After false contractions. False contractions during pregnancy: symptoms

New Year

IN interesting position a woman learns a lot of new things, including about her health. One of the body's surprises is false contractions during pregnancy.

What are false contractions during pregnancy?

Starting from , the pregnant woman feels tension and spasms in the muscles of the uterus, which do not last long and without a certain rhythm. In this case, as a rule, there is no pain, but the woman experiences discomfort.

False contractions They also have other names - training, or Braxton Hicks. Doctors are still arguing about what false contractions are.

Some are of the opinion about their pathological nature, others - about the preparatory prenatal function.

It is undeniable that they saturate the placenta with oxygen and supply nutrients for the fetus, since during contractions the blood supply to the uterus increases.

Causes of false contractions

Doctors note that the occurrence of false contractions directly depends on the lifestyle of the expectant mother.

Abuse of alcoholic beverages, smoking, and addiction to coffee provoke their appearance. Excessive emotional and physical stress lead to muscle strain and spasms of the uterine muscles.

Contractions appear after intimate relationships, increased motor activity fetus

False contractions can also be caused by:

  • eating chocolate or other sweets;
  • lack of sleep;
  • travel by any type of transport;
  • fear, excitement;
  • dehydration;
  • bladder fullness;
  • , micro- and macroelements.

Symptoms of false contractions

The sensations of false contractions during pregnancy are vaguely reminiscent of real contractions.

The uterus contracts, and quite noticeably. This forces the child to move actively. During real contractions, the child begins to pass through the birth canal and performs only the necessary movements.

Symptoms of false contractions during pregnancy:

  • contraction of the smooth muscles of the uterus;
  • painlessness;
  • noticeable discomfort due to rapid sudden movements of the fetus;
  • pulling sensations without sharp pain;
  • the spasm appears in one place and does not radiate to the lower back;
  • short duration of spasm;
  • irregularity of contractions - occur in different time days, lasting for different time periods.

How to identify false contractions

A special consultation with a gynecologist on how to distinguish false contractions from real ones is not required at all. Even a first-time mother will not confuse true contractions with anything.

Real contractions are periodic - they occur at a certain interval.

At first they last a minute or two, followed by a rest of 20-30 minutes - everything is very individual for each pregnancy. After some time, the duration of contractions increases, and the interval between them decreases.

During real contractions, it is impossible for women to be distracted by anything else - the pain increases and radiates to the lower back and below.

During Braxton Hicks contractions, a woman can be distracted by watching an interesting movie; a change in body position leads to the cessation of muscle spasms.

False contractions occur in different times and go away quite quickly on their own or after taking antispasmodics. True ones do not stop after the use of antispasmodics.

During training contractions, the fetus moves a lot, unlike real ones.

What to do if false contractions start

Training contractions do not apply pathological conditions during pregnancy, but serve as a reason to change lifestyle. You should rest more, worry less, reconsider.

If false contractions cause discomfort, you need to lie down, trying to find a comfortable position. Usually, in a lying position, the muscles come to a state of rest and the spasms stop. Taking no-spa will relieve tension.

Other ways will help:

To prevent training contractions, you need to urinate in a timely manner, without having sex, during the day.

At a time close to childbirth, the number and duration of contractions are recorded. Up to six an hour is no cause for alarm. True contractions have a clear rhythm that will not allow mistakes.

If there is bleeding, leakage of water, sharp pain lower abdomen, you need to urgently seek medical care. These are pathological deviations that do not occur with healthy pregnancy and childbirth.

Possible complications

In some cases, training contractions are painful, but otherwise they differ from real contractions - there is no rhythm. There are no changes in the cervix (does not soften, shorten, or open).

This means a pathology called false birth. It is observed in 10-15% of women in labor and is associated with weakness of labor contractions.

Risk factors for a pathological prenatal period:

  • emotional or mental instability instability - women with a labile nervous system;
  • pathology of cardio-vascular system(heart disease), chronic, liver;
  • diseases associated with disorders hormonal levels- obesity, infantility of the genital organs;
  • fear of childbirth;
  • large fetus or multiple pregnancy;
  • a history of repeated abortions;
  • little and polyhydramnios;
  • the age of the woman in labor is about 17 and;
  • Not correct position children's place and fetus;
  • anatomical features - .

