Affirmations of a successful and rich woman. Video: Installations for sexy women from Elena Valjak

For children

A true story about Zhanna, who, thanks to affirmations, met the man of her dreams. Zhanna could not arrange her life for a long time. At work, there are frequent conflicts with the boss, cold looks from colleagues. It was also impossible to build serious relationships with men.

The woman was about to give up when her friend Olga, who had already been visiting a private psychologist for a month, rushed to her aid. She advised Zhanna to try reading success affirmations for women, arguing that many successful modern women use this method of self-development.

Without hesitation, Zhanna began to study affirmations for success and luck, and prosperity for women. She tried to follow all the rules that Olga told her about, but the woman could not achieve results right away.

She also turned to a specialist, like her friend, hoping that she would find answers to her questions. As it turned out, young Zhanna was completely unsure of herself. The psychologist recommended starting to read affirmations for women to love themselves.

A white streak has finally begun in Zhanna's life. She was able to look at herself differently, became more confident and purposeful. Things at work improved, the cold views of colleagues changed to warmer ones.

Over time, the woman added affirmations to her routine for the development of femininity, since she greatly lacked male attention. Zhanna learned from her psychologist that affirmations for women can also help attract a man into your life. She compiled several blocks of meaningful phrases that she used every day to teach her subconscious to focus on the things that were truly important to her.

The arithmations of femininity helped Zhanna win the heart of her boss. As it turned out, he was a well-mannered and kind man who had long dreamed of having his own family. Success in the professional sphere brought the woman and her manager much closer, as a result of which they began an affair.

Zhanna repeatedly repeated that if it weren’t for her friend’s advice and affirmations for self-confidence for women, she would not have been able to get the man of her dreams.

Having convinced herself of the effectiveness of the right words method, the woman realized that she had forgotten about one important aspect of her life. Affirmations for women's health also complemented Zhanna's inspirational lists, because good health will never be superfluous.

The affirmations of a perfect woman are small statements on various topics that can greatly influence the subconscious of people. Sometimes a person says them mechanically, wanting to cheer himself up, in other cases - deliberately, in order to create a certain attitude towards positive thinking. Since positive thoughts and words have a beneficial effect on human activity as a whole.

“I'm not trying to fix the problem. I am correcting my thoughts. And then the problem corrects itself.”

Positive affirmations for women are especially popular, as they allow them to develop the qualities necessary for the fair sex: self-confidence, determination, hard work, the ability to manage their mood and attitude towards the upcoming work.

Statistics show that wealth affirmations for women are used just as often. According to the ladies, a career without good income has no meaning. Therefore, it is important to tune the subconscious to the desire to get a lot of money.

Affirmations for a happy woman are based on several basic rules that must be followed in order to achieve the desired result. If you overlook at least one recommendation, the effectiveness of the method of working on yourself may be significantly lower.

  1. Create all your statements using exclusively the present tense. You cannot leave your desires in the past or future. The subconscious, as a rule, takes all your words literally. It’s better to talk about desired things in the present: “I’m healthy!”, “I’m rich!”, “I’m a wonderful mother and an excellent employee.”
  2. The right affirmations for every day for women often contain the word “I choose.” It is important to know that all actions are your personal choice. For example, “I choose the best man for myself,” “I am actively moving up my career ladder.”
  3. Negative thoughts need to be sent as far away as possible. Without positivity, you won’t be able to tune into the right wave. Creating positive instructions is one of the main rules that cannot be neglected. All morning affirmations for women should fill them with good emotions for the whole day. Where the morning begins, the evening ends.
  4. You need to avoid the words “no”, “never”, “soon”, “always” and the word “not”. The subconscious perceives all expressions in a unique way. For example, in the phrase “I’m not sick,” it will skip the “not” part. As a result, we get “I’m sick.” Is this what people who use affirmations for women's health want to achieve?
  5. Affirmations can be spoken or written. If your choice fell on the oral form of expressing thoughts, then it is better to pronounce positive affirmations for women out loud. This approach is considered more productive. A person additionally perceives information by ear.
  6. The more often women's affirmations are pronounced, the better. You can divide the day into several parts, using semantic formulations in blocks. For example, highlight several main phrases and recite them 15-20 times every morning, afternoon, and then in the evening before bed.
  7. You can't be lazy! You need to repeat affirmations every day, otherwise there will be no result at all. The more time you devote to your thoughts and desires, the faster you will be able to achieve the desired heights.

