What to give to a creative person. Choosing a gift for a creative person: tips and ideas

February 23

Creative people are sometimes completely incomprehensible. Understanding what processes are going on in their heads is often very difficult. When choosing a gift for an artist, musician or actor, it is difficult to know what he will like. Talented people with an internal organization incomprehensible to the common man deserve special surprises for the holidays. So what could they be, these gifts for creative people?


Your friend, girlfriend or relative cannot live without music? Musicians can compose their own, play musical instruments or sing. For his birthday or any other holiday, you can give him, who lives in his own musical world:

  • Tickets to the concert of his favorite band. Of course, if he himself has not yet managed to purchase them.
  • Helpful little things if he or she plays an instrument, depending on that instrument. A guitarist may need both a set of good strings and an electric guitar pedal. And for a pianist, it may not be amiss to have a comfortable chair that he can adjust to suit himself.
  • Harmonica, if your musician does not practice it all the time. An easy-to-learn and original musical instrument will delight even those musicians who prefer to use their only instrument - their voice.
  • Arrange an apartment for him. You can invite friends and post information on the Internet, and the person will be pleased to give an impromptu concert on his birthday or other personal holiday.
  • A great idea for a gift for a music lover or a person involved in music would be a collectible set of discs or records with his favorite music or selections recorded independently. Nowadays all music is listened to from phones or computers, but a beautifully designed disc on a shelf will always remind your friend of you.

You shouldn’t think that you have to give a violin to a violinist, and a guitar to a guitarist. On the contrary, if you don't understand this and don't know exactly what your loved one needs, don't even go to music stores. It will be very easy for a non-professional to make a mistake; it is better to clarify carefully first.

For artists

Perhaps one of the most unusual representatives of the creative mass of people is artists. And it’s completely unclear what to give the artist, because he sees the world completely differently from those around him. But you can please him with an unusual surprise, not limited to a set of paints or an album.

  • Give him new experiences. A gift to an artist can be intangible - you can simply arrange for him a bike ride to places in the city that he has not been to, or go on a hot air balloon ride. Why not give the opportunity to skydive? He can easily transfer new emotions to paper, and this birthday will be the brightest for him!
  • Arrange an exhibition named after him. To do this, it will be enough to simply cover your apartment with his works and invite many people who can see and appreciate it. Recognition of his undoubted talent is the best gift to an artist.
  • For those who draw not with brushes and paints, but with the help of graphics tablets, a graphics tablet or accessories for it would be a good gift. It is better to unobtrusively clarify the required model. Such gadgets are quite expensive and are suitable for gifts only from the closest people on an important day.
  • A gift to an artist should not be ordinary. Collect all the necessary information about him. Find out which artists inspire him and go to a gallery en masse with him and the rest of your friends.

If you are choosing a gift for an artist and are limited in funds, under no circumstances give him shower gel or shaving foam. Even a coloring book with popular cartoon characters will be the best gift!

For writers

There is a whole world in their heads. And for this world they can come up with so many interesting and necessary things that their friends never dreamed of. For a friend who is interested in writing, for his birthday you can choose:

  • A notepad for writing down ideas that you can always carry with you. These ideas can come to mind anywhere. A notepad will definitely come in handy.
  • If he already has finished works, you can help him publish them. It will be possible to develop only a few copies, but his own book will be able to be stored not only in electronic format, but also on a bookshelf.
  • An unusual master class. For example, give him a certificate for one visit to the boxing gym. What if it occurs to him to write a boxer character, but he doesn’t know exactly what and how to write? Oh no, now it definitely will be!

If you know how to draw, then for your writer friend’s birthday, you can draw the characters of his works or illustrate them in some other way. The writer will undoubtedly be interested in such someone else's view of his personal world!

