The nail on the big toe is festering. There is pus under the nail: what to do, tips and recommendations for treatment using traditional and traditional medicine


Today, many have encountered problems with their nail plates. They can arise for completely different reasons. Why might pus accumulate on the toe near the nail? Most often, the cause is an infectious abscessive disease. It occurs as a result of a violation of the seal between the nail plate and the roller. This problem usually affects the big toes. In this review we will look at the main causes of the disease and treatment methods.


What it is? If an abscess appears on the finger near the toenail, or, scientifically speaking, a panaritium, it is necessary to immediately begin treatment. Otherwise, the infection may spread to neighboring or the area between them. Such a violation can occur due to many reasons: fungal skin lesions, ingrown toenails, diabetes mellitus, hangnails, poor personal hygiene, bruises.

An abscess can develop in both adults and children. It is enough for a staphylococcal or streptococcal infection to get into a small wound, and serious suppuration forms. An abscess on the big toe can cause serious discomfort and interfere with your normal lifestyle.

The disease occurs in both acute and chronic forms. The progression of the disease can occur very rapidly. It accumulates near the nail plate, characteristic of the acute stage. In chronic disease, the inflammatory process develops quite slowly. Yeast bacteria or infections can get into the space near the nail. As a result, the area becomes inflamed, swollen and very red.


How can you tell if there is pus under your toenails?

There are a number of symptoms by which one can judge the development of the disease:

  • constant throbbing pain;
  • increase in body temperature;
  • impaired motor function of the finger joints;
  • the appearance of skin growths.


This issue deserves special attention. Is it possible to cure suppuration on the toe on your own? It is important to start therapy as soon as possible. The slightest delay leads to much more serious consequences, for example, blood poisoning. Treatment can be carried out both with the help of medications and folk remedies. Under no circumstances should you try to treat an abscess by opening it. It is very dangerous. Any surgical intervention must occur under the strict supervision of a physician.

First aid

Let's look at this in more detail. As a rule, a patient seeks help from a surgeon only when the affected area does not allow him to lead a normal lifestyle. Pus on the toe near the nail can be the beginning of more serious complications. In severe cases, amputation is even required. The cause of an abscess can be an unsuccessful pedicure, fungal diseases and microscopic injuries. In addition, an abscess is a harbinger of diabetes. Inflammation can gradually spread to deep tissues. Then the process will become irreversible. What to do at the first signs of defeat?

  1. Try to reduce the load on your sore leg.
  2. Apply a compress with potassium permanganate or alcohol to the affected area.
  3. Treat your foot with an antiseptic composition.
  4. Take an antipyretic.
  5. During treatment, limit contact of the affected area with water.

Consult a qualified physician at the earliest opportunity. Only a doctor can make the correct diagnosis. After all, inflammation is often similar to a simple fungal infection.

Folk remedies

What to do if your big toe is festering? You can also get rid of inflammation using folk remedies. It is best to use a whole range of measures. This will be much more effective. Folk remedies for treating abscesses contain readily available ingredients, so you can easily prepare them at home. Particular attention must be paid when treating abscesses in children. The main thing is to prevent further spread of infection.

Treatment options

If the inflammatory process is at an early stage, then you can try doing foot baths. You can add decoctions of medicinal plants such as eucalyptus, calendula and chamomile to them. Preparing a bath to treat an abscess on a finger is quite simple. You just need to add a small amount of tincture to half a liter of water.

Soda also helps a lot. To prepare it, you need to take 50 grams of soda per half liter of water. A garlic bath also has a good effect. It is enough to chop just one head and fill it with warm water. You can also add 10 grams of sea buckthorn oil and 24 grams of soda to the bath. The mixture must be allowed to brew for a minute. If the procedure is being prepared for a child, then half a head of garlic will be enough. The legs must be kept in this composition for half an hour. As it cools, you can add warm water.

If a toenail has grown in or a skin growth has formed, a bath with salt and soda will help. The duration of the procedure should be at least 20 minutes.


How to do them correctly? For abscesses and suppurations, compresses made from medicinal herbs are quite effective. They help remove swelling and promote rapid maturation of the abscess. This way, pus can quickly come out of the finger. It is recommended to apply a therapeutic compress at night. Grated beets are also used to prevent abscesses. The pulp from this root vegetable should simply be applied to the sore finger and wrapped in gauze.