Women's self-love affirmations are often considered the most important. Without self-respect and understanding of your own goals, it is very difficult to find your place in the sun.

Positive affirmations for women, change your life for the better

You can create semantic formulations yourself, taking into account all your wishes and aspirations. The more confidence is invested in the process of forming and pronouncing positive phrases, the greater the likelihood of getting what you want.

Below are suitable affirmations for women for any occasion in life.

Self-confidence affirmations for women

  • I accept myself and my character traits!
  • I love every cell of my body!
  • I deserve the best!
  • I choose self-confidence!
  • I accept all changes! I'm glad about these changes!
  • I express my opinion with confidence! I choose my words carefully!
  • I am the only master of my present and future!
  • My comfort zone is getting wider!
  • I choose my path! My path is right!
  • I think positively about my body, about my soul!

Positive affirmations for women every day

  • I radiate joy! I radiate harmony! I radiate love!
  • I'm open to new achievements!
  • My life is filled with success and prosperity!
  • I am the center of admiration for all people!
  • I attract only joy and harmony into my life!
  • I'm getting better and better every minute!
  • I am creating a wonderful future for myself!
  • All my paths are right! I always make the right decisions!
  • I am completely open to light and goodness!
  • Today is a day with open divine channels!

Affirmations of a rich and successful woman

  • I have a large amount of money!
  • My income is $10,000 per month!
  • I love success and money! They are my friends!
  • I choose abundance!
  • I feel grateful for all the money I have!
  • I am the master of my life!
  • I am a magnet for money and success at work!
  • I'm achieving my goals! I am a purposeful person!
  • Success is my assistant in life!
  • I choose a high position!

Affirmations for women for marriage

  • I choose the best man!
  • I am creating the family I dream of!
  • I'm meeting a great man!
  • I am worthy of mutual love and understanding!
  • I choose a full and happy family!
  • I love and am loved by the best man!
  • I'm interested in decent men!
  • I am grateful to fate for meeting a wonderful man!
  • Men have deep heartfelt feelings towards me!
  • I'm married to a worthy man!

Affirmations for women's health

  • Life energy fills my entire body, my entire essence!
  • All systems of my body work without interruption!
  • I'm completely healthy!
  • I feel great!
  • My body is the source of longevity!
  • I thank my body for its full-fledged work!
  • Every cell of my body is healthy!
  • My body radiates beauty and health!
  • I am in complete control of my well-being!
  • I have a healthy mind in my body! I am in harmony with nature!

Morning affirmations

  • I'm calm and cheerful! The world is favorable to me!
  • I'm in excellent physical and mental shape!
  • My work brings me pleasure and joy!
  • I achieve success in every endeavor!
  • I am in harmony with myself and with all the people around me!
  • Life supports me!
  • The main benefits of our Universe are available to me! I take full advantage of them!
  • The day brings me new positive impressions!
  • My promotion awaits me!
  • Every day I get better!

Affirmations for sleep

  • I let life take its course! This path is correct!
  • During sleep, my strength is completely restored!
  • I feel a surge of strength and energy!
  • I happily immerse myself in pleasant dreams!
  • The world takes care of me both day and night!
  • I maintain harmony with my body while I sleep!
  • I'm resting! My body is gaining strength for the work ahead!
  • I wake up cheerful and well-rested!
  • My body thanks me for the rest!
  • I am grateful to myself and the world for the day I lived!

