Men's complexes and fears.

March 8

It is generally accepted that potential victims of complexes and phobias are children and women. This opinion is wrong: men also have fear of phobias. They try to hide them, maintaining the status of the “stronger sex”. As a result, men's complexes and fears only get worse. Both women and men suffer from complexes and want to get rid of them.

Everyone is subject to fears or insecurities.

A variety of male complexes

Everyone has their own fears

Men have their own fears:

  1. Fear of beautiful girls. This fear seems absurd, but it is common in men. The reason is that on a subconscious level, they believe that an ordinary girl will value and respect them more, and an attractive woman is incapable of being faithful.
  2. Fear of not being fulfilled in life. If for most women the family comes to the fore at a certain period, then with representatives of the stronger sex the opposite is true. For them, work is an integral part of life. This is where they realize their potential. Failures at work reduce men's self-esteem.
  3. Fear of being at the mercy of a woman. In a group of men they often talk about henpecked people. This complex originates in childhood: the mother completely controls her son. When he grows up, he fears that his wife will also lead his life.
  4. Fear of being abandoned. The fear of losing a relationship is logical. The fear that a woman will initiate the separation is irrational. At such moments, a man’s self-esteem is especially vulnerable. He thinks that he will become the object of ridicule from his friends.
  5. Fear of becoming a bad lover. Men try to hide this fear. Sexual relationships are one of the ways of self-realization.
  6. Low growth complex. For short men, being shorter than your girlfriend is a real tragedy. They try to hide it with great ambitions and success in other areas of life.
  7. Fear of baldness. Men don't worry about their appearance, but hair loss upsets them. Psychologists explain that they associate such a flaw with the loss of male strength. Many people simply shave their heads. This is how they show that it is their own choice.

Causes of complexes

Stereotypic thinking is one of the reasons for uncertainty

Society dictates its own rules. Many of them are long outdated. Although society is struggling with stereotypical prohibitions, many people have subconscious ideas about what a person should and should not do. Take courage and start doing things your way. Psychologists identify the reasons why a man may develop an inferiority complex:

  1. Single-parent family. The absence of one parent affects the child's psyche. An adult may be insecure and withdrawn.
  2. Upbringing. Life values ​​are formed in the family. Too strict or loyal upbringing can become an impetus for the development of self-doubt.
  3. Psychological trauma. If a person has experienced severe stress - lost a close relative or suffered ridicule from others, he fears that such a situation may repeat. This fear leads to complexes.

Signs of the presence of complexes

People find many flaws in themselves. There is nothing shameful or terrible about this.

Some people don't want to fight them. They replace complexes with other qualities or direct their aggression towards others.

Signs of the presence of complexes:

  • irrational aggression: instead of treating his phobias, a man turns emotions into anger - his loved ones suffer;
  • demonstration of status: an attempt to disguise one’s phobias by purchasing expensive cars, watches, equipment and other items that emphasize a person’s good financial situation;
  • causeless jealousy is a consequence of an inferiority complex: fear of losing your soulmate, denial of your fear leads to increased control and accusing your loved one of infidelity for no apparent reason;
  • arrogance: a man who feels his vulnerability and is afraid that everyone will find out about it hides behind a mask of arrogance;
  • alcohol and drug abuse: avoidance of reality aggravates the situation.


Like any disease, men's complexes must be treated. Otherwise, men may develop other mental disorders. There are techniques aimed at eliminating complexes. They include several mandatory steps:

  1. Admit your problems. The first and most difficult stage for any person, and even more so for men. If they admit their complexes, they will destroy stereotypes: a man has no right to be weak, he cannot demonstrate his vulnerability, he must hide his feelings. You need to understand that every person can have difficulties - you are no exception. Only after this can you move on.
  2. Find the reason for your complexes. Complexes and phobias in men cannot appear out of nowhere. This is a consequence of severe stress or prolonged influence of our loved ones. Listen to yourself and try to understand what exactly is bothering you.
  3. Forgive your offenders. This way you can free yourself from internal pressures and become calmer. There are cases when, after many years, the patient found a person who caused him complexes. They discussed the situation in the past. Often offenders regret their actions and ask for forgiveness. This frees a man from his fears. It wouldn’t hurt to apologize yourself.

Be positive

When dealing with complexes, a man needs to avoid stressful situations and more often do things that give him pleasure. When you notice the first results, don't forget to praise yourself.