How else can you remove pus on your toe near the nail? Treatment at home can be done using readily available products. Baked onions help a lot. Its small head is applied to the wound. A paste of honey, onion and wheat flour is also effective. All ingredients are mixed in equal proportions. The resulting composition is spread on gauze and then applied to the affected area.

For abscesses on the fingers, it is recommended to use aloe leaves. You need to cut off part of the leaf and apply it to the sore finger. The juice of the plant has excellent antiseptic properties and helps draw pus from the wound. You can also use regular plantain leaf as a compress. A paste of fresh leaves is applied to the abscess. Change the compress several times a day. After removal, the affected area is treated with a solution of potassium permanganate or chamomile infusion.

Using ready-made ointment

Is it really effective? It helps well against abscesses from a closed wound. You can buy it at the pharmacy. Today, Vishnevsky’s ointment is most widely used. It contains castor oil, tar and xeroform. The ointment has a yellowish color and has a specific odor. This product helps improve blood circulation and also promotes rapid healing of wounds.

How is balsamic liniment according to Vishnevsky used? What does the ointment help with? A gauze compress with a small amount of the mixture is applied to the affected area and secured with a bandage. The bandage is usually applied for 10-12 hours. It is better to treat abscesses in the evening and leave the compress on overnight. After removing the bandage, the wound must be treated with a disinfectant solution, and then the ointment must be applied again. This procedure can be repeated until the abscess is completely cured.

So, we found out why balsamic liniment according to Vishnevsky helps. The most important thing before applying to a wound is to read the instructions. Is there anything else from the closed wound besides Vishnevsky? Levomekol is quite effective. You can also use natural oils, such as castor or sea buckthorn. They can be used either individually or in conjunction with other components. The main thing is to correctly calculate the dosage of oil. Otherwise, serious allergic reactions may occur.

Antibiotic-based ointments demonstrate a good effect in the treatment of abscesses. These include Tetracycline, Syntomycin and Erythromycin. They have an anti-inflammatory and antimicrobial effect on the affected area, and also significantly speed up the healing process. Suitable for topical use.

When the purulent capsule breaks through, the affected area should be treated with antiseptic compounds. They will help minimize the consequences of the abscess. Iodine-based preparations are very helpful for treatment. You also need to monitor the condition of the skin around the wound. Experts recommend treating the area around the broken abscess with Dioxidin. For minor suppurations, Miramistin helps well. This is a new antiseptic composition that can be used to clean wounds.

Treating an abscess with surgery and medication

Many parents are thrown into a state of panic by pus on the child’s toe near the nail. What to do in such a situation? At the first signs of inflammation under the nail plate, you should consult a specialist. Based on a visual examination and some tests, the doctor will be able to prescribe treatment. If you have been treating an abscess at home, but there is no improvement, and the condition is only getting worse (fever, fever), then you should immediately go to the hospital.

Treating an abscess with medications involves taking strong antibiotics. If felon has a chronic form, then you can regularly use antifungal ointments. In advanced cases, doctors prescribe pills.

If the pus on the toe near the nail has developed into an acute abscess and the infection has spread beyond the affected area, surgery may be required. The doctor will hide the boils and clean out the pus that has accumulated in them. After this, the affected area is disinfected. An antiseptic bandage is applied to the sore spot.

Laser therapy is gaining popularity every year. This is a modern and highly effective method that helps minimize pain during surgery. In addition, after such an intervention there are no noticeable scars or cicatrices. Laser can be used to treat suppuration on the nail without deforming the plate. The rehabilitation period is also reduced to a minimum. The patient does not require any additional treatment. Due to the fact that the edges of the wound are welded, the risk of repeated suppuration is minimal.

Another innovative method of surgical intervention is cryotherapy. It is based on the use of cold. The abscess is removed using liquid nitrogen. Low temperatures reduce the sensitivity of nerve endings, so the procedure is almost painless.

Nail removal

In what cases is this procedure performed? If the nail is severely damaged, surgery may be required to remove it. The procedure is performed under local anesthesia. The doctor will make an incision and remove pus from the affected area. Next, an antiseptic bandage is applied. After such a surgical intervention, it is imperative to take baths with hydrogen peroxide and potassium permanganate.