Affirmations for female happiness and male care

  • I feel love for a person who loves and cares about me!
  • I love and I am loved!
  • I feel cared for by my chosen one!
  • I'm ready for change!
  • My feminine happiness is already in my hands!
  • My chosen one helps me with everything!
  • I feel the joy of love that I experience!
  • I am in a relationship that is filled with mutual understanding, passion and care!
  • I give love to my man!
  • The world favorably influences my relationship with a worthy man!

Affirmations for women (poems)

  • The world is the way we see it.
    Our thoughts take on flesh.
    Beliefs - actions from now on
    And in words and thoughts there is only love.
  • I'm as beautiful as a star.
    I'm calm as water.
    I'm as beautiful as flowers.
    Everyone's dreams will come true.


The best affirmations for women are based on a positive perception of themselves and the surrounding reality. The more attention a representative of the fair sex pays to her thoughts and real desires, the greater the likelihood that she will be able to achieve even the greatest heights.

It is important for women to read affirmations for every day out loud to show themselves that they are serious about self-development. The right words can really help change your life for the better.

True careerists will need the affirmations of a rich woman, because few of the modern representatives of the fair sex will want to give up decent profits in the professional sphere. But without significant effort, it is unlikely that you will be able to make your life better. Give yourself and your success enough attention!

“You need to think positively!” Admit it, how many times in your life have you heard this terribly hackneyed phrase. And if you are one of those whose thoughtful face is often mistaken for sad, these words, we are sure, accompany you every day. But for some reason no one is in a hurry to explain what it means to “think positively” and how it can help you. Can good thoughts and optimism really make your life better? We answer: oddly enough, they can. You just need to choose the right affirmation for yourself. Are you wondering what kind of animal this is? Let's talk about everything in order.

Affirmations: what are they?

First, let's talk about thinking as such. Psychologists have long proven that most of our problems (no matter in our personal lives, at work or with health) lie in our heads. We convince ourselves that something is wrong with us. This is called the great power of persuasion. And since its influence is enormous, why not try to use it for good? That is, to convince yourself of the opposite: that everything is fine, that life is wonderful! Scientists conducted several experiments, and it turned out that this is indeed possible! Even in medicine, self-hypnosis is sometimes used (you've probably heard of the so-called “placebo effect”). And all because this method is not only very effective, but also incredibly simple.

And now about affirmations. What is this? Essentially it's simple correctly composed phrases with which you can set yourself up in an optimistic mood. And they don't require any special effort.

Psychologists from all over the world claim that if you use these positive attitudes correctly, you can easily improve your well-being, calm your nerves and change your life for the better.

How do they work, you ask? The fact is that we are very often exposed to negativity in our daily lives. It’s enough to go online in the morning to get a dose of scandals, scary stories in the news, terrible disasters and other human misfortunes. No matter how indifferent and skeptical we may be, we cannot simply throw this information out of our heads. And therefore, without noticing it, we think about the negative and expect a catch everywhere. The situation is complicated by our previous mistakes, which are also difficult to part with. Thus, having accumulated negative emotions within ourselves, we walk through life with a hidden expectation of trouble. And then for some reason we wonder why everything is not as good as we would like, while we ourselves do not allow a single good thought into our heads. This is where affirmations come to the rescue. These are exactly the same positive words that we so lack in this kingdom of negativity. By filling ourselves with cheerful attitudes, we think less about bad things., concentrate on the positive aspects and attract happiness to yourself. It’s clear that every day everything becomes much better for you. But all that has changed is your outlook on life.

Well, are you ready for positive changes in your life? Then look at how to use affirmations correctly.

Rules of application

As we said above, affirmations are a fairly simple way to allow yourself to be cheerful every day. But even such an easy method has its own nuances. So what do you need to know before using affirmations?

The best attitudes for women: a list of specific phrases

What do all women dream about? Of course, about beauty, love, harmony with yourself and the world around you. Career women are also about wealth. We define all this as happiness. What affirmations are suitable for women? We have collected for you the best phrases for all occasions.

