Signs of worms in a pregnant woman. Worms during pregnancy - what to do? Prevention of helminthic infestations during pregnancy

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First of all, pregnant women should know how they can become infected with worms. After all, having such information, you can prevent infection and protect yourself and your child.

There are several ways of infection with worms:

Mechanism of penetration of worms

Eggs and larvae of helminths can enter the body in different ways:

  • unbearable itching around the anus at night or immediately after waking up;
  • bowel disorder: diarrhea or constipation or their alternation;
  • indigestion;
  • flatulence, bubbling and gases;
  • lack of appetite;
  • bruxism and the presence of dried saliva around the mouth in the morning;
  • Availability unpleasant odor from mouth;
  • peeling of the skin in the eyelid area, on the toes and hands;
  • allergic reactions on different parts of the body;
  • skin rashes that cause itching;
  • sweet tooth;
  • a sucking feeling of hunger to the point of nausea;
  • weakness, lethargy and drowsiness;
  • weight loss or gain;
  • hair loss;
  • poor skin condition;
  • dry and brittle nails;
  • regular joint pain;
  • chronic cough;
  • anemia;
  • feverish state with muscle pain.

Roundworms during pregnancy

Ascariasis during pregnancy can cause miscarriage in the early stages of pregnancy, as well as lead to the onset of labor earlier deadline. Roundworms pose a serious threat to the fetus; in addition, a pregnant woman with ascariasis experiences a disturbance in carbohydrate metabolism.

Ascaris larvae are able to migrate along blood vessels from organ to organ, disrupting their work and causing them inflammatory processes. Thus, helminths are able to pass placental barrier and enter the child's body. If roundworms settle in the child’s lungs even before his birth, then after birth he will suffer from chronic bronchitis, pneumonia, frequent colds and allergies.

If helminths settle in the liver, then the baby will have long time jaundice will be observed. Also, metabolic products secreted by helminths contribute to the appearance of intoxication in the child, which will lead to disruption of his physical and mental development. Therefore, specialists do not face the question of whether to treat ascariasis or not. They are unanimous in their opinion that ascariasis must be treated. However, treatment should be carried out after the 12th week of pregnancy. In the first months of fetal development, the laying of its main organs occurs, and the protective placenta has not yet been formed during this period. Therefore, any anthelmintic drugs will have negative action on the development of the child.

Opisthorchiasis and pregnancy

Opisthorchiasis can also cause expectant mother, the following dangerous symptoms:

  • renal dysfunction;
  • inflammation of the pancreas;
  • low oxygen content;
  • respiratory system disorder.

If atypical symptoms appear, you should immediately consult a doctor to prevent the development of complications. Also, the chronic stage of the disease can provoke the development of cancer of the liver and gall bladder.

Treatment of the chronic form of opisthorchiasis is usually carried out in a hospital under the constant supervision of a doctor.

Experts have proven that neither at the beginning of pregnancy nor at later stages does it occur intrauterine infection fetus Opisthorchis larvae do not infect the baby’s body, since it is reliably protected by maternal antigens, which reach it along with other beneficial substances. After birth, these antigens further strengthen the child’s immunity, entering the child’s body with milk. However, some experts are inclined to believe that the presence of a helminth in the mother’s body interferes with full development fetus Constantly nagging pain lower abdomen can cause premature birth and the baby’s life may be in danger.

How do worms affect the mother and fetus during pregnancy?

It is well known that worms pose a certain danger to the body of any person or child. They are also dangerous for pregnant women. The main threats and complications are the following factors:

congenital toxoplasmosis

How to diagnose helminthiasis during pregnancy

If a helminthic infestation is suspected, a pregnant woman undergoes a comprehensive examination, which will not only identify helminths in the body, but also determine their type and quantity. To do this, use the following methods:

During pregnancy, diseases are treated only if they directly threaten the health and life of the expectant mother. In case of helminthic infestation in a pregnant woman, worms cannot be removed using any anthelmintic agents or even traditional medicine recipes.

How to be? To treat or not to treat helminthiasis in pregnant women?

Other experts believe that it is possible to endure the discomfort caused by worms, since taking toxic anthelmintic drugs with multiple contraindications is a very big risk. In addition, highly toxic drugs place a huge burden on the liver and kidneys, and can cause much more harm than good. Adherents of this point of view argue that worms during pregnancy do not pose any danger either to the expectant mother or to the baby itself.