To overcome uncertainty and fear, you can turn to a psychologist

If it is difficult to cope with complexes on your own, then it is better to consult a psychologist. He has a variety of ways to help: personal conversations, motivational training, hypnosis.

How quickly one can overcome complexes depends on the person himself. For some, 2-3 sessions are enough, for others it will take more time.

Complexes determine our behavior and limit our lives. Contrary to stereotypes, men are just as vulnerable as women and need help and support. There are no incurable fears. You need to work with them correctly.

This is a serious problem for most people around the world, because they are the ones that prevent us from achieving our goals, fulfilling our dreams and feeling confident around others. Please note that the majority of people who are prone to introspection are well aware of their complexes, but do not always find the strength to fight them.

Women It has always been interesting to know the peculiarities of male thinking, so they often visit thematic forums, pay attention to their acquaintances of the stronger sex and read books about male psychology. If you want to take one step closer to knowing men, then this article is just for you. It’s probably no secret to anyone that even the most successful and handsome men have complexes, but they don’t always talk about it. If you don’t want to get into an awkward situation, then you will have to study the most popular complexes that worry the stronger sex.

Men's complexes: what worries them and why?

1. Subordinate complex. Men are told from childhood that they should be strong and self-sufficient. Even when he was very young, his mother told him that he should be decisive, self-confident and dictate his own rules. This can work great in a family where the woman is ready to submit: this way, this boy, as an adult, will be able to realize his ambitions. But what about the situation with choosing a job? Everything is much more complicated here, because not every representative of the stronger sex becomes a leader or director.

Most people forced to work for someone who fosters terrible complexes in them. If he was raised as a real man who must lead everyone, then becoming a subordinate, he simply cannot feel happy. Already in his youth, he is afraid that he will indulge other people’s whims and prepare everything that his boss says on time. This happens to him both on a conscious and subconscious level.

2. Loser lover complex. This complex worries absolutely everyone, regardless of age and appearance. Ever since adolescence, he remembers that sex life is an important component of his success. If he is a successful lover, he will be able to realize himself in family life and be popular among women. If you encounter failure, then becoming famous is not in the best sense of the word. Absolutely all men are afraid of this, so it depends on the woman whether she can prove to him that he is a wonderful lover.

3. David complex. Not only women are afraid of old age, men are also very worried about this. Of course, he begins to think about old age in adulthood, but subconsciously throughout his life he worries that he will cease to be interesting and young. It is because of the presence of this complex that many men cheat, looking for a younger mistress. Such a game on the side allows him to feel strength and vigor and prove to himself and others that he is still capable of much.

4. Complex of physiological features. If a man by nature does not look very large and tall, then from a very early age he worries about this. The well-known Napoleon complex actually exists today. Such a man can sometimes even be embittered and aggressive if a way to solve this problem of his is not found. Short men are often successful in many areas, because they try to realize themselves and be a worthy opponent. However, it is not always a high level of the career ladder, a diploma from a prestigious university or a beautiful wife that can give him true happiness and the opportunity to feel successful.

5. Treason complex. Every man who has given preference to a particular woman and entered into a relationship with her is in constant fear that he will lose her. Of course, we are talking about caring men who value the person who is next to them. Rivalry plays an important role in the life of every person, so he is simply afraid that there will be another worthy representative of the stronger sex whom his beloved will prefer.

6. Complex of Alexander the Great. Surely many people know that Alexander the Great was a gay man, which is why this complex is named after him. Many men suffer from the fear of being perceived in the wrong way. This problem is typical for both teenagers and more mature representatives of the stronger sex. Men live in fear that sooner or later there will be someone who will reproach them for not preferring women at all. In fact, this problem seems to be a trivial one, but for some it has serious implications throughout their lives.

7. Ideal complex. An ideal is our subjective image of how things should be in reality. Some men imagine life in completely different colors, want to see themselves as completely different and spend years searching for the ideal. He can achieve the desired position for many years, look for the woman of his dreams and sit for hours in the gym, but he will never feel true happiness. The thing is that sometimes it is worth focusing not only on personal preferences and views, but also on reality. Sometimes it’s worth stopping and starting to enjoy how everything is happening at the moment, but not every representative of the stronger sex can do this.

8. Complex of women's life. There are also those representatives of the stronger sex who are deeply convinced that they cease to be a man the moment they touch women’s chores around the house. They truly believe that avoiding housework makes them courageous and self-sufficient. Whether this is right or wrong is for everyone to judge, but this problem exists and it is really relevant.

