At what stage of pregnancy does nausea begin and what to do if you feel very sick? Toxicosis during pregnancy

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Toxicosis is a common phenomenon in women, which is manifested by sudden nausea. Toxicosis, from Greek meaning “poisonous”, is caused by the effects of exogenous toxins on the body of a pregnant woman. This manifestation can begin at a time when the woman does not yet know that she is expecting a child.

Toxicosis is not a fatal manifestation, but, according to doctors, it is a minor pathology, which absolutely should not be healthy woman. Still, the majority of expectant mothers suffer from toxicosis during the period of a joyful event.

Causes of nausea

The main cause of nausea is progesterone. In addition to this hormone, human chorionic gonadotropin and prolactin play a role. But why does toxicosis manifest itself very clearly in some pregnant women, while in others it is less pronounced? This is due to the fact that every woman’s body is individual. Nausea worsens during pregnancy in cases where there were problems with the digestive tract before pregnancy. Too high or low acidity in the stomach, together with changing hormonal levels, can lead not only to nausea, but also to severe vomiting.

The main causes of nausea during pregnancy are:

  • hormones progesterone, prolactin, human chorionic gonadotropin;
  • presence of problems with the digestive tract before pregnancy;
  • deviation from the norm of stomach acidity (if it is increased or decreased) coupled with a hormonal surge - and severe nausea during pregnancy along with vomiting is guaranteed;
  • heredity: if the mother suffered from toxicosis, there is a high probability that her daughter will also be susceptible to this painful condition during the period of bearing the baby;
  • any failures in internal systems organisms that manifested themselves even before pregnancy: the endocrine, nervous and immune systems are especially important in this regard.

Also of great importance is the state of the endocrine, nervous and immune system women. Oddly enough, heredity plays a significant role. Therefore, if the mother had severe toxicosis, then her daughter is more susceptible high risk similar manifestations. But the gender of the child does not have any effect on the presence of toxicosis. If you experience nausea in early pregnancy, vomiting, drooling, heartburn, and sensitivity to odors may occur later. If everything goes well, by 12 weeks all symptoms disappear.

What is good about toxicosis?

Nausea during pregnancy is not only discomfort and symptoms. If you are already tired of this feeling, there are a couple of theories that are designed to help a woman come to terms with such a temporary difficulty. For example, it is believed that those women who suffered greatly from toxicosis give birth to brilliant children. Moreover, this theory is confirmed by a number of studies. Scientists attribute this to the fact that hormones that cause discomfort in women have the most positive effect on the development of the fetal brain.


Hormone production different stages pregnancy is constantly changing. Accordingly, the reaction also changes female body for all these metamorphoses. Some may feel nauseous in the first months, but latest dates tormented by vomiting and nausea to the point of fainting. For some people it’s completely the opposite. So it will be useful for expectant mothers to know the characteristics of toxicosis at different stages of pregnancy, at what stage this test begins, how long it lasts, and how dangerous it is.

I trimester

If nausea begins in the early stages of pregnancy, it is later most often accompanied by vomiting, heartburn, drooling, and extreme sensitivity to odors. However, with a successful combination of circumstances, these symptoms disappear by the second trimester.

III trimester

If nausea begins in the third trimester of pregnancy, it poses a serious threat to both the health of the mother and the development of the fetus. Especially if it is accompanied sharp jump weight, significant edema, high blood pressure. Do not discount the fact that nausea this period can signal various problems within the body: poisoning, liver malfunction, etc. Sometimes this condition is simply a consequence of a change in the size of the uterus, which interferes with the stomach.

It doesn’t matter at what stage the woman is overtaken this problem: at 8–9 or 36–38 weeks of pregnancy. Both are hard to bear. And in both cases, you shouldn’t hope that everything will go away by itself, go away in a couple of minutes and feel better. Such a frivolous attitude to this problem can provoke a violation of the water-electrolyte balance in a woman’s body, which will lead to impaired fetal development and deterioration of health. expectant mother. So the question of how to get rid of nausea is important at any stage of bearing a baby.

Nausea in early pregnancy

Nausea in early pregnancy, especially in combination with vomiting, is most often called early toxicosis, although not all doctors agree with this definition. Translated from Greek toxikon - poison. This is nothing more than intoxication of the body or autopoisoning, which can be caused by a number of different diseases. But if you are among the 70% of pregnant women suffering from toxicosis, do not be discouraged: this condition will last about 15 weeks, and then everything will fall into place!