If the doctor nevertheless comes to the conclusion that it is necessary to treat parasitosis, then treatment is carried out in the second and third trimester of pregnancy. Infection with worms is most dangerous in the first months of pregnancy, since during this period the child’s organs are just beginning to form and the risk of developing various pathologies is very high. For this reason, in the early stages of pregnancy, everything medicines strictly prohibited. In the second half of pregnancy, treatment drugs are selected in such a way as to cause minimal harm to the fetus. On later During pregnancy, the treatment is successful, and removing parasites from the woman’s body does not present any difficulty.

But even if such a test comes back positive, and a specific pathogen is identified, the whole family needs to be treated. Most anthelmintic drugs contraindicated during pregnancy, but in the line of products there are also those that do not provide negative influence during pregnancy and

Pregnancy outcomes after treatment are significantly better than without it, so the risk of pregnancy against the background of helminthic infestation is greater than the risk of using specific drugs.

With the onset of pregnancy, many changes occur in a woman’s body that contribute to the possibility of implantation of the future person and the formation of auxiliary organs - chorion and amnion. Modified immune status pregnant, shifts towards anti-inflammatory mechanisms, which allows the baby’s new “antigen-foreign” organism to develop in the mother’s body without fear of a cytokine attack. Under such cover, not only the fetus, but also other “residents” can exist perfectly - helminths.

Symptoms of helminthic infestations in pregnant women

For most women, pregnancy is accompanied by a number of pathological symptoms, which are regarded as a variant of the norm in the first trimester of gestation: dyspepsia - nausea, including vomiting, changes in appetite, general weakness, malaise, drowsiness and others.

We must not forget that those at greater risk of infection are experienced mothers who already have small children, who in turn happily play with street dogs and cats, play in sandboxes and can happily eat unwashed fruits and vegetables. Thus, babies become a source of infection for each other, as well as for pregnant mothers.

Additionally Timely detection and pathogenetic treatment avoids polypharmacy and incorrect therapy, early toxicoses and exacerbations of chronic gastroenterological diseases.

Each helminthiasis has its own characteristic clinical manifestations and cyclicality, but there is also general symptoms, similar to manifestations and other conditions caused by the current status:

  1. Most often women are concerned nausea(approximately 1/3 of infected pregnant women),
  2. Vomiting, gastralgia, not related to nutrition; salivation.
  3. Sometimes patients complain of vegetative symptoms in the form of periodic, threatening loss of consciousness, stabbing pain in the heart area.
  4. Pathological drowsiness, decreased concentration, headaches.
  5. Disorders of carbohydrate metabolism - hypo- and hyperglycemia.
  6. Almost 50% of infected people have arterial hypotension of unclear etiology, accompanying the entire period of pregnancy against the background of invasion. The pathogenesis of its occurrence is the effect of toxic waste products of helminths on especially sensitive vegetative nervous system pregnant woman. Hypotension almost always occurs with the persistence of large cestodes, and often with trichuriasis and ascariasis.
  7. 1/3 of patients experience hypochromic Iron-deficiency anemia , which even practically healthy women complicates the course of pregnancy from the second half and requires correction with iron supplements.

The most frequently provoked diseases, starting from the 1st trimester, are hookworm disease, strongyloidiasis and trichocephalosis). With diphyllobothriasis, B-12 deficiency anemia develops. Typically, standard treatment for anemia is ineffective or short-lived because etiological factor in this case it is not eliminated.

  • Some types of helminths and their larvae penetrate the liver parenchyma, causing mechanical damage(obstruction of the bile ducts, jaundice) and reducing its functional activity.
  • This includes changes in the synthesis of blood clotting factors and metabolic enzymes.
  • An insufficient amount of coagulation factors is dangerous due to the occurrence of retrochorial hematomas, which threaten spontaneous miscarriages and postpartum hemorrhage.

Helminths have a specific life cycle, and their forms are able to “travel” throughout the body.

The effect of helminthiases on the fetus

Pregnancy of women with helminthic infestation, as a rule, occurs against the background threats of early termination, threats premature birth. Non-pregnant women may have difficulty conceiving and recurrent miscarriage pregnancy of unknown etiology. All these complications are due to the general toxic, weakening effect of helminths on the body and their ability to provoke and aggravate general somatic diseases.

Deterioration of the mother's condition, impaired hemodynamics in the "mother-placenta-fetus" complex, a decrease in the coagulation properties of the mother's blood (see above), antigen load - all these factors can lead to the following pathologies:

  1. Fetoplacental insufficiency;
  2. Chronic fetal hypoxia;
  3. FGR - developmental delay and fetal malnutrition;

Obstetrician-gynecologists and infectious disease specialists believe that etiotropic therapy for helminthiasis, if diagnosed in a timely manner, can be carried out during gestation, since pregnancy outcomes are objectively better after treatment than without it.

