Yellow tourmaline properties. What is tourmaline and what are the most valuable properties of a unique electric stone

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Tourmaline stone - properties and characteristics

A property common to all varieties of tourmaline is the formation of columnar prismatic crystals with a triangular cross section. The size of formations with a glassy sheen may vary. Quite often there are combinations of individual crystals, on which longitudinal relief hatching is clearly visible.

The specific gravity of tourmaline varies between 2.9–3.25. The density of the stone is from 3.02 to 3.26 grams per cubic centimeter. At the same time, the stone, which is used in radio engineering and instrument making, medicine and jewelry, has a strength of 7 to 7.5 units. But at the same time, tourmaline is quite fragile, and the fracture site of the crystal is uneven and can be covered with small cavities. Therefore, with a large number of tourmaline deposits, only a few produce a stone suitable for jewelry cutting.

One of the unique features of the stone is the appearance of an electric charge on tourmaline. This happens when heated, friction or pressure, and the effect is accompanied by the fact that on the one hand the tourmaline crystal is charged negatively, and on the other - positively.

Along with completely opaque varieties, pure transparent tourmalines are well known, surprising with the play of light on the edges. It was the behavior of the beam on a tourmaline crystal that gave scientists reason to talk about such a phenomenon as light polarization and begin to study it. Transparent stones with a high decorative effect are rightfully considered precious, and opaque crystals are classified as ornamental.

Today, connoisseurs have up to 50 various shades of tourmaline. Thanks to their use in jewelry, the Elbaite group is known more than others. The most popular are green verdelites, pink and red rubellites, blue paraiba and black schorls. But people have long known transparent achroites, purple siberites, yellow, brown and other variations of this amazing stone.

Such a variety of shapes and colors often became the cause of confusion. Tourmaline is a stone whose properties for centuries have made it mistaken for amethysts and emeralds, smoky quartz, rubies and green spinels, citrines and zircons.
The modern classification of tourmalines is based on the presence of one or another chemical element in the crystal.

  • Tourmalines with a high content of Fe, iron are schorls.
  • If lithium, Li predominates in the mineral, then the stone is classified as elbaite.
  • Containing magnesium, Mg tourmalines are called dravites.
  • An admixture of manganese, Mn forces us to refer the crystal to tsilaizites.
  • And you juice content of calcium, Ca to uvitam.
There are several dozen varieties of valuable stone, and their classification is constantly being improved. But the color of the crystals depends on the characteristics of the chemical composition. Moreover, in addition to monochrome varieties, among tourmalines there are crystals of different colors, as well as species that change their shade depending on the lighting.

Origin and extraction of tourmaline

Prism-shaped tourmaline crystals are well recognizable and are quite common in the world. The oldest deposits of this valuable stone are located in Sri Lanka, India, and also in China.

It was Burmese and Indian crystals that, after being cut, misled European jewelers until the last century. And the jewels that arrived in the Old World from South America, still referred to as Brazilian emeralds, rubies, sapphires and chrysolites, were not such. During the study, it turned out that all this splendor is tourmaline, the properties and appearance of which turned out to be so diverse that gemologists have not yet been able to agree on a common opinion on the classification of minerals in this group.

In addition to old developments in Brazil and Asia, large deposits have been discovered in Africa, Angola and South Africa. Today, red tourmalines and polychrome crystals are mined in Mozambique. The stone is mined by Canada and the USA, Switzerland, Tajikistan and Italy, where transparent tourmalines, named after the island, were first obtained on the Elbe. Jewelry crystals have been found in Afghanistan and Pakistan.

In Russia, the deposits of the Urals used to be considered the richest, but these developments are now depleted. On the other hand, active exploration in Southern Siberia and Transbaikalia has shown that local reserves are extremely extensive and diverse. 48 deposits have been discovered and registered here. Crystals of green and pink color, as well as black schorls, the most common of tourmalines, are found on the Kola Peninsula and in Karelia.

But with an abundance of explored deposits, samples of gem quality in nature are not so common.

Jewelry varieties of tourmaline: photos and descriptions

The largest number of tourmalines mined for jewelry processing are pink, red or lilac-raspberry in color. Most of these crystals belong to transparent rubellites, but today pink schorls, opaque sybirites, are also used for cabochons.

Verdelite is the world's second most popular gemstone tourmaline, whose druze has a green color of varying intensity. But the third place on the pedestal is occupied by a unique polychrome stone, which has a different color within the same crystal. The most famous variety is watermelon tourmaline. At the break, the center of the crystal has a pink or red color, and along the edges the stone is emerald green. But there are tourmalines with a translucent core or with a reverse arrangement of shades.

Blue tourmalines, comparable to sapphires, are an indigolite mineral of varying degrees of transparency and brightness, as well as the most expensive of the vast family, Paraiba tourmaline. Named for the part of the Brazilian state where it was first discovered, the crystal has an amazing "glowing" blue color and a striking play of shades that manifests itself even at dusk, with a lack of lighting. The memorable appearance of blue tourmaline, in the photo and in real life is hardly distinguishable from sapphire, is due to copper in its composition. High-temperature firing helps jewelers to enhance the radiance of the colors of this type of gemstone.

The list of tourmalines used by jewelers does not end there. In jewelry of the highest class, colorless or bluish achroites, as well as bright yellow and honey canary tourmalines, are used.
The most mysterious and, at the same time, common on the planet is considered to be a coal-black schorl with a purple, blue or brown tint. The stone is opaque and is used by jewelers for ritual items, as cabochons, for making brooches and cameos.

