Hairstyle from 3. Volumetric braids - modern versions of classic weaving

Medium length hair allows you to do a variety of hairstyles and styling. The choice depends on the desired image, mood, age and available time for hair styling.

Classic and simple hairstyles or modern and creative, playful or strict, easy to style, for every day or intricate for an evening event. There are plenty to choose from!

In this article:

Simple hairstyles for medium hair for every day.
For young mothers and all those who have no time, but really want to be beautiful and different

#1 Greek hairstyle for medium hair in 3 minutes

Method number 1 - Greek hairstyle with a rim - elastic bands:

Method number 2 - Greek hairstyle based on a tail with a regular elastic band:

#2 Tricky Hidden Tail

#3 "Madame Pompadour" or a quick bouffant for medium hair

Separate the top section of hair at the crown.

Comb your hair at the roots with a fine-toothed comb or brush.

Apply hairspray to combed hair roots. The varnish must be sprayed from the bottom up (from the roots to the tips). This additionally lifts and fixes the hair roots well.

With a fine comb, gently smooth the hair in the bouffant area, and secure it with an invisibility to match the hair.

Separate the wide thin temporal strands on both sides of the head and gather them into a ponytail, securing with a thin elastic band.

Hairstyle is ready! And so that the hair on the sides of the head does not get knocked out and fluffy, use ... a toothbrush! Read how to do this at the end of the article.

How to match hair color to eye color

Long bob: every day is different

Bob haircut for medium hair is a very versatile, stylish, elegant and trendy haircut. The secret of its popularity is that it suits women of any age, for different face shapes and allows you to experiment with styling, creating many different hairstyles.

Bob haircut ideas for medium hair for every occasion and mood:

How to make a beautiful tail: 5 fresh ideas

What could be simpler and more practical than hair tied up in a ponytail? Comfortable, fast and the hair does not climb into the eyes.

But you want it to be beautiful too!

So, we share 5 ways to make the tail interesting.


Make a regular ponytail using a thin elastic band.

Pull a section of hair out of the ponytail and wrap it around the ponytail, tucking the ends under the elastic. You can also leave one loose strand of hair in advance before you collect your hair in a ponytail. The strand looks beautiful - a pigtail wrapping the tail.

If the ends of the hair are knocked out from under the tail, secure them with a hairpin to match the hair. You can spray your hair with varnish.

If you want your hair to look perfectly smooth, before making a ponytail, you need to straighten it with an iron.

Braided Tail

Option 1. Simple and fast

Option 2. Very comfortable for sports

What you need:

5 or more thin rubber bands. Their number depends on the length of the hair.

How to do:

Comb your hair.

Gather the top of your hair into a ponytail and secure with an elastic band.

Take 2 sections of hair above the ears and secure with an elastic band along with the existing ponytail.

Do the same with the next strands at the level of the ears and taken at the base of the neck.

In order to get a beautiful “braid”, a long free end of the tail, also grab it with an elastic band.

Super fast knotted ponytail

Front - output tail on the side

Beautiful hairstyles with braids for medium hair

Braids and pigtails are by no means only a children's hair styling option!

Such a hair styling technique, like pigtails, always makes the image interesting, attractive, sweet, gentle. They can be used both in hairstyles for every day, and in evening or wedding styling.

And, of course, the ability to weave braids is an important skill for all mothers of girls!

By the way, to create a very relevant grunge look, when the hair has a wavy texture, it is enough to braid wet hair for several hours or overnight in tight pigtails.

Pigtails for every day

Options for medium straight or wavy hair:

weaving a nest

Bunches and buns. Trends and who should do it?

A bunch is one of the most fashionable trends for someone, and for someone evil and taboo!

Let's figure it out.

So, an unambiguous YES to beams can be said by girls and women up to 40 - 50 years old (depending on the appearance and what age the woman looks like).

It is important to understand that the hair raised high and laid in a bun emphasizes the shape and features of the face, as well as the neck. Therefore, a high beam is recommended for those who are satisfied with the shape of their face, as well as the condition of the skin of the face and neck.

Best of all, a high bun is suitable for owners of oval and round face shapes. You can do such a hairstyle with a square, not too elongated rectangular shape.

But the owners of the face shape of an inverted triangle need to release a couple of strands on the sides of the face, or wear a bun in combination with large earrings to balance a narrow chin with other parts of the face. You can also try to make a low beam:

A bun at the crown is undesirable for owners of a very elongated face shape. As a way out, if you really want to, you can do this styling in combination with thick long bangs:

In addition to the shape of the face, an important factor influencing whether a certain hairstyle is suitable or not is the natural type of a woman and the style of clothing, the image as a whole.

In short, the natural type of appearance, in which it is undesirable to put your hair in a bun or “bun”, these are such features and type of face when a woman already at the age of 30 looks slightly older than her years. Or her face is very simple.

A couple of examples: Valentina Tolkunova, Tamara Globa.

They are wonderful and beautiful women. But, looking at the photo, you will surely agree that choosing a different hairstyle would make them look much younger, and their appearance would be perceived very differently.

It is also very important how the bundle is laid!

Now very smooth minimalistic bunches are relevant, both low and at the crown:

Please note that there are no hair ornaments. It seems that the beam is holding on to itself. This is what makes the hairstyle stylish! This type of beams is well suited as an evening or business styling.

Everyday options for knots and bundles look deliberately careless:

Useful little thing! You can form a beautiful volumetric bundle using a special hairpin - a donut:

Beautiful hairstyles for medium hair for women 50+

How to correctly choose a haircut for women of elegant age? What factors need to be considered?

  • » With age, voluminous and rough hairstyles are more suitable. Smooth styling emphasizes all the nuances of the face that we would like to hide as much as possible (wrinkles, skin irregularities, etc.)
  • Therefore, one of the best haircut solutions for women 50+ will be layered and graduated haircuts, cascading hairstyles and hair cut with a ladder. In addition, such haircuts are quite easy to style and add visual volume to the hair. Classic and modern bob options and an elongated bob haircut look very elegant.

  • » The owners of wavy and curly hair are very lucky! Due to the fact that the texture of the hair distracts attention from the features of the skin;
  • » We must try to make the curls and waves look as natural as possible. Frankly artificial in appearance, too tightly wound curls age;
  • » Medium length hair is best worn loose, not pulled into ponytails and buns! The ideal average hair length for women in this age group is from the bottom of the face to the shoulders;
  • » A slight asymmetry in the haircut is very good, because. it distracts from the asymmetry in the face, which becomes more noticeable with age. The only important condition is to choose the right side of the face to make the shorter part of the haircut in order to balance the natural asymmetry of the face, and not to strengthen it even more;
  • » Bangs - it all depends on the shape, facial features and skin condition. If they go, then they do a great job of leveling wrinkles on the forehead and in the eye area. Provided that the shape of the bangs is elegant, “adult” (an elongated oblique is most often suitable), and not short (childish) or too geometric;
  • » The shade of the hair has a great influence on the perception of the face and haircut. It is desirable that it does not look too artificial. And the fact that lighter shades rejuvenate is true;

Evening hairstyles for medium hair

When it comes to evening hairstyles, the average hair length allows you to embody almost any fantasy!

Today we have collected for you 7 hairstyles with braids for every day.

A hallmark of today's ideas and photo tutorials with text step by step instructions to them will be their simple and quick execution. A light weaving braids for short, medium and long hair will delight you with its elegance, versatility and original approach.

1 braid for every day in a ponytail

A light figure-eight braid and your ponytail looks completely new and amazingly playful.

2 Braid for long hair for every day

Three simple braids for long and medium hair in one original hairstyle for every day. Video tips for weaving braids are included.

3 hairstyle with a braid for every day upside down

How to get out, so that it is both imperceptible and stylish, if the hair is not “first freshness”? Combine a braid and a bun in one hairstyle. For the beach and wet hair - also ideal.

4 French simple braid for every day

This hairstyle with a scythe is best suited for long hair. You can wear it both every day and on special occasions. As for the braids themselves, choose any of them, but we advise you to pay attention to the French one.

5 Easy braid for every day

Simple and quick braids for every day can turn into a great hairstyle, as if straight from the Game of Thrones series into our modern life. Weaving such braids is best for long hair.

6 hairstyle with a scythe for medium hair for every day

The undoubted plus of this hairstyle is that it is very simple, but refined. It is performed within a few minutes, weaving the braid is easy. Versatility at a high level - suitable for medium-short, medium and long hair.

  1. As always, the first stage begins with combing the hair. In the case of partly loose hair made in the style of "malvina", the hair at the back of the head should be slightly teased so that it appears more voluminous under the back rim of hair.
  2. On the right side, just above the temple, separate a not too thin part of the hair, twist it into a bundle up to the middle of the head. Do the same on the left. The degree of tightness, as well as the width of the strands, adjust at your discretion and taste.
  3. Connect both harnesses at the back in the center of the head and braid the braid.
  4. Curl the remaining loose hair into soft curls.
  5. To take this already elegant hairstyle to a new level, we suggest twisting the bundle on the right side to the length of the left, and fix it with an invisible hairpin. Over the right flagellum, let the left one overlap to cover the place of attachment, and hide its end and fix it already under the base of the right one. With this option, however, you will have to do without braids or replace the plaits with them in order to get a reverse half-crown of braids.

7 Braid-rim from regrown bangs

If you are growing bangs and don’t think about where else to put it so that it doesn’t interfere with your eyes, this braided hairstyle is your salvation option.

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Sometimes, to make a hairstyle, you need to spend a lot of time and effort, and the result may not live up to expectations.. We offer you a selection of easy hairstyles for every day that you can do yourself in just a few minutes!

Thanks to such simple hairstyles, you can surprise your colleagues and friends with new looks every day, choose a hairstyle for any set of clothes and, even if you don’t have time to get ready, look great!

Step by step photo lessons of simple hairstyles for every day

Easy hairstyle with two braids for every day

This hairstyle is perfect for work, school or walking. It is enough to braid two braids and fasten them at the back to get an interesting styling. You can perform a hairstyle both with an even parting and with a side parting.

Stylish shell hairstyle

The shell hairstyle is suitable for office style and business meetings. However, if you decorate it with a beautiful hairpin, then in tandem with an evening dress, it will create a romantic and elegant look. The shell hairstyle has the right to be a little disheveled, and a few curls near the face will complement the image.

It does not take much time to create it, the hair must be twisted in one direction and secured with hairpins.

Volumetric styling with a ribbon in the style of Brigitte Bardot

1. Separate part of the hair from above and make a pile, fix it with hairspray.
2. Collect the hair at the back of the head and grab the strands at the temples, they will support our bouffant. At the same time, do not pinch the tail with an elastic band, the volume should be preserved.
3. Tie a ribbon and fix the hairstyle with varnish again - an easy hairstyle for the evening is ready!

Easy braided and bun hairstyle

For such a hairstyle, we need a special roller to create a voluminous beam, if you don’t have a special donut, then a regular sock will do, you just need to cut off the front of the sock and twist it. If you liked the hairstyle, see also "" 🧡
1. Tilt your head down and comb your hair.
2. Start French braiding from the bottom hairline.
3. Approximately at the crown, finish weaving and collect all the hair, secure the base tightly with an elastic band.
4. Take a "donut" and wrap your hair around it to create a bouffant bun.

Another version of a simple hairstyle with a bun and braids

1. Part your hair in an even parting.
2. Braid two identical braids on each side. To do this, you need to start weaving a French braid, do a few stitches of weaving, grabbing the hair, and then finish weaving the braid in the usual classic way.
3. Collect all the hair in a ponytail at the bottom of the head, including the ends of our braids.
4. Now use a roller or sock to twist the volumetric bundle.

Bun twisted into a knot

A simple and quick hairstyle, in case there are 5 minutes left for the training camp! Just divide the hair into two equal parts and tie it into a knot, then twist the strands into flagella and wrap around the knot, secure the hairstyle with hairpins and you are ready!

Easy hairstyle for a Great Gatsby party

For a hairstyle in the style of the 30s, you will need a special headband, it is better that it be decorated with stones or beads. Part your hair with a side part so that 70% of your hair is on one side. Put the headband on and start twisting your hair around the elastic at the back, creating a slightly messy hairstyle. You need to do this from one ear towards the other. When you get to the second ear, create a small loose bun, and secure it with an elastic band as well.

Crown of braids - a simple hairstyle based on weaving spikelets

A fairly specific hairstyle that is suitable for a particular occasion or style. Divide your hair into two halves with a straight parting in the middle and braid 2 fishtail braids or spikelets. Do not make the weave too tight, it should be free and voluminous. Now flip each braid to the opposite side on top of your head and secure with a bobby pin behind your ear. Braid crown is ready! Love braids for long hair? Check out our award-winning site editor!

Beautiful hairstyle for thick hair

The hairstyle is quite light, but it needs long and thick hair, then it will turn out to be voluminous and interesting. The hairstyle combines French weaving and a bun.

Easy romantic hairstyle with curls with your own hands

This gentle hairstyle is suitable for medium length hair. Make a low ponytail at the back, while leaving two wide strands of hair near the face. We make a bun from the tail, it can be made in the usual way by twisting the hair into a bundle or using a roller to get a voluminous bun. Then we wind the front strands with hair tongs, fasten a few strands around the bundle, and also leave a few strands near the face in a free position.

Loose hair with french braid

The hairstyle is very light and at the same time looks very stylish. Before creating a hairstyle, the hair can be slightly twisted. Parting the hair on the side. Start the French braid from the parting along the hairline towards the back of the head. After doing a few hair grabs, finish weaving in the usual way. Then separate a small strand on the other side of the parting and connect this strand and the tip of the braid at the back of the head. Fill the free strand as if under a pigtail and secure it with an invisibility, do the same with the tip of the pigtail. Fix your hair with varnish and catch admiring glances on yourself.

Voluminous ponytail with spikelet weave - easy styling for every day

1. Part your hair with a side parting.
2. From the side where most of the hair is, start braiding a spikelet or fishtail.
3. Braid the braid to the end and secure the end with an elastic band.
4. We collect hair at the back of the head and fasten it with an elastic band, grabbing the braid there. Position the braid so that it lies nicely over the head and goes into the tail. From above, you can make a small pile for volume.
5. Wrap a small strand around the base of the ponytail to hide the elastic.
This hairstyle looks very beautiful and elegant, so you can go to a celebration or a romantic evening with it.

Variation of the previous French braid hairstyle

Hairstyles are very similar to each other, the only difference is what kind of weaving to do. In this version, we do French weaving.

Evening simple hairstyle for long hair

Make a low tail and turn it inward as shown in the photo. Comb your hair so that it doubles in volume. Now we carefully collect the hair and tuck it into the resulting hole, so that a voluminous bundle is obtained from below. Place a beautiful decoration or hairpin above the beam.

Quick way to make curls

Perhaps this is the fastest way to do styling with curls!

Triple ponytail - easy hairstyle for every day

The hairstyle is suitable for girls in school and kindergarten, it is strong enough and can last all day.
1. Separate the first part of the hair from above and make a tail. Using a strand of their tail, wrap the base to hide the elastic.
2. Separate the second part of the hair a little lower and make the second tail, while grabbing the tip from the first tail into it. We also wrap the tail with a strand.
3. We do the same with the remaining hair and again wrap the tail with an elastic band. The triple tail is ready!

You can also make a ponytail not from 3, but from 5 or more parts. To do this, take small strands of hair and add the previous collected hair to them.

French braid and bun

A beautiful light hairstyle that is suitable for long hair, in order to create it, you only need to be able to weave a French braid, a step-by-step lesson can be seen in the photo.

Ethnic motifs

Another such hairstyle can be called in the Boho style. This effect is obtained due to the location of the braids, which resemble special ethnic jewelry. A fairly original styling, which is not difficult to make.

Summer hairstyle with a bandage

Instead of a bandage, you can use a twisted scarf, a wide ribbon, or a straw bandage. The style of this hairstyle is relevant in the summer, as the headband is a bright accessory that cannot be hidden under a hat.

Delicate look with a high ponytail and flowing hair

1. Wind the curls with a curling iron or tongs.
2. Separate a small strand of hair from temple to temple on top and make a light pile.
3. Collect the ponytail at the crown and secure it with a small elastic band.
4. Using a thin strand, wrap the base of the tail and secure it with an invisibility.
5. Sprinkle your hair with hairspray and enjoy the gentle princess look - easy, fast and simple!

Braid twist - easy ponytail hairstyle

1. Comb your hair thoroughly and gather it into a ponytail at the back of your head.
2. Divide your hair into two equal parts and twist them into two bundles
3. Then twist them together and secure the tip with an elastic band. In this case, the strands need to be twisted in one direction, and the braid must be twisted in the other, then it will be in the form of a beautiful spiral.

Quick hairstyle for school with twisted ponytails

This hairstyle allows you to open your face and remove strands from your eyes so as not to interfere with your studies or at work, it looks especially beautiful on long thick hair.

We twist the flagella

It takes no more than 5 minutes to create this easy hairstyle, but it looks feminine and gentle, take note!

Adding decorations

The most ordinary styling can be transformed by decorating it with a beautiful hairpin. Interesting decorations in themselves create a unique image, add sophistication to you. Here is one of the options for hairstyles with decoration.

Easy hairstyles for every day - step by step photos

Create easy hairstyles and be beautiful every day!

Complete collection of materials: "hairstyle of 3 tails step by step" for you and your friends.

A woman's mood changes every day, every hour, and sometimes within minutes. During such periods, you often want to try something new, beautiful, get distracted or just enjoy. One of the simplest and most proven ways can be simple styling, and not necessarily in the salon, but also at home. It is enough just to stock up on ideas or pick up the option you like on the go.

Light hairstyles, staged at home using a minimum amount of available tools and styling materials, will become a real anti-stress tool. They will also allow you to quickly transform before the arrival of guests, prepare for a walk, shopping with friends or an unplanned date.

Hair preparation

Front braid for medium length hair

This hairstyle is based on a straight bob haircut. To do this, make a side parting. Take a small front section of hair from the wider side. Apply mousse or styling foam to it to smooth and slightly moisturize your hair. Weave the braid along the front line, gradually weaving strands from the face. Bring to the temple line, while the length of the hair is enough, and collect the end with an elastic band. You can decorate the braid with a flower or a beautiful hairpin.

Hairstyles for medium hair, described in stages in the instructions, require a minimum amount of styling time due to the practical and versatile length.

Hairstyle with front decorating braid on long hair

Owners of long hair who want to look spectacular and at the same time spend a minimum of time and effort on styling should take note of this option. Comb your hair into a side parting. You will need a small section in front of the wider section. Braid it into a thin long pigtail. Secure the end with an elastic band. Lay your hair on one side and wrap it several times with a braided pigtail, like a tourniquet. Secure the end with an elastic band again. The hairstyle is done quickly and does not require preliminary preparation. It is suitable for every day, and will decorate a festive look.

Hairstyles in stages (photos are presented in the article), made with elements of braids, look extremely elegant, despite the seeming simplicity of execution. They emphasize the femininity and romance of the created image.

Hairstyle with a low wreath of braids at the back of the head

What could be easier than braiding a simple braid? And if you place it strategically, you get a spectacular and original hairstyle that can be styled every day. To perform the styling option shown in the photo, make a straight parting, and distribute the hair at the back into two parts at the back of the head. Braid each of them into a side braid, weaving one strand from the center along the entire length. Secure the braids with rubber bands. Connect the resulting parts of the hairstyle crosswise, as in the photo, and secure with hairpins. You will get a beautiful wreath of braids on the back of the head, made in a careless technique.

This hairstyle looks good with summer dresses and romantic blouses. For owners of bangs and medium length hair, it is suitable for every day. Beautiful hairstyles, done in stages at home, do not have to be complicated in order to create the most effective and eye-catching style.

Knot with braids on long hair

For those who like smooth and rather restrained styling with romantic accents, the knot is perfect. It is necessary to pre-distribute the hair along the side parting. Leave the front strands on both sides free, and fix the remaining hair in a low voluminous knot. Secure it with hairpins and invisibles if necessary. On the wider side of the parting, braid two thin pigtails. Draw a line in the direction from the parting to the temples, weaving the hair, as in the "spikelet". On the other hand, braid one strand, as in the photo. Wrap the knot with three braids and secure with bobby pins.

A phased hairstyle made using this technique is suitable for both the office and a romantic date, depending on the complementary details of clothing and accessories.

High knot with braid decoration

This hairstyle is perfect for a special occasion or a romantic date. Laying visually stretches facial features, lengthens the neck and slims the silhouette. If you have bangs, separate it in a straight line. Tie the rest of your hair into a high ponytail. Secure with a stiff elastic band to keep your hair from slipping. Separate one strand. Tie your hair into a high knot with or without a twister. Secure with pins. Braid the strand and scroll around the base of the knot. Decorate it with an artificial flower or a pretty hairpin.

Beautiful hairstyles, staged with a twister, take about 5 minutes to style, and look even and smooth throughout the day.

"Shell" for a classic office style

Girls who go to work in a hurry sometimes do not have time for beautiful styling. A simple and beautiful “shell” hairstyle will cope with this task. It is perfect for everyday office wear. To do this, you will need a stiff, thin elastic band and two sushi sticks if the styling is not smooth with your fingers. Comb your hair to the side, tie it into a low ponytail, as in the photo. Take two sushi sticks or knitting needles. Scroll them inside the hair, creating a "shell". Secure the hairstyle with hairpins along the line of sticks / knitting needles. Spray with varnish, smoothing unruly hairs.

Hairstyles for every day, described in stages in the article, are also suitable for the office. It is only necessary to give the hair a smoother and more even texture, associated with a business dress code.

Hairstyle with voluminous braids on long hair

This installation will take a few minutes to complete. It is only necessary to give the hair an elastic volumetric texture by applying foam or styling mousse so that the bundles do not unwind. To do this, divide your hair into two sections. Tie one into a low ponytail. Divide the second into three more horizontally, as in the photo. Roll each of the strands into a tourniquet, and then collect all three in one tail along with the second half of the hair. Decorate the tail with a flower, a beautiful hair clip or a colored elastic band. Styling looks spectacular on streaked hair, creating a fancy pattern along the line of plaits.

A phased hairstyle made using this technique will decorate a festive or romantic look.

Hairstyle "inverted tail" cascade of three elements

This style will successfully fit into the everyday look and will be appropriate for a special occasion, if you decorate the styling with a festive decor. A phased hairstyle of three inverted tails is performed quite quickly. It is necessary to prepare a voluminous and smooth hair texture to create a styling mood. Use a hair dryer, mousse and a round brush. Then divide all your hair into three horizontal sections. Collect each into a loose ponytail with a stiff elastic band, as in the photo. Starting from the top, twist the ponytail and thread it through the bottom. And so to the last.

If desired, you can increase the number of horizontal elements. Beautifully style the hair falling on the back and sprinkle the upper part with varnish.

Low bun at the base of an inverted tail

This option is a variation of the previous one, but with one element. The hairstyle is suitable for the office, for every day or for a celebration with appropriate decoration. Prepare smooth and voluminous hair texture. Gather them into a loose ponytail at the back of your head. Turn it inside out, as in the photo, and then twist it into a roll and secure with hairpins in a low bun. Spray your hair with hairspray. Complete with a flower or hairpin. A phased hairstyle made using the “inverted ponytail” technique has two advantages: it is created very quickly and at the same time looks extremely impressive.

Each of the styling options presented will allow you to create a new style in minutes. Hairstyles made in stages, the photos of which are presented above, are easy to perform, economical in time and require a minimum set of styling products and tools. Choose an individual option for a daily look, for an important occasion - and forward to new styles!

Ponytail braid - 5 ideas and 9 video tutorials on how to implement them

By learning how to weave a braid from ponytails, you can spend less time creating original hairstyles, as well as be sure that they are neat throughout the whole day of wearing. Such solutions due to elastic bands and weaves last longer than usual. And the original solutions that you can create with the help of tails will amaze you with their diversity.

One of the options for creating a braid without weaving

Best Easy Solutions

A professionally done ponytail braid looks like a real intricate braid. In order to start making complex options, you must first master the basic methods that look very elegant and original.

You can weave simpler solutions yourself, but for this you need to practice in advance. Leave at least 40 minutes to work.

Classic scheme

Detailed decoding of the scheme:

  1. Take a small curl above your forehead, tie it with an elastic band and throw it towards your face.
  2. Tie another one directly below it.
  3. Return the top ponytail, dividing it into two halves.
  4. Throw the second ponytail towards the forehead above the first, “grasping” it with two strands of the second.
  5. Gather these two strands together and add more hair from the left and right sides of the hair.

In the process of weaving, the hair should be pulled out a little.

  1. Tie them in a ponytail.
  2. Return the top strand, divide it into two parts.
  3. Repeat steps 4 to 7 until you are done.
  4. While braiding, slightly pull the hair out of the elastic to make the braid more voluminous.
  5. The result is ready.

Before weaving, it is worth applying foam to the hair or just moistening the hair a little.

You can also make such a braid on hair treated with an iron with corrugation

These video tutorials will help you master the creation of this hairstyle even faster:

Simplified braid

An even simpler option will allow you to diversify your style. You can create such a hairstyle with your own hands, it is not difficult, but the result is impressive.

Step by step guide for beginners:

  1. Tie in a high ponytail. Divide it into two parts - upper and lower.
  2. Tie the top with an elastic band at a distance of 5-7 cm from the root zone.
  3. Pass the bottom of the main curl through the hole above the elastic on the top ponytail (from the inside out).
  4. Also make a ponytail from the threaded part, now it is on top, and the lower strand will need to be threaded through it identically to step 3.
  5. Then repeat steps 4 and 3 until you braid. If desired, the hair from the rubber bands can be slightly pulled out.

This is what the finished result looks like

If you take small curls, you get almost a fishtail pigtail, only without weaving. You can try to create such an option without the first step, or simply complement it with another hair design.

Video tutorial on implementing this idea.

Create complex braids

Having mastered the basic instructions, you can safely take on more complex and original solutions that can be created even at home. Stock up on a comfortable comb, comb, small elastic bands and try bright and original braid options without weaving.

Having mastered easy methods, you can move on to more complex ones.

Stylish 3D braid

The original 3D elastic braid is more complicated than the above hairstyles, but the finished result looks very voluminous and festive. Such an idea can be realized with your own hands, but it is better to entrust this matter to someone who will be easier to see the process and control the design of the hair.

Photo of the finished result

Detailed instructions for creating such a 3D braid:

  1. Tie a section of hair from the forehead, as well as two sections of hair of the same size below - in three tails.
  2. Divide the topmost tail into three parts, and the one that goes below into two.
  3. Place the middle strand from the top curl between the two strands of the bottom one, while holding the latter perpendicular to the head in one hand.
  4. After that, with the left and right tips of the upper tail, “grasp” the curls that you hold perpendicularly, leading them from the left and right sides, respectively.

This hairstyle can be varied with other braids.

  1. Pin the strands that you have in your hands for now or throw them to the side of the face, we will need them later.
  2. The three sections of the upper curl, which are now threaded through the two curls of the second tail, must be lowered to the third tail, and tied with a small elastic band along with the last one.
  3. Now we have a two-strand ponytail, and a second ponytail, connected in step 6. Tie another tail below, separating the strands from the hair.
  4. Repeat steps 2-6.
  5. Next, when you are back at step 7 with 2 ponytails, tie the third again, and repeat steps 2-6.
  6. From the finished braid you need to pull out the strands to give it volume. Start at the top of the hair, first pulling out the middle strand, and then the right and left, and go down the entire length of the hair.

Volume braid from different angles

Video tutorials to help you in weaving:

Scythe of twisted tails

A rather complicated, but at the same time creative hairstyle will be an excellent addition to a romantic look, suitable for an evening dress and even a business suit.

Luxurious result of intricate weaving

How to implement this idea:

  1. Take the hair from the left and right sides of the hair and tie them. Pass the ponytail through you up through the bottom, and throw it towards the face.
  2. With the lower section of hair, do the same - collect a wide strand, tie it, twist it and then throw it up or pin it up so that it does not interfere.
  3. Repeat step 1 until all curls are covered. Then lower the strands thrown up.

The process of threading strands

  1. Divide the top ponytail into two halves, shift them between each other. After that, stab the resulting left half with a large hairpin so that it does not interfere.
  2. Repeat step 4 with all collected curls.
  3. As a result, you got several tips on the left and right sides of the head. Connect their tips together at the bottom of the hair, slightly wrapping the curls in an arc, secure the tips with invisibility.
  4. Fix the finished result with strong hold varnish.

The price of such weaving in salons can reach up to 1200-1500 rubles, therefore, having mastered the hairstyle, you can pamper yourself and those around you with an original look for free. A detailed video tutorial on creating this weaving option.

Butterfly braid

No less original and magnificent solution will be the “Butterfly” option, which you can also create yourself, but you will have to practice.

Creation instructions:

  1. Take small sections of hair from the left and right sides of your hair and tie them up. Divide the resulting strand into two parts.

Use small silicone rubber bands

  1. The part of the left strand of the formed tail that remains above the elastic should be divided into two parts and the left strand created in step 1 should be passed through them, moving from the outside to the inside.
  2. The same must be repeated with the right strand, which must be passed in the middle of the right strand over the elastic.
  3. The threaded hair should be gently pulled out to create voluminous arcs, you can also fluff it with a comb.
  4. Next, add curls from the left and right parts of the hair to the ends of the first “butterfly”, tie the tail and repeat steps 2 to 4. After that, according to this instruction, you need to tie in tails and style all sections of the hair.

It looks like a hairstyle "Butterflies"

Curls must be straightened carefully, while making "wings" of the same size.

Video tutorial on creating "Butterflies" from hair.

A hairstyle created with ponytails allows you to simulate luxurious braids, while weaving them will not take you much time. Choose easy or complex solutions, use the instructions that are most convenient for you, and decorate your looks with stylish braids!

If you have any questions about the article, ask them in the comments and we will answer you. You will find more interesting ideas in the video in this article.

Scythe with rubber bands

An elastic braid is a great alternative to complex weaves. It is available even to dads, and it looks even more beautiful, more interesting and richer.

Volume braid

This luxurious hairstyle is in no way inferior to complex hairdressing creations, and is performed in just 10 minutes. It can be created even on not very thick strands, without having absolutely no experience.

  1. Comb all your hair back.
  2. Tie them with a thin silicone rubber band.
  3. A little lower, separate exactly such a section and also tie it.
  4. Rotate it around its axis, forming an inverted tail.
  5. Continue tying and turning the ponytails step by step along the remaining length.
  6. Gently stretch each section with your hands to make the hairstyle voluminous and lush.

If you want to improve the condition of your hair, you should pay special attention to the shampoos you use. A frightening figure - 96% of shampoos of popular brands contain components that poison our body. The main substances, due to which all the troubles, are indicated on the labels as sodium lauryl sulfate, sodium laureth sulfate, coco sulfate, PEG. These chemical components destroy the structure of the curls, the hair becomes brittle, loses elasticity and strength, the color fades. But the worst thing is that this muck gets into the liver, heart, lungs, accumulates in the organs and can cause cancer. We advise you to refrain from using products containing this chemistry. Recently, the experts of our editorial staff conducted an analysis of sulfate-free shampoos, where the first place was taken by funds from the company Mulsan Сosmetic. The only manufacturer of completely natural cosmetics. All products are manufactured under strict quality control and certification systems. We recommend visiting the official online store If you doubt the naturalness of your cosmetics, check the expiration date, it should not exceed one year of storage.

Braid in the form of bows

Bow-shaped pigtails look very elegant and are ideal for girls of all ages - from schoolgirls to new mothers.

  1. Comb all your hair back.
  2. With a horizontal parting, separate part of the hair at the level of the temples.
  3. Tie it with a thin elastic band.
  4. Divide the ends in half.
  5. Form one part of the bow by pulling the strand through the elastic, but without pulling it out completely.
  6. Cross the elastic again and fix the second part of the bow with it.
  7. For reliability, pin it with hairpins.
  8. Step back a couple of centimeters and tie the tail again.
  9. Divide it in half and form a bow according to the already known principle.
  10. Repeat these steps again so that the last bow is at neck level.
  11. Gently stretch the weave with your hands.
  12. Secure your hair with hairspray and hairpins.

french braid

A beautifully braided French braid is the perfect solution for a variety of events. She will add charm to your image and make it incredibly feminine.

2. With a horizontal parting, separate part of the hair at the level of the temples and tie them into a “Malvinka”.

3. Separate a thin strand and wrap the elastic band around it, hiding the tip under the hair and pinning it with an invisibility.

4. Separate another small section a little lower and tie it up as well.

5. Divide the first tail in half and pass both halves under the second tail.

6. Lift the second one up and stab it with a clip so that it does not interfere yet.

7. Separate another section below and tie it with an elastic band.

8. Release the second ponytail from the clip, divide it in half and pass both halves under the third.

9. Continue weaving to the desired level. Do not be lazy and braid the French braid along the entire length.

10. Gently stretch the braid sections with your hands. This will hide the elastic bands and make the styling lush.

In the same way, you can braid a braid around your head - ideal for holidays and work.

To braid such hearts, it is not at all necessary to master the complex technique of French weaving. Enough to stock up on a few basic items.

1. Comb your entire hair back.

2. Separate two strands near the forehead and connect them with an elastic band at the back of the head.

3. Turn the tail out through the hole in the middle.

4. At the temples, separate two more of the same strands.

5. Connect them to the tip of the first tail and tie, stepping back a couple of centimeters.

6. Turn the tips through the hole inside the hair.

7. Tie the third tail from the remaining strands and also turn them around its axis.

8. Stretch the inner parts of the weave with your fingers, giving them the shape of hearts.

How to weave a fishtail without mastering the classic technique? Our detailed master class will help you easily cope with this task. In just a few minutes, you will be able to create such a stylish hairstyle that will not go unnoticed by others.

1. Comb everything back.

2. Separate two small strands from the left and right sides. The thinner they are, the more beautiful the braid will turn out.

3. Connect them together in the back of the head. Do not tighten the elastic band too much - it will have to be lowered down.

4. Separate one more thin strand from both sides of the head and connect them immediately under the first tail.

5. Form an inverted ponytail by twisting the second pair of strands under the elastic of the first pair. It is important not to catch the central hair, otherwise the styling will look sloppy.

6. Again separate a thin strand on both sides and tie them.

7. Turn this pair under the elastic that secures the first ponytail.

8. Continue to select the side strands, connect them together and pass the first ponytail under the elastic band. To increase the length of the braid, gradually lower the elastic down, only very carefully so that it does not tear.

9. In the last stages, when almost the entire length will be woven into the braid, do not throw over the elastic, but simply tie in the center.

10. Stretch the sides of the weave a little with your hands so that the fishtail becomes as lush as in this photo. The tip can be decorated with a bow, hairpin or ribbon.

This is a quick, easy and original styling for long strands.

1. Tie the hair at the base of the neck.

2. Stepping back from the elastic a few centimeters, tie another one. The distance between them depends on the length of the hair and your preferences.

3. Divide this section in half.

4. Pull the ends of the strands into the resulting hole.

5. Step back the same distance and tie another elastic band. Form an inverted tail.

6. Continue weaving to the desired level.

This incredibly intricate braid is the perfect choice for special occasions. No one will ever think that you created it yourself! Watch this master class and follow the whole process step by step.

1. Comb your hair into a side parting and wind it with an iron. This will give the hair extra volume.

2. With a horizontal parting, separate a part of the hair approximately at the level of the earlobes and pin it with a clip so that it does not interfere yet.

3. On the left side near the ear, separate a small strand and tie it into a ponytail.

4. Pull it through the base.

5. Gently stretch its sides with your hands.

6. Select two more thin strands a little lower, tie them and turn them out.

7. Continue turning the ponytails all the way through this part.

8. Release the main part of the hair from the clip.

9. Separate small sections from it on the sides and pin them with clips.

10. Braid the central part into a fishtail.

11. Tie off the tip and gently stretch the sections with your hands.

12. Wrap this braid around the first weave. Hide the tip inside and stab with invisibility.

13. Release the strands on the sides from the clamp.

14. Braid them into French braids, picking up loose curls on one side only.

15. Pass them through the base of the fishtail and wrap the already formed hairstyle. Hide the ends inside and stab with invisibility.

16. Straighten the styling, giving it splendor.

This voluminous shirred braid will make you look like one of the Disney princesses.

1. Carefully comb your hair.

2. Pin up the bulk of your hair, leaving only the bottom section.

3. Walk on it with an iron with a corrugation nozzle.

4. Gradually release new sections of hair and iron them.

5. Tie your hair at the crown.

6. Divide into four parts. Tie the two extremes together with a thin silicone rubber band.

7. Stretch the weave a little with your hands, pulling the strands up.

8. Again we make a ponytail from the extreme strands and stretch it with our hands.

9. Repeat these steps for the remaining length, gently stretching each section.

A braid of ponytails with elastic bands will be the best option for everyday wear to work or school. Hair will not interfere, because you will remove them in an elegant hairstyle.

  1. Comb your hair back.
  2. Divide it into three equal parts with horizontal partings.
  3. Tie each with a rubber band.
  4. Rotate the first tail around its axis, making it inverted.
  5. Connect the ends with the next tail and repeat the same action.
  6. Connect the tips of the now two tails with the third and repeat the process again.
  7. Straighten the braid of elastic bands and tails so that it is fuller.