Worms can be dangerous while expecting a baby

But worms and pregnancy are not such a rare occurrence. Today we will look at the symptoms of worms in pregnant women. Let's find out whether worms during pregnancy affect the fetus. Let's get acquainted with methods for diagnosing and preventing helminthiasis. Let's find out whether it is possible for pregnant women to self-administer treatment for worms.

Signs of helminthiasis during pregnancy

Worms in a pregnant woman manifest themselves with the following symptoms:

  • constant feeling of hunger;
  • nausea;
  • increased salivation;
  • peeling of the skin in the eyelids and fingers;
  • dyspepsia and flatulence;
  • weakness and drowsiness;
  • stomach ache;
  • itching in the anal area in the morning;
  • bad breath;
  • decreased blood hemoglobin;
  • brittle hair and nails.

Signs of helminthiasis in a woman during pregnancy appear when the larvae in the intestines mature to adulthood.

Do worms affect pregnancy and the fetus?

The danger is that worms cause an allergic mood in the body and fetus and suppress immune reactions

With untreated helminthiasis, a pregnant woman's blood hemoglobin decreases, hair falls out, and nails break. Appear or worsen allergic diseases. Worms cause gastrointestinal disease in pregnant women.

The fetus suffers even more from a lack of vitamins and iron. A decrease in hemoglobin, which delivers oxygen, causes fetal hypoxia. Oxygen deficiency in a child leads to the development of congenital diseases. In addition to oxygen, the fetus lacks iron, calcium and vitamins necessary for the formation of organs and normal development fetus

During pregnancy, it is very important for a woman to detect and get rid of worms in time.

Recognizing worms in a pregnant woman

What tests should pregnant women do to diagnose helminthiasis? Worms common in Russia are most often localized in the intestines. Simple and informative method recognition of intestinal worms - 3-fold analysis for worm eggs. If roundworms that are dangerous during pregnancy are detected, it is necessary to do an ultrasound and conduct research amniotic fluid to exclude fetal damage.

Deciphering a blood test for worms is the most popular diagnostic method

How to treat helminthiasis in pregnant women

Properly selected treatment relieves the woman and the unborn child from dangerous consequences. During treatment, a woman is recommended to adhere to the following rules:

  • change your underwear every day and bed sheets to prevent re-infection with larvae;
  • Linen washed at 90 °C should be ironed on both sides;
  • observe daily intimate hygiene in the direction from the vagina to the anus;
  • wash your hands with soap and cut your nails short.

There are different drugs that are used to treat worms in pregnant women.

The seeds can be used as an infusion. Treatment is carried out according to the following scheme:

  • for preparing the infusion 500 gr. peeled seeds are poured into 1 liter of water and left in a water bath for 2 hours;
  • after straining, take the entire dose of infusion within 1 hour;
  • After half an hour, you can take the laxative Picolax or Zhoster.

Ways to prevent helminthiasis

During pregnancy it is worth paying attention Special attention rules for the prevention of helminthiasis

After a course of treatment for helminthiasis, the apartment is wet cleaned with disinfectants. Pets are dewormed. According to international standards, all puppies are conditionally considered to be infected by their mother in utero and are subject to treatment from 3 months of age.

To summarize the topic, let us emphasize. It is possible and necessary to treat helminthiasis during pregnancy. Untreated helminthiasis is dangerous for the mother due to the development of anemia and its consequences. In the fetus, helminthiasis causes congenital diseases due to a lack of minerals, vitamins and oxygen deficiency. During pregnancy, roundworms reach the fetal brain. The doctor selects the medicine for treatment, the dose and frequency. Self-medication and an incorrectly selected dose can lead to the migration of helminths from the intestines into internal organs. Thus, this can lead to the spread and worsening of the disease.

The best option would be, even before conceiving the baby, to undergo a full comprehensive examination for the presence of helminths. If “multicellular” are detected, the woman will receive full treatment and further preventive recommendations against secondary infection.

Causes of infection

Symptoms and helminth infections in pregnant women are quite vague. Therefore, if a woman feels unwell, weak and nauseated, it is impossible to unambiguously diagnose that she has worms. After all, all these symptoms are characteristic of a woman expecting a child.

But basically, the disease occurs without any symptoms and it is possible to say that a woman is infected only after a thorough diagnosis by an infectious disease doctor. Most of the symptoms are similar to other diseases; it is especially difficult to make a diagnosis if the patient suffers from a disease of the gastrointestinal tract.

All deworming tablets for pregnant women have a wide range of side effects, which are strictly not recommended for use by pregnant women.

Know! Preparations made on the basis of albendazole and mebendazole are the most poisonous and toxic for the expectant mother and child.

Anti-worm tablets can only be prescribed from the second or third month of pregnancy. The course of treatment and regimen are selected by the attending doctor. To get the desired effective result from treatment, you must follow all the instructions and instructions of the doctor.

Application traditional methods in the current situation is the most relevant and safe. But! Before choosing and using any product, you must consult your doctor. Because medicinal herbs have not only medicinal properties, but have side effects. Plants such as tansy and wormwood are provocateurs of premature birth.

Garlic, onions, and pumpkin have excellent anthelmintic properties; regular consumption of these vegetables in their raw form has not only a preventive, but also a therapeutic effect.

  • pumpkin seeds;
  • carrot juice;
  • infusion of wormwood, chamomile, strawberries.

Prevention of helminthic infestations during pregnancy

Taking medications and treating worms in pregnant women is a labor-intensive and lengthy process that requires constant monitoring by a doctor. Not treating a disease during pregnancy is as dangerous as taking deworming pills, which have a number of side effects.

These simple rules, both parents are required to perform. After all, following basic measures to prevent infection with helminthic infestations is much easier to observe than later asking the question: can pregnant women take pills for worms.

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You cannot but agree that pregnancy is the time when a woman especially wants everything to be as good as possible with her health, or rather just excellent. A pregnant woman, as a rule, fears almost any complications, and perceives even the most minor deviations in tests as a tragedy. Women are listening to their newly functioning bodies like never before. But what should you do if your doctor finds worms during pregnancy?

And, nevertheless, most modern doctors are still inclined to argue that enduring certain inconveniences during pregnancy will be much more correct and reasonable and less risky than, say, being treated with such poisonous drugs. Moreover, supporters of this point of view are absolutely sure that worms still pose virtually no real danger to your fetus or even to the course of pregnancy. But what should you do if all this just causes terrible discomfort for the woman herself? And if you simply don’t have the strength to endure all this crap?

Sometimes plants that have a fairly powerful anthelmintic effect can be used for treatment. So among them we can name watermelon, Chernobrivtsy, as well as birch, lingonberry, valerian, pomegranate. Strawberries, willow, and ordinary White cabbage, as well as coriander, nettle, or lavender. Onions, or juniper, as well as dandelion, have powerful antihelminthic properties. Walnut, and of course papaya. And besides, chamomile, radish, and carrots, red rowan, thyme, and of course wild garlic, and pumpkin. But, unfortunately, during pregnancy, many of these herbal preparations are completely contraindicated. Actually, this is precisely why you should not forget about the appropriate consultation with your gynecologist.

And if, for example, you want to know what exactly can be used in the fight against the appearance of worms during pregnancy, then these are, first of all, raw pumpkin seeds (and in mandatory with their green film).

Moreover, we note that there are several various options for treatment with simple pumpkin seeds:

    You can eat literally two or three tablespoons of these raw seeds on an empty stomach (chop them first or just chew them well). And after two hours you can drink two tablespoons of high-quality olive oil(this is needed as a fairly mild laxative) - then the worms should come off on their own along with the feces. The procedure can be repeated as many times as possible.

    It is permissible to eat half a glass of raw seeds every morning and evening, 30 or 40 minutes before the next meal, and so on for a week.

    You can take 100 grams of pre-peeled pumpkin seeds and simply grind them with 35 to 45 grams of water. Then mix them thoroughly and take literally 25 grams at least four times a day, and so on for ten days.

We also note that pumpkin seeds are a great help for many women, although not all. But such a technique certainly won’t harm anyone. Also try to chew on regular raw carrots as often as possible - since this also seems to be absolutely harmless. And one more method of fighting worms: in the morning on an empty stomach you need to eat ten cloves of garlic, first mixed with baked milk.

In the event that you are not at all contraindicated, you can try and the following options(but in any case, only after consulting your gynecologist first). So:

    Finely chopped garlic and wormwood herb will need to be poured with boiling water, then left for half an hour and strained. Then you can do enemas with this decoction. Moreover this procedure it will be necessary to spend 3 or even 5 days;

    In addition, it will be possible to make enemas from. Namely, two tablespoons of chamomile are taken per glass of boiling water.

    Enemas made from ordinary soapy water also help very well.

And lastly, keep in mind that any dairy products can only contribute to the active reproduction of worms. Actually, this is why it would be better to completely abandon such products for the entire period of treatment.

In addition, try to choose specifically for yourself the most suitable of the options for behavior in this specific situation. It will be even better - just take care and don’t get sick at all!