Proper breathing during contractions and pushing. Breathing during childbirth: techniques to help ease the process

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Often a pregnant woman is so afraid upcoming birth, that she tries to focus her thoughts either on carrying a child, or on the time when “the worst” will be over and she will return from the maternity hospital with a newborn. But you should not neglect information about the upcoming process, especially that which gives an idea of ​​proper breathing during childbirth and labor. Knowing what awaits her and how to make the process easier, a woman can make her childbirth less painful and traumatic.

  • Breathing techniques during contractions

Physiological changes in the respiratory system in pregnant women

When a woman is expecting a child, many changes occur in her body. Respiratory system they also affect. The uterus enlarges, as a result the lungs move slightly upward, and this makes breathing more shallow. It would seem that the result should be a smaller volume of oxygen (compared to the “non-pregnant position”) that enters the blood.

At the same time, the need for oxygen increases significantly: to last trimester it is a third higher than it was in the first, and during the birth process it completely doubles. How does the body solve this problem? He copes with the task in the following ways:

  • chest circumference increases;
  • the substernal angle becomes wider;
  • expiratory reserve volume decreases.

These changes pass after childbirth, and the lungs “return to their place.”

Childbirth is the final stage of pregnancy, which can be compared to hard work. At the same time, not everything is inherent in nature: a woman can control a lot herself if she becomes familiar with the essence of the process in advance. Main question, which is given great attention on courses for pregnant women - how to breathe during labor and childbirth. Why? It turns out that proper breathing can make labor easier.

Proper breathing and the process of labor: relationship

When a woman feels contractions, her first instinctive desire is to squeeze and tense up in order to somehow quickly endure this difficult moment. Very often at this time the pain is so pronounced that the woman, not prepared for the pain, cannot hold back a cry. As a result, a vicious circle arises: the woman in labor screams, her muscles contract, the cervix tenses, even turns to stone, and the hormones continue their work, causing it to stretch.

Stretching in this state leads to micro-tears in the neck, which add pain. The woman screams in pain again... In addition, the gaps increase as the child passes through the birth canal. To prevent such a vicious circle from occurring, you need to know what breathing and behavior should be like during contractions.

In addition to increasing the likelihood of complications for the mother, improper breathing leads to fetal hypoxia. At such moments the child does not have enough oxygen, which can greatly affect his growth and development in the future. In particular, he may in the future:

  • lag behind peers in development;
  • difficulty gaining weight;
  • it is difficult to adapt to a new world for him;

The breathing technique during labor and childbirth cannot be mastered by a woman at the moment when, as they say, the process has already begun. You need to prepare for this in advance. In this case, skills correct breathing will be brought to automaticity, and the woman in labor at the most crucial moment will be able to focus on the main thing, learn to distract herself from pain and thereby help herself and the child.

Breathing techniques during childbirth are aimed at reducing pain, proper organization rest and relaxation between contractions. You must learn to rest so that you have enough strength for the most difficult and crucial period - the immediate birth of the child. If a woman controls her breathing during contractions, she will be able to do without medical intervention or drugs to enhance labor activity and painkillers, which have their own, sometimes not very good, effect on the fetus.

Breathing techniques during contractions

When the moment of delivery is still far away, and the pregnant woman has just felt the first weak contractions, she can breathe as usual. At this stage, contractions are irregular, the body has time to relax in the intervals between them. You should monitor your condition. After the intervals are about 10 minutes, it’s time to start using special techniques.

First, try this technique: inhale in four counts (through your nose), exhale in six counts through your mouth. At the same time, you can stretch your lips with a “tube”. In this way, maximum muscle relaxation is achieved.

When you feel that the contractions have become stronger, you need to “lengthen” the inhalation-exhalation process a little: inhale after 5 counts, exhale after 10 counts.

Correct breathing during contractions, the intervals between which have become less than 5 minutes, is breathing “like a dog.” Have you noticed how a dog, out of breath after a long run, breathes in order to rest as quickly as possible? It's shallow shallow breathing. You can even stick out your tongue a little. This is how the mother in labor is distracted from severe pain, saves energy.

The breathing technique during contractions that have already become very frequent - from 1 to 2 minutes - can be as follows: loud breathing for 2 counts: “one-two”. It is called a “forced candle”. Before attempts, when it has already arisen desire push, but the doctor still prohibits this, since the cervix is ​​not quite ready, you can try to combine and alternate all methods. So it is possible empirically find yours, the one that will help you the most.