For self-confidence

As you know, there is nothing more difficult than working on yourself. But there is nothing more useful. What phrases will help you in this difficult matter? Read below.

To attract love and happiness

In order to become happy, we, girls and women, need to feel loved. And, of course, love yourself. How can you attract this wonderful feeling of love into your life? It is enough to use a few truly strong and effective phrases.

  1. I was created to be happy!
  2. I am the creator of my own happiness!
  3. I'm filled with love!
  4. I love my life!
  5. I love myself the way I am!
  6. I radiate joy and love!
  7. I love and I am loved!
  8. I attract men!
  9. My heart is open to love!
  10. I am free to express my feelings!
  11. I found the right person for me and I am loved by him!
  12. I have the right to happiness!

To attract finance

There is nothing wrong with wanting a luxurious life. Unfortunately, this is impossible without financial well-being. If you would like to improve your well-being, read examples of affirmations for attracting wealth.

  1. I am worthy of material well-being!
  2. I deserve wealth!
  3. All sources of income are open to me!
  4. I am grateful for my abundance!
  5. Money comes to me easily!
  6. All my investments bring me profit!
  7. I have money for all my desires!
  8. I'm getting richer every day!
  9. I manage my finances wisely!
  10. I am happy that I can provide for myself and my family!
  11. I live in abundance!
  12. I am financially independent!

For success at work

When everything is great at work, success follows you, and all matters are easily resolved, it is much easier to love what you do. Do you want to come to work with pleasure? Do you dream of career growth or prosperity of your business? Remember a few simple phrases.

  1. I embody success!
  2. My colleagues respect me!
  3. I'm a great leader!
  4. My boss appreciates my work!
  5. I have good luck in business!
  6. I'm full of brilliant ideas!
  7. Everything comes easy to me!
  8. I am always ahead of my competitors!
  9. I easily overcome all obstacles!
  10. I'm full of energy!
  11. My business is growing every day!
  12. I love my job!
  13. My work inspires others!
  14. My successes are increasing every day!
  15. I'm happy with my income!

For weight loss

You've probably heard that often the problem of excess weight also sits in our heads. We tell ourselves that we can't get in shape, and all our efforts are in vain. At first glance, it may seem that these phrases do not really help you lose unnecessary pounds, but in fact they relieve you of the main problem that leads to weight gain – self-dislike.

When you learn to love yourself, you can easily get your body in shape.

If you decide that it’s time to change something, take a closer look at weight loss affirmations.

  1. I can easily become whatever I want!
  2. I'm proud of the way I look!
  3. I love my reflection in the mirror!
  4. I get full quickly!
  5. I eat only healthy and wholesome food!
  6. The results of my work on myself are more noticeable every day!
  7. I am becoming slimmer and more beautiful every day!
  8. I am proud of my success in working on myself!
  9. I inspire others to work on their body!
  10. I am feminine and beautiful!
  11. Men like my figure!
  12. I love what nature has given me!
  13. I am a role model!
  14. My body easily obeys me!

On every day

Here are a few more phrases that will make your every day better.

  1. Every moment in my life is happy!
  2. I let go of my past mistakes!
  3. My talents are unique!
  4. I am full of peace!
  5. I radiate goodness!
  6. Luck loves me!
  7. I follow my intuition!
  8. My every wish comes true!
  9. I have achieved harmony with myself!
  10. My work on myself is bearing fruit!
  11. I inspire others!

As you can see, just a few words can change your life. Affirmations are easy to remember and repeating them will not be difficult. This step will allow you to become the best version of yourself. And we wish you success in this serious matter!

What are affirmations for women? This is not only a way to cheer yourself up, but also a method to improve your life. Self-hypnosis works wonders, psychologists say. So try repeating positive statements for a month. And after you realize that the method works, you will no longer be able to complain about life. Don't put anything off until tomorrow, change today. It's so easy.

