A modest gift for a teacher on February 23rd.

For a wedding

Before the onset of February 23, the beautiful half of humanity is in pre-holiday excitement. The joyful bustle does not bypass the schools either. The girls are preparing gifts for their classmates, and the teachers and the boys are rehearsing numbers for the holiday concert.

Male teachers do not go unnoticed; on Defender of the Fatherland Day, they are congratulated by students, parents, and female colleagues. But what should students give a teacher on February 23? There are many gift options.

It is clear that middle and junior students are completely dependent on their parents financially. Therefore, as a gift to the teacher from the students on February 23, they can prepare a creative act or do some original handmade souvenir.

High school students can also please the teacher with homemade gifts, or they can buy inexpensive but useful things that will be useful to the teacher in his work or simply remain as a keepsake.

Purchased gifts

If parents find it necessary to help their children choose and purchase gifts for the teacher, then first you need to find out how the school administration feels about such signs of attention. In many schools, expensive gifts for teachers are prohibited, so purchasing something large can put the teacher in an awkward position.

What can you give to a teacher on February 23, so that the gift is inexpensive, but to the person’s taste? Here are some ideas for such gifts.

Versatile choice

A male teacher can be given gifts that are considered universal. They are suitable for any occasion, including February 23rd.

  • Coffee Tea. A tea and coffee set made up of good varieties is unlikely not to please. Especially if it is beautifully designed. Children can do the decoration. You just need to not get carried away with flowers and bows, after all, this is a gift for a man and is prepared for the most “masculine” holiday. The design should use camouflage colors and various army symbols.
  • Chocolate sets or chocolate figurine. It’s not true that men don’t like sweets; there are no less sweet tooths among them than among girls. If you want to make a non-standard gift, then you should make an original souvenir from sweets; the theme of the souvenir should correspond to the holiday. High school students can also start making souvenirs. An interesting gift option is a honey set, consisting of several beautiful jars with different types of honey.

  • Stationery. Any teacher will need an organizer, desk stationery, and a branded pen.
  • Cute mug for tea. This gift is quite banal, but you can make it unique if you buy a simple white mug and write congratulations and wishes on it with special paints. Of course, children should paint the mug.

  • Souvenir diplomas and medals. This funny gift must be personalized by engraving, for example, “Ivan Petrovich – the best teacher of all time” on the medal.

Gifts for subject teachers

Everyone knows that It is best to choose gifts taking into account the interests of the recipient. But, if the interests of friends and close acquaintances are usually known to us, then it is unlikely that children and parents can know what the teacher is interested in during his leisure time. Especially if the teacher has been working with children recently.

But we can assume that if a person takes on the task of teaching a certain subject, then this particular subject is included in his area of ​​interest. That is, when choosing a gift, you can and should take into account the “specialization” of the teacher.

So, as a gift for a physical education teacher On February 23, you can give something from sports equipment. For example, a soccer ball on which all the students left their “autographs.” A good gift for a physical education teacher could be an original whistle or a stopwatch; these things will certainly come in handy during the lesson. An interesting gift option is a T-shirt decorated with a class photo.

You can prepare a beautiful model of a sailboat as a gift for a geography teacher. It will be great if the older guys make this model with their own hands. A souvenir in the form of a “levitating” globe will decorate the office. The model of planet Earth floating in the air looks very original. You can find different versions of this souvenir on sale, from miniature to large.

When choosing a gift for a history teacher, you can choose a gift edition of the encyclopedia. Or purchase an office souvenir in the form of famous historical rarities, for example: Monomakh’s cap or a sculptural image of the head of Queen Nefertiti. A souvenir hourglass can also be a gift for a historian, because this particular thing symbolizes the passage of time better than all others.

And if the historian has a sense of humor, then you can give him a comic memento, for example, a photo album “The History of Our Class.” Such a gift would be especially appropriate from graduates who have been studying at school for the last year. To design the album, photographs of various class events are used, starting from the first school assembly, when today's graduates were first-graders.

