Retirement wishes for an active woman. Congratulations on retirement: to a woman, a man, a colleague, poetry, prose, SMS, postcards, toasts


How can you come up with congratulations on the retirement of a female colleague in prose and how to compose them? Of course, here you need to choose the right words, which, on the one hand, will draw a line and conclusion to a person’s work activity, but on the other hand, they will show that a new, no less interesting, important and eventful stage of life is beginning.

Congratulations on retirement to a female colleague in prose, funny and serious

I want to congratulate you on your retirement! Moreover, they emphasize that retirement is not the end of life, but only its beginning. You will have a lot of free time that you can spend on yourself and your hobbies. I hope you will finally go on a trip and do what you dreamed of, but what you always didn’t have enough time for. In general, this is not a time for sadness, this is a period for joy. Now you don’t have to go to work, but you have wisdom and life experience that won’t let you get bored.

We would like to congratulate our dear colleague on reaching retirement age. I can’t even believe that so many years have flown by and we hope that you retire with joy and pleasure, and not with grief. We would like to wish that the new round of your life is bright and interesting, that something new, pleasant and unexpected awaits you around the corners and horizons. Smile and dream more, let everything in life definitely work out. Enjoy yourself every day.

Today is a solemn, important and wonderful day for you - you have reached the age when you go out on labor pension. You may have left behind the smell of spring youth, but you have long, rich and beautiful years ahead. mature years, Golden autumn or, as this time is also called, the velvet season. We hope that this period of your life will be generous with fruits.

Another congratulations on the retirement of a female colleague in prose may sound like this. Today we as a team congratulate you on your retirement. Of course, we cannot boast that we predict the future, but something tells us that a new and amazing life. Now only you will own every minute of your time and will be able to do everything that you previously lacked not only time, but also strength and spirit. We would like to wish you good luck on your new path, good health, financial stability, interesting and vibrant life, as well as for long years.

We would like to congratulate you on your retirement and say once again that this is not a reason to hang your nose. You are now a wise man, at the very dawn of your strength, with years of beauty life experience. Let all this help you find what to implement now that you have a lot of free time - in the past it was not enough. We wish that from now on your life will not be simple, but festive! Sit down and write your memoirs, we are sure that you have something to tell about.

Today it is time for you to retire and we have gathered precisely on this occasion. I would like to congratulate you on this important and special day. We wish you a happy free journey, health and longevity, so that all your dreams come true, and every day is better and more interesting than the previous one. I wish you to go hiking, go to the sea, spend a lot of time with your family and always remain the same strong, active and purposeful person as you have always been.

The years of youth are behind us, the wonderful time of maturity has arrived, and every person after retirement thinks about what awaits him in life. We are absolutely sure that only the dawn awaits a person like you, you will be able to get only the best impressions from every day and you will definitely not get bored in retirement.

When so many years have been lived, a person knows what he wants from life and how to achieve it. Of course, leaving your job, to which you have devoted so much time and devoted so much effort, is always sad. But there is no need to be sad, because from now on it will open before you new road, the life of your dreams, within which you will be able to realize all your goals, achieve what you have always dreamed of. Let a couple of years have added to your age, but we know for sure that for such an active and purposeful person like you, age is definitely not an obstacle to new achievements. These are great ones.

These are the kind of congratulations on the retirement of a female colleague in prose that can be safely used when special events By this case. Your wishes will be even more interesting and rich if you official words you will add some stories from your life, tell us what this person taught you.

In any team, sooner or later there comes a time when congratulations on the retirement of a female colleague in prose may come in handy. Very imperceptibly in the routine of everyday work, the venerable retirement age creeps up on one of the employees. This means that soon this person will leave the team to give up his place to a young specialist and will enjoy his retirement.

How to see off a female colleague on retirement

Retirement is one of the most important events for every person. Someone is really looking forward to this moment, knowing what they will do in their free time from work. Some future retirees are very worried about leaving work; this moment is especially difficult for men.

It is important to think about how exactly you will see off a woman’s retirement. Often the future pensioner takes upon herself the organization of the event. But you must admit, at a holiday in honor of yourself, you want to relax, and not run around, worrying whether everything is on the table, putting away dirty dishes and bringing refills. Therefore, it is good if someone from the team takes upon himself the organization of retirement.

Farewell to retirement is rarely limited to a buffet in the office. Most often, a banquet is held in a cafe or restaurant. It’s not bad if you have the opportunity to celebrate on a boat or in nature. It all depends on the team. Having chosen the venue for your retirement celebration, you should decide on the program of the event.

It would be desirable to have an animator. However, there is no need to turn farewell to retirement into bad wedding, where the toastmaster does not allow you to have a normal meal or socialize, endlessly holding competitions. Perhaps in retirement you will be able to take up cooking in earnest; we tell you, pickled oyster mushrooms are very delicious recipe preparations.