For success

Are you afraid that you will leave the house and slip on the road? Or maybe you are afraid of a difficult conversation with your boss? Do not worry. It should be remembered that a positive attitude is already half the success. What affirmations for women can be said to tune in to a positive wave?

  • I am successful and the whole universe is ready to help me.
  • Life has many little surprises in store, and I find them every day.
  • Everything in life is wonderful, I am successful and radiant.

The main thing in such statements is not to use the particle not. Forget the denials. Moreover, you should not only say them out loud, but you should also try to throw them out of your thoughts. If you want everything to work out for you, then formulate your thoughts. You should not make a positive statement through negation. But in order for the day to go well, it is not enough just to say positive affirmations. You still need to believe in them. That is, your words should not be at odds with your actions.

For good health

Almost all human illnesses can be cured by positive statements. After all, our ailments are grievances, misunderstandings and bad attitudes. Thus, our subconscious mind talks to us. But not many people know how to listen to him. What kind of affirmations can you come up with for women’s health?

  • I have a healthy and beautiful body.
  • I love my body.
  • I eat delicious and healthy food.
  • I have good digestion and excellent sleep.

Create positive affirmations based on the situation and what you need right now. If you are suffering from the problem of obesity and you cannot force yourself to go on a diet, start making statements about healthy and tasty food. And then prepare yourself a dish of roasted vegetables. Believe me, they will taste better if you have been preparing yourself for a healthy dinner or lunch all day.

If you have trouble sleeping, say to yourself that you are sleeping well. And it should be noted that when you lie down in bed and once again cannot sleep, it is worth saying an affirmation that you are falling asleep quickly. Such self-hypnosis sometimes works even better than sleeping pills.

To set the mood

If you wake up sluggish every day and have no energy for anything, then you should reconsider your attitude towards the morning and towards life. After all, you need to understand: how you set yourself up is how the day will pass.

Therefore, affirmations for women in the morning should only be positive. You can say these statements over breakfast. Instead of thinking that you will be late for work again today, try saying:

  • I feel good and slept well.
  • There is nothing better than that cup of coffee and delicious cookies.
  • The day will go well and according to plan.
  • A smile is my main weapon.

Remember: everything you say, you send as a request to the Universe. So be careful with your thoughts. And remember, the more often you repeat the affirmation, the faster it will take effect. But be sure to follow the basic rules. The statement must be positive and relevant to you personally. And under no circumstances should you wish harm upon anyone. Remember that you cannot build happiness on someone else's misfortune.

For weight loss

What statements do women most often try to convince themselves of? Well, of course, these are affirmations for losing weight. This is one of the favorite topics for women. It's amazing how a person can constantly be dissatisfied with himself. A slender young lady will ask fate to make her even thinner until her body turns into a skeleton. And after that, the girl suffering from anorexia will try to gain weight. Don't bring yourself to this point. Know how to stop in time. Affirmations for every day for women for weight loss:

  • My body is slim and beautiful.
  • My toned buttocks delight everyone.
  • I love training and attend them daily.
  • I enjoy morning exercise.

If you set yourself up for training in a positive way, then going to the gym will not seem like something supernatural for you. Therefore, just be patient and try to convince yourself that exercise equipment and diet are the things that give you true pleasure.

For self-confidence

To become a strong person, you first need to believe in yourself. How can a weak woman do this? Every person has successes and achievements to be proud of. So, feel free to write them in affirmations for every day. For women, reading through their successes several times is not difficult. And the effect can be amazing. After all, if you were able to achieve something once, then repeating the success you have already achieved will not be difficult. This means that more can be achieved. Self-confidence affirmations for women:

  • I am a strong woman and I can do everything.
  • I am 100% confident in myself.
  • I was able to become a senior manager. This means I can become the head of a department.
  • I am a person with enormous willpower.

Try to be sincere. After all, the truth is always easier to believe. So if you are a gray mouse, do not imagine yourself as a wolf. Start by becoming a strong person and self-confidence will come naturally.

