What is pyrite used for? Pyrite (iron pyrite): physical and magical properties


Pyrite is a mineral that is considered to be the most common among sulfides. It is also called iron pyrite or sulfur pyrite, which is composed of iron and sulfur (approximately 50%/50%). As a rule, it is found in nature with impurities of selenium, copper, nickel and cobalt.

The chemical formula of the FeS 2 mineral indicates that the stone belongs to the class of sulfides or disulfides (since its molecular structure has two sulfur atoms in its composition). In its pure form, that is, in a clear ratio of iron and sulfur of 46.6% to 53.4%, the mineral can hardly be found in nature, since, as mentioned above, the mineral includes a number of metal impurities.

According to its external characteristics, pyrite is a mineral sample in the form of crystalline cubes with a characteristic golden sheen. However, gold itself is found in this form quite rarely during mining, so it is quite realistic to distinguish it visually from pyrite by this feature alone.

You can also visually distinguish gold rock from pyrite ore by a characteristic feature (powder formed by rubbing against a ceramic plate). In the first case, it has a yellow color, in the second - a leaden gray tint.

Speaking about history, it is customary to mention that pyrite has been known since ancient times, the birth of modern human civilization. Since ancient times, people have learned how to make fire using silicon and pyrite. For the outward similarity with gold, the inhabitants of Central America called pyrite ore the gold of the Incas. It is noteworthy that the Spanish conquistadors mistakenly took it for gold and often took it from the local population. Thus, in those parts, this mineral was also called fool's gold.

On the territory of the burials of the ancient Incas and Aztecs, archaeologists have discovered impressive mirror plates made of pyrite - one side has the shape of a hemisphere, and the other is polished to a mirror finish.

The ancients attributed some healing properties to this mineral. As a gemstone, pyrite has not received due recognition. The problem is that despite its initially attractive appearance, the mineral oxidizes quite quickly, due to which it fades and loses its aesthetic value. In addition, this sulfide has a rather brittle structure.

This stone is quite fastidious in terms of extraction - often miners encountered pyrite fires, which were occupied due to the oxidation of massive pyrite deposits, especially during the hot period.

In what form is the mineral found in nature?

In most ore and rocks, pyrite is found in the form of rounded grains or crystalline inclusions. Often there are continuous aggregate masses, sometimes forming drusen.

The most common are cubic or pentagondodecahedral/octahedral crystals. There are crystals, the size of which reaches several decimeters in cross section. They are characterized by hatched faces (the strokes form parallels with the edges of the cubes). Such bands are always oriented perpendicular to adjacent faces, in accordance with the structural features of the mineral sample.

Often in nature, pyrite deposits grow together with tetrahedrites, marcasites, pyrrhotites and galenas. Pyrite crystals, formed under the influence of high or low temperatures, take the form of an octahedron or cube. But the formation of simple forms under conditions of intermediate temperature conditions is an order of magnitude richer.

Pentagondodecahedral formations are considered typical of low-temperature, strongly mineralized zones. But the pentaghododecahedral habit is formed under conditions of intermediate temperatures. Cubic pyrite habits are a typical example of a low supersaturation formation, while pentagon dodecahedral habits are typical for high supersaturations, respectively.

Another form with a cryptocrystalline structure (melnikoeite) is formed as a mixture with dimorphic FeS 2 modifications. Marcasite is a rhombic mineral obtained in an artificial acid environment. Under natural conditions, pyrite is formed in a slightly acidic or neutral environment.

Pyrite formations are also formed during the metamorphism of clayey rocks, which are enriched in organic minerals. Most often, pyrite is mined for the subsequent separation of sulfuric acid from it (the largest mining site for this purpose is Rio Tinto, Spain).

The most common form is considered to be a granular, confluent, dense mass of pyrite, along with zhedvakoobrazny, radiant-radial, thin-stalked, coarse-fibred and kidney-shaped secretions. In the composition of sedimentary rocks, pyrite is concentrated in the form of balls and radiant-radial formations. In the course of extraction, cavitary secretions are found on the walls of the shells. Reniform or cluster-shaped formations, similar in appearance to pyrite, are more characteristic of other minerals of the sulfide class.

Features of the crystal structure and physical properties

Pyrite has a structure of the NaCl type, in which the Fe atoms differ in a face-centered cubic lattice (similar to the atomic structure of sodium in the NaCl structure). The paired atomic structures of sulfur, in comparison with NaCl, take the place of chlorine and, like it, form a face-centered cubic lattice with a shift in relation to the cationic lattice.

The double atomic structures of sulfur have a non-intersecting diagonal orientation of the cubic lattice in space. The mineral pyrite is widely distributed in the form of fully formed crystalline structures. The main forms include a (100), e (210) and o (111), and additional ones - n (211), s (321), p (221), h (410), d (110), m ( 311), t(421), g(320), f(310). The habitus of crystals prevails depending on the predominance of one or the other among the listed faces.

On the Mohs scale, pyrite has a hardness of 6 to 6.5, making it the only sulfite capable of scratching mineral glass specimens. The density of the mineral is 4.9 - 5.2 g / cm 3, which, although a lot, cannot be compared with the density of gold (19 g / cm 3). It is a relatively brittle mineral, especially in the presence of minor gold inclusions.

According to its optical properties, it has a straw- or brass-yellowish overflow with flashes of variegated and yellow-brown hues. It has a trait of gray-green, brown-black or dark gray. It has a distinct metallic sheen.

Pyrite ores melt at a temperature of 1177-1188 o C and have weak conductive properties. Sparingly soluble in HNO 3 and releases sulfur during decomposition. Not soluble in HCL. The mineral has paramagnetic, thermoelectric properties, as well as detector properties for some differences.

Characteristic features in the diagnostic determination of the mineral

As already described above, the mineral has unique crystal shapes, perfectly recognized by the color and characteristic streak of crystalline faces. Also among the sulfides, the mineral has the highest degree of hardness and is able to scratch glass.

All these features combined clearly distinguish pyrite from some minerals very similar in appearance and color to it, including pyrrhotite, chalcopyrite, marcasite, millerite, and arsenopyrite.

If we talk about the nonspecific form of crystals and aggregate forms, then outwardly pyrite is practically indistinguishable from marxite. Chalcopyrite, outwardly very similar to pyrite samples, has a lower density (up to 4 Mohs units) and more pronounced yellowness. Cobaltite has an even lower hardness, but does not have a yellow overflow, like pyrite. Pyrrhotite has a darker hue, and gold, with which the mineral is very often confused, to this day has a yellow streak against the greyish-black streak of pyrite.

Scope of application

As you know, pyrite deposits are located in the same places where gold deposits are located. Thus, pyrite samples can serve as a kind of beacon in the search for this precious metal.

Often, pyrite ores contain selenium, zinc and copper, which can be isolated and obtained as mined samples by a side method. Among the by-products in the extraction of pyrite stones, iron cinders obtained by roasting the mineral can be noted. Depending on their purity, they can be used as iron ore or in the manufacture of paints and varnishes.

Cobalt-pyrite ores are considered to be the source of half of the cobalt mined worldwide (even despite the fact that it is extremely small in the ore itself in its pure form [about 1%]).

Among other things, pyrite ore is considered a source in obtaining some useful substances. It is obvious that, according to the chemical formula, iron is obtained from it, which mainly goes to the production of pig iron.

The second extractable component, sulfur, also has its benefit. Its wide application in modern chemical, pharmaceutical, industrial, economic and other fields is obvious. Recently, however, experts have found it more expedient to obtain sulfur as a by-product in the processing of oil and gas minerals.

As a rule, side production is much cheaper than extracting a specific element from a specific mineral. Sulfuric acid is often obtained from it under the influence of oxygen on the mineral under certain thermal conditions.

In the course of such reactions, iron oxide and sulfur are formed. Sulfuric-oxygen compounds are saturated with gas, after which H 2 O is added to them to obtain, in fact, sulfuric acid.