9. Abandoned man complex. The man begins to build relationships with the opposite sex; he sincerely believes that only he can quit. If a woman does this, then he is worth absolutely nothing. The fear of abandonment is inherent in almost all men who value themselves. It is not at all necessary that he loves his companion, but the fear that she might leave him will live with him until the end of the relationship.

10. Small manhood complex. Men are deeply convinced that the size of their penis plays a big role in self-realization. They can spend hours studying articles on the Internet, reading statistics and women's opinions. In fact, sometimes it can be very intrusive, sometimes ending in an appointment with a psychologist. In this case, only his beloved woman can help, who will prove to him that he is a worthy lover, and his manhood is truly worthy of praise.

Many women try to understand the peculiarity male psychology, because this is the key to knowing the representatives of the opposite sex. If you want to find mutual understanding with your loved one, then you should understand at least a little the principle of his thinking. If we know enough about women’s complexes, then men try to hide their weaknesses. Sometimes this can cause a quarrel, because a woman cannot know absolutely everything about her loved one.

So as not to encounter such a nuisance, it is better to get as much information as possible in advance and build on it. Who else but psychologists knows the most cherished secrets of men and their attitude towards their own appearance. We present to your attention the top most common male complexes. It is precisely what they hide so carefully that becomes apparent, but such knowledge can become a real key to unraveling their loved one. Be sure to pay attention to whether your man has any signs of such complexes, and if so, try to find a competent approach to solving the problem.

1. Male complex of inadequacy of a beautiful successful woman. In the process of choosing a life partner, they often face various problems, because sometimes it is so difficult to find that one and only one. When a man on his way meets a self-sufficient person who has achieved fulfillment in life and knows exactly what he wants, some problems arise.

The man immediately begins to compare himself with her and wonder question: “Do I meet her level and requirements?” A woman may not even show her demands, but a man has already begun to delve into himself and look for flaws. It is much easier to find a discreet, modest lady who will be incredibly happy from the manifestation of basic attention and tenderness. A man’s complexes can sometimes ruin his happy personal life, because that same “gray mouse” may not cause his heart to pound at all. That is why men often choose very inconspicuous modest women as wives who can provide him with coziness, comfort and tranquility. A woman who knows how to change, looks great and is popular with the stronger sex rarely becomes desirable for starting a family.

2. Male complex of inability to become the head of the family. Men are terribly afraid of any active manifestations on the part of their spouse, because in society it is customary to condemn a representative of the stronger sex who completely follows the instructions of his wife. If a woman wants to show character and tries to propose her own rules, then the notorious man will immediately begin to create scandals and prove his superiority. Psychological studies have shown that men who have achieved excellent success in their careers are calm about the manifestations of the will of their beloved spouse. The thing is that he already has an area where he is successful, so he simply does not need to realize his ambitions through his family.

3. Male excellent student complex. Here it is worth saying “many thanks” to his parents, who instilled in him the desire to prove to everyone that he is the first and the best. Of course, at first glance it seems that it is impossible to regard this as a drawback, because such a man will be simply ideal and his superiority will be manifested both in the ability to earn money and in the desire to be the best father and husband, but not everything is so simple. A man suffering from an excellent student complex will constantly prioritize such areas of life as family, work, hobbies, parents, etc. If he feels that in order to achieve a better position he needs to fly to another city for a few months, he will do so immediately. Often such representatives of the stronger sex suffer from depression and are prone to fanatical introspection. If a man does not have the opportunity to achieve leadership, he may simply become an alcoholic or start using drugs.

4. Male inferiority complex. Many men are actually insecure about their appearance, although at first glance you might not think so. Fear of gaining weight or simply losing attractiveness are real complexes for men that can develop self-doubt and the inability to build a happy personal life. Men, just like women, constantly compare themselves with their competitors, and realizing that they are not popular among the fair sex, they fall into despair. Men know very well that most women prefer beautiful, wealthy, young, fit and tall, so failure to meet the standard can significantly undermine a man’s self-esteem. Sometimes a man needs to understand that if his nature has not endowed him with an ideal appearance, he should think about charisma, humor, gentlemanliness and other virtues.

5. The male incompetent lover complex. It is very important for a man to feel like a winner sexually. If he knows for sure that his woman is completely satisfied with his intimate skills, then self-esteem will automatically rise several times. If he knows that his beloved wants to receive much more from him than he gives her, he will simply stop believing in himself. Often men whose women have not been able to give them self-confidence in an intimate sense go looking for victories on the side.