For good luck

Positive affirmations for women are statements that help them believe that the day will go wonderfully, and that the entire week, and along with it the month, will be happy. You just have to believe in it, and it will happen. And to help yourself tune in to good luck, don’t forget to practice affirmations daily. They can be like this:

  • I am lucky, and I succeed in any business I undertake.
  • I love life, and fate loves me.
  • I'm always in a great mood.

If you tune yourself to the right wave, then everything will really be fine. Try it and see for yourself.

For love

It is useful to practice positive affirmations for women for love. Moreover, both on the attraction of interest of the opposite sex to one’s own person, and on love for oneself. After all, you should understand that if you don’t like yourself, then it will be impossible for others to like you. Men love well-groomed, beautiful girls who need to be pursued. And if a girl blushes at just one glance, few people will like it. So raise your self-esteem, and then you can safely storm men’s hearts. Here is an example of affirmations:

  • I'm a magnet for men.
  • I am a beautiful, smart, well-groomed girl.
  • It's interesting to communicate with me.
  • I attract only worthy people into my life.

Remember that after you convince yourself that you are a woman worthy of love, you may want to change something about your appearance. Don't resist this impulse. He will help you transform for the better.

For money

Success affirmations for women are primarily related to material well-being. Therefore, do not hesitate to ask the Universe not only for happiness and success, but also for money. After all, it is simply impossible to lead a decent existence without them. Don't be shy about it. Examples of affirmations to attract money:

  • I am rich and can make any purchases.
  • I don’t need to calculate my finances, I have enough for everything.
  • I earn good money and get good financial help from my man.

You can safely indicate in your affirmations exactly from which sources you plan to receive additional income. True, this is not necessary. If it is still difficult for you to find such places, you can simply repeat the statement that you receive money from different sources. It will work too.

Consider the following relevant affirmations for women:

- these are statements filled with positivity that are aimed strictly at programming the mind. The process is aimed specifically at accepting all the changes and innovations that have occurred in life. The most important “advantage” of any affirmations is that you don’t have to go anywhere, you don’t have to pay money for miracles to happen. You are responsible for them yourself!

  1. “My motherhood is a wonderful opportunity to be (become) the best mom possible.”
  2. “I consider myself an excellent example for my children.”
  3. “I adore my dear husband and my children.”
  4. “I truly enjoy being with everyone in my family.”
  5. “Every second I manage to be in harmony with everything that surrounds me.”
  6. “I consider myself a wise and caring mother.”

Women's affirmations to raise self-esteem

  1. “I fully accept myself for who I am.”
  2. “I have a cool personality.”
  3. “My man constantly showers me with compliments.”
  4. “I notice that I’m getting younger every day.”
  5. “I love everyone, I am truly loved.”
  6. "I am the embodiment of strength and love."
  7. “I allow the energy to come into me.”
  8. “I always live to the fullest.”
  9. “Any failure helps me act and quickly correct my mistakes.”

Topical Affirmations for Women

  1. “I consider myself the source of happiness, love and perfection.”
  2. “I am completely ready to accept the happiness that I deserve.”
  3. “I am free because I belong to no one.”
  4. “I celebrate my femininity!”
  5. “I am sure that I was born under the happiest star.”
  6. “I am glad that I live on our planet.”
  7. "I am strong, I am rich inside."
  8. “I know why I came to the earthly world and why I am in it.”
  9. "My sexuality has no boundaries."
  10. “The ocean of life gives me exactly what I need.”
  11. “I have the kind of power that can do anything.”
  12. “I always look dazzling and amazing.”