In ancient times, before the invention of mirrors, polished pyrite surfaces did an excellent job of mirroring. For the first time such use was noted among the ancient Incas. The mirror features of the stone are due to the fact that the crystal faces are unusually even, due to which they do not distort the image, unlike the same mother-of-pearl.

The stone is also used in the manufacture of jewelry. For the first time, the jewelers of Ancient Greece turned to this experience, who not only appreciated the attractiveness of the stone, but also attributed to it certain magical properties. In addition, in most cases, cubic pyrite crystals do not need to be processed, having a beautiful, harmonious, natural shape.

Very impressive decorations are obtained. Since the 20th century figurines, earrings, bracelets, beads, caskets and rings have been made from pyrite. It is also important to make rings, beads and cufflinks. Jewelers strongly do not recommend combining this stone with other minerals. This is a rather fragile natural material, and therefore jewelry created on its basis should be handled with the utmost care.

The cost of pyrite samples

It’s worth starting with raw crystals, which at current prices cost 1000 rubles per 2 cm 3 cube. This is a good option for mineralogical collections.

Pyrite beads, collected in a thread of about 40 cm long, cost about 900-1000 rubles with a bead diameter of up to 7 mm. Often the stone is used to make "ritual", sacred and "magical" figurines.

So a Buddha figurine 15 centimeters high and about 8 centimeters wide can cost from 12 to 15 thousand rubles. Since the time of the ancient Chinese dynasties, pyrite has been famous among Asian peoples as a special stone that has become a symbol of well-being, wealth and prosperity.

magical properties

Since ancient times, this stone was considered endowed with special magic. Nowadays, there are also many connoisseurs of pyrite for its unusual, "supernatural" properties. So, for example, in modern esotericism it is used as a protective talisman or amulet and it is recommended to always carry people of dangerous professions like firefighters, military, builders, high-altitude workers, electricians, etc.

At all times, people dreamed of getting rich by finding gold. Often they were disappointed - they took a metal ingot with shiny faceted inserts for gold. This is pyrite, and in the people it is also called "fool's gold."

Despite the fact that pyrite is not gold, it has the useful property of knocking out sparks when struck. Many years ago in Greece, people noticed this property and made fire using pyrite. In addition, this stone is a source of sulfur.

Currently, pyrite is widely used in industry, jewelry and even amulets are made from this brilliant stone, because if used correctly, it is able to heal and influence a person in a magical way.

What is pyrite?

There is a metal in the composition of pyrite, however, it is not gold, but iron. Hence another name for the stone is iron pyrite. The metal in it is combined with sulfur.Accordingly, with the formula FeS 2, the stone is a sulfide, more precisely, a disulfide, because there are two sulfur atoms. Iron accounts for 46.6% of the composition.Sulfur gets 53.4%. However, this is ideal.

In its purest form pyrite formula found only in books. In nature, copper, cobalt, nickel, selenium are mixed with it.Gold, by the way, is also mixed with ore. However, the amount of aurum is so small that it is not advisable to extract it from the stone.

This is equivalent to extracting metal from the human body. It contains about 10 milligrams of gold.

Externally pyrite - stone , forming cubic crystals. For gold, they are not typical, although they occur. There are also octahedrons.These are voluminous rhombuses with 8 faces. However, in 85% of cases, gold appears in the form of tiny grains of sand, which are not even visible to the naked eye in the rock.In addition, gold has a yellow streak, that is, a powder left by rubbing against a ceramic plate. Pyrite has a lead-gray streak.

From the point of view of geologists pyrite is a mineral , that is, a solid, homogeneous, crystalline body. The stone is self-sufficient, but can join rocks, mainly igneous.

Conditions of education

Pyrite is observed as tiny inclusions in many igneous rocks, where in most cases it is an epigenetic mineral in relation to silicates, being associated with the superposition of hydrothermal manifestations. Pyrite is released from hot hydrogen sulfide solutions coming from magma chambers, along with other sulfides.

In contact-metasomatic deposits, it is an almost constant companion of sulfides in skarns and magnetite deposits. Its formation, as well as other sulfides, is associated with the hydrothermal stage of contact-metamorphic processes.

A similar formation of pyrite occurs in the zone of contact between igneous rocks and sedimentary rocks (limestones, marls, clays). It arises by the pneumatolytic route as a result of the interaction between hot vapors of hydrogen sulfide and other sulfur compounds with compounds containing iron.

Pyrite is also widely distributed in sedimentary rocks, incl. in fossil coals (up to 5% pyrite in brown coals of the Moscow Basin). The formation of pyrite in marine sediments is associated with the activity of sulfate-reducing bacteria. Large accumulations of pyrite are formed on the ocean floor due to the inflow of volcanic exhalations along faults in the zones of mid-ocean ridges with active manifestations of volcanism.

It is formed in most sedimentary rocks (clay, carbonaceous, marl rocks) due to the interaction of surface aqueous solutions containing iron with hydrogen sulfide, usually released as a result of the decomposition of organic residues. In addition, pyrite is formed under surface conditions as a result of the reduction of iron sulfate salts with organic carbon.

Sedimentary rocks

Pyrite is also distinguished:

  • at the bottom of the swamps;
  • lakes;
  • some seas (for example, the Black Sea), where organic matter decomposes under conditions of insufficient oxygen access. The resulting hydrogen sulfide reacts with iron salts dissolved in water, which leads to the precipitation of pyrite. Pyrite is also found in metamorphic rocks (gneisses, chlorite schists).

Under near-surface conditions and in air, pyrite is unstable and quite easily undergoes chemical weathering and oxidation processes with the formation of ferrous sulfate, which easily transforms into iron oxide sulfate in the presence of free oxygen. The latter, hydrolyzing, decomposes into insoluble iron hydroxide (limonite) and free sulfuric acid, which passes into solution. This is accompanied by the replacement of pyrite with iron oxides and hydroxides. The end product of the chemical decomposition of pyrite is limonite, sometimes sulfates (jarosite) are formed. Therefore, in the upper parts of pyrite deposits, there are usually accumulations of brown iron ore, forming the so-called "iron hats"

Due to the oxidation of pyrite, pseudomorphs (false forms) of limonite after pyrite often occur. In the zones of secondary sulfide enrichment, pyrite pseudomorphs in some cases form such minerals as chalcocite, bornite, etc.

Pyrite precipitates in the form of stalactite-like aggregates were also observed on the supports of old mine workings and, obviously, they owe their origin to the reducing effect of organic matter on iron sulfates dissolved in groundwater. In dumps of pyrite ores rich in pyrite, highly dispersed native sulfur is formed due to pyrite.

Artificial pyrite can be obtained in various ways. Of these, the most significant are those based on reactions between H2S and iron compounds in the gaseous state or in aqueous, mostly alkaline solutions, as well as on the reduction of sulfates and other sulfur-containing compounds by organic substances.


Excursion into history

Translated from the ancient Greek "feast" means "fire". The mineral was named so for its resemblance and belief that with its help you can quickly and easily get fire. Indeed, a couple of blows are enough for sparks to appear, which all peoples did from antiquity to the era of flintlock guns.

The Incas used it to make mirrors for magical rites, and the Indians considered the fire stone to be a protection against alligators.

They called the pyrites fool's gold. Outwardly, the mineral resembles gold, which was bought by ordinary prospectors and experienced Spanish conquistadors. They took away or lured the brilliant mineral from the Indians, and at home they became the object of ridicule because of their own greed and ignorance.

External similarity, magical properties, plus a historical train led to numerous names of pyrite:

  • gold - Incas, fools, cat;
  • pyrite - gray, iron;
  • health stone.

The first "matches" of mankind have a rich biography.


Pyrite "gold" of the Incas

In the Inca Empire, jewelry, magical amulets and mirrors were made from pyrite. Pyrite in the culture of the Indians was valued on a par with gold, emeralds and jade.

During the conquest of the American continent (XV century), Europeans even called the mineral "Gold of the Incas."

The ignorant Spanish conquistador soldiers who destroyed the Indian empire mistook pyrite products for gold. The soldiers took jewelry from the Indians, but when they tried to sell them to jewelers somewhere in Seville, they invariably heard a mockery in response: “El oro de los tontos!” ("It's fool's gold!").

Chryso anoitu

By the way, the ancient Greeks called pyrite this way: The fact is that crafty pyrite really often accompanies gold placers.

Found on the bank of a stream by some lucky shepherd, a nugget of genuine gold immediately gave rise to a “gold rush”. The peasants abandoned their sown fields, the townspeople abandoned their homes and families. Seekers of instant wealth spent months washing the river pebbles, digging up the banks.

One can imagine the disappointment of the ancient gold diggers when it turned out that a handful of brilliant minerals mined with difficulty was nothing but χρυσό ανόητου (chryso anoitu - fools' gold).


What are Pyrite Mirrors?

During excavations, archaeologists often discover pyrite mirrors. The Aztecs and Incas polished one side of the gem and cut the other side into a cabochon.

On the convex side, the craftsmen, at the request of the priests, carved with a secret meaning. The Trocadero collection in Paris has a similar copy of the mirror.

Jewelry with Inca gold (or dripping silver, as this mineral was also called) became a trend. Fashionistas of that time flaunted with bracelets and pendants made of pyrite.

In Europe, the gem was used in women's jewelry as an imitation of a diamond. Various cuts were used - silver, gold and steel. French jewelers often referred to pyrite as marcasite. Today the term is used for another mineral (a type of iron sulfide).


  • Today, only a small part of the mined minerals ends up in the hands of jewelers. A large proportion of the material goes to the needs of industry. It is used to make strong concrete.

  • Collectors whose “treasures” include pyrite fossils should store them vacuum-packed, as the mineral is quite brittle and decomposes when exposed to atmospheric oxygen, giving off an unpleasant odor. If there is also water nearby, then sulfuric acid can also be formed, which adversely affects the exhibits.
  • Even glass can be scratched with pyrite, which distinguishes it from gold. In ancient times, this is how the stone was checked “for a tooth”.
  • In ancient times, pyrite was highly valued not only by jewelers who made buckles and cufflinks from it. It was also bought by alchemists, who attributed magical properties to the mineral.

properties of pyrite

Pyrite has a pronounced metallic luster. However, seeing him in pictures, or in a real setting, does not mean seeing the hero of the article.

Happening in the air pyrite oxidation . It reacts with oxygen to form goethite or limonite. The first is a mineral, the second is a rock containing goethite and a number of iron hydroxides.

Mass of pyrite also changes when it comes into contact with groundwater. The result is the same - goethite and limonite. Not all iron pyrite passes into them, but only its surface part.

Golden yellow color changes to brown. The oxidized film of limonite is tarnished. It is expressed in iridescent overflows on the surface, as if in puddles of gasoline.

There are also several minerals similar to the hero of the article, but not related to him. So uchalcopyrite wedged copper into the formula. The hardness of the stone is reduced to 4 points against 6-6.5 for ordinary pyrite. The color becomes more yellow.

With a hardness of 6.5, pyrite becomes the only sulfide capable of scratching mineral glass. The gems of the group are naturally soft.

in glass

In glass, however, there is a significant admixture of quartz with a hardness of 7 points. Being diluted with other components, silica loses a little "strength". As a result, the hardness of glass on the Mohs scale is about 6 points.

Similar to pyrite and cobaltite.

  • It contains no iron at all. Sulfur is combined with cobalt and arsenic. The last element as an impurity also occurs in the hero of the article. The hardness of cobaltin does not exceed 4 points on the Mohs scale.
  • Yellow color is not expressed. It is also less saturated in pyrrhotite. It is a simple iron sulfide with a hardness of 4.5 units and a darker color than pyrite.Distinguishes pyrite and density. It is above average, reaching 5.10 grams per cubic centimeter of ore. Accordingly, the hero of the article is weighty.However, the stone is far from the weight of gold. The density of native aurum is 19 grams per centimeter cubed.
  • Pyrite has the ability to replace cavities in rocks and even organics. The hero of the article is recognized as the most common sulfide. Being everywhere, the mineral penetrates even into the shells of mollusks and the trunks of dead trees.

As a result, ancient ammonites and pines are found in mountainous, flat workings, filled to the “edges” with pyrite. Iron that looks like gold and has a history of millions of years is a tempting proposition. In order to present the beauty of the stone in the "frame" of a living organism, shells and trunks are sawn.

Pyrite has no cleavage planes. Accordingly, the stone is not inclined to split in certain directions, it is durable.

However, the chemical instability of the mineral makes it dangerous, especially when near coal.

Chemical composition of pyrites

Theoretical composition - Fe - 46.55%, S - 53.45%. It often contains impurities in very small amounts: Co (cobalt pyrite), Ni, As, Sb, Se, sometimes Cu, Au, Ag, etc. The content of the latter elements is due to the presence of mechanical impurities in the form of tiny inclusions of foreign minerals, sometimes in a finely dispersed state. In these cases, we are essentially dealing with solid pseudo-solutions - crystal sols.


Types of pyrites

Pyrite stone in nature is found in several types at once, and each of them is presented in a variety of shades. Minerals are distinguished by their chemical composition and inclusions. Found in nature:

  • Bravoite is a stone that has a rich yellow tint, since it contains at least a fifth of nickel (at least 20%).
  • Marcasite is a mineral that is also called droplet silver for its rich hue and silvery tints. This mineral is considered very beautiful, therefore it has always been used in jewelry to create irresistible jewelry and crafts. Since ancient times, the material has been used for the manufacture of handicrafts, as well as luxurious jewelry, which was worn even by persons from the nobility. The peculiarity of just such pyrite is in its metallic luster and slightly yellowish tint. Its crystal lattice also has distinctive features from traditional pyrite (bravoite).

diagnostic signs. Easily distinguishable by color, luster, crystal shape, high hardness from other sulfides, in particular, from sometimes similar in color chalcopyrite, pyrrhotite, marcasite, arsenopyrite, millerite NiS.


The healing properties of the stone

Pyrite energetically deeply affects a person, cleanses and nourishes his biofield. Thanks to this, even complex and neglected diseases, especially mental ones, are cured faster. The mineral dulls depressive moods, apathy, anxiety in its wearer, allows you to perk up after failures and desperate situations, find the strength to live and act on. With a chaotic daily regimen, the stone helps to improve sleep and increase efficiency.

In women and men suffering from infertility, the stone returns to the activity of the gonads. It is believed that a piece of pyrite tied to the leg of a woman in labor facilitates the course of childbirth, helps to quickly and without complications get rid of the burden.


The magical properties of pyrite

Pyrite, resembling gold in color and brilliance, was endowed with magical properties in ancient times. It is believed that the mineral is patronized by Mars and Neptune. In ancient Greece, pyrite was considered a symbol of the god of war Ares, so the warriors carried it with them as an amulet, which was supposed to give them courage and strength, and protect them from death in battle.

It is believed that you can not keep the stone with you for more than three days, otherwise all the magical properties of pyrite not only lose their power - they begin to negatively affect the owner, causing him irritability, negative emotions.

Astrologers attribute properties to pyrite to positively influence Sagittarius and Scorpios and, conversely, do not recommend the stone to Cancers, on which it can be dangerous and harmful. It is recommended to carry a stone with you to people who are in danger at work, experience constant nervous tension. Others should not have pyrite as an amulet.

The magic of the stone lies in the ability to return life energy to the owner, to rid him of fear. A person who has a talisman with pyrite becomes more self-confident, more purposeful. Therefore, it is recommended to wear it to those who need to strengthen leadership qualities.

Only a person with pure thoughts can help a stone. The mineral does not tolerate bad thoughts, it will harm a person who has unrighteous intentions.

Pyrite is considered a male talisman, because it gives a person characteristic masculine features:

  • courage;
  • determination;
  • self confidence;
  • striving to achieve the goal.