How to make sure that an abscess on your finger near your toenail never appears? There are a number of preventive measures. Explain to children that they should not tear off damaged nails: this contributes to the spread of infection. Use Most often, germs penetrate precisely into the area located near the nail. Only disinfected tools should be used for pruning. Ideally, each family member should have their own manicure set. When carrying out hygiene procedures, use antibacterial compounds, as well as softening agents for pedicure. When visiting the sauna or swimming pool, be sure to take your own slippers and towels. This will help avoid contracting a fungal infection.


Many have probably encountered such an unpleasant problem as pus on the toe near the nail. To prevent further spread of infection, therapy should be started in a timely manner. Small abscesses can be easily treated at home. Baths with salt and soda help with such lesions. You can also use traditional medicine methods. Compresses made from medicinal herbs will help quickly eliminate the symptoms of suppuration under the nail. Ready-made medical ointments for drawing out pus are highly effective. They help to quickly get rid of an abscess. If the suppuration has reached a more serious stage, and you can no longer cope with it on your own, you should consult a doctor. He will help you create the right treatment plan. Severe forms of suppuration will require surgical intervention. Thanks to the use of modern technologies, this process today is almost painless.

Also, the appearance of pus under the nail may indicate infectious skin diseases, weakened immunity and many other health problems. What to do if you find pus under your nail?

How to draw out pus from under a nail

If little time has passed since the infection occurred and there is little pus, you can try to remove it from under the nail yourself.

You can use propolis for this. A tincture is made in a 1:5 ratio of propolis and water. Then you need to prepare baths from this solution and immerse the sore finger for 15-20 minutes. Repeat the procedure 4 times a day. After 3 days, all the pus should come out.

Also try the following. Prepare a decoction of chamomile, plantain, sage, lilac leaves and add a little baking soda. Pour a liter of water and put on fire, bring to a boil and cool. Dip your finger for 10 minutes. Next, you need to take a spatula and lift the nail, while pressing on the pad of the finger and on the nail itself. The pus should begin to come out. After this procedure, apply a cut aloe or plantain leaf to the sore spot. After 12 hours, repeat everything.

Pus under the nail treatment

Please note that various home remedies can only help in the early stages of the disease. And if the symptoms begin to intensify, you should definitely consult a surgeon. He will determine the exact causes of the disease and prescribe treatment.

Antibacterial drugs are used among treatment methods. The doctor may also prescribe compresses using Levomekol cream or Vishnevsky ointment, which draw out the pus. Usually a compress is applied to the sore finger at night, after a therapeutic bath. The bandage must be fixed well so that the compress fits tightly to the source of inflammation and holds well.

Antibiotics are often prescribed in combination with ointments: Metronidazole, Clindamycin, Augmentin. If the cause of suppuration is a fungus, antifungal ointments and creams are required: Triderm, Pimafucort, Mikozolon, Pivazon.

Do not let the disease progress, because in this case you cannot do without surgical intervention.

There is pus under the nail: what to do, what are the causes and symptoms of such a disease

At least once in their life, almost every person has encountered a problem when pus forms under the fingernail or toenail.

However, not everyone knows the cause of this disease, what it is called and how to act in such cases.

As a rule, most of us, having discovered pus under the nail, decide what to do ourselves, without seeking help from doctors, and only in case of serious complications, when changing the situation is sometimes quite difficult even for qualified specialists, “sound the alarm.” However, all this can be avoided if you have certain knowledge and know how to behave in each specific case.

It is worth noting

Purulent inflammation of the skin under or near the nail plate on the fingers or toes is called panaritium. Often the cause of its development is infection of wounds of various origins by pathogenic microbes.

This disease occurs as a result of microtraumas, abrasions or cuts of soft tissue, and can also be caused by ingrown corners of nails, allergic reactions to chemicals, poorly performed hygienic manicure (pedicure), and also if a splinter gets under the nail.

In addition, felon can develop independently, without any previous injuries, especially if certain conditions contribute to this, including:

  • diabetes;
  • impaired blood circulation in the extremities;
  • fungal diseases;
  • lack of proper hygiene care.

