In which countries is retirement. Retirement age in different countries

March 8

First pension was established in 1880 in Germany. At the same time, citizens received pension payments at the age of 70, when it was no longer possible to perform work efficiently and quickly. Since then, each country has set its own age threshold for applying for a pension. But which country has the highest and lowest age rates? We will tell in this material.

Retirement age in the world

The average retirement age worldwide is 65 years old. However, each country has developed individual retirement age indicators.

When setting the retirement age, the authorities always take into account the quality and average life expectancy.

Concerning Russian parameters, then women apply for an old-age pension at 55 years old, and men at 60 years old. At the same time, there is a category of beneficiaries who are entitled to apply for a pension 10 years earlier, for example, residents of the Far North, employees of a hot shop, underground work, and so on.

Below is a table that shows the periods for processing pension payments in different countries of the world:

Country name Retirement age men Retirement age of a woman
Japan 70 70
Denmark 67 67
Norway 67 67
Austria 65 65
Belgium 65 62
Great Britain 65 60
Germany 67 67
Greece 65 60
Georgia 65 60
Spain 65 65
Italy 65 60
Canada 65 65
Poland 65 60
USA 65 65
France 65 60
Netherlands 51 51
Kazakhstan 63 58
Lithuania 62,5 58,5
Moldova 62 57
Ukraine 60 55
Belarus 60 55
Uzbekistan 60 55

Despite this information, the retirement age in different countries is gradually increasing due to the economic situation.

So, the age of pensioners is planned to be raised by such countries as:

  • Ukraine - women under 60 years old.
  • Kazakhstan - women 63 years old.
  • Great Britain and Poland - 67 years.
  • USA - 69 years.
  • Hungary - from 62 to 65 years.
  • Bulgaria – 65 years.
  • Denmark - 68 years.
  • Spain - 67 years.
  • Ireland - from 66 to 68 years.

The lowest rates

The pension system of different countries is constantly subject to change. At the same time, most countries are trying to increase the retirement age for a number of reasons. But which countries have the lowest retirement age? Let's select right now.

The leading positions are occupied by such countries as Belarus, Ukraine, Russia, Uzbekistan. In these countries, women receive pension contributions at the age of 55, and the male half of the population at 60 years of age.

As for the European continent, the minimum age is fixed in such countries as the Netherlands, France, Great Britain.

Maximum age criteria

Japanese These are the oldest pensioners in the world. Women and men of this country go on a well-deserved rest at the age of 70 years. The average age of an ordinary Japanese is 82 years.

Another country according to the maximum age criteria is Denmark. In this civilized country, citizens draw up a pension at the age of 67.

Germany is another country with high retirement age rates. A pension can be received no earlier than at the age of 67. The average pension payments are 900 euro. At the same time, every German citizen can apply for pension contributions a little earlier if he pays 0.3% of the state payments due for every unfinished 30 days.

In conclusion, we note that the highest pension indicators are noted in countries with a high life expectancy and quality of life. However, most countries are planning to increase the retirement age due to the difficult economic situation in the world. But to find out at what age most citizens of the world are currently retiring, read this article.

The retirement age in different countries of the world is set differently. Also, each state has its own rules for entering a well-deserved rest. Do not forget that the money paid to a person is accrued according to different principles. Each country has its own rules in this regard. What distinguishes pension systems in the world from the Russian accrual of funds in old age? What features should you pay attention to? At what age do they go on a well-deserved rest in a particular area? It is rather difficult to answer, because every year various changes take place in relation to pensioners in the world. To find at least approximate answers about how much is the average retirement age in different countries of the world, the table will help. Where is the best support for the elderly?

Three systems

At the moment, there are only a few systems in the world that allow you to easily determine the amount of due payments upon retirement. There are 3 such points in total. Each system has its own characteristics and nuances. They will have to be taken into account.

The age of retirement in different countries and its size is different everywhere. But in general, funds can be accrued in the following ways:

  • according to an individual savings plan;
  • distribution system based on taxes (pension);
  • distribution based on total tax revenues.