However, the power that the mineral bestows must be handled carefully. The stone will “calculate” bad thoughts and turn against the owner. But it is useful for those who, in difficult life situations, are ready to lay down their hands without fighting. It will help those who are afraid to make independent decisions.

Useful stone for women. For those who want to revive faded feelings, pyrite will help bring passion back into marital relationships. A pebble makes a woman attractive in the eyes of a man, but it is not recommended to wear jewelry with pyrite in combination with other stones. The mineral makes an exception only for hematite and serpentine.


Influence on the chakras

Chakras are of great importance in the study of metaphysical processes. Pyrite affects Manipura, which is the center of the personal power of each person.

Thanks to this chakra, a person absorbs the life-giving power of the sun and establishes a connection with the outside world. In addition, Manipura develops the personality of a person as a whole and transmits emotions to the outside world. This chakra is the center of energy, desires, self-realization and ego. It helps to achieve a position in society and recognition, leads the desire to stand out and be an extraordinary person. In addition, the realization of one's potential depends entirely on this chakra. Therefore, additional stimulation of Manipur through the Inca stone will not be superfluous.

Influence According to Feng Shui

Despite the fact that in the world of digital technologies and innovations, the desire for power dominates, many people live and equip their homes according to the laws of Feng Shui. Therefore, pyrite must be placed indoors in place of the money sector. It is believed that pyrite activates the circulation of cash flows.


Who is the best stone for?

Lithotherapists (the so-called specialists who use stones for medicinal purposes) recommend wearing jewelry with pyrite to people who feel tired and complain about the decrease in strength. Pyrite has a beneficial effect on the human nervous system.

  • you feel that you need additional strength and energy to solve important problems;
  • cooling in a couple have cooled down, and you want to become interesting for your partner again: pyrite will give you sexual energy and make it attractive to a partner;
  • pyrite will help restore lost strength and vitality after suffering shocks, fire stone, it seems to ignite a person from the inside and makes him cheerful and cheerful again.


How is pyrite used for women?

Jewelry with pyrite looks very elegant, because the stone shimmers beautifully in the light. Admiring these decorations, you can get real aesthetic pleasure, but do not forget about the magical properties.

  • a ring with pyrite gives its owner vitality, gives an influx of energy;
  • a pendant with large pyrite will help get rid of depressive thoughts, a depressed state;
  • earrings with a cat's eye give their owner attractiveness, her female energy increases;
  • a bracelet with a scattering of pyrites provides its owner with an influx of vitality.

Jewelry with pyrite from time to time should be kept under running cold water, so you purify stones energetically, make their magical properties stronger.

Pyrite in Eastern Feng Shui

Feng Shui is an ancient Chinese practice that studies the influence of energy flows on human life. It is based on the principles of interaction of the main natural elements. These are Earth, Water, Fire, Wood and Metal. The Feng Shui teaching is able to change the situation for the better, radically transforming the surrounding space.

One of the most powerful minerals for attracting good luck, wealth and family wealth is blinding pyrite. A stone whose properties, the zodiac sign of which personifies the element of Fire, is used in Feng Shui in the form of various balls, cubes, mounds, imitations of gold coins.

Pyrite is a versatile decoration for the home or office. Figurines, amulets and other decorative elements made of this mineral can be placed in places with sharp negative energy. To achieve the best effect, the stone must be placed in the wealth zone, which corresponds to the southeast direction.

To protect housing from destructive energy, experts advise placing a pyrite ball or cube at the very entrance. Small round balls in the form of Chinese coins should always be carried in your purse. This will help to overcome material difficulties, easily solve complex problems and gain self-confidence.


Pyrite and the signs of the zodiac

Pyrite is somewhat reminiscent of gold, which is why it was nicknamed as "fool's gold". Pyrite is also called "cat's gold", "iron pyrite" or "gold of the Incas". In ancient India, it was firmly believed that pyrite would save from the alligator. Pyrite is more suitable for men. But he also makes a woman visible to the whole environment. Pyrite brings pleasant warm memories. Pyrite gives more strength, patience, excitement, perfectly expresses physical qualities. By the way, in ancient times, fire was obtained with the help of pyrite, because. when hit hard, the stone gives off sparks.

Pyrite stone for Aries

Aries, as a representative of the zodiac sign, pyrite will give clarity of character. Aries with pyrite is even more courageous, selfless, stubborn and always responsible for their actions - in a word, Aries, after acquiring pyrite, reveals and strengthens male character traits in himself. Pyrite gives impressive strength and stimulates for large and important events.

Pyrite stone for Taurus

Pyrite will make Taurus a little trickier, which will come in handy to get some of the desired results. Or to get into the trust of the right people.

In major adventures, Taurus with pyrite will not get lost, on the contrary, it will not be the last person against the background of the rest. Pyrite will help the Taurus who owns this talisman to learn some of the wisdom of life.

Pyrite stone for Gemini

  • Gemini, with the acquisition of a new talisman, regard any situation a little differently.
  • Gemini understand people better, try to hear them.
  • Pyrite develops in Gemini a sense of solidarity and respect.
  • Pyrite inspires a sense of inner richness and satiety.
  • Pyrite also attracts female attention to men, and vice versa.

Pyrite stone for Cancer

Born under the sign of Cancer, pyrite gives clear advantages, giving confidence and a feeling of complete control over everything. Cancer with pyrite strengthens its health from the inside, sleeps better and restores positive life. With the purchase of pyrite, Cancer easily gets rid of various kinds of phobias, and is not subject to moodiness.

Pyrite stone for Leo

A lion with pyrite is a real hunter who receives a lot of merit from all sides and brings everything home, to the family. Pyrite protects Leo from exposure to danger or weakness in front of any problem. A lion with pyrite is not subject to anything and no one.

A lion with pyrite knows the value of himself and his abilities. Pyrite will bring Leo wealth too.

Pyrite stone for Virgo

  • Virgo, who must constantly receive something cultural and aesthetic, pyrite brings a reason and an opportunity to improve, develop logic and intuition, gain new knowledge and increase intelligence.
  • Pyrite will adapt Virgo's skills in the right direction, revealing Virgo as an excellent workable and life-affirming personality.

Pyrite stone for Libra

Libra pyrite will help to cope with recklessness. Quite often it happens that Libra somehow too desperately “throws” into the pool and, subsequently, very much regrets his hasty decision. Pyrite will not let you do something crazy.

The stone seems to hold the hand and does not let go towards alluring, but dangerous temptations. Pyrite brings Libra, at the same time, success.

Pyrite Stone for Scorpio

Scorpio, with its natural strength and innate power, pyrite is quite ideal as a talisman for any situation and, one might say, any desire.

Pyrite expresses all the bold features of Scorpio more vividly and liberated. Scorpio knows the meaning of this stone. With pyrite, Scorpio will not face "foreheads" with enemies.

Pyrite stone for Sagittarius

  • Pyrite enriches Sagittarius with decisive actions and risky, but giving a good result, deeds.
  • Pyrite keeps Sagittarius out of the "battlefield", conflicts, quarrels and other troubles pyrite will "hide".
  • Moreover, pyrite monitors every step of Sagittarius, preventing him from getting into trouble.

Pyrite stone for Capricorn

Capricorn, who is not endowed with a weak character, pyrite will help to resist some of life's difficulties.

For Capricorn, pyrite strengthens the emotional state, preventing any difficulties and disorders from further shaking it. In the Capricorn family with pyrite, everything will always be in abundance.

Pyrite stone for Aquarius

Aquarians use pyrite in positive intentions, intentions aimed at helping someone or improving something. Aquarius himself will get rid of disturbing thoughts and improve performance. Pyrite is good in the form of an amulet that attracts wealth.

Pyrite Stone for Pisces

Pisces with the acquisition of such a potent stone as pyrite, it would seem, will not master the perception and absorption of all the forces of a super-energy charged amulet.

