How to make your hair smooth at home. How to make your hair smooth


Beautiful, manageable and smooth hair not only adorns a woman, but also makes her more confident.

But unfortunately, there is also hair that creates many problems (loss, quickly becomes greasy, and cannot be styled), but as they say, everything is in our hands.

Wash your hair correctly

So, let's start with washing your hair, it seems nothing complicated, washed and that's it, in fact you need to know the following:

  • You only need to wash your hair with warm water, since hot water affects the structure of the hair (it can damage it), and cool water will not wash away the dirt collected on the hair.
  • When washing your hair, you need to not only wash your hair, but also your scalp; use your fingers to massage the head, thereby improving blood circulation and nutrition of the hair follicles. Thanks to the massage, hair will grow better.

Natural rinses

To make your hair look healthy and shiny, use rinses from: every time after washing your hair:

  1. Decoction of chamomile, nettle, burdock roots (for blond hair)
  2. Decoction of oak bark, hops (for dark hair)
  3. Sage decoction is an amazing remedy; your hair will be not only smooth, but shiny.
  4. Onion peel decoction (for red hair)

To restore shine and healthy appearance to your hair, forget about curling and heat styling for a while. Proper hair washing is the first step to silky and smooth hair.

Nourishing hair masks

In order for your hair to style beautifully and make you irresistible, you need to “feed” it, i.e. make nourishing masks. Masks should be made in accordance with the structure of your hair. If you have oily hair The following masks are suitable:

  • 2 tablespoons of onion juice + 2 tablespoons of castor oil. Rub the mixture into the scalp using massage movements for 5-10 minutes, put on a plastic cap (bag), wrap a towel on top and hold for 1 hour, then wash your hair.
  • 2 tablespoons lemon juice + 2 tablespoons carrot juice. Rub into the scalp with massage movements for 5-7 minutes, wrap your head and wash your hair after an hour.
  • 1 tablespoon honey + 1 egg + 1 tablespoon castor oil. Rub this mixture into your scalp for 1-2 hours, wrap with film and a towel and then wash your hair.

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Masks for dry hair:

  • the fastest and most affordable mask is sour milk; kefir; yogurt. The substances they contain quickly penetrate the hair roots, nourish them, which gives them shine and eliminates fragility. Apply the fermented milk product to your hair for 30-40 minutes and wash your hair.
  • Mix 2 egg yolks with 2 tbsp. melted honey and 1 tbsp. burdock oil. Apply the mixture to dry hair along the entire length. Wrap your head in plastic wrap and a towel on top for 1-2 hours and rinse.
  • Soak 2 tablespoons of gelatin in warm water until it swells, then heat in a water bath until the gelatin is completely dissolved, add the yolk. Apply this mixture to the scalp and the entire length of hair for 1 hour and wash your hair well.

A very good nourishing mask for all types of hair: 1 yolk + 1 tbsp. mayonnaise + 1 tsp. honey Keep this mixture for 1 hour (under a film cap), then rinse with hot water.

To keep your hair smooth, after washing your hair, wrap it in a towel for 20 minutes. So that the moisture is absorbed into the towel, and then dry it with a hairdryer, but not on a hot setting. Do not comb wet hair, as this will cause it to become brittle. Use wooden combs and brushes.

Take care of your hair and it will be smooth and silky, and it will not be difficult for you to create a beautiful hairstyle.

Shiny hair is a sign of its health and beauty. Shiny hair attracts the eye, makes a woman feel confident, and creates a good mood.

Causes of dullness

Why does hair grow dull? The main causes of dull hair can be divided into three groups:

  1. psycho-emotional overload;
  2. poor nutrition;
  3. unfavorable ecological environment.

Hair quickly reacts to stress and lack of sleep. Try to avoid nervous overload and sleep at least 8 hours a day.

There is no special diet for hair. But it is necessary to properly balance your diet, since to maintain the natural shine of your hair you need nourish her from within. After all, the main nutrition that hair receives comes to it through the hair follicle. Therefore, it is necessary to properly balance your diet. The daily diet should contain animal protein, dried fruits, and edible gelatin. B vitamins are very useful.

Dull hair often lacks vitamin H, which improves the condition of the stratum corneum. Finding this vitamin in nature is quite problematic, so take medications containing this vitamin two to three times a year. In addition, eat almonds, avocados, dairy products, sesame seeds and pumpkin seeds.

Often the appearance of dullness indicates a lack of zinc in the body. Zinc is found in large quantities in oysters, shrimp, and crayfish. In addition, meat, poultry, seafood, oatmeal, legumes, eggs and milk, as well as brown bread and sunflower seeds will be useful.

Have a strong influence on the condition of the hair and environmental factors: Very often they lose their shine in the summer. They become dull, dry, and brittle as a result of prolonged exposure to sunlight. Therefore, you should not go out into the open sun with your head uncovered. As a last resort, apply sunscreen to your hair. Frosty, dank weather does not have the best effect on the condition of your hair, so in the autumn-winter period it is also necessary to wear a hat.

Sea water also has a harmful effect on hair roots. Therefore, when swimming in the sea, be sure to pick them up so that sea salt does not get on them.

After swimming in sea water, it is useful to rinse your strands with a mixture of lemon juice or vinegar and water (2 tablespoons per 1 liter of water). Do not comb wet hair to avoid damaging the roots. Protect them from adverse mechanical, physical and chemical influences. Permanent and chemical dyes contain strong alkalis and change the natural acidity of the hair. This destroys the chemical bonds that maintain the level of keratin in the structure of the curls and rebuilds them. Chemical compounds must be used with great care. Perm and bleach your hair if necessary. only high quality products. Remember that even such harmless dye as henna and basma changes the structure of the hair.

Hair dryers, hot rollers, electric combs and curling irons concentrate heat on a small area and dehydrate strands. Therefore, it is not advisable to use them regularly.
Although there are other reasons for the appearance of dull hair: decreased sebum secretion, some diseases, heredity, etc. Low hemoglobin can also be the cause of dullness. By nature, women are more likely to suffer from iron deficiency anemia, because menstruation and childbirth are the main causes of iron loss.

Loss of hair shine can be due to lack of blood circulation, so the scalp needs a massage.

Comb your hair in different directions at least 200 times daily. It is best to do this massage in the fresh air, for example, near an open window. Brushes and combs should be washed weekly with shampoo and a soft brush. Wooden combs are the most useful.

Sometimes hair loses its shine due to the wrong selection of cosmetic care products, in particular those that do not match your type.

Choose the right hair care products - shampoos and rinses must match your type and be certified.

You should not change shampoos often; it is much more important to choose the right detergent according to the acidity level indicated on the package “pH”. For oily types, the pH should be in the range of 5.5-6.0, for dry ones - 4.0-5.0. For flaky skin with dandruff - 3.0 (most often these are baby shampoos).

The habit of washing your hair daily, “imported” to us from America, is not useful for everyone. If washed too often, they lose their natural moisture and, therefore, their shine. Indeed, it is not harmful to wash very oily strands even every day. It is recommended to wash dry ones no more than once every 5-6 days.

Be sure to use rinses or balms. This is a kind of protection. They reduce the alkaline reaction, protect hair from harmful substances, give it shine, and make it fluffy. By the way, until balms were invented, fashionistas added lemon juice or vinegar to the water they used to rinse their hair. This water reduces the alkaline reaction. This recipe is quite acceptable today, replacing rinsing agents.

Try not to rinse your hair with tap water, as too hard water can also cause loss of shine.

Take the time to boil a couple of kettles of water - they will be enough for the final rinse. You need to wash your hair with warm water that is pleasant to the scalp.
A very useful experience for Chinese fashionistas is to never use a hairdryer, but to dry your hair by patting it with a soft natural silk napkin - it will become shiny and silky. In Rus' they used linen towels.

Believe me, you can cope with this problem on your own and at any age!!! After all, we have up to 150 thousand hairs on our heads; they not only die every day, but are also born and grow.

Ways to add shine

Home Remedies

To soften and add shine to your hair, you can use medicinal herbs and common home remedies:

  1. To add shine to blonde hair: Apply 1 cup of cooled strong chamomile infusion to clean hair and leave for half an hour, covering your head with cellophane and a scarf. After this, wash your hair with shampoo and rinse with water acidified with lemon juice.
  2. For shine on dark hair: Apply warm natural, unsweetened coffee to clean, damp hair (2 tablespoons of natural ground coffee, a glass of boiling water, strain) for 30 minutes. Use a hat to keep warm. Then wash your hair with a mild shampoo. Less concentrated coffee (3 teaspoons of natural coffee, 1/2 liter of boiling water) can be used as a rinse for dark hair. Also, for rinsing brunettes and brown-haired women, you can use a decoction of hops (2 tablespoons of hops and 2 tablespoons of tartar, pour 1 liter of water, boil for 20 minutes, then filter and cool).
  3. Fabulous chestnut shade and radiant shine A tincture of walnuts can give hair a boost. You need to take 50 ml of water, 75 ml of olive oil, 25 g of alum and 15 g of crushed walnuts. The mixture should be kept over low heat, cooled and lubricated with it.
  4. To give chic shine for red hair m: mix beet and carrot juice in equal quantities, apply a cup of this mixture over the entire length. After this, put on a shower cap and warm your head with a hairdryer for several minutes, then keep the product on your hair for another 15 minutes. After this, rinse with warm water.

Rinse aids

Folk recipes for preparing rinses that add shine:

  1. Infusion of finely chopped plantain leaves: 2 tbsp. spoons of leaves per 1 cup of boiling water.
  2. Infusion of chopped dandelion flowers: 2 tbsp. spoons per 1 cup of boiling water.
  3. Pour 2 tablespoons of finely chopped birch leaves into 1 glass of boiling water, leave for 15-20 minutes, strain. Rinse your hair with this infusion after washing your hair. Course 2-3 times a week for a month.
  4. Pour the peels of 3-4 apples into 1 liter of water, bring to a boil, then cool, strain and rinse your hair. This will restore their shine, softness and add volume.
  5. To make hair shiny, after washing, rinse with parsley decoction: 50 g of parsley, pour 0.5 liters of water, boil for 15 minutes, cool, then filter.
  6. For rapid growth, shine and strengthening of hair, burdock is used as a whole plant. Burdock leaves and roots are crushed, boiled and left for 30 minutes. Wash or rinse strands with hot broth for 5-10 minutes.
  7. For shine, dark hair is rinsed with tea decoction (boil 2 tablespoons of tea for 5 minutes in a liter of water).
  8. For shine, strengthening, and also against dandruff, a nettle rinse is used: for this you need to add fresh nettle juice to the rinse water. You can also prepare a decoction or infusion of fresh nettle for this purpose.
  9. Sometimes pamper your hair by rinsing it with chilled mineral-carbonated water: it tones the scalp well and has a natural micro-massage effect, stimulating blood circulation.
  10. Rinsing with heated light beer is very beneficial for the scalp; this procedure, when used periodically, will also give a healthy shine to the hair.
  11. Rinse for mixed type: 1 part chamomile, 1 part yarrow, 1 part celandine, 1 part sage. Cooking: 1 tbsp. Pour a spoonful of herbs into 0.5 liters of boiling water and leave for about 30 - 40 minutes. Then cool and strain.
  12. To make hair lighter and more shiny, use a decoction consisting of a mixture of chamomile, sunflower and barberry flowers in equal quantities.
  13. Conditioner for oily strands. Prepare an infusion of herbs: 2 tablespoons of nettle, 2 tablespoons of calendula, 1 tablespoon of oak bark. Pour 1.5 liters of boiling water, leave for 30 minutes, strain and rinse your hair generously in a bowl several times. There is no need to use regular water after the procedure.


Folk recipes for preparing hair rubs and masks that give it shine:

  • 2 egg yolks, 2 tbsp. spoons of burdock oil, 1 teaspoon of calendula tincture. Apply 15 minutes before washing your hair.
  • 1 egg yolk, 1 tbsp. spoon of lemon juice, 1 tbsp. a spoonful of vegetable oil (preferably olive or peach) per 0.5 cup of warm water. Apply 10 minutes before washing your hair.
  • 1 teaspoon aloe juice, 1 tbsp. spoon of honey, 1 teaspoon of castor oil. Apply 30-40 minutes before washing your hair.
  • 1 teaspoon each of burdock and castor oil and 2 teaspoons of lemon juice. Apply 45 minutes before shampooing
  • Take 4 tablespoons of rum or cognac and 1 egg, beat until smooth, rub it thoroughly into your hair, wrap your head in a warm towel. After 20-25 minutes, rinse your hair with warm water. They will acquire a natural shine.
  • To improve the appearance of hair, a recipe for the sauna (the mask can also be done in the bath): mix 1 egg, 2 tablespoons of castor oil, 1 teaspoon of vinegar and 1 teaspoon of glycerin. Continuously whisking and rub into scalp. Cover your head with a cap and a warm towel, leave it on for an hour, then wash it off. With this mask, the main thing is to keep your head warm. After this procedure, hair becomes thick, shiny, silky and easier to style.
  • To restore hair structure and add shine: take 1 teaspoon of honey, 1 teaspoon of olive oil, 1 teaspoon of shampoo, mix the juice of 1 small onion and apply to the hair roots for 20-30 minutes. Then rinse well with boiled water and shampoo and rinse with water and vinegar. The compress fights hair loss, strengthens depleted hair, prevents early gray hair, and gives a healthy shine. Use this recipe once every 1-1.5 months.
  • To add shine to your hair: mix three tablespoons of mayonnaise with a crushed clove of garlic and apply to clean strands while in the steam room (or in the bath), then rinse with shampoo. This mask requires heat.
  • Take a solution of vitamin D2 in oil 10 ml, a pharmaceutical bottle of castor oil, a tablespoon each: lemon juice, cognac, honey, onion juice and egg yolk. Mix all ingredients except cognac and heat in a water bath. Add cognac immediately before application. If your hair is falling out, it is recommended to leave this mask on for as long as possible, even up to 12 hours, or you can do it at night. A very effective mask for strengthening and adding shine to hair.
  • Nourishing mask to restore shine and vitality to hair: grind a fleshy aloe leaf in a meat grinder, mix it with a tablespoon of honey, a tablespoon of castor oil and one yolk. Add a teaspoon of cognac to the mixture. You need to keep the mask on for two hours. Doing it every week, in a month you will see amazing results.
  • It is useful to wash your hair with egg yolks once a month. Instead of shampoo, rub lightly beaten yolks into your hair and scalp (two yolks for medium-length hair), rinse after 15 minutes.
  • Nourishing yogurt mask for normal hair: heat the yogurt until warm (about 37 degrees) and apply to hair. Cover your head with cellophane and tie it with a warm scarf. After 20 - 30 minutes, lubricate the hair with yogurt again and massage the scalp with your fingertips for 3 - 5 minutes. Then rinse your hair several times with hot water without shampoo.
  • Mask for normal hair: pour boiling water over a mixture of herbs (chamomile, linden, nettle). For 200 ml of water, 1 tablespoon of chamomile, 1 tablespoon of linden, 1 tablespoon of nettle. After half an hour, strain the mixture, add liquid vitamins A, B1, B12, E (in oil) and crumble rye bread crusts into the liquid. After 15 minutes, apply the mixture to your hair and leave under the film for 1-1.5 hours. For convenience, tie a napkin around your head. Rinse with plenty of running water.
  • To strengthen and add shine to your hair, we recommend preparing an oil bath: mix 50 g of castor (corn, olive, burdock) oil with a few drops of lemon or one teaspoon of birch sap and heat in a steam bath. Rub the warm mixture into the hair roots with a cotton swab or brush. Then cover your head with a plastic scarf and a terry towel. After 2 hours, wash your hair with shampoo and rinse with a solution of apple cider vinegar (one tablespoon of vinegar per 1 liter of water).
  • To strengthen and add shine to oily hair, a parsley mask is effective: 100 g of fresh parsley gruel is poured with one teaspoon of vodka and two teaspoons of castor oil, rubbed into the roots and kept under a plastic scarf for 1 hour. Then the hair is washed with water and shampoo, rinsed with infusion nettle with vinegar (1 tablespoon of vinegar per 1 liter of infusion).
  • Mask for dry hair: equal amounts of onion pulp and fresh beets are mixed in a 1:1 ratio with heated burdock oil and rubbed into the roots. After 40 minutes, the strands are washed with shampoo and rinsed with infusion of nettle or chamomile.
  • To add shine to dry hair: pour two tablespoons of fresh calendula flowers into 1/2 cup of hot castor oil, leave for 24 hours, then heat in a water bath and rub into the hair roots. The head is covered with a plastic scarf and a terry towel. After 1 hour, wash with water and shampoo or baby soap and rinse with infusion of nettle or chamomile.
  • Mask for adding shine to dry hair: 100 ml of vodka, 50 g of castor oil are mixed with 1/2 cup of onion juice, add 7.5 g of ascorbic acid. The mixture is rubbed into the hair roots, kept under a plastic scarf for 30-40 minutes, then washed off with water and shampoo and rinsed with nettle or chamomile infusion.
  • Mask after perm: before each wash, you need to make a mask from equal parts of sea buckthorn (rose hip) and castor oil, one yolk and five drops of vitamin A. The mixture is heated in a water bath, a few drops of carrot juice are added and rubbed into the hair roots. The head is wrapped in a plastic scarf and a terry towel. After 1 hour, the hair is washed with shampoo and rinsed with an infusion of herbs (one tablespoon of stinging nettle, horsetail, white birch leaves in 1/2 liter of water) with one tablespoon of a 6% solution of grape or apple cider vinegar. Vitamins E and P can be added to such a mask as additional or replacement components. Sea buckthorn oil can be replaced with burdock oil with a few drops of vitamins A and E added to it.
  • Another mask after perm: one tablespoon of castor oil, one tablespoon of shampoo and one teaspoon of aloe juice are heated in a water bath and rubbed into the hair roots. After 30 minutes, wash off with shampoo and rinse with water and vinegar or lemon juice (one tablespoon per 1 liter of water). The following recipe is also useful: the juice of one onion and two or three cloves of garlic are mixed with one tablespoon of honey, one yolk and 1/2 cup of shampoo. Rub into hair roots for 15 minutes, then rinse with water and rinse with boiled water and soda or glycerin (one tablespoon per 1 liter of water).

Special rinses will help make your hair shiny and soft. Tap water severely damages hair, making it brittle and dry. To avoid this, you can use mineral water instead of hair conditioner. Daily rinsing with still mineral water will help add shine and brightness to dull hair and make it more manageable. In addition, after washing, it is recommended to rinse your hair with “live” high-quality beer, because it contains many nutrients necessary for a healthy scalp and active hair growth. Rinsing with slightly warmed beer will help make your hair shiny and silky.

Hair is also often rinsed with various decoctions, for example, a decoction of chamomile, oak bark or nettle. Such decoctions help saturate hair with nutrients, enhance growth and soften the effects of hard running water on the scalp.

To prepare a chamomile decoction, take two tablespoons of dried flowers and pour a glass of boiled water over them. The flowers should infuse for half an hour, after which you can rinse your washed hair with the decoction. There is no need to wash off the broth. It should be borne in mind that a strong chamomile decoction can give a copper tint even to dark hair.

Beauty masks

Your hair will become softer and silkier to the touch if you use any masks at least once a week. Homemade hair care products can be made from ingredients that are easily found in any kitchen, such as:

- kefir;
- egg;
- burdock oil, etc.

Professional hairdressers recommend using mayonnaise as a nourishing hair mask. You need to apply fresh mayonnaise to your hair along the entire length, leave for 10-15 minutes and rinse with warm water. It is better not to use this mask more than once a week to prevent your hair from becoming greasy.

To ensure that your hair is always saturated with moisture and remains soft and shiny, apply a kefir mask to your head more often: fresh kefir warmed to room temperature is carefully applied to the scalp, hair roots and spreads along the entire length. The hair is wrapped in polyethylene and a warm scarf. This mask can be left on your head for an hour or even two. An egg mask is made in exactly the same way, only instead of kefir, beaten and strained yolks are used.

It is better to make a burdock oil mask over a course of 2-3 months at least once a week. To achieve the best result, rub burdock oil, which can be bought at any pharmacy, into the scalp, gradually distributing it over the entire length of the hair. Then you need to cover your hair with plastic, wrap it in a warm scarf and leave the mask for 1.5 hours. You need to wash off the oil with shampoo, since it is quite difficult to wash off. But the result will be noticeable immediately - the hair will be very soft and shiny.

You need to be very careful about your diet. It should contain protein-enriched foods: chicken, fish, mushrooms. Very vitamin B: buckwheat, legumes, vegetables. Eat more nuts, take brewer's yeast. In order to achieve a natural shine, you can try rinsing hair scalp with a solution of vinegar diluted with water or beer on hair.

To achieve shiny hair, you don’t have to spend money on products. You can make a mask yourself in . Very beneficial effect on hair decoctions of nettle and burdock. Masks with almond oil. Rub into hair a small amount of oil, massage and leave for half an hour. To improve hair growth, you can use aloe juice. If hair If they don't want to shine, buy a spray to make them shine. They come in a wide variety and are very easy to use.

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The condition of human hair is influenced by many negative factors: the environment, poor nutrition, and the use of chemicals for styling and coloring. To do hair strong and healthy, it is enough to take some preventive measures. Regular care for them should become a good habit.

You will need

  • - castor, burdock, olive oil;
  • - mustard powder, red pepper tincture;
  • - egg;
  • - chamomile flowers, nettle leaves.


Include fresh vegetables in your diet, especially carrots and beets; legumes - lentils, beans, green peas; beef liver; fermented milk products and butter. For sweets, give preference to halva and dried fruits.

Before you wash hair, comb them in different directions with a massage brush. Use a homemade hair wash once a week. To prepare it, pour hot water over several pieces of rye bread. After it softens, add the yolk of one egg to 1 cup of the resulting mass. Mix thoroughly and apply to hair roots. Put on a warming cap and hold for 20-30 minutes. Then rinse off. Rinse hair a decoction of nettle, chamomile or hop cones. Let your hair dry naturally.

Do hair masks regularly. Include vegetable oils in their composition: burdock, castor or olive; vitamins A and E. To increase effectiveness, add mustard powder or red pepper tincture - they warm the scalp and allow nutrients to act more deeply. The simplest of these masks contains 4 tbsp. spoons of castor oil, 2 yolks and 1 teaspoon of mustard powder. After applying the mask to hair Put on a plastic shower cap and wrap your head with a warm towel. Keep the mask on your hair for no more than 3 hours. Wash it off with shampoo suitable for your hair type.

An excellent substitute for chemical hair styling products can be beer or a decoction of flax seeds. To prepare a decoction, pour 2 tablespoons of seeds with 2 glasses of water. Simmer over low heat for 10 minutes. Strain and apply to damp hair. Lay it in your usual way.

Take care hair from the negative effects of the sun. Wear hats or use an umbrella. After swimming in the sea, be sure to wash off any remaining salt from your hair.

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Helpful advice

During the period of winter and spring vitamin deficiency, take special preparations for hair growth and strengthening.

Add essential and cosmetic oils of sage, chamomile, rosemary, thyme, and jojoba to hair masks.

Beautiful, flowing, shiny like silk hair- this is the cherished dream of every girl. After all, hairstyle is an important weapon for seducing men. But how can you achieve your hair have become truly chic and shiny?

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Luxurious hair is an indicator not only of good care, but also of excellent health. Competent care will help your hair become truly beautiful. And for this you need to know how to properly care for them.


Choose the right shampoo based on your hair type. Dry and damaged strands require additional moisture. Oily people, on the contrary, need products that reduce sebum production. Give preference to shampoos based on medicinal plants.

It is not recommended to wash your hair more than once every two days. This helps maintain a protective layer on the hair and reduces the negative impact of the environment on it. After washing, the use of a hair dryer should only be used as a last resort. It is better if the hair dries on its own. In cases where you cannot do without blow-drying, choose a gentle mode and cold air.

Due to a lack of essential microelements, hair may be subject to excessive hair loss. Special strengthening oils and nourishing masks will help avoid this. Such procedures can be performed weekly. Head massage also helps strengthen the scalp.

Use styling products with caution. Cosmetics that weigh down hair are not completely removed when washed. Its components clog the spaces between the scales and, when dried, lead to increased fragility. These products include wax and styling gel. Try to use them as little as possible. When painting, avoid using products based on perhydrol and ammonia. These substances negatively affect the hair structure and lead to thinning and destruction.


After each shampoo, rinse your hair with decoctions of medicinal plants. The most effective are chamomile, birch buds, nettle and plantain.

Helpful advice

If, with proper hair care, your hair condition does not improve for a long time, consult a trichologist. He will conduct a comprehensive diagnosis of the condition of the scalp and hair and prescribe treatment.

Not all women are naturally beautiful and healthy. Many are forced to struggle with brittle, unruly or too quickly becoming oily hair. However, with the right care, bringing your own hairstyle closer to ideal is not so difficult.

Before you begin treatments to improve your hair, determine your hair type. Normal hair perfectly reflects sunlight, it is smooth, combs well and practically does not split at the ends. Oily hair has a characteristic dull shine and can begin to clump the same day you wash it. Dry hair is difficult to comb and breaks easily, and its ends are cut off. There is also a mixed hair type, which is characterized by oily roots but dry ends.

The easiest way to care for your hair. If you are the lucky owner of this type, all you need to do is wash your hair regularly with the product you choose. Thick and healthy normal hair does not require additional care.

To care for oily hair, shampoos with extracts of sage, nettle, calamus, seaweed, and coltsfoot are most often used. These substances normalize the activity of the sebaceous glands. You can also use your own prepared healing infusions that are suitable for your type. To do this, pour boiling water over five tablespoons of St. John's wort and let it brew for half an hour, and then rinse your hair with the resulting product.

Dry hair requires careful care. Use products with extracts of chamomile, mint, wheat germ, and linden flowers. Try to keep your hair out of direct sunlight - wear hats. For dry hair, a mask made from half a grated avocado mixed with an egg is suitable. Also, do not forget to use balms that nourish and moisturize the hair structure.

  1. Shea Butter. A healing product not only for hair, but also for skin. Thanks to it, the hair becomes smooth and silky. It can be used in masks and also added to balms when washing your hair.
  2. Cacao butter. This oil is heaven for any sweet tooth, because it has an amazing chocolate smell. In addition, cocoa butter has moisturizing properties: it combats dry hair and eliminates brittleness.
  3. Burr oil. An old but very effective remedy. It stops hair loss, makes it strong and elastic.
  4. Olive oil. Many people have it in their kitchen, but not every housewife knows that olive oil is useful not only as a food product. Thus, the oil softens hair and prevents hair loss.
  5. Sunflower oil. An even more affordable option, present in everyone’s kitchen. With regular use, it helps normalize the functioning of the sebaceous glands.

So, using one or more products from this list, any girl can tidy up her hair, making it healthy and strong.

The rest of the girls are less fortunate in this regard. Either individual curls spoil the overall picture, twisting treacherously in the most unexpected places, or the hair becomes very fluffy, creating a “creative mess” on the head.

To keep your hair frizz-free and smooth, you have to put in a lot of effort. However, modern cosmetological and technical developments make it possible to turn even the smallest curls into perfectly even and smooth hair. Hair straightening today is one of the most popular procedures in beauty salons, and various straightening products occupy a large share of space both in cosmetics stores and on the shelves of girls’ and women’s bathrooms.

Our eyes are wide open from everything that the beauty industry offers to women who long to feel like they have perfectly smooth and shiny hair.

But are all these methods so safe? We have prepared for you an overview of various hair straightening methods, having studied all the advantages and disadvantages.

If earlier women went to hairdressers to turn their hair into curls using a perm, now they go to salons to straighten their hair. Chemical hair straightening is not often called. Much more often you can hear the name “professional” or “permanent” hair straightening. And yet, the basis of this method is precisely chemical reactions.

It is not recommended to carry out professional straightening procedures on your own. This ban is explained by the overly active action of the components included in straightening products: if used incorrectly, they can cause significant harm to the hair.

One of the main components of modern professional hair straightening products, which can cope even with elastic curls, is sodium hydroxide. Getting on the hair, this component opens the hair cuticle and softens each hair, changing its structure. For slightly wavy and damaged hair, hair straightening products with a less aggressive active ingredient, ammonium thioglycolate, are used.


The main advantage of this method is its long-lasting effect: you can straighten your hair for a long time, and with each wash you don’t have to think again about how to tame unruly waves or curls. Of course, this is not hair straightening forever, but for several months you will definitely forget about the problems with curly and wavy hair. Or rather, until the hair begins to grow back.


Any chemical effect on hair cannot pass without leaving a trace. Penetrating into the hair structure, professional hair straightening products have a negative effect on the hair and destroy the structure. When the hair itself is damaged, additional intervention can have a particularly negative impact on it. This method is not recommended for colored hair. Chemical straightening preparations are quite toxic, so this method is also not suitable for pregnant, breastfeeding and allergy-prone women.

Do not forget that, despite its beautiful appearance, your hair after professional straightening is very damaged by chemical components, so if you still decide on this procedure, use the most gentle hair care products: sulfate-free shampoos, nourishing masks and oils.

This is another method of professional hair straightening, which appeared in our country not so long ago, but has already established itself as a method that provides the most gentle hair straightening for a long time.

Developers of products for keratin hair straightening, as well as specialists in beauty salons who use this method of hair straightening, claim that it not only does not have a negative effect on the hair, but also additionally restores it, restoring the lack of keratin. But is it?

In the process of keratin straightening, a special composition is applied to the hair, then it is dried and styled using a straightening iron.


This method not only gives visible results for 1-2 months, but is also believed to benefit the hair, as it protects it from external influences.


Straightening products contain aggressive components, including formaldehyde, which are unsafe for our health. This procedure is completely contraindicated for pregnant women.

And another significant disadvantage is that 1-2 months after the procedure, the hair returns to its previous state, despite the promises of salon specialists.

Before entrusting your hair to a specialist to perform keratin hair straightening, ask which straightening method is used in the beauty salon of your choice.

Ask the specialist about the products he will use to make sure of their quality and the truly high concentration of keratin, and only then decide to carry out the procedure.

If you decide to undergo the procedure, then after it be sure to use gentle, sulfate-free shampoos to care for your curls.

Below we will talk about how to strengthen your hair and make it smooth and shiny without the keratin straightening procedure.

How to make your hair straight without a straightener or hair dryer? A number of manufacturers offer entire series of cosmetic products promising hair straightening.

Typically, such series include a deep cleansing shampoo, conditioner, mask and leave-in treatment. Of course, a more noticeable effect is achieved by using several products from such series, but you still won’t get stunning results from cosmetic products alone.

Carefully read the composition of such products; even professional salon series are guilty of aggressive detergents and an abundance of silicones. They smooth the hair scales and are able to tame unruly waves. However, most often, there can be no talk of any therapeutic effect.


There is no need to spend additional time on the hair straightening procedure. You simply wash your hair and use caring cosmetics, and as a bonus you get straighter hair.


The effect of hair straightening using cosmetics will not last long. Sometimes hair returns to its normal, wavy appearance long before the next shampoo. In addition, the effect is not as pronounced as with other methods.

Pay attention to the fact that damaged hair is often unruly and frizzy. Sometimes it is enough to treat them well so that they become denser, even without using special cosmetic series for hair straightening. Hair treatment involves restoring its structure.

Think about it: maybe, instead of exposing your hair to aggressive influences, you should take a closer look at treating it?

Example: Nano Organic hair mask. Its advantage is that it contains 10% keratin - this is a fairly high concentration for home hair care. Also, a complex of vitamin F, cognac gum and broccoli oil works to restore and smooth hair - this is a safe alternative to silicones. The mask is enriched with vitamins A, E, C, B5, and their effect and penetration of natural lecithin liposomes are enhanced. As a result, we get a completely natural and truly effective hair restoration treatment.

The purpose of the mask is to restore the damaged structure, nourish and thicken the hair. For intense treatment, apply to clean, damp hair, then put on a shower cap and wrap in a towel. To enhance the effect, you can warm your head with a hairdryer for a while. After 20-30 minutes, rinse off the mask and style your hair as usual.


After the first procedure, the hair looks shiny, manageable, and easier to style. Of course, the mask is not intended specifically for straightening hair, but due to the fact that it thickens the curls, the hairstyle looks much neater, the hair does not frizz, is smoothed and at the same time maintains volume.


The mask will not give the effect of salon hair straightening. However, with a course of use 2-3 times a week, it intensively restores hair and, quite possibly, looking at its healthy state, you will no longer want to expose your curls to chemical effects.

A few more nourishing masks for restoring and smoothing hair:

Co-washing is a balm instead of shampoo that is very gentle on the hair. It helps tame frizz and make hair smooth and shiny. Please note that this method is not suitable for those with oily hair, but those who suffer from “dandelion” on their heads will be delighted. Don’t forget that after co-washing you should definitely use your usual balm, since it is still a cleanser.

Another method by which you can straighten your hair at home is blow-drying using so-called round combs.

Using this hair straightening method requires some skill. However, over time, you can learn to handle a hair dryer and comb easily, making even strands out of fairly wavy hair.

A brush with mixed bristles will add shine to your hair without damaging your hair. You can avoid breakage and split ends, and the uniquely positioned V-shaped plastic bristles allow you to detangle and comb your hair more thoroughly. With this brush it is easy to give the desired shape when styling and maintain the volume of the hair when straightening.

The main thing to remember: the hair dryer should be directed at the comb with hair from top to bottom, and apply a little force, pulling the hair in the direction of movement of the comb. It is advisable to finish processing each strand using a cold stream of air. This way you will cover the hair scales and they will look healthier.


Using a hairdryer and a comb, you can create not just straight hair, but also slightly curl it at the ends and style it in separate strands. This straightening method preserves volume at the roots.


Straightening yourself in this way requires skill and you will have to try hard. Hair is also exposed to heat from a hair dryer, so you definitely need to take care of thermal protection.

Please note that if you blow dry your hair too often, you will also damage it. Be sure to use nourishing and oil hair masks 2-3 times a week, give your curls a break from heat exposure, and do not abuse this method. And be sure to use thermal protection.

Natural hair sprays and creams are suitable as protection from the hair dryer, which will smooth the curls and secure the result.

Perhaps one of the simplest remedies for quickly straightening hair at home.

Hair straightening irons are being improved every day; they are equipped with thermostats, tourmaline coating that relieves hair of static tension, and other devices that make the straightening process less harmful and more effective. But is it always so safe?


An effect comparable to that of professional hair straightening, a one-time investment. True, a good hair straightening iron costs several times more than the same comb, but you must remember that if handled correctly, a hair straightening iron will last you not one or two years, but much longer.


Even with the most delicate plates, hair is damaged as a result of exposure to high temperatures. And besides, the effect is not as long-lasting as with professional hair straightening (it lasts until the next hair wash).

  1. To minimize the negative effects of high temperatures on your hair, use heat-protective leave-in products during your straightening process.
  2. Do not use the hair straightening iron too often, give your hair a rest.
  3. There is no need to iron the strands for too long. It is quite enough to go through it once, maximum twice, holding the hair tightly between the tongs.
  4. If you have fine hair, do not use the highest heat setting. For porous hair, 150-160 degrees is most often enough to gently straighten and style it.

When straightening with an iron, stronger protection is required than when exposed to a hairdryer. Logona natural spray copes well with this task. It does not stick hair, moisturizes it and prevents damage from ironing. Hair becomes more elastic and retains its shape throughout the day.

We have presented for your review various methods of hair straightening, then the choice, of course, is yours.

  • Salon methods(permanent and keratin straightening) give instant and long-lasting results. But such an effect often turns out to be detrimental to hair, despite promises. The effect depends very much on the specialist, on the quality of the products used and on the initial condition of your hair. If you nevertheless decide on this method, carefully select a specialist to whom you will entrust your curls, find out everything about how exactly the procedure will be carried out and be sure to provide restorative care.
  • Professional cosmetic complexes products can straighten and smooth hair for a shorter period of time. But it is worth carefully studying the composition of such products. After all, if they are “stuffed” with silicones, then you risk getting broken, thinned ends after a temporary smoothness effect.
  • Natural cosmetics are aimed at restoring the porous and damaged hair structure, nourishing it with useful microelements and making it denser. After all, the cause of unruly and uneven curls is often precisely the damaged hair shaft. Such products will not give an instant straightening effect, but will make the hair smoother and gradually bring it back to life.
  • Thermal influence using a hairdryer and straightener helps you quickly style your hair and straighten it strand by strand at home. But overusing this method without proper care can severely damage your locks, making them thinner, brittle and dry. Be sure to use heat protection and never straighten your hair this way too often.
Whatever straightening method you choose, never forget that you need to pay special attention to hair care. Nourishing masks, oils and gentle shampoos should become your constant companions.

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Often the reason for dull hair is simply that you dry your hair incorrectly. If you use a hair dryer with a nozzle that is too wide or direct the air in a chaotic manner, the hair scales will fluff up and your hair will look matte.

So, remember the 3 rules of blow-drying for shiny hair:

1. Narrow nozzle - the air flow should be dense and clearly directed.

2. Dry your hair by holding the nozzle at an angle and downwards, from the roots to the ends. It is this movement that will smooth out the scales and make your hair shiny.


3. Always finish styling with cold air.

2. Coconut oil

Coconut oil is a universal remedy for the beauty of skin and hair. To make your hair shiny, prepare a mask of coconut oil - heat it a little in a steam bath and apply the warm product to your hair. To enhance the effect, you can wear a shower cap. And then just wash your hair as usual.

3. Avocado mask

Avocado is a real storehouse of vitamins and healing oils. An avocado mask is a recipe that even Jennifer Lopez uses regularly! Mash the fruit of a ripe avocado with a fork, add a couple of drops of lemon juice and distribute the pulp evenly over the entire length of the hair. A healthy shine after washing is guaranteed!

4. Rinse with beer

“Live” light beer is a great way to give your hair a dazzling shine. Clean, wet hair should be rinsed thoroughly in beer. To get rid of the smell, you can apply conditioner after the procedure. In addition, beer not only gives a cosmetic shine effect, but also actually nourishes the hair, thanks to its yeast content. Brilliant!

5. Lemon juice

Let us note right away that this method is not suitable for girls with dry hair, because lemon juice tends to dry it out. But at the same time, lemon juice really knows how to add shine to hair - just distribute it over the entire length, leave for 10-15 minutes, and then rinse with cool water.

6. Gelatin masks

On the Internet you can find a lot of recipes for “gelatin hair lamination” - and this, of course, is absolute nonsense. You won’t be able to laminate with gelatin, but it’s easy to give your hair a beautiful light shine. Dilute 3 tablespoons of gelatin with 4 tablespoons of boiled water. Place the mixture in a steam bath and stir until the gelatin is completely dissolved. Let it cool and apply the product to your hair, leave for 40 minutes and rinse.

7. Nettle rinse

“Grandma’s” recipes are sometimes very effective! You've probably heard that you need to rinse your hair with nettles after washing, but you haven't tried it. You can buy dried nettle at the pharmacy - pour boiling water over it, let it brew and rinse your hair. They will finally start to shine!

8. Basil infusion

Another useful homemade conditioner recipe for shiny hair is basil infusion. This seasoning is good not only in Italian dishes, but also as a folk remedy for our hair. The recipe is as follows: pour two tablespoons of dry basil with a glass of boiling water, let it cool. Every time after washing your hair, rinse your hair with this infusion - and you will be happy.