Proper breathing in the last stages of labor

Very close to childbirth, obstetricians advise women in labor to use another method: portioned breathing. In this case, air is drawn into the lungs in a powerful wave, and exhalation occurs gradually, in several stages. When pushing, when the fetus begins to be expelled from the uterus and passes through the birth canal, you should breathe like this: take a big, deep breath and then immediately begin to push, “directing” the exhaled air into the perineum.

If you scream or exhale during the period of pushing, the contraction will end in nothing - the fetus will not advance. You can also use doggy breathing during childbirth, but in the interval between attempts to rest a little and gather strength. This technique is especially effective when the fetal head has already emerged and the mother’s body is preparing to push out the baby’s shoulders.

The final stage is the birth of the placenta. It also needs to be organized correctly: after the doctor’s command is given, inhale the air forcefully, hold your breath and push halfway. "Children's Place" should come out after this.

Proper breathing skills are the key to an easy birth

Proper breathing during labor and birth is so important that it needs to be learned several weeks before giving birth. Having managed to bring the acquired skill to automatism in advance, you will minimize the risk of complications and be able to better cope with the difficult and lengthy work of bringing a child into the world.

Contractions are not the time to start learning: a woman in labor during this period is simply not able to assimilate and repeat the necessary information. Therefore, you can enroll in courses for pregnant women and master in different ways. Which one and when to use during childbirth will be determined by your doctor and your own body.

The key to proper breathing during childbirth and labor is advance training; the body must acquire “the skills of correct breathing movements.” You need to develop muscle memory. To do this, you need to exercise daily, maybe several times a day: while walking, while watching a movie. If you are planning partner birth, it would be nice for your husband to learn all the breathing techniques with you (in case you get confused during childbirth). Training together is more effective and more fun.

At the beginning of mastering proper breathing techniques for childbirth, hyperventilation may occur, manifested by dizziness. Start small and gradually these feelings will pass.

Many women are skeptical about the study breathing exercises, believing that it is not particularly difficult to breathe correctly, and that it is unlikely to help relieve the pain from contractions and pushing.

important Meanwhile, proper breathing during childbirth is really of great importance, because the condition of the woman and the baby and the immediate course of labor depend on it.

The meaning of breathing exercises:

  • Reducing pain;
  • Relieving tension, relaxing the body;
  • Acceleration of the process of cervical dilatation;
  • Saturation of the body of mother and child with oxygen.

Breathing technique during contractions

Breathing during childbirth can be different, and this depends, first of all, on the period and intensity of contractions. The main thing is to follow the rule: the stronger and longer the contractions, the more frequent the breathing should be.

remember Breathing exercises in the first stage of labor play big role, because many patients clamp down and try to suppress the contraction. However, this will not bring relief, but will only worsen the situation, because in this way the contractions do not stop, and the dilation of the cervix slows down greatly, as a result of which doctors are forced to resort to drug stimulation of labor. In addition, if breathing is improper, the child begins to suffer, experiencing oxygen deficiency (hypoxia).

At the beginning of labor, when the contractions are still slightly painful and have not gained strength, you should use slow deep breathing:

  • The inhalation should be shorter than the exhalation;
  • Inhalation is done through the nose;
  • Exhale through the mouth, folding the lips into a “tube”;
  • Use counting when breathing: for example, inhale by counting to 3, exhale by counting to 4-5.

This breathing technique will help the expectant mother relax as much as possible, calm down and saturate the body with oxygen.

For more intense contractions, you should switch to frequent shallow breathing: You can use the “candle” technique:

  • Inhale through the nose, exhale through the mouth through elongated lips;
  • You need to breathe very quickly and shallowly, as if you were blowing out a candle;
  • At the end of the contraction, you can switch to slow breathing, described above.

After such breathing, it may appear slight dizziness, which is associated with hyperventilation. In addition, endorphins (“happiness hormones”) are released, which leads to.

If during childbirth the “candle” technique does not have the desired effect, you can switch to breathing "big candle":

  • You should breathe with effort;
  • Inhalation is performed as if through a stuffy nose;
  • Exhale through almost closed lips.

As a rule, this technique is used at the end of the first stage of labor, when contractions become very frequent and painful.

