Strong men are afraid of strong women. Are men afraid of successful and strong women? Myths and facts

New Year

Since ancient times, men and women have been divided into unequal representatives. Men were assigned to stronger sex, and women - to the weak. What was said here? About physical strength. By nature, men are indeed stronger in physical parameters than women. However, if we talk about the strength of the spirit on the women's site, then more often women are stronger than men. And many modern men fear strong women.

Before feminine power suppressed by the propaganda that she was weak, that she would be loved only if she was weak, as well as by the way of life when she had to obey her husband. Now the woman has become equal to the man, which allowed her to show her full potential.

Men are still physically strong. However, the mind and spirit began to rule the world, which is quite strongly developed in the female half.

Why can't a modern woman be weak?

dreaming about beautiful women, men constantly say that they are looking for weakness, vulnerability, tenderness in them. In many people's minds, being weak means being helpless, needy, and unable to stand your ground. When a woman has her own opinion and defends it, she no longer seems weak. When she does not need help, then it is read strong. It turns out that in order to achieve perfect image, which many men dream of, a woman needs to become unable to cope with life situations without their help. The lack of your own opinion, the strength to solve the issue and cope with the problems yourself is.

The beautiful half needs to give up the knowledge and skills that she has been developing since birth in order to become the one that men dream of. This generally becomes an impossible phenomenon, since every lady goes through an educational and educational process, where it is already prepared in advance to be able to resolve any issues.

Thus, the first interfering factor due to which modern woman cannot be weak - this is her upbringing and education.

The second factor can be called the realities of life. While a woman is alone (she does not have a partner), she is forced to play a male role in order to feed herself, provide everything necessary, protect, etc. She simply cannot be weak a priori if she does not want to die in the realities of a harsh world. Either she becomes strong, develops some masculine habits, or dies.

Beautiful ladies no longer pass from the hands of the father to the hands of the husband. A modern representative often finds herself in a situation of independent “swimming”, when she has already left her parental home, but still has not found a faithful companion. How can she survive? It is necessary to perform both female and male roles. And this requires strength, knowledge, determination and other things.

The third factor is the man himself, who finally appears in the life of a woman. The modern gentleman is not so gentle and loving to give the lady the conditions in which she will already be protected and provided. Firstly, many men cannot provide for women, therefore, ladies must be strong in order to work, earn money and take on some of the responsibilities of men. Secondly, many men criticize, judge, beat, insult or belittle women. natural reaction any living being to attack from outside world is the desire to defend. A woman must be strong in order to be able to repel attacks from her beloved man.

The image of a weak woman is a myth that is unrealistic in the conditions modern world. The fair sex a priori cannot be weak, otherwise they will die either from the cruelty of the world, or from the aggression of their own men. If the gentlemen want to have weak ladies, then they themselves must create such conditions in which the partners will not be forced to defend themselves. And first of all, men must protect women from themselves: from selfishness, criticism, condemnation, betrayal, beatings and other things. Woman is the same creature like a man. Everyone is guided by the desire to survive and protect themselves from adversity, which requires strength.

Who is afraid of strong women?

So, a woman cannot afford to be weak until she has a strong life partner. Even then, she faces a choice. If her man is weak and unable to cope with all life and everyday problems on his own, then the woman is forced to remain strong. If a man can provide everything for a woman and turn her life into a carefree existence, then she can become weak.

Who in this case is afraid of strong women? Conventionally, men can also be divided into strong and weak. And here we will single out as a criterion of strength not physical capabilities given by nature, but the level of knowledge, material wealth, social status, level of happiness, opportunities and prospects, etc.

In fact, not all men are strong. There are representatives who can rightly be called weak. Women love to insult men by calling them weak. But are women really wrong? If you look closely, it turns out that men have actually become weak. Physical strength from nature is transferred to them. But here on psychological level, at the level of duties and mutual assistance they are much weaker than women.

  • How strong is a man when his woman goes shopping on her own while he stays at home?
  • How strong is the one who makes a woman work?
  • How strong is a man who complains to a woman about his problems and waits for her to help him?
  • How strong is the one who goes to deceit to fool a woman and get his own from her?

A woman gives, helps, does everything herself. How strong is the man who, by his inaction, makes her behave this way?