Among the family of monochrome tourmalines, a stone with the effect of a “cat's eye”, a brilliance reminiscent of the pupil of an animal, stands out brightly when the angle of view is changed. Another rare tourmaline, deuterolite changes from green to pink under artificial light. This variety was found in Russia and aroused great interest among jewelers.

The polychrome properties of tourmaline are manifested in crystals that have a zonal distribution of colors along the axis. More often there are formations with a smooth or stepped transition from green to pink or brown-yellow tint.

The history of the distribution of tourmalines

The appearance of tourmalines in Europe occurred in the era of the Great Geographical Discoveries, when the states of the Old World were actively looking for an outlet to the East, rich in spices, natural resources and raw materials.

Travelers who returned from India and Ceylon brought the first colored stones to Holland, which had an amazing property. The crystal, brought to the sailor's pipe, pulled out and collected the ashes on itself. Therefore, in 1703, the stone became known as "magnetic tourmaline", and then already gained recognition from jewelers who confused these minerals with the widespread sapphires, spinels, rubies and emeralds.

In Russia, which had earlier connections with the East, the royal clothes of the first ruler of the Romanov dynasty were already decorated with tourmalines in the 16th century. Until now, utensils and palace dishes inlaid with colored stones from distant India have been preserved.
When the Ural deposits began to be developed in the era of Peter I, tourmaline became one of the most popular gemstones. Thanks to a surprisingly wide range and variety of textures, transparent and light-proof crystals adorned caskets, goblets and snuffboxes. Tourmaline necklaces and figurines appeared. And the main popularizer of the unique stone was the famous Carl Faberge, who endlessly appreciated tourmaline and used it in his masterpieces.

famous tourmaline stones

The most famous historical tourmalines are directly related to Russia. A red-pink stone weighing 500 carats still crowns the crown of Anna Ioannovna, which is kept in the Armory.

The donor, on which a 130-gram round pink tourmaline is fixed, became the treasure of the Annunciation Cathedral of the Kremlin.

And the most famous jewelry tourmaline used in jewelry was raspberry rubellite weighing 255 carats, presented by the Swedish sovereign Gustav VIII to Empress Catherine II. This happened in 1777, and since then, a bunch of grapes made of precious stone has personified respect and friendship between the two peoples.

Modern finds are also amazing. A giant rubellite discovered in Brazil weighed 27 kilograms at a height of more than half a meter, and a green verdelite measuring 102 by 20 cm was sold for a record two million dollars, although the price for ordinary tourmaline does not exceed $50 per carat.

If rubellites and verdelites cannot be classified as expensive varieties by the standards of the world of precious stones, then tourmalines from the Brazilian state of Paraiba are real champions. Those wishing to buy a sparkling blue stone per carat will have to pay from 4 to 6 thousand dollars. The extraction of this type of tourmaline is not so great. Therefore, it is not surprising that especially spectacular specimens are offered to be bought for amounts of tens of thousands of dollars.

Even the development of synthetic tourmalines did not affect the situation. Production turned out to be quite expensive, and the level of prices for gemstones has increased 70 times in recent years.

Amazing tourmaline - reviews and scientific discoveries

Increasingly, precious and ornamental stones are spoken of not only as spectacular decorations, but also as minerals that can carry this or that energy or otherwise influence the life and well-being of a person. Tourmaline is no exception.

Even the Indians, who were the first to appreciate the beauty of multi-colored crystals, recognized the ability of tourmaline to restore strength, cure diseases and help a person in everyday affairs and creativity. To what does the mineral owe such abilities?

Pierre and Paul Jean Curie, who conducted research on piezoelectricity in 1880, studied the properties of tourmaline and natural quartz. And the work gave a revolutionary result. Scientists have found that tourmaline, when heated and other types of exposure, emits electrons, which, interacting with oxygen atoms in the air, lead to the appearance of negative air ions.
Alexander Chizhevsky, who made a great contribution to the theory of ions and their influence on humans, noted that anion starvation is fraught with diseases for people, early aging and exacerbation of chronic diseases. The more useful and valuable is tourmaline, whose importance as a source of negative ions today is extremely high, because it is becoming more and more difficult to breathe the air of dusty cities and apartments overflowing with appliances.

Due to the constant microcurrents on the surface of the crystals, tourmaline was called an electrical mineral. And the infrared radiation emitted by the crystals with a wavelength of 14-15 nanometers is perfectly perceived by the human body.
Modern scientists consider this combination of properties to be unique and worthy of comprehensive study. It is already known today that due to the effect of resonant adsorption, the removal of toxins and the general metabolism in the thickness of the skin are accelerated. Infrared radiation of tourmaline, according to reviews, has a mild warming effect, reduces pain, helps to cope with swelling and other painful manifestations.

The latest development of scientists is tourmaline fibers and garments made on their basis, special belts, knee pads and bracelets. These items, with the help of innovative technologies, turned into a powerful tool for healing and rejuvenation, are completely safe, and they have no contraindications.

The magical effect of tourmaline and features of wearing

But to get a positive effect from wearing a stone, it is not necessary to use the latest inventions all the time. Jewelry from this stone can improve sleep, have a beneficial effect on the immune system, the state of the nervous and endocrine systems.

A pendant or ring with tourmaline encourages a person to creative work, directs them to the path of self-improvement and purification. The great value of the tourmaline stone is that its crystals are able to clear a person’s thoughts from anxiety, causeless fears and longing, which do not pass doubts. People who wear tourmalines notice that they become more collected, make decisions easier and concentrate on serious tasks.

The best setting for tourmaline, whatever the color of the crystal, is silver or gold, which awakens in the wearer the ability to foresee.

