LPG and Vacuum roller massage. Beauty battle: anti-cellulite massage versus LPG Which massage is better lpg or manual

For teenagers

Nowadays, there are a great many types of massage. Some techniques came to us from ancient times, while others were created quite recently. The purpose of any massage is to improve lymphatic drainage, “accelerate” the blood, and improve metabolism. For this purpose, only the hands of a massage therapist or hardware, the models of which are constantly being improved, can be used.

Among the latest developments is LPG massage. What it is? This massage is a hardware type. As a matter of fact, this technique appeared decades ago - the first apparatus for such a massage was invented by the Frenchman Louis Paul Guitey (by the way, the name of the technique is an abbreviation - the first letters of the engineer’s name). Once he was in a serious car accident, after which, among the restorative procedures, he was prescribed a massage course.

Gitey wondered if it was possible to help the massage therapist and improve the results of the sessions. And he came up with the idea of ​​a device that operated using vacuum and rollers. Both the doctor and the patient-inventor liked the result of the application. Since then, the device has been used in medicine for a long time, and then began to be used in beauty salons. Gitei continued to improve it until 2012.

What is LPG massage: its main features

The principle of operation of the technique is as follows: one roller captures a large fold of skin, and the other, as it were, kneads, “grinds” it. This ensures:

  • — a rush of blood to “problem” areas;
  • — oxygen supply;
  • - increased supply of nutrients.

The massage procedure lasts for about half an hour (up to 45 minutes). Only specialists know how to do it correctly. The device must be configured accordingly, and in addition, the client’s health condition must be checked first.

Important: not everyone can do this massage, because, despite the apparent ease of the techniques, it has a deep effect on the subcutaneous layers.

First, the doctor will conduct a visual examination, ask the necessary questions about the presence of any diseases, weigh the patient, and determine whether he is overweight. He will decide how many procedures are needed: for some, eight will be enough, and for others, 25 will be done.

The massage is not performed on the naked body - the device is in contact with the fabric of a special suit. Due to this, 2 goals are achieved at once:

  1. - the impact increases;
  2. — the procedure is completely hygienic.

When going for a massage, remember: before and after the procedure you should not eat for about an hour. However, this condition applies to any type of massage, not just LPG.

Who can benefit from LPG massage (indications for use)

In principle, this massage will benefit any person, especially after reaching the age of 35, when the metabolism begins to slow down. But there are groups of people for whom sessions will be simply necessary. In particular, it can be prescribed to anyone who wants to lose extra pounds. Weight is reduced due to the active development of deep layers of muscles - those that are very difficult to reach with manual massage. Accelerating metabolism helps you quickly say goodbye to excess weight. Therefore, massage will be beneficial:

- ladies who have recovered after recent childbirth;

- people leading a sedentary lifestyle;

- women in the premenopausal and menopausal periods, when the accumulation of subcutaneous fat often occurs regardless of the number of calories consumed (and it is difficult to remove these “excesses”).

LPG massage sessions will be useful for those who want not only to lose weight, but also get rid of cellulite.

An important point: improvement will occur both in the case of recently appeared, “fresh” cellulite, and in case of its long-term existence. It’s just that in the latter case you will need more intense exposure and a larger number of sessions.

The degree of tissue damage by this disease matters: the orange peel, noticeable only when the muscles are compressed, will be easier to remove. However, advanced cellulite can also be corrected: its manifestations will become much weaker. How does the fight against “cellulite-damaged” cells occur? Most of them simply break down under the influence of a vacuum, and the breakdown products are eliminated through the lymphatic system.

The fight against edema is based on the same thing. LPG massage can cope with swelling. Excess fluid retained in the tissues is easily removed from the body.

Women who have crossed the age of 35 note the wonderful effect that massage has on the skin. It becomes smoother, tightens, various unaesthetic “overhangs” and folds are removed. Skin turgor becomes wonderful, like in youth. Various cosmetic imperfections are removed, such as:

  • — stretch marks (including postpartum);
  • - small scars and scars;
  • - shallow wrinkles.

LPG massage is indicated for procedures that have a rejuvenating effect on the face. It can be done separately or combined with a set of other caring sessions:

  • - cleaning, peeling;
  • — applying caring and nourishing masks;
  • - hygienic massage (only light movements without pressure are allowed).

The skin tightens, the double chin disappears, facial wrinkles become thin or disappear altogether. Deep wrinkles are visibly softened. In general, the face looks youthful and well-groomed.