What to gift

In any case, the gift should be memorable. Even if you are going to give money, be sure to attach a certificate or something like that to it. It is advisable to consult with the hero of the occasion about the gift, in case she has an unfulfilled dream.

Gift ideas: warm blanket, a cozy shawl, a trip to a resort or sightseeing tour, a subscription to a yoga class or to a spa, a certificate for training in pottery or horse riding. Good gifts You can come up with a lot for a female colleague. The main thing is to take into account the interests and character traits of the person who has worked next to you for many years. How to cook julienne with chicken and mushrooms and potatoes: recipe with photo in the oven.

And, of course, we need congratulations on the retirement of a female colleague in prose:

  • Our dear colleague, today the longest vacation of your life begins. Finally, you will be able to devote yourself completely to your hobby, devote more time to your grandchildren and just stop rushing. Now you can enjoy your morning coffee every morning, rather than drink it in one gulp. Let the calm begin in your life bright days, and the most interesting events will happen to you in retirement.
  • Looking at the hero of the occasion, it is difficult to imagine that she has such a long career behind her fragile shoulders. I would like to wish you more long years stay the same in great shape, amaze everyone with your clear gaze and perky smile. I wish you happiness and goodness for many years to come!
  • Congratulations on the retirement of a woman colleague in funny prose also have a place to be, but the celebration itself presupposes some kind of respect for mature person, but not “giggling”, even in the kindest sense of the word.

It doesn’t matter what congratulations on the retirement of a female colleague in prose you will say, what gifts you will give, the main thing is not to forget your colleague who retired. Great ways, how to brine brisket at home with garlic.

Congratulate her on her birthday and other holidays, and if possible, invite her to corporate events. Do everything to ensure that the “young pensioner” does not feel abandoned and forgotten by her team to whom they were given best years her life.

Congratulations on retirement in prose

Retirement is not a reason to be sad and relax and stop moving forward. It's time to start traveling and exploring new facets in the familiar world. Congratulations on interesting stage in life! Take care of yourself!

Congratulations on retirement in prose

So you have been brought into the ranks of the army of pensioners! We won’t shout hurray, but there is something to be happy about. Now you will have more time to do what you like. You have many hobbies, so go for it. And let the alarm clock wake you up to exercise as before! * * *

This is the law of time. He knows himself Pension Fund, who it’s time to send to the reserve. Don't be too bored without us. We wish you new interests, find something to do that will allow you to reveal all your talents and skills in an unexpected way.

Heartfelt congratulations in prose on your retirement

You are still full of strength and ready to move forward. So don't stop! Let the pension be assigned, but the soul wants to continue its development for the benefit of itself and others. We believe in you! Congratulations on a new milestone in your life. * * *You deserve a rest, and the state fully appreciated your work. Retirement is a reason for congratulations, but not for sadness and longing. You now have more time to do what you love, have the opportunity to get enough sleep and plan your day according to your own schedule. Go for it! It’s still too early to scrap, but it’s time to live for yourself! * * *

Congratulations on your retirement! Give preference to your favorite activities, find new talents in yourself. So that every day would be interesting and different from the previous one.

Good congratulations on your retirement in prose

The long-awaited day has come, the day when you can leave your favorite job and devote time to your family. We wish your life to be easy and carefree. The heart never played pranks, it was strong and worked clearly and harmoniously. So that your family is friendly and harmonious. * * *Congratulations on your well-deserved rest, we wish you optimism and enthusiasm. Let your children and grandchildren be proud of you and set an example of hard work and determination! * * *

We sincerely congratulate you on your retirement. We wish you to always remain as sincere and responsive, honest and purposeful, cheerful and good-natured as we were during your working days!

Sincere congratulations on your retirement in prose

Retirement is not a reason to give up; pass on your experience to new generations and never stop there. Good health, perseverance and patience! * * *

We wish you to straighten your shoulders wide and breathe in full breasts air of freedom! Retirement will open up new horizons for you, take advantage of them to do things that you didn’t have time for before!

Read more: Congratulations on your retirement

Congratulations to a woman on her retirement, funny. Congratulations on retirement for a woman in verse and prose

Just think how much a woman’s life changes when she retires. Workdays are replaced by pleasant chores and household chores. And let it always be a little sad to part with a friendly team and familiar surroundings. But it is precisely humorous congratulations on retirement that will smooth out the moment of parting, remind you of new prospects and allow you to look at everything that is happening in a positive way. And gentle warm and sincere words from the mouth of a boss (male) or colleagues, spoken from pure heart will be remembered for many years to come.