Such contractions can appear at different times of the day, last longer than a week and deplete the woman in labor to the limit. Subsequently, the fetus is weak and suffers from oxygen starvation.

Due to the tension of the uterus, it is not possible to palpate the fetal head; it does not enter the birth canal.

The baby's movements are painful for the mother. Water in this position and the course of labor becomes more complicated.

False contractions can be a sign and warn of a possible termination of pregnancy or.

If there is accompanying nagging pain in the lower back and lower abdomen, or bloody vaginal discharge, you should immediately contact an antenatal clinic.

Diagnosis of pathology

Upon admission to maternity ward or at a consultation appointment, the gynecologist will perform a vaginal examination and ask the pregnant woman about the duration of contractions and the time of occurrence. During the examination, the doctor will determine the cervix.

If the cervix is ​​immature and painful contractions will be performed. To get a more complete picture, the doctor may prescribe NGG.

External - a painless study in which, using sensors, the gynecologist will reliably determine the truth or falsehood of contractions.

Simultaneously with NGG, it is performed to listen to the fetal heartbeat and determine hypoxia.

Treatment of false contractions

If Braxton Hicks contractions do not cause any noticeable inconvenience and are painless, the woman just needs to lie down for a while, rest, and her health will improve.

Taking antispasmodics will eliminate spasms of the uterine muscles.

Otherwise, in case of painful arrhythmic contractions after 36 weeks, the woman is hospitalized in the maternity ward.

Treatment depends on the characteristics of the specific case:

  • the length and condition of the tissues of the cervix - its maturity;
  • painful contractions;
  • maternal and fetal conditions;
  • duration of pathological contractions (painful and ineffective).

If the uterus is mature and contractions last less than 6 hours, open amniotic sac and induce labor.

With the same duration of contractions and the cervix is ​​not ready, sedatives and gels containing prostaglandins are prescribed intravaginally to prepare the cervix.

If contractions lasted more than 12 hours, the pregnant woman is immersed in medicated sleep to restore strength. After awakening, labor is stimulated.

What does the appearance of false contractions signal?

Training contractions prepare a pregnant woman psychologically and physically for childbirth. The uterus contracts and smooth muscles are trained.

The woman in labor gets used to the thought of the upcoming event, and waits for the moment of the birth of the child without fear.

With prolonged Braxton Hicks contractions, expectant mothers become impatient and want to give birth sooner.

By the time training contractions begin during pregnancy, gynecologists judge the approach of labor. Typically, labor occurs one to two weeks after the onset of Braxton Hicks contractions, also called pre-labor contractions.

False contractions, which are painful and start too early (at 20-22 weeks), are most likely a symptom of uterine hypertonicity.

Video: false contractions during pregnancy

During the period of gestation, the expectant mother encounters different sensations. On later she may begin to feel a tug in her stomach and lower back. This makes me think that maybe it’s time to give birth. But in this way the body prepares for the upcoming birth of the baby. In order not to run to the hospital in panic every time, a pregnant woman should know how to distinguish training contractions from real ones.

Training the body before the birth of a child

Due to false contractions, the uterus prepares for childbirth. This normal phenomenon, so no need to worry. The following features of training contractions of the uterus are distinguished:
  1. Contractions during pregnancy begin from the 20th week.
  2. They don't last long. Their duration is several seconds or minutes.
  3. A pregnant woman experiences discomfort During contractions, there is a tugging sensation in the lower abdomen. But it goes away quickly.
  4. After some time, contractions appear more often, but their duration does not change.
Often expectant mothers think that they are starting to give birth when such sensations arise. Therefore, they should know information about this process and how to distinguish training contractions from real ones.

Real contractions

Labor abbreviations have the following features:
  1. appear regularly with a frequency of 0.5-1.5 minutes;
  2. if a woman changes her body position, the pain will not disappear;
  3. pain appears in the lower back and abdomen.
When contractions begin, you should consult a doctor, as labor is approaching. This is also indicated by the following signs:
  1. the uterine muscles contract, which causes dull pain;
  2. painful sensations disappear, but then appear again;
  3. there are more than 5 waves per hour;
  4. pressure appears in the pelvic area;
  5. colic occurs, reminiscent of menstruation;
  6. appearance of bloody discharge.

