Touching congratulations on the wedding day to the mother of the bride. Wedding congratulations from parents

Church holidays

Wedding congratulations always clean, solemn and interesting for the newlyweds. Everyone in them close person tries to express his love, his respect, devotion and love for the bride and groom.

  • A wedding is a special celebration. It is always filled with joy, tears of happiness, beautiful outfits, flowers and pleasant sincere words. Special place congratulations take place at a wedding, because they are given a special place
  • Each guest is given a personal say. There are moments when a huge number of thoughts in the head cannot find words and a person is in an uncomfortable situation. To avoid contemptuous glances, judgment from other guests and simply standing with a microphone in your hands, you need to prepare in advance for a solemn speech
  • You can take your wedding congratulations from the Internet, read them from a postcard, write them on a piece of paper, or remember a poem.
  • But the most sincere and eloquent are always congratulations in your own words, when everything you want to say has the opportunity to voice and wish the newlyweds a happy future
beautiful wedding wishes to the newlyweds in your own words

Wedding wishes in your own words:

  • Dear newlyweds! Remember this day. On this day, all your closest people are next to you: family, best friends, colleagues and good friends. We are all infinitely glad for your happiness! I wish you to be in love all your life, in love with each other. This is the only way the flame will not go out tender feelings and you will be able to dissolve every day not in everyday life, but in your happiness. BITTER TO THE YOUNG!
  • Dear (names of the newlyweds)! I would like to congratulate you on this date, to celebrate your incredible beautiful wedding, careful preparation. I would like to wish you that your married life will be as colorful, festive and unforgettable. Live every day with ease, passion and sincerity in your heart. I wish longevity to your marriage, fertility and only prosperity! BITTERLY!
  • Dear bride and groom! Today is a special day, your wedding. Take a break from the guests, the music, the table and for a second remember this moment - the moment of happiness. Remember this moment as often as possible in your life and always value each other as something valuable, expensive and unique. Your marriage is the most precious thing you have. I wish you understanding, prosperity and happy days! Bitterly!

Beautiful and touching congratulations from mother to daughter in verse

A mother is always a special person in everyone’s life; she is of great importance to a child, even if he has grown up and is ready to get married. A wish from a mother should be touching, so that everything can be read in its words. mother's love, affection, care.

touching wedding congratulations from mother to daughter

I have one treasure
I gave him into the hands of my son-in-law.
I want you to be happy
Your life was after the wedding.
I ask you to never swear,
And always give in to each other.
In situations, grind in, grind in,
It will be better than not to respect.
Carry your love in your heart
Through melancholy, times and years,
And love each other, love!
May your love always be!

Beautiful and sensual congratulations from the father of his daughter on her wedding

Dad is the head of the family, protection, support and the one whom children respect and love throughout their lives. It will be very touching and important at a wedding celebration. solemn congratulations bride from her father. Such words, spoken by a loved one, always bring you to tears of happiness and are remembered for a lifetime.

beautiful and touching wedding congratulations from the father of his daughter

Today my mother and I will make our point,
We raised a charming daughter!
I want you to always be happy, daughter!
And we want you to have a good husband
She told me that “I need you too, Dad”...
Let's have a fun night tonight!
It won't be long before I'm in my mother's and my hands
Your beloved grandchildren will come, no, they will come running...

Touching parting wedding greetings from mother to son

At the wedding, a mother should wish her own son a lot of good things in his future independent life, give the right parting words, praise the wife’s choice and wish the best. Such words always have great significance and are worth their weight in gold.

beautiful wedding wish from mother to son, groom

Son, dear, I want you worthy husband became,
Just try not to let us down...
Appreciate, cherish, love your wife,
Bring prosperity, harmony and happiness to your home...
You know, our life is fleeting,
The years fly by like short days,
And you try to live your life like this,
As soon as you can, be happy always!
Dad and I wish you from the bottom of our hearts
Live one hundred of the best years of your life!
You children are so good today,
Love and advice to you!

Parting words from father to son for a wedding celebration, words to the groom

Only the father can give a truly parting, clear speech, which will simultaneously serve as advice and congratulations for the groom. Father's words always serve as something special for the groom, because they are spoken by a respected and experienced person.

parting words and congratulatory words from father to son at a wedding

I want to leave congratulations,
Son, remember all the moments!
Your bride is a gift
Keep the warmth of love for her in your heart!
I, children, bless you,
I wish you peace and children,
To make your home cozy,
And happiness settled in him!
So that life is not boring,
The path often led to us,
So that there is no grief and litter,
So that discord may bypass your home!

