He and she: male and female logic. Men's opinion: women's logic is the absence of logic

March 8

They say you can't argue with a woman. It is possible, if you understand how women's logic works, which is not alien to regularity.

"Gender of the Brain"

Women's logic, which previously meant “a complete lack of logic,” has received today scientific explanation. It turned out, female brain It is inferior in size to the male one, but is much more complexly organized. According to expert Eilin Luders at Goethe University in Frankfurt, women's brains have more convolutions and are deeper than men's. Hence, according to Eileen, women have a higher ability to think, but not straightforwardly, like men, but “twistingly.”

This is where the roots of women's logic grow. A woman is able to perceive and analyze at the same time more information, there are more details, so her options for the development of events are much more varied. So much so that a man, whose logic is concentrated on a specific judgment, ceases to see the connection between cause and effect, and the conclusion seems illogical to him. As Turgenev said: “for women’s logic, two and two is a stearin candle.”

Hidden details

Hypothetical situation: a young lady is walking with a duke in a garden. Suddenly, she turns to her interlocutor and asks him to tie her shoelace. The Duke is confused:
- But he's tied up. - he says
- Silly. - the lady answers him.
The Duke is surprised and offended:
_What did I do to deserve such an attitude? he asks.
- Leave me!
And the Duke leaves, complaining about the whims and imperfections of the female sex. The lady is also incredibly upset by the behavior of her gentleman. Why? The Duke took the lady's hint literally. Analyzing her request, he forgot about the three “golden questions” that need to be answered in order for the lady to understand:

1) What did the lady say?
2) What did the lady want to say?
3)What did she actually say?

That is, her immediate words; the information she wanted to convey and, roughly speaking, how her words affected those around her. Let's explain the situation to the dull duke. Suppose a lady, for some reason, in order to arouse envy or make sure her gentleman is attentive, wanted him to court her. But don’t tell him about it directly. So she “asked” for attention. In her scenario, the Duke should have taken the chance to demonstrate his affection. But in accordance with male logic, he clearly answered her request. Indeed, why tie a shoelace if it is already tied? The last hint was also misunderstood when the lady once again gave the Duke a chance to show his feelings by going against her obstinate decision. But the Duke again took the hint literally and left her, thereby worsening the situation.

The last word

Women's logic is created to win disputes. Even when a woman has no more arguments, she can still win. How does this happen? According to one of the main postulates of female logic, identified by MIPT professor Beklemishev: a statement that remains unchallenged is proven.

Even if the interlocutor decided to end the argument due to its pointlessness. If the last word said the woman - she won.

Moreover, the last word may not be an argument. The most profound words can be refuted by a simple phrase: “So what?” or “I don’t remember that.” For a lady, it is not the content of the answer that is important, but the fact itself.

Cleopatra's Turn

Feminine logic has many tricks to leave your opponent with nothing. Professor Dmitry Beklemishev mentions the logical figure “Cleopatra’s turn,” which, most likely, was used long before the birth of the last queen of Egypt. Its essence is to demand confirmation by example, and then accuse it of pettiness. If this example turns out to be significant and the woman cannot refute it, then another law follows: “the exception confirms the rule.” And women's logic wins again next argument against.

Many men should be familiar with the situation when a woman reproaches them for the lack of gifts or flowers. Let's imagine the following dialogue:

Wife to husband: You don’t care about me, and in general Lately You didn’t even give me flowers, let alone gifts! (Accusation) Husband: What about the perfume that I gave you a month ago (Counterexample) Wife: I don’t remember that, but even if you give me some little thing once a year, is that really a concern! (Example rejected)

So, by provocation and belittling of value, female logic again triumphs over male logic.

The Magic Power of Repetition

The more, the better - this is another truth of female logic. If in male logic the evidential power of an argument does not change when it is repeated, then in the case of female logic, the more often the argument is repeated, the more solid it is. Only one meaning must be conveyed new each time verbal expressions, otherwise he will be quickly rejected: “Here’s the same thing.” For example, for a man it will be enough to say once that a certain N is a type who cannot be trusted. According to feminine logic, once is not enough to produce desired effect. Thus, Mr. N will be called bad, hypocritical, unreliable, untrustworthy, and so on. Only after this, female logic will consider that her thought has been heard.

Agreement with reservation

It happens, and happens often, that women are “backed to the wall” during an argument. The arguments presented cannot be refuted, there is nothing to say, but it must be said, otherwise defeat. What to do in this case? To agree is to proudly surrender and attack from the rear. During a dispute, when a person’s opinion is agreed upon against long discussions, he has nothing to object to or insist on anything. And here a counterattack is delivered by moving to another plane of conversation, with an example that is not related to the dispute, but is important:

“Yes, I know that I’m a useless mother, but you always only think about yourself!”

Now the opponent will have to defend himself, proving that everything is wrong, and the thread of the original dispute will be lost.

Feminine absolute

When trying to prove something to a woman, you need to remember one more rule. In male logic there are two types of judgment: true and false. Women's logic has three: true, false and of no interest. And any woman, without a shadow of a doubt, will easily and confidently classify any statement as one of these three classes. For a man, such a choice will look like a “generator” random numbers", but it is also subject to a certain law.

Oddly enough, female logic has an absolute - a certain set of statements that is convenient or interesting to a woman. By comparing with him, the woman determines whether to agree with the opponent’s side, contradict it, or nullify the dispute. So, a statement is true if it agrees with the absolute, false if it contradicts it, and is not worth attention if it has nothing in common with it. Moreover, if a man’s false statement implies that the consequence, accordingly, is also false, then in women’s logic the belief can be false, and the consequence true. A simple example: if you tell a woman “science does not prove that a person has no soul,” this will be met with indifference - the statement is general and has nothing to do with the absolute. But if you say that science does not prove that a woman has a soul, this will already contradict the absolute and be perceived falsely. Although, the second statement is a consequence of the first.

And yet, in women's logic there is no “absolute absolute”. It is different for every woman and can constantly change. A lady with a stable absolute is called a “lady with convictions.”

As for mathematical, professional or everyday logic, I do not see any fundamental differences between male and feminine logic. Having the same data for analysis, having the same knowledge, both a man and a woman will come to the same conclusions. Provided they are the same, of course.

In general and on average, the level of mental abilities of men and women is approximately the same. The fundamental difference was beautifully formulated by Edward Trondike: “Although male and female types are very similar to each other in terms of mental abilities, there is one important difference in terms of deviation from general norm. Highest standing man in any ability more gifted than a woman, and low male type stands below all women's. Therefore, among men there are more brilliant minds, but also twice as many idiots.”

I would define this fundamental difference a little differently: the gradation of mental abilities in men is greater - from geniuses to complete idiots. For women, this gradation is noticeably less, so there are very few geniuses among women, but there are practically no complete idiots.

Again, this observation confirms once again my thought about the characteristics of male and feminine nature- “to understand the essence of things” and “to ensure the continuation of life.” Men are more vulnerable in their desire, while women are more resilient. Men, in order to get to the bottom of things, focus their attention narrowly. Women always keep a wide field in mind, because this is how they are most stable and least vulnerable. Women can do several things at the same time without harming their business. It doesn’t work out this way for men - either the business suffers, or the depth is not achieved, or the results do not bring satisfaction.

However, let's ask ourselves, why do we need logic at all? That's right - for making a decision! And this is where the fundamental difference really begins. between men and women. It is here that we fully observe all the manifestations of male and female nature that we discussed in the previous chapters - to understand the essence of things and ensure the continuation of life, open and hidden initiative, features of the worldview and value system. And in this regard, I propose to recall the brilliantly formulated formula by Lenin, proposed by him in the “April Theses”: “Maximum program, minimum program, intermediate goals and objectives and ways to achieve them.”

So, due to their nature, For women, the maximum program has priority. They don’t really specify intermediate goals and objectives, so sometimes they can’t really explain them, or they motivate them differently each time.

And for men, the minimum program has priority Therefore, men attach great importance to intermediate goals and objectives and ways to achieve them. The maximum program in the minds of men is very abstract and, depending on the circumstances, adjustments can be made to it.

Therefore, women are designed in such a way that they set goals in life quite precisely and selflessly achieve them. However, they do not enjoy the fruits of their achievements for long, and after that they set themselves new goals, not exactly opposite, but at least negating the previous ones. For example: first they want to get a good education, then they want a family, children and home comfort. (It would seem, why education then?) Having built a family, they want freedom to earn money on their own and build a career. (Which is very difficult to reconcile with family.)

Goals can also be less global, but often follow the same order, negating each other. Each of these desires separately is completely normal and correct., but in the aggregate it becomes difficult for men to understand such scenarios of events. Because men usually do not have specific goals for the long term, but, nevertheless, within the framework of the program, at least one goal logically flows into another.

Weakness V male logic is that an error may creep into the logical circuit. The error may also be contained in the source data on which the logical circuit is based. Well, thirdly, what do men most often screw up on, truly not understanding why the wrong result was obtained, diligently looking for errors in the logical chain or source data and not finding them there? The goal itself turns out to be simply wrong!

The difference in the nature of thinking is manifested, among other things, in the speech of men and women. Just as, for example, the handwriting of men and women differs, so too does the speech of men and women. More precisely, the construction of sentences and individual phrases. This difference becomes most noticeable in stressful situations. In men, the chain is clearly distinguished: cause, course of development, prognosis of development, conclusion. How true they are is a separate question. ;)

For women in stressful situations, no matter what the phrase is, it is also the reason, it is also the conclusion, and between phrases, ellipsis is a woman’s favorite punctuation mark. Of course, these phrases imply both the course of development and the forecast of the situation, but they are not specified by women.

Women understand each other perfectly, men help each other understand the situation, easily delving into it. But here's a mutual understanding between men and women It is especially difficult in stressful situations.

Women often use intuition when making decisions, based on what their soul tells them. Therefore, they often themselves cannot explain why they acted this way and not otherwise. Men are more guided by reason. Therefore, their actions can always be logically explained. (Logical action does not necessarily mean reasonable, here the request is not to identify these concepts, it’s all about the goal).

What is intuition? It is not just a feeling or sensation. Intuition is a joker in a logical chain, replacing missing or unspecified links. Men also use intuition when solving their goals and objectives, but not so often, and only for the time being can they afford to use such a joker. Still, they prefer to get to the bottom of it.

For women, the main category of thinking is maximum program, where intermediate goals and objectives, of course, exist, but they are not clearly specified, and even have gaps between them. Therefore, all this is replaced in the female consciousness big amount jokers - that is, intuition.

There is a competent opinion that deductive thinking is more typical for men, that is, from the general to the particular, and they have a problem with inductive thinking. Remember Sherlock Holmes and his conclusions based on the deductive method! For women, inductive thinking is more typical - from the particular to the general, which is why they have a problem with deduction. This once again confirms that for women in the process of thinking, the maximum program has priority, and in particular - insofar as. For men, with their desire to understand the essence of things, it is the particulars that are prioritized, and the maximum program is something distant and not very clear.

For those who haven't seen the Sherlock Holmes movie, I'll give you more simple examples deductive (male) and inductive (female) thinking. Deduction – i.e. From general to specific; If all girls do this, then mine will do the same. Now an example of inductive thinking, i.e. from particular to general; since one guy offended me, that means all men are assholes.

Based on these characteristics of thinking, women have a problem when they need to quickly make a decision in a difficult situation. Because this solution lies in the plane of the minimum program, and women cannot think in this category. If she has a man, then she, knowing that men have a different way of thinking, expects him to make a decision for her, but one that is in her interests.

If she does not have a man who would make a decision for her, then a woman can talk for a long time and intelligently on a given topic, specify all the links in the logical chain, do correct conclusions, but making a decision is still difficult for her. Why? Because in fact they are trying to bring some kind of logical chain under the possible or already in advance decision. Men do the opposite: for them, the decision matures at the end of the logical chain!

This contradiction in the patterns of thinking and decision-making is enhanced in women by the fact that education and culture as a whole are organized according to male patterns of thinking. Any theorem, statement or action must be explained or proven. If this is a work of art, then some hidden meaning is necessarily encoded in it, which needs to be discovered and explained in a motivated manner.

That is, women with early childhood They are taught to reason and make decisions according to male patterns. While we are talking about sciences and arts - nothing yet! Girls patiently and with concentration learn what is taught to them, and are even ahead of boys in this. Because there is a maximum program - to finish school well (a year, a quarter). As for the essence of the material they have learned, they do not particularly ask questions and do not express their own opinions or their own analysis of the material they have studied. IN best case scenario they will only be able to say on their own what they intuitively feel about the topic, not forgetting to think about whether this will coincide with the official opinion originally built on male pattern? If not, then it’s better to keep your opinion, or more precisely, your feeling about the topic to yourself, otherwise bad rating available.

Boys at school do not shine with analytical abilities because at this age they have not yet matured. However, they more often ask questions like: “Why is this so and not otherwise?” At the same time, they can even offer their own solution and develop an idea. Often, from the point of view of an adult, these arguments look funny, because the adult obviously sees the mistakes the child makes, but if an adult is smart, then he will not slap hands, but will praise the very idea of ​​​​the question - “why is this so and not otherwise? » - and for trying to figure it out.

There is one anecdote that clearly and hyper-contrastly demonstrates the difference between male and female thinking, in which we can trace maximum program in women and minimum program m in men, as well as their tendency to know the essence of things. We know that computers, like all science, work according to the male principle of thinking: “If” is the condition, “Then” is the result. So:

“The wife decided to cook dinner (maximum program!) and sent her programmer husband to the store. Gives him a task - to buy the missing products:
- Buy a stick of sausage. If you have eggs, take a dozen.
(You are already laughing because you know what your beloved husband brought home - ten sticks of sausage!)
– Why so much sausage?
“But there were eggs!”

Why is that? Because he does not see the maximum program - what will be for dinner - and acts rationally and logically within the framework of the minimum program: go to the store, buy groceries, according to the given conditions.

And there is another interesting point, dictated by the difference in the nature of male and female. Any business, after a decision has been made about it, can be divided into two components: process and result.

If a man has something in mind, then the result is more important to him than the process. If the process does not need constant monitoring and can go on its own, then men will only occasionally inquire about the progress of the process, but will show interest in the result. Exceptions are hobbies, where they enjoy both the process and the result. Or ideas about morality and honor - not every method is suitable for achieving the goal.

If a woman has something in mind, then the process is of paramount importance to her. She will constantly participate in it or monitor it, and towards the end, when the obviously clear result will soon appear, she may even leave.

But this logic, these patterns from mathematics, physics and other sciences men and women they try to transfer it to relationships between themselves, but the results are completely different, and this gives rise to painful experiences. If girls in the process of education, without knowing it, teachers teach them to think in male categories, then boys neither in childhood nor later in life adult life They are not taught to think in feminine categories in any form. The point is that in relations between men and women completely different patterns operate, and the logic that is suitable in mathematics, in the profession or in everyday affairs is completely unsuitable for building relationships between man and woman, but this science is not taught. Accordingly, the basis for making decisions should be different.

Both men and women intuitively try to fill in the gaps in understanding these patterns, but act based on their own considerations, that is, women from feminine considerations, and men from masculine considerations. This is the key mistake!

It is not difficult for men to specify specifics and make decisions. Therefore, they very rarely turn to external sources for specific advice on how to behave. Men usually look for missing information in order to make the best decision. Here, as usual, there are always not enough facts, and if there are too many facts, then they cease to be analyzed.

However, men should remember that there is also a maximum program, that is, a long-term goal. Therefore, I can recommend that men in this matter correctly set long-term goals in a relationship with a woman, and then it will not be difficult for you to take the initial data, build logical chains and make a decision.

Women try to specify particulars, and since the categories of their thinking do not contribute to this, they try to glean this from external sources: magazines, TV series, horoscopes, reasonings of friends, fortune tellers, etc., etc. Looking for ready-made recipes for relationships! So, dear women, no one will give you specifics on what to do, because there are no universal ready-made recipes in relationships. To a person who gives you specific advice on how to behave with specific man or in specific situation, must be treated with caution. Most likely, this is either an incompetent person, or a fraudster, or a sectarian. By the way, our comedians, with their keen eyes and sharp tongue, are very good at concretizing particular cases and patterns in relations between men and women.

But you won’t find specific advice in this book either. But, I hope, it will help you understand what scheme you need to use to make a decision so that it is as correct as possible for you.

For women, when making a decision, it is more effective female scheme, based precisely on feelings and sensations that women are rarely deceived:

  • If you really want to do just that, and you know that if you don’t do it, you will regret it later, then you should do as you want;
  • If you want to do this, but you know that you will later regret your action, then perhaps you should refrain from this idea.

It must be said that most women make mistakes in this regard - they cannot refrain from implementing an idea when they really want to, even anticipating obvious problems, not to mention the fact that they simply do not think about it. possible consequences– problem with the minimum program.

This happens because feelings are replaced by emotions: “Even if it will be worse for me later, but now I...” By the way, this is a favorite technique of all kinds of manipulators and intriguers - to force a person to make decisions and act based on emotions. It doesn’t even matter here whether we are talking about a man or a woman, because based on emotions a person begins to make mistakes, and well-predicted mistakes.

As for science, profession or worldly wisdom, then everything is clear with logic, the nature of thinking and decision-making schemes. To this we are early years learn. And on what basis should we make decisions in the matter of building relations between men and women?

First you need to bring your mind and your soul into relative balance. Trust me, it's easy! After all, we are talking about relative balance; we are not monks or yogis. (It is they who strive for absolute balance in order to achieve other goals.) And so, having combined your mind and soul into relative balance, like a front sight and a sight rail - well, so that they are at least nearby - you will see the goal! And once you see your goal, it won’t be difficult for you to make a decision. You and I usually try to be like a shooter, who must first see the target and then aim correctly. After all, the science of relationships is not shooting.

How to combine your mind and soul? First you need to calm down in order to sift out feelings from emotions. Because emotions will mislead you. Then listen to yourself, your feelings, your thoughts, your desires, bring them into balance, and then the decision will be the most correct for you. Focus less on generally accepted stereotypes and behavior patterns - they may not coincide with the needs of your particular personality.

In general, in psychology everything is simple, and the solution to even the most seemingly complex and profound problems is not complicated and lies on the surface. If you start to philosophize and invent multi-step schemes, then you are on the wrong path. This means that we need to set the problem conditions more correctly.

Because in psychology, unlike other sciences, the main thing is not the solution, but the condition of the problem! If you formulate the problem correctly, starting from your own soul and your own mind, based on your own personality, then its solution will become obvious and simple for you: one or two, less often three actions.

If your own personality is already overgrown with a thick layer of complexes, stereotypes, generally accepted morality and other “cultural layers,” all this can introduce distortions in the process of combining mind and soul and can lead to the wrong goals.

Therefore, you will have to try hard to abstract yourself from all this in order to hear exactly yourself, that part of your personality that was originally characteristic of you, the one with which you were born. This is what will help you decide on your desires. Then you yourself will make decisions about what you need and what you don’t, what is valuable to you and what is a fetish, what you really like and what you don’t, what is truly important to you and what is not so important, what you are willing to endure and what you will never put up with.

When setting the problem, there is one more thing necessary condition: the task must be set in such a way that it does not lead to harm or loss to anyone, then it will truly be correct.

7 About mental abilities. For some reason, in the Western manner, we began to replace the concept of “intelligence” with the concept of “erudition”. That is, we replace the concept of “mental and cultural abilities” with the concept of “amount of knowledge.” For example, if you pay attention, IQ tests are a test of acquired knowledge, as well as methods for solving certain types of problems, but not mental abilities.

Ask a modern academician with a gray beard to take an IQ test, he is unlikely to show a decent result, although no one doubts his mental abilities.

Another example is various scripted shows “What? Where? When?". In fact, these are games of erudites! They tell us from the screen that people make money own intellect. On the one hand, many of them, of course, are intellectuals, but they make money in this game not with their intellect, but with their erudition! Author's note.

It has long been known that male and female logic are different, however, few people know why. This is exactly what we will talk about in this article. First of all, it should be noted that in male logic the “collective mind” predominates, that is, the opinion of friends or sometimes even ordinary acquaintances becomes practically decisive.

Because of this, communication with other people very often leads to a significant change in all previous plans.

Men's logic

Also, representatives of the stronger sex are often confident that male logic is undeniable, and are very proud of their unique analytical thinking. But here, according to experts, there is a catch, since not every logical decision is correct: usually those who focus own attention on solving a specific problem, do not take into account a number of various factors influencing this situation. Sometimes reality differs significantly from a man’s ideas, and this circumstance makes them suffer.

Most men set themselves a specific minimum program, then they connect intermediate links, which, according to their logic, should lead to achieving the final goal. In men's logic there are significantly fewer detailed and clear tasks that are designed for the long term, as is usually the case with women, however, they always know exactly what and how to do in the very near future.

How to understand women's logic?

Men often wonder how to understand women's logic. In women's logic, the maximum program is considered the usual priority. At the same time, we cannot always explain the ways to achieve it, so the sequence of achieving the goal, like the goal itself, seems absolutely incomprehensible. tied friend with a friend.

In critical situations, men's speech becomes more accurate, so they are able to explain in detail the course of events, and also, regardless of the correctness of the assumption, draw their own conclusions. In such a situation, women’s thoughts may be confused, and phrases, accordingly, are constructed with a huge number of interjections and are not always complete.

Due to these features in difficult situations It is quite difficult for a woman to understand a man, and vice versa. For women, the links in the logical chain are replaced by intuition and phrases such as: “I’m sure,” “I think so,” “I think so.” It is very typical for women to think based not on the laws of logic, but on personal experience and all kinds of associations.

Differences in thinking between men and women

Men, on the other hand, think deductively. When solving any problem based on existing rules form a chain of inferences. They often draw conclusions from the general to the specific: for example, if the majority does something exactly this way, then one person will most likely do the same. Women, on the contrary, think in the opposite way: if, for example, one person offends her, then all other people are also bad.

Finding herself in a difficult situation or a critical situation, a woman usually waits for a decision from her partner, since he reacts much faster, sets himself a specific minimum program and immediately tries to solve it.

In a society that is built on the basis male thinking, the pattern of female thinking very often remains simply inexplicable, which is why misunderstandings arise between the sexes, a contradiction between male and female logic. And the fact that outstanding minds are much more common among men is explained by psychologists by the fact that men have much more opportunities to demonstrate own abilities holding high positions in various fields activities. In addition, they usually do not deal with several things at once.

For example, if a man is distracted from the most important telephone conversation, then he may become irritated, since any slightest obstacle will prevent him from concentrating. It is precisely this part of the male consciousness that helps men not to pay attention to any extraneous problems that, in their opinion, have absolutely nothing to do with their goal, and to concentrate as much as possible on their work.

But if we consider male logic with enough low level intellectual abilities, then it turns out that on the social ladder such men will stand significantly lower than women with exactly the same level. Indeed, in the first case, the ability to focus attention on a specific task, when a person completely devotes himself the only problem and at the same time, everything that is unimportant is discarded, gives excellent results, and in the second, too narrow a view of the world can lower a man to the bottom rung of the social ladder.

Life story: “My girlfriend and I met when I broke the fender of her old Nine.” She was terribly angry. And then we went to my house to get money for repairs, and somehow it turned out that I still had it. Now I drive a battered “nine”, and she drives my “Volkswagen”.
This is male logic, thanks to which great things are accomplished scientific discoveries and thousand-year empires are created, giving way to the naive feminine cunning at home. What is this? The original and hopeless opposition of creatures from different planets, dissenting in relation to each other? Or is it simply a division of spheres of influence in the world that has been established since ancient times?

Modern scientists are inclined to the second option. They found out that in every woman, both psychologically and physiologically, the rudiments of the masculine are present, and vice versa. It means that masculine qualities can develop in a woman, and female ones in a man, under favorable conditions. For example, when elevated level testosterone (male hormone) in women improves memory, ability to decide logic problems, topographical thinking develops. Whereas, with a normal predominance of estrogens (female hormones) in the body, any woman is characterized by mild topographic cretinism. So, the differences between the female and male minds, while obvious, are most likely conditional and determined by hormonal balance, as well as family upbringing and social function.

And indeed, in life there are many men who have purely feminine intuitiveness, infantility, and emotionality. Most often they can be found in the world of creative professions, among musicians, poets, and artists. To create, you need strong experiences, emotions, a developed imagination, creative thinking. People who have these feminine qualities, are called right-hemisphere. They, with all their talent, achieve success if they are nearby strong shoulder producer, executive director, in general, a pusher, performing male duties in organizing the activities of a genius. These are the so-called left-hemispheric ones. Now they may well be women. Yes, in contrast to the gentle poets, a class of iron ladies has appeared, insensitive in making tough decisions, unbending like a rock! Nothing personal just business!

How do the female and male minds differ in the new world, where a man can be an affectionate nanny and wash diapers, and a woman can be a director? The same as in ancient times, only without any strict connection to gender.

The mind can be schematically described as four components:

1) Thinking
2) Solving life problems
3) Forecasting
4) Using ready-made solutions


To think like a man means to think logically: if - then. The male mind is objective and dispassionate. Focused on decisions and actions. A woman's mind is focused on experiences. Therefore, when they talk about thinking, they still mean the male type of thinking, the logical one. Women's thinking, due to the fusion of feelings and thoughts, is called emotional.

For example, in the event of a disaster, men plan and carry out operations to rescue victims, calculate losses and develop methods to deal with the consequences. Women cry, empathize, help the wounded and hungry, and console the suffering.

The man thinks silently. It is typical for him to think, decide - say. His speech will be clear, abstract, and orderly. A woman thinks while speaking. She clarifies the topic and conclusions for herself and formulates them for the listener during the speaking process. Therefore, her speech is like a spontaneous water flow, sometimes stormy, sometimes smooth, with various branch streams, with dangerous whirlpools, quiet creeks and bays.

Despite the absence of apparent logic, women's speech always makes sense and final goal. This is either enjoying the process itself, or an attempt to attract attention, or an idea to get something more significant from the listener. All women are great NLP masters. These are mermaids, sirens. They will laugh, tickle, talk, induce such a trance that the protective vigilance of the most logical man will be blown up, and he will do everything that he is not explicitly asked to do.

In general, both types of thinking, if applied in right time in the right place can be quite successful. A female physicist at an international symposium will be highly logical and demonstrative. And politics to reassure the people in hard times, you have to become a soporific siren: “It’s very good that we’re still feeling bad!”

Solving life problems

From childhood, boys are taught to solve their problems on their own. They are not allowed to cry, complain, or beg. They must be able to stand up for themselves. They must be courageous in any difficult situations find right decisions. They are boys named "mogu".

Girls also know from childhood: if you want to get new doll- you need to flatter your dad or mom. They are girls named "want".

With age, only the scenery changes. Male competition is transferred from the courtyard to the business sphere. And women's ability to manipulate develops in accordance with life aspirations. There is no need to strain your own brains for this. You need to inspire your man to achieve.

This coexistence of two types of thinking can be peaceful and creative, or it can become a real curse.

Unloving mercantile woman capable of making a man an eternal pest, a money-making machine, a slave of love, who has forgotten himself and his dreams and goals, devoting his life to his troglodyte queen. A man under this regime quickly develops and grows old, and a stupid woman clever woman cries like Pushkin's old woman at a broken trough.

And vice versa, in harmonious couples the woman will be a muse for her beloved, he, inspired by her, will realize his calling. Which means it will become successful. And the wife successful man– this is a woman who has released herself. In such relationships, the symbiosis of the male and female minds is beautiful and creative.


A man is more of a strategist in his thinking. A woman is a tactician who acts intuitively, depending on unexpected circumstances.

Long-term forecasts of any events require a balanced, analytical approach. A man climbs the ladder of his logic, step by step. And so, step by step, abstracting from emotions that distort the facts, he comes to the right decision. And there... a woman is often waiting for him. How did she get there?! In what mysterious ways? Can't be explained clearly. On the wings of feelings - positive or angry, it doesn’t matter.

The man's correct forecast has been developed. The woman's prediction coming true is miraculous.

Using ready-made solutions

Men show will and consistency in implementing their decisions. And for a woman who decides to lose weight on Friday, it doesn’t cost anything to overeat on cakes on Sunday. She changes the rules as the game progresses - weekends don't count!

Of course, at work she uses her head and behaves in accordance with the requirements of management. But he readily uses the switch in any opportune moment. With her brain turned off, she becomes herself again - sensitive, impulsive, unpredictable.

In the “on” mode, a woman can be quite competitive among men in achieving work goals. It will be consistent and logical. And quite objective. But this is an unnatural state, necessary only for tactically important
moments, is easily and naturally transferred to the “off” state - then goodbye to the mind, hello to the will!

Who is smarter anyway?

The debate has been going on for a long time and no one has won yet, despite the fact that a woman’s brain is 200 g lighter than a man’s.
But the truth is somewhere nearby. If you stop arguing, you can find advantages in both types of thinking and master both. And become not left-hemisphere or right-hemisphere, but gain integrity. Carl Gustav Jung called this kind of thinking transcendental. And he thought he was a genius.

There is still an opinion that there is normal logic (male) and there is female logic, which is not subject to any rational explanation. This is the basis for misogynistic jokes about “stupid” blondes, “monkeys with pomegranates” and many others. But let's figure out what “logic” is and why it is divided by gender.

Logic as a cognitive ability

Logic is inextricably linked with thinking. It is needed to establish patterns, the order of thinking and the design of thoughts. Everyone has logic healthy man, yes even mentally unhealthy person has logic, but its logic will be different from the generally accepted one. We need logic in work and in everyday life; without it it would be impossible to communicate and organize activities. Vinogradov S.N. believes that right thinking has certainty, consistency, consistency and validity.

Types of logic

Logic can be divided into two broad categories: formal and informal logic. Formal logic was invented by Aristotle, who called it “analytics”. Formal logic studies concepts, judgments, and inferences from the perspective of their logical structure, but without affecting their content. That is, for formal logic, what is important is not the truth or falsity of a statement, but whether the conclusion from the argument is drawn correctly. The informal logic movement arose in the mid-20th century among American and European philosophers. And for her, the logic of argumentation is important, not the logic of evidence.

Are there male and female logics?

It is generally accepted that men are more rational and think consistently. They say they break the problem into parts and solve it sequentially. Women have multitasking brains; they solve problems not sequentially, but in parallel, and because of this, they often cannot explain why they came to this conclusion. In addition, there is an opinion that women make decisions based on their own emotions and impulses. Fortunately, there are scientific studies that have long proven that there is no division into male and female brains.

A group of scientists studied how the male and female brains work. Using MRI, they examined the brains of about 1,400 people and came to the following conclusions: In humans, the brain consists of a unique set of structures that may appear more often in women than in men, or more often in men than in women, or appear as both in men and women. Although the brain has gender differences, but they are not enough to classify him into the “male” or “female” category. That is, there are simply no fundamental differences between the functioning of the brain of a man and a woman.

Where did the myth about “female” logic come from?

This opinion comes from pseudoscientific studies that supposedly prove the illogicality of women. As a rule, such studies do not have a normal methodological basis; it all comes down to observations of the behavior of a small group of women.

It is generally accepted that women are guided by emotions in making decisions, and that women are more emotional than men. This may be true, but this is not because of the “different” way the brain works, but because of the model in which boys and girls are raised. Girls are allowed to show their emotions in childhood, but boys, on the contrary, are prohibited from doing this. “Why are you so different as a girl?”, “A boy should be stern and strong.” Well, what emotions can there be here! Of course, boys are less emotional because they simply cannot be like that.

In psychology, there is such a thing as a “self-fulfilling prophecy,” and it can explain why boys are better at exact sciences, and girls at humanities. American sociologist Robert K. Merton defines a self-fulfilling prophecy as “a false definition of a situation that produces new behavior that turns the original false belief into reality.” The fact is that stereotypes about masculinity and female thinking sit very deeply within us and manifest themselves in all areas of our lives in one way or another. In our culture, it is generally accepted that boys are given mathematics, and girls literature, that by “nature” girls have an ability for humanities, and boys for science. This is a false definition of the situation. But in accordance with this model, children are taught at school; a mathematics teacher can place more emphasis on development mathematical abilities in boys, believing that girls are not capable of logical thinking. Therefore, it turns out that boys have more developed abstract thinking, which is so necessary in mathematical sciences.

In a patriarchal society, as long as there is a stereotype about male and female logic, everyone will suffer: women, because they are not taken seriously and are considered “stupid fools,” and men who cannot fit into this patriarchal system.