But the properties of the stone still depend on its shade, color intensity and its uniformity. Colored stones are talismans for those who wish to reach the heights in spiritual development. But the black schorl, once called the stone of healers and sorcerers, because of its strength, requires a more careful attitude, especially in the presence of certain diseases.

Tourmaline- a mineral, or, more precisely, a group of boron-containing ring silicates similar in composition and structure with the general formula XY 3 Z 6 (BO 3) 3 (O,OH,F) 4, where X \u003d Na, Ca, K; Y = Li, Mg, Mn 2+ , Fe 2+ , Al, Ti, and Z = Mg, Fe 2+ , Al, Fe 3+ , Cr, V 3+ . The main mineral species of the group are characterized by the fact that X = Na, and isomorphic substitutions occur in other cations. Until the XIV century, red varieties of tourmaline were in circulation under the general name "lal".

See also:


The syngony is trigonal; ditrigonal-pyramidal c. With. L 3 3P. A characteristic structural unit in tourmaline is two-storey (unlike beryl) ring anionic radicals with the formula A 12 O 30 where half of the A ions are Si 4+, and the other half are Al 3+ and B 3+ ions. In this case, silicon ions in a quadruple environment of oxygen ions occupy one layer (floor) in the specified anionic radical, forming six-membered rings of a ditrigonal configuration having a triple axis and three mirror planes of symmetry passing through it. The second layer of each paired ring is represented by Al 3+ and B 3+ ions, which are in a tetrahedral environment of oxygen ions and together with them form a shape that is close to a triangle in total. These isolated two-storey rings are located at the vertices of the rhombohedral unit cell and are connected to each other with the help of Mg and Al ions (but in six-fold coordination of oxygen ions). These ions, being linked to each other by common oxygen ions, form helical chains in the crystal structure along the right and left triple helical axes of the rhombohedral cell. As for the Ca and Na ions, they, being in a six-wheeled environment of oxygen ions, are located on the same triple axes on which the paired anionic rings sit, and thus bind them together along the axis.


Hardness 7 -7.5. Specific gravity 3 -3.4 g/cm 3 . Cleavage is either absent or imperfect according to (1120) and (1011). The color of tourmaline depends on its chemical composition: black (schorl), dark green (verdelite), dark blue (indigolite), dark red to pink (rubellite), brown-yellow (dravite). Some tourmaline crystals have multiple color zones; such crystals are called "polychromic".
One of the characteristic features of tourmaline is the manifestation of pronounced hemimorphism in its crystals - an asymmetric faceting of different ends of the crystal. The manifestations of pyro- and piezoelectric effects characteristic of its crystals are associated with the hemimorphism of tourmaline (they are electrolyzed by heating, friction, pressure, with one end of the crystal being charged positively and the other negatively). Therefore, large tourmaline crystals are used in radio engineering.


Tourmaline crystals usually have a columnar appearance and are elongated along the triple axis of symmetry. Occasionally there are short prismatic crystals. As a rule, the crystals are small, often microscopically small, but sometimes large specimens are also found, up to 20 cm or more in length with a few centimeters in diameter. Of the forms, prisms (1010) and (1120), trigonal pyramids (1011), (0221), etc. are most common. In total, about 180 simple forms have been identified. Often, the ends of the crystals are not equally developed. Very often observed on the faces of prisms are vertical hatching, which is very characteristic of tourmalines, and no less characteristic shape of spherical triangles in cross section (Fig. 310), due to the combination of numerous faces of the prismatic belt. Twins are very rare according to (1011). Aggregates. Tourmaline is often observed in columnar, radially radiant (in the form of the so-called tourmaline sun), tangled needles or fibrous aggregates. Less common in solid granular, sometimes cryptocrystalline masses.


The origin is endogenous, high-temperature, pegmatite, metamorphic, hydrothermal-metasomatic.
Tourmalines are quite often found in association with other minerals containing volatile components in pegmatites (rubellite and polychrome tourmalines have been observed exclusively in them), often in hydrothermal ore deposits, as well as in various altered rocks, including crystalline schists, gneisses, phyllites that have undergone exposure to pneumatolytic agents. It is also observed in the form of microscopic crystals in some granites and in their contact aureoles, mainly in association with quartz, sometimes with topaz, cassiterite and other minerals in greisens.

During the weathering of rocks, it behaves like a chemically resistant mineral and, as a residual product, gets into placers. It is also found in many sedimentary rocks. Erosion patterns sometimes observed on tourmaline crystals probably owe their origin to hydrothermal processes.


Large crystals of tourmaline are used in radio engineering. The piezoelectric properties of tourmaline as a source of negative ions are used in advertising of medical devices (health mattresses, shorts, socks and pillows, lumbar belts, knee pads and other physically contacting devices, supposedly effective for improving musculoskeletal function, etc.). However, international medicine is skeptical about these treatments.

Depending on the color and transparency, some varieties of tourmaline are classified as precious stones, others are ornamental. The most highly valued are the transparent varieties of green, blue and crimson red, as well as the polychrome green-red. Due to strong pleochroism, dark crystals are cut in such a way that the platform of the stone is parallel to the long axis. For light crystals, the area is oriented perpendicular to the main axis, which achieves the greatest color depth.

Heating tourmalines to 450-650 ° C, they achieve their ennoblement - red-brown stones become pink, and dark green ones become emerald green. Artificial tourmalines are not produced. There are glass imitations.
The evaluation of the quality of jewelry stones takes into account the flawlessness of the crystal and the bright saturated color. The most popular in the jewelry market are faceted stones weighing more than 2 carats.