Beautiful congratulations on the wedding of the bride and groom in verse

It is customary to congratulate the bride and groom not only verbally, but also with beautiful and eloquent words prepared in advance.

congratulations to the bride and groom at the wedding with poems

The years run and fly by quickly,
Children leave, forgetting their father's house.
But we only congratulate you on this
The joyful clink of wine glasses.
We really want you to be happy.
Wipe away the sadness and tears from your kind eyes,
You are so wise and so beautiful now,
And we are all happy for you today!
Go through the years together with dignity,
Now you are definitely a strong family.
May your life be filled with love,
Let there be true friends nearby.

Such fun party, the holiday is not simple,
Rather, it is historical for all of us.
We wish you to live until your golden wedding,
Return to your parents' home as often as possible.
Appreciate and love each other
Love as if you had never loved before,
Hold hands as you move through the circle of life,
Learn to believe, wait and trust.
Let your home be a strong mistress
There would be no wife, but eternal love.
May you never know happy life you are inside out,
And happiness comes back to you all the time again and again!

Beautiful wedding congratulations in verse from mother to daughter

I want to congratulate you, my daughter,
Read my poems to you
Remember my every line,
Whatever your mother wishes for you.
I want everything to work out for you,
So that you don't find stones on the way,
So that you smile more often in your life,
May the best be yet to come.
May your husband always be your support,
So that he gives you only love,
So that quarrels never eat you up,
So that it would be fun again and again.
You will accept my words with your soul,
And if it gets hard for you,
Love, believe and support
Each other, you are lucky in this!

wishes in verses from mother to daughter

A wish in verse from a father to his daughter, a beautiful wish for the bride

As always, you are beautiful and incomparable,
This dress and color really suits you.
I don’t like to talk and I get a little lost,
Let your husband lead you through life now.
I will be lonely without you, daughter,
You are always like a small child to me.
Everyone remember that I love you very much,
I want you to be joyful in life.
May a tree of happiness grow in your garden,
And its fruits will be the most delicious.
Let misfortune bypass your home, quarrels, bad weather,
Your husband is glorious, love and appreciate him!

Wedding wishes from father to daughter in verse

Beautiful wedding wishes from mother to son in verse

Our beloved son, dear,
We are glad to see your holiday.
Today you started a family,
And you became her head.
Be patient, smart and kind,
Everything is as we taught you.
Drive away your resentment, quarrels,
Value your wife so that you will be valued.
We sincerely wish you,
May you always live in love!

wedding wishes in verses from mother to son

Wedding congratulations from father to son in verse, congratulations to the groom

You have grown up, son, you have found a bride,
Probably the most beautiful!
The idea is stormy, you are holy
I'll tell you one thing, guys...
Run away from adversity in life!
Dive into the whirlpool of feelings,
May your home be full
And other people appreciate you!
Let things go smoothly,
Value your wife, don’t rule your hearts.
May fate give you children
And time does not age your feelings!

wedding wishes from father to son in verses

Congratulations on the wedding of the bride and groom in prose, beautiful wishes

Prose always turns out to be more eloquent than poetry because it does not require suitable rhyme. Prosaic congratulations can be spontaneous, or they can be prepared in advance.

beautiful congratulations in prose for the bride and groom
  • Newlyweds! Be happy like children, perceive life problems, like little things, solve them together and be sure to appreciate each other. Smile at life’s adversities, look into a happy future with joy and greed, and don’t look back at the mistakes you’ve made. Bitterly!
  • Beloved children! I wish you this strong love, the likes of which the world has never seen before. May your every day be filled with passion, heat, fire of your feelings and awe of your relationship with each other. Notice each other's successes, support each other in difficult situations and like two swans, carry your true love through time until the end of your life!
  • Dear newlyweds! Of all nice words that sounded today in your honor, I would like to highlight what everyone in verbal form wanted to give you as much as possible more love and it's not in vain. As long as you love each other, you are an indestructible force, you are one, you are the whole world! I wish you a lot of time to accomplish everything you have planned in life, to be able to enjoy it, to give your parents grandchildren, to make all your dreams come true. Appreciate each other. Take care of each other!

Beautiful words for a wedding from a mother to her daughter in the form of prose

“My beloved daughter, today you are not just a bride. You became a wife for your loved one, found your own personal family, appeared as an adult wise woman. I am infinitely proud of you and want you to always be happy. Be kind and patient with your husband, always be calm and remember that you are his inspiration. I am sure that you are a real housewife and will be able to create comfort for your man, so I wish you well-being, financial wealth and implementation of the plans"

“Daughter, look at you! You are so beautiful, you are so charming, you are simply perfect. I am proud that I raised such a well-mannered and economical girl... no, a woman. Time flies and yesterday you were a loud baby, and today you dressed wedding ring on your finger. Your father and I wish you happiness, understanding, peace, harmony in the family and only prosperity!”