But the age at which it is allowed to take a well-deserved rest, as a rule, varies. Much depends on the situation in a particular country, as well as on the average life expectancy of people.

Men and women

With all this, the retirement age in different countries of the world for men and women is different. As practice shows, there are very few countries where both the "weak" half of the population and the "strong" achieve the opportunity to enter a well-deserved rest at the same time.

All this is due to the fact that women are a priori considered weaker and less resilient. And this despite the fact that the beautiful half of society lives on average longer than men. Plus, in the length of service, many include the period of caring for newborns.

Men almost always get the right to a well-deserved rest later. They are considered the main money earners, they are stronger and more resilient. But at the same time, as statistics show, it is often the male half of society that has a shorter life expectancy.

Modern tendencies

Each state tries to leave the pension system in a stable state. But in today's conditions, it is very problematic to do this. In 2015-2016, the retirement age in different countries of the world began to rise. Or in the states they began to actively discuss these changes. The global crisis makes itself felt - there is practically no one to work, if we exclude pensioners. The available funds in the treasury of each country is not enough for all expenses. Therefore, in order to replenish it, it is necessary to force the population to work longer.

Also, in some countries they talk not only about but also about equalizing this indicator among men and women. In any case, now there will be no drastic changes anywhere - such a step will lead to a general revolt. The population is not ready to drastically postpone their legal vacation. Therefore, almost all countries began to slowly but surely raise the retirement age. So as to cause minimal damage to the population.

Peculiarities of pension systems

However, do not forget about the formation of pension savings. It has already been said that countries use different principles for calculating money "for old age." The most popular technique is a combination of several types. What features and principles of pension formation are hidden in each of the 3 existing pension systems?

Individually funded - this is when a citizen works, transfers part of his earnings to the Pension Fund. Or the employer does it for the subordinate. Further, old-age pension will be formed from these savings.

Payroll based on pension taxes - current employees do not save their money. They transfer part of their earnings to pay pensions to current pensioners. Accordingly, such employees will receive their "savings for old age" at the expense of working citizens after retirement.

Distribution on the basis of general taxes - funds are paid out of the funds received by the tax fund.

Country promises

The retirement age varies from country to country. Somewhere it is more, somewhere less. What promises do some states make about this? Key statements include:

  1. Ukraine, which promises to raise the retirement age for women to 60. These changes should take place by 2021.
  2. Kazakhstan wants to equalize the retirement age for men and women in 2018. Now they plan to make it at 63 years old.
  3. In Britain and Poland, a well-deserved rest will be given only from the age of 67.
  4. The United States plans to dramatically increase the retirement age - from 65 to 69 years.
  5. France is going to bring the possibility of retirement to the mark of 62 years.

These are the main changes that they want to bring to life in the world. In fact, as experts say, there is no ideal pension system and optimal retirement age yet.

The longest work

What kind of retirement is possible in different countries of the world? Who works the most? Or rather, longer than all the others? The thing is that if you do not take into account the plans of countries regarding raising the retirement age, then at the moment, after all, a well-deserved rest awaits the inhabitants of Albania.

Here men retire at 69.5 and women at 64.5. Also, citizens in Denmark must work longer than everyone else. Here for everyone there is a restriction on access to a well-deserved rest. Both men and women living in Denmark go on vacation at age 67.

This list should include Germany. The retirement age in different countries of the world is usually different for the male and female half of society. But the Germans have rules, as in Denmark - everyone is equal in the matter of going to a well-deserved rest. In addition, it is only allowed to do this after 67.

Below all

And who in the world works the least? It has already been said that the pension system is constantly undergoing changes in each state. But at the same time, somewhere the age of reaching a well-deserved rest is the lowest.

Belarus is currently among such countries. In it, men receive a pension from 60, and women from 55. Russia and Ukraine are also located here. They go on a well-deserved rest in the same way as in the previously listed countries, but women must work until the age of 56. In France, everyone receives a pension from 60.