Main differences

When a woman feels pain in the abdominal area, cramps, she should be wary, as contractions begin. This is a possible signal of the onset of labor. But a woman should know how to distinguish training contractions from real ones. The following differences are distinguished:
  1. The pain when training the body before childbirth may disappear if the woman changes position and walks. This will not help if a pregnant woman goes into labor.
  2. Labor contractions are regular, but false contractions are not.
  3. If labor begins, mucus with blood particles occurs.

When a woman is pregnant, a lot of changes occur in her body. First, systems are rebuilt for the successful development of pregnancy, and then they are prepared for its completion. As the due date approaches, a woman may experience something new that was not there during the previous period. Many people feel as if contractions have begun to appear. But these are not the real contractions of the uterus that are observed during childbirth, but only training ones. Why false contractions occur, how they manifest themselves and how a woman in this situation can be helped - these are the main questions that should be paid attention to.


False or training contractions of the uterus are also called Braxton-Higgs contractions. They are not accompanied by the opening of the cervical canal, and therefore do not lead to childbirth. Therefore, many expectant mothers who are faced with similar phenomenon, they want to know what causes it. IN modern medicine There are several points of view on the advisability of pseudo-contractions:

  • Preparing the muscle layer for childbirth.
  • Increased uteroplacental blood flow.
  • Correction of fetal position.

Therefore, you should not be afraid of them. False contractions during pregnancy are not only completely normal, but also very important. The uterus, like any muscular organ, needs to undergo training from time to time. After all, at the end of pregnancy she will have serious work to expel the fetus.


Pseudocontractions occur in any woman, but each pregnant woman feels them differently. Some people don’t notice at all, and for some they become a source of obvious discomfort. It all depends on individual sensitivity. As a rule, training contractions occur in the second half of pregnancy, when the uterus is already noticeably enlarged. But start dates vary from 20 to 36 weeks. They can happen earlier, the woman just doesn’t feel it. And the very presence, as well as the absence of false contractions, cannot be a sufficient criterion for assessing the normal course of pregnancy.

It is not difficult to recognize training contractions. Most women feel them as compression or tension in the upper part of the uterus, lower abdomen or groin area. But there is no pain. There is only discomfort, which as it increases gestational age may increase. Some women say that at this time the stomach becomes hard and some parts of the fetus are visible through it. It is necessary to pay attention to other signs:

  • Lack of regularity - no more than 4-5 times per hour.
  • Short duration - lasts about 30 seconds (less often up to 2 minutes).
  • Low to moderate intensity.

Such contractions can occur at rest or under the influence of certain factors: physical activity, sexual intercourse and orgasm, psycho-emotional experiences, fetal movements, a full bladder, flatulence. They disappear on their own. But to speed this up, it is often enough for a woman to walk around the room or change her body position.

Symptoms of false contractions during pregnancy should not be alarming. It is only important to be able to distinguish them from the real onset of labor. Unlike real contractions, training contractions are irregular and do not increase in frequency, duration or intensity over time. They gradually disappear and are not accompanied by pain. And the unpleasant sensations do not spread to the entire abdomen and lumbosacral region. In addition, false contractions never lead to dilatation of the cervix and, as a result, rupture of amniotic fluid.

Braxton-Higgs contractions are easy to distinguish from labor contractions. You just need to watch them for some time.


Having dealt with the signs of false contractions, it is worth mentioning some recommendations created to help expectant mothers. After all, the sensations may not be the most pleasant, and I would like to get rid of them as soon as possible. To alleviate her condition, a woman can do the following:

  • Take a different, more comfortable position.
  • Relax (meditation, musical relaxation).
  • Pat your belly.
  • Drink some water.
  • Take a walk in the fresh air.
  • Take a shower or warm bath.
  • Massage your lower back.
  • Empty your bladder more often.

This will help relieve not only mental stress, but will also help stop pseudo-contractions. In addition, a woman has an excellent opportunity to prepare for childbirth herself, for example, by performing breathing exercises:

  • During contractions, breathe frequently and shallowly.
  • At the height of tension, slowly exhale and then inhale deeply. Repeat at the end of the fight.
  • Inhaling slowly through your nose, exhale sharply through your mouth.

Performing such simple techniques will make it possible to reduce physical discomfort and spend time usefully learning how to breathe during real contractions in the first stage of labor.