“Beloved daughter! I want to congratulate you on this holiday today and wish you to make your dream come true - to have a strong and big family so that you have a strong, tall house, many happy children, prosperity and benefits. Your husband is a wonderful person, keep your love and protect each other for the rest of your life! Be happy!"

wedding wishes in prose from mother to daughter

Wishes in a prosaic form from the father of his daughter for a wedding celebration

  • My daughter, my pride, my princess! It seems to me just yesterday that I carried you in my arms from the maternity hospital, picked you up from kindergarten, saw you off to graduation and rejoiced at your success at the university. Today I had the opportunity to congratulate you on becoming a woman, a wife, a keeper of the hearth and a housewife. Perhaps I have not yet fully understood how grown up you have become and I will still wait for you in my house every day for an hour, for a couple of minutes. If God allows, give me many grandchildren so that I don’t get bored! Happiness to you, my beloved daughter!
  • My girl, you know how much you mean to me. You are all my wealth, you are the most precious thing I have. You chose worthy man so that he becomes your husband and I, without a doubt, hand you over into his hands. Be a good housewife, be kind and faithful wife, and in the future - an affectionate and caring mother. I wish your home to be full of amenities and prosperity, comfort and warmth. Let sadness never get to you and everything in life turns out exactly the way you want it!
  • My daughter, today you beautiful bride and a young wife. I wish you that happiness pursues you throughout your married life, that joy grabs you and does not let go, that comfort and warmth settle in your home forever. So that grief bypasses your couple, and failure completely goes astray. Be kind and patient with each other, love and forgive.

wedding wishes in prose from father to daughter

Beautiful words from a mother to her son on his wedding day in prose form

« Son, today in our eyes you have become a grown man. Dad and I are infinitely proud that we raised such a beautiful and well-bred son. Let it be in yours married life there will be no problems, there will always be prosperity, happiness and most importantly - love! Appreciate and love each other!

  • Son, you have matured before our eyes. For us, you will always be the most beloved and best in the world, and therefore, we wish you only happiness and prosperity. Love, understanding and great success. Your wife is a real smart girl, protect her and lead her with you to a happy future!
  • Our dear son, today we want to congratulate you and your dad on becoming a real man, a defender of your family and a husband. Value your marriage, pamper and protect your wife, raise your children and bring prosperity to your home. We will always help you in your endeavors and always support you. Be yourself, be loved, may peace and luck be with you!

congratulations in prose for a son from his mother on his wedding

Instruction and congratulations to the groom at the wedding, wishes from father to son

« Today, son, I would like to wish you only good things, only prosperity, peace and happiness. I wish you to always be on top in business, I wish your dreams come true, I wish you big family with many children. And you have the rest: love, a beautiful wife, loving parents.”

“Son, you have found great happiness - your beloved woman, who today has become your wife. Keep her like the apple of your eye, protect her from problems and evil, love and kiss her, and then happiness will be with you until the end of your days. I wish you to continue and give your parents beautiful and kind grandchildren. I wish you to be forever in love and happy!”

“Dear son, I didn’t notice how quickly you became a man, but today I want to congratulate you on this event and ask you to be the most best husband for this charming woman. Be wise and kind, self-sufficient and fair. Let your family take root, become stronger in the soil and produce beautiful fruits. We love you!"

wishes in prose from father to son for wedding

Congratulations to the newlyweds at the wedding from their parents when presenting a gift

Mischievous congratulations
You accept it, young people!
We congratulate you in words
And rhyming verses!
They chose a gift for you
We've probably been a hundred years old
But believe me, dear ones,
There is no better thing for this thing!
After all, a gift, to be honest,
Must be necessary and interesting
Of course it must be important
And even unique!
We tried, that means
We give you money to spend!

presenting wedding gifts in verse

Congratulating the newlyweds and presenting them with wedding gifts in verse

So that your happiness is nearby
And it warmed tenderly in my hands
We were told that it would be good luck
Bathing the “young ones” in money!
Prosperity to you, warmth, good luck,
May everyone's dreams come true.
And here's a little extra
Groom, accept it from us!