Love affirmations for women

  1. “I’m all open to love.”
  2. “Love begins with myself.”
  3. “I am filled with a feeling of great love.”
  4. "I'm drowning in love's abundance."
  5. “Love is the main and main component of my vibrant life.”
  6. “Love comes to me with a confident gait.”
  7. “Love is the norm throughout my life.”
  8. “Love brings me only joy and pleasure.”
  9. “Love penetrates me as easily as rays of sunlight do.”
  10. “Love is already rushing to me.”
  11. “I live calmly, self-love preserves me.”
  12. “I consider any expression of love safe.”
  13. “Love comes to me effortlessly.”
  14. “My heart beats pleasantly with the rhythm of love.”
  15. "Love will always be with me."
  16. “Love fulfills my dreams and cherished desires.”
  17. “I am constantly floating on waves of great love.”
  18. “I look at everything with eyes filled with love.”
  19. “I met love and I’m doing everything to keep these meetings going.”
  20. “I attracted love into my life, and now it won’t go away from me.”
  21. “Spring always blooms in my soul.”
  22. “I like my current state.”
  23. "Many men love me."
  24. “I successfully build relationships with the opposite sex.”
  25. “I constantly thank the Almighty for meeting my loved one.”

Sexual affirmations for women

  1. “I am completely satisfied with my intimate relationships.”
  2. “A man behaves like this in bed. As I want."
  3. “My partner constantly reminds me that I am a passionate lover.”
  4. “I feel a strong attraction to my partner and I know that the feeling is mutual.”
  5. “My feminine energy matches my man’s energy wonderfully.”
  6. “I feel delighted with my sexuality.”
  7. “I consider myself a true goddess of sex and sexuality.”
  8. “I am the full owner of my own sexuality.”
  9. “My partner is as delighted with me as I am with him.”

You can create your own affirmations

Are you ready for this? Get started...

Wait until a great mood “visits” you, because only then can you count on cooperation with affirmations. Take a piece of paper and a pen. You can also take a pencil if you don’t have a pen somewhere nearby. Have you found bright markers (markers, pencils)? We do not recommend using them in this situation. The fact is that all this variety of colors will distract you from what you write. Write down the affirmations on the prepared paper and attach it to the wall. Take a few more of the same leaves and do the same. You can easily fill all the wallpaper with “magic” inscriptions if you want!

The important thing is that all the messages are not forgotten by you. Do you need to remember what you have already written down? Preferred, but not required. However, we would like to note that memorizing affirmations trains your memory perfectly! Open a window or window so that the room you are in is constantly “visited” by a stream of fresh air. Close the door and ask that no one distract you. Take what you are about to do very seriously! Sit down on a comfortable sofa. You can lie down on it if that makes you more comfortable. Choose for yourself in what position you will begin to pronounce affirmations. Read the affirmations (in a chaotic order), delving into each of them. Repeat them up to twenty times. The maximum pause between repetitions is four minutes.

Is it possible to say an affirmation to music?

Yes. You just need to choose a calm, smooth and pleasant melody. Do not work with affirmations during critical days. Why? Because many women change dramatically. They become “somehow different” for the entire menstrual period. So it’s better to just wait out such days.

While pronouncing affirmations, you cannot:

Smoking, talking, thinking about something extraneous, swearing, laughing, crying, drinking coffee (tea), watching TV, reading a book. In general, we repeat again: please take what you do seriously!

Positive affirmations for women are a great way to tune in to a wave of good mood and make all your dreams come true. By formulating and repeating the right attitudes every day, over time you can radically change your life for the better.

Affirmations for every day

You definitely need to remember that a thought repeated once has no power. But pronounced many times, it can transform your desires into dreams that actually come true. Or materialize the fears that you constantly think about.

That's why it's so important to keep your thoughts positive most of the time. This can and should be controlled so that desires are fulfilled with the help of affirmations quickly and easily.

To train positive thinking, use daily universal affirmations for 21 days:

  1. “The universe loves me, I always have great support behind me, I am completely safe.”
  2. “The world and people love me, and I love them back.”
  3. Repeat in the morning: “Today will be happy, easy and cloudless.”
  4. Before going to bed: “I will see beautiful, pleasant and vivid dreams that I will remember and be able to tell.”
  5. “I am a magnet for goodness, love and happiness. I radiate love and gratitude and receive them in return threefold.”
  6. “I am completely and absolutely healthy, I always feel great, full of energy.”
  7. “My life is happy and harmonious, it has everything I need for a full existence.”
  8. “I am completely loving and accepting of myself.”