What is the difference between LPG massage and manual massage: advantages and disadvantages

The undoubted advantage of this procedure is the fact that its results are comparable to the results of liposuction: swelling goes away, extra pounds “melt away”.

The device allows you to influence deeper subcutaneous layers than with other types of massage. In addition, the impact is more uniform: because The hands of a massage therapist, even the most magical and sensitive ones, sometimes get tired and make incorrect movements. Women often report that manual massage is painful, especially when it comes to problem areas.

LPG massage takes place in a pleasant environment; the wave-like movement of the device causes pleasant sensations. Many people relax so much that they even fall asleep. With a seemingly monotonous rhythm of movements, they actually alternate, as with manual massage: sliding, rocking, and twisting are used. But they all “flow” into each other smoothly.

Another advantage: the massage therapist can change the amplitude and mode of movement of the device depending on what the patient needs. This massage is easily combined with ultrasound and laser therapy.

The disadvantages of the method include, first of all, the prices: one session will cost more than a manual one. Adding to the cost is the need to purchase an individual endermological suit. If a manual massage requires an average of 10 sessions, then the LPG method may require 20. How often to conduct sessions and how many of them to do is decided by the doctor.

Another drawback is that LPG massage is not suitable for everyone. There are contraindications, more about them below.

How does an LPG massage session work?

When you come to a beauty salon and inquire about the possibility of an LPG massage, you will definitely be asked about what diseases you have. Then, after examining and determining the problem, you will be asked to put on a suit and lie down on a couch. The doctor will set up the device and begin the session. There should be no unpleasant sensations, except perhaps slight tingling in the muscles. You will feel as if you are floating in the sea waves.

The session lasts half an hour or a little more. According to doctors, the first result can be assessed after 3 procedures. Once or twice a week you will need to come for a massage - more often it is not necessary: ​​the body must be given the opportunity to adapt to changes. As for the duration of the course, everything will be decided by a specialist: it may take from 6 to 25 sessions.

For whom massage is contraindicated?

Unfortunately, not everyone can use this wonderful method of healing the body: doctors warn about a number of contraindications. Among them:

  • — pregnancy, lactation period;
  • - varicose veins in advanced stages;
  • - thrombophlebitis;
  • - diabetes;
  • - history of malignant tumors of any location;
  • - some benign tumors.

But reservations are necessary here: for example, in the initial stage of varicose veins, massage, on the contrary, is recommended, as it activates blood flow. The same situation is with fibroids: for small fibroids, massage will be useful because it helps eliminate the consequences of hormonal imbalances (which is precisely the consequence of fibroids).

What to choose: LPG or manual massage

The question of choice in this case remains with the patient. Many people love direct contact with the doctor’s hands: it is believed that healing touches normalize the biofield. In general, tactile sensations delivered by the hands of an experienced doctor can themselves help heal, calm, and put you in a good mood.

But hardware, in this case LPG, massage is more accurate. Its effect is more noticeable because the tissue capture is deeper, and you can literally influence any area of ​​the body. By the way, its effect is lasting: it lasts up to six months, because after the sessions the body’s production of its own collagen is “stimulated.” Manual massage needs to be repeated more often.

What clients say: reviews of massage results

Among those who have already attended LPG massage sessions, there are much more positive reviews than negative ones. In addition, the latter most often relate to the high cost and some not entirely comfortable sensations during the procedure than to the results. Indeed, for some, the impact of the device may seem too intense: people have different susceptibility.

In general, the reviews are very good: someone notes that he managed to lose 3 kilograms in 5 sessions, someone’s skin tightened, became more youthful and elastic. Women report with satisfaction that wrinkles have softened or disappeared, and that postpartum stretch marks have become completely invisible. Many write enthusiastically about the reduction in the appearance of cellulite.

LPG massage is one of the methods that allows you to maintain beauty and health, keep yourself in good shape, and force your muscles to work, which is especially important for us, sedentary residents of modern cities. Of course, it will not replace sports and will not have a noticeable effect if the patient’s condition already requires plastic surgery. But in complex combination with other components of a healthy lifestyle - moderate nutrition, physical activity, facial and body skin care - it can help a person remain cheerful, strong and in excellent control of his body - until old age.

Manual anti-cellulite And LPG machine procedure: both methods have a beneficial mechanical effect on the skin and help improve microcirculation, normalize tissue metabolism, increase elasticity, and accelerate fluid outflow. But the methods also have significant differences.

Manual anti-cellulite massage. basic information

To treat problem areas (buttocks, thighs, abdomen, upper arms), the specialist uses several basic massage techniques: rubbing, kneading, twisting, vibration movements, grabbing folds with “rolling” the roller. During the session, the skin temperature rises by 1-2ºС, and this also helps to enhance metabolic processes in the tissues. It is possible to carry out the procedure using cosmetics to enhance the effect.

LPG massage. basic information

Endermologie massage designed for modeling the figure, smoothing the skin texture (getting rid of the bumps and depressions characteristic of cellulite), restoring elasticity and eliminating asymmetry. The procedure is carried out using French Cellu devices equipped with various handpieces. The choice of a specific attachment depends on the treatment area: for example, for delicate areas, face, large areas of the body.

Each handpiece works in a complex way: it combines vacuum and mechanical action. The fold of skin is grabbed, and the rollers move in different rotation modes, kneading the resulting roller.

Comparison by Key Parameters

  1. Required number of procedures– the same: a course of 10-12 sessions is required.
  2. Duration. For manual massage – from 30 minutes, for LPG – 15-40 minutes, depending on the area of ​​the treated area.
  3. Expected Result. Manual massage helps reduce body volume and the appearance of cellulite. LPG massage helps to model body contours, even out skin texture and increase its elasticity, smoothes stretch marks, stimulates the production of collagen fibers, and eliminates excess skin after sudden weight loss.
  4. Price. A manual massage from an experienced, qualified specialist costs from 1,500 rubles. An LPG massage session costs from 800 rubles.
  5. Efficiency. In manual anti-cellulite massage, the degree of severity of the result directly depends on the skill level of the master, his experience and degree of preparedness. In LPG massage, the effect depends only on the regularity of the procedures and can significantly exceed the results of manual massage.

The main advantages of LPG massage:

  • The influence of the human factor is excluded. The procedure is automated, the intensity is adjusted and depends on the selected mode on the device. The equipment will not “get tired” and will not work less efficiently even by the end of the session.
  • Non-traumatic method. After the procedure, no hematomas or persistent hyperemia (redness of the skin) appear.
  • Strengthening blood vessels thanks to vacuum action.
  • Painless.
  • Favorable cost.
  • Complex impact and high efficiency.
  • No recovery period.

Network of clinics "Laser Doctor" invites you to evaluate the advantages of LPG massage using the Cellu M6 Integral device. The treatment regimen for problem areas is selected individually after consultation.

Features of the mechanism of action or what makes these two methods similar:

Considering that the LPG and Vacuum Roller massage procedures are performed on completely different devices, they, at the same time, have a similar mechanism of action on the body - the simultaneous effect of vacuum and massage rollers on the skin.

The second thing they have in common is their physiological effect on the body.

    During the massaging process, all layers of the skin, skin muscles and blood vessels are affected.

    The skin becomes elastic, dense and smooth as muscle-cutaneous tone increases

    General and local metabolism improves because the skin takes part in any metabolic processes in the body

    Massage movements accelerate the flow of lymph and lead to the emptying of the skin lymphatic vessels. The massage procedure has a direct effect on the local lymph flow; it reflexively affects the lymphatic system, which improves the vasomotor and tonic function of the lymphatic vessels

    The massage procedure indirectly affects adipose tissue due to its general effect on metabolism. Since massage increases the body's metabolic processes and enhances the release of fat from fat depots, it helps to begin the process of burning fats that are found in excess amounts in adipose tissue.

Vacuum roller massage

Advantages (differences) of vacuum roller massage over LPG:

First of all, this is an additional effect on the skin:

    Vacuum roller massage, unlike LPG, is carried out without a suit, on “open” skin using massage oil with active ingredients and professional anti-cellulite cosmetics.

    As a result of this massage, the skin is perfectly cleansed of the horny scales of the epidermis and various foreign particles, such as dust and microbes, that are located on the surface of the skin or in its pores. This effect cannot be achieved when undergoing the LPG procedure.

    When a vacuum massage is applied to the skin without a suit, a more significant release of the extract of the sebaceous and sweat glands occurs, which includes, in addition to salts, urea, acetone, and bile acids. Improving the functioning of the sebaceous and sweat glands helps clear their outlets of secretions.

    In addition, in the area of ​​influence, due to the resulting hyperemia of the skin, biologically active substances are formed that stimulate metabolic and regenerative processes.

    The effect of vacuum on “open” skin leads to more intense hyperemia (redness) of the skin, and thereby to an increase in the formation of fibroblasts (special skin cells responsible for the synthesis of collagen, elastin and hyaluronic acid) and active stimulation of their work. The skin becomes elastic, its resistance to temperature and mechanical factors increases, the contractile function of muscles improves, their tone and elasticity increase.

    During a vacuum massage without a suit, hemorrhagic spots (extravasates) very often appear on the skin, which are formed as a result of minute capillary hemorrhages due to structural functional changes in the vascular wall. Long-term practice of vacuum therapy shows that even when using maximum vacuum values, the integrity of the vascular walls of the capillaries is not violated, but only pinpoint hemorrhages of the extravasation occur. The phenomenon of spots appearing after a vacuum massage session should be considered as an important component of diagnosis and treatment. The substances contained in the stain are nothing more than substrates of one’s own blood. This means that vacuum therapy is nothing more than autohemotherapy, which helps increase immunity and protective functions in case of susceptibility to viral diseases.

    The vacuum procedure leads to the expansion of functioning capillaries and the opening of reserve capillaries. As a result, increased blood supply to the massaged area, as well as internal organs, is created; increased gas exchange occurs between the tissue and blood. When reserve capillaries open under the influence of massage, the redistribution of blood in the human body improves, which makes the heart work easier.

    Working on “open” skin, in contrast to LPG massage, where the skin is closed from the specialist’s eyes with a suit, allows the massage therapist to see particularly altered areas on the skin: be it excess fat deposition, areas of cellulite, or areas with low tone and turgor (density) of the skin . This real picture of skin changes determines the specialist’s work technique and allows one to pay increased attention to one or another area, and in the case of extravasation (vacuum spots), to reduce the force on the skin of these areas until the swelling disappears and the drainage functions of the vessels are restored.

    Vacuum skin massage without a suit (LPG massage is carried out necessarily using a special suit for LPG) has a more significant impact on the functioning of the peripheral and central nervous system, since the skin contains many nerve endings of different types, which are directly irritated by the operating handpiece. Irritation of a huge number of peripheral (superficial) nerve endings of the skin causes a reflex effect on the central nervous system, ensures the release of biologically active substances and hormones into the blood, which significantly enhances metabolic processes in the skin, subcutaneous fatty tissue, and muscles. This, in turn, helps to relieve or stop pain, speed up the regeneration process, improve nerve conduction, reduce or prevent vasomotor trophic and sensory disorders. If you change the nature, strength, and duration of the massage, you can increase or decrease nervous excitability, revive and strengthen lost reflexes, improve the activity of internal organs and tissue trophism.

    The manipulator of the device for vacuum-roller massage is equipped with metal rollers, which allows it to glide perfectly over the massage oil, additionally break up accumulations of fat cells, often enclosed in a connective tissue capsule, and knead dense nodules, which makes anti-cellulite manipulations more effective.

    Applying an active oil cosmetic mixture to the skin during a massage not only has a stimulating effect on metabolic processes in the skin, including its anti-cellulite property, but also helps soften the skin; the oil mixture makes the skin softer, more elastic, smooth, silky, elastic, increasing its protective properties. During the massage procedure, we give you the opportunity to simultaneously receive an aromatherapy session and enjoy the amazing smells of aromatic oils.

In the fight against cellulite, for a beautiful body, all means are good. However, massage has gained the most popularity. If manual massage techniques have been known for a long time and are used everywhere, then hardware massage is a novelty of our time. Clinics and salons began offering hardware massage procedures for figure correction relatively recently. How to determine which method is more effective in dealing with “orange peel”? Let's take a closer look at all the pros and cons of manual and hardware massage for figure correction.

Manual massage

There are several manual massage techniques that can remove cellulite and correct figure imperfections. The most common types of massage include: anti-cellulite, lymphatic drainage, honey and sculpture. Read more about the technique of lymphatic drainage massage in our article “Lymphatic drainage massage”. Each massage has its own special technique. But everyone has the same goal - to improve the functioning of the lymphatic system and blood circulation, strengthen blood vessels, improve metabolic processes, remove excess fluid from the body, reduce the amount of subcutaneous fat and break up cellulite tubercles.

Advantages of manual massage

The benefits of manual massage include:
  • Precision and efficiency. When performing a massage aimed at correcting the figure, the condition of the patient’s muscles, subcutaneous fat and blood vessels is important. The manualist kneads and probes every part of the body with his hands, so he can accurately target problem areas. Because of this, the effectiveness of the massage also increases.
  • Improved skin condition. During manual massage, additional oils, creams, scrubs, and honey are often used, which have a positive effect on the skin, nourishes, moisturizes and smoothes out unevenness.
  • Reduction of subcutaneous fat and cellulite. With the help of manual massage, all problem areas are worked out; not a single bump on the body escapes the master.
  • Removing excess fluid and normalizing blood circulation in the body. Massage helps restore the proper functioning of the lymphatic system and blood vessels, as well as cell nutrition, so the weight loss process is faster and easier.

The main advantage of manual massage is considered to be direct contact between the massage therapist and the patient; this helps to better feel and work out problem areas, eliminate muscle spasms and establish proper functioning of the whole body.

How is manual massage performed?

Each manual massage technique has individual characteristics, but they have one thing in common - a sequence of actions. To begin with, the specialist carries out drainage, then the striated muscles are worked on, the last stage is work on the subcutaneous fat. Thanks to consistent actions and different massage intensities, the “orange peel” is significantly reduced.

Disadvantages of manual massage

The disadvantages of this procedure include:
  • Human factor. The choice of specialist and clinic must be approached carefully. An incorrectly performed massage can significantly harm and worsen the patient’s condition.
  • Traumaticity. Manual massage can be traumatic. Unfortunately, in some cases, bruises or leaks cannot be avoided, and during the massage there may be painful and unpleasant sensations.

Hardware massage

As in manual massage, there are several types in hardware massage: vacuum-roller, LPG, lymphatic drainage, anti-cellulite, etc. For each massage, a special device, attachments and even a suit are used. Modern clinics, massage rooms and beauty salons have great opportunities for hardware massage. Therefore, finding an acceptable procedure will not be difficult.

Advantages of hardware massage

The advantages of this type of figure correction include:
  • Strict execution of the given program. When working with the device, the specialist sets the necessary parameters based on the condition of the skin, the severity of the problem, setting both the pressure force and the time of the massage. All this undoubtedly improves the quality of the massage, and therefore its effectiveness.
  • Does not injure tissue. Hardware massage produces a good drainage effect and helps remove excess fluid from the body without injuring the tissue or leaving bruises. This massage is especially effective in the initial stages of cellulite.
  • Restoring skin tone and elasticity. With the help of hardware massage, skin tightness is better restored. Using various attachments you can increase blood circulation and also affect the deeper layers of the skin. Activation of metabolic processes improves skin tone.

How is hardware massage performed?

No special preparation is required for hardware massage, but a necessary condition is consultation with a specialist. Since this type of massage has a number of contraindications. After the examination, the specialist selects the type of hardware massage that will be most effective. Hardware massage is performed with smooth movements and is so relaxing that patients fall asleep during the session.

Disadvantages of hardware massage

With all the positive qualities of this massage, it has its disadvantages:
  • Despite the variety of massage and devices, there are not many techniques and special techniques used. In this regard, manual massage is richer in techniques for body correction.
  • Hardware massage has a number of contraindications, including: varicose veins, rosacea, pregnancy and lactation, oncology, heart disease, etc.

According to experts, it is impossible to determine which is better for dealing with cellulite, manual or hardware massage. Based on the results, as well as patient reviews, many recommend combining these two types of massage. It’s worth starting with a manual one, as it will help to stretch and prepare the skin, and then connect visits and hardware massage. In combination, they will give the best result, skin elasticity will increase, cellulite will noticeably decrease, volume will go away, and the skin will receive the necessary nutrition and hydration.

Comparative table of manual and hardware massage

Over the past 15-20 years, incredible changes have occurred in the field of cosmetology services, especially in hardware cosmetology. Today, removing excess fat or cellulite is not difficult, and you can forget about grueling trips to the fitness club. New and modern hardware methods that can help you get rid of excess fat deposits in just a few procedures include lpg massage. Our article describes what this procedure is and what results it gives.

What is lpg massage?

The LPG company originated in France in 1986, and its letters mark the initials of the man who is the engineer, creator and founder of the corporation - Louis-Paul Guitey. He created a device that allows for a special vacuum massage to remove fat folds, which was later called endermological. The entire system for using this type of massage was called endermotherapy, as the methods began to be used in the following areas:

  • Therapeutic endermology – when a rehabilitation period is required after burns, the appearance of joint stiffness, liposuction.
  • Sports endermology – when it is necessary to treat microtraumas of ligaments, muscles, tendons.
  • Aesthetic endermology – when body correction is required.

The incredible effectiveness of the method is achieved through a combination of safety and physiological manipulation. It is not for nothing that the method has acquired such synonyms as liposculpture, cosmomechanics, and lipomodeling.

From 1986 to 2012 inclusive, Louis-Paul Guitey created several types of equipment, with the help of which it became increasingly easier to correct the figure and obtain aesthetic results. Currently, you can find the seventh generation of devices, the use of which allows you to hone and model your figure in a short period of time.

The entire series of therapeutic procedures is carried out in special underwear or an LPG suit, which the patient wears. The presence of underwear allows you to easily and painlessly massage at a sufficient depth, which is difficult to reach with the help of a conventional hand massage. This technology helps remove the most “resistant” fat deposits that do not go away with diet or exercise.

What is the essence of the endermology method?

How does lpg hardware massage differ from regular manual massage and what is the essence of the procedure? For impact, special rollers are used (Roll In, Roll Out, Roll Up), each of which has its own function and performs the assigned task. One roller captures a fold of skin with fat deposits, the other “grinds” it and breaks the membranes of fat cells.

Due to the formation of a vacuum in the skin folds, a rush of blood begins, which means that more oxygen and nutrients are delivered to problem areas. At the same time, the outflow of lymph increases, through which broken adipocytes (fat cells), as well as cell breakdown products, poisons and stored toxins (the cause of cellulite) are gradually removed.

The destruction of adipocytes does not go unnoticed by the surrounding tissues where collagen and elastin fibers are located. Renewal occurs at the level of the subcutaneous fat layer, where the production of new collagen and elastin fibers increases, providing a toned and fresh appearance to problem areas of the body.

The entire program is regulated using a computer, and the intensity of the massage and the number of sessions are calculated separately for each patient. The uniqueness and positive impact of the method were noted by the American FDA (medical certification commission), which at one time even managed to ban the use of silicone.

Indications and contraindications for lpg massage

LPG vacuum roller massage, like any procedure, has its own indications, as well as contraindications. So, the indications are as follows:

  • Fat deposits in problem areas (buttocks, abdomen, thighs).
  • Obesity of varying degrees.
  • Presence of cellulite.
  • Sagging skin and folds after pregnancy or sudden weight loss.
  • Swelling on the body too.
  • Rehabilitation of the skin after plastic surgery.
  • Asymmetry of soft tissues.


  • Pregnancy period.
  • Period of menstruation.
  • Chronic diseases.
  • High temperature or feverish condition.
  • Skin infections, including viral ones.
  • Taking certain medications (hormones, heparin).
  • Venous thrombophlebitis.
  • Presence of oncological pathology.

How is the procedure performed?

Before the session, the cosmetologist must conduct a diagnosis and assess the condition of problem areas. Next, a special protocol is drawn up, in which existing problems are indicated, and aesthetic programs for body modeling are selected. The patient puts on a suit, which improves the process of sliding the rollers over the body, which eliminates pain and meets the rules of hygiene.

LPG anti-cellulite massage sessions are carried out 2-3 times every 7-10 days, and the minimum number is at least 6. One session will take 30-60 minutes. If necessary and there are individual indications, the number of manipulations can be increased to 10-15.


What effect can you expect?

Those grateful patients who have completed the course of therapy note that the effect lasts for a long period of time. And this is not surprising, because lymphatic drainage massage LPG affects all the mechanisms of formation of skin problems, which allows you to get rid of them in exactly the same physiological way.

In general, the effect is as follows:

  • Body volumes change significantly.
  • The clothing size is reduced by 1-2 sizes.
  • Lymph and blood flow improves.
  • The skin becomes tightened and elastic.
  • The contours of the body are remodeled.
  • The functioning of all organs and systems improves (due to improved microcirculation).
  • The subcutaneous fat layer decreases.
  • The production of collagen and elastin is stimulated.

Frequently asked questions:

How many massage treatments are needed? The number of sessions is at least 6, but if indicated in each individual case, the duration of the course is determined for each patient.