Men love to talk about their strength. But as it turns out, the only thing in which many men are strong is only in the physical strength that is given to them by nature. You just need to be born a man to gain this power. And in all other respects, most men are weak. Men lie on sofas, do not help women with the housework, do not work in such a way as to earn a lot of money (“bring a mammoth to the cave, and not just a chicken or goat”), whine and wash down their grief with alcohol. How strong are these men? But there are a lot of such representatives.

Is it any wonder that next to such men, women become courageous and unhappy? If one of the partners is weak, then the second a priori needs to become strong so as not to die. So it turns out that men become feminine, and women become masculine. And how can you still be happy? A woman cannot be herself, which deprives her of happiness.

Who is afraid of a strong woman? Only a weak man. Since he subconsciously understands his worthlessness compared to a strong woman, he is afraid of her so that other people would not notice this worthlessness against her background.

Often a weak man chooses the same weak friends. He exhibits the following qualities:

  1. stinging.
  2. Humiliation of the weak.
  3. Lack of personal interest.
  4. The desire to spoil.
  5. The desire to flatter, fawn before strong personalities, and speak nasty things behind their eyes.

How to behave a strong woman with men?

Since there are a lot of weak men, a woman sometimes falls into despair and already begins to think about giving up her strength in order to at least build a relationship with someone. This approach, according to psychologists, is erroneous. In the person of a weak man, you can get an alcoholic, a parasite, a henpecked person, or some other nonentity. Becoming weak, happiness cannot be found. How in this case a strong woman to behave with men?

Answer: continue to show your strength and tough temper. Naturally, all weak men will immediately scatter. For some time, the woman will even be alone. However, why not hide your strength and show it clearly? To meet a man who can accept a woman like that and even love her for her strength.

The most important thing here is that when a relationship with a man begins, a strong woman should stop demonstrating her strength. Now it should become a little softer and more docile. We do not refuse strength, but we should not constantly fight with a man, since such relationships will not last long.

As a rule, strong women are avoided by men who are not confident in themselves. AT modern society more and more weak men. And since they cannot handle a strong woman, they need to propagate the idea that a woman should be weak.

But a woman should not be weak! If a woman is strong, then why shouldn't she be one?! Let a weak woman be weak, and a strong woman be strong. And this is already a problem for weak men who do not try to develop their fortitude and confidence in order to allow themselves to have relationships with strong ladies.

A strong woman does not need to be broken, she needs to be loved and understood needs, to be protected. A woman needs the same basic feelings and needs as a man. But if a man cannot give her all this, then he will not be able to have a relationship with a confident and successful beauty. As a woman works to be happy in life, so a man should strive for this. That's why a strong woman won't choose for herself weak man, unless her need is the expression of maternal instinct. She will look for an accomplished man (if not rich, then at least strong in spirit, confident and purposeful).

Successful men are interested in accomplished women, because only with them they see the point in creating serious relationship. See how it turns out strong men do not want to take on weak partners. And why do they need them? Wipe snot, constantly solve their problems, soothe? It only takes energy and time. For a successful man we need a successful woman. Let her not reach the heights that he reached, but at least he sees in her those qualities and the character that he himself possesses.

Strong women and successful men are drawn to each other. This is a union of two equal people. Therefore, women have the opportunity to develop their fortitude, and men should not oppress the weaker sex, but engage in self-development so that they become so strong that even strong women seem weak.


The woman has always been strong psychologically. A man will always be physically strong. However, strength is not given just like that, it is developed. Everyone, regardless of gender, can become strong. And for real strong man always interesting to have a relationship with strong partners. And the weak will always reach out to the weak, so that in the end they appear strong against their background.

Falling in love between a man and a woman is the most unpredictable "element" that can appear or disappear at one moment. Due to their skittish nature, the representatives of the stronger sex tend to keep emotions "in check" - that's why sometimes it may seem that the chosen one is afraid of his lady of the heart. But sometimes the fear of the beloved is real problem that hinders building further relationships.

Signs of falling in love

Manifestation tender feelings, as a rule, in men does not occur immediately. First, they look closely at the girl, study her, and only then open their hearts. But even before the young man openly declared his love, it can be recognized by his behavior.