As a gift for a music teacher, you can purchase a CD with musical works. And to make the present thematic, you can choose a collection of songs from the war years or songs about the army. The teacher will be especially pleased if the case for storing the disc is non-standard and designed by the children. For example, you can write words of congratulations on the holiday on it.

A musical gift can also be given to a dance teacher. This could be a disc with music recordings that will be useful for the teacher in his work. And children can prepare a creative gift - a independently choreographed dance.

Why not give your craft teacher a set of woodworking tools? This gift will be very useful. A convenient organizer will also help, which will help you conveniently place the work tools used during lessons. The older kids (perhaps with the help of their dads) can easily make such an organizer on their own.

You can purchase a computer accessory as a gift for a computer science teacher. These things are presented in a wide variety today, so there should not be any difficulties in choosing. This could be an interestingly shaped mouse or, for example, a miniature vacuum cleaner for cleaning the keyboard.

A variety of mechanically moving models are a good gift for a physics teacher. This is just a fun souvenir and a visual aid with which the teacher can demonstrate the laws of mechanics to children. Astronomy teacher You can give a souvenir telescope or a model of the solar system.

A literature teacher should give an elegant gift. For example, you can buy a smartphone case and decorate it with quotes from famous literary works. You can also give a wall calendar with portraits of writers and poets. Tickets to a production of a classic play can also be a good gift option. It is better to present two tickets so that the teacher can go to the theater with his wife.

You can buy a biologist as a gift a wall clock on which, instead of numbers, figures will be drawn illustrating the theory of evolution. A rare indoor plant can also be a good gift for a biology teacher.

As a sign of attention to the life safety teacher You can purchase colorful themed albums that will help him in his lessons. In principle, various educational and methodological literature is a good gift for a young teacher on February 23, regardless of what subject he teaches.

Homemade gifts

Students can prepare a variety of homemade gifts for the male teacher. This could be a traditional holiday wall newspaper or a beautiful handmade postcard.

But you can use more original ideas. For example, if one of the girls is interested in soap making, then you can prepare handmade soap for the teacher in the form of a grenade or a soldier’s flask.

Today you can make topiaries; to make this souvenir you can use corrugated paper, satin ribbons, as well as edible items - candies, nuts, coffee beans, etc.

A good option for a memorable gift are a variety of photo collages. Most modern high school students know how to work with photo editors, so making such a souvenir will not take much time.

On the eve of Defender of the Fatherland Day, all women and girls are puzzled by the problem of choosing gifts for men they know. Moreover, not only family members, but also colleagues, as well as male teachers, are waiting for congratulations. What to give to a teacher on February 23rd is a question that is relevant for students who are grateful to those who sow reasonable, good, and eternal things.

How can you please a person on this day? The problem is not solved as easily as many would like, since people in this profession need to be congratulated on February 23 every day, which means that every time they have to come up with something new.

The online store Valley of Gifts offers several options that will undoubtedly appeal to physical education teachers, labor teachers and other courageous representatives of the Russian education system.

Geography teacher

If you are wondering what to give teachers on February 23, meaning a geography teacher. We advise you to pay attention to the unusual map Plan for Conquest of the World. The hero of the occasion will be pleased to receive a map on which he can mark his movements around the world. A protective layer is applied to the product; it can be easily removed by friction. Eventually, a brighter layer will be visible, symbolizing that a specific geographic unit has been successfully conquered.

Another idea for the same specialist is the Traveler’s Globe. This globe is reminiscent of those that everyone is used to seeing in geography lessons, but the fundamental difference is that the product is white, that is, it is not painted at all, only the boundaries of continents and countries are marked on it. The hero of the occasion will have to color the globe. A set of markers is included with the globe. Having visited this or that country, or planning a trip somewhere, the owner of an unusual gift will take up a marker and mark on it his plans or geographical exploits. After some time, the globe will become colorful, pleasing the owner’s eye and attracting the attention of guests.

Physical education teacher

When thinking about what to give to teachers on February 23, when planning to congratulate a physical education teacher, pay attention to an unusual exercise machine, which is also a useful anti-stress device. The table punching bag is firmly attached to any horizontal surface. In a moment of nervous tension, the recipient can easily discharge himself with its help, hitting it with all his might.