Also, similar suppurations are often observed in children, especially those who bite their nails and pick off hangnails, and adults of certain professions - carpenters, joiners, agricultural workers, etc.

In addition to the main symptom of panaritium, a purulent formation, this disease is accompanied by other signs, among which are most often noted:

  • Constant severe pain in the area of ​​inflammation, which can also be pulsating.
  • Severe redness and swelling of soft tissues.
  • Painful sensations and the inability to fully flex and extend the inflamed finger.
  • Increased human body temperature.

Of course, if you discover symptoms of panaritium, you should consult a doctor, especially if your finger hurts badly, the temperature has risen, or pus has accumulated under the nail. He will determine what to do by assessing the real clinical picture and prescribe appropriate conservative treatment.

However, there are times when it is not possible to get to a doctor for some reason and you have to act on your own. In such situations, you should remember that the sore finger must first be provided with complete care. In addition, you should make warm disinfectant baths from a weak solution of potassium permanganate or furatsilin 2-3 times a day, and also apply special applications with Levomekol ointment to the affected area and fix them with tight gauze bandages.

It is important to know

Self-medication of such a disease can be carried out only in the early stages of inflammation. In advanced forms, accompanied by pronounced symptoms, you should definitely seek qualified help from a surgeon in order to avoid possible serious complications.

Among the serious complications, there are three main ones:

  • Sepsis, or blood poisoning, which can be fatal without proper treatment.
  • Phlegmon of the extremities, characterized by the spread of purulent inflammation to the area of ​​fatty tissue.
  • Tenosynovitis. leading to necrosis of tendons and impaired finger mobility.

Abscess under the nail - basic treatment methods and preventive measures

As noted above, purulent inflammation under a fingernail or toenail in the early stages is treated exclusively with conservative methods.

The patient is prescribed daily warm baths with a solution of salt, soda, potassium permanganate or furatsilin, as well as bandages with antiseptic or antibiotic ointments.

In addition, local therapy can be supplemented with complex therapy and consist of taking appropriate antibiotics in this case.

Provided that conservative treatment has not yielded results, and the abscess under the nail is growing, the doctor resorts to surgical intervention, as a result of which the formed purulent bags are carefully opened, all the pus is removed from them, and the affected areas of the epidermis are removed. If it is not possible to leave the nail, then the nail plate is first removed.

This procedure is usually performed under local anesthesia. After removing the infected area, a bandage with antibacterial agents is applied to the wound. The postoperative healing period usually lasts 5-7 days. All this time, the patient's bandage is changed daily using wound healing and antiseptic agents.

It is important to know

In order to prevent the moment when pus comes from under the nail, it is important to carry out preventive measures in a timely manner, namely, thoroughly treat the damaged areas of the skin around the nail plates with any antiseptic - iodine, hydrogen peroxide, brilliant green, etc.

If a splinter gets under the nail, it must be removed as soon as possible, on your own. After which, treat the wound accordingly or with the help of a qualified doctor, because eliminating such a problem will take much less time than further treatment of an inflamed and festered nail.

An abscess under a fingernail or toenail - treatment with traditional methods

In addition to traditional therapy, treatment of panaritium can also be carried out using traditional medicine, but it is better to do this under the supervision of a doctor or by correctly comparing traditional and folk medicine. Below we present to your attention several effective and proven recipes.

Recipe No. 1. To eliminate an abscess under a fingernail or toenail, you need to take dry flowers of medicinal chamomile and sage, as well as leaves of St. John's wort, plantain, and lilac in equal proportions, pour it all with 1 liter of cold water, put it on the fire and bring to a boil.

After this, let the broth boil for another 3-5 minutes, remove it from the heat, add a teaspoon of baking soda, cool slightly so that the bath is not hot, but pleasantly warm, and immerse the sore finger in it.

The procedure in the bath should be carried out for 15-20 minutes, and then, carefully pre-treated with alcohol or any other antiseptic with a small spatula, lift the nail plate itself and alternately press several times on the nail, then on the fingertip, thus releasing all the contents from the purulent pocket.

It is important to know

Carrying out such a procedure under unsterile conditions and without prior steaming is strictly prohibited; this can lead to serious complications and the most unpredictable consequences.

Recipe No. 2. To extract only the pus that has formed under a toenail or fingernail, you must first prepare a warm bath of a light pink solution of potassium permanganate and hold the inflamed finger in it for at least 15 minutes. Then you should gently press several times on the nail plate, trying to remove the accumulated pus from under it.

After such a procedure, the finger and nail should be treated with iodine solution or any other antiseptic and a paste of finely grated raw beets should be applied to it. The compress must be secured with a tight gauze bandage and left for 4-5 hours.

Recipe No. 3. An abscess under a toenail or hand can be cured with propolis. To do this, you need to take propolis tincture and warm water in a ratio of one to five and make baths for the sore finger based on this solution, immersing it 3-4 times a day for 15-20 minutes. Within 3 days, all the pus from under the nail will come out and a rapid healing process will begin.

Recipe No. 4. In the initial stages of the disease, when pus under the fingernail or toenail is just beginning to accumulate, you can try to provide first aid as follows. You need to take a glass of hot water, dissolve 2 tablespoons of ordinary kitchen salt in it and dip your sore finger into the solution for several minutes for an hour. When the water has cooled and the temperature becomes acceptable, your finger must be held constantly. Upon completion of the procedure, you need to thoroughly lubricate the nail and the skin of the finger around it with iodine solution. Such emergency treatment should be carried out at least 3 times a day, thanks to which the problem will be successfully resolved. In addition, propolis helps well against nail fungus and many other unpleasant diseases.

More information

Abrasions, small cuts, wounds, scratches, injuries and bruises - we have to deal with all this throughout our lives. The situation is complicated by the fact that various microorganisms, and sometimes even foreign bodies, inevitably penetrate into the wounds.

All this contributes to the development of a disease such as panaritium, which manifests itself in acute purulent inflammation of the tissues on the fingers and toes. In order to prevent complications and the possible development of sepsis, it is necessary to begin timely treatment.

How to treat wound suppuration at home?

Treatment of acute purulent inflammation (felon) at home comes down to steaming and applying effective agents that promote the release of pus.

  1. It is necessary to dissolve laundry soap in hot water in advance, and then dip the inflamed finger in the resulting solution for 30 minutes. Since the water cools quickly, it is necessary to constantly add boiling water to the bowl. Then finely grate the onion, apply it to the sore spot and secure with a bandage. This procedure should be carried out several times a day, as well as at night.
  2. An equally effective remedy that helps in the fight against purulent disease is a strong salt solution. The concentration of the substance should promote the formation of crystals. The sore finger should be steamed in a hot salty solution. To do this, it must be lowered into a container with the contents for 30 minutes, remembering to constantly maintain the temperature of the solution. Then attach half an aloe leaf to it.

At home it is possible only at the initial stage of the disease, when the purulent sac is not yet fully formed. Subsequent stages require specialized medical care, since advanced purulent inflammation can cause partial disability.

How to remove pus under the skin

  • If the affected finger throbs and hurts, and finger movements cause sharp pain, then this is a subcutaneous panaritium. To ripen it quickly, it is recommended to bake one medium onion in the oven, then cut it in half and apply it to the sore spot. Secure the bulb with a bandage. This dressing needs to be changed every 3-4 hours.
  • If the sore spot is very inflamed, then it is recommended to do the following: bake the garlic in the oven, then grind it and add grated laundry soap. From these components I make a flat cake, which is wrapped around the finger with a bandage. After 3-4 hours, it is recommended to change the compress to a new one.
  • If the affected part of the finger is too large and the panaritium itself is ripe, then in this case it is better to consult a surgeon. An experienced doctor will immobilize the hand to prevent movement of the hand, which can lead to increased pain and spread of infection, and will also prescribe antibiotics. And when the pus finally “ripes” it will release it. And before that, he will conduct UHF therapy and apply a balsamic dressing in the form of a warming compress.
  • There is another method: a tourniquet is applied to the forearm, and a medicinal mixture of novocaine and an antibiotic is injected into the dilated veins of the hand, which goes directly to the source of the disease and thereby muffles the pain and causes the rapid death of pathogenic microorganisms.

How to get pus out from under a nail

In order to extract, you need to mix chamomile, plantain, sage and lilac leaves, add a little baking soda, then pour it all with a liter of water and put it on the stove. As soon as the broth boils, remove it from the heat and cool to 15°C. Then pour the contents into a basin and lower the sore arm or leg into it for 10 minutes.

To get rid of pus, you need to lift the nail with a spatula and press on the pad of the finger or on the nail itself. Pus will begin to gradually come out of the finger. Upon completion of the procedure, even if the pus has not yet completely come out, you need to apply half an aloe or plantain leaf to the sore spot. After 12 hours, this procedure should be repeated again so that the pus comes out completely and the wound begins to heal.

Around the big toe with an ingrown toenail

An ingrown nail is the ingrowth of the lateral edge of the nail plate into the adjacent soft tissue, which promotes rubbing of the skin along the nail and inflammation at the base. If a purulent sac has formed on a finger with an ingrown nail, this is a sure sign that a foreign body has entered the damaged area of ​​the skin. An introduced infection can lead to subcutaneous panaritium. If the pus has not yet begun to accumulate, then you can do without surgical intervention, starting to quickly respond to the problem that has arisen.

To treat a problematic nail, you can try hot foot baths with a small amount of potassium permanganate and baking soda. This procedure should be carried out 2-3 times a day for 10-20 minutes. However, if pus has already begun to accumulate in the wound, then you cannot steam the sore finger.

When the nail becomes a little soft under the influence of the hot solution, you can try to carefully trim off a piece of the ingrown plate. This procedure must be repeated until the nail is completely healed.

To treat a problematic nail, you can use ointments that draw out pus. These are special means that prevent the development of the sore. The ointment should be placed on a bandage and pressed tightly onto the sore finger, and the whole thing should be wrapped in plain polyethylene. Apply a bandage on top again and put on a sock to secure this entire “structure.” This procedure is best done at night. In the morning, after removing the bandage, you can again try to trim the problematic nail, and then apply the ointment again.

Suppuration on the finger after a blow

After receiving an injury, first aid must be provided to prevent the injury from growing. To do this, apply cold to the bruise. Small bruises can be treated at home using alcohol compresses. To do this, vodka or alcohol is diluted in the same ratio. Gauze is soaked in this liquid, applied to the leg, after which a piece of polyethylene is wrapped with a warm scarf on top.

If the bruise is large and suppuration has occurred, then in no case should you resort to self-treatment. To prevent unpleasant consequences, you need to consult a doctor, who will use a special drill or drill to make a small hole in the nail, and then use an aesculapian to remove the clot and wash the damaged area under the nail. In case of late presentation and severe pain caused by a large accumulation of pus, the surgeon will have to remove the nail plate.

Treatment of wound suppuration with ointments

Wound suppuration can be treated with special ointments that promote the formation of the head of the boil - a pustule. The formation of which leads to the fact that the abscess opens on its own and the pus comes out. You should not squeeze out the boil, as such actions can lead to the spread of infection. The list of pulling ointments includes:

  • Levomekol;
  • , which is also an anesthetic.

You can prepare a similar ointment with your own hands. To do this you need to mix 1 tsp. turmeric powder with ½ tsp. ground ginger, add 1 tbsp. honey and a pinch of salt. The resulting ointment is placed on a piece of gauze, applied to the sore spot, and then covered with film and two more layers of gauze on top.

Video: what to do if pus comes from a wound on your finger

Various reasons can lead to suppuration of a finger: wounds, injuries, improper pedicure or manicure, etc. All this makes the damaged area vulnerable to pathogenic bacteria, which trigger the rotting process. How to remove an abscess near the nail and cure felon? You will find the answer to this question in the following video.

Damage to the skin in the area of ​​the nail or the plate itself on the hand can occur in every person. Even the smallest injury can be dangerous, since there is a high risk of microorganisms or foreign bodies entering the wound. The formation of pus under or near the nail is called felon in medicine. The cause of the disease is various types of infections caused by pathogens. To avoid complications (for example, gangrene), treatment should be started as soon as possible.

Features of the pathology

Suppuration on a finger can cause significant discomfort to a person. The disease can develop in adults and children. Most often, the pathological process is observed in the child, since children are unable to independently take care of the hygiene of their hands or feet. After the purulent process begins to develop, the patient experiences local symptoms, which gradually begin to intensify.

  • twitching or throbbing pain;
  • swelling of the skin;
  • formation of a pus sac.

All these signs appear at the site of damage. If left untreated, the area of ​​suppuration increases as microorganisms penetrate deeper into the tissue, destroying them.

In advanced cases, infection of the entire phalanx or even the entire finger may occur. There is a high risk of developing gangrene. Treatment of severe forms of pathology is carried out surgically. In some cases, doctors have to amputate a finger or toe.


Many people do not attach much importance to wounds, hangnails and other microtraumas formed near the nail, thus allowing for the possibility of developing felon. And if the finger does fester, they try to eliminate the pus in the easiest ways, without realizing how dangerous this can be, especially for a child.

If symptoms of pathology appear, you must immediately go to a medical facility.

If this is not possible, then you can use folk remedies, but after that it is recommended to examine a specialist.

Medical treatment

In the initial stages of progression, it can be treated with a conservative method. In order to have a detrimental effect on the infection, the patient is recommended to take baths with the addition of disinfectants that have antiseptic properties (salt, furatsilin, potassium permanganate, etc.). Dip your finger into warm water with the product and keep it there for about 10 minutes. Afterwards you need to make a compress with antibiotic and anti-inflammatory ointments. The patient is prescribed antibiotics.

When treatment does not help, the doctor sends the patient for surgery. Operations are performed in two ways. If it is possible to save the finger, the surgeon makes a small incision through which the pus comes out. Afterwards, the internal tissues and skin are cleaned. If purulent inflammation forms under the nail plate, the nail is removed and only then the procedures are carried out.

Surgical treatment of the nail is carried out using local anesthesia. After the operation, the nail and the entire finger must be treated with an antiseptic drug and bandaged. The patient is prescribed antibiotics. Treatment ends in a week.


You can treat a finger with a bag of pus that has formed on it using folk remedies. It is best to use this method if you have to treat pus under a child’s nail.

Before you start treating pathology at home, you need to consult with a specialist and make sure there are no complications.

All procedures are carried out under sterile conditions. The methods used for removal (leg) should not have contraindications.

Baths with propolis

Pus under the nail can be effectively treated with propolis. This remedy has antiseptic, anti-inflammatory and healing properties. Treatment is carried out using propolis tincture, which is mixed with water (1:5). Dip your finger into the resulting liquid for twenty minutes, four times a day. You need to do the procedure for several days until all the pus is pulled out from under the nail.

Herbal decoction

It is possible to successfully cope with suppuration if you use a decoction of herbs that have anti-inflammatory, disinfectant and regenerating properties. To make a decoction, you should take an equal amount of sage, chamomile, plantain, St. John's wort, lilac flowers and pour them with one liter of water (cold). Then boil the herbs in a saucepan and add a teaspoon of baking soda. You should keep your finger in the resulting broth for twenty minutes.

As soon as the finger is removed from the container with the broth, you need to lift the nail plate with a pre-disinfected manicure spatula, press on it and on the fingertip. Pus will begin to come out from under the skin and nail.

Treatment is continued until the purulent process stops completely.

Salt bath

A similar method is used at the first signs of a purulent process. The procedure involves preparing a saline solution from two tablespoons of salt mixed with hot water. While the water remains hot enough, you need to dip your finger in it for a couple of seconds. As soon as the solution becomes warm, you should immerse your finger in it for twenty minutes.

After the procedure, wipe the inflamed area with a clean towel and lubricate it with iodine. It is recommended to treat the affected tissues in this way three times a day for several days.

Panaritium, or pus under the nail, is better to prevent than to treat. To do this, preventive measures are taken after injury. To reduce the likelihood of germs getting into the wound, you need to:

  • wash your hands with soap (regular or antibacterial);
  • if there is a foreign object, try to pull it out with a sterile instrument;
  • squeeze out a small amount of blood from the wound;
  • treat injured tissue with hydrogen peroxide;
  • lubricate the skin and nails with iodine (brilliant);
  • cover the wound with an adhesive plaster or bandage.

Therapy for suppuration can be carried out at home, but only in cases where the resulting pus occupies a very small area. Once the inflammatory process begins to spread and the purulent sac begins to increase, you should trust medical specialists. Lack of proper treatment can cause serious complications that will lead to surgery, and worst of all, amputation of the finger.