Everyone in this room knows
That there is never too much money!
Groom, we give you
This plump envelope!
We really believe our gift

Prosperity will give.
Spend it very boldly
After all, money is a gainful business!

congratulations for the newlyweds and presenting them with gifts in verse

Wishes for the newlyweds in your own words and giving them gifts

“Dear newlyweds, accept this NOT from us HUMBLE gift! We thought for a long time what to give you and decided that best gift“of course honey,” as the famous Winnie the Pooh said. Allow yourself endless spending, fulfilling some dream or simply buying tickets to beautiful hot islands, the main thing is to do it together!”

“Young people, we decided to give you this gift because we really value home well-being and comfort. We wish you the same, may your home be full, beautiful and prosperous. Remember us as often as possible, appreciate your loved ones and each other!”

“Dear newlyweds, don’t let it bother you that we are giving you this amount of money. This is how it is customary to give banknotes. We want this gift to serve as a foundation for your budget so that you can afford a variety of pleasures and things you need for your home. Years later, you will remember where they came from and you will be pleased that your family loves and appreciates you! Peace and love to you!”

congratulating the newlyweds in your own words and presenting them with gifts

Wishes, congratulations to the newlyweds in prose and presenting them with gifts

« Young people, our gift is a contribution to your family wealth, to your first joint budget, to your ticket to a “happy, prosperous future.” Appreciate every moment spent with you. Do not deny yourself pleasures and while you have time, live for yourself. Give love to those around you and your family. Happy wedding!"

“Dear newlyweds, we are infinitely glad that you invited us to this holiday today! Thank you for the sumptuous table and for the fun and for remembering us. Our gift is this sum of money, we really want it to serve you well and you spend it on what is your dream. So we will consider that we have realized at least part of it! Be happy! ALWAYS!"

“Our beloved, bride and groom! How fun and beautiful your wedding ceremony was. How deliciously and joyfully you greeted your guests. We enjoyed our time at your wedding and wish you to continue to live such a life in the future, and in order not to deny yourself anything, we give you this envelope. No, it doesn’t contain car keys, house keys, or even diamonds, it contains what you yourself want... Be happy all your life, be as smiling and contented as always today! We love you!"

congratulating the newlyweds on the holiday and presenting them with gifts in prose

Video: " The best wedding congratulations from parents"

May the Angels under the sky crown you,
May the Lord bless your path,
Let happiness not let you go,
May luck always be in your favor.
Go my children and don't quarrel,
You will always support each other
Don’t be afraid to love as hard as possible,
May your hearts always be together.


Purchased and owned by the site.

Create a postcard

My dear daughter, congratulations!
And you are golden son!
I bless you today.
And I am happy with your fate.

Here in my soul the pipes sing.
Your wedding is a joyful day.
My childhood years flew by so quickly,
And today you are the bride and groom.

If two people meet in the world,
So God sent them to each other
I wish you to live together for more than a century
And give birth to my grandchildren, at least three.

May an ordinary day bring joy
Turn every weekend into a holiday.
I wish you to take away the sweetness from life,
Bitterness should be sent to another world.

Protect each other from sadness,
Divide happiness into two.
Remember how “Bitter!” they shouted at you
And live in happiness and love.


Purchased and owned by the site.

Create a postcard

Dear newlyweds!

Let the tears flow from happiness,
Today I’m giving away my daughter,
For a noble man
Let him decorate your life!
Live, children, and don’t quarrel,
I will bless you from my heart,
And every morning, don't forget,
Tell each other: "I love you!"


Purchased and owned by the site.

Create a postcard

Bitterly! Bitterly! Bitterly!

Let there be cheerful notes in the wedding song!
You will always, forever be together now!
I wish you to remain faithful until old age!
Live, dream, adore and love from the heart.

As a mother, I wish you only bliss,
You can achieve perfection in a relationship.
Give in to each other, be patient
And be able to earn respect in everything.

Send more good news,
Do not spare warm greetings for your mother,
You should immediately understand at the wedding today
That the daughter-in-law is a daughter here, and the son is a son-in-law here.

Let the world in reality be like a miracle in your dreams,
May you meet many kind passersby,
There will be many mirrors reflecting joy,
To live a long, long time, tasting only sweetness.

Let the water come from crystal healing wells,
May all adversity always melt in the sun.
I will light candles for health in the church,
So that in the world of love all troubles fade away.

Let everyone sing your praises today,
And noisy guests don’t let you get bored.
We should have fun today with all our hearts,
Only something bitter sparkles in the glasses...

Bitterly! Bitterly! Bitterly!


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Create a postcard

Dear children!