To the history teacher

When choosing what to give to teachers on February 23, including a history teacher, stop at an exact replica of a Mauser pistol. A history buff will certainly enjoy this replica of the legendary weapon. The destructive power of a bullet from such a weapon was a thousand meters.

The section will help you make your choice Gifts for February 23, hurry up, because the holiday is just around the corner!

It should be noted that a teacher is exactly the person who will always notice your creative impulse. Therefore, there is no need to be shy about daring just for him. On Defender of the Fatherland Day, you can safely give a man something made with his own hands. Origami, wood crafts, unusual postcards with soldier buttons, triangle letters. In general, imagination can be limitless. You can also organize a concert on your own or perform a performance based on an excerpt from a famous work. So feel free to experiment, and we'll still share a few tips.

Gift ideas for teachers on February 23

1 Mug with an original inscription or hologram, let him drink tea or coffee and remember your class.

2. T-shirt with a military theme
Such a thing will surely become his favorite, although, of course, he won’t wear it to school lessons.
3. Pouch
If the teacher smokes, you can make a tobacco pouch for the girls in your class and then embroider it with beads.

4. Mobile phone case
You can also do it yourself. And it’s better to make it from camouflage fabric.

5.Book about weapons
It will make a nice present. Especially if we are talking about antiques with elements of history.

6. Whistle
A whistle can be presented to a physical education teacher so that he can command the classes when performing sports tasks.

Gifts for Defender of the Fatherland Day can be collective or individual. In the first case, funds for the purchase are collected by the whole class, in the second, students make it independently. Parents traditionally help choose a sign of attention. They also bear the costs. If you don’t know what gift to surprise your teacher with, check out the recommendations of our experts. According to them, the mentor can be presented with:

  • Postcard, souvenirs with holiday symbols.
  • An original cake in the shape of a tank or an airplane.
  • Tea or coffee in a gift tube.
  • A bottle of wine, glasses for alcohol.
  • Shaving accessories.
  • Haberdashery or leather product.
  • Good perfume, handmade soap.
  • Wall or.
  • Personalized mug, plate, T-shirt.
  • Gift diploma, award figurine or stele.
  • Personalized stationery, table lamp.
  • Portrait on canvas, friendly cartoon, photo mosaic.
  • Accessories for computer, smartphone.
  • Discs with films, teaching aids.
  • Directory, encyclopedia, subscription to an interesting magazine.
  • An intangible gift - an adventure.
  • Tickets to a concert that can be attended by the whole class.
  • Invitation to a game quest for teachers.
  • Subscription to a bowling center, gym, billiard club.
  • Gift certificate for a men's store.

What can you give your teacher on February 23rd from the class?

Having a certain amount of money, you can make a good present. Among the collective gifts for teachers, we will highlight small household appliances. Electric kettle, iron, coffee maker. They will become faithful assistants to the teacher in everyday life. A digital photo frame, e-reader, or CD player are also suitable options. It is not forbidden to use these things in the educational process.

If the teacher has his own car, you can give him a portable DVD player, navigator, or DVR. The trunk should have a convenient organizer, a tool kit or an electric pump. Finally, the teacher will be delighted with such a gift for Defender of the Fatherland Day as a personalized frame for a license plate. Let everyone see that your mentor is coming!

Wall-mounted biofireplace “Legato”. He doesn't need firewood or a special hood. You can create a cozy, relaxing environment in your room by using aromatic oil.

Shtof set “Grenade”. The teacher will rate the designers' plan as an A+. A logical addition to the gift are stacks stylized as cartridges.

Portfolio "Excellence". A masterpiece from the Italian company Giulio Barca. It's nice to see how the gift will be used for its intended purpose on a daily basis.

Picnic set “Shashlik”. The creators of the gift made sure that the teacher had everything he needed during his outdoor recreation. Accessories are stored in a leather case.

Book "Sovereign". Machiavelli's famous treatise on the ways in which power can be seized. A teacher who is interested in history will learn a lot of interesting things.