Retirement age is not a problem at all, but there is still one dilemma. Either take care of yourself, or arrange your daily life, Someone will obviously devote themselves to the kitchen. After all, now you don’t need to work “for your uncle”; you can accidentally set up your own business. But first you need to win the jackpot to enjoy life without worries. For this scenario it is absolutely necessary

May your health be simply amazing.

Now the pension has come, open the gate. We will come to visit, eat deliciously and drink sweetly. We wish you to be needed by everyone everywhere, First, relax, and then dive into everything. Just remember, life in retirement is wonderful. Can you afford to get some sleep and go to the sea? Visit museums, feed pigeons in the park. Love everyone, help everyone, don’t forget about yourself: Sign up for procedures and fitness for your figure. Beautician, make-up artist We've been waiting for you too. In general, you will start to rock,

Don't forget to call us too.

Funny congratulations on retirement to a woman from her relatives in prose

Dear Mom! Finally, you can take a break from reports and commissions, forget about getting up at 6 am and the bad mood of your boss. Now you're retired and we all envy you a little. We envy you that new horizons are opening up for self-realization and making your dreams come true. We wish you strength and inspiration to turn your ideas into reality!

Darling! It seems to me that there was a mistake: so young and beautiful woman cannot be a pensioner. But be that as it may, I glorify the occasion thanks to which you can now devote yourself entirely... to me! To be honest, I haven’t received enough attention and care for many years, so now I’m expecting it with interest! Congratulations, dear, and I wish you to love me even stronger and stronger!

Beautiful congratulations on the retirement of a colleague

You decided to leave us, From the clearing, as expected. We wish you the best ahead. And if we start shouting SOS, come to the rescue, friend. We hope you won't deprive us Lifebuoy. You’ve already given out the vests (I told you everything a long time ago). You carried everything on yourself, And we didn’t delve into it much... So always, at any moment Our doors are open You won’t leave us in trouble,

We firmly believe in this.

Well, now, beautiful maiden, you can enjoy life. You don't have to get up in the morning. Note, you will have time for everything: going to the cinema as if going to work, taking care of the children, washing, cooking and ironing, baking pies, cooking dinner. When you get tired of plowing like that

Come and relax with us.

You decided to leave us, Everything changes in this world. As soon as you want, Tomorrow you will be in Cairo. Well, we should go to work and dream only about warm countries, It all turned out this way because it’s too early for us to retire. We wish you many more ahead good people to meet, And to blow into the sail through life,

Just a light tailwind.

Comic congratulations on retirement to a female leader

For all of us, you are like a teacher, a kind mentor and a leader. You have become a mascot for the company. We will not stop taking your example. Your pension is deserved... Still, know that we won’t be able to live without you for long. We will invite you to visit us. In general, we will all miss you very much. We wish you, there, in freedom, to open your own salon (you can handle this, it seems). New trends, fashion trends, Styles, hairstyles, best brands, Cosmetics, creams and tattoos, Spa treatments, fitness, massage. You will certainly have all this. We will become your clients instantly. We hope for discounts, and even very,

From a former boss, by the way.

Try to find a boss lady like you... You are leaving, it’s a pity - you will be missed. You scolded us sometimes, But it’s just a trifle. We were ready to carry you even in our arms. You could give a prize with a light stroke of the pen. For this, dear, we bow to you to the ground. We wish you happy days And long life, We wish to raise grandchildren, To see the world. May thousands of roads await you ahead, may health and luck look at your doorstep. Let success wink at you, And be lucky in life, So that you can be the bird of happiness

Catch and feed.

Cool congratulations on leaving work for a woman from her family

Hurray, beloved granny, now you are ours forever. You don't need to go to work, but sometimes to the market. We wish you health, energy and long days So that you can in the future

And raise our children.

My beloved wife, It’s finally happened. I want to congratulate you, Listen, do me a favor. I was afraid to even dream that you would leave work, that you would start baking pies for me, not just on Saturdays. I won’t lie, I’m very happy. (Selfish, I know.) I'm pensioning you off now

My heartfelt congratulations.

On behalf of the entire family, we want to say now: An Angel came up with the pension and took care of us. We know that you won’t leave us in the future, You won’t go to work, But when you get up quietly in the morning, You’ll bake us some pies. We wish you happiness, Look around, it’s here, You can communicate with your family and eat without haste. We will arrange a holiday for you, We will begin to say in chorus: You know how nice it is

To be at home with you.

Cool congratulations on retirement in prose

There was a rumor that some women are afraid of the word “pension”. I know for sure that this does not apply to you. You are charismatic and extravagant, cheerful and sharp-tongued. I wish you to find a worthy company as quickly as possible so that traveling is not boring. We hope to receive postcards from you from different countries at least a couple of times a month. Rest assured, we are always with you mentally. Wishing you new achievements and a carefree life!