My dear children,
I hasten to congratulate you now!
Let life be more fun
Let love rule only you!
And let the wedding go on,
The wine is spilling
Money to you, health, happiness,
May you always be lucky in everything!!!


Purchased and owned by the site.

Create a postcard

Dear family children!
You can now live together on the planet!
You always take care of each other
Respect, love, appreciate.

You need to live in anticipation of a miracle,
Open up to each other.
And always in a serene soul
Stay kind and gentle.

If it suddenly becomes difficult and painful,
If grief finds you on the way,
Know, your life down to the milligram
Your common mother will give it to you.


Purchased and owned by the site.

Create a postcard

From Mom

Did something happen between you two?
Maybe you're a little sick?
And hearts began to beat faster...
And there was a hand with a ring...
And the eyes have a feverish shine
They flared up like fires...
Why, these are the bride and groom!
And they are already married!
Congratulations! Love each other,
Like no one has ever loved!
May spring seem like a blizzard to you!
Let the ardor of love never subside!

Wedding congratulations to the newlyweds from mom

Purchased and owned by the site.

Create a postcard

Today I'm crying with happiness
There is warmth and grace in the soul,
And appreciated my participation
My first and favorite son-in-law.

I raised my daughter to be kind.
She is calm and smart.
Looks like a swan
Now I'm glad I'm not alone.

I still admire your couple.
Here is youth and beauty!
How cute you are now, kissing!
What an amazing veil!

Love, listen to each other
And don’t get into an argument in the heat of the moment.
Now you and your wife are husband,
You are given a heartfelt conversation.

I wish you peace of mind,
Live without worry and love.
Give me grandchildren soon,
I'll start waiting for them today.

Congratulations from: | | |
Congratulation format: | | | | | | |
Type of congratulations: |

Wedding congratulations from mom

Wedding congratulations from mother to daughter

My baby, our sun,
My ray of light, kindness,
Today you are the most beautiful in the world!
Today you became my wife!

Be gentle, affectionate, obedient
Wife to her husband,
In serious matters, consult
Since you trusted him.

Don't forget that you are beautiful
In everyday life, in caring for the family
And most importantly, be happy
We always wish you!

Wedding congratulations from mother to daughter

Daughter, beloved,
It's a bright hour at a wedding
The main desire -
Happiness for you!

We want it to be durable
Your marriage union.
May it appear soon
Cute little one.

Be a wise wife
And keep the hearth,
Raise your children
Take care of your husband.

Make your husband proud of you
Every day and hour
Well, we are always with you,
Don't forget about us!

Wedding congratulations from mother to son

My dear son, my good one!
Now the time has come to become a husband,
And, quietly from the mother’s cheek,
Tears flow involuntarily again.

I can't believe that you're flying away
You're leaving parents' house, -
You obviously adore her very much.
The one nearby, behind the strong shoulder.

Yes, I'm happy for you, you know
I'm glad that you're in love
The mother's heart desires -
Be happy, take care of her!

Wedding congratulations from the mother of the bride

Dear and dear children,

Respect your family, appreciate

I wish you children soon,
So I want to become a grandmother.
And what gender is up to you to decide.

Wedding congratulations from the groom's mother

Today, children, I congratulate you!
After all, today is a difficult day for you.
You have already created a new family,
Now you have become husband and wife!
So let love not cool down in our hearts,
And may the nightingales always sing in them,
And let happiness never leave your home,
And only joy and goodness always live in him.
May every day bring only joy
And let everyone bring love with them!
I wish you this with all my heart
Your mother, and also your mother-in-law!

Congratulations on your wedding day from mom

Dear and dear children,
Today you have become husband and wife.
You are now responsible for each other,
You should now follow the same path.

You will save your feelings longer,
Do not allow insults or separations into your home.
Respect your family, appreciate
After all, a family is a union of hearts and hands.

I wish you children soon,
So I want to become a grandmother.
Let there be two or three of them,
And what gender is up to you to decide.

Words of congratulations from mom on her wedding

My dears! Happened today wonderful event- you have become husband and wife. Always live in love, peace and harmony. And remember that you are now one. I wish you a new addition to your family, financial well-being, mutual patience and respect for for many, many years. And if it gets difficult, we, parents, will always help kind words and we'll give good advice. Be happy!

Wedding congratulations from mom in prose

On this wonderful day, I congratulate you, children, with all my heart! I wish you happiness, prosperity, keep the fire of love alive throughout your life, take care of each other, protect and overcome all problems and adversity together. May your family be stronger than stone, and may your life be filled with only the most wonderful impressions and emotions.