Tourmaline (English Tourmaline) - Na (Li, Al) 3 A l6 [(OH) 4 | (BO 3) 3 Si 6 O 18]


The main mineral types of the group:

  • burgerite
  • Chromedravite
  • Dravite
  • Elbait
    • Verdelite
    • Indicolite
    • rubellite
    • Achroite
  • Feruvit
  • Foytit
  • Liddicoatite
  • Magnesium foitite
  • deer
  • Povondritis
  • Rossmanite
  • Vanadiodravite

Tourmaline belongs to a subgroup of stones - boron-containing aluminosilicates. Tourmaline stone has properties, importance, influences various zodiac signs. It is sometimes called rubellite, siberite, verdelite, indicolite, depending on the impurities that make up the composition.

Translated from the Senegalese language, the Tourmaline mineral means "a multi-colored stone with magical powers." The ancients described the property of the mineral to attract dust, which indicates the piezoelectric ability of tourmaline, which were noticed in antiquity. The color scale of the crystal is different and it is influenced by chemical components.

In nature, there are polychrome samples that differ in the color play of faces. That is, each of them can be painted in different shades. But most often, raspberry and green tourmalines, which are most highly valued, are popular. Green-red polychrome minerals are also popular.

The formation of tourmaline occurs in igneous rocks. The gem has a complex formula Na(Li,Al) 3 Al 6 [(OH) 4 |(BO 3) 3 Si 6 O 18]


There is a classification of jewelry varieties of the mineral.

Pink tourmalines

Specimens that are red or pink are called rubelite. Mineral deposits have been found in various parts of the world, also in Russia. Large and luxurious specimens were found in Brazil.

With regular contact with the stone, the owner will receive more attention from the opposite sex, learn to live in harmony with himself, respect other people. Lithotherapists claim that it has a positive effect on the condition of the lungs and skin.

Blue and light blue indicolites

They are also called Paraiba tourmalines. Gem mining is carried out in Brazil, namely in Paraiba, where the name comes from. Wearing a stone helps a person to understand himself, listen to the subconscious, get answers to questions of interest. These are the favorite specimens of many collectors.

Colorless - achroites

Minerals are formed in placers, pegmatite veins. It is not so popular with jewelers. Samples are mined in Italy, the USA and Namibia.

watermelon minerals

They fully justify their name, since their coloring is very similar to an appetizing berry. Many specimens boast large sizes. The positive influence of the stone on men and their qualities has long been noticed, strengthening them. Regular contact with watermelon gem improves men's health.

Green verdelites

Gems are sometimes called Brazilian emerald for their natural rich color. It is worth noting that the shades of stones found in different places may be different.

Green tourmalines have a beneficial effect on the nervous system and the main "motor" of the body. Tourmaline discovers talents and creates harmony.

Black tourmalines

Instances of black color, which include iron, are called schorls. Bioenergetics attributed to them the property of creating an energy field around the owner, which is a protection against damage and the evil eye. In addition, black tourmalines help to keep positive and empower a person in critical situations.

In addition, it perfectly copes with stress and bad mood, returning a person to clarity of thought.

Thanks to modern technology, there are methods for the production of artificial analogues of tourmaline. But it is worth noting the high cost of technology.


Even in ancient Egypt, it was called the rainbow mineral. The myth of this people says that tourmaline was presented to the earth by the sun, endowing it with various colors along the way. For a wide range of colors, it is chosen by both jewelers and collectors. Its popularity has only increased over the years.

Minerals were first brought to Europe in 1703 by Dutch sailors from Sri Lanka. In those days, stones adorned sailors' smoking pipes. The thing is that tourmaline has an amazing ability to electrify and when heated, ash is attracted to them.

According to other sources, tourmaline became known to mankind from the moment when the catalog of minerals was published, which was created by Paul Hermann. For some time he practiced medicine in Ceylon, where he collected stones, described them, created a catalog, thanks to which mankind got acquainted with many unknown samples. But the catalog itself became known after the death of the scientist.

Tourmaline as an ornament existed in Byzantium, in Ancient Rus'. It was a great gift among the monks. A 100-gram copy served as an adornment for Anna Ioannovna's diadem.

Place of Birth

More often tourmalines are formed in granites, pegmatites. The formation of minerals in metamorphic beds is more commonly seen in schorls, skarns, dravites, and greisens. Faithful companions of the gem are corundum, zircons and hematites. Luxury copies are located on the territory of the Russian Federation, in Madagascar, Brazil. Stones of excellent gem quality have been found in Canada and the USA. Luxurious types that are mined in Brazil may be called Brazilian sapphires or emeralds.

Practical use

Due to the piezoelectric quality of tourmalines, it is used in radio engineering, medical devices, in the creation of health mattresses and equipment that ionizes the air.

Minerals also made it possible to discover the polarization of light.

Tourmalines are cut into cabochons, cut and engraved.

Medicinal properties

Following the practice of traditional medicine and the experience of lithotherapists, the stone has a great effect on the endocrine system.

  • Green stones allow you to cope with liver diseases;
  • Blue is recommended for overly emotional people and those who often experience stress. Thus, sleep is getting better, insomnia and nightmares go away;
  • Black crystals help during the off-season as a prophylactic against colds;
  • Blue tourmalines improve vigilance, cope with headaches. To do this, you should carefully examine the facets of tourmaline for several minutes a day, it is important to completely relax and not think about anything. Modern scientists have proven that regular contact with stones helps to strengthen the immune system and set a person up for positive;
  • It is recommended to wear it to people who, on duty, are associated with mental stress. This includes students;
  • The beneficial effect of gems on blood vessels and the heart has been noted;
  • Japanese researchers conducted a series of experiments, in a number of which the healing effect of the mineral on the human body was proved using an electromagnetic field. Scientists managed to produce a special medical fiber from gem powder, which is successfully used in medicine.

Contraindications for wearing

Despite a number of positive properties, negative qualities should also be taken into account.

  • The mineral should be worn only after a day if there was damage to the soft tissues;
  • Jewelry should be removed at body temperature;
  • It is necessary to carefully wear the gem for those who have a pacemaker;
  • It is advisable to refrain from contact with him pregnant and lactating mothers.

Magic influences

  • Since ancient times, information has been traced that black stones were actively used by witches for their rituals;
  • Green specimens should be worn by people of creative professions;
  • The energy of the mineral is aimed at revealing the talents and abilities of a person;
  • Tourmaline is suitable as an amulet;
  • It is an ideal stone for meditation;
  • Colorless specimens will help clear the mind, create a balance of spiritual and physical forces;
  • It is worth noting the attention to tourmaline by the clergy. They were often decorated with church utensils and the clothes of the servants of the temple. It is believed that the stone helps only honest and decent people, revealing fraud and deceit;
  • It is most suitable for artists, psychics, poets, writers;
  • Red stones will become a talisman for artists, feeding them with cosmic energy.

Influence on the signs of the zodiac

Luxurious gems give their energy as much as possible to Libra, Cancer, Pisces, Capricorn, which are allowed to develop creative abilities and prevent the emergence of drug or alcohol addiction, allow you to see goodness and beauty in the world.

It is worth noting that wearing a stone every day is prohibited, since its strong vibrations can be harmful to health. Prolonged contact with tourmaline causes wrong thoughts, and a person acts unreasonably in various situations. Even the most psychologically stable person can feel discomfort and strange sensations that will be initiated by the crystal.

Thanks to the amulet, the owner will become more collected and will be able to concentrate on achieving their goals.

It does not suit only Scorpions.


The mineral refers to precious stones that cost from $50 per carat. For example, for Brazilian samples, you will have to pay about $ 6,000 per carat. And every year the cost of tourmalines increases.

How to care

To prolong the life of luxury tourmaline products, you should properly care for them.

  1. To clean the jewelry, it is washed in soapy water or polished. In this case, alkali cannot be added to water. After cleaning, it is polished with a soft piece of suede;
  2. Even if the mineral is in the box, it does not lose its ability to attract dust;
  3. To restore shine, it is important to hold the crystal in the sun for a couple of minutes. He will absorb his energy and shine with bright colors.

Rules for distinguishing from a fake

When purchasing jewelry with a stone, it is important to follow the rules and advice.

  • Given the high strength of the mineral, it is impossible to scratch it with a sharp object;
  • When the sample is heated, its unique ability to attract small particles is manifested. By exposing it to heat, the sample can be tested;

In nature, polychrome tourmaline is considered the rarest specimen. Upon closer examination of the stone, one can see its heterogeneous structure and smooth transitions between sets of colors.

Tourmaline is one of those stones that have amazed people since their discovery. The mystery of sparkle, the brilliance of internal overflows not only conquered, but forced to study its properties and possibilities. The attitude to tourmaline can be compared with the worship of precious metals. The gem changes its abilities when it hits silver or gold. It becomes stronger, healthier and more beautiful.

History and origins

Tourmaline appeared on the European market in the 18th century. According to legend, it was brought by Dutch travelers (sailors) who visited the island of Ceylon. The nobility immediately considered jewels in gems and put them on the same level as emeralds and rubies.

There was a demand for tourmaline fossils, ships of miners and merchants headed to the distant island of Sri Lanka. Multi-colored gems have been subjected to predatory aspirations for the profit of pirates and robbers. The result of such actions was the depletion of a known deposit. Ceylon was left without tourmaline.

The origin of the stone is associated with various processes that are difficult to repeat in the laboratory:

  • endogenous;
  • pegmatite;
  • hydrothermal;
  • high temperature.

Crystals are formed in the form of placers. They are exposed to weathering and purification for a long time from growths and surface impurities.

Place of Birth

After the known deposits on the island that gave the world tourmaline, the stone was found in other places:

  • Brazil;
  • Madagascar Island;
  • Mozambique;
  • Republic of South Africa;
  • Canadian territories;
  • China;
  • Mountains of Afghanistan;
  • America.

The Ural Mountains of Russian territory were rapidly depleted. They have been used for many centuries. Tourmaline reserves have now been found in Transbaikalia and on the Kola Peninsula.

Physical properties

Tourmaline stone has special physical properties. It is used in industry, finding a place for useful qualities and unusual possibilities for creating nature in modern technological processes.

ColorBlue, red-violet, colorless, black, polychrome, pink, red, orange-brown, green.
TransparencyFrom transparent to opaque.
kinkIrregular, small-shelled, brittle.
Refractive index1,616-1,652
Density3.02-3.26 g/cm³

Tourmaline is a borosilicate of aluminum AL and magnesium Mg. A large number of elements of the periodic table were found in the composition of the rock.

What is the structure of a single fossil crystal:

  • long thin bar;
  • internal structure similar to a prism;
  • clearly visible edges of the geometric structure;
  • triangle in the cross section of the sample;
  • needle-shaped structure;
  • radial-radiant structure.