Separately, we should examine a situation that quite often occurs at the end of contractions, when the baby’s head begins to descend into the pelvic cavity, but the cervix is ​​not yet fully dilated. At this moment, the woman in labor begins to experience very strong pressure and the desire to push, which is strictly prohibited, because can lead to severe cervical ruptures . A special technique of breathing exercises at this moment will provide invaluable assistance:

  1. Change body position (lie down, squat);
  2. When the contraction begins, breathe frequently several times (“candle”), then take a short breath and then breathe frequently again. Alternate techniques until the end of the fight;
  3. You should breathe normally between contractions.

It is also possible to use “doggie” breathing: with this technique, breathing during childbirth should be done very often and superficially with the mouth open, and both inhalation and exhalation should pass through the mouth.

Breathing technique while pushing

During pushing, a woman must push the child as quickly as possible, so it is very important that she behaves adequately during this period and breathing correctly:

  • When you start pushing, you should take a maximum breath and start pushing into the perineum. It is important not to push on the face and head, because... this will not lead to pushing the baby out, but will only cause ruptures of small blood vessels;
  • During pushing, you should try to push 3 times;
  • After the head is born, you should stop pushing for a while and start breathing “like a dog,” then after the midwife’s command, they continue pushing, and the baby is born.

Preparing for childbirth

information You should learn to breathe correctly during childbirth in advance, without postponing learning until later. In most consultations this moment There are schools of preparation for childbirth, where a doctor or midwife will tell you about all the rules and techniques of breathing and behavior during labor. You should start exercising at about 30 weeks, so that by the end of pregnancy you can bring all movements to automaticity, which will subsequently provide you with invaluable assistance during childbirth.

Useful video

Breathing during labor: period of contractions - Video lesson No. 1

Breathing during labor: period of pushing - Video lesson No. 2

Today, not a single course on preparing for the birth of a child is complete without teaching how to how to breathe during childbirth. It is believed that young mothers must master special breathing techniques that will help ensure required amount oxygen entering the body, learn to relax and concentrate through breathing.

A person breathes continuously because his body is able to function only by receiving sufficient quantity oxygen. But on different stages In life, breathing changes - due to physical efforts, experiences, certain types of activities, its rhythm and depth become different. This almost always happens reflexively, but you can learn to manage the processes. Childbirth is one of the normal functions female body, for which it also has its own correct breathing during childbirth. But without special technicians“You can’t connect it.” In courses on preparing for the birth of a child, instructors explain what happens to mother and baby during childbirth, teach how to manage these processes, freed from fear and pain. For those who cannot attend courses, suitable independent studies using video or audio materials. It’s never too late to start them, but it’s better to start training when you have time to bring the acquired skills to automaticity - 3-4 months before giving birth. 10 minutes a day is enough to repeat everything possible options, consolidate what has been covered. Our body has an excellent memory and, having entered the real process, it will use the “blanks”. Longer training is irrational and dangerous: hyperventilation of the lungs and a decrease in the concentration of carbon dioxide in the blood can cause dizziness and loss of consciousness.

If you feel unwell while practicing breathing techniques, stop the workout and hold your breath for 20 seconds.

Correct breathing during childbirth, used in the first period (during contractions), are aimed at solving the main task of this stage - relaxing the muscles of the body and saving energy. The main thing is to understand that only special breathing can stop the reflexive fear of pain, which leads to its intensification. At the beginning painful sensations The contractions are quite mild, but as the situation develops they become stronger and tougher. The first contractions may not cause any discomfort at all. But as soon as it appears, immediately use your knowledge. Inhale through your nose, and remember that it should be 2-3 times shorter than exhaling through your mouth. From a physiological point of view, inhalation is always a phase of increase muscle tone, exhalation - its reduction, that is, relaxation. The longer the exhalation, the longer the relaxation lasts.

Comfortable position – required condition effective application breathing practices. If the position you are in is uncomfortable, you should change it.

Time moves inexorably forward, which means contractions are increasing, becoming longer and more frequent. At the peak of the fight, it is recommended to switch to shallow breathing- Like a dog. Experiencing painful sensations, the young mother reflexively clenches, tenses and holds her breath. This negatively affects her well-being and the condition of the baby. During the first stage of labor, he also needs more oxygen, which is still supplied through the umbilical cord. Vascular spasm of the placenta due to lack of air is unacceptable. Decreased oxygen levels can slow down the dilation of the cervix.