Congratulations from mom on the wedding in your own words

Dear children! May your marriage be happy! May your love be joyful! Live in friendship and harmony. We always want happiness to last, and therefore I wish you only eternal happiness, only bright love, only true friends! So, may your union be happy!

Congratulations from mom on the wedding in verse

A ray of sunshine illuminates
The faces of our young
Mom hugs me tightly
And he wants to congratulate them
Wish you don't forget
Never a happy day
To remain in memory
It will last for many years!
And the eyes shone the same
And they beat to the beat of their hearts,
For honesty in relationships
She stayed until the end.

Touching wedding congratulations from mom

My dear newlyweds,
The culprits of the merry feast,
I wish you an unclouded share,
Happy share - in life and love!
Jealousy doesn't go away. How can we be here?
AND angry mother in law there is no desire to be known.
The daughter-in-law is an ugly girl,
Besides, it’s incompetent...
I don’t have the strength to watch how my son protects her...
And jealousy burns again!
Like an evening, like going to the cinema or dancing.
No, to stay with my mother.
Where does this tenderness come from in my son?
Was a silent biryuk, and now -
With his asshole wife, look how he jokes around.
One good thing is that he doesn’t drink or smoke...
Or maybe she shouldn’t hate the girl?
Neighbors say it's not bad...
But how to deal with jealousy, with the accursed?
After all, it presses like a damn stone!...
The door opened, and she didn’t go in - she flew in.
Oblique bangs, ponytail with white ribbon... -
Oh, mom, hello! What to help?
And it let go...
My daughter came running...
She just realized now
That she found not a daughter-in-law, but a daughter.

Sincere wedding congratulations from mom

My dear children,
I wish you only happiness,
Incorruptible, pure love,
So that she can overcome bad weather.

Always be for one thing
Inseparable and indivisible,
So that that feeling always lives,
What united your hearts!

Incredible pride with a touch of sadness is one of the many difficult emotions that parents experience on their son’s wedding day. This holiday marks the beginning of the new life of the newlyweds; they leave their parents’ nest to create their own own family.

And the task of parents is not only to release the chicks, but also to make every effort to support the young married couple. Therefore, at the wedding, not only tears of happiness flow from parents, but also the warmest congratulations.

The words with which father and mother greet the groom at a new stage of life can be very diverse. Some congratulations from parents set the goal of not only congratulating lovers on this wonderful event, but may also contain teachings and advice. Congratulations on the wedding can be written in a card, attached to a gift, said at a banquet, and also said as a toast.

Such honorary participants in the celebration as parents should not worry too much about congratulating their son on his wedding day - any of their words will be received with great attention and honor. Here you can express your wishes in your own words or prepare congratulatory speech in advance and read it from the cheat sheet. If you choose the second option, it gives you some advantages as you will be able to prepare beautiful congratulations in prose or verse, and choose true words this article will help.

Below you will find the following wedding congratulations from mom and dad for their son:

  • From the groom's parents.
  • Personal from mom:
    • Parting words.
    • Words of support.
  • Personal from dad.
  • Touching.
  • Cheerful.

In honor of the lovers and their little family

A wedding is a celebration of the birth of a new family thanks to two other families, the bride and groom. With the greatest trepidation, young people await congratulations from their parents and will look for words of approval and support from them. Of course, on this day you need to leave all your possible doubts and regrets and sincerely wish your children happiness.

From father and mother to son can be addressed joint wish. The young bride and groom deserve the warmest and brightest words, so their parents unanimously wish them love, prosperity, mutual understanding and, of course, children. Take a look at how lines like these look in poetry and prose:

A mother who has a life experience worthy of respect behind her can include advice for the newlyweds in her congratulations. After all, marriage is only the legitimation of relationships, but not a guarantee of their well-being. After the wedding, the spouses have a lot of work to do so as not to lose their love in the routine of days. Therefore, parting words may be heard from the mother as congratulations to the son. Find such congratulations on your wedding day below:

A mother’s immense love and care for her son often involuntarily becomes the cause of jealousy towards her daughter-in-law, and a good relationship mothers-in-law and daughters-in-law are rather an exception to general rule. An event such as a wedding causes a storm of conflicting emotions in the mother of the groom.

On the one hand, mommy is so proud of her son that she believes: there is no woman worthy of him. On the other hand, she cannot help but support his choice, because supporting your child is the main task of a parent.