  1. Timidity. On the initial stage even the most self-confident man will experience some indecision in relation to the girl he likes.
  2. Rough speech. In a conversation with the subject of sighing, the young man will stutter - his every word, in such a situation, is carefully considered.
  3. Jokes. As you know, a sense of humor has always attracted the fairer sex. Therefore, in order to please a girl, a man will try in every possible way to make her laugh and amuse.
  4. Desire to be liked. In the eyes of the girl he loves, a man always wants to look better. He will carefully monitor his wardrobe, hairstyle, posture, so that his beloved can appreciate him.
  5. Sight. The first thing that betrays feelings is the eyes. It is almost impossible to take them away from the desired lady: the man now and then looks in her direction, looking from head to toe.
  6. Frequent meetings. A long parting with the object of adoration seems unbearable to the stronger sex, so men are trying in every possible way to organize common leisure or adjust random encounters.
  7. Touch. Non-verbal signs falling in love betrays this feeling at the very beginning. If a man sits closer to you, accidentally touches your hand or straightens your hair, you have definitely become the girl of his dreams.
  8. Care. When a representative of the stronger sex knows any feelings for a girl, the instinct of a defender immediately works in him. He wants to protect his woman from everyone and everything, to guarantee her peace and tranquility.
  9. Compliments. Perhaps, with this item it was worth starting our list. If a man gives a lady nice words, emphasizes her individuality, does not hide her admiration appearance and character, then she is definitely not indifferent to him.

There are some other signs of love that are characteristic of both women and men. You can check them out in the video below.

6 reasons for fear

Despite the strength of his feelings, a man in love can not show them for a very long time. One of the main reasons for this indecision is the fear of starting a new relationship.

In addition, for most of the stronger sex important role in the disclosure of their feelings is the intended response of the chosen one. If the guy sees and feels that the lady of his heart is not ready to build a relationship with him, most likely the man will not take the first steps.

Also at male fear before women and relationships there are several more reasons.

  1. Lack of self-esteem. A man may think that he is not worthy of the object of his admiration - too low income, inexpressive appearance, not outstanding abilities. Even if all this is absolutely contrary to reality, many men underestimate themselves and their capabilities.
  2. "The Mercantile Component". When young man sunk into my heart very much beautiful girl, he may think that she only needs an "overseas millionaire." Such an opinion, as a rule, discourages the desire to build relationships.
  3. Confidence in the presence of an opponent. If a man likes a beautiful and successful woman, he can create an illusion for himself and imagine another man who is already seeking the favor of the desired lady.
  4. "What if she's a bitch?" Such a thought visits every guy when he begins to think about his feelings for a girl. Sometimes for the occurrence of such obsession no reason is needed - many representatives of the stronger sex mistakenly rely on their intuition in this matter.
  5. Fear of not living up to expectations. Especially men are afraid to disappoint their lady in bed. And, in order to prevent such an oversight, they simply do not show their feelings.
  6. Fear of consent. A man can long time show your adoration, care for the girl, but do not take serious steps. And the reason will be very banal - he simply does not know how to behave in a "real" relationship.

The fear of women has its own name - gynophobia. This fear can be formed in childhood or arise after a failed relationship. You can learn more about this male fear from the video below.

What kind of women are men afraid of?

Who would have thought that men could be afraid of women? Often it is not at all a weakness of character, softness or self-doubt. Some types of the fair sex scare guys away for one reason or another.

So what kind of ladies do men try to avoid in every possible way?

  1. "Vamp Woman". An aggressive girl who makes scandals out of the blue can only be good in films. In life, such a character is unlikely to please a man.
  2. "Dictator in a skirt". If a man is constantly told how to act, what to do and where to go, then he will probably go in the opposite direction. Not even like that - he will run away from such a young lady while she composes him new routine day.
  3. "Home Chief" Leadership positions usually have a detrimental effect on girls - from a business woman they reincarnate into unbearable women. Boss mode does not turn off with beloved men.
  4. "Puppeteer". A woman who tries in every possible way to influence the decisions of her man also runs the risk of being left with nothing. In an attempt to manipulate a loved one, such ladies do not notice how they are pulled away from them.
  5. "Abnormal hysteria." Here she laughs, and after five minutes she rolls her eyes and sobs excitedly because of a broken nail. Emotionality, of course, must be present in a woman, but it is very important to observe its “dosage” so as not to frighten a man.
  6. "Planner of the Century" While the man was cooking perfect first date, she ordered Wedding Dress, looked after the country for a joint trip and studied the collection of names for the unborn child. And that's when all this information will fall on the guy in the midst of their romantic dinner he immediately panics and runs away.
  7. "Fatal Beauty". Most often, the object of adoration in a man becomes beautiful woman. But it is precisely her attractiveness that can scare away - many members of the stronger sex feel insecure next to luxurious ladies.