To prevent this from happening, it’s worth remembering one more technique breathing during childbirth- “breath of a horse.” Inhale through your nose and exhale through your “puffy” lips. It's like you want to softly say the sound "tpruuu". This method helps to relieve tension from the muscles of the face, lips, neck, and after them, reflexively relax Bottom part body, helping the cervix to open.

Do not forget that excessive tension leads to fatigue growing like a snowball, and the strength that is needed in pushing is lost.

Can provide effective assistance in alleviating pain during childbirth breathing during childbirth with sound, which is also called singing. In this case, you need to take the same breath - deep through the nose, and exhale with your mouth open or closed and making some sound.

The set of notes can be anything - complex classical scales, hits or banal cacophony. Sound spontaneous, starting in your usual key.

Don't be shy about singing or making sounds loudly. By blocking your desire, you tense up and disrupt the natural course of events. And don’t be afraid to disturb women giving birth nearby. They won't hear you because they are engrossed in their “business.”

Breathing techniques during childbirth

When the cervix dilates 8–9 cm, the baby will begin to move down the birth canal. The uterus has not yet released the child, but reflexive attempts are already approaching. They need to be calmed down.

Feeling the desire to push and push the baby down, the young mother should stop - the time to help the child has not yet come. Three things help you cope with this task: breathing techniques- like “sobs”, “locomotive” and “blowing out a candle”.

First breathing technique involves three shallow inhalations through the nose and a long exhalation through the mouth. “Locomotive” is one inhalation followed by an exhalation, divided into several stages. “Blowing out a candle” involves a smooth and long exhalation after a voluntary inhalation. Two latest methods used at the very end of the period of contractions, when the cervix is ​​already dilated.

Premature attempts can harm a woman, the cervix can rupture. They are also unsafe for the baby.

At the finish line: breathing during childbirth

The child has left the uterus, and now nothing is stopping him from actively and quickly passing through the birth canal. Mom's breath should make this task easier with the help of breathing techniques called "inflation" balloon" Place a clenched fist to your lips and exhale air into it, overcoming the resistance of your fingers.

When the baby sinks to the pelvic floor, you will have to push as hard as you can. And you can’t do without proper breathing. It is recommended to act according to the following scheme - inhale, hold your breath and at the same time tense the muscles of the perineum, then smoothly quickly exhale, relax, and everything is repeated again. During one contraction (the uterus continues to contract, but is no longer as painful), you can manage to make 3-4 such attempts. If the baby is progressing well, you can exhale more slowly, in a mode that is comfortable for you.
Ask your doctor how things are so you know which breathing method to choose.

At the moment when the baby's head begins to open the birth canal, the obstetrician will ask the woman not to push while her body adapts to the new phase of labor - the vagina receives a signal to begin stretching. If you force the baby’s progress at this time, injuries to the soft tissues of the perineum are possible. The same dog breathing will help you follow the doctor’s advice - quick and short inhalations and exhalations.

When the placenta is born, you need to breathe, as when pushing.

It is not necessary to use all the described breathing options; it is possible that one or two, adapted to your individual needs, will help more - look for your own as much as possible comfortable option. Be sure to use your creativity.

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Proper breathing during childbirth is very important. It helps simplify the process of bringing a baby into the world and provides him with a sufficient amount of oxygen. The speed of birth of the baby and the strength of pushing depend on correct use existing techniques.

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don't panic

Proper breathing during childbirth makes it possible to relax initial stage. At this time you need to take deep breaths. They can even replace an analgesic during intense, painful contractions.

Any breathing technique during childbirth should be rehearsed in advance. This will make such an important undertaking much easier. Learn all the different techniques and consult your doctor to make sure you're doing it right. Extra training will make you feel more confident and relaxed during childbirth.

Why breathe correctly

Even during pregnancy, you need to practice proper breathing, which will be useful during childbirth. If you train every day, then by the end of the 9th month a woman will be able to help her baby be born.

Practicing correct breathing

The ability to breathe correctly is necessary to calm down, relax during contractions, and also keep muscle contractions under control. Moreover, you need to breathe properly in order to...

  1. The muscles of the uterus received sufficient oxygen. In this case, contractions will not be as painful, since it is hypoxia (lack of oxygen) that causes pain.
  2. Make pushing more effective. The pressure of the diaphragm on the uterus helps the baby to be born. If a woman simply takes air into her cheeks, the baby will not progress.
  3. Protect the child from birth trauma, control pushing.
  4. The child did not suffer from hypoxia.
  5. The baby's head was born softly.