But no. Pisces soon got used to and understood all the "tricks" of pyrite, I can skillfully use the "magic" of the stone. Pyrite will give Pisces, in the first place, the opposite attention and help expose liars.


Mining and deposits of pyrite

Being the most common sulfide on earth, pyrite is found in igneous, metamorphic, and sedimentary layers. In the first, the ore becomes an epigenetic element.

He stands above the original "genetics" of the stone. Simply put, igneous rocks formed first, and then the pores in them were filled pyrite. Sulfur and iron layers "sipped" from hydrothermal waters oozing from the ground.

It turns out that the hero of the article is born in the process of contact metamorphism - the transformation of rocks at contact with each other by means of hot, mineral-saturated waters, or pressure.

Most often, pyrite occurs at the boundary of igneous and sedimentary rocks. The latter includes coal. This mineral and iron ore is of practical interest.

However, mining coal and pyrite together is fraught with fires. Next to the fuel, getting access to oxygen through the workings, the hero of the article ignites spontaneously.

Pyrite firing

Roasting pyrite leads to the release into the atmosphere of harmful impurities contained in pyrite, for example, arsenic. The workers are poisoned.Therefore, lime powder is sprayed in pyrite mines. It inhibits the oxidation of pyrite, and hence the ignition.

By the way, the name of the ore is translated from Greek as "fire". The mineral sparkles not only upon contact with oxygen, but also upon impact with steel.

The property of the conductor is not reflected in the title of the hero of the article. Meanwhile, the mineral has a supply of freely moving particles.They carry not only a charge, but also transmit current through the circuit. Although, Feng Shui experts claim that iron pyrite also holds wealth and prosperity.

How is it different from real gold?

Although pyrite and gold look very similar, upon closer inspection they differ in their structure. Unlike real gold, fool's gold is not a metal. This mineral has a transparent structure and is called iron sulfide. Some pyrites may contain particles of real gold.

What are the ways to distinguish gold from pyrite?

The most basic distinguishing feature of pyrite and gold is its physical characteristics: shape, structure and properties.

  1. Form. Fool's gold is made up of crystals and has sharp edges, while real gold is a metal with a smoother texture and rounded edges. If you, when examining the product, notice that the structure is similar to small and sharp cubes, then this is pyrite. Pay attention to the structure of pyrite - its crystals have sharp edges.
  2. Smell. Pyrite smells like sulfur. Gold, in principle, does not have a specific smell at all. If you smell any hint of sulfur in the smell, then the material is definitely pyrite.
  3. Compliance. Real gold is soft and malleable. When you put pressure on it, it flattens and flexes. On the other hand, pyrite is more brittle. If it is damaged, then it is easy to collapse. You can easily determine whether a piece of jewelry is gold or pyrite, just stick a pin into it. Gold will simply squeeze under the pin, and pyrite will collapse in the place where it hit.
  4. Friction marks. If you rub gold against white porcelain, the metal will leave a yellow mark. And fool's gold will leave a dark green or black stripe.
  5. Copper scratches. Copper is harder than gold and softer than pyrite. Therefore, when trying to scratch a copper product with pyrite, it will leave a mark on it. Gold cannot scratch copper because only copper can scratch gold.
  6. Shine. Pyrite glistens in the light. However, when light is not directed at it, it does not shine. Real gold has a softer glow, but even without a directional light source it will have a sheen.


Application of stone

Stuffing their pockets with pyrite, the gold diggers of the past passed close to luck. Iron pyrite is a satellite of the solar metal and, in combination, its antipode.

  • Gold is malleable, while pyrite is difficult to process.
  • The precious metal is chemically inert, not inclined to react with other elements and substances, and pyrite “pulls” for interactions.
  • As in human society, opposites attract.
  • Where there is pyrite, gold is often found. The only question is the amount of precious reserves and the form of their manifestation.

In addition to being a beacon in the search for gold, pyrite serves as a source of several substances. It is logical to obtain iron from the mineral. It is used mainly for the production of iron.The second component of the ore is also not left without attention. True, in recent years, sulfur is more often obtained during the processing of natural gas and oil.

Many times less is spent on the production of a by-product bioproduct than on the extraction of an element from pyrite. More often, it is extracted sulfuric acid . it is obtained by reaction with oxygen.

In its course, sulfur and iron oxides are obtained. The union of sulfur with oxygen is saturated with gas, and then combined with water. That's sulfuric acid.

The extraction of rare impurities from pyrite is also justified. These are thallium, selenium, in general, rare earth metals, but necessary for industry. Even a small share of them in the ore is a "tidbit".

What was done with the nugget in past centuries

  • In past centuries, iron pyrite crystals were crushed and paired with steel were placed in flint guns. The friction of the components produced the sparks needed to fire the shots.
  • Pyrite was also a necessity in everyday life. In an era without mirrors, the stone reflected, making it possible to preen. The Incas were the first to look into pyrite. The smooth edges of the crystals did not distort the image, unlike, for example, the convex mother-of-pearl.
  • In the 21st century buy pyrite for flintlock guns, only filmmakers who restore the realities of historical events desire.

Silicon barrels no longer exist outside film sets. But jewelry is a constant phenomenon. Only favorite stones change.

The masters of ancient Greece were the first to look at pyrite. They appreciated the beauty of the stone and its magical properties. Cubic, shiny, as if polished, mineral crystals can not be processed.

At the same time, decorations will be more effective than many. Products cast glare that can dazzle. Therefore, the ancient Greeks took pyrite crystals to the battlefield. It was also believed that iron pyrite talismans made up for the loss of blood.

  • Greece disappeared, and the glory of pyrite subsided. Outside the context of the gold rush and the fuses of flintlocks, it was looked at only in the 20th century.
  • Earrings, figurines, caskets, beads, bracelets, rings are made from pyrite. A special category is figurines of money frogs and other symbols of wealth.
  • The energy of pyrite attracts finances, enhancing the influence of figurines on the lives of their owners. True, the money talisman does not get free.

Talismans and amulets

  • This stone is recommended to be worn under various circumstances due to its various properties. However more than three days in a row it can not be worn, since the mineral has such a powerful energy that it can psychologically destroy a weak person.
  • It is strictly forbidden to wear talismans and amulets to people who are very emotional and easily excitable, because the stone further enhances these properties.
  • This stone is considered a talisman of sorcerers and magicians because of its amazing ability to restore vitality.
  • It gives a person confidence, determination, relieves fears and helps to achieve the goal. Therefore, it is well suited to people with leadership qualities.
  • Pyrite is also considered a family talisman. It protects the house from various troubles and protects from ill-wishers. In addition, he has the ability to restore past feelings between spouses.
  • The mineral is ideal for people with pure thoughts and intentions. Only then will he contribute to the achievement of his goals. The stone does not tolerate liars and deceivers, and can greatly harm them.
  • You can not wear jewelry with such a stone at the same time as other minerals. This is a wayward gem and he does not tolerate neighborhood with others. Hematite and serpentine are the only stones with which pyrite interacts calmly.
  • It is believed that pyrite beneficial effect on people whose profession is associated with fire, for example, employees of the Ministry of Emergency Situations or firefighters, as well as those who guard the law.

Whatever the characteristics of pyrite, in order for it to bring only benefits, you need not only to be born under a certain sign of the zodiac, but also to be an honest and decent person. And everyone should strive for this, no matter what sign a person is born under.


Pyrite price

A 39-centimeter thread of pyrite beads for needlework costs about 900 rubles. This is provided that the diameter of the beads is 5-7 millimeters.

If you take raw crystals, you will pay about 1,000 rubles for a cube of 2 by 2 centimeters. Option for the mineralogical collection.

For the Feng Shui collection, let's look at the Pyrite Buddha. A figurine 15 centimeters high and 8 centimeters wide is estimated at 13,000-15,000 rubles. Getting pyrite For such money, not everyone understands.

But, the Chinese are sure that the game is worth the candle. It was in the Celestial Empire that iron pyrite was proclaimed a symbol of wealth and for several centuries they were not disappointed in their beliefs.