Personal gift for teacher on February 23

You can congratulate a teacher individually not only in words. Teachers will be happy to receive an inexpensive gift. Tokens of attention such as cufflinks, a tie clip, or a beautiful lighter in a case will be a pleasant surprise. A good present for a mentor is an automatic umbrella, a leather folder, a stylish belt. All defenders of the Fatherland should have similar accessories.

On February 23, it is not forbidden to link a gift to your favorite teacher with his work. and a keyboard, projector, laser pointer will definitely come in handy during classes. If a man teaches your favorite subject, give the teacher professional supplies. You can buy a globe for a geographer, a stopwatch for a physical education teacher, and so on.

Newton's Cradle. A physics teacher will be able to clearly demonstrate how kinetic energy is converted into potential energy. However, it is appropriate to assign a decorative role to such gifts.

Chocolate card "Ammo". Inexpensive and nice gift. Congratulatory text can be applied directly to the wrapper. At the same time, ask to add a photo of the mentor.

Black pen with flash drive. The benefits of the gift are obvious. You have to make notes constantly, and the built-in storage may be needed at any time.

Thermal glass “The best teacher in the world”. It will be an equally useful gift. Who wouldn't want a sip of hot coffee during a break? Especially if there are still a few lessons left before lunch.

Travel organizer “Resist”. Indispensable when traveling. Thanks to the presence of several pockets, you can keep your passport, credit cards, tickets and boarding passes in one place.

What to give a teacher a memorable gift on February 23

In elementary school, it seems that you will have to sit at a desk for the rest of your life. In fact, the years of training will fly by in a blink. Memorabilia for teachers will be especially valuable. Therefore, you need to carefully choose the appropriate gift option.

On February 23, please teachers with unique gifts with a personal inscription. Text can be applied to almost anything. On the watch case, metal nameplate, glass, porcelain, fabric. Don't forget about holiday packaging. If you present a gift in a special case with the symbols of the celebration, there will be even more pleasant memories. When choosing a gift, pay attention to the following options:

Personalized diary "Esthete". Teachers will appreciate the opportunity to replace the used paper block with a new one. You can buy it at an office supply store.

Personalized shoe cleaning set “Chest”. A gift for a teacher who is used to looking perfect. Attentive students probably pay attention to their mentor's shoes.

Personalized flask “Happy Defender of the Fatherland Day!” The teacher will want to use the gift both at home and at work. The container is not only intended for alcoholic beverages.

Personalized pillow “Crown”. An example of a good souvenir. Indicate the name of the future owner, and it will be used in the design of the gift.

Wallet “S.Quire”. The owner will open the wallet to take out money and re-read the text inside. Think of suitable words.

The role of a teacher in the life of each of us cannot be overestimated - from childhood, he puts into our heads the basics of a comfortable and harmonious life, the basics of science and worldview, cultivates fortitude and teaches humanity.

On Defender of the Fatherland Day, which is traditionally celebrated on February 23, all grateful students strive to congratulate their teachers - representatives of the stronger half of humanity. But regardless of whether this is a conscious desire or a tribute to tradition, most often schoolchildren simply have no idea what to present to their beloved teacher on this significant day, so that it looks dignified, appropriate and not at the expense of the family budget. This is often a real test for parents.

Today’s review is dedicated to this very topic - we’ll talk about gifts for dear male teachers on the most masculine holiday of the year.

Gift for February 23rd for a physical education and sports teacher

And we will begin our review by choosing a present for a physical education teacher. Agree, this is exactly the subject that is most directly related to Defender of the Fatherland Day. But despite this, military paraphernalia is not the best choice. A much better option in this case would be any sports equipment or accessory that is somehow related to sports. Don't forget that physical education teachers are people who love sports even outside of working hours.

Soccer ball "Street"

A great gift idea for a physical education teacher on February 23 would be a really cool “Street” soccer ball in a cheerful color. It will organically fit into the overall sports atmosphere and the interior of the office, which is usually attached to a gym. And if the recipient wishes, it will also be an excellent solution to make physical education classes even more effective, and to ensure that students’ interest in body development does not fade away.

