressive cosmetic procedures. These include:

  • massage using anti-cellulite creams (violates the integrity of steamed skin and can lead to ruptures of small vessels);
  • bleaching agents (cannot be used on age spots);
  • deep cleansing of the skin (using aggressive peelings).

Additional stress on steamed skin leads to the appearance of cosmetic defects: acne, bruises, red spots.


The high temperature of the sauna combined with a cold shower or a visit to the pool afterwards enhances the effectiveness of cosmetic procedures. It is important to follow simple precautions. First of all, you should not apply any cosmetic compositions during a direct visit to the steam room. This can only be done between visits to it. It is advisable to repeat cleansing and nourishing procedures several times.

Sauna procedures video

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High temperatures and humid air in a bathhouse or sauna have a general healing effect on the human body.

The steam room promotes the removal of toxins, cellular regeneration and muscle relaxation. For this reason, bath treatments are so popular among women who want to look young and fit at any age. They can improve the condition of the skin and hair if scrubs and bath masks are actively used.

Cosmetics based on natural active ingredients promote maximum relaxation, gentle skin peeling and silhouette smoothing.

The bathhouse for women has long been not just a place for good relaxation and pastime, but also a unique spa treatment.

Hot steam and high humidity contribute to effective impact cosmetics for the female body.

The bath has a powerful therapeutic effect on all body systems, which is manifested in the following:

  • stimulation of sweat glands, deep cleansing of the upper layer of the epidermis;
  • general detoxification;
  • warming and cleansing the respiratory system;
  • strengthening the heart muscle and blood vessels;
  • eliminating stagnant processes in the circulatory system;
  • removing residual lactic acid from muscle tissue, relieving fatigue and tension;
  • regulating the acidity of gastric juice and improving the functioning of the digestive tract;
  • strengthening metabolic processes in cells;
  • prevention of diseases associated with increased level cholesterol.

Gentle peeling in the bath includes the procedure of preliminary steaming the body with hot steam and treatment with a broom made of oak or birch branches. The next stage is the application of special cosmetics that gently cleanse the epidermis of toxins.

The most popular are homemade scrubs and bath masks. Natural compositions have a gentle effect on the skin - cleanse, nourish and moisturize. In addition, they improve blood circulation, speed up metabolism, and remove excess fluid from the body.

Regular use of bath cosmetics helps fight excess weight and cellulite.

In addition, masks and scrubs for baths strengthen and nourish hair follicles and prevent the formation of dandruff and split ends.

Rules for procedures in the bathhouse

To get a tangible effect from visiting the steam room, bath procedures are carried out in compliance with certain rules:

  1. You need to get used to hot steam gradually, increasing the duration of your stay in the steam room. Before your first visit, you need to take a warm shower without moisturizing your hair to protect your head from overheating.
  2. Before entering the steam room, a bath cap is put on the head, the body is thoroughly dried with a towel so that excess moisture does not inhibit the release of sweat.
  3. In the steam room, it is better to stay on the lower shelves for the first 2–3 minutes; as your body warms up, you can move higher. To improve sweating and uniformly warm the body, procedures are carried out in a lying position.
  4. After 10 minutes, you need to leave the steam room, rinse your body with cool water and take a short break for 5 minutes.
  5. In between procedures, it is recommended to replenish water balance in the body by taking bath drinks - green or herbal tea, vitamin drink, fruit drink or clean water.

Important! For beginning bathhouse attendants, the optimal duration of one entry into the steam room is 4 minutes. The length of stay gradually increases to 15 minutes. Frequency of visits – 3 visits once a week.

Many women understand that beauty treatments in a bathhouse are the best way to care for their skin, body and hair.

Subtleties of applying peeling in a bath

High-quality preparation for a cosmetic procedure will make it useful and effective. Therefore, it is so important to know about the features of applying bath cosmetics. They may be as follows:

  • The natural peeling composition is prepared in advance from fresh and high-quality ingredients.
  • To carry out cosmetic procedures you will need a hat, a towel, slippers, brushes, shampoo, a broom, a ladle, and soap. To apply peeling to the body, you can use a brush, massage brush or glove.
  • It is better to apply cosmetics after the 2nd visit to the steam room. This helps the skin become as steamed as possible, which means that enlarged pores are able to absorb more nutrients. Some formulations are applied directly in the steam room.
  • For better absorption, the finished mask or scrub needs to be preheated to 35 degrees. To do this, leave the jar with the product in the steam room for several minutes. The heated mixture is applied to the skin after completion of the procedure.
  • Natural-based cosmetics are applied with soft and smooth movements in a clockwise direction. They start with problem areas - feet, elbows, knees, hands, which require more deep cleansing and nutrition. If you have cellulite, you should pay more attention to the affected areas to increase blood circulation and break down fat deposits under the epidermis. In this case, you should avoid excessive exposure to sensitive areas of the face and body - décolleté, around the eyes, under the knees, in the crook of the arms. Also, the products are not applied to damaged areas with cuts, abrasions and wounds.
  • To prevent allergic reactions and strengthen positive effect from procedures, bath cosmetics must be selected taking into account skin type. If after applying the composition there is itching, redness or the appearance of spots, the product must be thoroughly rinsed off and, if possible, not used in the future.
  • Warm water is used to remove cosmetics. After each procedure, the skin can be protected with moisturizer.

The bathhouse is a wonderful place designed for taking wellness treatments based on healthy and easy-to-prepare cosmetics.

We offer proven recipes for bath cosmetics that you can easily prepare with your own hands at home.

Natural masks for body, face and hair

Masks promote gentle cleansing, hydration and nutrition. Useful compositions can be prepared from kefir, honey, salt, oatmeal and clay, the benefits of which can be noticeable after the first procedure.

  1. Face mask made of colored cosmetic clay. Amazing anti-aging clay compositions help relieve inflammation, reduce rashes and accelerate skin regeneration. The clay is diluted with water to a paste-like state, applied to the face with smooth movements and left until dry. The mask is carefully washed off with water, and the skin is moisturized with a light protective cream.
  2. Body and face mask made of oatmeal, yolk and milk. To do this, pour 200 g of flakes with milk and mix until a thick mass is obtained. After complete cooling, add egg yolk and ½ tbsp to the base. l. oils (from pumpkin seeds or olives), stir. Ready mask spread evenly over problem areas and leave for half an hour.
  3. A mask of honey and fine salt to warm up and increase blood circulation. The ingredients are mixed in equal proportions. The resulting paste is applied to problem areas and left for a quarter of an hour. It can be used before starting the main bath procedures.
  4. A mask based on salt, soda and water with an anti-cellulite effect. Take 3 tbsp. l. salt and soda, add water in the required volume to get thick mixture. The finished mass is evenly distributed on the body and kept for half an hour. Particular attention should be paid to treating problem areas affected by cellulite. This effective remedy helps fight excess weight, orange peel and sagging skin.
  5. Kefir mask for moisturizing and nourishing the face, body and hair follicles. Kefir (store-bought or homemade) is heated to a temperature of 25 degrees, applied to the skin, and washed off after 25 minutes.
  6. A mask of honey and burdock oil to strengthen all hair types. To obtain the composition, take in equal proportions Burr oil and liquid honey (3 tablespoons each). The product is evenly rubbed into the scalp and distributed throughout the hair. To create a thermal effect, the head is covered with a shower cap. The mixture is kept for 35 minutes, thoroughly washed off with softened water and shampoo, and the hair is rinsed with herbal tincture.
  7. Mask with henna on a colorless basis and nettle to strengthen hair. The ingredients are taken in the following proportions: per 100 g of dry nettle 3 tsp. colorless henna. To obtain a thick paste, each component is individually steamed with water and combined into a homogeneous mass. The mask is applied to the hair and left for 20 minutes.

Homemade body and face scrubs

Scrubs help deeply cleanse the skin and increase blood circulation in the cells. Most compositions for bath procedures are prepared from available ingredients - salt, honey and coffee.

Honey scrubs

The honey component in bath cosmetics gives an amazing effect: it cleanses and tightens pores, smoothes wrinkles and slows down skin aging.

  1. With honey and cinnamon. For the mixture, take two parts honey and part cinnamon. The ingredients are mixed and applied evenly to the skin. Leave for no more than 5 minutes, rinse with water.
  2. Made from honey and ground coffee beans. The ingredients are taken in the same proportions (2:1). The product is applied to problem areas and left for a quarter of an hour.
  3. From honey and salt (sea or table). Salt has a wound-healing and antiseptic effect, improves blood flow and cleanses pores well. The cleanser is prepared from ingredients taken in equal proportions. Duration of use – 15 minutes.

Coffee scrub

Coffee beans contain large amounts of linoleic acid, which promotes collagen production and slows down aging.

The most popular recipe is a scrub made from coffee beans with the addition of stone. An equal amount of ingredients is mixed to obtain a powder, then any nutritious oil is added - from olives, almonds or sunflowers. Apply the product evenly to the skin and leave for 10 minutes.

