The tale of the Christmas tree decoration is short. The Tale of the Christmas Toy


Christmas decorations! It's great that someone once came up with them. The tale about Christmas tree decorations is a tale from the New Year's collection of interesting ideas.

Listen to a fairy tale (4min 25sec)

A bedtime story about Christmas decorations

Once upon a time there were Christmas decorations: They were born in the closet of an old master. In the summer they slept peacefully in a large box. And in winter, right before the New Year, they prepared to take a place on a large, beautiful Christmas tree.

Once upon a time this tree grew in the forest and was an ordinary forest tree. Hares were hiding under it, birds were resting on its branches. The spruce crossbill hid its nest at the very trunk of the tree, and on the most magnificent branch the squirrels discussed forest news.

But on New Year’s Eve, the tree wanted a holiday, and Santa Claus took it to the children, Katya, Lidochka and little Egor.

On a dark night, when the children were sleeping, the Christmas tree decorations came to life and began to take places on the tree. First, at the very top of the tree, a large, beautiful star took its place. She was very bright, simply amazing! Seeing the star at the top, the Christmas tree decorations became excited.

The fact is that everyone wanted to be closer to the star - but it was impossible! There simply wasn’t enough space for all the toys next to the star. Troublesome Hare, Yellowlegs the Horse, Snowman and Sparkle the Duck were very unhappy that they were unable to climb higher. They were loudly indignant and stamped their feet.

The Troublesome Hare said that he is always unlucky. The horse Yellowleg muttered that although it ran fast, it was not agile enough. The snowman complained that he was clumsy from birth. And the duck Blestinka reported that her waddling gait simply let her down.

And only the Golden Bell was happy with everything. He didn't want to be closer to the star. He perched on the lowest branch. No one bothered him there. He looked around calmly.

The Golden Bell did not understand at all why all this fuss flared up. He was glad that the branch he occupied was strong. The needles on the branch were prickly, but shiny. The Golden Bell felt good. And it rang quietly.

- Ding-ding...Ding-ding...Ding-ding...

And then the Golden Bell said:

- Everyone should have their own place. Someone's next to a star. Some people don't. But he should be fine in his place!

The Christmas tree decorations began to smile. And they settled on the Christmas tree in all sorts of places. The awakened children, seeing the colorful Christmas tree, opened their mouths in surprise:

- Wonderful Christmas tree! And how many beautiful toys she has!

- What a cute hare! - said Katya.

Hearing the praise, the Hare Troublemaker imperceptibly straightened his shoulders.

- And the Snowman is great! - Katya continued.

- What a nice horse! How cute is the duck! – Lidochka clapped her hands.

And the little one, Egorka, quietly approached the Christmas tree and looked at the Golden Bell for a long time. The baby liked him the most.

On New Year's Eve, the children did not sleep for a long time. And when they fell asleep, they dreamed of a Christmas tree, and it was all covered in wonderful New Year’s toys! From the very top to the very bottom!

This story happened on New Year's Eve. A decorated Christmas tree was already standing in the room, cheerfully twinkling with colorful lights. The toys on her were shining with pride! All year they lay in the attic, dreaming of this day. And now it has come. They were taken out of the cramped box, carefully wiped off the dust and hung on fluffy spruce paws.

People admired the elegant beauty, and even the old cat Bertha could not take her eyes off her. And each toy received admiring glances at its own expense, feeling like the main decoration on the Christmas tree.

It was already dark outside, people soon went about their business, and Bertha curled up on the carpet and dozed off. Christmas tree decorations swayed smoothly on the branches, exposing their sides to the light of flickering bulbs. They didn’t want to sleep at all, and they quietly whispered to each other.

Ah, we've finally been taken out of this terrible box! - the glass Ballerina sighed coyly, - It was so stuffy and dark in there. Oh, I'm too fragile for such cramped conditions!

Yes Yes Yes! Ding-ding-ding! - the little bells rang in agreement.

Is this too tight for you? - the golden pointed top asked haughtily, - By the way, even I’m not complaining! And I, by the way, am not some ordinary Christmas tree toy.

Ah, what does this all mean? - exclaimed the offended Ballerina and twirled restlessly on the branch.

“And that means: there are many of you trinkets, but there is only one Top,” said the Top arrogantly, extending a long spire to the ceiling.

What-what-what? So so so! - the bells trembled indignantly.

Me too, the queen of the Christmas tree has been found! Everyone knows that the most beautiful toys are hung in the most visible place - in the middle! - the big Red Ball pompously growled, addressing either the Top or the Ballerina. He was just hanging on the central branch, and all this talk made him very angry.