The mineral itself in the rings is quite fragile, so it is necessary to protect it from impacts. All jewelry made from natural minerals is recommended to be stored in a dark place, inaccessible to the rays of the sun.

Pyrite can be put in a separate bag with a good seal so that there are no unwanted interactions with other stones. It is also recommended to take breaks in the use of the stone due to possible consequences. "False gold items" can be both harmful and beneficial, so you can wear it for a maximum of three days, and then remove it.

Pyrite, or sulfur pyrite, is a common mineral, but it is extremely rare in its pure form. In ancient times, fire was obtained with its help. Hence the Greek name for pyrite, pyrites lithos, which means "fire stone". The mineral is widely used today, but no longer for extracting fire. It is used in industry and jewelry. Read about all the properties of pyrite, its use and magical significance in this article.

What is pyrite: composition, formula and structure

This mineral is iron disulfide, its chemical formula is FeS2. However, in such a "primordial" form it is almost impossible to find it. Pyrite always contains an "appendage" of arsenic, cobalt, copper, selenium and other minerals.

There are varieties of stone - bravoite and marcasite. The pyrite formula does not change in both cases, but bravoite contains about 20% nickel. Marcasite, or radiant pyrites, may contain thallium, bismuth, arsenic, and copper. It is also called "drip silver". It differs from the "classical" pyrite in the structure of the crystal lattice.

Iron pyrite (another name for pyrite) is not durable, the hardness on the Mohs scale is from 6 to 6.5. It quickly oxidizes, in contact with oxygen, turns into limonite (the common name for some mineral aggregates).

The crystal lattice of the pyrite mineral is face-centered cubic. Depending on the presence of certain elements, crystals take the form of pentagondodecahedrons, cubes, octahedra.

Appearance of the mineral and its deposits

The formula of sulfur pyrite is such that its components are found almost everywhere. Not surprisingly, pyrite is ubiquitous. At the same time, high-quality, large specimens are rare. There are productive deposits in France, Poland, Spain, America, Austria. Sulfur pyrite is also mined in Russia in the Urals. Basically, the mineral is present in the rocks in the form of small grains and inclusions. Occasionally, pyrite druses are found - growths of crystals. Stones suitable for use in jewelry are mined in Italy.

Pyrite is often found as a fossil. The fact is that the mineral can displace calcium from the shells of mollusks, replacing it. As a result, the shells look like they are gilded. They are found in both ancient and relatively recent rock deposits.

Pyrite looks beautiful: a light yellow or golden crystal with a clear metallic sheen. Its edges are perfectly smooth, almost mirror-like. This property was used by people in the distant past, making mirrors from stone.

Education and properties

The origin is associated with various processes. So, iron pyrite is formed in calcareous sediments at the bottom of lakes, swamps, closed seas such as the Black Sea. It is formed due to the precipitation of iron by hydrogen sulfide (as seen from the pyrite formula). It also forms in bottom silt, sometimes taking the form of various organisms whose remains are present there. Less often and in smaller volumes, it occurs as a result of magmatic processes in the earth's crust.

Since sulfur pyrite is actively oxidized, the upper layers of its deposits are saturated with brown iron ore.

Artificial pyrite is produced by the reaction of iron compounds with hydrogen sulfide.

If we talk about the mechanical properties of the stone, then, as we have already said, it is fragile. Especially if it contains gold. The density is from 5.9 to 6.2.

Chemical properties:

  • does not dissolve in water;
  • it dissolves poorly in nitric acid, with the release of sulfur;
  • easily decomposes in nitric acid powder;
  • not affected by hydrochloric acid.

When found in nature, it is adjacent to sphalerite, quartz, chalcopyrite, gallenite, pyrrhotite, calcite, gold and other minerals.

The melting point is relatively high - about 100 degrees - but the exact figure at which the mineral begins to melt depends on the pressure accompanying the process.

The use of pyrite in industry

Pyrite is used as a raw material for the production of various chemicals: sulfur, sulfuric acid, ferrous sulfate. True, in our days sulfur pyrite is used less and less in this way. It is more widely used in the production of mastics, cement, certain types of concrete, acting as a "corrector".

In huge quantities, pyrite is mined in non-ferrous metal deposits, but it is unprofitable to extract it from the rock. Iron pyrite, obtained as a by-product, is sent to dumps.

In the past, pyrite was used in the manufacture of flintlock guns and pistols. At a later time, the mineral played the role of a detector diode in radio receivers. This is due to the fact that most of the current through it passes only in one direction.

When pyrite ore is roasted, cinders are obtained, from which iron is extracted or paints are made. Perhaps this is due to the pyrite formula - it contains 47% iron and 53% sulfur.

In chemistry, pyrite is used to purify gaseous substances from chlorine.

Mineral in jewelry and its price

The characteristics of the stone do not allow it to be used to create durable products, however, iron pyrite is in demand among jewelers.

Pyrite is almost never cut, if you need to use it in jewelry - inserts are made from natural crystals; if the mineral is cut, it takes the form of a rose, the second popular form of stone is a cabochon.

Earrings, necklaces, bracelets, rings, buttons are made from the mineral, but they are all short-lived, so you can rarely find them on the shelves. There are also exclusive handmade pyrite crafts, but they can only be purchased in hand-made stores, on the Internet or at fairs and exhibitions.

Sulfur pyrite is a relatively cheap mineral, not a valuable one. Collectible nuggets, stones of an unusual shape cost only a few thousand rubles. Factory-made jewelry can be bought at prices ranging from 400 rubles (bracelets) to 3 thousand rubles (beads).

Pyrite has been known to mankind since ancient times, jewelry and crafts were made from it in ancient Egypt. At a later time, it was used in decorating haberdashery - bags, umbrellas, belts, as well as watches and shoes. In India, people wore pyrite amulets, believing that this was how they protected themselves from crocodiles.

The mineral also spread during the period when Napoleon Bonaparte waged active wars. French ladies gave away gold jewelry for the sake of supplying the army, and in return received pyrite jewelry. They wore them with pride, demonstrating patriotism.

In history, the mineral is also known under the unflattering name "fool's gold", "fool's gold". The fact is that even in the pre-Columbian era in America, people often mistook it for a precious metal. Gold miners hunted for it, even took it from the local population, but then, of course, they were convinced that the brilliant crystal was empty.

The value of the mineral in astrology

Pyrite is a crystal ruled by the planets Neptune and Mars. No wonder in Greece it was considered the stone of Ares - the god of war - and it was believed that if a soldier carried it with him as an amulet, he would be lucky. It was believed that pyrite would give courage and strength, save from death.

Jewelry with pyrites or just a separate stone is recommended for Scorpions and Sagittarius. The mineral Cancer is contraindicated. For the first it will bring harmony, luck and balance, for the second it will excite too much, it will bring anxiety and tension.

In general, pyrite, despite its low density and fragility, is considered a masculine mineral, embodying self-confidence, determination, perseverance and courage.

The magical properties of the crystal

The "fiery" mineral is considered the talisman of those who are engaged in dangerous professions: the military, employees of the Ministry of Emergency Situations, law enforcement officers, and blacksmiths. It is also suitable for those who by nature have a strong character, a strong will, the makings of a leader. Pyrite fills such people with special fortitude, gives confidence in decisions and good luck in business.

Pyrite has an extremely powerful energy that can pull a person out of depression, arouse in him an interest in life. However, if the owner of the stone in the soul is weak, weak-willed or angry, the mineral will drive him crazy. At least there is such a belief. To avoid getting negative from pyrite, do not wear it for more than three days.

It is also believed that the mineral is contraindicated for those who lie and hypocrite - pyrite will punish them.

And the crystal must be of perfect structure. Cracks, chips and other damage distort its energy.

The stone is shown to women, as it enhances their sexuality. He also makes men relaxed and passionate, so pyrite can be stored at home so that mutual interest between spouses does not fade away.

The pyrite stone is called "fool's gold". The name is rather playful, but the similarity with gold brought a lot of grief, especially to the indigenous people of Central and South America. It was because of the deposits of this mineral that a rumor spread that the Inca lands were full of gold deposits. They said that the Indians are literally drowning in jewels. This attracted the conquistadors, and everyone knows what happened next: the ancient Indian civilizations fell, about 80 percent of the population died due to disease, during the conquest or in slavery conditions.

Among the properties of pyrite stone, not only the similarity with the noble metal is remarkable. There is also a practical one: it can strike sparks. Therefore, in the old days, the mineral was used instead of matches and lighters. Actually, its name just means "tinderbox" in Greek. In the scientific community, the name is more prosaic - sulfuric, or iron pyrites.

The name pyrite is no coincidence means "cutting fire". The fact that the mineral can be used as a primitive "lighter" was already known in the Stone Age: its properties are such that, with the right blow, the gem gives a good spark.

In Europe, by the 16th century, the flint deposits were already exhausted, but in Central and South America they were not. But when the conquistadors found bright yellow stones, loaded them onto ships and sent them home, educated people laughed at them. In fairness, the notorious "gold of the Incas" really existed, only sulfur pyrite had nothing to do with it. During the Gold Rush, miners also confused the mineral with gold ore. This is probably where the "fool's gold" came from.

In the seventeenth century, the fire mineral came into fashion among jewelers. They set off the beauty of diamonds, and also made independent jewelry from the mineral. Under Napoleon, flint and steel were given to women who donated their gold to the needs of the army. So the stone also became a symbol of patriotism, sacrificial love for the motherland.

In the 20th century, inserts imitating gold began to be made from pyrites. Until now, he is loved because he is both cheap and beautiful. As for the properties to beat out the fire - here it was replaced by lighters and matches, although no one bothers you to try.

Place of Birth

There are quite a few deposits of the mineral pyrite on Earth, but specimens with jewelry properties are quite rare. Stone is mined in Scandinavia, Azerbaijan, in the USA, in the Urals. Beautiful minerals are often found in Italy.

Pyrite crystals are most often found near hot springs, sulfur or gold deposits. Hence its second name is gold or sulfur pyrite, although pyrite is technically an ore, not a gem.

When copper, nickel, or zinc is smelted from the ore, individual crystals of fiery rock are also often the "by-product". Beautiful and large specimens are found during the development of quartz veins.

Physical and chemical properties of pyrite

Pyrite is one of the most widespread rocks on our planet. It has many names:

  • Inca gold;
  • fool's gold;
  • gypsy gold;
  • sulfur pyrite;
  • iron pyrite.

The chemical formula of pyrite is FeS2. Sulfur and iron in pure rock are approximately equal, but, as a rule, there are impurities. The most frequent of them are cobalt, iron, arsenic, copper, less often gold or nickel.

The physical properties of the mineral include its hardness (6.0 - 6.6 out of 10 on the Mohs scale) and a density of about 5 grams per cubic centimeter. This means that the stone is quite heavy.

The crystal lattice is cubic. The melting point is about 1170 degrees Celsius. The mineral has good conductive properties. The metallic sheen gives it a unique look.

Pyrite, despite its high hardness, is very brittle.

Pyrite is a mineral with hydrophobic properties. This means that upon contact with water, the stone rusts, and after a few years it completely crumbles. Therefore, it must be carefully protected from any moisture.

Color and varieties of pyrite

The pyrite stone has two "relatives" similar to it in chemical composition, color and physical properties. These gems are also called bravoite. In the latter, in addition to sulfur with iron, there is a lot of nickel - up to 20 percent. Most often, bravoite is found in the veins of nickel ores. Marcasite, on the other hand, differs from an ordinary mineral in the structure of the crystal lattice: it slightly changes its shape, but this does not affect the basic properties.

The color of pyrite is light yellow or golden, with a characteristic steel sheen. Its crystals are really very similar to gold ore, so the Spanish conquistadors are quite understandable, why are they fools?

Interestingly, pyrite often looks like a cubic crystal, perfectly smooth and even. It is very difficult for many people to believe that such geometrically perfect forms are created by nature, and not by man. And yet it is true.

There are rare color variations that are valued by jewelers more than a regular mineral. These include iridescent pyrite with multi-colored cleavage. Large crystals of this type are very rare, and are quite expensive by the standards of non-precious stones.

How to distinguish from fake and other stones

The price of pyrite is no higher than that of any other ordinary stone. That is why, and not just because of the similarity with gold, it is passed off as a noble metal. The stone itself is rarely faked, but some scammers still try to sell a piece of coated plastic under the guise of a gem.

To distinguish stone from plastic, just look at the light. Genuine crystal is opaque. You can also try to scratch the surface of the product - sulfur pyrite is quite hard.

Sometimes marquisite is sold instead of a gem. It is impossible to distinguish one mineral from another in appearance in the finished product, but it is not particularly necessary either. The physical, chemical, healing and magical properties of the stones are almost the same, and they cost about the same.

Much more interesting is the question of how to distinguish pyrite from gold. Nevertheless, the fiery stone and the precious metal are very similar in appearance.

  • "Checking for a tooth" is an old proven way. Gold is soft and squeezes through, unlike firestone.
  • The flint and flint can scratch glass or varnished surfaces. Gold - no.
  • Products made of pyrite are never filigree - it is unprofitable to do fine work.

If you remember what a pyrite stone looks like and what properties it has, then it will be difficult to deceive you.

Caring for mineral products

Despite its hardness, the mineral is very fragile and vulnerable. It must be handled with extreme care and delicacy. Pyrite rings are especially vulnerable. They are afraid of moisture (like all authigenic, that is, sedimentary, structures). They are badly affected by heat and shock.

You should not be afraid of spontaneous combustion of pyrites, as in mines, but it is still desirable to keep it away from open flames. Accept in advance that pyrite products will not serve you for a long time: already in five or six years, the talisman will begin to lose its noble shade.

To keep the stone better, you can cover it with varnish.

Some collectors collect rare specimens such as "rainbow stones". Despite their beauty, they still retain their fragile properties. If water gets on the crystal, it will react with it to form sulfuric acid. You won't be able to completely seal your prized specimens, but you can boil them in paraffin to keep moisture out.

The use of pyrite

Pyrite jewelry is usually made from Italian samples - they are the largest and most beautiful. Ordinary jewelers are rarely interested. Most often, jewelry pyrite is used to make cufflinks, rings with inclusions, and buttons. Other minerals do not mix well with it.

The stone is used in industry - iron ore and sulfur are extracted from it. At the same time, the process of burning pyrite is very dangerous - the stone has strong oxidizing properties, it burns well. In mines, when huge masses of pyrite are oxidized, fires can occur.

If jewelers sometimes turn up their noses, then the magical properties of pyrite stone attract the attention of psychics and occultists from all over the world. Amulets and talismans are made from the mineral. Such a talisman does not live long compared to others, but this only gives it a special charm.

Medicinal properties

The energy of pyrite is very strong, it is able to change the properties of the human biofield. Thanks to this, such a talisman is able to heal the wearer from a wide variety of diseases. With depression, neurosis, it returns the will to live and joy, brings peace and allows you to get rid of obsessive thoughts and hopelessness. Flint is also prescribed:

  1. People who suffer from insomnia and circadian rhythm disorders.
  2. Those who often suffer from various infectious diseases. The mineral improves the functioning of the immune system, it is able to increase the body's resistance. It is especially good to wear a talisman during the autumn-winter flu epidemics.
  3. Patients who suffer from heart disease. Pyrite improves the elastic properties of blood vessels and blood flow, prevents thrombosis from developing, and therefore reduces the risk of myocardial infarction.
  4. Asthmatics and those diagnosed with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease. The igniter helps to expand the bronchi and make them more elastic.
  5. For people who suffer from sexual dysfunction, the crystal will help restore the joy of sexual life.

There is also such a belief about the healing properties of pyrite stone: if you tie it to the leg of a woman giving birth, then the birth will take place without complications, bleeding and stretch marks. You can quickly give birth to a healthy baby.