Alarming manifestations

Each woman should focus on her own condition during pregnancy. If you experience any symptoms that cause concern, you should immediately consult a doctor. Perhaps the specialist will not confirm the fears, but in any case it will not be superfluous. Especially if we're talking about about the late stages of pregnancy, when you are about to give birth. In order not to miss this moment, and also to suspect in time obstetric pathology, you need to pay attention to the following signs:

  • Regular contractions with increasing intensity and frequency.
  • Spasmodic pain in the abdomen, radiating to the back.
  • A sharp increase in the amount of discharge.
  • Bleeding from the genital tract.
  • Decreased frequency of fetal movements.
  • Any deterioration in general condition.

Appearance alarming symptoms should be a signal for a mandatory visit to an obstetrician-gynecologist. Maybe the due date has already approached, but there are situations associated with the pathological course of pregnancy. Then the doctor will prescribe the appropriate correction.

There is no need to be afraid of false contractions. This is a normal phenomenon for the body when the uterus is preparing for the upcoming birth. A woman should know what pseudocontractions are characterized by, how to reduce the discomfort that accompanies them and not miss anxiety states. The doctor will resolve any doubts, so you should contact him with all questions.

In the process of bearing a child, a woman experiences a whole life when her body is rebuilt, habits change, and new sensations arise almost every day. And at a certain moment, when childbirth is just around the corner, false contractions appear. How to distinguish them from the true ones? What measures will help relieve pain? When should you see a doctor?

False contractions - what are they?

Under the term “false contractions” in medical science involve irregular rhythmic contractions of the muscular walls of the uterus, intended to prepare reproductive organs to childbirth.
During such “training,” the muscles of the uterus and cervix become more resilient in order to actively contract in the future and push the child through the birth canal. The muscles of the uterus are trained before childbirth to right moment

contract and push the fetus through the birth canal

Training contractions (also called Braxton-Hicks contractions - that was the name of the British doctor who first substantiated this phenomenon) also improve blood supply to the reproductive organs, thereby increasing the supply of oxygen to the fetus. Interestingly, not all doctors have a unanimous opinion about the purpose of false contractions. For example, some believe that this is only a reaction of the pregnant woman’s body to hormonal fluctuations, and not at all a preparation for.

labor activity Not all pregnant women experience Braxton-Hicks contractions, this is especially true for first-time mothers. Much depends on individual characteristics body (high or low pain threshold), provoking factors. Nevertheless, such reductions occur in every expectant mother , but they can simply not be noticed (for example, due to being busy with work, household chores), confused with increased gas formation

and other phenomena.

Causes of training contractions

  1. There are a number of factors that can provoke training contractions or increase the intensity of existing ones:
  2. Active fetal movement (turning over, kicking).
  3. The activity of the expectant mother herself, for example, physical activity.
  4. Emotional shocks: fear, stress or, conversely, joy. Sensitive people are more susceptible to this.
  5. Sexual intercourse accompanied by female orgasm. Eating heavy and fatty foods that cause a feeling of heaviness in the gastrointestinal tract, carbonated drinks, overeating, or, conversely, severe hunger
  6. Inability to go to the toilet on time. This may cause discomfort in bladder and rectum, causing false contractions.

In some cases, false contractions can occur even if you put your hand on your stomach, yours or someone else’s.

Photo gallery: factors that trigger Braxton Hicks contractions

Sex with a violent female orgasm can provoke training contractions. One of the reasons for false contractions is the consumption of fatty heavy foods, carbonated drinks or hunger. The reason for the appearance of false contractions can be emotional experiences False contractions can provoke active fetal movements

How to differentiate between false and labor contractions

While some pregnant women experience just mild discomfort during Braxton-Hicks contractions, others experience quite severe pain. During attacks, expectant mothers are confused: they mistake this phenomenon for the beginning of labor and are in a hurry to get ready for the maternity hospital (especially if the period is already quite long).

Therefore, it is important to learn the signs that distinguish training contractions from real ones.

Table: differences between false and true contractions Criteria for distinction False contractions
TruePeriodicityThey are recorded from time to time, without a certain interval.
Attacks of contractions are regular, repeated after a certain period of time, and gradually become more frequent and longer lasting.Increasing intensity of painThe intensity of the pain does not increase; on the contrary, it gradually weakens.
Each subsequent contraction is stronger than the previous one.Is it possible to reduce the intensity of pain?The pain decreases with a change in activity, rest, etc.
Changing body position or type of activity does not in any way affect the intensity of the attack.Localization of painThe pain is recorded in the abdomen and pelvic area.

The pain radiates to the back and lower back, lower abdomen, sides and hips, rectum and bladder.

One of the main differences between true contractions is their frequency. False contractions have absolutely nothing to do with childbirth and do not signal the beginning this process

. The attacks are not accompanied by dilatation of the cervix (only a gynecologist can attest to this during examination).

Video: differences between false and true contractions (excerpt from the webinar “Preparing for Childbirth” by the Academy of Motherhood)

Normal sensations for a pregnant woman during Braxton Hicks contractions

  1. You can recognize when a pregnant woman's training contractions have begun by the characteristic symptoms: Appears in a certain part of the abdomen severe pain - as if someone is squeezing the uterus tightly. Appear of varying intensity (as a rule, they do not cause significant discomfort).
  2. In one hour, such a sensation can be repeated several times, and then disappear for several days. Some people experience seizures from time to time throughout the day.
  3. The attacks occur suddenly and do not have a specific rhythm or cyclicity. However, most often they are recorded in the evening or at night, when the rest of the muscles of the body are relaxed (at this time of day the tone of the uterus is simply easier to notice).
  4. Contractions stop on their own or together with a change in body position, movement, etc.

Often false contractions make themselves felt in the evening and at night, when the rest of the body muscles are relaxed.

Concerning specific deadlines, when a woman can expect training contractions, here again everything is individual. However, this usually happens no earlier than 20 weeks. Many pregnant women experience attacks only in the third trimester. Contractions at 39–40 weeks should be assessed especially carefully, since they may be true.

Situations requiring consultation with a doctor

Despite all the harmlessness of training contractions, there are situations when such “training” requires medical intervention. Should be paid close attention to the following signals:

  1. The attacks are accompanied by unusual vaginal discharge: watery or mixed with blood (perhaps placental abruption begins).
  2. The pain during uterine contractions is too strong, although irregular. For example, too pronounced pain in the lumbar region may not mean false contractions, but acute inflammatory disease kidney
  3. Pressure on the perineal area increases: it causes pain and discomfort.
  4. At the same time pour out amniotic fluid or they leak (from the genital tract comes out large volume liquids or just quickly gets your underwear wet).
  5. Contractions are repeated too often - over 4 times per minute (the cervix may begin to actively dilate).
  6. Fetal movements have noticeably decreased: less than 10 movements are observed within two hours (this happens before childbirth).

In some cases, it is necessary to consult a doctor, for example, when you feel very severe pain in the lower spine, in the lower back

All indicated signs They are especially dangerous when it is too early for the baby to be born. After all, there is a risk of starting premature birth. If, at the end of the third trimester, a pregnant woman notices that contractions are becoming too intense, frequent, fairly regular and prolonged, most likely labor has begun and it’s time to go to the maternity hospital.

How to relieve a woman's condition during Braxton Hicks contractions

When false contractions cause noticeable discomfort to a pregnant woman, she is quite capable of relieving her condition with simple measures:

  1. Find a comfortable position and do what you love. Every pregnant woman can choose a position in which the discomfort will be minimal or disappear altogether: for example, curl up on a soft sofa, covered with a blanket, or lean back on a wide chair. Good read though interesting book, watch your favorite TV series or listen to relaxing music. This helps take your mind off the pain.
  2. Drink warm tea, fruit drink or just a glass of water.
  3. Walking with moderate physical activity.
  4. Take a warm shower or bath.
  5. A pleasant relaxing massage of the lower back. A caring spouse can do it.
  6. If contractions are triggered by hunger, you should eat something nutritious, but not heavy.
  7. Breathing exercises help a lot. In addition to the fact that exercises alleviate the condition of the expectant mother, they increase the supply of oxygen to the fetus and serve as an excellent breathing training in upcoming birth. You can try these simple options: “candle” (slow nasal inhalation and sharp short exhalation through the mouth), “doggy style” (this is a frequent shallow breathing, just like dogs breathe in hot weather, but no more than 30 seconds, so as not to feel dizzy), the usual slow inhalations and exhalations (and the exhalation is done during the contraction).

Photo gallery: measures to help cope with false contractions

Moderate physical activity in the fresh air (for example, collecting autumn leaves) will eliminate discomfort If discomfort is caused by yogurt, you need to eat something light and nutritious Breathing exercises will help alleviate both false and subsequently true contractions. To cope with false contractions, it is often enough to simply take a comfortable position and be distracted by favorite hobby, for example, read a book A warm shower or bath can help relieve pain. Warm tea will help relieve contractions, while the woman sits comfortably in a comfortable chair or on the sofa. A pleasant relaxing massage will help relieve pain during false contractions.

By the time the baby arrives, most expectant mothers are fully prepared.

Prepared necessary medications, your things and the baby’s tiny clothes are packed, documents and medical records are checked. Some tried to create a cozy and beautiful children's room and purchase the best toys.

The climax of pregnancy is inevitably approaching and everything is ready for the arrival of the baby. And the closer this moment is, the more anxious mommy becomes. Of course, in the first place is the worry about the safety of the birth.

But there is also a fear of contractions during pregnancy and worries about missing the beginning of the labor process.

Physiology of contractions during pregnancy

Panic in pregnant women is associated with a lack of reliable information and, of course, experience. For some reason, it is contractions, despite the naturalness of this phenomenon, that are shrouded in fables and myths. And negative stories from experienced acquaintances only aggravate the situation. Each woman in labor has her own pain threshold. And knowing the physiology of each stage accompanied by contractions and learning to respond to them correctly, you can significantly reduce pain and alleviate your condition.

What happens in the body?

Nature has provided and calculated everything down to the smallest detail. The entire process of pregnancy proceeds according to a universal algorithm, and changes in states occur under the influence of hormones leading at a certain moment. The pregnancy hormone progesterone, which successfully maintained both the tone of the uterus and the development of the baby before childbirth for all 9 months, gives way to estrogen and oxytocin.

The cervix, tightly closed during pregnancy, prevents the opening of the uterus and the penetration of infections inside. Before birth, it should open up, clearing the way for the baby. To do this, its tissues must become more elastic and pliable. Estrogen copes with this task perfectly. It also makes the uterus sensitive to oxytocin and prostaglandins. Under their influence, contractions of the walls of the uterus begin, allowing the baby to take the correct position and move along the birth canal.

Contractions and hormone balance

Muscular contractions of the uterus are called contractions during pregnancy, which vary in intensity depending on the period. With each contraction, the muscles of the uterus pull the cervix, causing it to open. By the time of birth, the cervix opens to 12 cm, and the uterus becomes almost an extension of the vagina. The whole process is accompanied by a change in the level of hormones, which are intensively produced by the placenta, pituitary gland and fetus.

Oddly enough, it is fear that can influence labor. It can increase both the duration of preparatory contractions, which take away mommy’s strength, and pain. The hormones cortisol and adrenaline, released into the blood during stress, fear and anxiety, block the production of basic birth hormones.

False contractions during pregnancy

Changes in hormonal balance occur throughout pregnancy. That's why uterine contractions may appear long before birth. In this way, both the uterus and cervix are prepared for future birth. These contractions during pregnancy are called false, training, or Braxton Hicks.

What does it feel like during false contractions during pregnancy?

Of course, women who have given birth can easily distinguish false contractions from real ones. These unforgettable sensations cannot be confused with any other pain. But how should women behave during their first pregnancy? There is no point in going to the hospital for every incomprehensible symptom. You need to focus on your feelings:

1. These contractions during pregnancy cause virtually no pain, but most likely discomfort in the form of a pulling or aching sensation. The uterus seems to be shrinking, which some are already familiar with when it was in good shape. Contractions are felt in the upper or lower abdomen and can radiate to the groin.

2. Pain sensations are concentrated in one area and do not spread to the lower back and other places.

3. They appear unexpectedly and gradually fade away. They most often occur in the evening or at night, when the body is relaxed and the mother listens to her feelings. Some, on the contrary, experience discomfort after physical activity or stress.

4. They are characterized by irregularity and short duration. The duration of false contractions during pregnancy does not exceed a minute. And they are repeated at irregular intervals. They may occur several times (up to six) per hour, or even per day.

The surest way to determine if a contraction is false during pregnancy is to record its duration and frequency. Unlike real contractions, the sensations during false ones will not increase, but they will be repeated chaotically.