Volleyball ball "Attract"

A volleyball ball would be no worse gift for a physical education teacher. With it, an exciting game will acquire a special flavor and will lure new fans of the friendliest sport - volleyball - into its network for a long time!

The teacher himself will receive something more than just a formal gift. He will become the owner of very practical sports equipment, which he can use both in class and in his leisure time.

Hand pump for inflating balls or bicycle tires

In addition to the first two positions, it is worth mentioning another irreplaceable attribute of almost all athletes. Inflator will come to the rescue when the ball is flat and will return the former density to bicycle tires. Without a pump, all this loses any meaning. You can't go without a pump!

This is that very useful and practical gift that every physical education teacher will definitely need.

Sports sippy bottle “Movement” with carabiner

This is truly an indispensable accessory for every workout. Well, what kind of sports can be done without drinking a lot of water? Special sports bottles are the main companions of all modern athletes. They not only perfectly preserve the purity of water, but also have a unique design that provides maximum convenience and comfort during operation.

Give your favorite physical education teacher such an awesome drinking container and you'll hit the bull's eye!

Blue Atchison Curve Sports Bag

A modern athlete cannot do without a good, roomy sports bag. That is why, as a gift for the physical education teacher, we selected a convenient and no less functional accessory “Atchison Curve”. It will reliably contain not only the teacher’s essentials and will become a reliable companion both during training or competition, and in everyday life.

What to give to a history teacher on February 23?

Now we have to figure out the choice of a present for Defender of the Fatherland Day for a history teacher. A great idea is a gift in one way or another related to a legendary battle or other specific historical event of a military nature, for example, a gift book. But given the prices for such things, we’ll leave this option to our colleagues and loved ones.

So, are you ready to check out the best inexpensive options? Then let's go!

Flash drive "Pistol cartridge"

A modern teacher, like any modern person, is an active user of a PC and the World Wide Web. He often gets the most interesting facts from there.

The awesome Pistol Cartridge flash drive will be a great assistant for your favorite historian. It will not only securely store the necessary work files, but will also become a spectacular accessory that adds confidence and emphasizes masculinity in the image.

The device so accurately follows the shapes and contours of a real cartridge that it can easily be mistaken for real ammunition. But you don’t have to carry the receipt with you—on closer inspection it becomes clear that it’s just a harmless flash drive-keychain. However, Edward Snowden would argue with the statement that flash drives are harmless.

Flask "Cool Man"

Is your history teacher a cool guy who will always understand and support you in difficult times? Hurry up to express your respect to him. Present him with a cool flask with the inscription “Cool Man”!

And even if the teacher will not be able to use it directly at school, he will have a stylish and impressive little thing as a keepsake of your class.

What to give a music teacher on February 23

And so we finally got to the most cheerful and good-natured representative of a large teaching staff. It's time to congratulate the music teacher!

Flash drive “Violin”

The life of every music teacher is entirely at the mercy of the most mysterious phenomenon - music. Every day is intertwined with the sound of notes. Cheerful tunes mixed with sonorous children's voices are heard daily from his audience.

Music is in everything... In every movement of this man one can feel the invisible magic of musical motifs. They accompany him everywhere. This is a person who is simply unable to live without music. That is why he gives it to others with pleasure and enthusiasm. Give him something that will never allow him to feel abandoned by music.

A flash drive in the shape of an exquisite, sophisticated violin will be the best gift for any musician. The violin is recognized in some circles as the true queen of musical instruments, so rest assured that your cheerful accompanist will appreciate it. In addition to its beautiful appearance, such a device will reliably store more than a dozen pieces of music, both your favorite ones and those necessary for performing your duties.

USB flash drive “Guitar”

Another holiday gift idea for your favorite music teacher. This time it's a stylish, cool guitar-shaped flash drive. Such an original gift will be appreciated by every creative person and true connoisseur of rock. Just by its appearance, the accessory will lift your spirits and, instead of the ever-delayed muses, will inspire you to realize new creative ideas.

A USB drive will not only reliably store music and any other files, but will also leave an unforgettable impression on your heart of your care and respect.

Flash drive Treble clef 16 GB

The treble clef is the main symbol of Her Majesty Music! Its soft curves are mesmerizing, and its smooth forms make tens, or even hundreds of thousands of new fans fall in love with it every year.