During this period, the formation of all the main organs and systems of the baby occurs, and a kind of struggle flares up in the mother’s body: the immune system tries to protect itself from the “invader” that has invaded the body (don’t be surprised, but at the biological level the embryo is perceived by it in the early stages), and the fetus, in turn, tries with all its might to stay in the uterus in order to get a chance at life.

Such battles, of course, do not go unnoticed for a woman. And doctors call the fact that she feels sick in the morning a natural, and even useful, reaction of the body. So don't be angry for nothing. Remember about the baby: after all, he will not throw up with you, but your Bad mood may not have a very good effect on his condition. It’s better to let him hear from you pleasant words rather than: “I’m fed up with this toxicosis!” Stay calm - everything will pass soon.

It’s another matter if “morning sickness” has no end and is accompanied by frequent (up to 15 times a day) vomiting. In this situation, it gets worse general state, there is a significant weight loss, the body becomes dehydrated. A pregnant woman needs hospital treatment. However, although such conditions do occur, they are very rare!

Features of nutrition for toxicosis

In case of toxicosis, it is necessary to eat in small portions on average every 2 hours. Food should be somewhat chilled, easy to digest, and not include fried, fatty, or spicy foods. The main diet should be meat - young veal, chicken, rabbit, fish; dairy products (especially useful for breakfast) - low-fat cottage cheese, kefir, yogurt - that is, you should focus on foods rich in proteins and carbohydrates.

Fresh vegetables and fruits should now occupy a special place in your diet. Porridge is useful, you can take breakfast cereals. Before eating or immediately after waking up (you can without getting out of bed), drink a small glass of warm water - preferably mineral water, but without gas. Drink water in small sips. Don't forget to drink enough (at least 1.5-2 liters per day).

The fluid maintains a normal volume of circulating blood; it is also necessary to maintain normal blood pressure and prevent dehydration. Cranberry juice, chamomile tea, green tea with lemon, mineral water(without gas!), carrot and apple juice, also: celery and beet juice. You should not drink sour juices – orange, tangerine – juices. Grapefruit and pomegranate are acceptable. Do not overuse, or even better, exclude, salty and fatty foods.

It would be nice to forget about chocolate for a while. And one more thing: don’t force yourself to eat when you don’t feel like it. Do not force your body, as you may not like its response at all.

Exercise and behavior during toxicosis

Now is the time to try pregnancy yoga. These classes will help normalize the functioning of the stomach, liver, and kidneys. With regular training, vascular tone is strengthened, headaches and dizziness disappear. During the classes you will be taught special breathing, which will help you relax and will be extremely useful during childbirth.

Spend more time on fresh air and, if possible, limit exposure to stuffy rooms. Also try not to sit at the computer for a long time, and choose clothes that do not restrict your movements. Take baths with sea ​​salt. Don't forget to take your vitamins (vitamin B6 and ascorbic acid are especially important now), but it's still best to consult your doctor before taking them.

If you smoke, then forget about this bad habit, which, first of all, harms the unborn baby. Also avoid secondhand smoke. And one more thing: don’t forget about rest. You need it now more than ever!

Dangerous symptoms

What symptoms might indicate that something is wrong? Some changes in condition should alert you to possible complications or infectious disease.

So, when you need to see a doctor urgently:

  1. Frozen pregnancy and nausea. Lightheadedness during a frozen pregnancy may suddenly disappear. Just yesterday you felt sick from one type of food, and you couldn’t take your head off the pillow in the morning, but today you feel just great. If you are not even 10 weeks pregnant, do not rush to rejoice at such a gift from fate; you should worry about whether everything is okay with the baby?

If nausea disappears, this may be due to cessation of fetal development. His fetal death means production stops human chorionic gonadotropin, and therefore your condition suddenly improves. Typically, there may be some slight bleeding from the genital tract, and nagging pain, but these are not mandatory symptoms.

Even if you don’t have any pain, see your gynecologist immediately. And don’t be shy, no one will laugh at the complaint “for some reason I don’t feel sick anymore, and it seems like my period has started.” Pregnancy with such an interruption, when the fetus remains in the uterus, is dangerous due to its complications, since the embryo literally begins to decompose there, which means that you need to get rid of a frozen pregnancy as soon as possible. The doctor will send you for an ultrasound, at which the baby’s condition will be clarified, if the baby’s heart is beating, then you will simply rejoice at the cessation of toxicosis.