You can learn more about the types of women that inspire fear in men in the video.

Test "What kind of woman are you?"

To clearly have an idea about the attitude of men towards themselves. We recommend that you take a test and determine your type.

When I'm with friends, I:

When talking to men, I:

If a man makes an ambiguous pause during a conversation, I:

In order to please me, a man must:

I often hear compliments from friends about who I am:

My wardrobe is dominated by:

In a relationship between a man and a woman, the main thing is:

My favorite movie genre is:

My parents said that the most important thing in life:

What kind of woman are you?


This is such a mommy woman, she takes care of a man, but as a dependent person, she believes that he needs her advice and guidance, that he simply cannot cope without them. Since she perceives a man as a child, and herself as a parent (this happens on a subconscious level), accordingly, she uses methods of education in relationships - encouragement and punishment. Did the right thing - get a "candy", guilty - "you won't go for a walk!"


You know how to have fun and rejoice from the bottom of your heart and never try to build some kind of image of yourself. If you like a man, then he will certainly know about it: your sincerity is hard not to notice. But you should remember that a man is, first of all, a “hunter”, who should have a passion for “prey”, that is, for you. And if frank simplicity used to be valuable, now intriguing uncertainty has taken its place. Therefore, if you are striving for long and happy relationship, try to tame your immediate naivety, which can repel your chosen one. But at the same time, do not hide your natural simplicity, but learn to use it when necessary.

it true woman, which implements love relationships its feminine purpose. She feels both herself and a man very deeply, knows how to truly understand him and accepts him as he is, thereby helping him develop and achieve high results. Such a woman always looks attractive, cheerful, she is light and airy, some special energy comes from her, which beckons. It is pleasant for men to be in her company, because. they feel absolutely safe. A man next to a woman-muse feels like a real Man.

Factors of indecision

Even if in all respects a man has found his ideal, he can “give back” due to some factors.

  1. Success. Strong women have always instilled a certain fear in men. Next to them, they are afraid to seem failed and weak. Therefore, according to statistics, successful and rich girls who independently built a career and achieved financial well-being are more likely to be lonely.
  2. Independence. This factor is related to the previous one, but we are talking not only about financial independence. If a woman can do without male help in any area of ​​life - it's elementary to fix a tap, go shopping, raise a child, then the representative of the stronger sex will feel unnecessary.
  3. Categorical. Men love to be given in. If they do not have the right to their own opinion, or if each of their decisions is subject to careful discussion, then they will not want to stay close to such a strict and picky girl.
  4. Care. As mentioned above, it is important for a man to feel like a protector. If this “duty” has already fallen on the shoulders of the beloved girl, then from whom and what should she be protected from?
  5. Attractiveness. Every guy dreams of having a stunning beauty next to him. But it is very difficult to keep such a girl - there are usually crowds of admirers around her who want to take her away. Therefore, a man can take the path of least resistance and give up the idea of ​​being close to his beloved.

Ways to "keep" the chosen one

If the beloved man began to move away, you should reconsider your behavior. The first step in solving this problem is a thorough analysis of existing relationships.

  1. Step 1: How long have you been together?
    If a man began to avoid communication with you after years life together maybe he's just tired. In this case, you should defuse the situation a little and take a break from each other - great idea there will be separate rest.
  2. Step 2: How much time do you devote to work?
    It may be that due to total immersion in new position you completely forgot about your favorite. If you stop being interested in his life, then there is a great risk that he will go to a more attentive woman.
  3. Step 3: Do you have fans?
    When a woman has a line of admirers, a man may become jealous or give up and step aside.
  4. Step 4: Are you no longer a mystery?
    The interest of both parties continues as long as it is fueled by fresh sensations. If everything has become routine, and there are no more innovations, the man will get bored.
  5. Step 5: Is everything okay in bed?
    One of the most important factors for the preservation of relations is the full "performance" marital debt. If a woman often has a "headache" and is not in the mood for physical love, the guy will definitely go looking for her on the side.

So, if everything described above fully characterizes your relationship with your loved one, you should start sounding the alarm. Such difficulties will definitely frighten the representative of the stronger sex and make him think about whether he wants to be with such a woman.

To avoid male fear and refresh past feelings, it is enough to adhere to simple "recipes".

  • be light and cheerful, do not complicate the relationship;
  • spend more time with each other;
  • do not try to resolve all issues on your own;
  • trust a partner;
  • leave work at work, do not take it home with you;
  • do not "saw" it for nothing;
  • treat casual admirers more dismissively than your loved one;
  • avoid ridiculous quarrels and scandals.

How to save a guy from fear?

If there is no relationship yet, but you really want to connect your life with a man who is afraid of you, you should reconsider your character a little. In addition, there are several simple ways that will help a man get rid of the fear of his beloved woman.

  1. Don't impose. The biggest fear cause too active women so don't take all the initiative into your own hands.
  2. Always be yourself. “Throwing dust in the eyes” and in every possible way emphasizing her dignity on the first date, a woman runs the risk of scaring off her partner later.
  3. Be democratic. At the first meeting with a potential boyfriend, leave your desire to be in charge at the door. Leave the right to choose in everything for the man and do not make a contemptuous look if something went wrong.
  4. Be soft. Gentle and sensual girls always attracted the representatives of the stronger sex. Let a man have a desire to patronize you already at the initial stage of the relationship.
  5. Give up whims. If already at the first meeting a girl throws a tantrum because of the wrong restaurant or tells with envy how her friends are relaxing in Bali, the guy may be afraid of such difficulties.

Are men afraid to get involved with strong women, a stereotype or is it true? Maybe so, but the stronger sex becomes not so strong when a woman is nearby, whose spirit and will can be envied. She is independent, successful, oblivious to public opinion, can provide for itself and is not afraid of difficulties. Many men are still afraid of this explosive mixture.

1. A strong woman knows exactly who she wants to see next to her.

A self-confident woman knows her own worth, remembers how much effort she spent in order to achieve a certain result. She will definitely not waste time thinking too long and making decisions too slowly. If she likes a man, she will take the initiative. Of course, such pressure and determination often frighten men, because such women seem to be “iron ladies” who are scary to approach, let alone build relationships. But if such a woman is next to you, she will become a real fighting friend both in joy and in sorrow, she will be faithful and caring.

2. There are no taboos and prohibitions for a strong woman, even in intimate life.

If a man is afraid of frank conversations, he really does not belong with a strong woman. She will always tell you what is wrong, what she would like, because she believes that she has the same right to experience pleasure. A strong woman is always aware of her femininity and what effect she has on men, so she dreams of having someone next to her who can share a bed with her and will be ready to constantly prove that she is the best. Of course, many men cannot afford such a burden.

3. A strong woman will choose a man with an inner core.

Many men are afraid that they will not be able to meet the expectations of a strong woman, because they want to see an assertive man nearby who does not rush from side to side, not knowing what to do with himself. Her man always knows what he wants. She will always respect such a man. She will not tolerate fickle or indecisive personalities nearby.

4. Strong women have good intuition, so they are good at reading lies.

One of the reasons men avoid strong women is their natural ability to sense lies. Because of good intuition, they feel it perfectly. Therefore, if you do not plan to have an honest relationship with a woman, you may not even start them.

5. A self-confident woman lives here and now, not postponing life for later.

Some men think that they will not master the demands of a strong woman. The fact is that a woman with character does not put off life for later, therefore, if she wants something, she gets it now. Life's difficulties only harden her, many men are not ready for this.

6. A strong woman knows how to make her man feel loved.

It would seem that this is bad. In fact, the love of a strong woman is all-encompassing and all-consuming. Worshiping her lover, she knows how to make him feel loved. Many do not withstand such an pressure of love and sincerity, because this must be answered with the same reciprocity.

7. A strong woman won't waste time on an indecisive man.

Waiting for the weather by the sea is the lot of dreamy natures. If a man slows down the relationship, a strong woman will look for someone who is easy-going, motivated and ready to conquer the world with her. She will not waste time waiting for a illusory future.

8. A strong woman is not afraid of male honesty and vulnerability.

Of course, a strong woman will not tolerate a weak man next to her, but with pleasure and understanding she will support the one who hides a vulnerable nature behind her strength and outward calm. Strong women value trust very much, so they will be happy to see a real man nearby who is not afraid to take off his mask in front of her and show himself real. If you dare to open up, you can be sure that you will receive 100% support in return.

9. Failing to admit your shortcomings

Often, next to such a beloved, a man opens with negative side, because he does not know how to accept his shortcomings, and his beloved will indicate what needs to be corrected, and also help to deal with internal problems. But not everyone knows how to admit their shortcomings, so some of the men eschew such women.