I want to upset you. The fact is that retirement is not a vacation, but just a change in activity. So, according to the new routine, you are obliged to sleep until lunch, go to the spa at least once a week, regularly visit the manicure salon and see with your own eyes all 7 wonders of the world. In order to bring all of the above to life, we wish you the eighth miracle - a pension with which you can afford all this.

Short congratulations on retirement to a woman

I’ll congratulate you on your retirement, I’ll send you an SMS. I wish you inspiration, creative ideas, luck, and also good health, to hear the sound of wheels and see the sound of the surf,

It's great to relax by the sea.

I wish you an increase in your pension: a pack of lotteries, and that everyone plays. So that I can go on vacation to the Maldives, It’s cool to relax there,

In general, become happy.

It’s simply unclear what you’re going to do. Or maybe it’s better to go on vacation and back? Think, if anything, keep in mind that the door is always open for you. We envy you, heartily congratulations,

And we wish you all the best in the world!

A woman who has devoted herself to work for years values ​​attention very dearly. The brighter and more creative the congratulations from friends are, the better it will be remembered. Funny humorous congratulations said at the table are good because you can show your imagination (also use pictures and colorful postcards). They can be costumed, with scenes from the life of a group or musical, and at the same time completely free. But the most important thing is that jokes for women on the occasion of retirement are sincere, kind and sincere. It's always hard to part ways, but jokes are kind parting words at the moment of separation they are worth a lot. Don't forget about this when you choose congratulations to a woman on her retirement.

Congratulations on your retirement

Best congratulations > Important events > on your pension

Behind the back of a person who is about to retire are many years of everyday work and a colossal life. But the time has come, and his colleagues are gathering to see him off to his well-deserved rest. Not everyone can easily accept the idea that tomorrow they will not have to rush to work. The main thing you can do with yourself will be raising your grandchildren or your own cat, and all communication will come down to discussion latest news in the company of neighbors - peers on a bench near their entrance. But still, for many people, retirement is only associated with positive emotions. They perceive it as new stage life, time to implement new plans and ideas! You can finally go to see friends or relatives who live far away and whom you haven’t seen for so long.

Congratulations on retirement in verse, prose, SMS

There is no need to congratulate you on your retirement, they really won’t understand

How long has it been since I went to work? No, it seems like yesterday... But now the pension has dropped, And I didn’t call her. Talk to me, friend, Talk about something, Well, what if we don’t we'll understand friend friend?

It's better to give me money

Let's forget about the gray days of work! And every morning I get up at 7.00! Today at beautiful time year, You are going out for your well-deserved rest! So let your retirement days be decorated with Health, joy, happiness and good luck! Be active and brave in everything!

Prosperity will enter your home!

Dear Friend! Your workdays are left behind, and ahead of you is only continuous beautiful holiday! May all sorrows and difficulties remain where you left, and may you encounter only good luck and happiness on your path.

Today I can tell you that people are still right when they compare a person’s age with the seasons! Only they got it a little mixed up - summer should be associated with retirement! After all, in the summer all people relax, so retirement is a well-deserved rest for many years of work! Here's to your summer! Let it be sunny!

Let's celebrate the holiday, forgetting about sadness and the past years. May there be only joy ahead, the opportunity to take a deep breath and embark on “all the hard stuff”! Let every new day give you hope and make you look forward to the next one! And let illnesses, grievances and misfortunes run away, clearing the wide road to your “golden age”!

Many people say that pension is an indicator of old age. But that's not true. After all, only when you retire do you realize that you have begun to live. Now you don’t have an evil boss who doesn’t let you rest even on weekends. Now you can completely devote yourself to what you love (fishing, traveling, etc.). Many possibilities open up. Until this moment Life is going vertically, all efforts are aimed at upward growth. Now life will expand. There is no need to rush anywhere, they are afraid of no one. In general, accept the most warm congratulations with the entrance to this new quality of life

Retirement is a strange moment:
It seems to be happy, but it seems not.
But there is only one thing we want to tell you:
You have the right to rest.

May your life be filled with meaning,
Songs, joy and optimism.
Remember, retirement is not a death sentence.
Let them bring you gifts and flowers.

You are still in full bloom
And stupefy men with your beauty.
You are tactful, you are very beautiful,
You fall in love sincerely, kind soul.

You are not afraid of reform,
The pensioner gave the go-ahead.
Be both pensioned and in shape
Out of spite for the cunning fund.

You deserve it, enjoy it
Wear your status with pride.
Don't give in to the years
Be healthy, don't be sad.

Our dear (patronymic name)! You combine all the qualities that you should have real woman: You - loving wife, an exemplary mother, a hardworking employee and faithful friend. Retirement is a great time when you can look around and think about how much has been achieved in life, and how much new things are yet to be experienced! Good luck to you in everything, happiness and prosperity.