The magical properties of pyrite

The unique magical properties of pyrite have been known for a long time. People with psychic and paranormal abilities believe that he is able to restore their magical energy after long rituals. For those who achieve harmony with the gem, the talisman will awaken the desire for a high, spiritual. The owner will get rid of doubts, laziness, anxieties and will be able to focus on self-development.

A man, thanks to the fiery mineral, will become more confident in himself, more attractive to women. But the stone is only suitable for those who want a serious relationship, not a one-night stand. The same can be said for the fair sex: it will become much easier to find the man of your dreams with the help of a flint and flint.

Another useful property of sulfur pyrites is to attract cash flows. Thanks to him, a person will be able to get out of the debt hole, find new sources of income, start his own business.

Pyrite is even capable of rebuilding families. It is believed that he returns to the relationship "light" and romance. Joint meditations on the stone work well.

Sulfur pyrite hates vile, deceitful, changeable people - the gem can begin to harm them, turning into a “cursed” amulet with negative properties. But to people whose thoughts are pure, he will serve faithfully. Under the influence of the fiery talisman, you yourself can become more truthful and sincere.

Who suits pyrite according to the sign of the zodiac

The pyrite stone is associated with the Sun. Signs that were born in the "solar", summer months - Twins, crayfish, lions, Virgin- will be able to achieve career growth with the help of a stone, reveal their inner potential, find strong and lasting relationships.

  • Aries And archers thanks to the properties of the gem, they can become firmer, calmer, more self-confident.
  • Capricorn the crystal will make you more purposeful and courageous, teach you not to deviate from a given goal.
  • Aquarius will find the strength and energy in themselves to implement long-term plans, or to change something that needs to be changed for a long time.
  • Scales will be able to become more reasonable, will be protected from bad companies and unnecessary temptations.

The pyrite stone, due to its metallic luster, looks more like a piece of metal than a crystal. The name is translated from Greek as "fire". Also earlier, the mineral was called flint and flint for its ability to release sparks when two samples hit each other.

The mineral pyrite was nicknamed cat's gold, fool's gold, gold of the Incas because of its similarity to a piece of gold. In ancient times, Egyptian and Greek women of fashion wore jewelry with a brilliant mineral. Modern mineralogists call the mineral sulfuric or iron pyrites. This is explained by the crystal is obtained from pyrite ore.

  • Human society has been familiar with the mineral pyrite for many centuries. Even craftsmen among the Incas and Aztecs polished one side of large crystals to a shine, and processed the other side using a special technology. The result was pyrite mirrors. Several of these things have survived to this day.
  • Pyrite became very popular in America during its colonization. The Spanish conquistadors loaded the holds of ships with the mineral, which looked like gold bars, and took it to their homeland. There, the simpletons were ridiculed by educated people.
  • The fashion for pyrite stone in Europe began in the 17th century. Its craftsmen passed it off as diamonds and made intricate accessories from gold and silver.
  • During the French-Russian War of 1812, false gold jewelry was presented to French women who donated real jewelry to equip Napoleon's army. Women gladly put on gizmos until the war was lost.

Features of mining and processing

The search for the pyrite mineral is carried out in order to extract impurities of cobalt, nickel, and copper from it. Also, the crystals are gold-bearing. With the help of special technologies, precious metal is extracted from them.

In nature, there are no separate Inca gold deposits. The mineral is obtained during the extraction of pyrite ore. The processing of sulfur pyrite is quite difficult, as it is very fragile. The whole process takes place using special equipment.

Physico-chemical properties and formula

Fool's gold is double iron sulfide, a class of sulfides. The chemical formula of pyrite is FeS 2 . The main chemical elements that make up the composition are iron and sulfur. Only stones with impurities are found in the rock. Often you can find particles of copper, cobalt, nickel, selenium and even gold.

In chemistry, the following physical properties are distinguished:

  • As a result of oxidation with a large amount of oxygen, a combustion reaction occurs.
  • The molar mass is 120 grams per mole.
  • When pyrite is fired, one of the results of a chemical reaction will be iron.
  • It is of magmatic origin.
  • Iridescent reflections in natural light.
  • The melting point is about 1,200 degrees Celsius.
  • Hardness - up to 6.7 units on the Mohs scale.
  • The mineral has the shape of an irregular polygon. Upon closer inspection, it turns out that it is made up of tiny cubes soldered together with a strong metal bond. There are also specimens whose surface is completely strewn with granular formations.
  • Due to the unusual structure, the stone has a high density - up to 5,200 kilograms per cubic meter.

The formula and physico-chemical properties of pyrite show that the stone resembles precious metals only in appearance, but in fact is an ordinary mineral.

Despite the similarity to precious stones, the price of the mineral is low. How much pyrite costs depends on its mass, the amount of impurities and external signs. If a large copy is not suitable for processing by a jeweler, then it will be sold for 1,500-1,800 rubles. If pyrite looks attractive, then its value increases by 2 or 3 times. Pyrite jewelry with a flint and flint can be purchased for 3,000-5,000 rubles, depending on the number of stones used and their quality.

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Colors and varieties

In its pure form, cat's gold is rarely found in nature. Most often, it contains impurities. It is they who create the color range of the crystal from pale yellow to gold.

The types of minerals are:

  1. Bravoite. The bright yellow color of the samples is provided by nickel impurities, which can be approximately 20% of the composition. Bravoite is widely used in the jewelry industry.
  2. Marcasite. Such specimens are also called "drip silver". Masters love this kind of sulfur pyrite for its metallic luster and slightly yellowish tint. A variety of products and jewelry are made from "drip silver".

Technology for obtaining gold from pyrite

In order to extract gold from iron pyrite, it is necessary to grind pyrite at high speed, and then place it under high pressure for several seconds. Strong loads can break the strong bonds between the atoms of foreign chemicals and the noble metal. In addition, iron disulfide will break up into small pieces, among which it will be much easier to find gold.

Before obtaining grains of expensive material, they carry out diagnostics by exposing the pyrite stone to various chemical and physical studies. After all, not all mined minerals contain gold. Only after making sure that the results will justify the effort expended on extraction, people begin the process of splitting.

Application and care

The use of pyrite is due to its composition. Crystals are widely used in industry:

  • When obtaining sulfur and sulfuric acid.
  • Waste from sulfur production is used to produce iron.
  • In construction, crystals are used to make concrete and cement.
  • Large exclusive copies replenish private collections and museums.
  • The craftsmen cut small samples in the form of roses and use them to make various accessories. Very often, uncut Inca gold is used as inserts in silver jewelry. The cost of rings, earrings, pendants made of fool's gold is quite small, but the gizmos look good. Therefore, they are very popular with modern fashionistas. Moreover, rings with a mineral are given to the stronger sex to gain self-confidence.

Products made of cat gold require special handling due to the fragility of the stone. Things can not be subjected to shock and mechanical stress. Store them in soft bags, separately from other jewelry.

Magical and healing properties

Pyrite stone is of great importance for humans. The mineral is recommended to be carried by all patients. The fact is that pyrite nourishes the aura and enriches it, and yet those who struggle with the disease are defenseless. Also, iron disulfide favorably affects the state of the mentally ill. The stone suppresses apathy, anxiety and stress, allowing you to reduce the risk of an outburst of anger or panic in emotionally unbalanced people. Also among the magical properties of pyrite is the maintenance of immunity during outbreaks of disease. A charm of this stone will stimulate the work of such vital organs as the heart, lungs and kidneys.

Improving sleep is another property of the stone, useful for residents of the metropolis. If a person is constantly fussing and stressed, then the crystal will reduce the load and allow you to relax at the end of the day. It is enough to turn on the person's favorite music and look at the flint for 10 minutes.

Pyrite has magical properties for women. It helps to get rid of infertility, and also facilitates childbirth. If you put an iron pyrite bracelet on the leg of a future mother, then the risk of losing a baby will be minimal.