During labor and childbirth you should use different techniques breathing. Do not neglect them if you want the process to be as painless as possible. There are even special courses where expectant mothers are taught correct behavior at the most crucial moment of their lives.

Among several techniques, there is the most popular one called “candle”. It is used during everything birth process.

How to act when pushing

Proper breathing during childbirth is very important in the first period when contractions begin. Usually a woman goes to the maternity hospital when the contractions are not particularly strong and manifest themselves in abdominal stretching. After some time, they become permanent and begin to repeat regularly. During this period, you should not try to suppress pain in yourself. There is no need to strain or scream, because this will not bring relief. The pain will not get easier, and the body will become very tired and exhausted. Therefore, during labor and labor, focus on inhaling and exhaling.

Many girls who are experiencing their first pregnancy begin to become very tense during contractions, and this suppresses the birth process and interferes with the rapid and correct dilatation of the cervix. As a result, doctors have to use medications to stimulate labor. During childbirth, improper breathing will not lead to anything good. The fetus will not receive the required amount of oxygen, which may cause oxygen starvation. And this usually affects the well-being and development of the child. Moreover, misbehavior mother can cause perineal rupture.

Doctors will help you in this matter

As soon as the cervix has dilated by about 4-5 cm, active phase. Proper breathing during childbirth during this period is very important, because uterine contractions become very strong and can cause pain to the mother in labor. severe discomfort. Contractions last about 20 seconds with a break of up to 5-6 minutes. At this time usually amniotic sac bursts and pours out amniotic fluid. Due to this, contractions intensify, and after the outpouring of water, they become longer and stronger. During this time, try the following types of techniques:

During labor and childbirth, using the candle technique may cause slight dizziness. This happens because the respiratory center of the brain is oversaturated with oxygen and endorphins begin to be produced. Of course, if you control your breathing during regular contractions and childbirth.

Endorphins are “happy hormones” and therefore reduce the sensation of pain. “Candle” represents frequent shallow sighs. You need to inhale through your nose and exhale quickly through your mouth, as if you are blowing out a candle that is in front of your lips. You should breathe in this way constantly until the contraction ends. Due to the endorphins produced, this method acts as a natural anesthesia.

During childbirth, there is another technique - the “big candle”. This is a forced version of a regular “candle”. Also, during a contraction, you need to alternate inhalations and exhalations, but you need to breathe with effort. The exhalation should be through practically closed lips, and the inhalation should be as if you are trying to inhale, but your nose is stuffy. This method is used during childbirth and frequent contractions, if proper breathing using the “candle” technique does not sufficiently relieve pain. If you breathe in this way, the pulse will level out, and the body will have time to rest before the onset of the next contractions.

How to breathe during childbirth

When the baby's head begins to press hard on the cervix, one of the most difficult moments occurs. A woman wants to push, but it’s too early to do it. During childbirth at this moment, competent breathing technique will help to survive dangerous period, to prevent the development of various complications.

No matter how much you want to push, listen to the midwife, do only what she says. There are several correct techniques during childbirth:

  • "variable";
  • "locomotive";
  • "candle";
  • "pushing."

“Alternating” breathing is carried out as follows: you need to take a deep breath, and then a series of short inhalations and exhalations for about 4-5 approaches. IN last time You should purse your lips into a tube and exhale deeply until the very end. During full dilatation of the cervix, when the baby's head passes through the opening, you need to breathe using the “train” technique. The uterus is very excited, so contractions last approximately 40-60 seconds. Moreover, the interval between them is very short – sometimes less than one minute. You need to “breathe” the fight; for this, a combination of “candle” and “big candle” is used.

If you depict the fight graphically, you get a wave. The contraction begins with weak sensations, which begin to grow, reach maximum power, and then fade away. The “locomotive” accelerates and intensifies simultaneously with the sensations that the woman in labor experiences during contractions. First you need to use the “candle” technique. When the contraction intensifies, like a steam locomotive picking up speed, you need to intensify your inhalations and exhalations, and then move on to the “big candle” technique. As soon as the contraction reaches its peak, it is necessary to speed up the inhalations and exhalations of the “big candle” as much as possible. As the contraction begins to subside, breathing also calms down. The "locomotive" approaches the station, where it stops to rest.

