What body temperature occurs during pregnancy. Prevention of fever during pregnancy

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For a woman who has recently learned that she will soon become a mother, there is nothing more important than to provide the most favorable conditions for the further safe bearing of the child. Having learned that she is pregnant and is already responsible for the new life developing in her, the expectant mother tries to do everything possible from her to protect this new life from negative influence surrounding factors.

Any pregnant woman has heard that during the period of bearing a child it is necessary to avoid all sorts of diseases at all costs: any diseases, as well as taking medications to eliminate them, can provoke very, very undesirable for you. normal development child and pregnancy consequences. And therefore, many pregnant women carefully monitor their body temperature from an early stage, knowing that the tendency to increase it indicates the occurrence of an inflammatory process in the body.

However, doctors refute this statement: if elevated temperature body in its normal state should really be a cause for concern, then fluctuating around 37 degrees and a little higher can rightfully be considered the norm. And first of all, this concerns, many doctors advise pregnant women to draw up a schedule to track the progress of pregnancy.

Really, basal temperature(measured in the rectum, but both oral and vaginal methods are acceptable) in the early stages of pregnancy should even be increased. This is partly due to the adaptation of the mother's body to the new life developing in her. But still, initially - increased level the hormone progesterone in the body. It is considered one of the main hormones of pregnancy - first it is produced by the mother’s body, and then by the baby’s formed placenta. For the normal course of pregnancy, progesterone plays a very significant role, but in addition it also affects thermoregulation processes. This property explains why the temperature in the early stages of pregnancy increases by an average of one degree. Its permissible values ​​are up to 37.5 degrees: a strong decrease in temperature indicates a threat, and an increase indicates an inflammatory process occurring in the mother’s body. This also applies to body temperature in general, which means that an elevated temperature in early pregnancy without any other symptoms (for example, malaise, cough or runny nose, aching joints, chills) does not give any cause for concern.

But if worries and anxiety due to elevated temperature do not go away - and worrying during pregnancy, as you know, is extremely undesirable - you can always seek advice from a doctor who is managing the pregnancy. In principle, elevated temperature can be one of the following, which can only be excluded after gynecological examination. If no pathologies in this regard have been identified, blood and urine tests can be taken at the direction of the therapist to completely rule out the possibility of infection in the body.

But in mandatory, and besides, you should immediately seek specialized help if the temperature in the early stages of pregnancy rises above 36.6 to 38 degrees. High temperature caused by even a common cold, if it happens on early stages pregnancy poses a clear danger to the baby. Elevated temperature can affect the development of his nervous system, the formation individual parts body of the fetus, provoke muscle hypotension, cause placental disruption, thereby predetermining. Furthermore, if the illness and the accompanying high temperature in the early stages of pregnancy continue sufficiently long time, then in many cases it ends spontaneous miscarriage or cessation of development ovum.

A temperature in the early stages of pregnancy, reaching 38 degrees, may be evidence of both ARVI and potentially dangerous conditions for the mother’s child. In any case, a qualified doctor must determine the cause of the increase in temperature. And only after a final diagnosis can a prescription be prescribed. adequate treatment, if necessary. In no case should you lower your temperature without prior consultation or self-medicate - this is as dangerous for the fetus and its development as a temperature that lasts for a long time. Therefore, as soon as its increase has been recorded, you should immediately and urgently seek medical help.

Especially for- Tatyana Argamakova

During the nine months of happily expecting a baby, a woman should carefully monitor any changes in her own body. And so alarm bell, like temperature during early pregnancy, definitely needs to be noticed. What can the thermometer indicators indicate?

Read in this article

Is temperature a sign of pregnancy?

With the onset of pregnancy, a woman’s body undergoes restructuring, which is manifested by a slight increase in body temperature during early pregnancy. A woman’s hormonal system reacts sharply to the fertilization of an egg, in large quantities hormone is released. It is a catalyst for temperature changes.

Functions immune system decrease with the onset of pregnancy. A natural reaction allows you to prevent the separation of the fertilized egg from the walls of the uterus in the first days. Any disruptions in the functioning of the immune system provoke an increase in body temperature by tenths of degrees.Often in women, an indicator exceeding 36.6 C is present during the first 6 months of gestation. Excess optimal indicator on recent months signals the presence of a disease.

All doctors say that a temperature of 37 C during early pregnancy is considered normal. It does not provoke developmental defects internal organs child and does not affect the health of the mother. For safety reasons, if your temperature fluctuates, you should discuss the issue with your gynecologist. From the second trimester, an overestimated indicator requires mandatory observation and testing.

Banal overheating - main reason elevated temperature. This is typical for the hot season or choosing excessively warm clothes.

What do high temperatures indicate?

An increase in temperature during pregnancy in the early stages above the norm of 37.5 C causes discomfort in a woman, signals the presence of a viral infection, and may also be accompanying symptom. It is necessary to take urgent measures, since ARVI or viral infection requires drug treatment. The choice of medications should be approached with caution, since many common tablets or syrups cannot be used during the period of fetal formation. A doctor must prescribe medications!

Fever during early pregnancy, caused by a mild respiratory infection, can be treated with folk remedies. Namely:

  • Rubbing with a towel previously soaked in cool water will help bring it down.
  • It is not recommended to use alcohol wraps. Alcohol is easily absorbed through the pores of the skin into the mother's body.
  • Don't forget about diaphoretic teas based on linden and raspberry.

More serious diseases, for example, or impaired renal function, cannot be cured without the participation of official medicine. It is simply impossible to overcome an infection without medications.

Is it worth lowering the temperature?

A temperature of 38 during early pregnancy requires urgent action. Its high indicators threaten:

  • disruptions in the functioning of the heart and circulatory system;
  • intoxication of the body;
  • fetal development disorders;
  • irreversible changes in protein synthesis, premature birth;
  • deterioration of the placenta, which also provokes premature birth.

It will help to reduce it drinking plenty of fluids. The choice of drinks is small: green or black tea, linden or chamomile decoction, berry fruit drinks, milk with butter and honey, liquid raspberry jam(can be separated warm water). Required condition- no boiling water. Drinks must be warm.

Remember that women carrying a child under their hearts can drink herbal infusions not from all herbs. When fever during early pregnancy is difficult to overcome, you can brew homemade herbal tea. Recipe: mix coltsfoot with plantain, raspberries and oregano in equal proportions and pour boiling water over it, you can keep it on the stove to herbal tea boiled a little. Drink 1 spoon of infusion after meals, no more than 4 times.

Speaking about taking medications, remember that taking aspirin in the first months is taboo. It causes and provokes irreversible. Medicines containing paracetamol are taken 1, maximum 2 times. Longer use negatively affects the functioning of internal organs (kidneys and liver).

How to prevent temperature fluctuations during pregnancy

It is difficult to cure a disease; it is much easier to prevent it. In the first trimester of bearing a child, it is no different from general recommendations. Preventative measures to combat fever in early pregnancy include the following:

  • ventilation of all rooms in the house;
  • refusal to visit public places, in particular during an acute respiratory viral infection or influenza epidemic;
  • regular implementation of measures aimed at maintaining health (after going outside, washing your hands, clearing your nose and rinsing your mouth);
  • use .

Reason for low temperature

Reduced temperature during early pregnancy - a phenomenon familiar to many women. The reasons are hidden in:

  • the specifics of the female body;
  • (intoxication);
  • overwork;
  • iron deficiency anemia;
  • insufficient amount of nutrients;
  • disruptions in the functioning of the endocrine system.

Temperatures below 36.6 for a long time can provoke general weakness, dizziness and even. Failures in the body's thermoregulation increase the already significant sweating, which often occurs in women carrying a fetus.

“What temperature is considered normal during early pregnancy?” The question does not have a clear answer. It depends on individual characteristics woman's body. One thing can be said: there is no cause for concern when fluctuations in indicators are not accompanied by other symptoms. But for healthy development The unborn child should seek comprehensive advice from a doctor. NThe normal temperature during pregnancy in the early stages does not fall below 36 C and will not exceed 37.6 C degrees. Any deviations from the norm require consulting a doctor!

Take care of yourself and your baby! Be healthy!

Body temperature during early pregnancy may be higher than normal.

In most cases, this condition in the first trimester is not a consequence of pathologies.

During pregnancy in female body are happening hormonal changes, which lead to a slowdown in heat transfer, resulting in an increase in overall body temperature. But women usually begin to panic, as the infection is at the stage initial development the fetus is very dangerous for the fetus. This behavior is not always justified.

It is necessary to know in which cases an increase in temperature is considered normal, and in which a pathology, in order to begin treatment in a timely manner or get rid of prejudices.

It is recommended to measure temperature during early pregnancy twice a day - in the morning and in the evening. Thanks to these two values, it is possible to determine the daily dynamics of its change.

Already in the first trimester of pregnancy, the temperature can rise to 37.2 °C. But such indicators are considered normal. The temperature may not exceed 37 °C throughout the entire period. There is no need to knock it down. An increase to 38 °C may be alarming.

Exist various methods temperature measurements - in the mouth, in armpit and rectally.

Measurement under the tongue should be taken using electronic thermometer, through which you can get readings in just a few seconds.

Normal body temperature in pregnant women, measured in the mouth, can reach 37.2 °C.

When measured in the armpit, the temperature should not exceed 37 °C.

If a mercury thermometer is used, it should be held for about seven minutes.

Another way to measure body temperature in the rectum is called rectal. For better glide, the thermometer should be lubricated with Vaseline.

During early pregnancy without abnormalities, the rectally measured temperature will range from 37.1 to 37.5 °C. Measurement time - no more than 3 minutes.

What is the reason for the increase?

On temperature indicators pregnant women are affected by hormonal levels and changes in thermoregulation processes. In the first trimester, expectant mothers feel unwell and feverish. If there are no other negative signs, the condition is considered adequate.

Normal temperatures may rise slightly in early pregnancy.

This is a consequence that is responsible for preserving the fetus. In general, the woman feels fine. Often, a weakened immune system also leads to an increase in temperature. It poses no danger to either the mother or the child.

But in some cases, high temperature in early pregnancy may be due to intestinal or genitourinary infection, ARVI and other diseases.

In this case, the temperature reaches 38-38.5 °C, and other symptoms appear: cough, increased lymph nodes, headaches, sacral pain, rashes, etc.

  • ARVI and inflammatory processes.

In addition to the elevated temperature, a runny nose appears. ARVI can lead to pneumonia, tracheitis, otitis.

This serious complications, which may affect the formation of the fetus.

His intrauterine infection will become inevitable if treatment is not started in a timely manner. In some cases, fetal malformations appear.

  • Intestinal infections.

If symptoms of stool disorder or fever are observed, this indicates infectious disease which may require hospital treatment.

  • Diseases of the genitourinary system.

Also accompanied by chills, painful urination, general intoxication and nagging pain in the lower back. Pyelonephritis - serious illness, which can lead to termination of pregnancy.

  • Other infectious diseases.

In the early stages of gestation, there is a high probability of developing smallpox, measles or. In this case, the temperature reaches 38.5 °C, and rashes appear on the skin.

It can also be attributed to the causes of increased body temperature.

The danger of fever in the first trimester

Temperature increase is a protective reaction of the body, but initial terms it can lead to irreversible consequences. In the first trimester there is active process formation of the internal organs of the unborn baby. In the first time after fertilization, the formation of the nervous, digestive and cardiac systems occurs. vascular systems. Rising temperatures pose the following dangers:

  • The occurrence of developmental defects in a child in the jaw, lips, palate, and eyeballs.
  • Protein synthesis is disrupted, which leads to a decrease in blood supply to the placenta. This is fraught with a lag in the development of the child’s brain activity.
  • and can lead to .
  • Intoxication of the body leads to pathology in the functioning of the cardiovascular system.
  • The frequency of contraction of the uterine muscles increases, which can lead to termination of pregnancy.
  • The occurrence of blood clots that clog the blood vessels of the placenta can provoke a miscarriage.
  • , occurring in a severe form.

All of the above dangers pose a real threat to the development and life of the fetus and the health of the expectant mother. It is important to consult a doctor promptly to diagnose the cause of the fever and begin proper treatment.

How to cope with a high temperature in early pregnancy

You can lower your body temperature with the help of medications, as well as traditional medicine.


It is necessary to show concern about the temperature after the thermometer reaches 38 °C.

If such a manifestation is accompanied by other negative symptoms, treatment should be undertaken.

In such cases, it is prescribed medicines. But before taking it, you need to visit a doctor, since many of them can have a detrimental effect on the health of the expectant mother and fetus.

Basic rules for prescribing medications for fever in the first trimester:

  • Antipyretic tablets can only be prescribed at temperatures above 38 °C.
  • Doctors often prescribe the simultaneous use of several drugs. It is possible to use antibiotics, for example, for pyelonephritis.
  • The doctor may prescribe vitamin complexes and drugs that increase the level of immunity, for example, Viferon.
  • IN exceptional cases It is possible to take medications that are not indicated during pregnancy. They are taken according to strict medical instructions.

The most effective and safest initial stage Pregnancy is considered to be taking medications that contain paracetamol. But it does not need to be taken more than four times a day, because long-term use it is bad for the liver.

Homeopathic antipyretics, such as plant-based Viburkol with rectal administration, can be used.

You cannot prescribe your own dosage. This can only be done by the doctor leading your pregnancy.

Ibuprofen, aspirin, indomethacin - these components can adversely affect the condition of the fetus and have a significant amount side effects. For example, aspirin affects blood clotting and may cause breakthrough bleeding.

Use of traditional medicine

Fresh compresses may help. cabbage leaves and drinking plenty of fluids.

If the cause is ARVI, you should prepare tea or milk with honey. Needs to be dissolved a small amount of(2 tsp) liquid honey directly in warm milk. Drink a glass in large sips twice a day. Hot drinks should be avoided.

  • A good remedy for high temperatures is cranberry juice.

For preparation you will need 400 g of berries and 2.5 liters of water. Cranberries must be mashed into puree and squeezed out the juice. Then add sugar and mix thoroughly, dilute with water and heat a little to achieve a therapeutic effect.

  • Linden tea is an excellent antipyretic.

Dried linden flowers are used for brewing. Recommended 1.5 tbsp. l. Pour crushed flowers into a liter of boiling water. Wait until the drink cools down before drinking.

  • You can replace linden tea with ginger root compote.

To prepare it, you will need to peel and cut the ginger into thin strips. Then it cooks sugar syrup with a liter of water and add ginger. The drink should brew for two hours in a dark place. It should be consumed chilled or warm.

  • You can use raspberry leaves to make a healthy drink.

They must be thoroughly washed, crushed and poured with boiling water. After 20 minutes, strain the tea and add a little sugar. You can cool it and drink 2-3 mugs a day at elevated temperatures.

So, an increase in body temperature in the first trimester is allowed up to a certain value. Exceeding 38 °C indicates the development of dangerous infectious and other diseases.

In this case, it is necessary to urgently consult a doctor so as not to cause pathological changes in the development of the fetus. The specialist will prescribe medications that can be taken in combination with folk remedies.

An increase in body temperature of any person always has its own reasons. And during pregnancy they also exist. One of the few is change hormonal levels and thermoregulation as a reaction to pregnancy itself. This is a sign of a woman’s new position and fluctuates within the boundaries of low-grade fever. Temperature may not drop enough for a long time. If other reasons for its increase are excluded, do not worry and do not take any measures.

It happens that something happens in the body of a pregnant woman. inflammatory process. But when registering and subsequently, a woman undergoes many tests, which, if available, will reveal this problem.

However, more often than not, elevated temperature during pregnancy is a symptom. And in this case, you need to start with a medical consultation. It is the doctor who must give you the correct diagnosis and prescribe treatment. After all, during pregnancy, turning to medications is a last resort and requires special qualifications. But with low temperature increases, you can get by with home treatment: during epidemics and viruses, a clinic is not the best place for a pregnant woman.

Non-drug treatment is the best during pregnancy

If the temperature is low, start folk remedies treatment. The very first and most important of them is drinking plenty of fluids. You really need to drink a lot, but given your position, be extremely careful: excess fluid can lead to unwanted swelling. , usually, there is no reason to limit yourself in drinking. But in the second and third, the amount of fluid consumed will have to be controlled.

Suitable drinks include sweet tea with lemon, a weak decoction of chamomile or linden, fruit drinks, and raspberries. Milk with butter and honey helps very well. Important condition: The drink should be warm, but in no case hot.

When the temperature rises (about 38 degrees), you can brew herbal tea from raspberries (2 tablespoons), coltsfoot leaves (4 tablespoons), plantain (3 tablespoons). But you only need to take it one tablespoon four times a day.

Another recipe: pour 1 teaspoon of finely chopped white willow bark with 1 glass of boiling water, cool. Drink 1 tablespoon 4 times a day. Or you can prepare a pine cocktail (although you should do this in advance). Grind 100 g of young fir shoots or pine buds and 50 g of raspberry roots. Fold into glass jar, pouring 100 g of sugar. Add 1 tablespoon of boiling water, leave for 24 hours, and then heat in a water bath for another 6-8 hours. Leave to stand for 2 days, drain off the resulting bright raspberry juice. Store it in a cool, dark place and take 1 tablespoon 4-5 times before meals.

You will have to monitor your temperature more often than ever before. Because a lot depends on its performance. Medicinal methods its decrease is very undesirable now, but at certain levels the temperature can threaten the developing fetus.

If the temperature has risen slightly, then the above remedies will be quite sufficient. Slight temperature does not pose a threat to the life and development of the baby. Therefore, it is quite possible to get by traditional medicine. A short-term increase in body temperature of 1-1.5 degrees does not have a serious harmful effect on the child. But there are situations when you cannot waste time on rubdown teas and you should act actively.

When to lower your temperature during pregnancy:

  • the temperature cannot be brought down by traditional methods for a long time;
  • despite all attempts to lower the temperature without medication, it is still rising rapidly;
  • the increase in temperature is caused (possible intoxication is too dangerous for the mother and fetus);
  • body temperature reaches 38 C;
  • on later the temperature should be reduced after 37.5 C.

Why is high temperature dangerous during pregnancy?

  • intoxication of the body harmful substances may cause disturbances in the functioning of the cardiovascular system;
  • a prolonged period of not decreasing temperature in a pregnant woman can lead to changes in protein synthesis;
  • high temperature can affect the condition of the placenta, which in turn often leads to premature birth;
  • high temperature can cause various disorders in the development of organs and systems of the fetus.

A temperature starting from 37.8 C is considered dangerous during pregnancy. When it reaches 38 degrees, it already affects the development of the child’s nervous system and can affect his mental abilities.

How to reduce fever during pregnancy?

Let's start with how you can't lower your temperature during pregnancy. is now contraindicated, especially for the first and: in the early stages acetylsalicylic acid threatens termination of pregnancy, and in later stages - bleeding and protracted labor. In addition, Aspirin can cause fetal malformations. If necessary, take something with Paracetamol: Panadol, Efferalgan, Tylenol, Paracet. Indomethacin is also possible: Metindol, Indomethacin-Darnitsa, Vramed. But you should always start with half the dose and only as a last resort.

There is evidence that active use Paracetamol can cause problems with the liver and kidneys. Therefore, it is advisable to get by with a single dose of medication. Otherwise, you should contact your doctor to clarify the dosage.

So, if the mark on the thermometer reaches the critical level for pregnant women (that is, up to 38), take half of Paracetamol and call a doctor at home.

Especially for- Elena Kichak

Maria Sokolova

Reading time: 7 minutes


Everyone knows about the changes that occur to a woman in her position: her breasts and weight increase, her belly becomes rounder, tastes, desires and moods change, and so on. The list of such changes can also include an increase in body temperature, which frightens expectant mothers.

Is this symptom normal, and is it necessary to panic if the mercury column of the thermometer has “crept” beyond 37?

What body temperature should be normal during pregnancy?

There is no need to panic in any case! Nervous system You need to take care of it in a normal situation, but if you are in a position, then worries are completely unnecessary.

So, what do you need to know about temperature readings in a pregnant woman?

In the early stages of gestation mild low-grade fever is normal. Of course, in the absence of other accompanying symptoms.

And keeping it elevated temperature regime will last up to 4 months.

during this period may have the following indicators:

  • At week 3: 37-37.7.
  • In the 4th week: 37.1-37.5.
  • In weeks 5-12: from 37 and not higher than 38.

If a low-grade fever is replaced by an increase in temperature above 38 and the appearance of new symptoms, then there is a reason call a doctor .

Causes of increased body temperature in a pregnant woman in the early and late stages

An increase in body temperature to 37 degrees - and even higher - is due to very specific reasons.

  1. First of all, by increasing the production of progesterone. It is this hormone that is responsible for the safety of the fertilized egg after conception. It also affects the thermoregulation center in the brain.
  2. The second cause of low-grade fever is immunosuppression. Or physiological suppression of the immune system to contain it (to avoid exposure to the fetus as a foreign body).

Typically, low-grade fever is a phenomenon characteristic of the first trimester. Sometimes it continues into the fourth month, and for some mothers it ends only after childbirth.

And yet, most mothers forget about the elevated temperature after the 2nd trimester, and the reasons for low-grade fever in the later stages are slightly different:

  • Temperature jump before childbirth: slight fever and chills, like .
  • Use of anesthetics . For example, after treatment at the dentist.
  • Exacerbation of a particular chronic disease.
  • Viral disease . For example, a seasonal cold.
  • Infection of the placenta or amniotic fluid. The most dangerous option, which is fraught with both premature birth and fetal hypoxia.
  • Psychological moment . Excitement – natural state For expectant mother. And nervousness is often reflected in the body by an increase in temperature (usually without adding other symptoms).

When an increase is associated with a disease, how to understand this?

The expectant mother, as you know, is not only not immune from diseases during pregnancy, but is also at risk: she needs to be protected from any potential opportunities to catch a cold, sore throat, intestinal “sore” or other trouble.

It is not always possible to resist diseases, and the first signal in this case is (most often) the temperature.

In what cases is elevated body temperature during pregnancy a reason to consult a doctor?

  1. The temperature jumps above 38 degrees.
  2. Low-grade fever is observed even in the 2nd and 3rd trimesters.
  3. The temperature is accompanied by additional symptoms - sweating, headache and nausea, chills, gastrointestinal upset, etc.

Among the most “popular” reasons for fever in expectant mothers are:

  • ARVI and influenza. With these diseases, the temperature usually rises above 38, and can reach 39 and higher. Additional symptoms: aching joints and chills, runny nose and cough (optional), severe weakness etc.
  • Diseases respiratory system(pharyngitis, laryngitis, bronchitis, tonsillitis, etc.). An increase in temperature is usually observed for the first 2-3 days, and then the symptoms include weakness and coughing, a sore throat.
  • Thyrotoxicosis. This reason to increase temperature is associated with thyroid gland and is caused by a violation of its operation. Besides possible increase temperature (up to 38 degrees), there may be a strong appetite with weight loss, tearfulness, anxiety and irritability.
  • Problems of the genitourinary system. With cystitis or pyelonephritis, in addition to fever (inflammatory temperatures usually rise in the evening hours), there is pain in the lower back or lower abdomen, difficulty urinating, and a feeling of a “brick” in the lower back.
  • Intestinal infection. Sometimes it “slips through” almost unnoticed in the form of mild nausea. And sometimes the poisoning becomes very severe and can be dangerous not only for the baby, but also for the mother - in this case, urgent hospitalization is indicated. Symptoms include fever and loose stool, abdominal pain, vomiting, etc.

Pregnancy is most vulnerable to these (and other) diseases in the 1st trimester. Indeed, during the first three months, not only the disease, but also most medications can provoke a miscarriage.

Therefore, an increase in temperature is a clear reason for visiting a doctor .

Is elevated body temperature dangerous during pregnancy - all the risks

In the first trimester light natural low-grade fever is not at all dangerous for mother and fetus. The danger increases with the rise in mercury to 38 and above.

The main risks of high temperature for mother and fetus:

  1. Increased uterine tone.
  2. Inhibition of the fetal development process.
  3. Development of defects in the systems and organs of the fetus.
  4. The appearance of problems with the brain, limbs and facial skeleton of the fetus - with prolonged high temperature.
  5. Impaired blood supply to the placenta and fetal hypoxia.
  6. Miscarriage or premature birth.
  7. Development of dysfunction of the cardiovascular system.
  8. Etc.

What to do if a pregnant woman’s body temperature rises - first aid

Naturally elevated temperature in the first months of pregnancy, in the absence of additional symptoms, does not require lowering. If the temperature exceeds 37.5 in the later stages, or tends to 38 in the early stages, you should consult a doctor.

If the doctor is delayed or is not available at all, you should call ambulance, call a team to your home , explain the situation and follow the recommendations in order to slightly contain the increase in body temperature before the ambulance arrives.

  • Prescribe medications yourself.
  • Drink aspirin (note: for expectant mothers, aspirin is prohibited due to the risk of bleeding).

Usually the doctor prescribes drugs from the paracetamol series, viburcol suppositories or panadol.

But treatment will depend on each person in any case. specific case and causes of temperature rise.

Among the safe folk methods of reducing temperature, the following are usually used:

  1. Drink plenty of fluids. For example, cranberry juices, tea with raspberries, milk with honey, etc.
  2. Wiping with a wet towel.
  3. Wet compresses on the forehead.

Remember that during pregnancy you need to exercise Special attention to your health, and even discuss minor (in your opinion) problems with your doctor.