What can trigger false contractions during pregnancy?

Natural contractions of the uterus occur throughout almost the entire pregnancy. But expectant mothers begin to feel them after 20 weeks. As birth approaches, the likelihood of their occurrence increases. Some women are lucky enough to not experience false contractions at all during pregnancy, and this is not a pathology. This does not mean that there are no preparatory cuts. They just may not be as intense, or the expectant mother did not notice them and did not attach any importance to them. Also, the perception of false contractions during pregnancy depends on individual sensitivity.

However, there are also provoking factors that increase the likelihood of unpleasant cramping pain. False contractions can occur under the influence of:

Physical activity;

Violent fetal activity;

Stress and nervous shock;

Dehydration of the body;

Full bladder;

Sexual activity.

What to do in case of false contractions?

For most pregnant women, false contractions do not cause frightening discomfort. But for some women with a high pain threshold, training contractions of the uterus become real torture. In this case it is recommended:

1. Use a warm bath or shower, unless there are contraindications. Warm water will ease muscle tension. A added to water aroma oils, calm the nervous system.

2. Go for a walk. Fresh air and walking slowly will reduce discomfort.

3. Change your position. An uncomfortable position can cause uterine tension.

4. Lie down and relax. Pleasant music and soothing aromas of oils will help eliminate discomfort.

False contractions during pregnancy are a good reason to take advantage of knowledge about breathing correctly during contractions.

If training contractions become a concern closer to labor, there are other signs to watch for. Since such training can easily move from a dress rehearsal into real contractions during pregnancy and signal the onset of labor.

How do real contractions begin during pregnancy?

Real contractions during pregnancy begin suddenly. Don’t worry, it’s simply impossible to miss this moment. Even a contraction that begins during a night's rest will wake you up. expectant mother. At this moment there will clearly be no time for sleep. Women describe the onset of contractions differently. But no matter what the woman experiences, they cannot be confused with training contractions.

True contractions are expressed:


Increased pain.

Gradually reducing the intervals between contractions;

Increasing duration of the fight.

What will tell you that labor is approaching?

Even before the onset of contractions during pregnancy, a woman can predict the approach of the climax by the changes occurring in her. Under the influence of changing hormonal balance, immediately before childbirth begins:

1. Slightly reduce weight to three kg or stop gaining weight. 2. Lose your appetite.

2. Become overly emotional. Inappropriate reactions the event is explained by an increase in estrogen levels.

3. Changeability in mood and moodiness are observed.

4. The nesting instinct appears. Pregnant women have a desire to urgently begin repairs or cleaning, or rearrange furniture.

5. The stomach drops, which gives the mother the opportunity to ease her breathing immediately before giving birth.

6. Swelling of the face and hands decreases. However, swelling may appear in the legs due to fetal pressure on the lower abdomen and squeezing of blood vessels.

7. Feel pain in the lower back, which is explained by a change in the position of the fetus and the expansion of the pelvic bones.

May be observed frequent urination, change in stool and even vomiting. All these signs are very individual: each pregnant woman manifests itself differently and at different times.

A sure sign of approaching labor is the passage of the plug, manifested by discharge. They can be transparent or in the form of a bloody brown liquid. The plug can come off both a few weeks before birth and during labor.

The baby is also preparing for the upcoming process and stops violent movements.

If the amniotic sac bursts and your waters begin to break, even without preliminary contractions during pregnancy, you should not doubt the advisability of visiting the maternity hospital. This sure sign the beginning of the birth process.

After the water breaks, contractions inevitably begin. But even if there is some kind of pathology and contractions do not begin, you need to urgently go to the hospital.

What sensations accompany the onset of contractions during pregnancy?

Most women recognize the first contractions intuitively. They cause tension in the abdomen and nagging, aching pain that spreads to the lower back, groin and is encircling in nature. Some compare the sensations to menstrual pain, only several times stronger. It’s as if the uterus is being grabbed and squeezed by an invisible hand from within. Starting in the upper abdomen with tension as contractions during pregnancy increase, the pain intensifies and covers the entire abdomen. Lumbar and pelvic bones are under a lot of pressure. Some women report severe lumbar pain and sensations spreading from their legs to their toes. Gradually the pain goes away, and a pause appears, allowing you to rest.

