What is the difference between a smart woman and a wise one? What is the difference between a wise woman and a smart one? How is a smart woman different?

For children

I remember how I used to prove to everyone that I was right. Husband, mother, friends. It is a special pleasure to show and point out to your husband that he is wrong. My ego grew at a tremendous pace - after all, I am the smartest. And I'm always right.

This didn't lead to anything good. We were on the verge of divorce, but even then I did not understand that this was the price for my intelligence. That it is my nagging and corrections, it is my desire to argue, prove and treat my husband that is destroying our relationship.

But now I understand that trying to be smart and always trying to be right is the biggest stupidity of my life. Just being right has destroyed many relationships in my life.

My husband periodically emphasizes that my desire to be right deprives him of any desire to care for me.

So what should I do? Lobotomy? Continue to be smart? Or learn to be wise? I chose the last option.

Being a smart woman is good. But it’s better to be wise!

Here are 8 life situations that will show you how a smart woman differs from a wise one:

1. If the husband made a mistake

  • Clever woman Having discovered her husband’s mistake, she rubs her nose in his face. And he will remind him that she warned him about this.
  • Wise woman– will support, encourage, sometimes pretend that she didn’t notice anything.

2. In a crisis situation

  • Clever woman in a crisis situation, she will take the reins and teach her husband to live correctly.
  • Wise woman will very subtly show him the direction and support him in his intention to get there.

3. When it is necessary to teach a child

  • Clever woman will teach children mathematics, no matter what.
  • Wise woman– will see a personality in each of them.

4. In the work team

  • Clever woman at work he will try to be better than others and not make mistakes. At the same time, most colleagues will be very wary of her.
  • Wise woman will create an atmosphere of love and warmth in the team.
  • Clever woman will interfere in the lives of his adult children, give them unsolicited advice and recommendations, tell them how to raise children correctly.
  • Wise woman will allow children to gain their own life experience and support them in any situation.

6. In relations with mother-in-law

  • Clever woman will fight the influence of her mother-in-law, defend her independence from her parents, quarrel with them because of their advice.
  • Wise woman learn to smile, listen silently, agree. And do it your own way. With love.

7. If you want to change the world

  • Clever woman wants to change the whole world, remake all the people around.
  • Wise woman will begin to change itself. And accept others as they are.

8. Opinion about happiness

  • Clever woman thinks that the one who is right is happy.
  • Wise woman knows that the one who is happy is right.

Based on the article
Olga Valyaeva "

What do you choose - to be happy or right? A wise woman acts in such a way that her husband will not leave her, but he leaves a smart woman.

Difference #1

So, a smart woman begins to nag him for every mistake her husband makes.

A wise woman will pretend that she did not notice his mistake and will support the man.

Difference #2

A smart woman will begin to “plow” for her husband and “save” the situation.

The wise woman will give a hint, but the husband makes the decision himself.

Difference #3

A smart woman will teach tedious mathematics to her children, and a wise woman will look for personality in her children.

Difference #4

The smart one will try to do everything in life “perfectly,” while the wise one will create an atmosphere of love, warmth, and care within any team.

Difference #5

Smart will control the lives of adult children and give numerous advice on all areas of life.

Mudra will support you in any situation and give children the opportunity to gain experience.

Difference #5

A smart woman will fight the influence of her mother-in-law, and a wise woman will learn to agree and smile.

Difference #6

A smart woman wants to change the whole world, but a wise woman starts with herself and accepts people as they are.

Family life does not always consist of holidays alone. Problems also arise. Moreover, some of them turn out to be insoluble for the couple, as a result of which they get divorced. Psychologists say that in the family a very important role is assigned to the woman, who should become the real keeper of the family hearth. Women are divided into two types: smart and wise. Which one to choose as a life partner is up to men to decide. And we will tell readers what the differences are between an intelligent and a wise woman.

If the husband made some mistake, then a smart woman will rub his nose into this very mistake. And she will certainly remind him that she warned him a hundred times about the possible consequences. A wise woman will behave completely differently in this situation. She will provide moral support, and sometimes she will simply pretend that nothing serious happened and life goes on.

If some crisis situation occurs in the life of her husband, then an intelligent woman in this case will boldly take the reins and teach her husband to live correctly. In a similar situation, a wise woman will act differently and delicately hint to her husband the direction in which to move. And of course, it will help you get there.

At work, an intelligent woman will try to meet all requirements and be better than others in everything, trying not to make significant mistakes that could affect her image. And the wise one in the team will create an atmosphere that will be filled with warmth and love.

These two types of women will raise their own children differently. The smart one will constantly interfere in their lives, guiding them along the “right path”, and she will do this even when the children grow up. Advice and recommendations will become an integral part of her upbringing. The wise one, on the contrary, will try to let the children gain their own life experience, but is always ready to help them in difficult life situations.

Changing the world and remaking all people to fit their criteria are characteristic of an intelligent woman. And for a wise woman, the main thing in life will be to change herself. She will perceive other people as they are.

Many women consider the number of brains to be their main trump card, but being smart and always trying to be right is the biggest stupidity in a woman’s life

I remember how I used to prove to everyone that I was right. Husband, mother, friends. It is a special pleasure to show and point out to your husband that he is wrong. My ego grew at a tremendous pace - after all, I am the smartest. And I'm always right.

This didn't lead to anything good. We were on the verge of divorce, but even then I did not understand that this was the price for my intelligence. That it is my nagging and corrections, it is my desire to argue, prove and treat my husband that is destroying our relationship.

But now I understand that trying to be smart and always trying to be right is the biggest stupidity of my life. Just being right has destroyed many relationships in my life.

My husband periodically emphasizes that my desire to be right deprives him of any desire to care for me.

So what should I do? Lobotomy? Continue to be smart? Or learn to be wise? I chose the last option.

Being a smart woman is good. But it’s better to be wise!

Here are 8 life situations that will show you how a smart woman differs from a wise one:

1. If the husband made a mistake

  • Clever woman Having discovered her husband’s mistake, she rubs her nose in his face. And he will remind him that she warned him about this.
  • Wise woman– will support, encourage, sometimes pretend that she didn’t notice anything.

2. In a crisis situation

  • Clever woman in a crisis situation, she will take the reins and teach her husband to live correctly.
  • Wise woman will very subtly show him the direction and support him in his intention to get there.

3. When it is necessary to teach a child

  • Clever woman will teach children mathematics, no matter what.
  • Wise woman– will see a personality in each of them.

4. In the work team

  • Clever woman at work he will try to be better than others and not make mistakes. At the same time, most colleagues will be very wary of her.
  • Wise woman will create an atmosphere of love and warmth in the team.
  • Clever woman will interfere in the lives of his adult children, give them unsolicited advice and recommendations, tell them how to raise children correctly.
  • Wise woman will allow children to gain their own life experience and support them in any situation.

6. In relations with mother-in-law

  • Clever woman will fight the influence of her mother-in-law, defend her independence from her parents, quarrel with them because of their advice.
  • Wise woman learn to smile, listen silently, agree. And do it your own way. With love.

7. If you want to change the world

  • Clever woman wants to change the whole world, remake all the people around.
  • Wise woman will begin to change itself. And accept others as they are.

8. Opinion about happiness

  • Clever woman thinks that the one who is right is happy.
  • Wise woman knows that the one who is happy is right.

Based on the article
Olga Valyaeva “All the troubles of women come from the mind”

Almost from the cradle, every girl is told that she must grow up to be a beautiful and intelligent woman. If a woman is not very beautiful, then her appearance can always be corrected through cosmetics. To gain intelligence, any woman needs only to learn, but to gain wisdom is, perhaps, much more difficult and, unfortunately, not given to every representative of the fairer sex.

What does it take to become a smart woman?

  • Let’s not be an excellent student, but at least do well in school. Fortunately, girls have more perseverance than boys.
  • Get a higher education by graduating from some university (or even 2 or 3). Also not very difficult. After all, you can simply memorize the program material.
  • Read a lot of books, including those on psychology, so to speak, becoming familiar with the intricacies of the human psyche.
  • Try your hand at some intellectual projects (solving crosswords, participating in quizzes), even while sitting in front of your own TV or computer (via the Internet), or attend trainings, courses in order to know “everything in the world.”

Perhaps all this is enough to gain your mind. But, unfortunately, if a woman is smart, this does not mean that she is also wise. After all, an intelligent woman can become a source of constant tension for a man, since such a person will not miss the chance to rub a man’s nose in his, even a minor, mistake. Accordingly, a man, in order not to lose face, will have to “be on guard” next to a smart lady. What a pity that in schools and other educational institutions there are no disciplines to teach the art of building relationships with the opposite sex and raising children, so that girls from childhood gain wisdom, and not just intelligence http://luisyepez.com/map191.

What is the difference between a wise woman and a smart woman? And is there a big difference between these concepts?

  • A wise woman behaves with restraint and reason in all situations, not trying to “rule the world,” even if she is damn good and smart. This is precisely what distinguishes her from a smart woman.
  • Of course, an intelligent woman is capable of providing herself and her family with income and finding a way out of any difficult situation. She is successful and can have a very prestigious status, which is valued in modern society. But it is precisely the excess of intelligence that often becomes a destructive force for her personal life.
  • A smart woman will consider it necessary to point out the mistake to him for every mistake her husband makes. A wise wife, on the contrary, will not reproach her husband, but will only tactfully encourage and support, pretending that she did not notice anything.
  • In a crisis situation, a smart wife, of course, will try to take the initiative into her own hands, trying to teach her husband to live correctly. A wise woman will unobtrusively push her husband in the right direction, accompanying his path with reliable support.
  • An intelligent woman, having become a mother, will meticulously teach her children (both small and adult) wisdom, not forgetting to accompany them with moral teachings. She will definitely teach, supervise and intervene with advice and lectures in the lives of already grown-up children. A wise mother, seeing full-fledged individuals in children, will only guide and suggest, without showing her superiority over them. In the lives of children who are already adults, instead of instructive advice, she will support them in difficult times and allow children to live an independent life, gaining personal experience.
  • In a work team, a smart woman will strive to work better than her colleagues, trying to avoid making mistakes, not particularly caring about how her colleagues treat her. A wise woman has slightly different goals; it is more important for her to create a warm atmosphere in the workplace.
  • An intelligent woman, having gotten married, will consider it her duty to confront her mother-in-law, winning the independence of her family. A wise daughter-in-law will try to listen to even the most undeserved attacks of her mother-in-law in silence, as if agreeing with her, but she will do everything in her own way.
  • A smart woman will try with all her might to rebuild everything and everyone in her own way. A wise woman would rather try to change herself, accepting everyone as they are.
  • If, in the opinion of a smart woman, her intelligence and eternal rightness are for her a huge value in life, then for a wise woman, on the contrary, harmonious relationships are considered the most important in life, both in her own family and in the work team, and in the world in in general.
As we see, the values ​​of a wise woman and a smart woman are completely different. And accordingly, results based on life priorities also vary.