The stone does not have a clear color, each piece of material has different shades and color schemes of the pattern. Crystals have found their place in industry. Whereby? The answer is unique physical indicators:

  1. Pyroelectric. When the temperature changes (heating), a process of polarization occurs: one face becomes positively charged, the other negatively. The mineral becomes a magnet and attracts various small particles to its surface. This ability has found application for cleaning smoking pipes. Remains of tobacco and soot remained on the raw tourmaline crystals. Today, special parts are created in electronics - stone filters.
  2. Piezoelectric. The rock ionizes the air. This property is used in the manufacture of health items: mattresses, pillows. Special medical devices are cleaned of contamination. Another application of this property is to measure the pressure on an object falling into water.

Medicinal properties

The mineral has healing properties that were discovered by healers and described in books on stones. What are the properties of tourmaline?

  1. Infrared light emission. A natural source of healing radiance allows you to penetrate deep into the tissues and bring cells back to life. Regeneration takes place. The stone improves a specific area of ​​the body without endangering the skin and organs located near the painful area.
  2. Warming up. Tourmaline crystals are crushed, but not to powder, but to small particles. They are laid out on a specially prepared fabric, creating a semblance of a belt. Natural natural heater treats bones, joints, organs of the back, legs and arms. Particles are used to create therapeutic knee pads, warming belts. Tourmaline powder, as a filler for pharmaceutical products, is popular in many countries.
  3. natural ionizer. The stone is polarized from various heat sources located in the natural environment. He begins to purify the air without special devices for this. Tourmaline ionization has been used in medicine for many decades. Doctors and populists help a person recover faster from an illness, restore health after surgical interventions. Negative ion minerals work as wellness mixtures, pulling dirt and germs out of the body.
  4. Activation of osteoblast production. Human bone mass cells begin to form faster, they help with osteochondrosis, the development of an intervertebral hernia. Painful pathologies will begin to disappear, improving the human condition.

magical properties

The mystical abilities of real tourmaline have been studied by shamans. They are confirmed by scientists of esoteric ideologies. Gem crystals are capable of many things:

  1. Creative people find inspiration and ideas. The stone helps to survive periods of internal devastation. It provides an opportunity to relax and discover a new gift or find creatine and positive in ordinary events.
  2. Little children find peace and sleep. Night terrors go away. Tourmaline is wrapped in silk, placed under the pillow, pressed against the cheek. The child calms down.
  3. The stone strengthens the relationship of married couples, helps to maintain love and mutual understanding. The family grows stronger, healthy children are born. Marriage is indestructible, tourmaline becomes a talisman of feelings of love.
  4. The gem cleanses the thoughts and soul of the owner. The aura gains protection, resists black forces, envy and malice. A person gains confidence, thoughts line up in one line, immunity increases. Health is getting stronger.

Jewelry with a mineral

Tourmaline jewelry has been known for centuries. One of these masterpieces is considered "Caesar's Ruby". The pink crystal is kept in the Diamond Fund Vault. According to legend, Caesar gave a bunch of grapes from a gem to his beloved.

Cleopatra appreciated the gift. The piece of jewelry wandered from one conqueror to another. In the XVIII century, he comes to Russia. The Swedish king gives a bunch to Catherine. The decoration of the palaces of Cleopatra is with the Russian Empress. Caesar and his craftsmen believed that they made jewelry from a ruby, but modern scientists have refuted their opinion. A bunch known for many centuries is rubellite.

The decorations of modern masters are beautiful and delicate. They bring charm, freshness, style to the image of the owners. The price of products depends on the color, the originality of the shade, the shape and method of joining the crystals, their size and cut. There are a lot of indicators that change the cost of jewelry.

  • Beads made of pink, red and green balls will cost from 700 rubles.
  • Bracelets made of compressed ovals decorated in the same shape, rectangular plates, translucent columns - up to 5 thousand rubles.
  • Delicate necklaces made of translucent peas, flat ovals of different colors - from 1800 rubles.

Cheap products can be found and bought for up to a thousand rubles. Jewelry that is complex in form and work increases in price at times. Jewelers have found a new way to work with tourmaline. They make beads that can be easily transformed into bracelets, decorate bags.

The rings change and become kulans and pendants. It is so interesting to work with the material that a rare master refuses such an opportunity. Even a non-professional can work with tourmaline beads. Needlewomen work with stone, decorating their work, realizing creative ideas.


Tourmaline surprisingly repeats numerous colors. Among the breed there are popular shades, rare and not of interest to the masters.

Popular colors are:

  • green;
  • black;
  • pink;
  • blue.

Consider their features and magical abilities.

  1. green mineral. Similar in appearance to . One of the names is the Brazilian Emerald. For different deposits, green minerals have their own saturation of hue. Green patterns work on the heart chakra. The heart receives health, a person enjoys life, finds harmony, does not argue with himself, enjoys what is given to him from above.
  2. The pink mineral was loved by the monarchs of European countries. On their crown, he was a mandatory component. The name of the pink breed is. For a long time, tourmaline stones were mistaken for, hence the similarity in names. Saturation of pink from the presence and concentration of manganese. Such samples are mined in California, Russian Transbaikalia, Madagascar. Large specimens are found in Brazilian deposits. Their length can reach up to half a meter.
  3. The black gem was obtained due to the concentration of iron in the mineral. Its scientific name is Sherl. It is a stone of sorcerers and witches. With his help, they conducted their sessions of magic. Esotericists are sure that black specimens protect against witchcraft, put up a barrier from strong magicians. Dark tourmaline frees from jealousy, aggression and other negative qualities. He is able to relieve a sharp headache, free from mental suffering. Rotate the schorl counterclockwise over the place of pain: head, heart, limbs.
  4. The blue stone is known as Indicolite. This is a rare and expensive gem. The place of its extraction is added to the name, suggesting that beautiful stones be classified as such: oriental, Brazilian, Siberian. The standard solution is clear blue tourmaline. The crystal has the form of a column. Inside the prism, even shading is visible, enhancing the beauty of the glow of the blue tone. If an admixture of different content (2–3 valence) iron is added to indigo, the indicolite begins to cast green. Jewelers have learned how to create such tourmalines on their own. They expose indicolites to thermal effects. Blue (saturated marine) gem is recommended for those who appreciate peace, quiet, homeliness and comfort. The sea-colored mineral strengthens marriage, strengthens love.