Support for a loved one

Do not confuse the techniques you need to breathe during childbirth. If you get confused and do not listen to the doctor, the process will become noticeably more complicated and will cause even more harm. more pain, inconvenience. At the very last stage (except for the stage of removing the placenta), when the cervix is ​​fully dilated and the baby is born, the woman should apply maximum amount physical effort. That is why you need to try to maintain a relaxed and calm state, so as not to simply waste your strength.

If you use the correct breathing technique during labor and delivery, this will allow you to use your energy as efficiently as possible. In order not to delay the birth of the child, you need to use special breathing. As soon as the effort begins, you need to inhale as deeply as possible and then begin to exhale. In this case, the exhalation should be directed to the perineum. You cannot push on the head and eyes. Please note that such straining is unlikely to be without consequences, and the effectiveness will tend to zero. You will only suffer and spend a lot of energy, but this will not help the child at all. Exhale the air as if you were using it to move the child towards the exit.

This full, deep breath cannot be weakened or interrupted. Otherwise, all your efforts will go down the drain. If you are pushing and feel that there is not enough air, you need to carefully exhale until the remainder is left, then re-gain the maximum amount using a deep breath and exhale. If during childbirth the exhalation follows the correct breathing technique, it will begin to put pressure on the uterus and diaphragm.

The duration of one attempt is approximately a minute. During this time, you need to make three deep exhalations. At this moment, “candle” breathing is required. You take a deep breath and then slowly exhale the air. If during childbirth your behavior and breathing are correct, the pushing will be as effective as possible. As soon as the head appears, you need to breathe very slowly, like a dog, and in no case rush things.

The information published on the website is for informational purposes only and is intended for informational purposes only. Site visitors should not use them as medical recommendations! The site editors do not recommend self-medication. Determining the diagnosis and choosing a treatment method remains the exclusive prerogative of your attending physician! Remember that only complete diagnosis and therapy under the supervision of a doctor will help you completely get rid of the disease!

Pregnancy lasts several months, but time flies unnoticed, and during this time future mom I must find out for myself many questions related to labor. Since this process is difficult, it is necessary to prepare for it in advance - in advance important moment a woman should already have an idea of ​​how to breathe correctly during labor and childbirth. A mother’s illiterate actions can cause significant harm to herself and her own child.

The birth of a baby is a natural and complex process that requires a woman to make truly Herculean efforts. And during this period, the supply of oxygen to the body is of great importance, both for the woman in labor and for the child, who, in his own way, also strives to be born as soon as possible and moves along the birth canal. For this reason, doctors often forbid the expectant mother to scream - firstly, she loses strength, and secondly, she deprives the baby of normal access to air, which is why he may develop hypoxia.

It has been proven that proper breathing technique speeds up labor, so how does it help a woman? There are several factors that, thanks to proper breathing, contribute to a successful and faster delivery:

  • When a woman is busy with her breathing, she has time to relax and rest in time between contractions;
  • Breathing eliminates emotional stress and reduces pain;
  • Maintains normal blood supply to the mother and unborn child;
  • With proper breathing technique, the diaphragm helps accelerate the opening of the uterus.

The special technique is not ordinary breathing, and women who decide to master it will have to study it and practice for some time so that during childbirth the process occurs automatically. Each phase of labor has its own technique, so it will be different during such important periods as:

  1. Dilatation of the cervix, that is, labor contractions;
  2. Birth of a child;
  3. Expulsion of the placenta.

All breathing techniques are aimed at easing the condition of the woman in labor. Doctors advise women in the last months of pregnancy to pay attention to breathing exercises for 10-15 minutes every day.

Different types of breathing during contractions

Train different kinds breathing, preferably, changing postures - when bending over, on the side, sitting, reclining. During labor, you may have to use the most comfortable position for yourself - obstetricians and doctors can give their permission for this if they find a change in position appropriate. Sometimes during training, pregnant mothers experience a decrease in the level of carbon dioxide in the blood, and they experience deterioration in well-being and dizziness. This is quite natural, so there is no need to panic - you just need to hold your breath for a few seconds, and the discomfort will go away on its own.

First of all, you need to familiarize yourself with how to breathe correctly during contractions. The uterus takes a long time to open, especially in first-time mothers. This is a painful process, accompanied by spasms, which, in fact, are contractions. Without this, the opening of the reproductive organ is impossible, and contractions help in moving the child along the birth canal.