Actors and directors

Our whole life is theater. But those actors in it who are really actors are quite unique personalities. They live in such different roles, constantly reincarnate and never cease to amaze with their talent. Directors generally rule the roost, both in the theater, in cinema, in advertising, and even in organizing children's matinees. A creative person working in this field may like the following gifts:

  • A subscription to acting courses, if a person only dreams of such a career.
  • Interesting things so that they can better fit into the chosen image. Depending on the image - for example, someone playing Sherlock Holmes on a theater stage, you can buy a beret or a magnifying glass! Any gifts for creativity that are really needed will be greeted with a bang!
  • The director may need a new “ploughshare” - a good and loud mouthpiece, with the help of which his valuable instructions will be heard not only by the leading actors, but also by all the extras on the set.
  • Books on the Stanislavsky system in gift format. It is this system (and the techniques based on it) that even famous Hollywood actors use.

You can make a young filmmaker happy on his birthday simply by helping with his student project. He has a session coming up and needs to shoot a short film? Urgently become an assistant director and make your friend’s life easier on this day!

Creative gifts for creative people

No one will appreciate a gift made with their own hands more than a creative person. Giving a creative gift to a creative person is the best option of all, even if you don’t really know how to do anything yourself. On their important day, such people will appreciate the effort that went into creating the gift. And on the Internet you can easily find master classes on how to quickly create interesting and unusual gifts with your own hands.

If you do something yourself, you can always:

  • Write a song and dedicate it to a person.
  • Draw his portrait or give your painting.
  • Write a story especially for him.

Do-it-yourself gifts don't require a lot of money. But the person’s emotions will be indescribable. When choosing a gift for any unusual, creative friend, focus on his unique personality - the decision will come by itself. Especially if you know each other closely. Those gifts that come from the heart remain in memory the longest.

A creative personality is a whole planet, about which we sometimes know so little. Creative people are distinguished by an unusual vision of the world, an inexhaustible flow of ideas, a difficult character, as well as many hidden and obvious talents. They easily find a way out of difficult situations and always remain themselves.

Today we will tell you how to please creative people with an original and useful gift.

  1. Show your imagination and move away from all the templates you know: a gift for a creative person should be unpredictable and original.
  2. Find out as much as you can about the creative direction of the hero of the occasion: we all love attention to detail, and this is especially true when choosing a gift.
  3. Be careful with practical gifts, because any guitarist prefers to choose his own strings, and an artist prefers brushes and paints. It’s better to unobtrusively raise this topic with the birthday person or ask his friends and relatives.
  4. A surprise, first of all, should inspire a creative person, so don’t skimp on the works of already famous authors.
  5. Don’t forget to amuse the ego and the hero of the occasion: give him a unique gift with his image, organize a mass congratulation or even a flash mob.
  6. Gift packaging and presentation should also be of the highest quality: pay attention to original ways of presenting the particular thing you want to present. Spice up your congratulations with an unusual slogan or poem, and the most attentive guests can prepare a festive quest for the birthday boy.


Writers and poets are no less subtle natures than their other creative brothers. Several worlds and personalities sometimes manage to live in their heads, so the desires of pen tamers can change very quickly. To avoid any last-minute snags, we have prepared gifts for you that are sure to please the writer.


Where can a writer write down all his best thoughts? Of course, in a convenient and beautiful diary or notebook. Try to choose a present of a convenient small size so that you can always take it with you. It’s better to order the author’s cover with a personal engraving, so that everyone can understand whose masterpieces are hidden inside.

But the main “tool” of a writer is, of course, the pen. Balloon or feather, first of all, it should be special, bringing good luck and priceless thoughts. A pen with individual engraving, which can become a real continuation of the author, will cope with this task in the best possible way.

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Giving gifts in general can be difficult, and when a person is creative, it can theoretically turn into a truly overwhelming task. When someone's imagination and creativity work even better than yours, then it would seem, how can you surprise him (or her)? But, in fact, it is very possible. And sometimes there is no need to be surprised. Sometimes the approach to a birthday gift can be very simple - but the effect that a gift will have on a designer, artist or other creative person is very powerful.

Creative Tools

The first thing that can come to mind here, and for good reason, is the various options with which this person can realize his creative potential every day. Simply put, various tools for creativity. Here are some examples of such tools:

  • For the artist: paints (expensive and good), brushes, pastels, high-quality paper, sketch pads a la Moleskine and similar things.
  • For the designer: books on design, typography and visual style, design software, graphics tablets (not to be confused with regular tablets), devices for monitor calibration, devices for working with paper (guillotines, cutters), etc.
  • For a musician: collectible versions of CDs and records of their favorite bands, accessories for musical instruments, high-quality acoustics (headphones, speakers, etc.).

And something similar can be found for any creative profession. Of course, here you need to be more careful and understand what a person needs and what he already has. Good paints, for example, when you think about what to give to an artist is a compromise option, because they are constantly used up, even if the ones you bought are not really needed, there is still some chance of using them in the future.

But a musical instrument may turn out to be completely unnecessary. Another example is strings for a musical instrument. It seems like a good thing for that day if the original ones suddenly break. But as soon as you buy those that are completely unsuitable, a seemingly good gift for a musician, artist, or designer is sent to the mountain for unnecessary rubbish.

Unusual solutions

Now let's try to start, when thinking about what to find for a birthday for creative people, not from their activities, but from their thinking. Every creative person, in order to achieve the desired effect in his work, has to look at the world from a completely different angle. Therefore, a similar approach should ideally be used when choosing a suitable gift. As a rule, these are things of two categories:

  • ordinary things done in an unusual way;
  • unusual things that you traditionally cannot find in regular stores.

The first category is represented quite widely. A creative gift, a gift for a designer, artist and other such people, can be virtually anything. There are mugs that change their image when warm liquid gets into them, T-shirts with built-in musical instruments, a clock in the form of a book, and much more.

Even if it suddenly turns out that the recipient has no real need for such an item, at least he/she will be able to appreciate that you didn’t just want to give something banal, ordinary - you tried to surprise the person, you tried to create All conditions for him to receive a gift on this birthday that is as creative as he is.

The second category includes things that are usually extremely useless, but extremely funny. For example, an electronic bug that runs around the house and then returns to the base station to recharge will add a nice touch of life to the home. A meditative player that plays...silence allows you to meditate and calm down. The decision ball allows you to blame decision-making (including creative ones) on chance. And this is only a part (and a small one) of what can be given to such a person for his birthday.


Another pretty good direction in which to think. Any creative person wants to develop. Therefore, such people regularly attend all sorts of master classes, various types of seminars, and so on, both online and offline. Of course, there are absolutely independent artists who do not perceive any experience from the outside, but there are a minimum of them. So if you know that somewhere in the (preferably) near future there will be a course or seminar that the person whose birthday is approaching might like, then it’s worth giving him a ticket or subscription to it. Having previously, of course, secretly found out that he was not going to meet him.

Works of other creative personalities

As they say, they fight each other, so it would be a good idea to give a creative person something that another talent in this field has created. An artist will not refuse a beautiful painting or sculpture at all.

It is unlikely that a musician will resist a new and interesting recording. The photographer and designer will be happy to study photo albums presented for your birthday. And so on, according to approximately the same principle.


Another unusual approach for such people is to give the birthday person a job... of the same birthday person. Let’s be clear: every creator dreams of recognition, that his work can be enjoyed as widely as possible. And therefore we can help him a little. For example, order a small edition of a beautiful photo album with the artist’s works. You can do the same in a situation with a photographer or designer. What they will do with this circulation is their business. It’s just important not to insist on publishing works and making them available to the public. If a creative person wants his work not to go beyond his home or workshop, he has an absolute, one hundred percent right to this. But at least having such a gift at his disposal for a real artist or other creator will be extremely pleasant for him.

Giving gifts can be difficult in general, and if the Personality seems to be a creative person, this can, in theory, develop into a very difficult problem.

If someone's imagination and creativity function even more correctly than yours, then how would one be able to amaze him (or her)? However, in the process, it is very much allowed. And sometimes you don’t even need to be amazed.

