Weak spots on girls' bodies. Erogenous zones of a woman, which excites a woman more


Any touch to any point of the body causes a response from the body, and it can be positive, when it’s pleasant, and negative, when it simply turns you inside out.

Sometimes seemingly identical touches, but from different people cause the body to react differently, and it happens that before the touch caused a buzz, but now it is simply unbearable. All this is due to the work of one of the centers of the brain, which is responsible for the passage of human codes from various areas of skin receptors to the processing center. It is there that the decoding and switching of impulses takes place, and further processing shows what kind of reaction this or that touch will have. When switching a signal, it is checked for side streams; to put it simply, then, for example, you had a fight with a girl, no matter what you try to pity her with, nothing happens for a while.

This very swearing is a side stream. It can be caused by any actions that are sometimes not associated with excitability or sex. Erogenous zones should by default cause positive reactions, but due to side flows the most unpredictable consequences can occur. Ideally, everything happens as expected, but ideal conditions simply do not exist, so the existence of erogenous zones is rather relative than constant.

For girls, the erogenous zone is almost the entire body, and not just what is written about in scientific literature. Having studied women for many years, I have come to the conclusion that when it comes to the perception of sex, they are much superior to us men. If girls demanded from us at least half of their sexual needs, many would simply not be able to stand it. Few men bothered to search erogenous zones their girlfriends, and even more so by their cultivation.

What are a woman's erogenous zones

EROGENOUS ZONES: particularly sensitive areas of the body, upon stimulation of which occurs sexual arousal. arise erogenous zones at birth, but during life they can appear, disappear and change dislocation, as well as increase or dull sensitivity. This can be influenced by various factors, including drugs, alcohol, smoking, nervous breakdowns, physical injuries, previous surgeries and much more. For most women erogenous zones scattered throughout the body in a chaotic manner, so it is extremely difficult to classify them by and large.

The mentioned zones themselves are capable of causing arousal, which means the more of them there are, the more pronounced sexuality is. It’s just that not all men practice caressing erogenous zones, but in vain, most women get more satisfaction from foreplay of erogenous zones than from crazy fucking, which some men prefer. Weasels female erosion zones reminiscent of playing a musical instrument: the more notes a musician knows and the more masterfully he composes chords from them, the better the melody sounds, and naturally the listeners receive complete satisfaction.

What do women's erogenous zones react to?

Because the erogenous zones a woman has much more than a man, her whole body is a continuous erogenous zone, then depending on the location, mood, even the weather, damn it, they can react to various pathogens from a light breath of wind and a touch with the tip of a pen, to a willow whip on the buttocks. Don’t laugh, reader, women in sex are so diverse and contradictory that it is simply impossible to talk about each one with certainty, even if she has lived nearby for many years. The female body reconfigures its nerve endings several times throughout life: after the arrival of menstruation, after defloration, after childbirth and EVERY CHANGE OF SEXUAL PARTNER. The creators made sure that the container for bearing a fetus, which is exactly what a woman is, despite all the unpoeticism, was universal, well, digestible for any male capable of procreation. As for erosion zones, their change is usually associated with a change in the life program, well, the new guy is also clearly a good programmer if he can reconfigure the female system so easily.

But, unfortunately, most men do not know about this and prefer to reanimate the female body, adapting to the previous settings, rather than reboot her system, optimizing it for themselves. Ask me why most girls love arrogant and determined guys, and I will immediately answer - because of their unceremoniousness in upgrading their feelings and sensitivity. From here it is clear to everyone that the creator of female erozones is, of course, a man, well, except for those cases when, after girlish experiments, the body has not yet fallen into the hands of an experienced or not very experienced tuner. Of course, there are optimized places, such that are typical for the majority of females, but it is always necessary to remember that there are never ready-made recipes and approaching everyone with the same pattern is simply the height of stupidity. But you have to start somewhere, you say, reader, and I naturally agree to model the female frame of the erozone, but I won’t give guarantees for it like in a store.

So what do erogenous zones react to? Here's what:


Touching your partner with your lips to any part of the body. Girls' favorite thing to do is when they are alone with their boyfriend. Perhaps kissing, as my late grandmother liked to say, is something that girls are willing to spend even more time on than sex. I have not yet met a single woman who would not welcome kisses in all their diversity. It is thanks to these very kisses that you can conduct a detailed reconnaissance of the area where the bed battle is to take place. Erogenous zones can be everywhere, even where it is simply unthinkable to assume, for example, on the heels or elbows, so if this is the kind of sex that should be written with a capital letter, then search erogenous zones of a woman It will take more than one liter of male saliva and more than one ton of water in the shower so that a girl can wash herself off this saliva. Normal girls give normal boys guidelines, well, to shorten the time of searching for him and their waiting, but this does not always happen and for specific searches you will have to be patient and time-consuming.


Using the tongue to touch your partner's body. With masterful command of the language, you can achieve orgasm in almost any woman. This is also called licking-licking cunnilingus, like an English phrase. The tongue is an even more excellent tester of erosones than the lips or penis, so with its participation you can completely do without additional support. It is necessary to take into account that licking is a more intimate part of the relationship with a girl, so you need to practice it only at the stage of a closer relationship than when you first met. The more gentle the tongue is when searching, the moister and more mobile it is, the greater the number of sensitive zones it will detect and, pardon the pun, will find a common language with them.


Touching any part of your partner's body with any part of your body. For women, such caresses are paramount, because their skin is much more sensitive than that of a man, and hence the importance of touch is much higher for them. Even while dancing, you can determine a lot on a woman’s body if you touch her gently and reverently. Personally, I think of it as walking through a minefield with a probe, when the miner gently touches each suspicious area, hoping that the crows from the neighboring tree will not feast on its eggs. By taking on such a role and truly becoming like this very miner, turning on your inner instinct, you can easily scan the girl with just touches, and with a certain skill you can excite her so much that the act itself is not needed, and I’m not kidding.


Touching your partner's body with fingernails or toenails. Most men simply don't know how much pleasure they give women by simply scratching their back or butt. There is a sea of ​​erozons and each one just requires touching. For example, for a long time now I’ve been exchanging chess for blowjobs, so for those who don’t have enough blowjobs, you can organize a chinche. It is clear that bloody streaks should not be left, tenderness comes first, but depending on the situation, you can lean on your chitinous growth. Scratching a girl’s body instantly causes a chain reaction, she simply begins to itch everywhere, just have time to take notes here, because all erosions are interconnected by neurons, it is from these connections that you can create this very map of the erogenous zones of any object.


Local compression of the partner's skin using fingers. Gentle pinching of erogenous zones can cause severe arousal in a woman, but the main thing is not to overdo it or overdo it. Pinching combines two opposite moments such as pain and pleasure. Well, remember, when the steam in the sauna is so intense that the skin freezes and gets goosebumps, the same phenomenon occurs here. It seems to hurt, but at the same time it feels good and the body likes it. I even came up with a game like this, adding a psychological layer to it. During bed caresses, you can attack the girl and gently pinch her with a chicken, goose or some kind of brontosaurus. Based on her reaction, you can immediately determine what strength of pinching suits her best, and in what places she likes it, and then just remember and write it down.


Stroking any part of the partner's body with any part of the body. Typically, this hidden and at first glance chaste form of influence on erogenous zones is used during petting, and is always successful. Teenagers begin to bully each other long before serious relationships, attacking girls and throwing them into a snowdrift or snuggling up to them in a car galloping over bumps. This kind of caresses is very weak erotically and in order to catch them the body turns on the receiver at full power. At a more mature age, these same strokes evoke the same emotions in both partners, but openness makes them even more sensitive.


Light blows with a brush or palm on various areas of the partner’s skin. Playing the role of a guilty girl and punishing her gives women specific pleasure. By the way, in some places you can apply more force to the erogenous zones, I’m talking about the fifth point. The butt represents a whole bouquet of erosions, so it reacts positively to both stroking with spankings and the most outrageous spanking, so you just need to experiment and if your friend, at the threat of getting a spanking, begins to tease and provoke in every possible way, then you need to give her what she wants.


Extensive compression of areas of the partner’s skin with a brush, or more global. Women's breasts are especially sensitive and susceptible to this kind of caresses. Women who reject such influence simply do not exist. Since the breasts are an alternative to the buttocks, but in a more tender form, she also loves any kind of caresses, except for power and percussion. In general, the girls themselves squeeze their breasts during orgasm, but they feel the moment, so it’s better to see how the owners of the bust themselves do it and do it a little more tenderly, about half as much.


Tremulous irritation of various areas of the partner’s skin. Men love it, but women are simply delighted with their vibrators. Some simply replace all other types of influence on erosions with a vital tool, the analogues of which simply do not exist in the male arsenal. Vibration is applicable only in the area of ​​the perineum and genitals, it is there that the erogenous zones are most sensitive and receptive to such caresses. Irritation with a vibrator, as a rule, is the final process; it almost always leads to orgasm, and the erogenous zones remember it from the moment they hit it and never forget it.


Local compression of areas of the partner's skin using teeth. It seems to me from my extensive experience that biting erozons can be applied to any place on a woman’s body, even to the clitoris. This kind of hybrid of kissing and pinching is not suitable for obtaining maximum pleasure, but it is capable of extremely arousing a woman, especially if you lightly clench your teeth and pat her by the withers, and even if you growl at the same time...


Impact on areas of the partner's skin using air flow. The amazing sensitivity of women's erogenous zones allows them to enjoy even the faintest breeze, especially if it blows in the right direction. You can touch the erosive zones with a feather, a silk rag, or simply blow, the effect will definitely be there and, depending on the degree of excitability and arousal at the moment, it can be quite realistically felt.


Exposure to areas of the partner's skin using heat. Girls usually practice this in the shower, when tight streams of hot water drive their body into a frenzy. No matter how much I tried, I can’t take a shower with a girl, I’m afraid I’ll get boiled. Hot water exacerbates the sensitivity of erogenous zones, which is why most girls prefer to masturbate in the shower. In general, most girls are heat-loving, and if you want to have sex without a duvet, then you just need to create climatic conditions in the room and that’s it. As for girlish modesty and shame, they have nothing to do with it.


Impact on areas of the partner's skin using cooling. These girls are funny, you pass a piece of ice between her shoulder blades, and she just squirms with pleasure. Interestingly, a piece of ice in any men's underpants will provoke the same thing. Using this technique, you can also easily detect the strongest areas of excitability, but they need to be noticed in advance, otherwise you can drive the poor thing to snot with your experiments.

Extreme influences

Impact on areas of the partner's skin using spanking, open fire, ice, etc. Many women like to subject their erotic zones to harsher influences than usual, their subconscious tendency towards masochism affects them, so you should never stop there. There was one friend from Ukraine, and her most erogenous zone was her anus, where she gave more willingly than anywhere else. I always had sex as carefully as possible, afraid of hurting her chocolate hole with my reel, until one day, when we were having fun in a narrow closet, I simply had nowhere to move the unit, and she herself chose the pace of anal frictions - it was traumatic sex, after which I had to wash it off for a long time blood, but she was simply delighted, so much for tenderness.

How to prepare a woman to find her erogenous zones

I have already talked about the negative impact of side flows, so when searching for female erosion zones, it is necessary to reduce the negativity to nothing. Having achieved a woman's relaxation and knowing for sure that she is not worried about anything at the moment, after having washed her in the shower, you need to lie down on a comfortable bed in a position convenient for her. There should be no preliminary agreement about upcoming sex, just affection and nothing more. At the same time, you can talk about various empty topics that should be outlined by you in advance. No bazaars about plans for the future, the amount of money in your pockets and how many children you like to have. The light is an inviting twilight, the smell is her favorite, the phones are off, there are only the two of you left in the whole wide world. Go for it. But remember, if she has any left-wing thoughts, like what to wear on the dance floor in the evening, then don’t waste your time, it’s unlikely that anything will come of it.

Dependence of a woman’s erogenous zones

Zones can depend on your mood and state of physical and alcoholic intoxication, even on the criminal musical theme you choose for the occasion. In more detail:

- smells

Girls are gentle and dreamy creatures, and they are also better at smelling than boys. Just the other day, a guy gave one of my acquaintances an expensive gift in the form of “Overcoat N5” perfume, and it turns out that the overcoat smell is characteristic (!) of ladies of Balzac’s age, and not of her, a tiny girl, and he spent a lot of money. So prepare her favorite scent in advance and then you won’t be disappointed.

- sounds

The sound of a jackhammer or the squeal of a mosquito can all lead to loss of sensation, and for a longer period than it might seem at first. Better than something bourgeois, so as not to delve into the meaning of the songs, but to focus on the more important thing - the search for erosions.

- fatigue

Physical labor can dull not only feelings, but also sensations, so that erosions can shut up, or even irritate with their presence. It’s just worth choosing the moment when the appropriate mood was created, especially since the search is a one-time concept, at most two times, so the high-quality state of the partner should guarantee the purity of the experiment.

- irritation

Life's troubles directly affect the nervous system, turning it into a bundle of tense nerves, and then literally everything irritates, including sex and everything connected with it. Probing or, as my friends say, probing the girl’s condition before any sex is mandatory, otherwise instead of quality sensations you can only get a leftist fake of them, which does not even pretend to be original.

- employment

You shouldn't choose a time to have sex the night before her exam. In theory, such a meeting should relax and distract from pressing matters, but in reality it is just a waste of time and sexual energy. The girl will think about the exam and spurs, but not about her internal sensations, which you will try to evoke in her with the help of your tongue. I think it will be better if you use it for its intended purpose and repeat the material covered with it, at least it will be more useful.

- expectation

Similarly, the brain’s preoccupation with any other process other than sex, such as anticipation, for example, has a negative effect.

- anxiety

Girls always tend to worry about trifles, be it a wrinkled skirt or a lack of bread for dinner. Of course, if you are a strong male and are capable of knocking sedition out of her head with your pressure, then go for it, but if you are an ordinary superman, then why bang your head against the wall, which is a brick wall.

- pain

Dental, headache, hemorrhoids and who knows what else can easily interrupt the erogenous man's code, because the body is a self-preserving system and it is important for it to function correctly and only then all sorts of sex-meks.

- excesses

Many girls prefer to dive into bed with a shower or a puff for courage and thrill. Drugs, smoking, and alcohol confuse the chain that I outlined at the beginning of the chapter and as a result, a person’s mind temporarily goes off the rails, but if you ride it for a while, it gets into a rut and may no longer be able to get out of it. In what place it will slip, only God knows, but the fact is that the erogenous zones will not work where they need to and not in the way they would like. The myth that while high the high multiplies is nonsense, they don’t add up, it’s the survival of the fittest and that’s not sex, because he hasn’t knocked himself down yet, he’s only knocked him down.

These and many other factors influence the quality and quantity erogenous zones of women. If this impact continues for a long time, then some erogenous zones may cease to exist altogether, and the woman herself will also cease as a woman, and may cease as a person in general.

Primary erogenous zones of women

Primary erogenous zones are those that are erotically very sensitive due to the large number of nerve endings located in them. These include:

- earlobes;

- hypogastrium;

- inner thighs;

- buttocks;

- vagina;

- clitoris;

- crotch;

- genitals;

All these areas are reserved by nature as a sexual stimulant and given to man initially. In one they are present singly, and in the other they are present all together. But this is not typical for everyone and not always, so erogenous zones need to be protected and developed.

Secondary (acquired in childhood) erogenous zones of women

Secondary zones are already in the realm of purchased ones; they complement the primary ones, and can be located in almost any place. Usually a teenager discovers them while masturbating in splendid isolation. It is at these moments that he experiments with sensations, using various objects, creating the most bizarre conditions. A girl's fantasy is capable of painting the most unrealistic pictures, where the girl herself is the main character. In her dreams, she gets excited much faster and better than she will when she becomes an adult, so even the most basic caresses cause her a whole storm of feelings. Being in constant search, the girl learns a lot of new and interesting things about herself, which in adult life may no longer be in demand. That is why many erogenous zones discovered in childhood never find their use.

I had one friend who had never experienced a basic orgasm in her life, well, this is when it’s simple fucking and no frills. I am generally an inquisitive person and secretly found out that during the formation of her sexuality, she achieved orgasm using a simple method - she sat on a pillow with her crotch and squeezed her legs until orgasm. In my loggia there was an antique sofa with huge cushions covered with foam rubber, so I forced her to straddle this structure... She came three times while I terrorized her pussy for just a few minutes by coming from behind. By the way, the ice broke on the same day - she once again felt an orgasm in the knee-elbow position, but without the saving cushion between her legs.

Sexual (acquired in the process of heterosexual contact) erogenous zones of a woman

With the appearance of a sexual partner in a girl’s life, the efforts of the two sexes unite and the search for new sensations and new zones begins. Sex forces the body to work in a different mode, hence the new issues associated with erozones. But first they need to be found and organized according to their sensitivity. Male participation opens up new areas on a woman’s body that she has never gotten around to, literally and figuratively. And most importantly, someone else’s touch generates a code in a completely different way that is transmitted to the pleasure center, which brings a completely different meaning to a woman’s sensations.

How and where to look for a woman’s erogenous zones

Having decided on the girl’s moral and business state and creating ideal conditions for her to relax, you can begin to search for these very erogenous zones. This is done not according to encyclopedic dictionaries or ridiculous instructions, but in a verbal experimental way, that is, you use all the methods and techniques I described above. You check the girl’s whole body for sexual receptivity, because all girls are individual, especially sexually. When caressing places, regardless of their direct purpose, you need to quietly spy on your partner’s sensations; if breathing quickens and the body tenses, but does not move away, it means that there is the right source somewhere nearby.

Don’t get hung up on developing this area; try to cover as many proposed zones as possible. Precisely the supposed ones, because you can meet them literally everywhere. Of course, you won’t be able to check everything at once, but over time you will draw a fairly detailed map with which you can get your girl into shape in the shortest possible time. The main thing to remember is that you need to search everywhere from your fingertips to the roots of your hair, and the more methods you use, the cleaner the result will be.

How to awaken a woman's erogenous zones

Due to the fact that some girls’ erosions may be silent, a sexual push is needed - a certain type of sexual caresses, or rather even a set, which I will describe below, and with its help you can irritate almost any part of the body, not to mention the one that so it has all the prerequisites to become erogenous. By caressing a woman using this technique, you can say with confidence which zone will be the most excitable, and since all sensitive points have a constant connection with each other, then by following the connections you can awaken intermediate areas that are not yet involved in sending human codes to the brain. By paying due attention to these “sleeping” areas, you can completely involve them in the game and after a while they will be able to play the role of erogenous centers, no different from those that the Creators gave us.

I personally performed such experiments on girls I knew and almost always got the desired result. Naturally, initially it is necessary to find understanding in this matter from an accomplice, I’m talking about the girl. If she agrees to play along in this matter, then miracles can be created that will greatly facilitate future life, and not only sexual life. If the Slegontsa perverts the consciousness and sets a specific goal, then erogenous receptivity can be awakened anywhere, even in a sore tooth. To do this, it is necessary to offer her nervous system a point of contact in any convenient place, having previously kept her girlfriend on a sexual fast for several days, and gradually this very point will become hyperexcitable, and it can also be easily transferred from place to place, the main thing is to create the necessary mood, but how I will tell you how to do this in the appendix.

Lesbian (acquired in the process of homosexual contact) erogenous zones of a woman.

If a girl is a lesbian, then her erotic zones are formed to match same-sex sex. Pink love is based on sensuality, which the couple turns into sensitivity, so their bodies become a continuous erogenous zone. Knowing the characteristics of your body allows you to successfully apply them on the body of your partner. Naturally, this approach allows you to greatly expand the erogenous zones, increase their sensitivity and receptivity. Of course, these are completely different sensations than when in contact with a man, but the good thing about sex is that everyone has the right to choose.

Pseudoerogenous zones of a woman

Erogenous zones that have their own “owner” are called pseudoerogenous. In ordinary life, they do not play any role and do not manifest themselves in any way, but under certain circumstances or when a certain person appears, the brain turns on these zones, and under his caresses they become hyperexcitable zones of sensitivity. The operation of such zones is obvious, but too many conventions arise during their operation. You can often hear that girls remember one partner in favor of the other. Like, the first one was such a sweetheart that I was simply thrilled, and the second one was rude and tactless and I didn’t get excited with him. This is precisely due to a poor-quality approach to sex, hence the variation in the number of active erogenous zones. They all work around a smart man, but a sexually untalented one is not able to turn on even the most sensitive type of clitoris.

Wandering erogenous zones of a woman

How zones wander is easy to understand with a simple example, when you scratch yourself at the end of the working day. First it itches in one place, then in another, and then, like a chain reaction, more and more new lesions appear. With a skillful attitude and approach to your partner, his erogenous zones will begin to follow the skillful stimulus. Also, zones can change their location due to illness, nervous experiences and a whole bunch of other factors. Increased stimulation of certain areas containing nerve endings makes them rougher and more resistant to caresses. Neighboring areas, on the contrary, intensify their activity, and soon there is a clear shift of the erogenous zone in this direction. Over the years, all nerve endings “burn out” like an electrode in electric welding, thereby dulling sensitivity, but not so much as to go out completely.

Extreme erogenous zones of a woman

I call extreme zones those that, with the usual understanding of the topic, do not fit into the brain. Examples include the nails, knees, palms, ankles or rectum. It is simply impossible to guess about this until they say it, so people with such erosions often have to cope on their own. This group also includes the impact on erotic zones in a sadomasochistic style, where with a lace-up suit you can swaddle your partner in such a way that the zones actually change their addresses. Girls, due to their complexities, boys are also no exception; many aspects of the peculiarities of their sensations are simply not discussed. They are shy, maybe, but most likely they are afraid of being misunderstood and rejected, I already wrote somewhere in the book how a girl started giving a blowjob to a friend, and he jumped up and never met her again. Taught by such examples, many girls are content with ordinary erotic zones, those that are on the surface, but each has a couple of trump cards up its sleeve, and if you spin it openly, then you can really experience real sex, and not what we do everywhere.

Number of erogenous zones of a woman

From one to a million. To simplify as much as possible, the main erogenous zones can be called in descending order the following: clitoris, G-spot, vagina, inner and outer labia, anus, perineum, inner thighs, neck, toes, buttocks, lower abdomen (do not touch the navel ), lips, tongue, back, legs, hair.... The number of zones changes with age and experience, the main thing is that all changes are qualitative and quantitative for profit, and for this you need to constantly practice improving professional sexual skills, get rid of stupid complexes, read smart books and this one in particular. I will say from personal experience that more than a dozen influences can be applied to each identified erogenous zone, from a simple blow to cauterization with a hot iron. So any experimenter will find something to do for a very long time, the main thing is to do it in agreement, otherwise someone will soon get bored.

Massage of a woman's erogenous zones

In conclusion, I will briefly explain about erozone massage. So, any massage that ends with relaxation is already erotic; gentle stroking of erogenous zones and peripheral spaces may well cause excitement, and even orgasm. It’s just that first you need to decide on the purpose of this very massage, because if it was planned as a preventive one, then there is no playful mood, and most erozons let the pathogen through the other gate, but if a “boomson” was planned, then the massage was clearly erotic and the whole mood will be appropriate. It is necessary to start the massage with light strokes, carefully avoiding potential erogenous zones. Then, as your partner gets excited, you can increase the pressure and shift your efforts to the erotic zones.

In the process of arousing the partner, and this will be noticeable even to the naked eye, you can increase not only the pressure, but also the speed of movements. Add kisses, which unexpectedly interrupt the massage itself and do not be lazy to do it not only from the back, but on her entire body. At the very end, you can attach your tongue to the body and finish everything with either cunnilingus or insertion of a penis. Both will finish the topic faster than I can write these lines.

I don’t advise joking with erozons; it’s better to take care of them, care for them and cherish them, otherwise anything can happen.

Good luck with your search and development!

Its own “body map”, its language. And only a very, very experienced lover can read it the first time. However, this does not mean that you need to forcefully extract from your partner the secrets of pleasing her - for starters, it will be quite enough to study the main erogenous zones of girls and build on them.

In addition to the time-tested methods, there are also individual ones, to which only a specific girl can respond. And finally, there is the concept of “pseudozones” - they respond only and exclusively to the influence of a specific partner. What is most interesting is that even the first group of representatives of the fair sex is not always located strictly below the waist. Each lady has at least a few more points, touching which will be much more pleasant and will be able to do much better.


Everything here is clear: men themselves often find pleasure in playing with this part of the female body. However, erogenous zones in girls require special treatment. According to the results of many surveys, more than 80% of women hate it when their breasts are crushed with force. What do girls like? Again, based on statistics, we can say that gentle, barely perceptible, sliding, “airy” touches come first.


It would seem, what relation can they have to erogenous zones? About 60% of men live with the same thought. And in vain, because one of the most powerful erogenous zones is located in the nerve endings on the scalp. Their number is equal to the number of hairs, and therefore, if you want to excite a girl, it is best to start by stroking this area, running your fingers through a thick head of hair, etc.


This is one of the most sensitive areas of the female body. During sexual intercourse, a man touches his sides most often. During foreplay, you need to touch your sides as gently and softly as possible, because many girls are afraid of tickling. However, with the right movements, these erogenous zones in girls will play their role, and no one will even think about removing your hands.


If representatives of the fair sex are reading this article, then they probably managed to feel a surge of slight excitement. Firstly, the skin of the abdomen itself is very sensitive, and therefore stroking and kissing in this area is almost 100% guaranteed to excite girls. And in the lower abdomen are the ovaries. A fleeting pressure on them will be enough for Her eyes to blaze with passionate fire.

How to influence erogenous zones?

Erogenous points in women can respond to a variety of types of touch. You and your partner can experiment endlessly with kissing, touching, pinching, scratching, licking, squeezing, vibrating, patting, heating and cooling different areas. A little practice and knowledge in terms of which erogenous zones in girls need to be influenced - and even before sexual intercourse you can take your beloved (and any girl in general) to the pinnacle of pleasure.

1. The back of the head and neck were considered very attractive to men in ancient Japan because they were one of the few places on a woman's body that were "bare." Pay attention to the reaction of your female partner after lightly kissing her on the neck.

2. Women with well-defined collarbones are very sexy. You should show them how much you appreciate it by touching them gently and kissing them. Unbuttoning her blouse is enough to reveal her collarbones. In addition, you should pay more attention to this erogenous point in women during sex.

3. Put your hand on her shoulder, but don't be too pushy. You can also show her that you are there to protect her by placing your hand on the small of her back. When you are alone, you can kiss or lick her spine and kiss her back to make a woman crazy for you.

4. Men make the mistake of not paying any attention to the area behind a woman's knee. This is a mistake because this area is very sensitive and caressing it can easily arouse a woman.

5. Drive your woman crazy so that she starts doing crazy things from your touching, kissing or lightly biting her earlobe. There are visible erogenous points in women located there. You can also try nipping your lips along the outside of the rest of her ear.

6. Running your finger across her palm, whether you are alone or in public, shows your love and care for your partner.

7. There is nothing more enjoyable than a foot massage, especially after a long and tiring day. Apply a small amount of massage oil or massage lotion to her ankles, toes, and the sides of her feet.

8. Women visit the hairdresser not only because they want their hair to be beautiful, but also because the hairdresser's hands gently massage the head, sliding through its hair. This means that you can try to give her this pleasure too. Using your fingers, begin massaging your temples and move towards the back of your head and neck.

9. Give her maximum pleasure by teasing the woman's erogenous points with gentle touches on the inner thighs, and kissing or even licking the area around the pelvis.

Based on materials from www.cuisineandhealth.com

Secrets of love. Taoist practice for women and men Bing L

Erogenous zones on the body of men and women

1. The primary erogenous zones on the body (yin energy) include:

Lips, labia, tongue, nipples.

The nipples emit subtle energy and absorb vital energy qi for transmission to the thymus gland, the “house of the heart.” With gentle stimulation of the chest, the Third Eye opens (in the middle of the forehead between the eyebrows). This leads to the activation of the small energy cycle.

In women, the clitoris is the key to the autonomic nervous system. In a man, in the head of the penis there is a zone of reflection of the heart.

2. Secondary erogenous zones (yang energy):

Earlobes. They stimulate the sex glands. First, you should massage the lobe of your right ear to release the energy flow, and then the lobe of your left ear.

Back of the neck, especially the seventh cervical vertebra (GV-14): Firmly but gently massage 72 times in a clockwise direction, then gently massage 72 times in a counterclockwise direction (opens all yang aspect meridians).

The most effective stimulation point is at the point where the sacrum and lumbar vertebrae meet. Massaging this area has a beneficial effect on the gonads and adrenal glands and causes a pleasant sensation in the genitals.

Buttocks (the point where the legs meet the hips): Massaging this point provides the most intense stimulation of the sex glands.

Inner thighs. Lightly stroking upward towards the genitals opens the adrenal glands and causes the testicles to rise upward.

Depression under the knee. Gently patting and stroking the socket of the knee stimulates the kidneys, the source of immune defense, and produces an extremely pleasant sensation.

Right side of the body

Yin Form – Receptive Power

Remember! The right side of a man's body is more sensitive.

In special sexual rituals, individual erogenous zones (triangles) are massaged, kissed, caressed, aromatic oils are rubbed into them, and also caressed with the eyes in a clockwise direction, and zones marked with squares (secondary) - counterclockwise - until until the whole body turns into a single erogenous zone in its own energy field.

The strongest erogenous stimulation of a partner can be achieved if:

Start by massaging the secondary erogenous zones;

Immediately after this, proceed to massage the primary erogenous zones;

Finally, massage the tertiary erogenous zones.

3. Tertiary erogenous zones of the body – neutral energy

These zones are usually at rest until they experience stimulation as a result of the activation of secondary and primary erogenous zones. Tertiary erogenous zones include:

Sides of the little finger (heart and small intestine): lightly stroking them causes waves of pleasure in the dorsal vertebra.

Palms (heart-circulation/sexuality): They are very sensitive to gentle circular movements.

Navel (the point of convergence of the 14 main meridians in the radius from the pubic bone to the solar plexus): gently stroke and pat 72 times clockwise and 72 times counterclockwise. This massage opens and cleanses, heals and strengthens the flow of energy.

Left side of the body

Yang form - creative force

Remember! The left side of the female body is more sensitive.

1. Primary erogenous zones of the body - the energy of the yin aspect.

2. Secondary erogenous zones of the body - the energy of the yang aspect.

3. Tertiary erogenous zones of the body - neutral energy between yin and yang.

After awakening all these erogenous zones, it is recommended to concentrate on the zones that evoke the greatest response from your partner.

The anus (rectum) has a direct connection with the “first house of the sex glands” and causes extraordinary pleasure.

Nostrils: Stroking, biting or tongue touching the nostrils produces an intense erogenous effect.

Ear openings (kidneys, liver): if you blow hard into the ear, you can induce a trance state in your partner.

Soles of the feet (kidney meridian): massage of the soles of the feet activates sexuality and potency in general.

Some people experience orgasm when their partner sucks their big toe.

Acupuncture points on arms and legs:

1 – small intestine; 2 – heart; 3 – endocrine glands; 4 – parenchyma; 5 – allergies, vascular degeneration; 6 – blood circulation, sex; 7 – nervous degeneration; 8 – large intestine; 9 – lymph; 10 – lungs, bronchioles

1 – spleen; 2 – liver; 3 – joints; 4 – stomach; 5 – connective tissue; 6 – skin; 7 – muscle fat; 8 – gallbladder; 9 – kidneys; 10 – bladder

The relationship between the five primary elements and the organs

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Partial drives and erogenous zones Summarizing everything that the study of positive and negative perversions has given us, we quite naturally come to explain them by a number of “partial drives,” which, however, are not primary, and can be further decomposed. Under

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Guiding zones in men and women Regardless of this, I can only add the following: in a female child, the governing erogenous zone is located in the clitoris, therefore, it is completely homologous to the male genital zone at the head of the male organ. Everything I need

There are a huge number of erogenous zones on the male body, the effects of which have completely different, but very pleasant sensations. To ensure your sex life is full of variety, we suggest familiarizing yourself with the location of these “hot” spots and the correct ways to handle them.

Lips and tongue

It's not for nothing that we spend so much time on passionate kisses. In the area of ​​the lips and tongue there is a huge number of nerve endings - very sensitive areas that detect even the slightest impact.

To make your loved one feel new sensations, learn the technique of caressing with lips and tongue. You will learn that in addition to the most popular “French”, there are also “royal”, “exquisite”, “stinging” and several other types of kisses.

Back of the head and neck

This area in men is very sensitive, most likely due to the fact that in childhood it was the place where maternal stroking fell. There is no universal point that causes arousal and is located in this area, so you need to look for an individual approach to each man. Try gentle and passionate kisses, light stroking with your palms and a light massage with your fingers, you can try blindfolding your loved one - this way, through trial and error, you will figure out those places that are the most sensual for him.


There are two secret points on a man's hand, the impact of which causes incredibly strong sensations. The first is located between the tubercles under the ring and middle fingers - it is a projection of the groin area. Light but persistent stroking of this point can cause an erection.

The second sensory area is located between the bases of the middle and index fingers on the back of the hand. Massage of this area causes pleasant sensations in almost all men.

You can also try caressing the armpits and elbows - some representatives of the stronger sex experience arousal from touching these areas.


Do you know why Thai massage is so popular among men? Because during it there is an intense impact on the feet, and they are another erogenous zone of the male body.

You can also pay attention to the back of the knee. For some men, touching this area causes tickling, while for some it is, on the contrary, arousing.


Many girls mistakenly consider the male breast to be an extremely erogenous zone, apparently drawing parallels with themselves. In fact, most men do not experience any special sensations from caresses of this part of the body. Although there is a small percentage of the stronger sex who like light stroking, playing with chest hairs and gentle kisses of the nipples and the area closest to them.


When a girl touches her lover’s belly, he feels that the most important thing is about to begin. Stroking with palms, the stomach and especially the chest has a stimulating effect on this part of the body.

There is another secret technique: if a man is lying on his back, straddle him on top, and then place the top of your head on his navel and begin to make slow circular movements with your head, gradually expanding the diameter of the circles. This will make your loved one feel at the peak of sensual bliss.


On a man’s back there are not just “hot” spots, but entire erogenous areas. The most sensitive places are located in the interscapular space and near the sacrum. You can stroke them with your palms, gently scratch them with your nails, touch them with hair, a feather or chest, and even lightly massage them with your feet. Each such touch will resonate in your loved one’s body with new waves of pleasure.

The most important

We deliberately did not touch the most sensitive parts of the male body - the groin area, penis and anus, because when handling them, you can turn on your imagination to the fullest, because any touch here will bring the most vivid and exciting sensations to your man.