Give your dear teacher a real musical talisman! Give him a cool flash drive in the shape of an elegant treble clef and it will not only store a huge variety of music tracks, but will also become a stylish, fashionable and bright reminder of your love and attention.

Gift for February 23rd for a chemistry teacher

Chemistry is one of the oldest sciences, which we begin to be introduced to from school. The teacher talks about acids and alkalis, atoms and molecules for the first time. It is at school that the first acquaintance with the famous periodic table occurs.

Chemistry is a complex science and, of course, not everyone can master it perfectly. That is why a person who has devoted his entire life to it is special. So we come to the conversation about choosing a gift for your favorite chemist.

Idea set

The stylish Idea set, consisting of a pen and a notepad, will become a reliable assistant for every chemistry teacher. It will allow you to record and save important sketches and ideas that will later be used in class.

Laser pointer "Green laser"

Everything is in a hurry, everything is changing! The only thing that remains constant is our love for the school walls and teachers who dedicated their best years to children!

Our age of rapid technological progress gives us more and more surprises. School walls were no exception. Our grandmothers still remember the times when teachers used rough and heavy wooden pointers. Fortunately, they have long since sunk into oblivion, giving way to more modern and convenient devices.

One of them is the cool “Green Laser” pointer, which will be a wonderful gift for a chemistry teacher and his faithful assistant during every lesson. The thin laser beam will easily find the desired point and concentrate the students' attention on it. With such a thing, even the complex periodic table is perceived completely differently!

Pen stand with photo frame

When choosing a gift for a chemistry teacher, sometimes we want to present something directly related to this subject. But don’t give away a set of reagents, after all! We have something more interesting.

The “Terrent” pen stand is a great gift for your favorite chemistry teacher on Defender of the Fatherland Day. It seamlessly combines a stylish table clock, a photo frame and a convenient stand for stationery. This is an original bright surprise and a wonderful way to express your respect and gratitude.

USB flash drive Kryptex (da Vinci code) 16 GB

The most invaluable thing we have in our time is information. A huge variety of means have been invented to save it, but a USB drive continues to be one of the most reliable and convenient. Not only does it store priceless files, but its compact design makes it easy to fit into your pocket or even purse.

However, today few people will be surprised by a simple flash drive. The same cannot be said about a model with a special digital code! Such a device will prevent leakage of invaluable information even if it falls into the wrong hands.

The Kryptex USB flash drive will be a great gift for a math teacher. To access the database, it will be necessary to build a certain combination of numbers, and this is so close to every mathematician.


Surely every math teacher deserves to say a simple and banal “Thank you!” So quickly voice it to your favorite teacher!

A unique paperweight with words of gratitude will be the best reward for the work done and a vivid reminder of your beloved students. It can be placed in the most visible place on your desktop or bookshelf. This is an original gift with great emotional meaning.

Antistress "Harmonibrium"

Cool anti-stress in the form of transparent balls will perfectly calm your nerves and help you relax after a tiring day. It will be a wonderful gift for a teacher on February 23rd. Such a souvenir will be especially relevant for a mathematics teacher, because... only he will be able to appreciate all the luxury and superiority of its regular forms.

Anti-stress “Harmonibrium” will be a wonderful memorable gift from your favorite students.

Wall clock “Formula of time”

The original “Formula of Time” wall clock is a bright and unusual gift for a person involved in the study of exact sciences. They make a wonderful keepsake for a respected math teacher.

Decorated with various mathematical equations, they will organically fit into the overall atmosphere of the office.

Instead of a dial, funny numbers are used here, the secret of which can only be solved by your favorite teacher. The “Formula of Time” watch can be used in the daily educational process. So, for example, to find out the exact time, the student will only need to solve the equation correctly.

Flash drive “Earth globe”

A geography teacher is the person through whom the student’s first acquaintance with the fact that the world is incredibly huge and at the same time extremely small. Introduce him to numerous countries and continents. In geography lessons, we learn the main features of our globe, learn a lot of interesting and educational information that will certainly come in handy on trips and business trips when it’s time to enter adulthood.