The first contractions can last up to 15 seconds, and the break between them is 20–30 minutes. The duration of contractions during pregnancy gradually increases, and the rest period decreases. At the same time, pain increases.

What does a first-time mother need to know about contractions during pregnancy?

In nulliparous women, contractions begin minor pain , which are more like discomfort. But even they cause panic. At these moments you need to calm down and rest as much as possible. There is no need to fuss and try to finish some things. There is still hard work ahead that requires strength. Prenatal contractions in first-time mothers may last up to 8–10 hours .

This time should be devoted, if possible, to relaxation and rest. Pregnant women are advised to record the time and duration of contractions. And it’s not easy to time it, but to record data. This will help determine the period when you should go to the maternity hospital, and doctors will help track the dynamics of the process and detect possible deviations in time.

The duration of contractions, accompanied by pain and tension, gradually increases. And when between contractions intervals will become less than 15 minutes , do not put off visiting the clinic. If any pathologies were noted during pregnancy or your waters broke or bleeding began, you should urgently call an ambulance and not wait for contractions to become more frequent during pregnancy.

It is common for women to panic and be afraid before their first birth. Therefore, during the first contractions, one of the relatives should be nearby. If this is not possible, if you feel pain, immediately inform your loved ones, friends or even neighbors that you are giving birth.

Primiparas may experience weak generic independent activity. Because of what after certain period contractions during pregnancy, expressed by frequency and severe pain, the intensity may subside, and the pain may completely disappear. This does not mean that the contractions were false. In this case, urgent assistance from doctors is required who can understand the cause of the pathology and stimulate labor. Inaction in this situation threatens the life of the baby and the woman in labor.

Features of prenatal contractions in multiparous women

Women who have given birth sense the approach of labor in advance. Based on the main signs, they can predict the beginning of the process. However, if no more than five years have passed since the previous birth, all processes can be accelerated . The body, having muscle memory, easily adapts to changes and reacts to them more quickly.

In addition, the cervical tissue has not yet reached its prenatal form. They stretch faster and the cervix opens. Unlike primiparous women, The shortening of the neck occurs simultaneously with the opening.

Pain during contractions in multiparous women immediately begins to be more noticeable. Rupture of the amniotic sac and breaking of water are more common. The period of prenatal contractions does not last more than six hours, and sometimes rapid labor is observed. Therefore, it is not advisable for such women in labor to postpone visiting the clinic until the last minute. If you do not want to give birth at home or in an ambulance, you need to go to the maternity hospital immediately after contractions appear or take care of this in advance and wait for labor in the hospital under supervision.

Unlike the first birth, the process is not stimulated, but rather tried to be slowed down. During rapid labor, there is a high probability of injury to the baby and ruptures in the woman in labor. Therefore, a woman needs to listen to the recommendations of doctors during labor and childbirth.

How should pregnant women behave during labor?

Contractions during pregnancy will definitely increase, become longer, and the pain will intensify. Painful sensations cover almost the entire body, do not give the opportunity to rest, and practically merge into a series of attacks. The woman feels like this will never end. If a woman in labor has a high pain threshold, doctors may offer painkillers. But it is worth remembering that you can independently influence your condition.

Nature provides natural pain relief during contractions . The hormone endorphin, produced by the pituitary gland, can reduce pain. But this process is quite fragile. Screams, tears, fear, strong emotions, panic can break this mechanism and only aggravate the situation. It is impossible to relax physically while having psychological tension. Therefore, women during contractions during pregnancy are advised to:

1. Use relaxation techniques that you learned in the courses.

2. Try to take positions in which the pain is not felt so acutely. You can just walk. For some, the squatting position, on all fours, helps.

3. Use the time between contractions during pregnancy for rest.

4. During a contraction, especially at the peak of pain, use breathing techniques. Frequent, intermittent breathing will relieve the condition.

5. Use pain-relieving massage. Massage in the lumbar region, sacrum or neck helps.

6. Do not refuse the help of relatives and listen to the recommendations of doctors.

Remember, every new contraction during pregnancy brings the wonderful moment of the birth of your baby closer.

He is also scared at these moments: for some reason the affectionate uterus has become hostile. All pain will quickly be forgotten. And this day will be the most wonderful day in your baby’s life.

The difference between false contractions and labor, Video