Salt scrubs

Salt scrubs gently open and cleanse pores. To prepare mixtures, you can use fine rock or sea salt. The salt component combines well with natural oils and additives. The most popular compositions:

  1. With salt and water. The ingredients are mixed until a thick paste is obtained, which is applied to the skin with gentle movements and left for a quarter of an hour.
  2. With salt and clay. To prepare the composition, blue or White clay. Two tbsp. l. The clay is soaked in water to a mushy consistency, a tablespoon of salt is added, and stirred. The finished mixture is distributed on problem areas and kept for no more than 10 minutes.

The preparation of bath cosmetics must be taken seriously and responsibly in order to obtain good result of their works.

In Rus', the bathhouse was valued as a universal cure for many ailments. Russian people, as you know, do not know the middle of anything, so they steamed passionately, sometimes to the point of losing consciousness. Such avid lovers of the heat of the bath had to be drained with water from an ice hole. Those who were stronger jumped out of the steam room directly into snowdrift, rubbed with snow until red, doused with cold water. In the summer they plunged into a river or lake, but they got the greatest pleasure from the bathhouse in the winter, during the cold season, when a person yearns so much for the sun and warmth. And colds at this time often overwhelm him. It was in order to make your body immune to illnesses that the bathhouse was invented, a hardening and strengthening procedure that has an amazing effect on the human body.

They also whipped themselves mercilessly with a broom in the bathhouse, adding healing aromas and a deep massage of the whole body to the healing power of the steam. Well, these healthy, strong, accustomed to physical work people could afford the luxury of steaming to their heart's content without the risk of getting sick afterwards. A modern person who leads a sedentary lifestyle, weakened by the benefits of civilization, cannot handle such a tough procedure. Especially at first. The body needs to be accustomed to the bath gradually, very carefully dosing the load, gradually increasing the time spent in the steam room. For beginners and those whose blood vessels are not in order, the pressure “jumps”, it is dangerous to douse yourself with cold water between visits to the steam room. You should not drink a lot of liquid in the bath - this increases the load on the heart. Even very healthy people should not swim for too long after a steam bath in a cold pool: prolonged hypothermia after a steam bath is fraught with colds.

So, is the old bathhouse, with its hot steam, with its breathtaking contrasting procedures, no longer possible for us? Not at all. In fact, everything is possible, or rather, everything is possible, you just need to know how, when and where, namely: how to properly prepare a steam room, choose a safe steaming mode, when to give preference to one or another bath procedure and where these procedures should be performed. After all, the steaming regime, for example, in a sauna, differs from the method of taking a bath procedure in a Russian steam room. Moreover, even with different humidity in the steam room, different temperature conditions You also need to steam in different ways.

In this regard, it is very interesting to get acquainted with what Avicenna wrote about the bathhouse. Of course, the oriental bathhouse differs from the Russian steam room, but I think the recommendations of the great healer will be useful to us too. Avicenna believed that the bathhouse was necessary primarily for people who needed warmth and hydration of the body. To achieve this result, there is no need to stay in the bathhouse for too long. As soon as the body turns completely red, you can leave the bathhouse. To those who are engaged exercise, you should go to the bathhouse after resting.

Another recommendation that applies to everyone without exception: you need to enter the bathhouse gradually and not stay in a hot room until you feel faint. You need to go to the steam room some time after eating, having digested what is in the stomach. It is advisable for people with a hot nature to eat something light immediately before the bath. As for drinking, it is dangerous to drink both too cold and too hot drinks in the bathhouse. As for the healing effect of cold water, Avicenna believed that it is useful only for people who have reached maturity, whose nature (in this case, health) is perfect, namely: such a person should not suffer from indigestion, vomiting, diarrhea, insomnia, catarrhs.

If you adhere to the instructions, then the bath, according to Avicenna, will bring undoubted benefits, since it “soothes, opens pores, gives the body shine, absorbs excess, in addition, the bath dilutes harmful thick juices, attracts nutrients to the surface of the body, and relieves fatigue.” .

However, excessive exposure to bath heat makes the skin sluggish and deprives it of elasticity. This warning especially applies to women who want to maintain a beautiful breast shape. It is curious that most of the statements of the great Avicenna are not unfounded.

So, even if you did everything right and prepared the “perfect” steam room, just being overzealous can cause serious harm to your body. What can we say about those cases when the steam room was prepared by a would-be amateur? Many people are probably familiar with this picture: white clouds of steam rise to the ceiling of the steam room, all around there is dampness, fog, scalding steam. Some believe that this is exactly what a real Russian bath should be like, so they splash barely warm water into the stove, basin after basin. However, such a bath can only bring harm. Let's remember the first rule: in a real steam room, the air should be transparent, light, and you can breathe in such a steam room without difficulty.

Another thing is that both the temperature and humidity in the steam room can and should be regulated. Some people benefit from soft steam, others – moistened dry steam. Let us note one thing: extremes, namely over-moistened steam or, conversely, too dry, will not benefit anyone. Such a bath is not only of little use, but also of no pleasure. Over-moistened steam makes the bathhouse damp, stuffy, and makes breathing difficult because too much moisture enters the lungs. It is very easy to catch a cold after a wet steam room. In a dry steam room, the air is too hot, burns the skin and mucous membranes, and burns are possible. The effect of both baths is minimal, but health problems can arise very soon.

Steam room preparation


So, we found out that a bath procedure can bring not only benefits, but also harm. Therefore, it is important to learn how to prepare healing (or soft, or slightly moistened) dry steam. But first you need to prepare a steam room for the bath procedure. If you have your own bathhouse, this is easier to do. You just need to know the basic hygiene rules. If you use a public bathhouse, you will have to resort to some tricks.

Any steam room needs cleaning. Garbage and leaves flying from brooms accumulate in it; by the end of the day, a heavy smell of sweat “hangs” in the steam room, the air becomes stale, because the bathhouse is like a living organism: giving people heat and

healing aromas, in return it absorbs all the harmful secretions accumulated in the human body, which, along with sweat, come out through the pores of the skin.

Sometimes it’s enough to sweep your own steam room clean and ventilate it. You need to sweep the shelves very carefully. Bath walls are usually made of wood. In this case, they cannot be washed. But the floors can be tiled, with wooden flooring. The floorings are cleared of debris, dried well, and the floors are thoroughly washed with hot water and wiped dry. The steam room is ready. We will tell you how to light the stove below.

How to dry a damp steam room

If you use a public bath, try to go early in the morning. Firstly, the bathhouse is cleaned the night before. Secondly, in the morning you can fully enjoy the heat of the bath, not yet spoiled by the efforts of would-be amateurs who create dampness in the steam room. If this happens, it doesn't matter. Even such a steam room can be “saved.” First you need to wash it thoroughly. One of the advantages of public baths: quite often they have a pipeline (sometimes right under the shelf).

With its help, you can quickly and efficiently restore order in the steam room. First, thoroughly spray the entire steam room with streams of hot water, with the exception of the walls if they are wooden. Tiled walls can be washed without fear, however, this is where the advantages of tiled walls in a steam room end, the steam in such a steam room can be neither dry nor transparent, it is always a wet, painful steam room, it is better to leave a bathhouse with such a steam room immediately in order to avoid serious consequences (such a steam room is an ideal place for the spread of fungus and various infections).

The floor should be watered with cold water until it is well cooled. In this case, a temperature difference is created between the cold floor and the well-heated ceiling, which leads to the descent of wet, heavy steam downwards. Within 5-7 minutes it will be pulled out by ventilation along with unpleasant odors.

If you still feel dampness in the air, you need to add at least two basins of water to the heater. Of course, not immediately, but in several stages, each time placing about a third of the basin on the stones. The rising steam will warm up both the walls and the ceiling, but the main thing is that we will finally get rid of both dampness and unpleasant odors, accumulated in the steam room. When the entire room is filled with damp steam, we will consider our task almost completed.

It is very useful to use flavored water when cleaning a steam room. In your own bathhouse you can use pine or mint infusion. In public, to get rid of excess steam and bad odors, you can apply linden or eucalyptus infusion to the stones. IN old times They splashed kvass diluted with water onto the heater. There are many recipes, but we will tell you more about their healing power in the chapter specifically devoted to herbal infusions.

If the stove in the steam room heats well, the steam room will dry out quickly. Dry spots begin to appear on the steps of the shelf. If, after supplying water, you raise your hands above the slightly open door, you can accurately determine whether the steam room is well dried. If your hands are burned by steam, the work is not yet finished. If the skin of your hands does not burn, then the steam room is almost dry. You just need to remove any remaining moisture from the floor. To do this, you need to apply hot water to the stones. But this must be done carefully, without rushing. Now the heat of the bath will displace all the remnants of wet steam. It's time to start preparing dry and clean steam for our steam room.

However, the described case is almost ideal. If you come to the bathhouse at the end of the day, most likely the stove will have cooled down quite a bit. In order to warm it up properly, you need time, and, as usual, there is not enough of it. Well, there is a way out of this situation. After cleaning the steam room, you need to open the stove doors wide and splash half a bowl of water in there. Water, penetrating deep into the oven, hits the cast iron sides, which, as a rule, maintain the desired temperature for quite a long time. If necessary, splash water on the stones several more times, then close the furnace doors, leaving only a narrow gap for the hot steam to escape. Then the oven doors are opened. Now you can steam with a broom.

Of course, the steam in such a steam room will be far from ideal, but it’s still better than nothing. Until recently, a real stove-heater could rarely be found in public baths. There, steam is most often supplied through pipes from a steam boiler. As a rule, the air in such a steam room is too humid, heavy, stuffy and hot. Some experts are trying to assure that such a steam room, so to speak, can be dried using a method similar to that already described above. From our point of view, these are nothing more than good wishes, especially considering that such steam rooms often have tiled walls.

How to make dry steam

As we have already said, dry steam is valued in the Russian steam room. By taking a steam bath, you get double benefits. Which one? More on this a little later. And now about what you need to do to prepare truly healing dry steam. Let’s make a reservation right away: it is impossible to get such steam in a Finnish sauna. A light stove (about 100-200 kg in weight) is usually installed in it, which perfectly heats dry air to very high temperatures - from 100 to 150 degrees. But such a furnace cannot produce dry steam.

The Russian stove-heater is much heavier - from 500 to 600 kg. Such a stove, when heated to 500-600 degrees, accumulates a significant amount of heat (approximately 300-350 thousand kilocalories). If water is poured very slowly and carefully onto such a hot stove, it immediately, practically without forming drops of water, turns into a state of dry steam. Moreover, it spreads in the steam room almost instantly, from the ceiling to the floor, displacing the air outside. Experienced bath attendants know that it is almost impossible to over-humidify such a steam room, of course, if the oven temperature does not drop below 400 degrees.

Dry steam in itself is not safe. Its temperature is highest directly near the stove. Therefore, you need to very carefully pour water onto the stones from a ladle with a long wooden handle. You should not steam in a chamber filled with dry steam; it is too harsh and an unsafe procedure. It is better to prepare two others from dry steam: soft and moistened.

Soft dry steam is especially recommended for elderly, sick and weakened people, as well as children and those who are taking their first steps in mastering the art of bathing. Making this kind of steam is easy. You need to go into a dry steam room with a damp broom soaked in cold water. A wet broom will become a source of soft steam.

Humidified dry steam is the best thing you can think of for a healthy person. To prepare it, you need to alternately pour hot water on the stones that are red-hot to a crimson color - at the same time, dry cotton is heard, then on the less hot parts of the heater - from here the water evaporates with a slow hiss. Experienced bathhouse attendants, like experienced cooks, prepare steam according to the following recipe: one quarter moistened and three quarters dry steam. But the ability to prepare such steam is a special art, and it takes a long time to learn.

Under no circumstances should the temperature of the stones be allowed to drop below 375 degrees, otherwise the room will have to be dried again. To prevent this, listen carefully to your feelings; your body will tell you better than any thermometer whether the temperature is good or whether the steam is dry enough. If the air in the steam room is not over-humidified, the hair begins to “crackle” slightly, creating the feeling that it is moving. If the temperature in the steam room is sufficient and it is at least half filled with dry and hot steam, a sensation familiar to every bathhouse regular occurs, as if the ears are starting to “twist”. If this happens, stop. Otherwise, dry out the steam room. If, on the contrary, when you apply water to the stones, instead of popping, you hear a hissing sound, it means that you have overcooled the stove by filling it with too much water. Wait until the stones reach the desired temperature again, and then only add water little by little.

Finally, if the thermometer in the steam room shows a temperature below 80 ° C, you need to raise the temperature of the steam, otherwise it will become oversaturated with moisture. To do this, apply water in a very thin stream to the stones. Very soon the temperature in the steam room will rise to 100-120 °C. This is the most optimal temperature for a steam room.

By the way, you need to watch the steam especially carefully during your first entry into the steam room. The fact is that the first wave of steam is the most unstable. It passes quickly, so you need to remember to splash a little water on the stones from time to time. This will not only add heat, but will also allow you to better purify the air. After all, steam, turning into a liquid state, absorbs all unnecessary odors and perfectly cleans the atmosphere of the steam room. You also need to pour water on stones wisely. It is best when the water does not pour onto one area, but covers as large an area as possible. Bath craftsmen manage to splash water in such a way that it falls on the stones like a fan. Some people recommend using a regular garden sprayer instead of a traditional long-handled ladle.

And the last thing: in order to constantly have hot water in the steam room to feed the stones, you need to place a bowl of water or infusion in a larger basin filled with boiling water.

Stages of the bath procedure

But the steam room is ready. You can start the bath procedure. Where to start? Of course, you shouldn’t immediately rush to the steam room, no matter how much you miss the heat of the bath. And it’s not just about hygiene rules, although you shouldn’t forget about them either. After all, the unpleasant smell of sweat does not improve the air in the steam room, just like the millions of microbes on the skin. The body must be very gradually prepared for the shock that the blood vessels and heart will receive under the influence of high temperature. This is especially true for people suffering from cardiovascular diseases and who decide to improve their health with the help of a bath. There is no doubt that they will succeed, but there is no need to rush, everything has its time. After all, a bathhouse is not only a steam room, it is also whole line procedures, and how carefully you follow our recommendations depends on the overall healing effect. After all, the good thing about a bathhouse is that it gives everyone the opportunity to choose what they need.

One person will benefit from very hot steam, another - moderate steam. For some, a pool with cold water or an ice shower is a panacea for all ills. For some, it’s enough to take a warm shower and then douse yourself with cool water. People with skin diseases should include baths in their bath routine, but those with kidney problems should not overuse baths. You can also choose different vaping modes. It all depends on what goal you are pursuing. Do you want to lose weight? Please. Do you want to get better? No problem. Do you want to get rid of the disease? Nothing is impossible, you just need to choose the right sequence of procedures.

The first stage is a warm shower

So, the first thing you need to do, regardless of the purpose of your visit to the bathhouse, is take a shower. The water should be pleasantly warm. If you like to splash around in the pool for a longer time, do it immediately after taking a warm shower (if the pool is public, you will have to wash with soap, if you have your own, you can get by with warm water). After the steam room, you can only take a short dip in the pool with cold water. Prolonged cooling after a thermal procedure can lead to a cold, even if you are a very seasoned person. It is better not to wet your head before entering the steam room in order to avoid heat stroke or overheating of the head.

After the pool you need to take a warm shower again. If you are cold, a hot foot bath will not hurt; we strongly recommend the latter to anyone who has problems with blood vessels. You can take a foot bath directly under a hot or warm shower (standing with your feet in a basin of hot water). Having warmed up the feet properly, we proceed to warm up the whole body in the following sequence: hands, lower back, lower abdomen, after which you can run a stream of water on your shoulders.

If your hair gets wet, do not forget to dry it before entering the steam room. By warming up the body in this way, you, firstly, cleanse the energy channels of the body, and secondly, increase capillary peripheral bleeding. At the very beginning of the procedure, you may even feel a slight chill. But then the body will begin to warm up more and more. This means that the vessels have expanded, the blood, like a deep river, washes all organs, all parts of the body. The entire body is prepared for exposure to higher temperatures and is involved in cleansing work.

By the way, a hot shower is not only a preparatory procedure, it is also a serious test. While warming up under the hot streams, pay attention to the color of the body. If it turns pink (in full-blooded people - red), everything is in order, you are ready for further heating. But only if the body warms up evenly. If you find white or yellowish areas, you need to warm them up additionally. If they do not turn pink, this indicates a latent stage of a very serious disease. Take urgent measures before the process goes very far (for more detailed information, see the chapter “Healing properties of the bath”).

After a shower, you need to wipe your body dry. If this is not done, the water will prevent good sweating. By the way, you shouldn’t wash with soap before entering the steam room. Do this only as a last resort. If you wash away badly soap suds, an unpleasant odor will appear in the steam room, which may sting your eyes. If you do use soap, rinse your skin with mint or linden infusion.

The second stage - entering the steam room

First entry into the steam room. We put a bath cap or hat with a brim made of felt or cotton fabric on the head to protect against overheating. A cap is also needed to protect your hair. After a long stay in the steam room, they become dry and brittle.

During our first run, we steam without a broom. We don't give in to steam either. You can simply take a wet broom with you and put it on the shelves. You can press it to your face - this kind of inhalation is especially useful for diseases of the upper respiratory tract. But we’ll put off the broom massage until our next visit to the steam room.

What's next? We sit and sweat. Or better yet, lie down, because in this position the heat of the bath evenly warms up the whole body. Also, if you are sitting, your head will become hotter as the hot steam rises. There is no point in overheating your head. But if you are lying down, you can raise your legs higher. In this position, the load on the heart is almost two times lower. In addition, the muscles completely relax, and it is in this state that they can be properly steamed.

After lying down for 3-4 minutes, you can rise higher. During the first run, you should not be on the top shelf for more than 2-3 minutes. If possible, you should also lie down here. If you have to take a steam bath while sitting, do not hang your legs off the shelf under any circumstances. The temperature of the feet should not be lower (or better yet, it should be higher) than the temperature of the head.

Next, you need to take a scraper or a woolen mitten with you to the steam room to remove sweat. Moreover, it is more convenient to use a mitten, because while shedding sweat, you simultaneously wipe the skin and cleanse it of dead particles. It is necessary to get rid of sweat, since it covers the entire body and prevents further sweating. Some people use a massage brush to enhance sweating. This is also a good remedy.

If you feel hot, you can wet your cap (but not your hair) with cold water. It is possible that this is a signal to leave the steam room. For the first time, five to seven minutes is more than enough. We leave the steam room. Wash off the sweat with warm water.

The third stage - contrast procedures

You will learn about what contrast procedures are and how to use them in a bath in a special section. Here we will touch only on general principles. So, let's start with the fact that cold contrast procedures are not indicated for everyone. For people with a weak heart, it is better to avoid them altogether at first. As a last resort, you can immediately after a warm shower, having washed off the sweat after the first steam, stand under the cool stream for no more than two or three seconds.

Healthy people can stand for 3-4 seconds under a cold shower or plunge into a pool of cold water for a few seconds. The temperature in the pool should not be lower than 16 °C, and even then, such cold water is only good for very fat people. For everyone else, a temperature range of 18 to 20 °C is recommended; even hardened people should not stay in such water for more than two to three minutes. Rubbing with snow and cutting through - only for absolutely healthy people.

After the pool, you need to take a warm or hot shower again, dry off, and rest a little. You can walk around, then drink a glass of warm tea or herbal infusion, preferably in small sips.

The rest time after each entry into the steam room is from 10 to 20 minutes, depending on how you feel. If after the steam room you feel lethargic throughout your body and heaviness in your head, it means you’ve had enough for today. If you feel well, you can go to the steam room again.

The fourth stage - broom massage

During second entry into the steam room You can already steam with a broom, you can also turn up the heat. To do this, you need to moderately pour warm water (or infusion) onto the heater. The second and third visits to the steam room are the best time for bath magic. This is where everything you know about broom massage, steam room infusions, herbal teas, healing ointments and rubs will come in handy. After all, an experienced bathhouse attendant, like a magician, knows a lot about all medicines. He skillfully uses the healing aromas of herbs, he skillfully steams a broom, prepares soft water (a bathhouse is especially good with such water); To prepare healing, life-giving steam, you need to prepare for a bathhouse as if you were preparing for a holiday. In the book you will find bath recipes for every taste. Take advantage of them. You will not regret.

When steaming with a broom, you need to ensure that the temperature in the steam room is high enough and the steam is dry. The humidity required for a broom massage can be achieved by dipping the broom into cold water from time to time. If your health allows, you can steam on the top shelf. Your partner must be a hardy person, because he will have to soar you while standing. In this position, the heat of the bath is most difficult to bear.

If white clouds of steam appear, it means that you have over-humidified the steam room; the temperature in the steam room has probably dropped to 60-70 °C. You need to turn up the heat. It is now that bath accessories will come in handy, without which a true bath lover will not enter the steam room. However, if you forgot something, there is always a way out. Even a broom can be replaced with a towel if necessary, not to mention broom mittens, caps, scrapers, and so on. In other words, adhere to tradition, but not dogma, because a bath is a very individual procedure.

During the second run, you can steam for 10-15 minutes. With each subsequent visit, you can increase the duration of the procedure by another 1-2 minutes. However, it is important not to break the rule: The total time spent in the steam room should not exceed 35-40 minutes.

Moreover, this figure does not depend on the number of visits. Want to come back more often? Please. You just have to reduce the time you spend in the steam room to 5-7 minutes on average.

We warn you right away - if you decide to use all the allotted time for one go, this will not lead to anything good. After 30 minutes in the steam room, the blood thickens, the pressure rises, and this is dangerous. Don’t go to extremes, know how to stop in time.

Different vaping modes

For beginners, sick and weakened people.

  • Thermal foot treatment (hot shower or foot bath) - 10 minutes.
  • Visiting the steam room - no more than two visits for 3-5 minutes (the temperature on the top shelf is not higher than 90 ° C).
  • Warm shower.
  • Go to a cool room to relax.
  • Rubbing with a hard towel.

For relatively healthy people, children and adolescents.

  • Warm up your feet in a warm shower - 5 minutes.
  • A visit to the steam room - 5-7 minutes (two or three visits).
  • Contrast procedures: cool shower - 10-20 seconds, hot shower - 15-30 seconds, cool shower - 10-20 seconds.
  • After drying, rub with a hard towel.

For strong, seasoned people.

  • Warm shower - 5-7 minutes.
  • Visit to the steam room - three sessions of 10 minutes each (temperature 100-120 °C on the top shelf).
  • Contrast procedures - very cold shower (up to 10°C), cold pool, ice hole, snowdrift, rubbing with snow.
  • Do not wipe the body, let it dry.

After active physical activity.

  • Warm shower - 5-7 minutes.
  • Two visits to the steam room for 5-7 minutes each (temperature 100-120 °C on the top shelf). The break between entries is 10 minutes.
  • Cool shower.
  • Bath with a temperature of 39 °C.

For those who want to lose weight.

  • Three or four visits to the steam room for 5 minutes each (temperature 90-100 ° C on the top shelf), steam on the middle shelf lying down, with legs slightly raised. The break between entries is 10 minutes. Second visit with broom massage.
  • After the second session, drink a hot diaphoretic decoction.
  • After the third visit, massage - 10 minutes or wrapping in a warm sheet.

For those who want to get better.

  • Before visiting the bathhouse you need to eat.
  • Warm shower, hot foot treatment - 5-7 minutes.
  • Three visits to the steam room for 5 minutes each (temperature 90 °C on the top shelf in the sauna or 70 °C in steam bath), steam on the middle shelf. The break between entries is 10 minutes.
  • After the steam room, take a cold shower or swim.
  • After your first visit to the steam room, eat some salted fish.
  • After the last entry into the steam room, do an oil massage.

Taking a sauna

In its effect on the body, a sauna differs from a Russian steam bath. Although the temperature in a sauna is higher, many people tolerate the dry heat of a sauna more easily than the humid atmosphere of a steam bath. Elderly, weakened, unseasoned, sick people, it is better for women and children to take dry air baths. Firstly, in a dry air bath the load on the heart is much less than in a wet bath. In the first case, the pulse does not exceed 120 beats, in the second it reaches 170 beats per minute.

It’s easy to breathe in a sauna: after all, the humidity here is no more than 20% (in a wet sauna up to 80%). In addition, in a sauna the pressure even decreases slightly, while in a wet steam room it increases. The duration of a single stay in a steam sauna is longer than in a steam bath (IQ - 20 minutes). It is best to steam in a sauna, as in a Russian steam room, while lying down, with your legs slightly elevated. Beginners should start the procedure from the bottom shelf (temperature 60 °C). Gradually move to the middle shelf (up to 80°C). On the top shelf the temperature reaches 100 °C - this is only for experienced steamers. Once sweating begins, you need to remove the sweat from the skin.

After the steam room, you should immediately wash off the sweat, because as soon as the body temperature approaches normal, the released harmful substances will begin to be absorbed back through the pores. First take a warm shower, then a cool one, then a hot or warm shower again. If you wish, you can steam in the sauna with a broom; to do this, you need to splash a little water or infusion on the stones before the last entry, and constantly moisten the broom with water so that it does not dry out. Number of visits to the sauna: for healthy people - 2-3, for the weak and children - 1-2.


Massage in the bathhouse is very useful. The heat of the bath warms up the body, making it supple and plastic. The massage is usually done after the second or third visit to the steam room. Broom massage - during the second or third session. True, you will have to choose: either massage or cold treatments. Muscles warmed up by massage do not tolerate hypothermia. In the bathhouse you can do not only broom or traditional sports massage, but also acupressure and oil massage. The latter is even preferable, because dry skin after a bath needs hydration and nutrition. We will tell you more about the types of massage in the Chapter “Massage in the Bath”.

Steam room exercises

The effect of bath heat on different people is different. Some people's skin turns red or pink within the first 5-7 minutes of the procedure. Some areas of the body turn red, while others remain white or yellowish-pale. This means that not everything is in order with blood circulation. Oddly enough, many simply do not know how to really warm up in a steam room. To warm up your whole body

evenly, you need to relax properly. But we can’t relax. The life of a modern person is such that he is in constant tension. In order to learn how to quickly and evenly absorb life-giving heat throughout the body, it is useful to perform several simple but very useful exercises. This is recommended primarily for people with problematic blood circulation, prone to diseases caused by stagnant processes in the body. Exercises will also bring relief to those who suffer from pain in the spine (osteochondrosis, radiculitis), lead a sedentary lifestyle or experience back stress during the working day. They need to be performed lying on your back on a shelf in the steam room.

  1. The arms are extended along the body, the muscles and joints are as relaxed as possible. Focus on your right foot, shake it and relax. Do the same with the calf muscle. Tighten the muscles of your lower leg and immediately “release” sharply. Shake your thigh muscles and immediately relax completely. Repeat the entire cycle for the left leg.
  2. Without lifting your feet from the shelf, bend your knees and shake them 5-6 times, then straighten, relax, tense again and sharply relax again.
  3. Focus on your right hand, shake it, relax. Repeat the sequence indicated in exercise 1, moving your attention from the hand to the forearm. Do the same with your left hand.
  4. Consistently relax the muscles of the neck, back, chest, especially carefully working the shoulder areas.
  5. Tighten sharply and strongly, and then relax the whole body.
  6. Lie on a shelf, your heels at a distance of the length of your foot from the wall. Feet are almost parallel to the wall, relaxed. Stretch your heels towards the wall, then relax, returning to the starting position. Pull your socks out, trying to touch them to the wall, and relax again. Repeat several times.
  7. Hands along the body. Without lifting them from the shelf, stretch your right hand towards your right knee and return to the starting position. Repeat first with your left and then with both hands. Return to starting position.
  8. Hands along the body. Pull your head and shoulders up, stretching your spine. Return to starting position. Then stretch your arms up, clasp your hands together. Stretch up, bend slightly, take the starting position.

The whole complex takes 5-6 minutes (this is exactly how long is allotted for the first visit to the steam room). While doing the exercises, you need to breathe through your nose so as not to dry out your larynx. Entering through the nose, hot and dry air cools to body temperature, becoming more humid.

If it is difficult for you to do the exercises for five minutes, break the complex into two parts of 2.5-3 minutes each. The first part can be performed during the first entry into the steam room, the second - during the subsequent ones. In between sessions, it is useful to do several vibration exercises to remove toxins.

Initial position: standing, legs together, arms along the body, spine straight, knees slightly bent, feet parallel (toes can be inward). Raise your heels 1-2 cm from the floor. Drop sharply, with a thud, to the floor. Repeat. Perform for 2-3 minutes, achieving a feeling of vibration throughout the body. Then do the same, only now lift your toes, not your heels, off the floor. Perform for 1-2 minutes. To complete the set of exercises, rise high on your toes 10-15 times, and then sharply lower onto your heels.

If necessary, the time required to perform the exercises can be halved. By adding vibration exercises to the previous complex, you will speed up the process of cleansing the body of waste and toxins. The constant performance of vibration exercises in terms of the force of impact on the cell is equivalent to one-time ultrasonic anti-cellulite baths. If you add a body massage with a dry, stiff brush made of natural bristles to the steam room exercises and vibration complex, this will not only eliminate circulatory problems, but will also help you lose weight. excess weight, get rid of cellulite, refresh and rejuvenate the skin.

It is also important that when losing weight in this case, the skin practically does not sag, as happens during therapeutic fasting or a strict diet. Thanks to massage with a brush and vibration massage, it remains firm and elastic, skin circulation improves, and the functioning of the sebaceous and sweat glands is normalized. Massage with a hard brush is performed along massage lines. Problematic parts of the body are worked out with intense circular movements. Be careful not to cut your skin. Before the massage you should wipe your body dry.

Washing in the bath

In Rus', for a long time, there has been a crude but accurate saying: “Fools even itch after a bath.” Of course, it is not only (and not so much) about the bath, but it arose nevertheless because washing in a bath, no matter how simple it may seem, also requires skill. This involves a cleaning procedure using detergents. After all, a regular shower (without soap) should be taken after each entry into the steam room. They wash with soap only after the very last use. The exception is those cases when the body needs to be properly cleaned of dirt and dust. Try to rinse off the soap as thoroughly as possible. In the hot atmosphere of the steam room, it smells unpleasant and stings the eyes.

Sometimes they ask: how did they wash and steam in the same room before? Was soap really different then? Let's start with the fact that we didn't always wash with soap. In Rus' they used soap plants or clay. Using clay or chalk

who washed their clothes with sand and washed their hair with special compounds. By the way, after this my hair became shiny and silky. And one more thing. When a soap house was built from the bathhouse, the humidity in it increased, and the temperature, accordingly, dropped. Of course, soap suds in this case did not have the same effect on the skin as, say, in a dry-air bath.

Soap selection

So, we took a good steam bath, cleaned our body of dead particles with scrapers, and the pores on our skin expanded. Now is the time to wash yourself with soap. But first you need to choose the right detergent. Not all soaps are good for the skin. Quite the contrary, most detergents disrupt the acid-base balance of the skin and worsen its protective properties. All kinds of widely advertised antimicrobial compounds are the worst thing you can think of for the skin. The skin itself copes well with germs if it is not disturbed. Of course, after constant washing with antimicrobial soap, you can safely give up on your skin’s own protective properties.

Therefore, we will choose the most harmless option - baby soap. It is soft and gentle, and quite effectively removes excess fat, dust flakes and other dirt from the skin. Soap compositions based on palm, olive, coconut and other vegetable oils are very beneficial for the skin. However, for delicate, sensitive, too thin and dry skin, even this mild soap no good. It begins to turn red and peel. In this case, it is best to use special compositions for cleansing the skin - we will talk about them at the end of this chapter.

Washing head

Hair is a wonderful natural decoration for any person. But improper care of them can ruin even the most luxurious hair. Old cosmetic manuals and reference books recommended washing your hair with soap dissolved in soft water. You shouldn't do this. Firstly, now during the day you won’t find a fire for real soft water. Secondly, despite your efforts, the soap will still leave a thin grayish coating on your hair. The cosmetics market offers a large selection of natural shampoos for any hair type based on medicinal plants, honey, and seafood. Ultimately, if you don't trust shampoo manufacturers, you can make your own shampoo. Such shampoos nourish the hair skin well and give it a healthy look. If, despite careful care, your hair continues to remain dull and brittle, it means you have health problems and your body is in dire need of vitamins, nutritional supplements, or requires emergency cleaning.

Water for washing hair should still be softened if possible. To do this, boil it for 3-5 minutes. After you wash your hair, it is useful to rinse your hair with clean water, to which lemon juice, chamomile infusion (for blonde hair), infusion of lovage or birch leaves (for dark hair). Do not wash your hair with too hot water, it becomes brittle. It is best to dry your hair after washing not with a terry towel, but with a natural silk cloth. Silk dries hair perfectly and gives it a healthy shine.

Body wash

Using even high-quality soap incorrectly can harm your skin. Firstly, you should not rub your body directly with soap; there is a washcloth for this. Secondly, you can’t soap yourself several times in a row. This will dry out the skin and may cause itching. Finally, the washcloth should also not be rubbed with soap. It is much healthier to prepare soap foam. To do this, steam birch leaves in hot water (you can simply dip a broom), dilute soap foam and wash with this fragrant and thick foam. Very good for skin liquid soap(similar to shampoo). It, like ready-made foam bath compositions, perfectly cleanses the skin without disturbing its acid-base balance.

The washcloth should be made from natural materials. In Rus', linden bast was used for this purpose. The result was a very convenient washing device - silky and hard at the same time. People with elastic, healthy, thick skin A massage brush made of natural bristles is suitable. For those who have delicate, thin skin, it is better to use natural sponge(this type of sponge compares favorably with a foam sponge due to its spongy structure and sufficient elasticity). For everyone else, a washcloth made from puffa, a plant reminiscent of a greenhouse cucumber, is suitable.

A rough, wool or linen mitten will also work. In the East they use a mitten made of horsehair. It is used to first remove the stratum corneum from a body steamed in a bath, and then lather the skin. When using linen, woolen mittens or puffa washcloths, you can use the Japanese bath recipe. It consists of placing a washcloth or mitten inside healing herbs, citrus zest. Then, when washing, the skin receives valuable nutrients and vitamins. You can also use the secret of Cleopatra, who wrapped bran in a clean linen cloth - it turned out to be both a washcloth and soap at the same time.

Washing the body is not only cleansing it of dirt, but also an additional massage. Like any massage, it needs to be done correctly. The body is lathered with wide circular movements in a clockwise direction. The back and arms are rubbed vigorously, along massage lines. The stomach is lathered with smooth circular movements. Then thoroughly soap your feet. Feet, hands and elbow skin require special care. More on this below. Wash off the soap suds first with moderately hot water, then wash yourself with cold or cool water, then again with hot or warm water. Hot water should not be abused.

It has long been noticed that frequent washing with hot water makes the skin flabby, lethargic, and fat-free. This occurs due to stagnation of blood in the vessels of the skin, the cause of which is the excessive use of thermal procedures. Hot water must be combined with cool water. Then the blood alternately flows to the skin and then flows away from it. Such gymnastics is very useful for blood vessels, and therefore for the skin itself. For people with dry skin, not only soap, but also hot water is contraindicated. They should wash with lukewarm water, and then lubricate the skin with a moisturizing and softening cream or composition. After a bath procedure, healthy normal skin needs at least an hour to restore the protective fat layer. Dry skin copes with this task even more slowly.

Foot and hand care

Now is the time to start washing your feet more thoroughly. First you need to make a soapy foot bath. To do this, dissolve soap and a tablespoon of coarse table or sea salt in a small basin. Keep your feet in this IQ solution for 15 minutes, after which you can rub your heels with pumice, cut your nails and remove calluses. If your feet are well steamed after the bath, you can do without a soap bath. Calluses are removed with a sterile razor. Old calluses need to be reduced gradually. So, it is very useful after the bath procedure to apply a lemon peel with the white side to the callus. The procedure is repeated several times. Then they carefully clean the dirt from under the nails, shorten the nails with scissors, tongs or file them.

Nails are cut so that their free edges protrude slightly above the soft part of the finger. You cannot cut the corners of your nails too much; they can grow into the skin, and this is a very painful phenomenon. To keep your nails from peeling and to keep them soft and elastic, it is useful to rub vegetable oil into them after the bath procedure. It is also useful to rub oil into your feet, this prevents the formation of calluses and improves general state- after all, there are many reflex points on the foot that are responsible for the state of almost all systems and organs of the human body.

To soften rough skin on the elbows, proceed as follows: after leaving the steam room, pour a little heated vegetable oil into two small bowls (it can be heated by placing it near the stove, but not on the stove!). Soak your elbows in the oil for 5 minutes. After this, rub them gently with a pumice stone. Then do a soapy massage with a stiff brush. After washing off the foam, lubricate your elbows with either rich cream or vegetable oil. Another tip - whenever you use hand cream, don’t forget about your elbows.

Body rubbing

Having finished the bath procedure, we rush to dry ourselves thoroughly with a warm terry towel. And completely in vain. You should not wipe your body after a bath, as well as after all water procedures in general. Ideal option: immediately after the bath, throw a cotton robe over your steamed body, as the Japanese do. If you don't have a robe, you can blot your skin with a sheet. If after the steam room you want to keep your body warm for as long as possible, get wet with a terry sheet or towel, then put on bathrobe. The latter should be made of natural fabric. No synthetics! This way you do not deprive your skin of invaluable moisture, but its appearance depends on the amount of moisture. It is not for nothing that cosmetologists advise taking walks in rainy weather, when the skin, like a sponge, absorbs moisture.

If you still want to rub yourself properly after a bath (for example, to improve blood circulation), rub your body with a linen cloth. They do not wipe, but rather rub. And certainly with canvas. The rougher the canvas, the better for the body. The best fabric is homespun. People attribute to it the properties of a talisman; it was believed that freshly woven, never used linen protected against evil spirits; with its help they got rid of damage and the evil eye. You need to rub yourself with a cloth in the following sequence:

Hands. Fold the fabric in four and rub left hand from hand to shoulder back side and back (from the shoulder to the hand) - along the inside. The same for the right hand.

Legs. Rub in the reverse order: on the inner surface - from the feet up, on the outer surface - down.

Back. Take the cloth folded lengthwise with both hands and vigorously rub your upper back from side to side.

Breast. With sliding movements, walk with the right hand with the canvas from the left shoulder to the right side of the groin, with the left hand - from the right shoulder to the left side. Perform alternately with each hand at least 10 times.

Stomach. Rub in circular motions, pressing lightly with a cloth.

Small of the back. First, rub in the same way as the upper back, then, shifting the cloth to one hand or the other, rub from top to bottom and back to the left and right of the lumbar vertebrae.

Feet. Sit on a chair. Vigorously rub the soles of your feet with a cloth: first from the heel to the toes, then, in a circular motion, throughout the entire foot. You need to rub the area located under the middle of the pad especially vigorously.

By rubbing according to this scheme, you will maintain the health of your kidneys, lungs, and increase skin circulation.

By rubbing the soles of your feet, you stimulate all the internal organs. As already mentioned, acupuncture points on the soles of the feet (as well as on the palms of the hands and on the ears) are associated with almost all internal organs. By vigorously rubbing these parts of the body, you thus give an internal massage to the vital organs. The effectiveness of such a massage increases if it is performed after a steam bath.

You can, in addition, properly rub your face and ears. Try not to stretch your facial skin while doing this. Ear massage is no less useful than foot massage. If water accidentally gets into your ear while washing in a bathhouse, remove it by shaking your head tilted in this direction. In the summer you don’t have to do this, the water will come out on its own over time, but in the winter the middle ear can become inflamed.

Soap replacement compounds

Regular soap is not suitable for all people. We have already mentioned that thin, dry skin does not tolerate soap suds well. It flakes, turns red, is too degreased, and its protective layer of fatty acids is already too thin and weak. What to do? For centuries, people did without soap as we know it today. Thus, the ancient Romans had semi-liquid soap (it was made from goat fat and beech ash). During excavations in Pompeii, vessels with such soap were found - it was used almost two thousand years ago. In Ancient Egypt, soap was replaced with diluted wax. In the time of Cleopatra, they also knew other recipes for paste soap, close to the Roman one. But Cleopatra herself did not use this soap. Of course, not because she considered it an expensive pleasure (soap in those days was not cheap), but because she replaced it with a product that was much more beneficial for sensitive women’s skin. We are Cleopatra's recipe. Let's give it below.

Actually, soap, similar in composition to modern soap, first appeared among the Celts. Needless to say, the French put soap making on an industrial basis. This happened in the 9th century, and the first bar of solid soap was released in 1424 by the Italians. Since then, the composition of this popular detergent has undergone significant changes. Today, an increasing number of manufacturers are choosing natural plant ingredients for making soap. However, most commercially available soaps have the following disadvantages:

  • degrease the skin;
  • remove valuable natural components (for example, vitamins) from its surface;
  • dry out pores.

The latter ages the skin, dehydrates its surface layers, and worsens the condition of collagen fibers.

Pastes prepared on a natural basis perfectly cleanse the skin, nourish it, and give it a healthy appearance and smoothness.

There is an ancient Sufi parable about how a man asked God to bring him food along the river, so that a person engaged in spiritual exercises would not waste time worrying about food. His request was fulfilled. Every day the river brought him a piece of fragrant halva wrapped in a rag. The man nevertheless decided to find out where this heavenly food comes from. He went up the river and, after overcoming many difficulties, learned that the fragrant halva was nothing more than the remnant of toilet paste, which royal daughter I cleansed my body daily.

Here are a few recipes for cleansing pastes. First of all, they will be of interest to women, but we recommend them to everyone without exception, especially people with problem skin and teenagers.

Pea flour paste. Pea flour - 5 tablespoons, mustard oil - 2 teaspoons.

Mix ready-made pea flour (or freshly ground from dry peas) with butter, add a little water until a thick paste is obtained. You can add 1 drop of iodine or 0.5 teaspoon of dry celandine herb to the composition.

Aromatic paste. Pea flour - 5 tablespoons, sprouted wheat oil - 1 teaspoon, rose oil - 10 drops.

Prepare in the same way as in the previous recipe. You can add 1 teaspoon of fenugreek powder to the mixture.

Milk mustard paste. White or yellow mustard seeds - 0.5 cups, milk - 2.5 cups.

Mix milk with mustard seeds, bring to a boil, and simmer until the milk has completely evaporated, avoiding the mixture from burning. Dry the boiled seeds, then grind them with a pestle and pour them into a glass or ceramic container. Before use, mix with a small amount of whole (or thick powder) milk to the consistency of thick sour cream.

Wheat paste. 1st or 2nd grade wheat flour - 1/2 cup, sprouted wheat oil - 1 tablespoon, lemon juice - 2 tablespoons.

Add lemon juice to the sprouted wheat oil, then gradually add flour, grind to the consistency of thick sour cream. Store in the refrigerator for no more than a day after preparation.

Cleopatra's paste. Bran (can be replaced with oatmeal or rolled oatmeal) - 1/3 cup, milk powder - 1/3 cup, starch - 1/3 cup, olive oil - 1 tablespoon.

Mix all ingredients well, wrap in a clean linen cloth, and use to wash the body instead of soap and a washcloth. Powdered milk can be replaced with baby formula.

Almond paste. Freshly prepared almond paste - 1 tablespoon, freshly prepared hazelnut paste - 2 teaspoons, sprouted wheat oil - 1 tablespoon, pea or wheat flour - 4-5 tablespoons, foam from boiled milk - 1 tablespoon , lentil paste - 4-5 tablespoons.

Soak the almonds and hazelnuts separately overnight in a little water. In the morning, peel the nuts, chop them, add a little pea flour. Lentil paste can be replaced with bean paste: soak half a glass of lentils or beans in milk overnight, then grind thoroughly.

Aromatic clay paste. Well-purified cosmetic clay - 5-6 tablespoons, algae ash (kelp, fucus) or powdered algae - 1 teaspoon, rose oil - 2 drops.

Add seaweed to the clay powder, dilute with water and rose oil to the consistency of thick sour cream. Apply the composition to the body in a thin, even layer. Remove almost completely dried clay with your fingertips and vigorously rub the entire body with your hands. Rest for 15-20 minutes, then lubricate the skin with olive oil.

Note: Rose oil used to flavor clay must be natural. If it is not possible to purchase it, use olive oil infused with pink petals. Substitutes and essences will only bring harm instead of benefit. It is better to avoid flavoring altogether than to use unnatural ingredients.

The given recipes are more than one thousand years old, but they still have no equal in terms of their effectiveness on the skin. At the same time, pastes do not cause addiction as quickly as modern formulations based on hormonal supplements. Each component acts differently. Vegetable oil cleanses and lubricates the skin. Flour, milk powder, nuts and beans give the skin smoothness and a healthy glow. Especially beneficial for the body pea flour. The mechanism of action of the paste is also interesting. Initially, immediately after application, the cool paste cools the surface of the body. As the paste dries, remove it from the skin using rubbing movements. This improves blood circulation and improves skin absorption nutrients contained in the paste.

You need to keep this paste on your body for at least 15-20 minutes. After removing it, rinse the body with warm water and the face with cool water. To protect delicate areas of the body from the excessive effects of the bath heat and accelerate the formation of a protective fat layer, a special wax cream should be applied to the face after the procedure, the skin around the eyes should be lubricated with a rich cream, and the lips should be thoroughly massaged with vegetable oil. By the way, regular implementation of the latter procedure will allow you to preserve the beauty and freshness of your lips for a long time.

Compositions “after the steam room”

After a steam bath, the skin, while cleansing, loses its protective layer of fatty acids. In addition, the skin pores are temporarily enlarged. Special formulations that should be applied to the skin 15-20 minutes after the last use of the steam room will help return the skin to its normal state. All compositions are prepared in advance, shortly before visiting the bathhouse. Designed for women of any age, as well as for anyone with thin, dry or, conversely, oily and porous skin.

Recipe 1.1.5 teaspoons borax, 5 teaspoons cocoa butter, 8 teaspoons lanolin, 5 teaspoons beeswax, 1 cup sunflower oil, 1.5 cups water.

Melt sunflower oil, lanolin and wax in a clean enamel bowl in a water bath. In another clean enamel bowl, mix water, cocoa butter and borax, heat. In a well-heated clay pot, slowly mix the solutions. Mix wooden spoon until a thick mass forms.

Recipe 2. 2.5 teaspoons cocoa butter, 3 tablespoons almond oil, 10 drops of jasmine oil, 1 teaspoon of lanolin, 3 tablespoons of beeswax, 2 teaspoons of borax, 3 teaspoons of hazel infusion, a glass of water.

In a clean enamel bowl in a water bath, melt the wax, lanolin and almond oil. In another clean enamel bowl, mix water, cocoa butter and borax, heat. In a well-heated clay pot, slowly mix both solutions. Stir with a wooden spoon until a thick mass forms. If it turns out too thick, you can add jasmine oil.

Recipe 3. 1/3 cup beeswax, 2/3 cup cocoa butter, 1 cup sesame oil, 3 tablespoons almond oil.

In a clean enamel bowl, heat the wax in a water bath, add all the oils listed in the recipe, stirring thoroughly. Pour into a well-heated clay dish, stir until cooled.

Recipe 4. 5 tablespoons of sprouted wheat oil, 0.5 cups of sesame oil, 2.5 teaspoons of beeswax, 3 tablespoons of hazel decoction, 10 tablespoons of lanolin, 1.5 teaspoons of borax, 0.5 cups of water.

Melt the wax in a clean enamel bowl in a water bath and add the oil listed in the recipe. In another clean enamel bowl, mix water and borax and heat. In a well-heated clay pot, slowly mix the solutions until a thick mass is formed.

Recipe 5.1.5 tablespoons honey, 3 teaspoons cocoa butter, 5 teaspoons flaxseed oil, 3 tablespoons lanolin.

In a clean enamel bowl in a water bath, melt all ingredients, mixing. Slowly pour the mixture into a well-heated clay dish and pour in 4 tablespoons warm water, stir until cool.

Recipe 6.3 tablespoons beeswax, 1 cup wheat germ oil, 0.5 cup carrot oil, 1 tablespoon aqueous solution of apricot tree resin, 3 tablespoons lanolin, 1.5 cups distilled water, 1.5 teaspoon borax.

Melt the wax in a clean enamel bowl in a water bath and add the oil listed in the recipe.

In another clean enamel bowl, mix water and borax, heat it and quickly pour it into the first bowl. Pour the solution into a well-heated earthenware bowl, stir until it cools slightly, then add the apricot tree resin solution. Stir with a wooden spoon until a thick mass forms.

Recipe 7. 5 tablespoons avocado oil, 0.5 cups sesame oil, 0.5 cups almond oil, 10 drops lavender oil, 1/3 cup olive oil, 4 tablespoons sunflower oil, 5 tablespoons beeswax, 5 teaspoons lanolin, 0 .5 cups water, 0.5 teaspoon borax.

Melt the wax in a clean enamel bowl in a water bath and add the oil listed in the recipe. In another clean enamel bowl, mix water and borax and heat. In a well-heated clay pot, slowly mix both solutions. Stir with a wooden spoon until a thick mass forms.

Recipe 8. 3 tablespoons coconut oil, 0.5 cups almond oil, 10 drops orange oil, 3 tablespoons beeswax, 5 tablespoons rose petal infusion, 1.5 tablespoons lanolin, 2 tablespoons aqueous solution of apricot tree resin.

Melt the wax in a clean enamel bowl in a water bath, add the oil listed in the recipe, mix with the heated infusion of rose petals. Pour into a well-heated earthenware bowl, stir until it cools slightly, then add the apricot tree resin solution. Stir with a wooden spoon until a thick mass forms.

Recipe 9. 1 teaspoon of infusion of rose petals, 3 drops of camphor alcohol, 5 teaspoons of oatmeal (oatmeal).

First you need to make a warm compress of linen cloth on your face. Mix the ingredients in a well-heated clay bowl and apply directly. Keep for 15-20 minutes. Rinse off with warm water.

Recipe 10. 5 drops of camphor alcohol, 1/3 cup tomato juice, 2 tablespoons honey.

Make a warm compress from linen fabric. Mix the ingredients in a well-heated clay bowl and apply to the face. Keep for 15 minutes. Rinse off with warm water.

Recipe 11.7 teaspoon honey, 1 onion, 1 tablespoon green or yellow clay.

Make a warm compress of linen cloth on your face. Finely chop the onion, squeeze the juice into a well-heated earthenware bowl, add cosmetic clay and honey, stir well. Apply directly. Keep for 15 minutes. Rinse off with warm water.

Recipe 12. 1 protein chicken egg, 1 teaspoon honey, 1 teaspoon carrot juice, 1 teaspoon white cosmetic clay, 1 clove garlic.

Make a warm compress of linen cloth on your face. Squeeze the juice out of the garlic. Mix protein with white cosmetic clay and honey in a well-heated clay bowl, add carrot and garlic juice, apply to face. Keep for 15 minutes. Rinse off with warm water.

Recipe 13. 0.5 cups cottage cheese, 5 teaspoons kelp (or fucus) ash.

Burn the dried seaweed on a clean ceramic plate or dish, grind the ash thoroughly. Make a warm compress of linen cloth on your face. Mix ash and cottage cheese in a well-heated earthenware bowl to form a paste, apply to the face. Keep for 15 minutes. Rinse off with warm water.

This mask cleanses and whitens the skin well.

Recipe 14. 1.5 cups puree from boiled plum pulp, 1/3 cup almond oil.

Mix plum puree with almond oil in a well-heated clay dish to form a paste. Make a warm compress of linen cloth on your face, then apply the paste to your face. Keep for 15 minutes. Rinse off with warm water.

The mask smoothes, nourishes the skin, helps fight acne.

Recipe 15. 0.5 cups almond oil, 3 tablespoons apricot oil, 0.5 cups lemon juice, 3 tablespoons lanolin.

Mix almond and apricot oils with lanolin in a well-heated clay bowl, add lemon juice. Stir with a wooden spoon until a thick mass forms. Make a warm compress from linen cloth and then apply the paste to your face. Keep for 15 minutes. Rinse off with warm water.

Recipe 16. 1.5 cups rose water, 2 tablespoons dried geranium leaves.

Pour rose water into a well-heated earthenware bowl and soak geranium leaves in it for 8 hours. Stir with a wooden spoon until a thick mass forms. Make a warm compress from linen cloth, then apply the paste to your face. Keep for 15 minutes. Rinse off with warm water.

The mask softens the skin and smoothes out wrinkles.

Homemade hair shampoos

If you have the time and desire to prepare nutritious fortified cleaning compositions for hair, use our recommendations. Of course, homemade shampoos do not have the same presentation as branded ones, but they also have a number of serious advantages. Firstly, you know exactly what components are used here, whereas when you buy a beautiful bottle with translucent liquid, you are, in fact, purchasing a “pig in a poke.” Even if you like the shampoo after the first use, no one knows how chemical additives (which are necessarily present in most shampoos) will affect the condition of your hair.

Shampoo with rum. 2 yolks, 2 dessert spoons of linseed oil, 2 dessert spoons of rum.

Mix all ingredients thoroughly. Lubricate hair and leave for one hour. Rinse off.

It will be useful for people with dry hair and will also help get rid of dandruff.

Toning shampoo. 0.5 cups dried burdock leaves, 0.5 cups dried nettle, 1 liter of water.

The grass is soaked for a day. The infusion is brought to a boil, boiled for 5-7 minutes, then poured into a ceramic bowl and infused under the lid for 30-40 minutes.

Egg shampoo. 2 yolks, 1 glass of warm water.

Beat with a mixer or a whisk. Hair is thoroughly lubricated and left for one hour. It is advisable to wrap your head warmly with a terry towel. Then rinse your hair well with warm water.

Gelatin shampoo. 1 egg, 1 tablespoon of powdered gelatin, 1 spoon of any mild shampoo.

The egg is thoroughly mixed with gelatin until smooth, which

are being bred a small amount shampoo The mixture is applied to the hair, left for 15-20 minutes, and washed off with warm running water.

Improves the appearance of hair, makes it thicker.

Wash balms for hair

Recipe 1. 1 egg, 2 tablespoons castor oil, 1 teaspoon apple cider vinegar, 3 tablespoons any mild shampoo.

In a well-heated earthenware bowl, mix oil and vinegar, add an egg, beat thoroughly, add shampoo. Stir and apply to hair and scalp. Wrap your head in a warm towel, hold it over the steam, then rinse.

Makes hair shiny, soft, thick, and easier to style.

Recipe 2. 1 egg, 1 teaspoon honey, 2 teaspoons olive oil, 3 tablespoons any mild shampoo.

In a well-heated clay bowl, mix oil and honey, add an egg, beat thoroughly, add shampoo. Stir and apply to hair and scalp. Massage, hold for 15 minutes, then rinse with warm water.

Recipe 3. 1 egg, 2 tablespoons cognac, 3 tablespoons shampoo.

Mix everything in a well-heated clay bowl and beat thoroughly. Apply the mixture to hair and scalp and massage. Keep for 15 minutes, then rinse with warm water.

Recipe 4. 1 medium-sized onion, 0.5 cups of rum, 3 tablespoons of shampoo.

Finely chop the onion, put it in a well-heated earthenware bowl, pour in rum and leave for a day. Remove the onion and add shampoo. Stir, apply to hair and scalp, massage. Keep for 15 minutes, then rinse with warm water.

A good remedy for hair loss.

First aid

The bath is a powerful procedure and, like any strong remedy, it is far from safe. It is very easy to get burned in a bathhouse, especially if you accidentally come into contact with metal objects. That is why it is strictly forbidden to wear metal jewelry on the body in the bathhouse. For the same reason, all nails must be deeply “recessed” into the wood. You can get burned by touching a heated stove, by boiling water, or by too harsh steam. Electrical appliances pose an even greater danger - they must be taken outside the steam room. If the bathhouse is heated with a wood-burning stove, it is possible that carbon monoxide will enter the room. Previously, people in Rus' “got burned” in bathhouses quite often. Finally, in a steam room that is too humid, it is very easy to get heatstroke, and if you overestimate your strength and do not follow the rules for using the sauna, fainting, heart attacks, and even cardiac and respiratory arrest are possible.

This is why it is so important to choose the right thermal regime, but even in this case you need to carefully listen to your body. Feeling tired, lethargic, rapid heartbeat, slight dizziness, nausea are signs that you have overdone it, exceeded your capabilities. You need to immediately stop the bath procedure, go to a cooler room, drink warm herbal tea, and perhaps lie down for a while.

The bathhouse is a generally accessible procedure, and the intensity of the pleasure derived from it is so great that it sometimes makes you forget about basic precautions. Combining a variety of aspects of the impact on the body, the bathhouse really heals, but it can also cripple those who risk their own health for no reason.

However, even if all the rules are followed, no one is immune from accidents. Therefore, it won’t hurt to have a small first aid kit when visiting the bathhouse and “arm yourself” with the necessary supply of information.

The first aid kit should contain: ammonia, linseed or lavender oil, several nitroglycerin tablets and valerian tincture, 2-3 mustard plasters, potassium permanganate, bandage. With these simple tools at your disposal, you can provide first aid yourself in the event of heat stroke, burns, fainting, or carbon monoxide poisoning.

First aid for heatstroke

Heatstroke occurs when the body overheats due to a violation of thermoregulation. Most often this happens in a steam room that is too humid, when stuffiness and high humidity prevent normal sweating.

Symptoms: dizziness, nausea, general weakness, lethargy, rapid heartbeat, severe headache, heaviness in the head, a sharp increase in temperature (sometimes up to 40 “C), tinnitus, shallow, rapid breathing. Possible loss of consciousness.

A prolonged increase in temperature during heat stroke is very dangerous, as it can lead to irreversible consequences. It is necessary to immediately move the victim to a cool, well-ventilated place (if possible, to fresh air), lay him down with his head elevated, wrap him in wet sheets, put a cold towel on his forehead, and give plenty of fluids.

First aid for carbon monoxide poisoning

Carbon monoxide poisoning leads to oxygen starvation of the brain, resulting in circulatory and breathing disorders. Prolonged stay in a room with carbon monoxide can lead to the most serious consequences.

Symptoms: headache, dizziness, heaviness in the head, pulsation in the temples, tinnitus, nausea, vomiting. In more severe cases - rapid heartbeat, shortness of breath, general weakness, legs become “wobbly”, in this state a person often cannot walk without assistance.

The victim should be immediately taken out into the fresh air, put a cotton swab with ammonia to his nose, rub his whiskey with the same alcohol, and give him a glass of strong tea to drink.

First aid for burns

We have already talked about the causes of burns in the bathhouse. Most often, first- or second-degree burns occur due to improper water supply, when a sharp stream of hot steam hits the body, but this rarely leads to severe burns.

Symptoms: The skin turns red, the burn site swells, and blisters appear.

The victim should immediately apply a gauze bandage soaked in ammonia or a two percent solution of potassium permanganate. Flaxseed and lavender oils are good for burns. If you don’t have a single anti-burn agent at hand, urine compresses (in other words, from urine) are a great help. In this case, the blisters go away very quickly and painlessly (which should never be punctured!), and after healing there are practically no scars left.

First aid for fainting

Fainting, that is, a sudden short-term (from a few seconds to 2-3, less often up to 10 minutes) loss of consciousness, can happen not only to the sick and weakened, but also to completely healthy person. Usually, fainting occurs after a long stay in a stuffy room, with a rapid change in the state of the body (therefore, after lying in the steam room, you cannot get up quickly and sharply). An interesting detail: people of “air” signs (Gemini, Libra, Aquarius) are more likely than others to faint; they tolerate stuffiness, heavy, stale air worse than others.

Symptoms: pallor of the skin (especially of the face and lips), loss of coordination, weakness of the pulse, breathing, nausea, feeling of suffocation, lack of air, hearing impairment, vision, short-term hallucinations are possible before loss of consciousness.

The victim should be immediately taken out into the fresh air or into a cool room, laid down, his legs raised, allowed to sniff ammonia, and rub his temples with it. Massage your arms and legs vigorously, or rub them with alcohol. Sometimes it is recommended to put mustard plaster on the back of the head. Cool drinks work well.

Cardiac and respiratory arrest

This happens quite rarely in a bathhouse. Reason: incorrect steaming regimen, neglect of medical recommendations in cases where the steam room is contraindicated. Excessive hypothermia can lead to cardiac arrest, and complications are also possible various diseases, mainly cardiovascular.

Symptoms: lack of breathing, loss of consciousness, pale or bluish skin, dilated pupils, lack of pulse.

First of all, you should immediately call an ambulance and immediately begin artificial respiration, otherwise after 5 minutes your actions will be practically useless.