How to distinguish natural Tourmaline from a fake?

When buying in the jewelry department, sellers will not allow you to check the originality using mechanical impact: scratching, throwing or squeezing. It is unlikely that craftsmen will allow their products to be heated. Few people want to have their work endangered. There are more humane ways to check.

  1. electrification of the material. Jewelry is first warmed in the hands, then rubbed. The stone should attract finely torn pieces of paper. Electrification confirm the naturalness of tourmaline.
  2. Color heterogeneity. Stones that are ideal in color are clearly a fake. In natural tourmaline, the colors go from dark to light, creating an original pattern.

Creating an artificial gem is not difficult. But the process can become more expensive than that obtained in the natural environment. It is the cost of technological processes that reduce interest in this type of activity. But to hope that scammers do not live near you is not worth it. It is better to check the jewelry than to become the owner of a fraudulent product.

Caring for stone products

Tourmaline requires regular maintenance. Healing abilities should be maintained by constantly helping the mineral get rid of the accumulated negativity. It should be cleaned with prolonged wear, after recovery and sessions of magical rituals.. How to care:

  1. Place the decoration (talisman) under running water. To do this, take a colander. In order not to lose individual parts, small parts, the product is first wrapped in gauze or cloth that absorbs water well.
  2. Keep under clean running water for 30 minutes.

Data-lazy-type="image" data-src="" alt="tourmaline stone" width="280" height="282">!} At all times, people were attracted not only by gold or silver bars, but also by various minerals that fascinated with their magical radiance and bright colors. The gemstone tourmaline immediately struck everyone with its luxurious appearance and became no less popular than a ruby ​​or emerald.

Description of the stone and its history

Tourmaline was only known in Europe at the beginning of the 18th century, when ships returned to the port after they had traveled to Ceylon. The nobility liked the natural stone so much that many expeditions were sent to the island to find out where this gem was mined. It is not difficult to assume that these reserves were depleted rather quickly.

Png" alt="" width="80" height="68"> But other deposits were also discovered, where tourmaline is mined to this day. Iridescent crystals were found in Brazil, and in the USA, Canada, on the African continent and in Russia (Ural Mountains, Kola Peninsula, Transbaikalia). Experiments to create an artificial version were successful. However, the production turned out to be so expensive that it was not further developed.

In its composition, the tourmaline mineral is a borosilicate of aluminum and magnesium with impurities of other elements, the number of which is at least twenty-five. The crystal itself is usually an elongated prism with clearly visible edges, giving a triangle in cross section. The placers of this gem, which has high hardness values, withstand weathering well and amaze with their glassy brilliance and diversity.

Jpg" alt="tourmaline" width="139" height="220">!} Color varieties of tourmaline depend on its constituent iron, chromium, magnesium and other substances. Crystals differ not only in color, but also in the degree of transparency. According to these indicators, some of them are classified as ornamental, others are precious.

The physical properties of tourmaline stone allow it to be used not only in jewelry, but also in industry in the production of high-precision technical devices and other areas:

  • If the crystal is heated, then positive and negative charges are formed at its ends. Due to this, it will begin to attract small particles to itself.
  • The action of tourmaline as a piezoelectric is also used in medicine. It produces negatively charged ions, which are used, for example, to enrich indoor air.

But still, first of all, tourmaline is a stone that has always been a symbol of power and wealth. Not every representative of the nobility could afford to acquire such a stone. The crowns and various details of the royal attire of the Russian empresses Catherine I, Catherine II, Anna Ioannovna once adorned luxurious gems of amazing color and size. You can see them today in the Kremlin Diamond Fund.

The color spectrum of the stone

Tourmaline is a mineral that is known like no other for its color varieties from almost colorless to black. You can find not only samples of one shade, but also polychrome crystals. Such characteristics made the gem one of the favorite jewelers.

Among the crystals known in nature, the following types of tourmaline are the most popular:

  1. data-lazy-type="image" data-src="" alt="green tourmaline verdelite" width="112" height="130">!} Green tourmaline is called verdelite. Because of the great similarity, it is called the Brazilian emerald. The shades of this stone may differ depending on the location of the deposit.
  2. .jpg" alt="Pink tourmaline" width="78" height="130">!} Pink or raspberry stone used to be often confused with ruby. It was this rubellite (another name for this variety), shaped like a bunch of grapes, that was presented to Catherine II.
  3. .jpg" alt="black tourmaline schorl" width="130" height="134">!} Black tourmaline (shorl) looks quite impressive and owes its color to a large amount of iron in the composition. The size of the schorl can be quite large, but the stone does not carry jewelry value.
  4. .jpg" alt="Burmese tourmaline" width="100" height="130">!} Burmese tourmaline impresses with the depth of its color, which plays with different shades. Many compare this purple tourmaline to a drop of blood.
  5. .jpg" alt=" blue tourmaline indicolite" width="130" height="99">!}
    A rare variation is a rich blue gem called indicolite. You can meet him in South America or Sri Lanka.
  6. .jpg" alt="paraiba blue tourmaline" width="130" height="106">!}
    Sky blue tourmaline is found in the Brazilian state of Paraiba. Such a mineral is very rare and therefore highly valued by collectors.
  7. .jpg" alt="watermelon tourmaline" width="114" height="140">!} The most unusual can be safely called a polychrome tourmaline crystal, which shimmers with all the colors of the rainbow. The shades blend smoothly into each other, and can sometimes resemble a delicious piece of watermelon.
  8. .jpg" alt="yellow tourmaline" width="130" height="98">!}
    Sometimes you can find yellow tourmaline, and brown tourmaline, and even purple. This type of mineral is called dravite.
  9. .jpg" alt="tourmaline achroite" width="120" height="94">!}
    There are also stones that are completely devoid of color. They are called achroites.