Nonsense! What nonsense! - multi-colored bunnies, deer and bear cubs began to shout, - The most beautiful ones are hanged at the edges! For children to touch!

Nothing like this! The best place is below, closer to the gifts,” the bright glass Fly Agaric shouted from below, “There’s nothing to argue about here!”

Nonsense! People love everything new, everyone knows that,” objected the sparkling silver cone. She was just brought from the store yesterday, and she considered herself the most important decoration of the Christmas tree.

S-senseless fools! I am the symbol of the New Year! Of course, I’m the ss-most important one on the tree, sh-sh-sh,” the Snake hissed angrily from the spruce branch, raising his head in a small sparkling crown.

What unprecedented impudence! - shouted the golden top, leaning slightly to the side.

The Red Ball grunted with displeasure, blushed even more and pointedly turned away. The ballerina sobbed offendedly, the branch swayed, and silver specks of dust fell from the new cone.

Don-don-don,” the angry bells began to shake, hitting each other on the sides.

The lights of the Christmas tree garland flickered anxiously, the rain rustled fearfully on the branches, and the toys continued to swear. They were so carried away by their argument that they did not notice how the tree was rocked. The Golden Top swayed from side to side, and the reflections of the lights on its spire became like flashes of small lightning. Finally, she completely lost her balance, jumped out of her seat and flew down, noisily jumping along the branches. - website

A-ah-ah,” the Top shouted in panic, “Catch me!” I'm too important to break!

She fell onto the soft carpet, and the frightened toys froze in anticipation.

Oh-oh-oh,” the Top moaned pitifully, turning on the other side.

Are you okay? Are you okay? - voices rang excitedly from the tree.

Bertha the cat lazily stretched out her paws and suddenly said:

Well, did you jump?

She was a wise old cat who had seen a lot of things in her lifetime, including Christmas trees. All the time while the toys were quarreling, she watched them indifferently through her sleep. The noisy fall of the Top finally dispelled her slumber.

They held a market here, almost ruined the holiday,” Bertha grumbled dissatisfied and began to wash her paw.

But we have to find out who is really the main decoration of the Christmas tree,” the toys made excuses, “Maybe you can tell us the truth?”

Bertha stopped washing her face and looked thoughtfully at the tree. The toys became silent in anticipation.

How stupid you are,” Bertha finally purred softly and smiled a sly cat smile. - There is no “main decoration”! Each of you is a small part of one big holiday. None of you can decorate the Christmas tree alone, but each of you has a place on it. So what's the point of arguing about who is better?

But it’s true! The way it is! - the toys whispered, admiring the wisdom of the old cat. The ballerina looked at the big Red Ball, and it flickered welcomingly in response. She just now saw how beautifully the lights of the Christmas tree garland are reflected in it and she herself...

The toys looked at each other with curiosity, and they suddenly felt so good and cozy from this proximity. They felt like they were part of something significant, and each of them was important and needed by others.

How wonderful it is,” whispered the Top quietly, lying on the floor in the middle of the room. For the first time in her life, she saw the New Year tree from the outside, in all its glory, and it was amazing.

And how wonderful it is to be part of this miracle,” she sighed sadly, remembering how stupid she had behaved.

Bertha walked up to Top and carefully rolled her under the tree with her paw.

Lie here for now, in the morning people will return you to your place,” she said. And then she turned and walked busily towards the door like a cat.

As a child, I loved to stand by the Christmas tree for a long time and look at the Christmas tree decorations. Each toy is a separate fairy tale. And I patiently “listened to their stories.”

Here is Bear with an accordion. Where is he from? From what forest did he come to us? This is the same Mishka who took Masha in a box with pies to her grandparents, and then, having learned about his mistake, bought himself an accordion out of grief and now sits on that very “reserved” stump and plays songs to the accordion all day long?! I wish I could listen to what he sings in the simplicity of his soul! It’s also a tragedy...

Here is a Sparrow with a hole instead of a beak. I finished pecking... in the zoo with the animals...

Here is a Boy with skates on his shoulder. “Eaglet-Eaglet” and “Boy-Kibalchish” rolled into one! How I always wanted to be like him: a proud excellent student, a die-hard athlete, a friend of all Soviet border guards and foresters, an absolute world champion in catching saboteurs, extinguishing forest fires and collecting waste paper and scrap metal. I really wanted to make friends with him! But, alas, in my entire life I have never met such a boy alive. This is the only glass one left on the Christmas tree.

Here are peeled tangerines, cucumbers, and mushrooms. I tried to lick them - so-so. Not good. I do not advise.

These are the balls that are so funny to look at and make faces, like in the old family samovar! I wonder if the balls can send images back?

Here is the House that I especially liked to look at, looking through its window. Someone certainly lives there, in this house! Definitely! It's just not very visible right now. You just need to sneak up on tiptoe at night, when the funny little people living in the house fall asleep. And I even looked once and saw them! And only in the morning I realized that I just dreamed about them... And still it was one of the best dreams I had!

And next to the house hung a round glass clock that showed the eternal time of happiness - five minutes to midnight. It’s just the way it is among people: what is within reach and just can’t be reached is happiness. But for the sake of these five minutes, they cut down a Christmas tree in the forest, which they put in the house and decorate it with garlands and all sorts of tinsel for two weeks and take out a box of Christmas tree decorations from the closet or attic.

It is during these two weeks that toys are removed from the box in which they have been stored for a whole year, carefully lined with cotton wool, remaining in their eternal holiday sleep, shimmering like the fire of garlands with reflections of happiness. And toys - what are toys?

They attract gullible children with wide-eyed eyes. And then, reflected in the toy, the child’s carefree smile is forever packed into the treasured “on demand” box. Sometimes toys keep the smiles of moms and dads, and sometimes even grandparents.

Christmas decorations are like people. At first, any toy is very cherished, hung in the most honorable, prominent and high place on the tree with an indispensable story about how valuable it is, this toy, and then, when over time it fades, turns ugly, giving up its light and taking away our reflections, in some places it will lose its paint, in others it will begin to gape with holes from inevitable falls on the floor over time and will completely lose all its meaning! And so, still retaining the status of a family heirloom, however, it gradually moves to a modest place away from view and closer to the floor, so that one day it can honestly clink glasses with it “for brotherhood,” as befits any glass next to a stone.

He was a Christmas tree toy, this glass Boy in a cheerful yellow clown costume with a black stripe attached to his smiling lips - a flute.

Most likely, it was a character from the old circus - a tent. And somewhere next to him there should have been a young, trained red dog, which, to the quiet sounds of his flute, would stand on its hind legs, spin around, howl and yelp funny. But, of course, there was no trained dog in the box with Christmas tree decorations. And the Flute Boy himself has become worse over time. He didn't even look stupid. He just lost his face. The paint on the face of the Christmas tree decoration had completely peeled off, and only a transparent glass oval remained. The toy only has a smile and a flute - a barely noticeable stripe down from the smiling mouth.

There were various toys in the box: brand new, recently purchased, very beautiful, but so far soulless, not yet reflected in anyone’s children’s eyes. And there were also very old ones, like this Flute Boy, who came from that distant New Year’s, still father’s, mysterious flicker.

Each of these old toys had its own story, its own world, which one day it left, just as the Flute Boy left his tent...

“Be careful,” the grandmother tells her granddaughter when they are decorating the Christmas tree together, “grandfather brought this bird from Germany. You see how she is... I'll hang her myself. It needs to be higher. And hang this Clock, it’s magical!

The girl diligently takes the completely transparent toy, which is fairly peeling from paint, but her chubby fingers are not yet so dexterous. The clock falls to the floor with a plaintive ringing and crumbles into pieces. Grandma throws up her hands...

The Broken Clock, with which the Flute Boy had been hanging next to since time immemorial, of course, did not bode well. “Now my time has come!” - the Boy thought sadly. And exactly. First, they hung it on the tree on the lowest, back branch. And then a fluffy Persian cat, passing under a lower branch, touched the Flutist, and he fell to the floor. Fortunately, the glass toy did not break, but the cat, interested in the “prey,” decided to play with it, and, shepherding the poor Flutist from paw to paw, drove him under the sofa. After which I lost all interest in the toy.

And the poor Boy was left alone under the sofa, having fallen out of his fairy tale, to which he devoted his whole life.

“How many of these trees were there? - The Flutist thought sadly, - probably at least fifty. (Fifty years, and still a Boy!) A decent forest, if it hadn’t been cut down, of course”... And on each tree next to the Flute Boy hung a glassy “time of happiness” - five minutes until twelve, until it broke...

Two New Year and Christmas weeks have passed. The tinsel, toys and garland were taken from the tree, put in a box and taken to the attic. Already without the Flutist. The tree was removed from the cross and placed outside.

Everything in life went on as usual, and only the Flute Boy lay in the dust under the sofa, wondering what was happening to him.

And, in fact, nothing happened to him. It’s just that he wasn’t lying in a box among the Christmas tree decorations basking in their eternal New Year and Christmas happiness, but in the dust under the sofa, among some crumbs and plastic bullet balls from a pistol.

It’s just that the cat, with a deft blow of his paw, knocked the Flutist out of his endless and eternal cycle of serving “five-minute happiness” and left him alone with himself. Which is not very easy to worry about, especially if you have lost your face in the process.

Of all the events that happened before the next New Year and Christmas, one can only name the arrival of mice, who gnawed the crumbs, platonically sniffed the plastic bullets, a glass toy, and left. But this event did not change anything in the fate of the Flutist.

They passed in a festive line, like the glowing carriages of a fast train, past a lonely house near the railway, New Year, Christmas, “Old New Year”, “Epiphany”...

They brought and installed a new tree in the middle of the room next to the sofa, decorated it, celebrated the New Year, Christmas, celebrated the “Old New Year” and Epiphany; the tinsel, toys and garland were removed from the tree; the tree was removed from the cross and put away...

Some toys broke on this Christmas tree. He heard it. Probably, some new toys were bought, which should symbolize new happiness and some kind of consolation and replenishment for the fact that it can no longer be returned.

And the Flutist Boy, forgotten by everyone, remained lying under the sofa in the dust. And this New Year that passed him by gave him a terrible truth. He suddenly realized that no one needed him.

“Am I worth it to be needed by someone? - thought the Flutist Boy, - what do I have in me?..."

The dust that settled over time on the lost toy completely dimmed the brightness of his yellow clown outfit. But she covered her face and closed the glass void...

And only the black strip of the flute stubbornly did not want to get lost under the inevitable dusty burial...

The Flutist Boy was painfully thinking about what he should do so as not to completely disappear, not to merge with the dusty floor under the sofa?!

If you are a Boy with skates on your shoulder, then you should be such that the cheerful January chill wafted from you, music was heard and in the crosshairs of the spotlights you could see people beautifully skating around a decorated Christmas tree with a cheerful blush on their cheeks at the city skating rink. If you are a flute player, then you must play the flute, even if it were a simple black stripe attached to the conventional mouth.

The boy realized that he had to play the flute, as before, when he was in the old circus tent, crowded with cheerful people in the dim and mysterious light of kerosene lamps, where in front of him his mischievously red dog, a cross-breed, was spinning on his hind legs with a cheerful fox smile. a dachshund with a mongrel, nicknamed, it seems, Kashtanka...

You just had to play the flute...

But it wasn't easy at all. After all, all this time he was only pretending to play it. This is how all the Christmas decorations were made. That's how they do it. Christmas tree decorations simply reflect years of human happiness in a carefree way. They don't know how to do anything else.

It’s just that once you get to the Christmas tree, it’s like going to work, the Christmas tree decorations begin to serve her. And the Christmas tree, having accepted this sacrificial service, itself is sacrificed annually as a sacrifice of “five minutes of happiness.” But the Flutist was not on the Christmas tree among other toys. And he also hasn’t seen human happiness for two years now. And only somewhere, subtly, a gate creaked from the sad wind, as if luring an invisible person to enter the garden. And the branches of the willow at the gate were all rubbed to shine, like the brightest and most expensive toy, sunshine caught in the fog. And the Flute Boy began to play the flute. What else could he do? He had no one else to play in front of. The first attempts were very timid, barely audible. Then he grew bolder. The old red rat was not lazy and came from deep underground and looked into his glass face for a long time, thinking about something of his own.

And gradually he began to play so well that one day, it was already in the summer, he was heard.

In this house lived one small and very curious girl, who made a lot of fateful discoveries every day. She had just dropped a postcard, which depicted a funny pot-bellied hedgehog with the inscription “you are my sunshine,” into the crack of the top step of the veranda, as if in a mailbox - and, realizing the irreversibility of what had happened, she almost burst into tears, but a second before her tears they called me to eat gooseberries - and, flashing a smile, serenity smoothed out the sadness. On the way, the girl saw a snail and carefully touched its antennae with a broken stick. The snail looked at the girl with its slimy eye and sadly shook its head. Then the girl laughed. Something funny tickled my throat. Then she felt overwhelmingly sad, and she lay on the sofa, her hand hanging to the floor, picking at the plasticine that had dried to the floor with her finger. Then for some reason the little girl looked under the sofa and smiled triumphantly, seeing a lost Christmas tree toy there. She pulled out the Flute Boy from under the sofa with her small, tenacious fingers, examined him carefully, smiling mysteriously, and quietly carried him outside.

There, under the apple tree, she dug a small hole, lined its bottom with candy wrappers and placed the Flute Boy on the candy wrappers. Nearby, the girl carefully placed a fragment of another Christmas tree decoration (also found under the sofa), on which only the number “12” and a fragment of two hands, hour and minute, were preserved.

The girl crushed all this on top with bent thick colored glass, a fragment from her father’s bottle. And she carefully covered it all with earth. Then, smiling mysteriously, she made a window in the glass, clearing it of dirt with her finger.

From the window of the “secret” the Flutist Boy smiled at the girl, in the glass emptiness of which, having shrunk to a small doll-matryoshka, a mischievously smiling girl was reflected, the sky was reflected, a funny red-haired, ridiculously enlarged, almost forest-like face of a dog, a cross between a dachshund and a mongrel, was reflected. , of course, could not help but sniff out the “secret”. And at the gate to the cherry orchard, a man with a very tired look, wearing a foggy pince-nez, wearing an old-fashioned hat, and carrying a traveling bag, with which rural doctors and priests carried before the revolution, was patiently waiting for the dog. Tapping his cane on the fence, he walked whistling through the village, followed by the funny, faithful Kashtanka, whom he called for some reason “terlibumbia”...

And what else can I tell you? The postcard, sent by the girl into the crack of the top step of the veranda, happily went into the distant future, when the aged and gray-haired dad, replacing the rotten boards of the veranda, “received” it and solemnly handed it over to “his sunshine,” the curious girl who had so imperceptibly become a high school student, but neither for a second I didn’t forget my “secret” in the garden...

Kuma Zina, collector
Christmas decorations, dedicated to

New Year is a very good holiday! Everyone begins to prepare for it in advance; already in mid-December, city squares and streets acquire a festive attire, and a Christmas tree is decorated in almost every apartment. Dasha was looking forward to this very moment. And then one evening, after dinner, my mother said:

So, in two weeks the New Year is coming, it’s time to decorate the Christmas tree. Dad goes to the basement to get a Christmas tree, and I go to the balcony to get toys. We will put up the Christmas tree the same way as last year - in the hall near the window.

Dasha clapped her hands with joy.
Dad brought a box with a collapsible artificial Christmas tree, and mom brought a plastic container filled to the top with Christmas tree decorations wrapped in soft paper napkins. Dad began to assemble the Christmas tree, mom began to put glass toys on the tablecloth spread on the coffee table. Dasha wanted to help both parents, but she was more interested in toys. But as soon as she wanted to pick up the big ball with the Snow Maiden, her mother stopped her:

Do not touch! I was in a hurry, I had to bring the toys into the warmth in advance so that they would warm up. And now they are cold, so, you see, they fogged up and became wet. If you touch them with your hands, you can ruin the design or damage the powder or glitter. I’ll now carefully place the toys on the tablecloth and let them dry until the morning.

At first, Dasha was upset that she wouldn’t see the decorated Christmas tree today, but then she calmed down and began to look with pleasure at the toys that her mother was putting on the coffee table. There were a lot of toys - there were various balls, and figurines of fairy-tale characters, and animal figurines, and houses, and cars, and fruits and vegetables and colorful pine cones. They knew Dasha well since last New Year. Nevertheless, she periodically asked her mother: “Who gave us this toy?” And my mother told the story of the appearance of this toy. And this continued until the very last bundle. But on the last toy, mom started thinking. It was an ordinary bright yellow ball, without a pattern, without inscriptions or any decorations.

I don't remember the history of this ball. And the ball itself is kind of nondescript, not beautiful. Maybe we shouldn't hang it on the Christmas tree? – Mom asked showing it to Dasha.
Dasha looked straight at the ball and saw her reflection in it, as if in a mirror.
- No no! - she said. - Look how mirror-like it is. It reflects me, you, and our whole room!
-Okay, tomorrow we’ll find a place for him somewhere on the tree! Now go to the bath and sleep.
By this time, dad had successfully assembled the Christmas tree. Mom, having collected all the unfolded paper napkins into an empty container, turned off the light and everyone went to the bedroom. Before leaving the room, my mother parted the curtains and opened the window to ventilate the room.

As soon as the door closed, the room was filled with light light from street lamps. And then there was a revival among the Christmas tree decorations. No, they didn’t run and jump, but they started talking!

“Finally they remembered about us, otherwise I was lying all over in this cramped container,” said the snowman figurine.
- They just remembered about you, but they never forgot about me. After all, I so charmed everyone with my beauty last year! After all, I was hanging in the most visible place,” said a large ball with the numbers 2018.
- And I think that in your place now your double with the numbers 2019 will hang, and you will be moved somewhere to the background. But here I am again hanging in the same place where I was last year. After all, I am the most elegant of you! – the blue ball with a white cathedral with golden domes painted on it said arrogantly.
“No, I will be given more attention than you, because I am the most original and the most solemn,” said the black ball with a gilded carriage drawn by three horses.
- And, in my opinion, the most important element of the tree is the top, and it’s as chic as I am! - the tree top intervened in the dispute.
“You’re wrong,” two balloons with drawings of Father Frost and the Snow Maiden exclaimed in one voice, “have you forgotten who rules the roost on New Year’s?”
- Yes Yes! – the figure of Santa Claus intervened in the dispute. – That I am the most important person at the Christmas tree should not even raise any doubts in anyone’s mind.
Gradually, other toys also became involved in the argument, the situation became tense every minute, but suddenly someone drew attention to the same yellow ball that was the last to be taken out of the container. He lay completely calm among the arguing toys, and did not show any emotions.
The black ball with the Russian troika looked at him arrogantly and asked loudly:
- Gentlemen, what is this yellow-faced naked woman doing among us? The lack of any attire is simply a disgrace to our society.
- Yes, yes, he disgraces us! - they picked up the balls, decorated with drawings of snowflakes, stars and intricate patterns. - We, exclusive handmade toys of the Klinsky Compound, should hang next to this gold?
- He has no place among us! – the snowman figurine grumbled.
Other toys were not far behind, each trying to find a more offensive phrase.

The poor yellow ball lay neither alive nor dead. He had never heard so much hatred and contempt before. Even before that, he was upset that Dasha’s mother did not want to hang him on the Christmas tree. But for many years, year after year, he participated in decorating the New Year tree. Will he really not see New Year's fireworks this year, won't he see the joy of children taking gifts from Santa Claus from under the tree?

The next day they put the tree near the window and decorated it. The side with which the tree faced the room was considered the main side. It was on it that the most beautiful toys were placed, and simpler toys were hung on the side facing the window.
The ball with the golden domes turned out to be right; the ball with the numbers 2019 was hung in the most prominent place; the ball with the numbers 2018 was far from the center. Also in the center of the tree are the Golden Domes, the New Year's Troika, and Father Frost and the Snow Maiden. Next to them, all the free branches were occupied by cones, figurines, animals, a snowman, houses, hearts, bells and other exclusive decorations. The rest of the toys were hung to the left and right of the center, as well as on the back side of the tree.

Dasha decided the fate of the yellow ball. She made mom hang it on the tree. Mom spent a long time looking for a place for him, bringing him first from the right side of the tree, sometimes from the left. In the end, he was hung on the back side of the tree, while he was in the center of the window, and from his branch through the glass the street and part of the city square were clearly visible.

A multi-colored electric garland was hung on the tree so that it illuminated only the front side and in its light the most beautiful toys seemed even more beautiful. The flickering light of the garland practically did not reach the yellow ball; the thick green needles of artificial spruce branches were in the way. This turned the yellow color of the ball into a dirty green.

While decorating the Christmas tree, the yellow ball again heard many offensive and angry remarks addressed to itself from other toys. None of them wanted the yellow ball to be hung nearby. The yellow ball was in a bad mood; his only consolation was the thought that very soon he would see the festive fireworks again.

And now the New Year has arrived. The whole family sat at the festive table and admired the beautiful Christmas tree, the running multi-colored lights of the garland, and the beautiful toys on the front side of the tree. Everyone had fun - the adults from the feeling of the holiday, Dasha from the gifts received from Santa Claus, the beautiful Christmas tree toys from the attention. And only the yellow ball was sad, he did not see the holiday and no one paid attention to him.

And then the chimes struck, everyone shouted joyfully: “Happy New Year!” With new happiness! Hooray!" At this time, everything in the square sparkled, explosions of firecrackers and fireworks were heard. Everyone went to the window and began to look out into the street.

Let’s turn off the lights, the fireworks will be more visible,” my mother suggested.
Dad turned off the light and the room became dark. Against the backdrop of a brightly lit street, the tree looked like a dark triangle. Not a single ball was visible. Dasha clung to the window next to the Christmas tree. The square, the street and the whole sky sparkled, sparkled and rumbled. At that moment she looked at the tree and saw a yellow ball. But it was no longer a yellow ball, but a fantastically beautiful vessel, which reflected everything that was happening on the street. All fireworks, salutes, multi-colored rockets, iridescent garlands are combined in this ball. It was a bunch of colors and flowers. It was a real New Year's miracle.

Mom, dad, look - a New Year's miracle in a yellow ball! – Dasha shouted joyfully and clapped her hands. Everyone saw this and looked in fascination not at the street, but at the ball.

The ball was full of happiness, all grievances were forgotten, he sees the holiday, he is noticed, he is needed! And the main thing for him was that he brought joy to Dasha!

"For the 16th Competition on a free topic - the International HSR Foundation"

Budgetary institution of the Khanty-Mansiysk Autonomous Okrug - Ugra

“Center for social assistance to families and children “Pearl”


correctional and developmental classes on speech development

"Winter. New Year's celebration"

Prepared by:

speech therapist

Department of Rehabilitation of Children and Adolescents with Disabilities

Nezyamzinova N.A.


Target: clarification and expansion of the dictionary on the topic “Winter. New Year's celebration".

Correctional and developmental tasks:

Develop dialogical speech, speech hearing, visual perception and attention;

Develop general speech skills; articulatory, fine, gross motor skills and constructive praxis.

Correctional and educational tasks:

- develop cooperation skills, a positive attitude towards participation in class, initiative and independence;

To cultivate aesthetic feelings in communication with nature.

Social objectives:

Stimulate and develop different types of contact and means of communication.

Materials for the lesson:

demonstration– planar images: a Christmas tree with Velcro stickers glued to it, Christmas tree decorations (drum, pipe, bell, clock), “blizzard”; character – snowman, multimedia presentation “Fun articulation gymnastics”, speech therapy screen;

Dispensing - lumps of cotton wool, prefabricated snowmen, ready-made cotton snowballs.

Preliminary work.

Observing changes in nature during walks with parents and educators;

Learning the self-massage exercise “Snowman”;

Reading “Tales about Christmas tree decorations” by Nishcheva N.V.;

Conversation based on the plot picture “Boy at the Christmas tree”;

Learning the finger game “Snowball”;

Learning a game to develop voice power “Blizzard”;

Individual lessons using the multimedia presentation “Fun Gymnastics”;

Didactic games “Pick a Pair”, “Wonderful Bag”, “Cut Pictures”, “What’s Missing?”

Organizing time.

1. Didactic game “Song of the Bell”

Target: organizing children for classes, activating attention.

The bell's song: "The bell sings - it calls you to class!"

Guys, say hello to the guests. Say “hello” to me and to each other, hold hands and smile at the one standing next to you. You felt how warm our palms were, and that together with a smile we conveyed a good mood to each other. Well, are you ready for class? Now you can guess what we will talk about in class.

I. Introductory part.

1. Observation from the window

Target : activating children for classes, developing visual perception and memory, consolidating the ability to finish a sentence, developing the ability to use their life experience.

Go to the window, what do you see?(Snow.)

Right. There is snow on the paths, snow on the trees,

And on the roof..... (Snow.)

On the porch….. (Snow.)

What time of year is this?(Winter.)

Yes, guys, this winter has brought a lot of snow.

Do you think it's warm outside now?(Cold.)

What do people wear in winter to stay warm?(Fur coat, warm hat, felt boots, mittens....)

What fun holiday happens in winter?(New Year, Christmas tree.)

What can you play outside in winter?(Snowball fights, making a snowman, sliding down a hill.)

Guys, have I forgotten how to make a snowman?(Make different lumps.)

Today in class we will see a Christmas tree, build a snowman, and play snowballs. But for this you need to prepare.

2 . Finger game "Snowball"

Target: development of fine motor skills of the hands; coordination of speech with movement.

First we will warm up our hands.

One two three four

clench and unclench your hands

You and I made a snowball

imitate making a snowball


connect the fingers of both hands into a ball


lock your fingers

Very smooth

stroke a fist with one hand with the other

But not at all sweet.

wag a finger

Once - we'll throw it up,

imitate a throw - hands up

Two - we'll catch you

"catch" at chest level

Three - let's drop

unclench your hands

And we'll break it.

clap your hands and rub

3. Breathing exercise “Blow the snowball”

Target: development of physiological respiration, production of a directed air stream.

There's not enough snow. Let's help the winter girl sweep away the snow.

(Children blow a cotton ball from their palm)

There wasn't enough snow, so we'll have to call the blizzard for help(show picture).

The blizzard begins(Children stand with their backs straight; take a deep breath, and as they exhale, quietly begin to pull: uh-uh..., hand down).

Severe blizzard (Children increase the strength of their voice, the hand slowly rises).

The blizzard is calming down (Children reduce the strength of their voice and become quiet, their hand falls down).

5. Multimedia presentation “Fun Gymnastics”

Target: development of mobility of the articulatory apparatus.

Now let's stretch our tongues and lips so that we can speak beautifully.

II. Main part.

1. Conversation “Our Christmas tree”

Target: development of dialogical speech, coordination of onomatopoeia and movements, consolidation of the ability to change the strength of the voice; development of thinking, fantasy, creative imagination, creating an atmosphere of festive mood in children.

What holiday will be soon? ( Christmas tree, New Year. )

And we have a beautiful, elegant Christmas tree, all covered in toys.(open the Christmas tree on the easel, several toys are on the table).

Oh, guys, several toys fell. Why? What could have happened?(The cat dropped it, the boy was playing....)

It's good that the toys didn't break. Let's take a look at them.

What is this? (Drum.)

How loud is the drum?(Bom-bom.)

What is this? (Pipe.)

How loud is the pipe?(Doo-doo.)

What is this? (Watch.)

- How quietly does the clock tick?(Tick tock.)

What is this? (Bell.)

How softly does the bell ring?(Ding Ding.)

2. Exercise “What does it sound like?”

Target: development of auditory attention in the perception and reproduction of quiet and loud sounds.

(On the easel there is an image of a Christmas tree with Velcro glued to it, under the Christmas tree on the table there is an image of Christmas tree decorations: a drum, a pipe, a bell, a clock)

Now guys, let's play(the speech therapist covers his mouth with a screen).I will sing different songs, and you guess and show with your hands which toy sounds like that?

Bom-bom-bom. Choral response: "Drum"(imitate drumsticks).

Doo-doo-doo. Choral response: “Fipe”(imitate playing the pipe) etc.

3. Exercise “Decorate the Christmas tree”

Target: formation of the correct intonation-rhythmic pattern in words of different syllabic structures: clock, drum, bell, etc.; education and use in speech1st person singular verb hanging; clarifying the understanding of prepositions on, under.

(On the easel there is an image of a Christmas tree with Velcro glued to it, under the Christmas tree on the table there is an image of Christmas tree decorations: a drum, a pipe, a bell, a clock)

- Guys, let's hang our toys back on the Christmas tree.

Dasha, what are you hanging?(I hang up my watch.)

Sasha, what are you hanging?(Drum.) etc.

Look at our Christmas tree! How beautiful she is! There are so many toys on it! Let's name all the toys, and our palms will help us (clapping the rhythmic pattern of words: balls, beads, watches, fish, pipe, boat, fox, frog, cockerel, bun, drum, rocket, bell). Well done boys! How fun and correctly we named the words.

Guys, where are our toys now - under the Christmas tree?(speech therapist shows with his hand) or on the Christmas tree? (On the Christmas tree.)

Masha, look, is there anything else under the Christmas tree?(Masha finds a broken snowman)

Let's remember how to sculpt a snowman.(Children go out onto the carpet)

4. Body massage “Snowman”

Target: strengthening the ability to perform basic self-massage techniques.

One is a hand, two is a hand

Extend your arms forward.

We are making a snowman

Simulate making snowballs.

We'll roll a snowball

Circular movements with palms on thighs.

Like this one

Spread your arms wide to the sides.

And then less com -

Rub your chest with your palms.

Like this one

Show a smaller lump with your hands.

And we'll put it on top

Stroke your cheeks with your palms.

Small lump.

Bring your fingers together into a small ball.

Here comes the snowman - Snowman

Place your hands on your belt and make turns left and right.

Do you remember? Now go to the table and assemble snowmen from the parts.

5. Exercise “Build a snowman”

Goals: improvement of visual-motor coordination;consolidation of the skill in composing a whole object from its parts.

(Each child has a set of three circles of different sizes and a bucket)

Don’t forget, the biggest lump is at the bottom, then the smaller ones, and the smallest at the top.

Decorate the snowman with a bucket.

Dasha, help Sasha build a snowman. Tell me where to start?(First a big lump, then a smaller one, a small one on top and a bucket.)

6. Surprise moment

Target : maintaining a positive mood in children.

Guys, do you want to see a real snowman?(We want.)

Then close your eyes and I will say the magic words.

Snowman - snowman!

Come alive, our fat boy!

(The Snowman character appears with a basket)

Here is our Snowman, but he’s kind of sad.

Snowman. It's hot here, I want something cold.

What do we do? How to help the Snowman?(We need snow.) That's right, guys, we need to cool the Snowman and throw snowballs at him.

7. Outdoor game “Snowballs”

Target: satisfying children's motor activity, relieving physical and emotional stress.

Each child is givenready-made soft snowballs.

Snowman. Thank you, it has become cooler. But I’d rather go outside, I’m afraid I’ll melt. And you have a gift from me(gives the basket).

III. Conclusion.

1. Didactic game “Tell me in order”

Target: summarizing the material covered; encouraging children.

Let's remember what we did in class today, how did we help the winter? (WITHthey blew the tenders away, played with their fingers - made snowballs, collected a snowman, decorated a Christmas tree, did exercises for the tongue, played with the Snowman).

That's how many things were redone and, of course, deserved gifts from the Snowman (The speech therapist invites the children to choose a gift for themselves - a toy snowman).

At home you will look at the snowmen and remember how we helped the winter-winter.

2. Homework

Target: consolidate the constructive skills acquired during the lesson in close cooperation with parents.

In the evening, on the way home, tell your parents about your gift, and near the house, together with your dad or mom, make a real funny snowman out of the snow.