This period is characterized by three main phases:

  • Hidden when the initial cramps are of low intensity and are similar to pain during menstruation. This condition can last no more than six hours.
  • An active stage that lasts about four hours and marks an accelerated opening of the uterine pharynx, while contractions are painful and the intervals between them are constantly decreasing;
  • In primiparous women and in some cases in multiparous women, there is a stage of inhibition, lasting about a couple of hours before the organ opens.

Genuine labor pains progress in an ascending line, they are painful and prolonged, and the pain can only be reduced through the ability to breathe correctly.

Types of breathing:

  • Abdominal;
  • Deep;
  • Uniform;
  • Frequent.

If you know how to breathe correctly during labor and childbirth, you can significantly improve a woman’s well-being and make her work on childbirth more effective.

How to breathe during labor and childbirth

In the coming hours before giving birth, the pregnant woman begins to feel nagging pain lower abdomen. Basically, she already intuitively knows that the decisive moment will soon come. It is not surprising that the main emotions at this time are excitement and fear. This is where knowing how to breathe correctly during childbirth and labor comes in handy.

Breathing during uterine dilatation

During the latent period, a woman can benefit from relaxing breathing. It involves calm and deep inhalation through the nose, while exhaling through the mouth. Inhalation is usually shorter than exhalation. A woman can silently count to three while inhaling, and to five while exhaling.

Gradually the contractions become stronger. the main task At this time, women in labor should not strain their stomach and legs. The relief will be short-lived, but it will take away the necessary strength. In the active stage, the same deep breathing helps to relax the abdominal muscles, ease pain and calm down mentally.

You will need to use rapid breathing when spasms lengthen in time and intensity. You should breathe without straining, often and not deeply, inhaling and exhaling through your mouth, which is slightly open. The stomach does not participate in breathing - only the chest; this technique reduces pain if the woman fully concentrates on the technique. It is “dog” breathing in the first stage of labor that makes it possible to avoid uterine ruptures.

At the end of the spasm, even breathing is used without using the abdomen. It should be slow, calm, and carried out through the nose or mouth. This allows the woman in labor to rest and gain new strength. Along with uniform breathing, deep breathing can also be successfully used at the end of the contraction.

Breathing while pushing

Attempts mark the birth little man, so this is a very important period of childbirth. Contractions of muscle tissue begin after the baby's head enters the vagina, they help move the fetus along the birth canal. To help him, you will need deep and slow breathing and prolonged exhalation, due to which the resulting pressure forces the mother's diaphragm to exert maximum pressure on the uterus.

At this time, a woman needs maximum calm and presence of mind to help the baby be born, and proper breathing makes attempts more fruitful. In addition, the woman in labor should remember about other important rules, push specifically into the uterus and vagina, do not throw your head back. At this stage, she needs to follow all the obstetrician’s commands, and then she can count on the speedy expulsion of the fetus. When the baby's head is shown, the mother in labor will need to use it again. rapid breathing so as not to injure the child.

Departure of the "children's place"

But this is not the end of labor, although the departure children's place and the least painless part of childbirth. About 30 minutes should pass after the baby appears. Contractions, but weaker, begin again. To expel the placenta, you will have to push using deep and calm breathing. Usually the doctor will indicate when this is necessary.

How to prepare for childbirth

Many people think that learning to breathe correctly is easy, however, theoretical knowledge alone will clearly not be enough. Therefore, it is better to start training at the beginning of pregnancy. It is optimal to start classes around 10-12 weeks.

At the same time, it is advisable to comply with some requirements in order to be fully equipped by the time of birth:

  • Before training, the room should be well ventilated;
  • Do breathing exercises possible only if you feel normal;
  • In case of toxicosis, constant nausea, you can reduce the time of training, but it is still necessary to train;
  • It is strictly forbidden to push while developing proper breathing, this can negatively affect the condition of the uterus and threaten early labor;
  • Pregnant women often feel thirsty during exercise; there is no need to drink while doing exercises, but you can wet your lips or rinse your mouth.

When completing classes, you should definitely restore normal breathing. If you experience fainting, which happens quite often, you just need to inhale lightly and hold your breath. In a minute the condition will improve.

To a woman who took one of the most important decisions- to give life to a child, it is necessary to take a responsible approach to everything related to the birth process. She will have to thoroughly study the question of how to breathe correctly during labor and childbirth, and thanks to this, avoid many troubles. The better a woman in labor is prepared for childbirth, the faster, easier and more successful it will be, and the mother and child will be absolutely healthy.

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