If man If he understands that he has something to be proud of when it comes to sex, he will be able to be more positive in any area of ​​his life. That is why every representative of the fair sex should, even if not express herself to the maximum in sex, but let her beloved know that he has no equal.

Many of us suffer from numerous complexes. In most cases, they are not recognized as such and represent an exaggeration of true or imaginary shortcomings. But since men and women perceive the world around them and feel it a little differently, their complexes also differ. Women have their own, but men have others.
It is about male exaggerations, subconscious experiences, and fears that we will talk to you today. Let's list the most common male complexes:

I am the boss. This is a subconscious and sometimes conscious fear of being in a subordinate position. This is largely due to the upbringing of boys. From childhood they are taught that strong men should lead others. They should not cry like girls, but must hide their emotions, experiences, feelings.
Therefore, when a boy grows up, he tries to comply with these rules. And if his wife has a higher position or salary, all his ideas collapse. He is very worried that he does not live up to his own ideas.

Middle age crisis. It usually occurs around the age of 40, when a man suddenly
understands that by this age he has no special achievements in life. This complex sometimes forces you to do various stupid things, to embark on adventures, wanting to get everything in one moment, to rehabilitate yourself.

Sexual impotence complex. This is the worst of all men's fears. The man is terribly afraid that he might not succeed in bed. Although the impotence complex may haunt him for other, very different reasons.

Don Juan. A person with such a complex is very afraid that a woman will leave him. In his deep conviction, this is the prerogative of men. Therefore, he tries to break up with his next girlfriend, before it even occurs to her. Such men make women unhappy and are unhappy themselves.

King David. It is inherent in aging macho men (remember, old King David loved to bask in the warmth of young beauties). Feeling that the years are taking their toll, they start an affair or marry a much younger woman. In his soul, such a person believes that from an affair with a young girl he himself will become young and strong again.

Lot. This fear torments fathers whose daughters are growing up. Such a dad
subconsciously perceives all young people in love with his daughter, and just her friends, as rivals. He’s just afraid that with the appearance of his daughter’s lover, he himself will fade into the background. It is the daughters who are deprived of their personal life who suffer most from these fears.

Napoleon. Short men are susceptible to this complex. Very worried about this, they try to compensate for this physical feature of theirs with career and personal growth.

Othello. Such men are pathologically jealous. Subconsciously they are afraid of women and do not know their psychology. They believe that his girlfriend can change at any moment, leave for someone else, and are very worried about this. They are simply afraid of being deceived by a cuckold.

Hercules. This complex is named after the mythical hero Hercules, who was a prisoner of the Amazon queen and performed purely female work. It is typical of men who, for some reason, are forced to do “women’s” things. This can cause frequent family conflicts.
Don Quixote. A man is looking for an ideal. And when he finds it, he is disappointed and again goes in search of the ideal woman.

henpecked. Well, everything is clear here. Men usually do not want to be henpecked and are terribly afraid of being subordinate to women.

Mother-in-law syndrome. This is a completely new male complex from which Russian men suffer. Although it was developed by Romanian scientists. This is the syndrome of a person for whom it is very difficult, and sometimes unbearable, to live in the same living space with his wife’s mother.
In this case, stressful situations often arise, leading a man to depression, and in some cases, even ending in divorce. Unfortunately, in our country they take this problem very lightly, only ridiculing it in jokes. Although the problem is serious, poisoning the lives of many families. It gives rise to complexes, which is why we have so few self-confident, reliable, calm, strong men.

Nobody is perfect. Each of us has our own set of complexes and fears. But you shouldn’t give in to them, so as not to complicate your already difficult life.
Remember that this is most often your own exaggeration of your shortcomings, sometimes imaginary and not always reality. Well, even if they exist, you shouldn’t have a complex. You need to fight them, work hard on yourself, and gradually get rid of them. Look around - do you know someone who doesn't have them?

And one more thing: Remember that no one is perfect. But if a man and a woman find each other, they change, getting rid of many complexes that poison their lives. But this is possible if there is sincere sympathy, respect and love in the relationship.
Only a woman who sincerely loves finds the mental strength to endure her man’s shortcomings and helps fight his complexes. Together you can overcome the most difficult obstacles on the path to harmony and happiness.