10. A strong woman doesn't need a protector.

This is the most main reason: a strong woman does not need a protector, she is a “stone wall”, support, etc. for herself. Next to such a woman, a man can lose faith in himself, if he is not strong enough himself, he will feel failed and inferior. But, as they say, if you apply, you must comply.

It is no secret that ours, who alone raise children, work at a good job, and are proud that they are alone. It seems to me that in our time, many women believe that a man is a burden for them. Especially when a man drinks or does not work, then of course it will be easier for a woman to be alone than with such a man, and involuntarily a woman begins to believe that being alone is much easier and easier. And with such thoughts, they begin to realize all their desires and dreams. Gradually, they cease to need someone's help, because such women begin to live according to the principle "no one will do better than me", it is easier for them to do something on their own than to trust someone, because, having done the job herself, she is sure that the work was done with a bang. Such women are not accustomed to accepting help from men, and men are not particularly eager to help such a woman.

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Photo gallery: Strong men are afraid of strong women

And talking with my girlfriend, we touched on all the topics that concern the entire beautiful female half of the Earth, what to wear, where to go and, of course, men. We talked about the fact that a woman is weak and that she always needs help, whether it be material or spiritual. We talked about this topic precisely because she is raising a child alone, and help from outside would not hurt her.

She is by nature a very modest and naive person who does not know how to ask for help from men, and she does not particularly show that she needs help. She needs the man himself to notice what she needs and give it himself without any requests. However, there is neither time nor energy to wait for “weather by the sea”, you need to live and survive. And to some extent, she believes that asking for help from men is beneath her dignity. However, some people manage to get help even when they do not need it. Not required at all. Help, gifts, walks, restaurants - they can get all this without asking. And they accept it all, believing that they are worth much more than this. How it's done? Why does someone ask and not receive, and someone does not ask, but receives?

Recently, an acquaintance of hers called her abroad to rest, and she told me about it in shock. She just pretended to be a helpless woman who cannot afford to travel abroad. She said that she could not afford it and that he would not brag about a future trip, as he teases her with being unavailable. And then he received an invitation to relax together at his expense. She did not even pretend to be a helpless woman, but she became herself for a split second, saying that she could not. Why do women pretend to be strong, thereby scaring away men and their care and help, if it is much easier to be yourself, to be weak woman, to be who you are, and in a matter of seconds you have an invitation in your pocket? Isn't it easier to be weak? Yes, of course a woman manages to be strong, but it is much more difficult to be someone you are not. Strength in weakness. One has only to become weak and men will lay down in piles to help the weak. That's where the strength lies. But if you do not consider yourself weak, at least pretend to be weak in order to get help and attention from a man, be cunning, not proud. After all, a woman should be cunning, not strong. And a woman should know that strength is in weakness.

Any man is afraid of the strong successful woman. If a woman drives a Lexus, and he only drives a Ford, then naturally, inferiority complexes will begin to develop in him. And for some reason in our world there is no such thing (maybe there is, but it’s not enough and I haven’t met this) that after such a man would try to be better women, for some reason, he begins to envy her and hate her. And because of this, not only men, but strong men fear strong women.

In our country, there is a popular saying about a woman “and she will enter a burning hut and stop a galloping horse.” Isn't it the duty of a man to enter a burning hut and save a woman from the fire, who screams for help in that hut? Is it not the duty of a man to stop a galloping horse in order to save the woman who is sitting on that horse? Have our strong men lost their strength? No, they just relaxed, because a woman can do everything herself, because she is strong. She will beat a nail, she will cook food, she will put the child to bed, and she herself will bring money into the house. And what does the man do at this time? And our strong half crumples the sofa and rapes the TV. We, the weak, taught the strong to idleness, pretending to be strong. I won’t be surprised if the saying about women “a real woman must do three things in her life: plant a tree, build a house, and give birth to a daughter” becomes popular soon ... why do we need a son? If the daughter can do the same?

And discussing her future trip, she said, if only there were more men who would be ready to pay for your trip abroad ... or real men. And yet I believe that every man slumbers a real man, which is not only ready to pay for a trip abroad, but also for our entire life, which consists only of beauty salons and expensive boutiques. Just a woman needs to be real woman, that is, a weak woman, but first give a good kick to a man, so that a real man wakes up in that. And then in our lives there will be no men who are willing to pay, but there will be real men who will be ready to carry us in their arms.