Playroom for a little girl at home. What to do with your child at home or on vacation - a selection of games for inventive parents

Church holidays

Upbringing active child- this is the joy and, at the same time, the grief of parents. How to channel all this energy into a peaceful direction? Especially now, when good weather is far away and you have to spend almost the whole day at home? Do not despair! Galka-Igralka offers you 20 ideas fun activities and outdoor games at home for children aged 1 year and older. They will help your baby burn off his energy and have a great time with the whole family!

1. Children's room design

Use your imagination and get the whole family involved in redecorating your children's room. Make your design project, refresh some part of the room, for example, bed dress, or build fun furniture. And the children will be busy, and the room will be renewed.

2. Elephant race

Take empty ones cans and make these elephant walker legs. If you have several active children at home at once, you can organize a slow elephant race around the apartment. Just don’t organize a speed competition (remember about safety!) It’s better to invite the kids to imitate how elephants walk, and use their hands to show the ears and trunk. The most similar “elephant” becomes the winner.

3. Painted Rocks Party

Many kids love to collect pebbles and carefully store their jewelry. But now your valuable collection will no longer gather dust idle! Color each pebble, make an exhibition and invite your loved ones to the opening.

4. Dolls made from paper bags

5. Mega doll

Your baby loves to play with paper dolls, endlessly dressing them in cut-out skirts and blouses? Move on to more (in every sense of the word:))! Make a child-sized paper doll! You can attach a photo of your child in place of the face. He'll definitely love dressing up his life-size replica.

6. Hide and seek

7. Foam party

Fill the sink soap suds and calmly watch your child's enthusiastic reaction. Or even better - give him a few plastic cups, spoons, cups so he can play with the bubbles. The baby will be delighted!

8. Masterpieces in the bathroom

Fun to make, fun to play and easy to clean up! All you need is grated soap and water or shaving cream and food coloring. This paint will allow your young Picasso to create his masterpieces right in the bathroom without endangering surrounding objects. And muffin tins will serve as just the perfect palette.

9. Disco!

Dancing is one of the favorite activities of active children. This great way cheer up, learn to feel the rhythm, express yourself! Put on your baby's favorite tunes - and go!

10. Hike... without leaving home

Pitch a tent in the center of the room (or even two) and play camping right at home. Don’t forget to grab canned food (if you’re camping outside of the kitchen), fishing rods and other camping paraphernalia. Just don't light a fire :)

11. Decluttering

Sort out old toys that your child no longer plays with and invite your child to give them to someone who needs them more. For example, to a charity organization or to less wealthy acquaintances. You will put things in order in the nursery, and the child will receive an excellent lesson in kindness.

12. Scotch tape roads

No purchased parking lot or track can compare with a homemade plan for an entire city! Use several types of decorative adhesive tape to recreate houses, streets, traffic circles and parking lots on the floors. This is a wonderful active game not only for children, but also for parents: while the young racer conquers city roads, you can enjoy a couple of hours of peace.

13. Dough modeling

Making your own play dough is super easy. There are plenty of recipes on the Internet. One of them can be found in Galki-Igralki group on VKontakte (by the way, there are a lot of other interesting ideas). All the main ingredients can be found in any kitchen, and you only need about 10 minutes of time. The result is a pleasant, very pliable mass. And you don’t have to be afraid that the baby will suddenly decide to try out her creation for the tooth.

14. Garden on the windowsill

Many kids love to tinker with a watering can and water something. If your child is one of them, try making a special garden for him on the windowsill. You will need one painted in different colors rice, sandbox mold, artificial flowers and a set of tools for little gardener. Several games - and to summer season you will have a professional assistant.

15. Home swim

Who said you can't swim in winter without a pool? Put on glasses and swimsuits for the children and let them splash around in the bath to their heart's content. This is not just a fun activity: it is enjoyable side effect the child will become incredibly pure.

Which parent doesn’t dream of children playing independent games at least some of the time, without involving you in this activity. Of course, with age, both children will spend a lot of time with each other, reluctantly being distracted by their parents, but while the children are small, they hardly know how to play games on their own. But the need to distract the children with something remains, especially for those parents who work from home.

Most often, in those moments when parents urgently need free time, those things and activities that are prohibited in Everyday life. When you think about what you can do to occupy your children, unimaginable things come to mind such as a mother's bag, or a cosmetic bag, drawers with underwear or buttons - something that will give you 20 minutes of the necessary time, but you are well aware that things will be either scattered or damaged. Moreover, two children can simply quarrel over the desire to possess some of the gizmos, and instead of the desired freedom, you will get both a scandal and a mess. And from a pedagogical point of view, such behavior is not correct: if it’s really impossible, then it’s really impossible, but then how will the child guess whether it’s possible or not?

Nevertheless, this method works, and abandoning it is also not entirely correct. However, there are other ways to entertain children. Of course, to begin with, it’s worth getting both of them into the game, and when the gameplay continues regardless of your presence in it, you can mysteriously disappear and go about your business. Now we will try to offer you old and new ideas on how to organize creativity and games for two children. Perhaps you forgot something. But they didn’t know something!

40 independent activities and games for two children

Children, starting from one and a half years old, willingly play outdoor games, draw and sculpt, and children over two years old are fond of role-playing games, especially if they have an older friend. However, these games do not require the participation of parents, and children can indulge in them completely independently.

Method number 1: Puzzles

If you want to find a calm way to entertain children that does not involve crazy destruction of the entire living space, then these are puzzles. Each child can be given a set appropriate to his age, while the older one can help the baby, and he, in turn, can scatter, chew or lick the elder’s puzzles.

Method number 2: Soap bubbles

The most fun independent games are not always the most difficult. Sometimes it's enough to give to children bubble. If age allows, then each of the children can blow translucent miracles, competing to see who can blow them out. large quantity, and who – the bubble is larger. And if the younger one has not yet matured, he can catch up and burst the older one’s bubbles.

Method number 3: Creativity kits

Manufacturers in all countries spend hours thinking about the same thing you are thinking about - what to do with children. That is why you will find many creativity kits on the shelves of children's stores. If you and your children have already done something similar, then the kids will be happy to try to repeat it on their own.

These sets, as a rule, are not very expensive, but you can prepare something similar yourself. By spending a couple of evenings cutting out appliqués, plaster or salt dough baked figures for coloring, and cutting out felt, you will save both time and money. And then you can issue sets individually and not every day.

Method number 4: Magic markers

Kids will be delighted with markers that can be used to both draw and erase them - if you have a marker board, this is it. What do you need!

There are also toys and cards on which you can draw with these markers, and then wash them directly with your hands.

Method #5: Constructors

The longest games are those with toys that have a lot of parts. That is why Lego, mosaics, cubes and construction sets are always beyond competition. Feel free to leave your kids with these magic toys and mind your own business.

Method number 6: House for toys

Even boys will enjoy playing in the house for toys and animals. Well, let the girls play doll houses ordered all centuries of gender division of toys. Set up a home for your favorite toys - great idea something to keep children occupied for quite a long time.

A wonderful option for boys or two children of different sexes would be to play not with young lady dolls, but with animals, figurines of both sexes, or with the participation of a male version of the doll. House sets from LEGO and Sylvanian Families are ideal in this regard.

However, the houses are quite expensive, which means you can make a real palace out of cardboard box and cover it with real wallpaper. And then children will play with this toy, made by themselves and their parents, for a long time.

Method number 7: Coloring pages

A great way to keep both children occupied for a long time is through coloring books. They require almost no imagination from children, unlike drawing (“Mom, draw for me...”) and can keep kids occupied from 10 minutes to half an hour. Moreover, children easily master such activities and games on their own.

Someone buys ready-made coloring books according to age, someone prints them on a printer, someone cuts out figures from paper and lets the children color them - all methods are good!

Method number 8: Colorful world

While children are given pencils and markers regularly, paints are a special product that requires water, neatness, and mother’s supervision. However, you can sometimes leave children alone with paints, laying sufficient quantity oilcloth both on and under the table.

Method number 9: Interactive books

Modern books give children many tasks for attention, dexterity, and logic. These same books tell children fairy tales, sing songs and play cheerful music.

Method #10: Blankets and sheets

Oddly enough, in order for children to play independently, it is enough to give them... just two blankets! This is a unique game, the rules of which only children know.

The main thing is that both kids have a lot of fun, and you are free!

Method No. 11: Children's developmental sports centers

Play centers are quite popular with many children. Some of them are liked by kids more, some less, some even include a home slide, and some include ropes, ropes and ladders. But it’s very fun and useful for children to spend time like this.

Method number 12: Flash games in reality

You can turn any games with overcoming obstacles into real life, laying out various objects, mugs, things, coins, ribbons, ropes on the floor. Then you can give the children the command to overcome all the laid out obstacles by crawling, jumping, running, or on all fours. You can even “turn on” them at the start with a special remote control - and they will be toys.

Once you have shown and taken the time to teach this game, you can then safely leave the kids to do this activity - they can handle it! In addition, such independent games contribute to the development of many useful qualities in both children.

Method number 13: Musical instruments in four hands

Quite often, children play on a children's synthesizer, but its sound is too quiet, so it gets boring pretty quickly. But a real synthesizer, taken from parents’ supplies or bought at a low price, can captivate them for a long time. So are drums, tambourines, pipes and harmonicas.

Method number 14: Let the children take a bath... without water!

The bathroom can be not only a place for hygiene, but also a creative space. You can put children in a dry bath with finger paints, tile markers, or even just watercolors. This will keep the kids occupied for a long time, and then you can easily wash everything – both the bath and the children.

Method number 15: Let's put the children in the bath... with water!

But feel free to ignore the advice to leave children alone in a filled bath, it’s too dangerous. But you can give them a bowl of water, placing it directly in the bathtub, and give them a task - wash toys, wash clothes for dolls, or wash children's dishes. And also by launching fish, pirate ships and mermaids into the water.

Method No. 16: Playing “mother-daughter” dolls

This entertainment is more suitable for girls, but some boys are also able to support this game. Dolls can be fed, watered, put on a potty, changed clothes, walked with them, rolled in a stroller, and given holidays for them (see point 3).

Method No. 17: Creator and Destroyer

If your youngest child has not yet grown up to adult games with construction sets and blocks, you can arrange a game in which one child is a creator who builds a city or even a whole world, and the second is a destroyer who destroys what has already been built.

Method number 18: Long live TV!

Not the healthiest, but the most effective method To keep both children busy is to turn on cartoons for them. You shouldn’t overuse it, but it will do from time to time as an effective distraction maneuver.

Method number 19: Tablet to be torn to pieces

Many games adapted for kids can be downloaded to your tablet. Children, even the tiniest ones, already confidently open the necessary icons on the touch screen and play with pleasure. For older children there are educational programs in Russian, English and just the alphabet.

The hardest part is getting the kids to take turns without taking each other's tablets away. But as an option, the eldest of the children can be offered a phone or laptop as an alternative.

Method number 20: New is well forgotten old

There's nothing more exciting new toy. Or - a well-forgotten old one. Almost all teachers argue that it is impossible to dump all available toys in front of children - one third is enough, but it is better to remove the remaining two thirds. After you are already tired of the first toys, you can change the “exposition”. Having missed such toys, children willingly spend their time with them.

Method number 21: Cut and shred

An effective way to entertain your children is a game in which the older one simply cuts out pictures from magazines and newspapers with safety scissors, and the younger one either glues the cutout onto a piece of paper or enthusiastically tears the newspaper into shreds. The downside is the need for subsequent cleaning. There are more advantages: you have free time, children develop fine motor skills.

Method number 22: The heap is small

If distracting the children is more important than sacrificing cleanliness and order, you can give the kids several types of food, for example, pasta, beans, peas, dried fruits. Mix it up - let the children arrange and sort the pile. However, throwing it all around is much more interesting, especially if there are two kids. One child is more diligent and determined to study calm game than two. And even more carefully, make sure that children do not put small objects in their nose or ears.

Method number 23: Bodypainting

Is there any greater happiness for children than decorating the body of their brother or sister with art of their own making? Face painting is an excellent invention that can captivate kids with body painting for a long time.

If it comes to girls, they may well be allowed to use the nursery decorative cosmetics– it is allowed from the age of two. Well, or introduce young ladies to the elite cosmetics of the world's leading cosmetic corporations - giving your cosmetics bag to be torn to pieces.

Method number 24: Making a house

The house is a special play space that can develop children's imagination and be the main training ground for many role playing games. You can make it from blankets and sofa cushions, under ironing board, under the table - it would be a fantasy!

Method number 25: Miracle cube

Not a single shopping center can boast such a success among children as a homemade cube, on which everything that is in ordinary life- "it is forbidden". And doorbells, and horns, and locks with keys, and a door chain, and a switch with a light bulb - you can place many interesting objects there from the point of view of children. If dad has golden hands, this can still work, giving light from a light bulb and sound from pressing.

Method number 26: Guess the melody

This game is for children from three years old. If there are several toys in the arsenal musical instruments, then you can play the following game: one baby turns away, the second makes a sound on one of the children's musical instruments. The first one guesses which one. And if a drum can be easily distinguished from a xylophone, then three pipes can easily be confused.

Method number 27: Color and shape

Two kids can sort objects and toys based on color and shape. This can be formalized: as a lesson - when the elder calls and the younger shows, as a competition - who is faster, and as a quest - to collect everything blue toys, find all items square shape in the room.

And kids’ socks are beautiful, bright and varied, unlike men’s. That is why you can mix the socks of both children and invite them to sort this motley disgrace by finding a pair for each of the socks. This is not only interesting, but also trains the memory and attention of both children.

Method No. 28: Cooking for dummies

If the children are already schoolchildren, they can be trusted to cook their own food by giving them a simple recipe. And if the children are still small, they will like to assemble sandwiches themselves from the parts you cut, it’s almost like a construction set, but you can also eat it. In addition, even such ingredients as chopped peppers, turnips or other vegetables are eaten under this bench. And we played and ate. And kids can also help the elders: beat meat with a hammer, cut out cookies, roll meatballs, beat eggs with a whisk, and much more!

Method number 29: Beauty salon – do your own hair!

Do you think this is a girls' privilege? And you think right! If you have two girls, doing your sister’s hair yourself is a tremendous pleasure. Take all the hairpins, all the elastic bands, give the little ones a mirror and combs - and forget about the children for 20-30 minutes.

But children of different sexes, and even two boys, can play at the hairdresser - with great pleasure making their brother a mohawk, horns, or styling his hair with hair gel.

Method number 30: Board games

There are now a huge number of board games for sale for all ages, from the newest to the classics. We will talk about many of them in much more detail, devoting separate articles to this. But, be that as it may, it really can captivate both children for a very long time.

Method #31: Bowling!

You can buy a toy bowling alley, and in stores there are both cheap and very high-quality expensive variations of the game, or you can build a game from improvised materials. Skittles can be replaced plastic bottles, and the ball is a rubber ball. You can add water to the bottles to make them heavier.

Method number 32: Tennis court at your home

Have you already imagined a broken window and a split sideboard? Relax, you can play tennis in a less traumatic way for your apartment. Enough to disposable paper plates attach handles and inflate the balloon. And then create a game that combines tennis and badminton. By the way, badminton with children's lungs You can also play with a shuttlecock in an apartment.

Method number 33: Roads, roads...

You can buy a carpet with road markings, or you can make roads directly on the floor using electrical tape. Launch cars on the freeway, place characters from Kinder Surprises or small toys– let them hail taxis, cross the road, work as traffic cops. At the same time, kids will learn the rules of the road.

Method number 34: Electrical tape instead of chalk

Children can easily “draw” on the floor using electrical tape. For example, they can make homemade hopscotch or any other game that requires marking.

Method number 35: Darts without sharp objects

An impromptu darts tournament can be held without special equipment - just a couple of crayons and ordinary foam sponges. Draw a target on the wall or floor and have the kids compete to see who can accurately throw the sponges right at the bull's eye.

Method number 36: Balloons

It seems that Balloons- clean decorative element designed to lift your spirits. However, if you use your imagination, games with them will be very different and very fun!

You can inflate them and, without tying them, let them fly around the room, with the older one inflating them, developing the lungs, and the younger one catching the “fugitive” and bringing him back. You can play a game - don't drop the ball by throwing it over your head - and stop your brother or sister from holding the ball. You can throw balloons like a ball, you can paint them with markers, you can teach children to make figures from oblong balloons, and come up with many other interesting things using balloons.

Method No. 37: Clothing store

Arrange to try on things under the guise of playing shopping. Children will be happy to try on and disassemble how own clothes, and things of parents. At the same time, glancing at the children playing, you can pay attention to the fact that some of the things are no longer enough, and what needs to be sewn up or washed.

And if you provide children with a cash register, the equivalent of money and the right idea, then ordinary trying on clothes will turn into a game of shopping.

Method number 38: Pillow fight

There is no particular point in explaining this game; everyone has known it since childhood. But to become its instigator and then go about your own business is a nice thing. Children will enthusiastically pick up the game, captivated by pillow fights for a long time. You can complicate it by selecting a limited rectangle of a blanket laid on the floor for the battle - whoever goes beyond the border loses.

Method number 39: Puppet theater

Changing places, children can take turns being both spectators and actors, giving a performance based on famous fairy tales or inventing their own stories.

There are many ready-made variations sold in stores, but it is quite easy to build such a theater yourself. But children need to be accustomed to such a game by showing and explaining it several times, then they will easily play the theater on their own.

Method number 40: Let there be dancing!

Turn on some exciting music and invite the kids to get crazy and dance to it. Show them some simple moves! And they will happily learn to control their own body.

It’s boring to dance alone, but together it’s very fun. Tired of dancing? Turn on karaoke!

Independent play is an important stage of growing up

If the only child in the family says that he is bored quite often, then it is much easier to come up with something to keep the children occupied together. Having a playmate, kids are more willing to let their parents do their adult things. It is possible and necessary to teach children to play games on their own, but over time children will come to this on their own as the only possible option.

In the meantime, most of the methods of entertainment without the participation of parents are very destructive for your home, and for starters, you can suggest that both offspring find something to do in their toy boxes. What if they play on their own, calmly letting you go away from them for a while?

However, from the moment when kids begin to master independent games, you will have to think less and less about how to entertain children - an amazing children's imagination will give them a whole world, and your task is to give them an idea and a couple thematic subjects. Go for it!

Ecology of life. Cooperative games is an incredibly simple way to leave a bright mark on your child’s memories and strengthen motor skills, logic and relationships...

Playing together is an incredibly simple way to leave a bright mark on your child’s memories and strengthen motor skills, logic and relationships!

Running with an “egg”. We put a ping pong ball on a teaspoon and run around the entire apartment, trying to keep the ball on the spoon. From 3 years.

Chatterboxes. Let's talk quickly. Who can do it longer? From 3 years.

We think quickly. One player quickly names a word. The other person should immediately say what came to his mind in this regard. Then we change roles. From 4 years.

Veterinary hospital. Stuffed Toys put to bed and treat: bandage, give medications, measure temperature, apply compresses, etc. From 3 years.

Putting on makeup. Painting your face in front of the bathroom mirror. From 4 years.

We give names. For each finger we come up with something funny name. From 2 years.

Keeping your balance. With arms extended to the sides, we walk like a tightrope walker along the very edge of the carpet. From 3 years.

We score goals. We use a string to mark the gate on the carpet. From some distance away, we throw ping-pong balls at the goal. Each hit earns a point. From 3 years.

Making wishes about people. We look out the window. We come up with various stories about the people we see below. From 4 years.

Witch game. We lay out a circle from the rope. This is a witch's house, in which one of the players - a witch - lies in wait for prey. The rest are crawling around the witch's house. When the witch comes out, everyone runs away very quickly. From 2 years.

Ghost game. Everyone wraps themselves in white scarves and circles around the apartment like ghosts, making terrifying sounds. From 4 years.

Doggie game. One player is chosen as a dog. Others lead him on a leash throughout the apartment. From 2 years.

Game of steps. We climb the stairs step by step. We come up with a name for each new step. From 5 years.

Magnet game. We place a magnet under the paper, and a coin on the paper. Use a magnet to move the coin along the paper. From 4 years.

Forfeit. We collect forfeits from the players. We ask others: “What should the player who owns this forfeit do?” From 3 years.

Let's play traffic . Using a thick brush and paints, we draw streets on a large sheet of paper. When the paints are dry, we begin to circle the roads. toy car. From 2 years.

Let's play ice cream parlor. Filling a yogurt cup fruit juice, yogurt, etc. and freeze. Decorate the ice cream and serve. From 3 years.

Let's play hide and seek. One is hiding in the apartment, and the others must find him. From 2 years.

Let's play robbers. We hide several objects in the room. Players returning to the room must find the missing item. From 4 years.

Toy money. We put the coins under the paper. Using a soft pencil, rub over the coin. We cut out paper money. From 5 years.

We depict a snake. The more players, the better. We run around the apartment one after another. The guide tells the players what they should do, such as crawl around the table or tumble around the room. From 3 years.

We are looking for pictures. The participant in the game looks for a picture in an illustrated book. Others must guess it. From 2 years.

Looking for a ring. We quietly transfer the ring to the fist of another player. You need to guess in which hand the ring is hidden. From 4 years.

Blot pictures. Spray ink onto paper. Fold the paper with the blot inward, then unfold it again. Draw a picture from the prints. From 3 years.

Swing. One lies down on the blanket, the others lift it higher and swing it. From 5 years.

Skittles. We place the cubes on the carpet like skittles and knock them down with a tennis ball. From 2 years.

Gluing the collage. Newspaper or magazine pages tear into pieces. From this we glue a colored collage. From 3 years.

A room out of a box. We make a room out of a cardboard shoe box. We draw furniture on paper, cut it out and paste it into the box. From 5 years.

Cribs from matchboxes. We make cribs from matchboxes, and cut out suitable size pillows and blankets from paper. We draw little people on paper, cut them out and put them in beds. From 5 years.

Domino ribbon. We arrange the dominoes one after another into a long ribbon, placing them on a short edge. When the ribbon is ready, push the first domino. All the dominoes fall, overturning one after another. From 2 years.

Making paper animals. On thick paper we draw any animals. Cut it out. Glue a strip of cardboard as a stand. From 5 years.

Making a picture book. Cut out pictures from a catalog or magazine. Glue it into a notebook and decorate the cover. From 4 years.

Making boats. From nut shell We make boats: we glue triangular sails from paper. We let the boats float in a basin or in a bathtub. We blow on them in different directions. From 2 years.

Mother and child (father and child). With a reversal of roles: adults play children and vice versa. From 2 years.

Mosaic. Cut a rectangle out of paper. Then cut it into 10 pieces different shapes. Mix the pieces. Make a rectangle out of the pieces again. From 5 years.

Stringing hearts. Cut out hearts from colored paper. We make a hole in each heart and string it on a cord. We hang the chain. From 5 years.

Let's hum. One of the players begins to hum a melody. Others should recognize her. From 3 years.

Dressing up dolls. We make outfits for dolls from scraps. From 4 years.

Outline the hand. We place our hand on the paper. Draw along the outline with a pencil. Cut out and paint with colorful patterns. From 5 years old.published

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To save the house from destruction by children with their irrepressible energy, you simply need to entertain them with something all the time.

website offers several simple and available ways occupy the child when bad weather doesn't let me go for a walk.

1. Turn a regular fan into a rainbow one

Allow your child to paint the blades different colors and then just let them dry. Delight guaranteed!

2. Make edible clay

You will need:

  • half cup softened unsalted butter
  • 1 tbsp. l. heavy cream
  • 1/4 tsp. vanilla extract (optional)
  • 3–4 cups powdered sugar
  • gel food coloring (optional)

Beat butter and cream with a mixer. Then gradually add powdered sugar into the mixture and mix. The mass should become thick and dense enough for modeling. Finally add vanilla extract (optional). Knead the dough on a surface sprinkled with powdered sugar. Divide it into several parts, add a drop of food coloring to each and mix well again (if you don’t want to use dyes, you can leave the mass white). Now you can start sculpting - roll out with a rolling pin, cut out figures or shape them with your fingers; they are quite simply fastened together. And most importantly, all this can be eaten later.

3. Hang a swing at home

You can hang a swing not only outside, but also at home. And believe me, your baby can rock in them all day long.

4. Prepare a soft mass that glows in the dark

You will need:

  • ​​​​​​Ultraviolet lamp
  • vitamin b complex
  • vegetable oil
  • cream of tartar (can be found at a spice store)

Crush 2 vitamins into powder (if your vitamins are in capsules, just pour out the contents). Add 2 cups flour, 4 tsp. cream of tartar, 2/3 cup salt and mix well. Then add 2 cups warm water and 2 tbsp. l. vegetable oil. Mix well so that there are no lumps. Pour the mixture into a saucepan and cook over medium heat until the mixture becomes like plasticine and no longer sticks to the pan and your hands. Let cool and proceed. Turn off the light and turn on the lamp. Plasticine will glow in the dark!

5. “Make” snow

If winter is still far away, make your own snow! You can make lumps or just play with fluffy snow. All you need to do is mix cornstarch with shaving foam. You can add a little dye, and then the “snow” will become colored.

6. Ask your child to make faces out of small objects.

Collect buttons, beads, caps - in general, whatever you think is suitable, and ask your child to make different faces out of them. In addition to keeping him occupied for a while, this will be a great way to develop fine motor skills and the child's imagination.

7. Prepare unusual paints for drawings

Mix hair gel, food coloring, glitter and confetti. Such paints adhere unusually to paper and allow you to create simply magical drawings.

8. Make chocolate bowls for sweets or ice cream

Simply melt the chocolate and then dip the inflated air balloons. Then let the chocolate dry and carefully pop the balls.

9. Make a maze out of cardboard boxes

Cut the boxes and glue their walls together, cut out the arches - and fun for the whole day is guaranteed.

10. You can make something else interesting out of a cardboard box

You can make a whole city with your child: draw roads, arrange cars and people. And then the baby himself will turn it into an exciting game.

11. Make your own solar system model

You will need: round plywood, newspapers, toilet paper, glue and paints. You need to form balls from newspapers and paper, and then dry and paint them. Then paint the plywood and attach the “planets” to it, and your own Universe is ready.

12. Build your own castle

Sleeves from paper towels, juice boxes and some cardboard - that's all you need for a real castle.

13. Color it Christmas balls

The New Year is not that far away. By using acrylic paints your child can turn plain Christmas balls into an exclusive work of art.

14. Put soap in the microwave and give your child a soap cloud.

15. Create an underwater world

Cut out silhouettes of sea animals from black paper: fish, squid, crabs, as well as stones, algae, etc. Cover a sheet of white paper with watercolors of “sea” colors. It is important to create a fairly wet coating that does not dry out right away. And now the secret technique! Give your child a pre-prepared dropper of alcohol and ask him to apply a few drops all over the canvas. The alcohol will dissolve the paint, and glowing circles will appear on the paper. Wait for the paint to dry completely and glue the cut out silhouettes onto the background.

What do you do at home when the whole family gets together, or just one of the parents stays with the child? Do you play active games together? Board games? Or do you sit separately at computers and tablets? What does a child do with brothers, sisters and friends? Great way to unite in a narrow circle and lift each other’s spirits is to play one or more games, live, human, noisy and funny, or calm and intellectual. Whatever game you choose, it will give you positive emotions and a lot of benefits.

What to play at home with children 5-6 years old?

When a child is alone, the easiest way to keep him busy is, of course, with some kind of puzzle, magnetic construction set, coloring book, or plasticine. And this is only if he does not sit uncontrollably with a console or gadget. Let's sometimes play with him as a family, and call little friends more often so that we can play hide and seek and Interesting games pay attention, for example, to this:

Ear - nose (from 3 people). The presenter names the parts of the body, and the children must point to them. He himself will also point to his own part of the body, but perhaps not to the one he named, so children should follow the words of the presenter, and not his gestures. Whoever makes a mistake performs a forfeit: he recites a poem, dances, or imitates some animal.

If you have the opportunity to make noise and have fun at home, throw the ball around in the games “Hot Potato”, “I Know Five Names”, “Edible-Inedible”. Collect and try not to drop the wooden Jenga tower or Firewood. Lay out your cards and grab a log at speed in the Wild Jungle or Bear.

So that your child, even when alone, wants to play away from the computer, you can give him several puzzles, depending on his interests. And first try to complete tasks with him, and then give him complete independence. And be sure to praise him for completing tasks correctly, even if he was doing a puzzle instead of brushing his teeth or tidying up his room. Give praise, and then do the right things together. Here are the most popular puzzles:

  • Color code (for children 5-6 years old, the easiest level is suitable)
  • Shy rabbit (you need to hide the rabbit according to certain rules)
  • IQ element and Quadrillion (you won’t be able to tear yourself away from them),
  • Labyrinth (maximally voluminous puzzles are popular with younger children),
  • Tangos (there are many of them, you can start from 6 years old and not stop).

And children 7-10 years old with active games will not destroy the house?

In general, they won’t destroy them, they’re not raccoons. But take them outside too! IN good weather You can throw a frisbee, weave in Twister, and play a couple of matches of badminton. On the street it is even better than at home to control a car or a helicopter, or shoot from a safe weapon - nerfs. If there are at least 10 of you, you can even play at home an excellent game for attention and concentration: “killer”.

Rules of the game. Participants stand in a circle, close their eyes, the leader explains the rules and discreetly touches one or two people on the shoulder. They will become killers. All participants open their eyes and begin to walk back and forth in a small space, looking into each other's eyes. To “kill” a person, the killer must wink at him. But it is important to do this unnoticed, because if two “civilians” suspect a killer in one person, they can deal with him - point at him with their hands and put him in the same place where all the “killed” go.

Yeah, it’s a little like the mafia, which has both classic adult and toothy children’s versions.

And in small companies for 3-5 people, for example, when the family gathers at home after work or on a weekend, you can sit down for an hour and a half for several batches of cool board games. The big advantage of board games is that they are fun, and often no less strategic, mystical and adventure than computer games. But at the same time, they have live communication, the exchange of positive emotions that unites people, and they are also useful, because board games develop many necessary skills. If you have just started to distract your child from the computer, try giving him the following games:

  • 7 by 9, Svintus, Uno - simple and fun, boys of 6 years old will already be delighted, especially those who like simple computer games, "timekillers",
  • Carcassonne and Colonizers - for lovers of history, games of resource accumulation, development and division of territories,
  • Jackal Treasure Island, Pirate Maps, Pirate Munchkin - very different games for those who usually go on pirate adventures with their gadgets, steal treasures, and fight monsters.

To get a child who is used to playing silently at the computer to talk, but in life either communicates little or simply finds it difficult to formulate thoughts out loud, there are games for children 6-10 years old: quizzes, Crocodile Children's Easy, Imaginarium Childhood, Children's Activities, Friday, Danetki.

And a little more crazy and cynical games for older children: