What masks can be drawn for Halloween. Homemade Halloween masks


It doesn’t matter what time of the year you are reading these lines - it is important that you are prepared for the “festival of scary masks” as early as possible, and this article will help you create various DIY Halloween masks, and the accompanying video at the end of the text will further clarify how to secure a wonderful and fun holiday.

Let's start, perhaps, with simpler masks, which will not be the slightest difficulty to make at home. So, our first Halloween mask:

To create a mask, you will need the following:

1. Paper (preferably thin) or any newspaper.
2. Paper glue.
3. Balloon in an inflated state.
4. Gouache, watercolor or any other paint of any colors and shades that you would like to see on your mask. Multiple colors of markers can be used.
5. Scissors and a knife.

Preparing the mask:

1. Take an inflated balloon about the size of your head and glue it with paper glue shredded newspaper or paper. It is necessary to glue over the entire area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe ball, which will be the "face".
2. Make a couple more layers of paper/newspaper on hot-air balloon until the mask becomes thicker.
3. Let the glue dry and then cut off the excess paper.
4. Carefully use scissors or a knife to cut holes in the eye mask without damaging the shell of the ball. However, if you fail to do the latter, then you will definitely be careful with the next ball!
5. The last action: paint the mask, giving it a nose, mouth, mustache and other elements. Such a mask looks more like a craft than a real mask, but it will also come in handy at the celebration.

Halloween face masks. We make from paper

And now let's look at an example of how to make do-it-yourself face masks. To do this, you will need: a regular sheet of cardboard (choose thicker paper), glue, an elastic band in order to fix the mask on your face, colored paper and foil. Instead of foil, you can take a self-adhesive film by adding rhinestones.

Halloween masks (photo)

1. From a piece of cardboard, cut out the shape of the mask, having previously calculated the shape you need (for example, the shape of a pumpkin).
2. Stick on colored paper on cardboard and make holes on both edges in order to then insert elastic bands for fastening on the face (If you are planning to make a “pumpkin” mask, then it’s better to stick white paper on cardboard and paint with the appropriate color).
3. Add rhinestones if appropriate for this mask. Stick them on with paper glue or superglue. The mask is ready!

scary masks Halloween is done in the same way as described above. One of the best original masks- "The Bread Man", which will surprise and scare even the most sophisticated horror fans. How to make it:

1. Take bread (preference is given to round and at the same time dark, rye bread) and ... cling film! The film must have adhesive properties.
2. Cut off the lower area of ​​the bread and remove all the pulp in the bread, leaving only the crust. Make sure that the bread does not break during the preparation of the mask.
3. Make slits on the “front” part of the bread for the eyes, nose and mouth.
4. Secure the bread to your face with cling film. It will most likely be difficult for you to cope on your own, so ask friends or acquaintances to help them tie the film.

In general, paper masks can be divided into 2 types: flat masks made of thick cardboard and papier-mâché masks. I will tell you how to make such masks and look unsurpassed and original on Halloween.

Halloween Pumpkin Mask

To create a mask you need:

  • orange and green paper;
  • ribbon;
  • scissors;
  • glue.


  • FROM reverse side paper, draw the shape of the future mask. We designate the place where the eyes will be.
  • Cut out the mask along the contour, as well as holes for the eyes.
  • Cut out a pumpkin root from green paper and glue it on top.
  • Glue the tape on both sides of the mask.
  • FROM front side masks with a black marker, you can draw a contour around the holes for the eyes.

According to this pattern, you can make a mask of any hero, for example, Frankenstein or Batman;)

papier mache mask

It takes longer to make a papier-mâché mask than a plain paper mask, but the result will definitely not disappoint you.

To create a mask you need:

  • thin paper or newspaper;
  • balloon;
  • ribbon;
  • scissors;
  • paints (watercolor, gouache), markers;
  • glue.


There are several ways to make a papier-mache mask: on a balloon, on your own face, or on a plaster blank.

  • First, tear the newspaper into small pieces.
  • Dilute glue with water and stick pieces of paper on the workpiece. You need to make several layers to make the mask dense.
  • We are waiting for the final drying and cut leftover paper, giving the mask desired shape.
  • Cut out holes for the eyes (mouth, nose).
  • Glue on the ribbon.
  • We paint and decorate the mask, as fantasy suggests.

Fabric masks

Fabric masks are more comfortable and pleasant to the touch than paper ones. Scraps of fabric, beads, sequins, lace, ribbons and a little imagination - these are the main components of an exclusive Halloween mask. And today I will offer you options for unusual fabric masks.

Lace mask

To create a mask you need:

  • nylon mesh;
  • lace;
  • ribbon;
  • scissors;
  • glue.


  • We cut out a template for the future mask from cardboard.
  • Using glue or sticky spray, we connect the mesh and lace.
  • Attach the paper template to the fabric and cut out the mask, including the holes for the eyes.
  • We cut the ribbon in half and fasten it on both sides of the mask so that it is convenient to tie.

How to make a mask out of paint and cloth

To create a mask you need:

  • nylon mesh;
  • scissors;
  • ribbon;
  • black paint for fabric;
  • food film;
  • marker;
  • glue.


  • We prepare a mask template using paper and a marker (we draw a pattern that we want to make on the mask with a marker) or print the template on a printer.
  • Cover the template with cling film.
  • Cut out a piece of mesh and place it on top of the film so that it completely covers the template.
  • Now with the help of black fabric paint we draw a contour on the grid.
  • We wait until the paint dries, and carefully remove the mesh from the film. Cut out the mask.
  • Glue tape on both sides of the mask. The mask is ready!

Such masks are perfect for vampire costumes, black cat or bat;)

Halloween mask templates

And if you don’t have much time to make masks, then I suggest using ready-made templates. All you have to do is print the picture, cut it out and glue on the ribbons.

Halloween is coming, so you need to hurry up with the preparations. Lots of interesting ideas, how to make a holiday unforgettable and fun, you can find .

Preparation for the holiday party is divided into several stages:

1. Tailoring of masquerade costumes.
2. Preparation of masks.
3. Making lamps.
4. Cooking festive dishes.
5. Preparation of the interior decoration of the house.
6. Decoration of courtyards.

Only the lazy did not notice that only a few days remained before the celebration. We must have time to prepare for the masquerade, decorate the house, carve pumpkin figures for lamps, cook delicious food.

So, let's start with the most important thing - toilets. All costumes made for Halloween should look quite intimidating and remind of supernatural forces. It is believed that such outfits scare away evil spirits. So, you need to prepare to look like monsters, vampires, ghosts, witches and other evil spirits.

DIY Halloween Costumes

The girl will suit a gothic costume in the style of a vamp. There will be no problems with boots, shoes can be any. The main thing is to observe the traditional black color. And you can also sew a dress from two-tone fabric, making a transparent skirt in blood-red tones.

These outfits are easy to make, the main thing is not to forget accessories with skulls, bones, embroidery with shiny crosses. Black socks with small luminous skulls will also be appropriate. T-shirts with symbols of the right kind are sold everywhere, it is not difficult to purchase them. The dress can be sewn using velvet fabric or an old grandmother's tablecloth.

There are more sophisticated option for young people - costumes of charming witches. They can hardly be called frightening, except that the boar mask on the guy is scary. Dresses can be very diverse, any style. Difficulties may arise with the manufacture of hats. A witch without a hat and a broom will look like an ordinary girl. It's easy to beg a broom from the janitor, but let's take care of the hat together.
First you need to measure the circumference of your head. We make a pattern according to the size of the head. The width of the fields can be the most arbitrary. And we will select the radius of the crown using geometry.
R = head circumference: 2 * (3.14).

Cooking masks for Halloween

If improvised means for making real mask the house is not enough and it was possible to find only a bandage and ketchup, you can build such a faceless, seriously wounded monster. He will not go far blindfolded, but the evil spirit, having entered the house, should be very scared.

With the help of makeup, everyone can decorate their faces so charmingly. Just do not forget: in no case should harmful dyes be applied to the skin and leave-in products. The holiday will pass, and the face can not be washed. Imagine the reaction of your friends when they met you in this guise a month after Halloween.

It is probably better to use ready-made masks, a cheerful pirate skull or a formidable horned devil. In this case, it is easy to do without makeup.

pumpkin for halloween

Why are pumpkins used for lamps? The ancients believed that the pumpkin symbolizes the completion of the harvest, and the fire placed in it scares away evil spirits.

We begin the manufacture of lamps by drawing patterns on a pumpkin. We mark the necessary holes for the slots. Cut off the top and remove all the insides contained in the pumpkin with a spoon. The inner walls of our vegetable should become perfectly smooth and absolutely clean. Cut holes according to the drawing. You don’t need to throw away the top, it will come in handy as a cover for the Jack lantern (as pumpkin lamps are called).

A little skill and a lot of small candles will allow you to build such wonderful lamps. Cut out complex drawings better with a stencil.

Such a miracle lantern can illuminate the hallway, if, nevertheless, evil evil spirits crawled into the house. Pumpkin will definitely stop her.

And this monster is appropriate to place in front of the entrance to the house. It is believed that the more terrible the face of the lamp looks, the more evil spirits will be able to scare away from the house on this terrible Halloween night full of nightmares and dangers. You can only check whether the ancient legends are telling the truth on your own. Therefore, try to cut out the heads of the most terrible, most terrible.

Very small pumpkins make wonderful candles. It is only necessary not to forget about the large stocks of stearin. Candles are best placed in a copper basin: it will give bright golden highlights.

Halloween menu or what to treat

Not only perfumes adore an appetizer from any vegetable, all guests will be happy to taste a set of vitamins and microelements.

If there are no vegetarians among the guests, such baked meat will not disappoint them. The recipe is simple. Take a lot of ribs or one huge ham. Grate the meat with your favorite spices, pour over the sauce and bake.

But the most important dish at this fun holiday is sweets. Pumpkin tartlets with whipped cream melt in your mouth. Decorate baskets with any candied fruit.

And if the koloboks are decorated with chocolate icing and cream, no one can distinguish them from small holiday pumpkins. But only outwardly.

Here, perhaps, we will do without comments.

Chocolate and cocktail lovers also have something to treat themselves on Halloween.

Halloween at home - how to decorate the house

On this holiday, they try to tighten the rooms with cobwebs (it can even be artificial) and prepare conservation from the cockroach spider beetles caught the day before. If insects could not be caught, they can be molded from plasticine, clay and “served” fresh to guests.

A fully decorated living room should look exactly like this. Here, crocheted napkins, a mesh woven from thin wire can serve as a cobweb.

On the front door hung out extraordinary beauty a wreath in which sweets are woven. Wreaths can be very different, it all depends on the indefatigable imagination of the owners.

And the wall of the house can be decorated with delicious pastry masks covered with icing and chocolate.

Halloween in the yard - how to decorate the yard

This is what a lawn should look like, fully prepared for Halloween. Little vampires are easy to make from colorful fabric or paper. The lawn is decorated with festive LED garlands. Green ghost costumes should not be thrown away, they will come in handy for the next celebrations. You can use any buckets, the main thing is to decorate them colorfully. Old dolls and toys are placed in buckets, which can also be illuminated from the inside by lit lanterns.

Hung funny ghosts will look great on the trees. They are sewn from old sheets. The "faces" of the ghosts are decorated with appliqués made of dark fabric. Or you can just cut out the contours of the eyes and a mysterious smile, and place lanterns inside the sheet. In the evening, such figures on the trees will look quite ominous.

Well, everything is ready, we are waiting for the guests.

Or we go to visit. How and on what type of transport, everyone decides for himself. But it will be much more convenient to travel by air on a holiday.

Happy and scary-terrible holidays!
We are looking forward to the darkness and the mass of exciting impressions.

Halloween masks: a bit of history

Making masks for Halloween began a long time ago, even at a time when the holiday was called Saiman, and it was celebrated only by the Celts in Ireland and Scotland. Then people believed that the terrible faces of the masks scare away evil spirits and prevent them from playing pranks on this day. That is, initially the masks were assigned an exclusively protective function. The advent of Christianity did not change the meaning of the holiday too much - on this day they still fought with the creatures of darkness. In our time, masks have long lost their sacred purpose, but the aesthetic function has been fully preserved. They help complete festive image and hide true face its owner.

In ancient times, masks were created according to the principle, the more terrible, the better, but without reference to a specific character of the mystery. Now realism and personification are in vogue. That is, correct mask should not only be scary, but also look natural and as realistic as possible.

An important nuance that speaks in favor of the mask can be called the fact that putting it on the face, any person feels not only stylish, but also updated (new look - new personality). By the way, this is the technique that many psychologists use when they need to liberate a person a little or rid him of complexes.

You can buy a beautiful or creepy Halloween mask at a specialized store (where souvenirs are sold) or you can find it on the Internet. If for some reason you do not want to spend money for just one appearance, make a fashionable and beautiful accessory with my own hands. To do this, just download sample from the Internet or bring any of your ideas to life.

DIY Halloween masks for children

In Russia, Halloween is celebrated recently, but the tradition of wearing masks is still not alien to us - this is a favorite entertainment for children on New Year. If you still have themed masks with new year's carnival- you can also use them for the holiday on the eve of All Saints Day.

For girls, beautiful openwork half masks made of fabric with beads, rhinestones and beads are suitable. Also suitable for masks fairytale heroes or animals. In this case, to create the image of a cat, you will need any dress, mask and ponytail. It is very easy to create a fabulous image of Princess Fiona from the cartoon "Shrek". All you need is an appropriate mask and a green dress.

Boys will definitely like images of any superheroes. It can be a Batman, Superman, Spider-Man or Hulk mask. Also among them are popular masks of pirates, various villains and crooks.

The most versatile mask for children on Halloween is rightfully considered a pumpkin. This invariable attribute of the holiday looks equally good on both girls and boys.

DIY Halloween masks

The easiest way to make a mask is to print it from the Internet. All of them are quite easy and affordable in execution - downloaded, printed, cut out, hooked on elastic bands or strings and ready. Such an accessory, despite its simplicity, looks very attractive and is in great demand. If desired, such a mask can be decorated with ribbons, lace, beads or beads - this will make your image look even more profitable.

You can also make beautiful masks from felt. To do this, it is better to first prepare a suitable template, cut out the desired shape from it, add other mask elements such as eyes, mouth, nose from the same material and fasten everything with hot glue.

by the most in a creative way Making an accessory for Halloween is rightfully considered modeling. Can be used to create a mask polymer clay, plasticine or plaster. When choosing the first two options, you will need special cutters to form the main features and contours of the mask. It can also be wrinkles, scars and even bloody wounds (they will become such after coloring).

The third option for creating a popular accessory involves taking a cast from the face of its creator (or alleged owner). When the original form dries, you can start painting and decorating. Masks created in this way are very realistic and can shock an unprepared viewer.

DIY Paper Halloween Mask

As mentioned earlier, a Halloween mask is easy to make from improvised materials; paper is considered the cheapest and most affordable. To do holiday accessory you can print a blank from the Internet or draw the contours yourself. Next, the mask is cut and decorated. You can decorate it in two main ways - paint it with paints, pencils, felt-tip pens or make an applique by sticking colored paper, sequins, rhinestones, braid or lace. The painted masks are one of the most ancient on Earth, they can be made even by children. In such a product, you can show not only your artistic talent, but also creativity.

In addition, paper can be used to make an accessory for the holiday, which in terms of realism is in no way inferior to silicone or latex versions of the product.

First, to create a papier-mâché mask, you need to form the desired shape of the mask from glue and paper and dry it well. The next step is to cut holes for the eyes and mouth and draw. With the help of paints, you can apply absolutely any pattern or pattern, making the product even more realistic. Decoration with fur, leather, lace and other materials is also allowed.

Scary Halloween masks

Creepy masks are business card Halloween. With their help, simply terrifying images are created that seem to come straight out of horror films. The most popular of them are the maniac from the movie "The Ring" and the supervillain from "Saw". Finding such an accessory is very simple - it is sold in any store with souvenirs and products for a masquerade.

Also among the recognized leaders are the masks of Guy Fawkes, zombies, aliens, Darth Vader and robots. All of them are international, and you can meet them in any country on our planet (I still can’t vouch for the entire galaxy).

But Halloween is not only a mystical holiday, but also very fun, so funny masks are also very popular. These are the heads of animals (pigs or horses), old men, leprechauns, elves and even cute clowns. A variety of cool masks allows each person to feel as comfortable as possible and fit the most attractive image for him.

One of the most symbolic and sought-after accessories for the celebration of Halloween is the pumpkin mask. Still, because it is suitable for the image holiday symbol, and to create an outfit for Jack himself. It was he who gave life to the famous Halloween Lamp. Jack once managed to make a fool of Satan himself and is now forced to forever wander the world with a pumpkin lantern in which hellish flames burn. That is why the mask of this vegetable is very popular. You can purchase it at any gift shop or on the Internet. Also, if you wish and have free time, you can make it yourself from paper, felt, fabric or plaster (it depends on what material it is easier for you to work with).

Also symbolic for Halloween can be considered the mask of Michael Myers - a maniac-killer from a film based on this holiday. This film did not find great popularity on the territory of our country, but the image of the main character still arouses quite a keen interest among fans of scary costumes.

Choosing a Halloween look is the most important part of your pre-holiday preparation. If you are reluctant to fiddle with makeup for a long time or bother with the selection themed costume- choose for yourself good mask(or make it yourself) and your friends will definitely be delighted.

Expressive and exotic scary Halloween masks are one of the must-have attributes. festive attire. They help to complement the image of representatives evil spirits or portray the face of a particular character from a horror movie. In any case, the mask should correspond to the idea of ​​​​a holiday - the night on which dark forces can really roam.

To make simple mask suitable for a younger child school age You will need cardboard and paper. With the help of these simple materials you can create many wonderful masks, just by turning on your imagination and using glue, paints and brushes. It is important to remember at the same time that in order to celebrate Halloween in the company of peers, a child of 7-12 years old does not need a mask that terrifies or causes disgust. A cheerful skeleton, a charming witch, a bat or a werewolf will be enough.

The symbol of the holiday - a scarecrow with a pumpkin head - is also quite suitable as a costume for such a party.

To make a mask, a child can independently cut an oval out of paper according to the size of his face and cut holes in it for the eyes. You can decorate such a mask as the face of a skeleton, circling the eyes, dips in place of the nose and mouth with bared teeth with a black felt-tip pen. To make the mask scarier or funnier is a matter of personal desire of the child. Girls can coquettishly decorate the face of a skeleton with a spider or lace, glue sparkles or sequins.

Figure 1. Patterns for making masks.

The painted mask must be fixed on the face. For this purpose, at the level of the ears, you need to make small holes and thread strings through them or thin elastic band. To complement the mask with expressive tatters, Halloween costumes can be made from any junk.

The mask can cover only the upper part of the face. In this case, you need to make a cutout for the nose, lowering the side parts onto the cheeks. You can color the product with paints, complementing it with volumetric details from papier-mâché or a mixture of PVA with semolina. The mixture adheres well to the paper surface and looks like a relief after coloring. It is convenient to make convex superciliary arches of a skeleton, a seam on the face of Frankenstein or a zombie, a scar on a pirate, protruding teeth of a vampire and others from it. small parts faces.

Using the templates in Fig. 1, you can make any mask from the above or come up with your own based on these ideas. Accuracy during work will help to create a wonderful accessory for Halloween.

How to make a voluminous papier-mâché mask?

Highly comfortable material for the manufacture of voluminous accessories for Halloween - papier-mâché. So called pieces of paper soaked in glue, from which you can create any shape.

After drying, the mask becomes hard, its surface can be decorated with the same material and painted with gouache or acrylic paints.

Here are some tips on how to make your own papier-mâché Halloween mask:

  • the base can be molded directly on your face, you just need to apply a layer on it fat cream or petroleum jelly so that the paper does not stick to the skin;
  • as a template for a fantasy mask of a complex shape, you can use a life-size plasticine head of a character;
  • you can pre-make a cast of the face from ordinary baking foil - this method is suitable for making a mask for a child.

When applying papier-mâché on the face, it should be borne in mind that wet mass paper takes a long time to dry. The process can be accelerated with a hair dryer, but you still have to keep your facial muscles still for 30-40 minutes.

The effect of PVA on sensitive skin may cause irritation, the adhesive can get into the eyes and mouth.

For decreasing unpleasant consequences it is recommended to brew a paste of flour or starch on water - this is especially true for girls who are in awe of their appearance.

Options with applying the adhesive mass to the template are less harmful to the face and do not take time for the papier-mâché layer to dry. cast own face can be made from foil folded in several layers, applying it to the face and ironing its relief with your fingers. From plasticine, you can sculpt a mask template immediately in the form that it will be finished product. To do this, you need to have minimal skills in working with this material. In order for the mask base to be easily removed from the template, silicone car care compounds can be sprayed onto its surface, applied vegetable oil or vaseline.

Manufacturing algorithm

Apply a mass of papier-mâché to the face or a prepared template made of foil or plasticine (Fig. 2). It's very easy to prepare:

Figure 2. Volumetric papier-mâché mask.

  • pour starch paste or PVA glue into a wide container;
  • porous soft paper(wrapping, toilet, kitchen towels) tear into small pieces and immerse in glue for a few seconds;
  • transfer the soaked paper to the face or template, stroking all the details of the relief (1);
  • do this in several layers, bringing the total thickness of the mask base to 3-5 mm.

Remove the dried, but still plastic layer from the template (2) and dry it in a warm place (3). Cut holes for the eyes. After that, the surface can be finished with papier-mâché, giving volume to individual parts of the face, imitating scars or exfoliating skin (4). For masks of vampires or werewolves, you will need details in the form of bared teeth, fangs, tufts of animal hair. In the right places, they are also easy to fashion from papier-mâché right on the base. wetted paper napkins, superimposed on the base, after drying, give the beautiful effect of wrinkled witch skin.

Secondary drying finished mask, its surface is cleaned with fine sandpaper, primed with white acrylic paint and paint to taste: the bloody lips of a vampire, wounds and ulcers on the face of a zombie, exposed skull bones, etc.

There are a lot of opportunities for imagination and creativity when creating a Halloween mask. You just need to decide on the choice of character or image and embody its appearance with your own hands. You can complement it with appropriate clothing, shoes and accessories.