Now you don't have to rush to work,
It's time to just relax.
Retirement is an opportunity to enjoy life
And dedicate time to your loved one.

Well, we wish you great happiness,
An interesting life, less fuss,
Don't be sad that the years are flying by too quickly,
After all, there is still time to make your dreams come true.

Great time it's time -
You'll be retired.
Understand this is just the beginning
You will sing for joy!

No need to go to work now
Go in the rain and in the cold.
And you can do it in any weather
Find something to do at home!

I wish that my darling would sing,
And you were busy with yourself
And I did everything I wanted
Going headlong into nirvana!

Freedom pension
The door opened for you.
Work experience
You broke records.

Happy first day of freedom
I congratulate you
Life will now begin
You have another one.

Every day is now yours
It will be a day off
Every month of the year -
Calm, vacation.

I wish you
Enjoy life
Let the pension be
A reason for happiness.

You're already retiring
But the enthusiasm and agility have not dried up.
Now you can be free
It’s great to live and not worry.

Work experience has already been accumulated,
Forget about the work strap.
I worked hard, gaining experience,
Now it's time to rest.

So relax, without knowing any problems,
Without knowing any worries.
And I wish to travel
You are in the world every year.

And don't be afraid of anything
And don’t mope and don’t get sick.
In a word, have a blast,
And not sit on a bench.

Play to the fullest
So that you don't get bored for a day,
After all, you are in the juice and not an old lady.
In short, happy pension to you!

Work experience has been accumulated for a long time,
It's time to frolic.
Retirement is a link of rest,
Family time to have fun.

Bake pies for your loved ones,
Inviting guests more often,
Set the table, mountains of flowers in vases.
And relax without getting bored.

We wish you cloudless days,
There is always prosperity in life,
Close love and smiles of friends,
Good luck in all your endeavors.

And may your soul always smell like spring,
We wish you happiness without measure.
With retirement, with rest, with a new era
We sincerely congratulate you!

You gave yourself to your work,
Sparing no time and effort.
But whether they wanted it or not,
Retirement age has arrived.

Well, we're a little jealous
You are now a free man.
There is more than one road before you,
Time stopped running.

You can sew, knit, go to the theaters.
Rome, Paris and London to visit.
At the pier to see off the sunset...
Make all your dreams come true!

A miracle date has come in your life,
Only time is to blame for this,
But it was wrong this time
Because you are a classy woman!

Young, cheerful and energetic,
And to work with early years habitual
Can you rest now?
Or continue to plow for the rest of your life!

We wish to always be beautiful,
Slender and desperately happy,
Spend more time with your grandchildren
Have fun and don't be discouraged!

How many years you devoted to work!
You gave all of yourself to her.
You did everything diligently and with dignity,
Without a doubt, we are satisfied with your work!

May your holiday continue to be bright,
May your mood always be excellent.
Thank you very much for your patience,
Our team will never forget you!

Here is a collection of congratulations for a colleague who is retiring. All texts are in prose (not poetry), as they say - congratulations in your own words. Most of the texts are universal - addressed to both men and women (insert the name you need in the first line of each text).

If you need to add to the texts (or you did not find any suitable ones on this page), use the special list.

Dear (name)! The beginning of your new life is coming and we wish this life to be happy. Now you will have time to implement what has been planned for a long time and has been put off until now. We hope that you will not forget us, will keep in touch with us and delight us with your new successes outside of our organization. Well, we will remember you as a wonderful colleague, great friend, a reliable member of our team, and if you allow, we will sometimes use your experience, competence and ask for advice (both on work and everyday advice). Let the coming period of your life become the happiest time for you and bring only joy.

Dear Spiridon Spiridonovich (insert the desired name)! We envy you with white envy... After all, we remain working for the common cause, and you leave to spend all your time on your own projects, desires and fulfill your personal dreams. You have access to what is not available to us: spend time with your children, walk as much as you want and where you want, get up in the morning at what time you want and not be stuck in traffic jams on the way to work, but go for a run in the park. And now you will carry out only your own orders, and not someone else’s. And no one will rush it. And make new discoveries - your own, and not those that are indicated. And the accumulated experience will help you realize everything you have planned. We can only congratulate you and wish you to have more health, more vitality, more good news, and everything else will stick on its own.

Dear friend, congratulations on your well-deserved retirement - this is a wonderful, calm time. You have become not only a colleague for us, but also a true friend, and we are sorry to part with you. Let us sometimes hear and see you, take advantage of your advice, support and accumulated vast experience. Don't forget us and remind us of yourself. Well, we will definitely remind you of ourselves. We wish you complete happiness (now it will definitely become complete when you don’t have to be distracted by work tasks), good health, joy, new discoveries, success and new victories in some completely new activity. And may your new life bring you only satisfaction.

Congratulations to you, our beloved colleague and friend! An amazing time begins for you, into which you go with a huge amount of knowledge and experience. We wish you that what appears free time you were able to fruitfully spend it on fulfilling your long-planned plans. And also to achieve your long-planned personal goals (after all, now you don’t need to solve our common problems). And so that everything conceived and planned comes true easily. Good luck!

Dear (name)! Over the many years of your prosperous career, you have accumulated vast experience and knowledge, many friends, professional victories, successes, solved many problems, emerged from a huge number of difficult situations and helped others do the same. Today is a wonderful period in your life - to all the above wealth, two more have been added - free time and complete freedom of action. We congratulate you on this happy day and wish that the new gifts of fate (time and freedom), together with the existing accumulated wealth, will bring you only new victories, new successes and, most importantly, that all this will be appreciated by those from whom you want get recognition. And of course, so that you are happy, have good health, enjoy every day and that you are surrounded only by good people.

Dear friend, we know that you love your job and live and breathe only it. And we know that today’s day of release from obligations to the organization is not very joyful for you... We all sincerely wish you to overcome your blues and look at this event from a different angle: now you have enough time to live a life full of human, and not professional joys. You can do whatever you want (finish building a dacha, walk with your grandchildren, build a bathhouse, plant a garden, open your own business, create your own business, travel, live as you please, etc.), everything that you have long wanted and had no time for. You will be able to pay more attention to your family or those who need your attention and cannot live without you. And this is wonderful.

Just don’t be discouraged, pull yourself together and manage to use this gift of life properly. So that it benefits you and everyone who surrounds you or depends on you. Well, we will definitely help you. We won’t let you go that easily, you’ll see. We will bother you on the phone with our requests and eternal questions, you are a valuable storehouse of professional information for us.

In general, hang in there! At first, it may be difficult to get used to the new schedule of life, but then you will cope. We wish you to go through the first, unusual time smoothly and easily. And after that everything will definitely work out, you’ll see!

Congratulations, dear colleague, on the start of your retirement. You did a great job and had a great career. Your professional path is wonderful and has already become a legend among us. Your story is passed on again and again from old employees to new ones. You are a legend. You are a self-made man. We are proud that we worked next to you and with you all this time. We are also proud that we continue to remain in your social circle. Know this, remember that we are not only your colleagues (co-workers), but also friends and we continue to remain one team. Be happy in your new one, free life and don't get out of sight. We will miss you very much. And we want to wish you that all the expectations that you place on your retirement holiday– came true and brought joy to you and your loved ones!

Our dear colleague! Today is a wonderful day from which your new life will begin. You've worked hard and deserve your rest. We know that you still have a lot of energy, strength, ambitions, plans and desires. And now you also have a valuable resource at your disposal - time and freedom. And of course, you will correctly (as always) manage these resources and receive new successes and new victories. We wish you that your new achievements will bring you satisfaction, a feeling of fullness of life and a feeling that life is a success. Be happy.

Dear colleague! Retirement is a great thing! Now you can, as you dreamed, travel whenever you want and wherever you want. We know that you worked for this, did everything possible and deserved all the happiness that awaits you. We congratulate you on this day and wish you to make many new pleasant discoveries, experience many bright and happy moments, and enjoy every moment of the new chapter of your life. Be happy, friend!

Dear, our beloved Tatyana Ivanovna! Today one chapter of your life ends and a new one begins. She is called by a nasty, but affectionate and cozy word - “pension”. We congratulate you and wish that this chapter becomes truly affectionate and cozy for you. Now you can spend all your time with your grandchildren, as you always dreamed of. And now the alarm clock will alarm you in the morning, not hysterically calling you to work, but cheerfully inviting you to go for a run in the park. And don’t even think about sitting on a bench near the house, discussing schoolgirls in short skirts- It’s too early for you to do this, you’ll still have time. Better yet, have fun, be happy and don’t forget about us - we will miss you very much. Good health to you and your loved ones, many years to come happy life, well-being, prosperity and love.

Well, finally, the hour of freedom has come, dear colleague! Now you are free to do whatever you want, whenever you want. This is a dream come true. And there is still plenty of health, and the children need attention, and there will be more and more plans every day. And there is time to do everything. Congratulations on your retirement, on your new opportunities, on your future new hobbies. And let retirement change your life only in better side, will bring with it moral satisfaction and contentment with fate.

Oh, how I envy you, colleague! Now you can ride your bike every day, sleep until your heart’s content, plant your own forest on your property, fish and chat with friends whenever you want... And you no longer have to carry hateful reports to your boss, endure his control and Bad mood, answer endless questions, train clueless newcomers and carry out additional free assignments. I congratulate you on your newfound happiness and wish you to fully enjoy every gorgeous minute given by fate.

Dear Petr Petrovich, we congratulate you on the onset of your well-deserved rest. We know that you still have enough energy for ten people and you don’t want to rest... Therefore, we wish you that peace does not come in your life, and that retirement turns not into rest, but into a new, interesting, exciting and joyful path to new achievements. Now you don’t have a boss and you will set tasks for yourself. This is wonderful and we are confident that you will have the strength and wisdom to set wonderful goals for yourself and achieve them. I wish you success, an easy journey, good health and prosperity.

We wish you, dear and respected colleague, that retirement becomes a springboard for you into a new one, exciting life. We congratulate you on the beginning of a new stage in the development of your personality and may age not gain power over you, illnesses be avoided, and energy only increases. And so that your wisdom correctly manages all this goodness. May every day await you a pleasant surprise, youth does not leave you, and love surrounds you on all sides.

Dear colleague, you always had a lot of energy and you, like a locomotive, pulled our entire team with it to our numerous achievements. And like any energetic person, you believe that the beginning of retirement is the end of life. But we want to tell you (and we want you to believe us, because before giving you advice, we consulted with a specialist psychologist) that you think so only because you still don’t know where to put your energy and strength , of which there are still many left. As soon as you have an idea and a goal, then retirement will cease to be a problem for you and will become an assistant. So, we congratulate you on new opportunity, which you already have, although you haven’t realized it yet. And we wish you to see the goal as soon as possible and direct your strength towards it, achieve it and receive new thrill. And on the way to this goal, we wish you to receive only pleasure, enjoy the road you are walking on and delight yourself, your loved ones and all of us with your new achievements.

Our precious Solomon Solomonovich! Please accept our congratulations on the start new history in your life. Also accept sincere wishes well-being and prosperity. Let this new page of your personal history be full of new, opening prospects, dreams come true, love, warmth and positivity. Happy retirement, dear colleague!

Dear Spiridon Spiridonovich! Congratulations on your long-awaited break from work and the onset of freedom. We wish you to be an active pensioner, always cheerful, full of ideas and strength to implement them. But if you suddenly get bored, know that we always have a job for you and we will be happy to welcome you back to our team.

Dear friend and colleague, congratulations on your well-deserved retirement. I know that it is difficult for an active person (like you) to imagine what you can do in retirement. I wanted to tell you so that you don’t forget how full your head has always been of ideas and creative plans. Yes, they just swarm inside you 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. With such abilities of your body, you will quickly find something to do in retirement and you will again have a lot to do. And if your ideas are profitable and you need an assistant, call me, I’ll quickly come running.

And yes, I wish you a quick and easy period of adaptation to a new lifestyle and new sensations. May retirement open up new, positive opportunities for you. May all your wishes come true.

Our dear colleague, golden comrade and friend, Ivan Ivanovich! Congratulations on your retirement. Finally, you can take full control of raising your grandchildren and make them the same cool people what you yourself are. Finally, you will stop jostling on a crowded bus in the morning. Finally, you can leisurely sit with a book in a hammock at the dacha and not have to solve production problems every minute. Finally, you will have the opportunity to fulfill only your desires, and not the orders of management... We wish you to enjoy this time from the bottom of your heart. And let your well-deserved rest become the happiest time in your life. All the best to you.

Our dear (name)! I remember the day you came to our company. Much water has passed under the bridge since then; you have not had the easiest career path. But now we can say for sure that your career has been a success! It was not just a success, it became a decoration of your professional life, proof of your abilities, skills and talents. You can be proud of such a career story and tell it to your children and grandchildren as educational training. With all this, you have always remained and remain a model of a woman. We wish you that new period your life was just as successful for you as your professional path. May the new time bring you only joy, remain as unfading and wise. May your health never leave you, may your creative ideas never dry up, may your energy help you realize all your plans. Happy retirement to you, colleague!

Dear (name)! They say that when retirement comes, a person stops working. Ha, yes it continues to work! And begins to live! Because now everything he does, he does at the behest of his own soul and heart. Tomorrow you will discover that there is more than enough work to do in retirement. Only she is of a different kind. We congratulate you and wish that these discoveries will delight you and bring positivity and happiness into your life. Well, don’t forget us, your experience cannot be ignored and we, of course, will take advantage of our acquaintance with you to pester you with our questions. Please, don’t refuse, consult on old friendship. I wish you good health and long life happy years and family happiness.

Our dear, beloved (insert desired name)! During our collaboration, you have become for us not only a colleague, mentor, assistant and guiding star on our professional path, but also a real friend. We congratulate you on your new quiet time, which comes in your life and we wish you to remain the same beautiful, stylish, feminine, joyful, mysterious and bewitching woman that we all know you. We will miss you very much. Let us visit you at least sometimes, use your advice, whisper in a friendly manner “between us girls” and take advantage of your cunning, very creative and wise advice. And let retirement become a happy time for you, which you can completely devote to yourself and your own pleasures. Be happy!