Tip the scales in favor of support, show the newly made spouses how happy you are that they found each other. On your son’s wedding day, tell him how proud you are of him, be sure to highlight the bride’s virtues - this will have a beneficial effect on your relationship with her. Congratulations to your beloved son on his wedding from his mother may look like this:

From the head of the family with experience, from the father, along with wishes for happiness, encouraging words of guidance are also needed on how to stand worthily at the helm of the family. Dad teaches to be faithful to your wife, to be her support and support. Congratulations to the son also express the father-in-law’s willingness to help the new family with advice or deed. Such beautiful lines You can write it in a card, or you can say it as a wedding toast:

Congratulations on a wedding are not complete without touching words, and on this day parents dedicate the most heartfelt lines to their son. On such a holiday, even a father-in-law is not ashamed to shed a man’s tear, let alone a mother-in-law. Touching congratulations convey the difficult feelings of the parents, their sincere joy for their son and their warmest wishes to the young. You can congratulate the groom at a wedding by dedicating a poem to him:

If you are not a fan of poetry, then below are heartfelt lines for a wedding in prose. They are especially good because they can be adjusted to your liking. Supplement them with your own words, remove unnecessary things, or compose several wishes into one, choosing the most suitable words from them. Such a congratulation will sound beautiful and original.

To from touching speeches and their parents’ tears, the young people themselves are not sad, they can be cheered up cool congratulations with the wedding. Such lines look more advantageous in rhyme, they are unusual and original, and they can also be used as congratulatory toast. If you choose a short verse, you can first memorize it, and a long one can simply be read from a sheet of paper. You can congratulate your son on his wedding day in a fun and original way:

It's great if you find it for yourself perfect option, how to congratulate the groom, but if not, then you can always come up with your own. To express your feelings, it can be difficult for the closest people to choose the right words. Nevertheless, no one except mom and dad can congratulate the newlyweds more sincerely and sincerely, and the newlyweds do not need anyone’s blessing as much as parting words from their parents. Author: Yulia Bibik, sources:,,,,

A parental blessing is, in essence, their permission for the marriage of children along with sincere wishes all kinds of family benefits. Even now, young people planning to get married try to get a blessing so that there will always be happiness and love in their new family.

This ritual can be carried out according to all the rules; for this, all its participants must be baptized. After all, this happens with the help of the icons of the Mother of God of Kazan and St. Nicholas the Pleasant or the Savior. But now the ceremony can be greatly simplified, the main thing here is sincere words parents, their wishes for peace, joy, kindness and happiness.

Parting words to the bride before the wedding ceremony

Traditionally, this happens before the wedding itself in the parental home. Before going to the Wedding Palace, the father and mother of the bride address their two children - their daughter and her groom - with parting words and wishes.

What to tell your daughter

Before the groom arrives, mom and dad can bless their daughter separately.

General “words of encouragement”

So you have grown up, daughter, and are about to fly away from the family nest. May your choice be correct, and may your family be friendly and strong. Respect your future husband, because now he is your support and protector, love him with all your heart. Daughter, we wish you a happy life in goodness and prosperity, healthy children who will delight both you and your husband, and your dad and me.

Words from the mother of the bride

Daughter, I am happy that you have found your path in life. She will now be associated with (name of the groom). While raising you, I tried to give you as much as possible - knowledge, feelings, teach you everything you should be able to do. real woman. So I'm sure this guy is... worthy person. Be happy in this marriage. Let bright love always accompanies you two, and there will never be discord in your family. Be, daughter, the happiest and most beloved woman in the whole world!

Wishes from father to daughter

Daughter! You are my only child and you know how much your mother and I love you. We are very worried about you now, and we will always be worried. It’s hard for me to give you to someone else’s home, but I believe in you and your choice. Therefore, I will try to accept your future husband as own son. Be faithful to him and good wife. May there always be peace and mutual understanding in your new family. And the worries of creating this kind atmosphere of warmth and tranquility fall on your fragile shoulders. Be strong and patient, know that love can overcome all life's adversities. Let yours new family will be happy!

Blessing of the bride and groom

After the ransom ceremony, which is traditionally carried out after the groom comes to pick up the bride at the parental home, her parents and the newlyweds retire and then say words of blessing.

Parting words to the groom before the ransom from his father and mother

The parents of the groom, as well as the bride, pronounce words of blessing and parting words several times. The very first time this happens is when young people announce their intention to start a family - on the day of their engagement. And right before the wedding - even before the son leaves the house to go after his future wife.


Just as faith is strong and indestructible, and mead is sweet, in the same way let the family of (the son’s name) with (the name of his bride) be indestructible by any adversity, strong in faith in each other, sweet in their love. Let them be inseparable, starting right from this day and this minute - only together, so that not a moment apart from each other! Amen.