Gifts for creative people

Sometimes the aspect of a birthday present can be very basic - but the result that the gift will produce for an artist, craftsman or other creative person will be very powerful.

When giving a gift to a creative person, come up with something wonderful - and in this case he will certainly be happy!

What to give a creative person for his birthday!

Not a single person will perceive a gift made with their own hands as a creative person.

Presenting an inventive gift to a creative person is the most ideal option of absolutely all possible options, including if you yourself don’t know how to create anything. On their special day, such people will appreciate the effort that was put into creating the gift.

Of course, online too The Internet makes it easy and simple to find master classes on how to quickly create exciting and unusual gifts with your own hands.

If you are passionate about something yourself, you can always:

  • Write a song and give it to a person.
  • Draw his image or present your own picture.
  • Write a story with intention for him.

For gifts with your own pens, you won’t need a lot of foreign exchange expenses.

However, a person’s feelings will become indescribable.

When choosing a gift for each extraordinary, creative friend, concentrate on his inimitable personality - the solution will come by itself.

Especially if you know each other closely.

Gifts that come from the heart remain in the memory the longest

What to give an artist for the New Year!

New Year's blanket with sleeves

A warm microplush blanket is perfect to give to everyone, without exception. It’s more comfortable and warmer to play on a tablet alone, or to knit socks for your adored descendants.

This headdress is made of fake fur, although you can’t tell by the type. A wonderful gift for a girl who is crazy about huskies and, by and large, all cats and dogs without exception. Warms not only the head, but also the hands.

3D lamps

These lamps seemed to fall in love with the wall and pierce it. Moreover, some of them, in the form of a soccer ball or “Mjolnir”, fell in love from the inside of the room, while others - the Iron Man mask, the Hulk’s fist or the front part of a yellow car - undoubtedly from the outside.

Along with the lamp, a wall sticker is supplied that simulates cracks. A wonderful gift for a child, or for a family with children, or for elders who like superheroes and exotic lamps.

Wireless mouse

BMW i8 mouse

If your friend or friend is crazy about this car, a wireless mouse in the version of your favorite modification will be a wonderful reminder of it and a visualization for realizing your desires.

You definitely can’t do without a funny speech before presenting this type of machine.

Aprons with a Christmas theme

New Year's aprons

If the person for whom the gift is specialized often cooks and loves this activity, you can present an apron with a Christmas theme - Santa Claus and the much more erotic Snow Maiden.

The main thing is that it doesn’t look like a hint that it’s time to move to the stove.

It could be noted that this is a gift for children, and since playing snowballs is a game for absolutely all ages, which can be played with equal pleasure and fervor at any age.

The snow blaster creates exemplary snowballs that do not require modeling, and launches them using the method of an ordinary slingshot.

Arm a group of at least three people with these, and the New Year will end very dynamically and joyfully.

Gift baskets and parcels

In these baskets and parcels you will not find the usual “Rafaelkas” and bottles of champagne - everything here is modern, in the direct meaning of the phrase.

If it’s chocolate, then it’s made with honey and natural ingredients. If the tea infusions are genuine, with taiga herbs that give cheerfulness and strength.

Moreover, in various parcels and baskets there are various gifts:
may include venison chips, stew, jam, and “the biggest candy of success.”

It’s all beautifully designed, without vulgar colorful illustrations, primarily using coffee wrapping paper.

In the current gift industry, which is choked by colorful colors and artificial origin of products, such gift baskets are actually perceived as great.

Non-spillable thermal mugs

Thermal mugs

Due to the special concept of auto thermal mugs, you will never be flooded with their contents in your life and will maintain the required temperature of the elixir for 5 hours. A wonderful gift for those who are often on the go.

Chocolate weapon

This sprayer and bullets are very reminiscent of real ones, and are made of delicious natural chocolate. If your friend or relative is crazy about guns, why not give him this kind of “endorphin boost”.