Tourmalines, whose properties depend on their color, are widely used both in medicine and in the magical sphere, helping a person find physical and spiritual harmony.

The healing properties of the stone

Even the ancient healers knew about the healing power of the stone. An amulet with a gem protected its owner from illnesses, maintained his health and cleansed his home. Nowadays, based on the physical properties, scientists have conducted research and concluded that the use of tourmaline in medicine is very effective.

Jpg" alt="tourmaline decoration" width="200" height="171">!}
The action of the stone is very versatile and has a positive effect on the process of healing a person. It was found that this gem has the ability to infrared radiation, which, when directed to a specific part of the body, helps to restore and improve cell function.

If the mineral is crushed and used as a filler for various belts, then applying such a belt to a sore back or joints, you will get a significant warming effect. In addition, it will positively influence the production of osteoblasts that synthesize the intercellular substance.

The healing properties of tourmaline are also manifested in the ability to ionize the air. Filling the surrounding space with negative ions helps a person recover from past illnesses, if there are no contraindications.

The tourmaline stone, whose healing properties are well studied by lipotherapists, can help to cope with many problems. Its use is shown to:

  • improve appetite and digestion processes;
  • strengthen the cardiovascular system and normalize blood pressure;
  • increase immunity and strengthen the protective properties of the body;
  • normalize metabolism and cellular metabolism;
  • restore the nervous system and treat the eyes.

Interestingly, the properties and significance of crystals for the body depend on color. For example, a green gem is suitable for those who have heart problems. Black tourmaline will relieve pain and relieve stress. The pink mineral is indicated for skin and lung problems. Polychrome (watermelon) stone will strengthen the nervous system.

Png" alt="" width="70" height="70"> It is important to take into account the possible contraindications that exist if you decide to use the healing properties of the gem. If you have been injured by damaging soft tissues, then it is better to postpone the use of the stone for a day. Avoid using the crystals if you have a fever or are bleeding. Treatment of diseases with a mineral cannot be carried out if you have been diagnosed with a malfunction of the thyroid gland, have a pacemaker, or often have allergic reactions. If a woman is in a position or is breastfeeding, then such an effect on the body should also be refrained from.

The magical properties of the stone

It is known that tourmaline stone exhibits magical properties that can quite strongly influence the life of a person who possesses it. Jewelry with him was advised to be worn by people whose activities are related to creativity in order to avoid a crisis and lack of inspiration.

Jpg" alt=" tourmaline jewelry" width="200" height="128">!}
In some countries, such a crystal served as a talisman for children, making them sleep peacefully. He was also advised to have in order to maintain harmony in the family and acquire healthy offspring. Choosing a black tourmaline or a crystal of a different color as an amulet, a person provided himself with protection and found harmony with himself.

Depending on the color of the crystal, various properties are attributed to it:

  • For active people who are constantly on the move, a multi-colored stone is suitable.
  • The blue crystal will open up opportunities for understanding the world and communication with the cosmos.
  • Lilac-colored gems will help calm emotions that are overflowing.
  • For love magic, red tourmaline has always been used.

Tourmaline provides protection from the negativity that its owner may face, rebuffing any ill-wisher. The amulet will allow you to feel if someone is lying to you, protect you from envy and the evil eye. The stone will give confidence and determination, help to make the right decisions.

Compatibility with zodiac signs

If we talk about who suits tourmaline, then the sign of the zodiac does not really matter. This stone will be able to provide the necessary support and protection to everyone. However, astrologers advise some signs to pay special attention to it.

Jpg" alt="Capricorn" width="40" height="40">.jpg" alt="Scorpion" width="40" height="40"> Для Козерога и Скорпиона очень мощную поддержку окажет черный турмалин. Он поможет справиться со многими проблемами и стрессом.!}

Jpg" alt="Aquarius" width="40" height="40">.jpg" alt="Sagittarius" width="40" height="40"> Синие самоцветы станут хорошими спутниками для Водолеев и Стрельцов.!}

Jpg" alt="Libra" width="40" height="40">.jpg" alt="a lion" width="40" height="40">.jpg" alt="Aries" width="40" height="40"> Весы, Львы и Овны найдут внутреннюю гармонию, если сделают своим амулетом кристаллы зеленого или розового цвета.!}

Jpg" alt="Pisces" width="40" height="40"> Одними из тех, кому подходит этот минерал, являются Рыбы-женщины. Их он наделяет привлекательностью и защищает от различных невзгод.!}

Astrologers suggest carrying crystals of different colors depending on the day of the week. Monday and Saturday are green stone days, Tuesday is a red gem, Wednesday is the time to take black tourmaline with you, Thursday and Friday are blue or blue tourmaline, and pink is best for Sunday.

Set in gold, tourmaline will only increase its positive impact on a person, helping to reveal his hidden abilities and protecting him from all the bad things in the world around him.