Parting words

  • Son! We wish you to create a happy strong family. Take care of yours future wife, love her devotedly. May your relationship be built on honesty, mutual understanding and the love that is shining now in your eyes. Be happy!
  • Beloved son! We bless you for creating your family. May God protect her from all misfortunes, from storms and evil. Be faithful, love your wife. With a strong shoulder protect her from the difficulties of this world, let her receive help from you in all matters. May there be harmony and love, devotion and faith between you for happiness for yourself and joy for other people. Peace, peace and endless happiness to you!
  • (Groom's name), son! All earthly blessings and peace to you! Let your home be a full cup and let love and mutual understanding always reign there. Harmony in the family helps to keep love alive long, long life. We wish you healthy and strong children, so that they grow up and make you and your wife happy and help you. We wish that the sun shines brightly for your family and that the clouds do not roll into the sky. May God protect you and everything that is dear to you, and you, in turn, respect and take care of your wife. Be always happy!

In the next video you will find two examples of blessings from the parents of the bride and groom before the wedding:

Parting words from the bride's father and mother at the celebration itself

If all the previous speeches of the parents, delivered before the wedding, were relatively short, then after the marriage has taken place, parents can allow several more words and wishes.

It is highly undesirable for parents at a wedding to read the text with the words of blessing “from a piece of paper” - it must be remembered.

From father

  • Dear daughter, dear son! We lived with (name of the bride's mother), my wife, for a lot happy years. There was harmony and harmony in our family. We raised wonderful daughter, who always tried to help us and pleased us with our successes. And now you, daughter, have become an adult and found a man who has become your husband. You will have a new family, a separate one. But know that your mom and I will always support you if you need help. At the same time, I am sure that (name of the groom), your husband, will be able to cope with any problems. He is a strong and worthy person. We are glad that now we also have wonderful son. Children, be happy with each other, give love and joy, and give your mother and me grandchildren. May you live happily ever after!
  • Dear (names of the newlyweds), children! Today you begin building a beautiful structure - your family. My wife and I, having lived in harmony (the time that the bride's parents have been married) for years, know that it is not always easy. Therefore, it is a little sad that you, daughter, no longer fully belong to our family, that you need to go your own way. Whatever it is, I am sure that your husband will be able to support and understand you in everything. This good guy, we are glad that we can call him a son. Build your life like a beautiful, bright and warm home, in which there is a place of love, joy and children, which is full of peace and tranquility. Having invested your soul in building your family, you will definitely be rewarded with happiness and prosperity. Joy and all the best to you!

From mother

My beloved daughter and (name of the groom), my new son! Don’t look that I’m crying - it’s out of joy for you, my dear children. Your family was born today. Let this day be just the first of an endless number of happy days warmed by your love. Live together, enjoy every minute, try never to leave each other for more than a few hours. Face all adversities together, then they will turn into nothing. And happiness divided by two will increase tenfold. And most importantly, love and honor each other!

Parting words to the son and “new” daughter from the groom’s father and mother

From mother

Dear children! Today means a lot to all of us. I thought I was losing my son, but in fact I had found a wonderful daughter. Now my family has grown, this is also happiness. I bless you, live in harmony and appreciate each other. Let ringing laughter always be heard in your home, and let the smiles of two give light. loving people. I wish you healthy children, to the delight of grandparents, to help mom and dad. Cherish the love!

From father

My dear son and (name of the bride), his wife. Thank you! Today has made me much richer - now I have a daughter. Son, look at this girl who has become your wife. She's beautiful. You must be worthy of her, be a protector and support. Love each other, children, keep your feelings for life. Then your life will be bright and clear, full of bright moments and quiet joy. You and your mother have our blessing, and the main thing is that you have each other.

Wishes in verses

Most often, parents of newlyweds at a wedding do not give their blessing in a rhyming form. However, sometimes such poems are also welcome, especially after the wedding ceremony, at celebrations.

Like two white doves

In peace and harmony

You, our good ones,

Live joyfully.

This day is beautiful

A new one is born,

Designated by love

Your family.

Blessings, children!

Keep your love

Give birth to strong children

And appreciate each other!

You are our relatives

Cute bloodies!

You will receive from us

The last word.

Live with each other

Appreciate, love,

Then happiness is good

Save it forever!

Children are beloved!

Your way

Suddenly separated

From my father's house.

Now you build

Happy life

Love is your help,

And joy is like sparks.

Our parting words

Don't reject

Love, appreciate,

Make peace, go for it!