It's spring and it's time for a new beginning, interesting period in your personal story, dear colleague. And yet, this is a time of change for the better and a time of new prosperity. We congratulate you on your long-awaited vacation and wish that the coming spring, together with the upcoming retirement vacation, will make you happy, breathe new strength into you, new creative ideas And new energy to implement all this.

It's autumn, the most colorful time of the year and it's... good time in order to leave your workplace and enjoy the most wonderful, guaranteed paid vacation - retirement. It's getting cold outside and this is a good time to have a leisurely chat with friends, sitting in a warm place with a cup of your favorite tea. We wish you, dear colleague, to successfully adapt to the new daily routine, have a good rest during the fall and winter, take a walk, breathe, gain strength, and then take on your goals with renewed vigor. own desires, tasks and plans. After all, now you will have enough time for yourself, your personal life and your projects. We congratulate you on your retirement and wish you a new, retired career no less brilliant than your previous professional path.

Now it's winter outside and this is a good time to retire. You will be able to fully experience all the delights of a well-deserved vacation, without getting up for work in the dark in the morning, without returning home in the dark, without brushing off sneezing and coughing colleagues, without endlessly struggling with drowsiness and with a harmful boss (who doesn’t understand why employees sleep at work). ). Yes, winter is a good time to calmly, slowly, taste new life, gain strength, get plenty of sleep and come to life again in the spring, already new, a free man, carrying out their own orders, in sole control of their life, their tasks, their routine and their hobbies. Retirement is a thrill, no matter what anyone says. And we congratulate you on your new high, dear colleague. We wish you to realize your retirement as productively as you have done for many years in your profession.

Dear colleague, your fate has chosen the best time to finish labor activity- summer. You will have time to enjoy the warmth, grow crops on your plot, spend time with your grandchildren (who are on vacation right now), make preparations for the winter, gain strength before cold winter and calmly think about plans for the future. You are definitely a lucky woman. We congratulate you and wish that your new status (retired) brings you only pleasure and satisfaction. So that family joys make you no less happy than professional achievements. We also wish you to achieve new goals and that the path to them be easy and pleasant, and that new successes will be useful and highly appreciated by your loved ones.

The time has finally come for you to take care of yourself,
Beauty salons to visit in the morning,
And shaping workouts after lunch are just right,
And in the evening, so that you can devote time to the theater.
From a schedule so that you don’t get tired,
And we never lost our youthful souls!

Everyday work is behind us,
There is no need for you to grieve about them.
The best is ahead of you,
And you won't have to be sad.
Go to the sea, to a resort.
Must visit abroad:
Foreign make a passport
And go conquer London!
Retirement is not a reason to be sad
This is a reason life to the fullest live!
Soon you will be able to understand this,
You won't have to suffer from idleness.

You are the first employee of us
Successfully skated a “long program”
And at the most opportune time
She left the ice without tears or melodrama.
You have a great responsibility!
We are our day tomorrow
Today we measure yours:
We balance sensuality and everyday life,
Victory, maturity and experience of loss.
You must set an example for us:
Uninhibited feelings and communication,
Mobility both in summer and winter,
Good health without a doubt.
And now we decided to paint it
Your week in a new style:
I must go to the pool on Tuesdays!
On Wednesdays, run in the gym or in the park!
On Thursdays you can drink coffee in the morning!
And on Friday - “hodden”! But only without “parking”!
On Saturday, Sunday accept
Guests, children and grandchildren with impatience,
So that new week start off
In a good and cheerful mood!
And on Monday? - Finally, you can rest,
Loving yourself and pampering yourself a little.
We are burning with white envy
And we want to get to this state!

Now your life is free:
Ahead - “free program”:
If you want, sleep, but if you want, have fun.
If you want, starve, but if you want, get better
(Only completing this task is difficult:
Eating a lot of fat is impossible today!)
If you want, open a cooperative,
If you want, travel with a letter of credit.
Monaco and Valencia are waiting for you
(If you have income other than a pension!)
If you want, watch a movie in the morning,
Or open the window wide
And hula hoop for hours.
But... be careful not to tear your navel,
Because you are no longer twenty years old -
There is a danger of overstraining the hoop.
If you don’t want to “twist”, lie down,
Or tie a sweater for your husband:
You have long dreamed of tying him up,
There just wasn't enough time for it. , -
If your husband comes home late from work,
Be very careful in your questions:
It wasn’t then that she retired. to go home
It was tense.
Maybe he really has a meeting,
Or again - a “business meeting”. -
You will live calmer, more fun,
If you can be more tolerant and smarter.

Congratulations on your retirement: Poems |