Positive affirmations will force you to switch from negativity to positivity, and this is already a huge step forward towards your happiness.

Important points:

  1. Be aware of what you think about throughout the day. If you catch yourself with a negative emotion, replay it in your head as follows: “I admit that now I am angry and irritated (example). This happens because...” Speak out your feelings completely until you no longer feel them. You will feel light and free yourself from negativity quickly, rather than hiding it in your subconscious.
  2. Use any free moment to run through affirmations in your head. The more often these thoughts arise in your mind, the sooner your desires will come true.
  3. Also use visualization: draw pictures in your mind of what you want to get. Imagine that your wish has already come true. Feel what you experience at the same time, what emotions fill you.

After training on universal affirmations, you can move on to more specific formulations.

Happy Woman Affirmations

Everyone's concept of happiness is different. Therefore, in order for you to feel happy, first sit down and think about what needs to happen in your life, what you would like to receive, what makes you be in a state of happiness.

After this, begin to formulate affirmations aimed at fulfilling your desires. For example:

  1. “I am completely loving and accepting of myself.” A woman who does not love herself will never be happy. If she doesn't accept herself, she will never have healthy relationships with others. Self-love is the first reason for the happiness of any person.
  2. “I am in a happy and harmonious relationship with a man who suits me in all respects.” An organized personal life is relevant for almost all women. So if you are still single, try this affirmation. But it is important to write down on a piece of paper which “parameters” of your chosen one are important to you. Explain them to the smallest detail.
  3. “My life is abundant, I always have enough money for the desired purchases, I lead the lifestyle of a rich woman who does not deny herself anything.” Happiness is not in money, of course, but without it it is impossible to feel easy and free. That’s why it’s so important to work through this area of ​​your life. It's interesting that money can start coming from the most unexpected sources.
  4. “I’m always in a great mood, every moment of this day makes me happy, I enjoy life in all its manifestations.” This statement will help you tune in to a positive mood and be in a good mood.
  5. “I am healthy, slim and attractive. I am all about love and acceptance of my body, I radiate beauty and gratitude.” It is very important for a woman not to develop complexes about her appearance, but, on the contrary, to get rid of them. Consider yourself a beauty - and those around you will think the same.
  6. “I attract worthy men into my life, and my heart is open to love.” Use this option if you have been single for a long time and cannot understand what is going on.

Watch a video with examples of effective women's affirmations:

For self-confidence

Sometimes you are satisfied with your life, but you lack some personal qualities to enjoy everything that happens to the fullest. The most common problem among modern women is a lack of self-confidence and many complexes. This can be solved with simple affirmations.

  1. “I am one hundred percent confident in myself, I radiate the energy of confidence.”
  2. “I set the right goals and achieve them easily.”
  3. “I fully accept myself for who I am and love myself endlessly.”
  4. “I am a unique person, I am individual, every day I become a better version of myself.”
  5. “I love this life and realize its incredible value, so I use every moment to be happy.”
  6. “I deserve all the best and there is no doubt about that.”
  7. “I accept that I alone am responsible for everything that happens in my life. I am capable of achieving everything I want and need.”
  8. “I am a person with a strong character and enormous willpower, I am the mistress of my destiny.”
  9. “I express my thoughts and feelings freely, and I have excellent relationships with everyone around me.”

Choose any affirmation you like and repeat it daily for 10-15 minutes for 21 days. Then you can choose another statement. Practice regularly, and over time you will learn to correctly formulate your desires and quickly fulfill them only with the power of thought.

Tell your fortune for today using the “Card of the Day” Tarot layout!

For correct fortune telling: focus on the subconscious and don’t think about anything for at least 1-2 minutes.

When you are ready, draw a card: