Why does a child's feet sweat a lot. Knowing the causes of excessive sweating in a child at different ages will help to quickly eliminate the problem.

For a wedding

The problem of sweaty feet in many of us is associated with adulthood. But sometimes it occurs in children. Why does a child's feet sweat, and what should parents do to eliminate hyperhidrosis?

Natural Causes of Sweating

Main natural cause sweaty feet in children is associated with age characteristics. The fact is that in babies up to a year, the mechanisms of heat transfer are imperfect, even for a non-critical increase in temperature. children's body can react profuse sweating. After a year, the process of thermoregulation returns to normal.

The second natural reason why children's feet sweat has to do with shoes. If the shoes are made of dense, breathable material, or the child is wearing synthetic socks or tights, it is likely that his feet will perspire after a while.

The third reason that cannot be considered a sign of pathology is heredity. If the same manifestation was observed in parents or grandparents, then, most likely, excessive sweating of the legs may be an individual feature of the baby.

In all three cases, you just need to be patient, as well as clothes and shoes made from natural breathable materials. Over time, this sweating will decrease.

Pathological causes of hyperhidrosis

There are a number pathological causes why a child's feet may sweat. However, in this case, hyperhidrosis will be combined with specific symptoms of a particular disease. Sweating can indicate the following ailments:

If one of the above diseases has become the cause of sweating of the legs, then the treatment will be prescribed by the appropriate specialist, and it will be aimed at eliminating not the hyperhidrosis itself, but its cause. Perhaps the baby's feet are sweating due to natural factors, while the child eats and sleeps normally, feels good, and sweat does not pungent odor. In this case, there is no cause for concern, and it will be possible to save the baby from sweating feet using one of the folk remedies:

  • foot baths with the addition of infusion of oak bark, sage or string;
  • hardening;
  • foot massage;
  • talc, ointments or powders that reduce sweating.

But be careful before using any of the above remedies on your own. After all, there can be an allergy to herbs, ointments and powders, you need to harden the baby gradually, and it is better to learn the technique of foot massage from a specialist.

Behind him.

Excites everything: how to feed, how to dress, when to walk. And this is completely justified, because the physiology of a child and an adult is completely different, so any parents should know its features.

Sometimes parents are faced with such an atypical phenomenon in a child, they notice that the baby's legs are sweating. It would seem that this is the prerogative of adults, moreover, not very neat men!

But, unfortunately, sweating of the feet is sometimes found in babies.

Why does sweating occur?

There are several reasons for sweaty feet in children:

  • Imperfection of thermoregulation in children.
  • If the legs sweat in a child up to a year old, check if you are wrapping him up too warmly?

    After all, the body temperature of a child up to a year is very dependent on temperature. environment and if you've covered your little one with a couple of extra blankets, it's very likely that he'll sweat.

    By the age of one year, the processes of thermoregulation will improve, and the baby's body will be able to regulate the temperature itself. Therefore, all mothers should know that overheating a child is extremely undesirable, and sometimes dangerous.

  • When it comes to foot sweating in older children, the first thing you need to deal with is shoes.
  • Buy shoes for your child "correct" - from natural materials, light, comfortable. Socks are also better to choose cotton. And most importantly, tights and socks should be changed daily.

  • Feet may also sweat in obese children. What to do is clear.
  • Organize the child's diet in such a way as to get rid of excess weight.

  • If you properly care for the child, but notice that the legs sweat all the time, you should examine the baby for violations of the endocrine system.
  • Sometimes sweating of the legs can be caused by hormonal disruptions, most often these are pathologies in the thyroid gland.

    Also, sweating in children occurs in case of infestation with worms, with rickets, with various vascular diseases. In these cases, a doctor is indispensable.

    But any disease, most likely, will not be manifested only by sweating of the legs, for sure the child will also have other symptoms: weakness, lethargy, lack of appetite, pallor skin. Do not engage in amateur activities, be sure to seek medical help.

  • Not the last place is occupied by the hereditary factor. Unfortunately, if sweating of the feet is characteristic of parents, then children will be susceptible to it.

So, your child is completely healthy, you were convinced of this by going through medical examination. You checked the shoes, replaced them with more suitable ones. Socks and tights are kept in perfect cleanliness. To avoid sweaty feet, teach your child to contrast baths for feet.

Come up with a game after the bath - let the baby alternately lower his legs in warm water then cool. big difference do not allow temperatures for foot baths, you will come to this with time.

Also, do not forget about foot massage - this simple remedy perfectly stimulates blood circulation.

In the summer, let your child run barefoot. We think our simple tips will help you forget about the problem of sweaty feet in a child forever!

We will talk about a problem that annoys both the children concerned and their parents, namely, excessive sweating (hyperhidrosis) on the feet.

If sweating is too intense, you need to contact a pediatrician who will send you for an examination and find out the cause of the disorder!

Some believe that this is observed only in adults, especially men. But, unfortunately, this is far from the case.

Which age groups most often subject to profuse sweating:

  • babies - usually sweating of the legs is independent, if it is not caused by any disease;
  • preschoolers;
  • teenagers during puberty.

It is still unknown why some children sweat a lot and others do not.

Sweating maintains a constant body temperature and prevents overheating. On the soles of the feet there is a huge amount sweat glands.

Why do baby feet sweat?

Intrauterine development of the fetus occurs at a constant temperature. After birth, environmental conditions change.

In the vast majority of cases, sweating under the age of one year occurs due to the immaturity of the thermoregulatory system.

This mechanism does not function as clearly in them as in adults, which provokes such violations.

Babies are sensitive to changes in temperature - their body is easily supercooled and overheated.

Sweating for them is a necessary mechanism that allows you to quickly remove excess heat energy.

The formation of the thermoregulatory system takes place over several years. In most cases, by the end of 1 year, sweating is significantly reduced!

Increased muscle tone of the upper and lower extremities is often observed in babies up to 3-6 months. This manifests itself in clamped fists, bent legs, walking on tiptoe, etc.

Muscle tension contributes excessive sweating hands and feet of a child. In such cases, soothing baths, special massage, physiotherapy, vitamin-amino acid preparations, etc. help.

Causes of Wet Feet in Older Children

If parents of 2-3-year-olds go to the doctor with complaints about the constantly wet legs of their children, then rickets can be suspected.

Sweating is not the only symptom of this disease, so it does not in itself indicate a vitamin D deficiency.

The diagnosis is confirmed only in the presence of a combination of certain signs and on the basis of laboratory tests.

If the children have only wet feet and no other health problems, in all likelihood, you should not worry too much.

Most likely, this indicates individual features often inherited.

Another reason is the following:

  • the child is just hot;
  • he has poor quality shoes;
  • their synthetic socks.

Children themselves are very mobile, and because of this, the legs become wet. But sweating can be annoying if the baby is sleeping. Fortunately, this rarely happens.

Physical activity increases the process of heat release and, accordingly, enhances the process of sweating. This keeps the body cool.

Do not restrict children in their movements, it is better to take care of the comfort of their legs!!!

It is likely that doctors of various profiles will be involved in establishing the cause. This must be done if sweating of the feet in children is accompanied by:

  • sleep disturbance;
  • elevated body temperature;
  • fatigue;
  • loss of appetite;
  • nervousness;
  • disorders of the digestive system;
  • skin rashes, etc.

Wet feet - a symptom of the disease

Foot hyperhidrosis can be primary or secondary.

  • Primary - if the increased activity of the sweat glands cannot be explained by malfunctions in the body and acts as an independent phenomenon. Often this form of sweating is inherited, ie. has a genetic nature;
  • Secondary - when it is a symptom of some disease.

What diseases lead to the fact that the feet are constantly wet (secondary hyperhidrosis):

  • pathological increase in hormone levels thyroid gland(hyperthyroidism);
  • diabetes;
  • obesity;
  • rickets;
  • kidney and lung diseases;
  • cardiovascular disorders;
  • poisoning;
  • infections;
  • oncological processes;
  • diseases of the central nervous system;
  • genetic problems.

Stress, nervous strain, sleep disturbances, etc. lead to disruptions in the functioning of the thermoregulatory system.

If you are worried about itching in the legs, you need to contact a dermatologist who will prescribe the appropriate treatment!

Sometimes sweaty feet smell bad. Basically, this indicates fungal infection. If the feet are constantly wet, then this can easily happen.

High humidity and temperature promote the development of microorganisms on the skin, such as bacteria and fungi.

What to do first?

To get rid of sweaty feet in a child, you should take simple measures:

  • You need to change your socks more often to prevent overheating. It is important that the foot is not tightly fitted, and there is access for air;
  • it is better to avoid non-natural materials - socks and tights should be made of high quality cotton, without the addition of synthetic additives;
  • shoes should be comfortable, made of breathable, natural materials, preferably leather. You can buy shoes with a special membrane that removes excess heat and moisture;
  • it is advisable to use insoles with activated carbon that absorb liquid;
  • hygiene is essential - daily washing of the feet with soap or gel with a neutral pH level. You need to dry them very carefully, especially the interdigital spaces.

It is important to create an optimal temperature in the room - about 20 ° C. Humidity should be around 50-60%.

You may need to reevaluate your diet as well. You should include more fresh fruits and vegetables, foods high in vitamin D and calcium.

Adequate physical activity beneficial effect on the development of the endocrine and cardiovascular systems.

It is advisable to apply a set of techniques aimed at strengthening the health of the growing organism:

  • physical exercise;
  • hardening;
  • sunbathing;
  • cold and hot shower;
  • massages;
  • walking barefoot, etc.

Possible treatments

Pediatricians treat sweaty feet in children. In cases of secondary hyperhidrosis, the impact on the causative factor is paramount, i.e. underlying disease.

If the feet sweat a lot due to age factors, while the child is active, feels normal, he has a good appetite And deep sleep, you can use home methods.

They will help reduce the activity of the sweat glands.

  • Baths with a decoction of oak bark (100 g of raw materials per 1 liter of water, boil for 15 minutes, then insist for half an hour), sage or string;
  • Baths with boric acid or apple cider vinegar;
  • Alum (in powder form) can be poured into socks;
  • Rubbing the feet with lemon juice diluted with water (1:1) or salt water (1 tsp per glass of water).

Very helpful manual massage stop, which must be done twice a day - in the morning and in the evening - for 10 minutes. Manipulations are very simple, not requiring special training:

  • tingling;
  • stroking;
  • tingling;
  • rubbing;
  • patting.

For these purposes, massagers equipped with wooden or rubber spikes are also suitable. They are sold in medical equipment stores and pharmacies.

The following remedies are effective in reducing sweating of the feet in children, in the form of powders:

  • talc, which has a drying and moisture-absorbing effect;
  • potato starch;
  • alum powder;
  • boric acid powder, which has an antimicrobial effect and does not cause skin irritation.

Shoe selection - highlights

When buying shoes, one of the main criteria is the material from which it is made.

Preference should be given to good genuine leather and textiles:

  • they are elastic and soft;
  • take the form of a leg;
  • highly permeable to air and moisture.

Shoes made of leatherette are not entirely suitable for children who suffer from sweating.

It happens that circumstances develop in such a way that you have to buy shoes or boots made of synthetic leather.

In such a case, attention should be paid to inner surface and the insole must be natural - leather, cotton, etc.

For dry, cool weather, lightweight shoes with a perforated top are ideal. Such models provide good ventilation, dryness and comfort to the legs. For summer - light open sandals or sandals.

It is advisable to have at least two pairs of seasonal shoes to be able to dry them well!

Excessive sweating of the feet in children may be a normal variant or indicate dangerous deviations in the work of the body. The allocation of a normal amount of sweat is considered a natural process. If it is produced too much, you should consult a pediatrician.

When dealing with such a complaint to a doctor with a child of 2-3 years old, the specialist will first of all suspect rickets. In more rare cases This pathology is detected at the age of 5 years.

It is important to consider that profuse sweat production often accompanies this process, however, is not in itself a symptom of it. Dr. Komarovsky claims that rickets can be confirmed only after appropriate research has been carried out.

Other causes of excessive sweating include the following:

  • Wearing shoes, socks, tights made of low-quality or synthetic fabrics. Such materials are quite poorly breathable. This provokes an increase in the process of heat transfer and activation of excess sweating.
  • Changes in the life of the baby after birth. During prenatal development a stable temperature is maintained. After childbirth, body reactions are inconsistent. This is especially true for the formation process. internal organs.
  • Excess fluid intake. Excessive sweating of the feet in a child may be due to big amount consumed water. This is due to the evaporation of liquid through the pores in the form of sweat.
  • Violation temperature regime . Elevated temperature indoors also often provokes excess sweat production. Thus, the body is protected from overheating.
  • genetic predisposition. Feet may sweat in a child if one of the parents has similar problems.
  • The presence of excess weight. The higher the body weight of the child, the more he sweats. This is due increased loads on the organs and systems of the baby. During the performance of any movements, the baby's body spends a lot of energy and produces increased amount liquids.
  • stressful situations, diseases of the nervous system, excessive fatigue. All these factors provoke a violation of the work of the thermoregulation center.
  • Worm infestations.
  • Problems with metabolic processes.
  • Vegetovascular and endocrine pathologies . The legs of a child sweat heavily due to damage to the thyroid gland and an increase in blood pressure.

Increased sweating of a baby at 5-7 years old is often associated with ordinary overheating. The risk of such problems increases when wearing tight shoes made from poor quality materials.

If the air in the room where the baby is located is very dry and hot, he will sweat not only in his legs. Against this background, irritability or anxiety often appears. In a stuffy room, well-being can significantly worsen and a headache appears.

The onset of sweating at 10 years of age may be the result of onset preparing the body for change hormone balance. Typically, these problems occur at night.

Important! In some situations, excessive sweating indicates various problems in the work of the heart, blood vessels, or nervous system. It can also indicate endocrine disorders, malfunctions of the kidneys, lack of vitamins and minerals.

One of the most common causes of hyperhidrosis of the legs is helminthic invasion. In this case, in addition to increased sweat production, skin rashes, dysbacteriosis, and a tendency to allergies appear. Such children are often prone to chronic bronchitis. In this way, the body tries to remove toxic substances that are secreted by helminths.

Read also: Excessive sweating in a 4-year-old child: causes, symptoms, treatment

Excess body weight and an insufficiently active lifestyle provoke metabolic disorders and the appearance of hyperhidrosis at 4 years or at another age.

Features of sweating

To establish the causes of this violation, it is necessary to analyze the clinical picture of the pathology. If, in addition to the signs of excessive sweating, other symptoms occur, you should consult a doctor. Feet can sweat with serious damage to the internal organs. In such a situation, the following symptoms often appear:

  • sleep disorders;
  • increase in temperature;
  • increased irritability;
  • general fatigue;
  • deterioration or complete loss of appetite;
  • skin rashes, persistent allergic reactions, the development of urticaria;
  • disorders in the digestive system.

If excessive sweating is accompanied additional manifestations you need to consult a doctor. In such situations, consultation of narrow specialists is usually required:

  • Neurologist. This doctor will be able to identify vascular dystonia, determine the stage of its development and evaluate possible risks. In most cases, this condition is not particularly dangerous. In such a situation, sweating can be corrected physical activity and hardening of the body. Sometimes it is necessary to use sedatives or sedatives.
  • Endocrinologist. This specialist can examine thyroid gland and assess the state of metabolic processes. In such a situation, it is necessary to apply medicines to restore the work of the affected organ.
  • Pediatrician. This specialist will be able to identify rickets. In some situations, follow-up consultation with a neurologist is required. To cope with the disease, you need to take vitamin D. The doctor can assess the condition of the child if you suspect helminthic invasion. After laboratory research and clarification of the diagnosis select the necessary therapy.

Ways to treat sweating

If there is increased sweating of the baby up to a year, you should not worry too much. IN given age babies have an imperfect system of thermoregulation. That is why the body cannot cool the body.

To get rid of hyperhidrosis of the legs in a baby, you need to use the following methods:

  • In winter, children under 2 years of age should be given 1-2 drops of Aquadetrim. This tool is vitamin D, which is used to treat and prevent the development of rickets.
  • Undergo preventive examinations by a neurologist and pediatrician. With a decrease in muscle tone, a course of therapeutic massage will help to cope with the problem.
  • With an increase intracranial pressure or the development of pyramidal insufficiency, the use of agents that normalize the functioning of brain. This treatment helps to cope with increased sweating.

Read also: Excessive sweating in a 10-year-old child: causes, diagnosis, treatment

Important! Most often, the appearance of hyperhidrosis is due to excessive maternal care. Many women dress their children too warmly. At the same time, active movements of the legs in warm shoes leads to sweating. In addition to an unpleasant odor, it can cause a cold.

Apart from traditional methods, can be applied folk remedies for sweaty feet in children. The most effective include the following:

  • Take crystals boric acid, grind to a powder and apply every morning to the areas between the fingers. The soles of the feet are treated in the same way. Wash your feet in the evening warm water. This procedure is carried out for 2 weeks. Change socks during the period of therapy should be every day.
  • Take oak bark and grind it to a powder. Put in clean socks and put them on the baby. Repeat the procedure until the sweating is halved. Further therapy cannot be continued, since there is a risk of developing intoxication of the body.
  • Take alum in the form of a powder, pour into socks, then put them on the child. This procedure is absolutely safe, because it can be carried out for a long time. In addition, alum can be diluted with water and used to rinse the feet. To prepare a healing solution, a fifth of a small spoonful of burnt alum should be mixed with a glass of boiling water. After cooling the water to comfortable temperature you can put your feet in it.
  • Not less than effective means from high sweating is saline solution . It is made on the basis of 1 teaspoon of salt, which is dissolved in a glass of water. Wash your feet with this product before going to bed. Cool composition is used in the morning. In this proportion, you can use soda.
  • Make it strong decoction of oat straw and use it for baths. The duration of each procedure should be 20 minutes. In the same remedy, you can also pour a decoction of oak bark, which is prepared in the proportion of 100 g of raw materials per 1 liter of water. The mixture should be boiled for at least 30 minutes over low heat.
  • Deal with sweaty feet and unpleasant odor help birch leaves . It is enough to apply them between the fingers, as well as to the soles.
  • For cooking chlorine composition you need to take a quarter of a small spoon of bleach and mix with 3 liters of boiled water. Add to the resulting product baby soap to get the consistency of foam. With this composition, you need to wash your feet and wipe them dry.


Some children suffer from excessive sweating due to eating disorders. These problems may be due to the consumption of spicy foods. These include, in particular, garlic and red pepper. To cope with the problem, it is recommended to remove these dishes from daily menu. If the baby sweats a lot, it is not recommended to give him a smaller amount of liquid. This can cause dehydration.

Sweating feet in an adult is considered one of the options for the norm. But why a child's feet sweat is a question for many parents. They don't know what to do and start to worry. And there are reasons for this. This symptom may indicate a serious pathological process in the body of children from one year to 12 years.

Why do feet sweat

In the body of one-year-old children, the processes of thermoregulation complete their development. This means that in normal conditions and in the absence of pathologies, legs and hands should not sweat.

Children after a year usually already need their first shoes. If the shoes are of poor quality or tight, made of materials that do not allow air to pass through, then it causes the child's feet to sweat a lot.

Another reason could be heredity. If cases of hyperhidrosis, the so-called excessive sweating, are observed in other family members, then such a symptom may also appear in a child. The peculiarity of these two reasons is that the hands of children remain dry. Sweating of the palms is not observed.

Hyperhidrosis as a symptom of diseases

Severe sweating of the feet is a sign of some diseases. In this case, hyperhidrosis is accompanied by additional symptoms. Feet and hands can sweat with such diseases:

  • helminthic invasions;
  • rickets;
  • endocrine disorders that are associated with the work of the thyroid gland;
  • vascular dystonia.



This is a disease that affects children under two years of age. Less often - up to five years. The child is restless. Sweat is pronounced bad smell. In addition to the legs, the hands also sweat.

Endocrine disorders

The main sign of disorders in the thyroid gland is the smell of sweat in a child. Before the onset transitional age, that is, up to about 12 years, sweat in children should not have an odor.

What to do about sweaty feet

When the reasons why the child's feet sweat are identified, it is worth considering how to deal with it. In what cases it is necessary to start treatment, and in what cases it is enough general events at home.

If sweating of the feet occurs due to shoes or socks, then you need to take a more responsible approach to this issue. It is necessary that the size of the shoes matches the size of the child's feet. Shoes and socks, which are made of natural materials, are well breathable and do not allow the legs to sweat.

hereditary hyperhidrosis

With this variant of sweaty feet, there is little that can be done to influence the cause. But with the help of the people and traditional medicine can be reduced external manifestations. Suitable for such purposes:

  • hardening of the feet and walking barefoot;
  • sea ​​salt water;
  • the use of foot baths with decoctions of succession, sage or oak;
  • foot massages that improve blood circulation;
  • the use of special creams or talcs.

When to see a specialist

If the above methods did not help to improve the situation, except for the legs, hands sweat and additional symptoms are observed, then you need to seek the advice of specialists:

  • Neurologist. Determine the stage and danger vascular dystonia. Most often, this diagnosis is not dangerous. Sweating of the feet is corrected by physical education and hardening. In some cases, treatment is carried out by taking sedatives or fees.
  • Endocrinologist. Examines thyroid function and metabolism. You may need treatment with drugs that correct the functioning of the thyroid gland.
  • Pediatrician. Examines for rickets. You may need further consultation with a neurologist. The treatment of pathology consists in taking vitamin D. The pediatrician will also help in case of suspicion of worms. After laboratory examination and clarifying the diagnosis, I prescribe treatment, which includes taking antihelminthic drugs.

The causes of excessive sweating of the feet in children from one to 12 years old can be varied. But you don't need to worry. Rarely, sweaty feet are a sign of a disease. In most cases, the cause of this condition is the wearing of inappropriate shoes.