Tool kit

Chocolate tool kit

It will be funny to present to a girl or a young man who has never held anything heavier than a computer mouse in his hands, an adjustable wrench, a hook, a gear and pliers.

The main thing is that this person loves chocolate, since all the devices are made from it, in particular, although they look exactly like the real thing. And that period, if your loved one has not yet realized what’s what, is precious.

Down slippers

Slippers "Motor ships"

If you know that your friends or loved ones have cool floors in their living space, give them super warm slippers filled with fluff and feathers. Again, a multifunctional gift for any age.

A bicycle suitcase for creative travelers


Take a breeze through the streets of a metropolis to the airport or train station, roller skate around the waiting room, catching the envious glances of the guys - the scooter suitcase unfolds easily and simply and guarantees a joyful pastime during the move. A good gift for those who are constantly on the go.

Custard cup with a special bottom

The “double” base of this cup makes it easy and simple to brew leafy tea and drink it without straining. If you need to brew tea, tea is poured into the smallest container, and boiling water is poured into the large water container, after which the cup rolls over to one side.

When the tea has already brewed sufficiently, you can turn the other side of the cup to the other side of the bottom and slowly drink the tea, which will not be very strong. An extraordinary gift for loose leaf tea connoisseurs.

Substantial award for merit

The Oscar statuette, a duplicate of one of the most ancient and popular film awards, cannot easily be presented without a celebratory speech.

Moreover, it is possible to invent the most varied merits - from real achievements to funny assigned statuses.

Teddy bear for secrets and stashes

A simple soft trinket will only please a child or a collector of soft toys. But such a teddy bear with a secret inside will be a wonderful gift for any friend.

There is a clasp on the bear's neck that reveals a hidden pocket. In this hidden pocket you can put any auxiliary gift you like. This will be a real gift for your friend or relative, and he will be able to exploit the bear later for his own secrets and stashes.

For barbecue connoisseurs

For those who really love barbecue, prefer to cook them, while away the time in nature and put everything on the shelves.

One gift box contains skewers, a knife and a cleaver in cases, shot glasses and a flask.

This gift will not be superfluous for both travelers and those who love traveling. 2 ports make it possible to charge 2 devices at the same time. And this miracle weighs less than 200 grams and takes up virtually no space in the backpack.

Hats made from natural coyote and bluefrost fur

This gift is best chosen for those closest to you. No, not because you absolutely need to know the volume of the hat - for this there are specialized drawstrings to coordinate the volume.

It’s just that with related people you won’t be mistaken about their tastes in choosing hats and you’re less likely to hear something like: “This is a natural cover! Horrible! Unhappy little animals!

Well, in general, the hat is the perfect outfit for the Russian cold, especially since the winter is expected to be cool.

Clothes for sofa Jedi

A Jedi robe is a good gift in itself, and when it is also a cozy robe for the house, it’s generally good.

LED attachments for bicycles

Wheel attachments

Yes, today is not the time of year for bicycles, but if your friend prefers to ride a bike and stays on it all summer, then why not give him something for his two-wheeled pet?

LED attachments for bikes form up to 11 displays on wheels, are protected from moisture and have an integrated speedometer.

With such attachments, every bike will look cool, and in the dark it will be safer to drive along the highway.

Brutal jewelry for a man

Steel and leather bracelet

Decorations in the atmosphere of miniaturism look as if they were renewed according to modifications of the jewelry of antiquity.

Leather and steel - what could be the most aggressive? At the same time, there is plenty of variety: many insert beads for bracelets, change at any time.

Magnetic board for the refrigerator

Magnetic board

Nowadays, all articles and reminders are produced on phones, including stickers, which are already disappearing from our lives.

A magnetic plaque on the refrigerator is nostalgic for real things and a stunning addition to the kitchen interior.

You can use it to write reminders and letters to loved ones, or easily arm yourself with colorful crayons and wish your loved ones good morning.

3D printer pen for creative people

If your friends are no strangers to crafts, you can give them a 3D pen, with the help of which you can create flat plastic shapes or three-dimensional devices. An interesting thing for creative people.

Massage cape for motorists

It makes sense to present this cape to someone who spends a lot of time behind the wheel. This will be a super useful gift for them.

Eight vibration programs, control panel, time delay regulator and seat heating. With this kind of cape, your loved ones will stop whining about illness in the spine after a whole day behind the wheel.

By the way, you can give it as a gift to office employees: they are also not prevented from resting after sitting all day.

Good afternoon dear friends! Have you ever chosen a gift for a creative person?

I just want to say: the information sponsor of today’s article is my friend Natasha :-). It was she who called me the other day and asked: “Do you know that there are such cool gifts - paint-by-number kits? Have you written about them?

And sure enough, I immediately remembered that I had heard about such sets, and wanted to write, but somehow I missed this moment and everything flew out of my head... So thanks to my friend, I’m correcting myself.

Let me tell you in more detail for those who do not know that there is such a cool and for a creative person - a paint-by-numbers set.

Creative gift for a creative person

Probably many have seen embroidery kits on sale, which include a base with a printed pattern and color markings, and threads of all the shades necessary for embroidering this picture.

So the paint-by-numbers set is almost the same.

Only here, instead of a base for embroidery, there is canvas or cardboard, on which the contours of the future design are also applied and the color numbers of each area are marked. And instead of threads and needles - paints necessary to create a future “masterpiece”, and brushes.

Some sets even include a stretcher or frame, with which you can immediately place the finished artistic masterpiece on the wall. And this is not irony - the paintings from such sets really turn out very beautiful!

Check out the examples.

Even modular paintings that are popular today can be created with your own hands using such sets.

And there are similar sets for children, they are much simpler in execution, but the same in configuration.

By the way, I wrote that a paint-by-numbers set is a gift for a creative person. But even people who are completely far from creativity can become so carried away by the process that they add such an activity to their list of hobbies.

But you shouldn’t give such kits to artists and people who are excellent at drawing themselves - it won’t be interesting for them!

Rather, on the contrary, such gifts should be prepared for people who do NOT know how to do this, but who are not averse to trying something new for themselves. Such creative individuals will surely appreciate your gift!

Let me add from myself: drawing perfectly calms the nerves, “relaxes” the brain and seriously captivates you! Just like embroidery, knitting and other typical women's hobbies.

What is especially valuable is that such a gift can be prepared for any holiday: New Year, March 8, Birthday.

If you feel that the heroine (or hero) of your holiday is a creative person, and she (he) would benefit from such a tool for self-expression - feel free to buy it and give it to her paint by numbers set - because this is excellent gift for a creative person.

Giving gifts can be difficult in general, and if the Personality seems to be a creative person, this can, in theory, develop into a very difficult problem.

If someone's imagination and creativity function even more correctly than yours, then how would one be able to amaze him (or her)? However, in the process, it is very much allowed. And sometimes you don’t even need to be amazed.

Gifts for creative people

One gift box contains skewers, a knife and a cleaver in cases, shot glasses and a flask.

This gift will not be superfluous for both travelers and those who love traveling. 2 ports make it possible to charge 2 devices at the same time. And this miracle weighs less than 200 grams and takes up virtually no space in the backpack.

Hats made from natural coyote and bluefrost fur

This gift is best chosen for those closest to you. No, not because you absolutely need to know the volume of the hat - for this there are specialized drawstrings to coordinate the volume.

It’s just that with related people you won’t be mistaken about their tastes in choosing hats and you’re less likely to hear something like: “This is a natural cover! Horrible! Unhappy little animals!

Well, in general, the hat is the perfect outfit for the Russian cold, especially since the winter is expected to be cool.

Clothes for sofa Jedi

A Jedi robe is a good gift in itself, and when it is also a cozy robe for the house, it’s generally good.

LED attachments for bicycles

Wheel attachments

Yes, today is not the time of year for bicycles, but if your friend prefers to ride a bike and stays on it all summer, then why not give him something for his two-wheeled pet?

LED attachments for bikes form up to 11 displays on wheels, are protected from moisture and have an integrated speedometer.

With such attachments, every bike will look cool, and in the dark it will be safer to drive along the highway.

Brutal jewelry for a man

Steel and leather bracelet

Decorations in the atmosphere of miniaturism look as if they were renewed according to modifications of the jewelry of antiquity.

Leather and steel - what could be the most aggressive? At the same time, there is plenty of variety: many insert beads for bracelets, change at any time.

Magnetic board for the refrigerator

Magnetic board

Nowadays, all articles and reminders are produced on phones, including stickers, which are already disappearing from our lives.

A magnetic plaque on the refrigerator is nostalgic for real things and a stunning addition to the kitchen interior.

You can use it to write reminders and letters to loved ones, or easily arm yourself with colorful crayons and wish your loved ones good morning.

3D printer pen for creative people

If your friends are no strangers to crafts, you can give them a 3D pen, with the help of which you can create flat plastic shapes or three-dimensional devices. An interesting thing for creative people.

Massage cape for motorists

It makes sense to present this cape to someone who spends a lot of time behind the wheel. This will be a super useful gift for them.

Eight vibration programs, control panel, time delay regulator and seat heating. With this kind of cape, your loved ones will stop whining about illness in the spine after a whole day behind the wheel.

By the way, you can give it as a gift to office employees: they are also not prevented from resting after sitting all day.

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Good afternoon dear friends! Have you ever chosen a gift for a creative person?

I just want to say: the information sponsor of today’s article is my friend Natasha :-). It was she who called me the other day and asked: “Do you know that there are such cool gifts - paint-by-number kits? Have you written about them?

And sure enough, I immediately remembered that I had heard about such sets, and wanted to write, but somehow I missed this moment and everything flew out of my head... So thanks to my friend, I’m correcting myself.

Let me tell you in more detail for those who don’t know that there is such a cool and interesting gift for a creative person - a paint-by-numbers set.

Creative gift for a creative person

Probably many have seen embroidery kits on sale, which include a base with a printed pattern and color markings, and threads of all the shades necessary for embroidering this picture.

So the paint-by-numbers set is almost the same.

Only here, instead of a base for embroidery, there is canvas or cardboard, on which the contours of the future design are also applied and the color numbers of each area are marked. And instead of threads and needles - paints necessary to create a future “masterpiece”, and brushes.

Some sets even include a stretcher or frame, with which you can immediately place the finished artistic masterpiece on the wall. And this is not irony - the paintings from such sets really turn out very beautiful!

Check out the examples.

Even modular paintings that are popular today can be created with your own hands using such sets.

And there are similar sets for children, they are much simpler in execution, but the same in configuration.

By the way, I wrote that a paint-by-numbers set is a gift for a creative person. But even people who are completely far from creativity can become so carried away by the process that they add such an activity to their list of hobbies.

But you shouldn’t give such kits to artists and people who are excellent at drawing themselves - it won’t be interesting for them!

Rather, on the contrary, such gifts should be prepared for people who do NOT know how to do this, but who are not averse to trying something new for themselves. Such creative individuals will surely appreciate your gift!

Let me add from myself: drawing perfectly calms the nerves, “relaxes” the brain and seriously captivates you! Just like embroidery, knitting and other typical women's hobbies.

What is especially valuable is that such a gift can be prepared for any holiday: New Year, March 8, Birthday.

If you feel that the heroine (or hero) of your holiday is a creative person, and she (he) would benefit from such a tool for self-expression - feel free to buy it and give it to her paint by numbers set - because this is excellent gift for a creative person.

I would probably be delighted with such a gift - as a child I really loved to draw from postcards and color everything, because I couldn’t draw myself (alas, I didn’t have enough talent :-)).

What do you think - would you like such a gift? Share in the comments!

I'm always glad to see you on the pages of the site!

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