These countries are unsurpassed leaders in entering a well-deserved rest. But this does not mean at all that the standard of living of pensioners for those who may not work earlier is better or worse. It all depends on the rules that apply to the formation of pension savings.

Leaders in pensions

Now the retirement age in different countries is clear (the table will be given below). But does it somehow affect the money received? Actually, not really. Basically, everything depends on the welfare of the country. Everywhere the level of pensions is different. Many generally try to save money for old age, so as not to depend on the state.

Now citizens receive rather high pension payments in France. If you convert a pension into rubles, then in this state a person is entitled to 42-43 thousand rubles. Then you can include Germany in the list of the "richest" pensioners - 32-33 thousand. In Japan, pensioners receive an average of 27,500 rubles in rubles, in the USA a little less - 24-25 thousand.

The lowest pensions

The retirement age in different countries (the table is presented), as you can already see, does not have a significant impact on payments. Which countries provide the least support for retired people?

At the moment, the lowest pensions are available in China. Here, a person is entitled to about 9,500 rubles a month. In Latvia - 9,300. Russia is also among the countries that transfer the least amount of money to their citizens in the form of pensions. According to some reports, an average person receives 8-9 thousand rubles a month. Not everyone has such low payouts, but the averages still remain at the lowest level.

Features of the pension system of the Russian Federation

Retirement in different countries of the world, as it has already become clear, is constantly changing. And recently, many want to increase it significantly. It requires special attention. It often suffers some kind of innovation. Therefore, the population does not know how to behave. Most do not rely on the state and try to save money for old age on their own.

The thing is that in the territory of the Russian Federation, a point system for accruing pensions has recently been operating. In order to receive money in old age, you need to have 7 years and 30 so-called. Depending on how many of these "points" are in the citizen's account, a pension will be formed.

Also, they want to increase the age of entry to a well-deserved rest in the Russian Federation, and significantly. It is planned to increase the existing restrictions every 6 months for six months. And to bring the retirement age of women to 60 years, and men to 63. They want to implement the idea by 2020-2021. Many are negative about these changes. After all, some pensioners, taking into account the average life expectancy in the country, will never see their savings. Or it won't take long to get them. That is why in Russia it was proposed to gradually raise the retirement age.

Also in the Russian Federation there is a funded system for the formation of pensions. In 2017, the funded parts of payments will be "frozen" until 2019. This measure is forced - to get out of the crisis.


Now it is clear how much retirement is due in different countries. The table below will clearly show the difference between some states.

This list can be continued indefinitely. The main thing is that they plan to raise the retirement age. No one knows exactly how much it will be in a few years in a particular area. The retirement age in different countries of the world is a variable value. You need to constantly monitor the changes that have come into force.

This is one of the global trends. It was the first time in Western countries that such a norm was put into practice. The reform of the pension system was explained by the growth of the average life expectancy of citizens, which is a recognized fact. But this innovation has other objective grounds.

Consider at what age people retire in different countries of the world. What are the ages and how do they differ. How global trends affect states of social orientation. What is the future of mankind, in terms of providing for the elderly.

World indicators

Statistics show that the average retirement age in the world is 65 years. However, this is a relative value. After all, out of 251 states that exist in 2020, no more than half have already created a pension insurance system. For example, in India there is no such a priori. The same can be said about Thailand, Iraq, Pakistan and many others.

The disability insurance system is one of the best achievements of democracy. It is being implemented in developed countries. The first pension was granted in Germany in 1880. Moreover, the institution of pension insurance is being built on different principles. And in those states where it is not yet available, younger relatives are engaged in the maintenance of the elderly. For example, in China, the obligation to financially support mom and dad in old age falls on the son.

Interesting: the first mention of payments, essentially similar to a pension, is contained in the documents of the Paris Audit Office. The records date back to the time of Louis XI-th (XV century). Benefits of various sizes were assigned to employees of the royal court, retiring due to old age.

Three systems

Currently, old-age insurance systems are developing in three alternative ways. Each of them has its own advantages and disadvantages. And systems were formed taking into account the traditional features of a particular society. The difference lies in the principle of creating a financial base for subsequent payments to insured persons.

They are the following:

  1. Individually cumulative. The applicant invests his own funds in a specialized fund under a payment agreement after reaching a certain number of years. Such a system is popular in the USA, Great Britain, Germany and others.
  2. Distribution. This technique assumes the presence of a state agency (in the Russian Federation this is the FIU). Such is engaged in collection fees, the amount of which is established at the legislative level. Applicants for maintenance in old age apply to a state agency for a pension and receive money from the solidarity budget.
  3. Social. The technique was created on the territory of the USSR. Its peculiarity is the financing of pensions from the state budget.
Important: the age at which old-age benefits are granted in a particular country is closely related to the type of insurance system.

Welfare states set more liberal rules for residents. People get the opportunity to retire early. The use of an individual-accumulative methodology leads to the influence of owners of private funds on the legislative process. They are lobbying for the adoption of regulations that increase the age parameter so as not to lose profits.

Gender consideration

The issues of pension provision for citizens of the country are approached in different ways. The developed ones tend to transfer the function to private enterprises, while the developing ones keep it for themselves, but implement it in a reduced volume. Fundamentally, there is a question of taking into account the gender characteristic in the formation of the relevant legislation. The authorities of some powers have long ago equalized the rights of women and men, while others still adhere to traditional views.

The gender principle does not take into account:

  • Japan;
  • Denmark;
  • Germany;
  • Hungary and others.

Women still have privileges in determining the age parameter over men in:

  • Russia;
  • Switzerland;
  • France;
  • Kazakhstan and others.
Reference: gender sign means the difference between people by gender in the social environment.

Table of retirement years in different countries of the world

Below are the statistics disseminated through the media. Analyzing them, it is necessary to take into account the peculiarities of the system of different states.


Age of retirement (years)

Average human lifespan (years)



Japan 70 82,1
Denmark 67 78,3
USA 65 78,1
Canada 65 81,2
Norway 67 78,3
Spain 65 80,1
Sweden 65 80,9
Hungary 62 73,4
Czech 62 76,7
Germany 67 79,3
Switzerland 65 64 80,9
Belgium 65 62 79,2
Poland 65 60 75,6
Armenia 65 63 72,7
Georgia 65 60 76,7
Great Britain 68 60 79,0
Lithuania 62,5 58,5 74,9
Italy 67 65 80,2
Kazakhstan 63 58 67,9
Belarus 60 55 70,6
Azerbaijan 62 57 66,7
Ukraine 60 55 68,6
France 67 65 81
RF 60 55 71,4
Attention: not in all powers it is customary to take into account grace periods in the length of service. It's about child care. Therefore, for women, privileges are retained according to the age threshold for retirement.

The lowest rates

Before all and women in social states. First of all, they include the post-Soviet powers:

  • Russia;
  • Ukraine;
  • Belarus.

In them, and men - in 60. But in these countries reforms are already underway. So, changed in Ukraine. They are raised to 65/63 years.

Social traditions are strong in the Netherlands. Here is the minimum age threshold for compulsory participation in labor activity in the entire West. Men and women may not work from the age of 51. This is the minimum.

Maximum age criterion

Legislators set the retirement age based on two important factors:

  • national characteristics;
  • average life expectancy.

A similar technique, applied in Japan, has made the country a leader in the duration of compulsory employment of citizens. Here, men and women can receive a pension only at the age of seventy. But even after reaching it, many are in no hurry to rest. In Japan, the cult of labor is developed. Local residents are so fond of the profession that they work 16 hours a day. And often remain in the service until the age of 80.

Reference: in the second place in terms of duration of labor activity are several powers at once, in which people are entitled to a pension at 67 years old (see table).

Peculiarities of pension systems

Most powers use a combination of systems in practice. So, part of the payments is financed from the solidarity budget, as in the Russian Federation from the PFR. And some citizens make savings for old age on their own. In most cases, the pensions of people who have worked for a certain time in power are financed from the budget. And ordinary workers are faced with the need to take care of old age on their own.

In developing countries, the pension system began to be formed only in 2000. Therefore, the population of those does not receive money from the budget. For example, in China, until recently, retired civil servants and the military could count on payments. The same system is in place in Vietnam and India in 2020.

In China, the system has changed since 2017. A small allowance is now allocated from the budget for elderly citizens living in rural areas, without taking into account the length of service. Citizens can't count on it. They are supported by family and friends.

Interesting: despite the constant hostilities in the Syrian Republic, the social system has been preserved. The minimum pension here is about $200. And it keeps paying off.

Payout amount

Age of retirement is not the only factor influencing the situation of the elderly. The amount that they receive in their hands is often critical.

The table shows the average indicators in the context of individual powers.


Average amount of pension in thousand euros

Luxembourg 3,0
Denmark 2,8
Austria 2,0
Finland 1,9
Norway 1,76
GDR 1,27
Italy 1,25
France 1,2
Slovenia, USA 1,0
Spain 0,9
Greece 0,59
Portugal, Czech Republic 0,5
Latvia 0,3
Estonia 0,23
Lithuania 0,22
RF 0,19
Romania 0,18
Bulgaria 0,12
Ukraine 0,06

World Trends

Problems with the maintenance of elderly citizens exist in all powers. They are of a financial nature and generally do not depend on the implemented system. The main ones are:

  1. To ensure the planned financing of payments, it is necessary to increase the average contribution to the distribution fund. The number of insured people is constantly decreasing due to the increase in life expectancy, which means the prevalence of the share of pensioners in the total population. The authorities constantly make injections into the Pension Fund from the state budget.
  2. Non-state funds earn money on the stock exchange. Most of them went bankrupt and are in the process of bankruptcy. Non-state foundations also receive financial support from their state budgets.

Experts state the imperfection of all available methods of providing pensions to citizens. Reforms were carried out after 2000 in the UK, Sweden, Germany and others. Essentially, the law is changed as follows:

  • the minimum length of service for receiving old-age maintenance has been increased;
  • the age threshold has been raised.

However, these changes did not remove the main problem. Employed people cannot provide enough funds to finance benefits for the elderly. This is a worldwide problem to be solved by specialists. So far, a way has been chosen to reduce the period for receiving old-age benefits. The age threshold is increasing everywhere, and the amount of payments is decreasing.

It is necessary to think over and implement a fundamentally different scheme of financing. For example, experts are considering the option of spreading the tradition of supporting parents throughout the world. That is, the state seeks to relieve itself of concerns about the elderly population and shift those to close old people or private structures.

Retirement age and life expectancy around the world

July 3, 2018, 13:28 Jan 7, 2020 00:16

For an objective assessment, let's consider the size of a pension in Europe in rubles, setting the lower limit at $500.

Table 2. Pension caps in Europe

State Average pension
In dollars In ros. rub.
Luxembourg 3 125 218 930
Denmark 2 800 196 260
Austria 2 700 189 250
Finland 2 040 142 900
Iceland 1 550 108 600
Norway 1 730 121 200
Netherlands 1 400 98 080
Italy 1 250 87 570
Germany 1 250 87 570
France 1 250 87 570
Switzerland 1 150 80 150
Slovenia 1000 70 050
Spain 908 63 600
Sweden 833 58 350
Great Britain 830 85 150
Greece 586 41 500
Italy 583 40 840
Estonia 512 35 870
Portugal 500 35 030
Czech 500 35 030

The figures, which are 2.4-15.9 times higher than the average pension payments in Russia, are striking. But do not forget that any statistics that have to be guided during the analysis are dry figures reflecting the average level of income.

In the same Denmark, the pension is formed from three parts: social, funded and voluntary. And in order to receive an average social security, you must live in the country for at least 40 years. At the same time, the retirement age is 65 years with an average life expectancy of 78.1 years.

And in the Netherlands, “draconian” taxes have been introduced to ensure decent pensions. And despite the rather favorable picture in terms of pension provision, a decision was made to increase the retirement age to 67 by 2021, which caused a wave of indignation in the country.

But on the other hand, even in Greece, where the crisis is covering the country with new waves, pensioners are paid $586 or 41,500 rubles. True, the Greeks can receive such income only after reaching the age of 67, and indexation is frozen in the country, the social part of payments is cut.

European countries with the lowest pensions

Definitely not available in Europe. But the numbers in the top five outsiders tend to a minimum.

Table 3. Minimum pension in European countries:

State Average pension
In dollars In ros. rub.
Hungary 400 28 020
Poland 380 26 620
Latvia 304 21 300
Lithuania 298 20 900
Croatia 211 20 880
Russia 205 14 414
Romania 175 12 260
Belarus 175 12 260
Bulgaria 122 8 550
Ukraine 94,3 6 600
Moldova 80 5 600

It remains a mystery how pensioners from Moldova, Ukraine and Bulgaria survive on $80–122 or 5,600–8,550 rubles. But almost the same level of income of 8,726 rubles. designated by the government in Russia as .

True, the Russians are promised up to $285.5 at the current exchange rate, which will bring the income of pensioners closer to the level of well-being in Lithuania and Latvia, where people on a well-deserved vacation are paid $298-304.

Retirement index "happiness"

But even income, the average amount of payments in European countries are not able to reveal the full picture of the level of "happiness" of pensioners.

The French financial corporation Natixis, in order to complete the assessment of the situation with pensions in various countries, compiles the rating of the Global Pension Index.

To calculate the index, 18 indices are taken, divided into 4 groups, evaluating key aspects:

  • comfort of life in retirement from the financial point of view;
  • opportunities to increase income and save savings;
  • provision of quality medical services;
  • safety and cleanliness of the environment.

According to the results of 2017, well-fed European states habitually entered the 10 leaders of the pension rating:

  • 1st place - Norway;
  • 2nd place - Switzerland;
  • 3rd place - Iceland;
  • 4th place - Sweden;
  • 7th place - Germany;
  • 9th place - the Netherlands;
  • 10th place - Luxembourg.

Russia also made the list of the best countries in terms of retirement climate and ranked 40th, ahead of Greece (42nd) but falling short of Turkey (39th) and Latvia (34th).

Prospects for raising the retirement age

No matter how much liberals admire the standard of living of European pensioners, it will not be possible to turn a blind eye to the widespread increase in the retirement age. The indicator in European countries tends to reach the mark of 70 years, and even in attractive Denmark, the Netherlands and Finland.

Table 4. Prospects for raising the retirement age:

State Retirement age in 2018 Raise
Age Year
Germany 65 67–69 2029
Netherlands 66 67+ 2028
Denmark 65 67+ 2025
France 62,5 67 2023
Finland 63 65+ 2030
Great Britain 64/65 68 2037
Spain 65 67–70 2027
Italy 66/67 67 2021
Finland 64/65 65 2020
Türkiye 58/60 58/63 project
Austria 60/65 65 2034
Belarus 56/61 58/63 2022
Belgium 65 66 2025
67 2030
Latvia 63,25 65 2023
Lithuania 63,5 65 2026
Ukraine 58,5/60 60 2021
Estonia 63,5 65 2026

The increase is due to the rapid aging of the population in most countries. The large generation of the 1950s leaves the labor market, and the small generation of the 1990s takes their place.

According to forecasts, the dependency ratio in Europe by 2050 will increase by 1.7 times. It will grow more than 2 times in Slovakia, Ireland, Greece, Poland, Spain and Lithuania.

To ensure an acceptable level of pension provision and reduce the burden on the economy, European countries are forced to take an unpopular measure - an increase in the retirement age. Although such steps are often justified not by demographic problems, but by an increase in life expectancy.

But will pensioners from Europe be happy with an income of $1,500–2,000 when they take a well-deserved rest at the age of 68–70 and the average “survival” age is 4–10 years?

Education: Higher economics, specialization - management in the industrial sector (Kramatorsk Institute of Economics and Humanities).
September 19, 2018 .