A rubber flash drive in the shape of a colorful globe will be an original gift for your favorite teacher on February 23rd. It will become a reliable assistant for storing useful information, a fashion accessory and a stylish talisman.

Scratch map of the World

With a scratch map of the World, a geography lesson can become even more interesting and cause real excitement and a sincere desire to learn your homework! Acute vision will not help - it is impossible to find out the name of the country unless you erase the top layer of the map with a coin or something similar.

This map would be a wonderful keepsake for a geography teacher. It will help track student progress and turn learning into an exciting process.

Wall clock "Torrox"

A wall clock with a world map on the dial will pleasantly surprise and delight your favorite geography teacher. An unusual design and a successful combination of colors turn this accessory into a truly unique masterpiece from the best masters of the modern industry.

With such a stylish watch, time flies faster! They will fit perfectly into the overall style of the geography room and will become the main highlight of its interior.

Wall clock “The whole world”

Another interpretation of a stylish wall clock with the image of the whole world on the dial.

Throw the entire globe at the feet of your favorite geography teacher, and let him see your love and recognition for his many years of work! Give him an original wall clock depicting a schematic map of the world.

The product will be an effective addition to the overall style and interior of the geography classroom, and will find its direct application in the ability to track how much is left until the bell rings when you have not learned your lesson.

Pen stand “Anais”

Order on the desktop is the key to fruitful work and a guarantee of achievement of results for each teacher. The Anais pen stand is a practical desktop organizer that perfectly combines several important components: an electronic clock display with a timer, a calendar and a thermometer.

A stylish combination of shades and a bright modern design make the product stand out from its analogues. It will fit perfectly into any interior and will become a real decoration of every desk.

P.S. The stand is equipped with a convenient function of musical reminder of upcoming events and a special block for storing paper. It will be a great gift for a physics teacher.

USB flash drive “Horseshoe” 16GB

From time immemorial, the horseshoe has been considered the main symbol of happiness and a generator of good luck - one of the strongest amulets against misfortune. They protected houses with a horseshoe and rejoiced when they found such a talisman on the road.

Thank your physics teacher and give him a lucky horseshoe! A USB flash drive will not only attract good luck, but will also help you save useful information. It will be an excellent assistant when conducting classes for students and your own leisure time with benefit.

The “lucky” gadget consists of two halves, each of which has its own built-in flash drive. The single composition forms a powerful talisman-amulet, the individual parts of which are attached using a special magnet. If necessary, you can use USB drives separately from each other.

Just by its appearance, a horseshoe will perfectly lift the mood and put the teacher in a positive mood!

Flash drive “Hourglass”

You can endlessly watch the smooth movements of small grains of sand in a stylish hourglass. Their magical dance captivates and makes you forget for a moment about all everyday problems.

The “Hourglass” flash drive is an original souvenir that a physics teacher will definitely like. Awesome design and interesting author's idea make it stand out among other classic models.

A flash drive will not only reliably store invaluable files, but will also easily fit in your pocket or even purse. Moreover, it will become a bright and practical accessory on the teacher’s desk, thanks to which you can measure small intervals of time or simply indulge in healing contemplation.

P.S. In addition to all of the above, the “Hourglass” flash drive will perfectly calm your nerves and relieve fatigue. This is an excellent antidepressant and a kind of lifesaver for a bad mood.

Clock "Lamp"

An electric light bulb is a symbol not only of brilliant ideas, but also of warmth and light in every modern home! It dispels the darkness and gives bright, cheerful rays at any time of the day. Despite its centuries-old history, the light bulb continues to illuminate and delight millions of families around the world every day. Its outlines evoke the most pleasant and warm emotions and associations in each of us.

That is why a clock in the shape of an electric incandescent lamp will be a wonderful creative gift for every modern physics teacher. They will effectively complement the interior of the office, adding a touch of brightness and an ambiance of originality.

Surprise your dear physicist with an unusual wall accessory with changing lighting! Give him a cool Lamp watch! From now on, simply tracking the time from call to call will become much more fun and interesting.