  1. Nausea during ectopic pregnancy. As long as the ectopic pregnancy develops relatively normally, you will feel no different from other women. Poor health can be disturbing in the same way as with normal symptoms; early toxicosis develops. You may not realize that anything is wrong until complications develop.

When breaking fallopian tube a woman develops internal bleeding, which can be quite massive; large blood loss causes dizziness, lightheadedness and weakness. For more than 6 weeks similar symptoms reason to call immediately ambulance, since if the symptoms are caused by a ruptured tube and bleeding into the abdominal cavity continues, this can threaten the life of the mother.

Dizziness and nausea during complicated ectopic pregnancy are not necessarily accompanied by bleeding from the genital tract. It is quite possible that there will be no discharge at all, and its absence is not a reason to calm down.

  1. Nausea and fever during pregnancy. The appearance of a gag reflex and temperature may be symptoms of an intestinal infection or other infectious disease; abdominal pain, nausea and diarrhea are a reason to call a doctor; perhaps you have simply been poisoned by something. You can take it on your own Activated carbon or polyphepan, leave other medications to your doctor.
  2. Nausea with blood during pregnancy. With excessive vomiting, when attacks are obsessively repeated over and over again, the development of Melory-Weiss syndrome is possible. With this pathology, in the area of ​​the mucous membrane of the gastric outlet, mucosal cracks appear that bleed, which is where this combination of symptoms comes from. You have to really try to bring yourself to this state; if you have a similar complaint, consult a doctor immediately.

No toxicosis during pregnancy: is this normal?

The absence of toxicosis during pregnancy is not at all a sign of pathology. This is the most favorable scenario for the development of events: the hormonal background of the mother’s body turned out to be perfectly suited to the state of pregnancy and the physiological mechanisms of adaptation to pregnancy were activated in a timely manner.

The absence of toxicosis in the early stages of pregnancy should please the woman: this indicates good immunity and a woman's readiness to become a mother. The absence of toxicosis during pregnancy is good: after all, without toxicosis, you can continue to lead your previous lifestyle and work actively.

Perhaps there is toxicosis, but the woman does not realize that this is it, if its manifestations are an increase in appetite or unexplained weakness, lethargy. During pregnancy, a woman gets tired quickly: she cooked soup - she was tired, she walked with her child - she was exhausted, she did a report - she fell on the sofa to sleep. No nausea does not mean there is no toxicosis. But it may indeed be absent - this is an excellent variant of the norm.

According to some data, toxicosis occurs in 90% of pregnant women, if we take into account all its manifestations: from the most insignificant to the most pronounced. There is also evidence that it develops in only 50% of pregnant women.

Toxicosis during pregnancy: boy or girl?

If there is no toxicosis during pregnancy, should a woman expect a boy or a girl? Popular omens assure that the expectant mother does not feel well if she is expecting a girl. The opinions of official medicine and traditional healers differ regarding the question of whether toxicosis can occur during pregnancy with a boy. Doctors have repeatedly conducted studies, but have not seen any difference: the sex of the child does not depend on how much the expectant mother feels sick or not.

According to signs, the first months with the girl are difficult. In fact, it doesn’t matter what gender the baby is: manifestations of toxicosis depend not on the gender of the fetus, but on the condition gastrointestinal tract women, from her hormonal levels and other reasons not yet known to science.

Anti-nausea pills during pregnancy

The use of pills during pregnancy is generally undesirable. This, as a rule, negatively affects the development of the fetus, and even more so, it is forbidden to use it without permission. medications without the appointment of a specialist. It should be remembered that nausea is natural reaction the body, a kind of adaptation to a new life, and you shouldn’t take anti-emetic pills here.

Try to endure the nausea for the sake of proper development fetus Usually drug treatment used only when there is a threat to the mother's health. Instead of swallowing pills, try morning sickness prevention. If it doesn't help you completely, it will at least improve your condition.

Spend as much time in the fresh air as possible, oxygen will help stabilize both your condition and the development of your baby. Use mint in any form, even brewed, or just chew the leaves. Pomegranate juice for hemoglobin. And do not allow the feeling of hunger to set in, this is always the first factor that provokes nausea.

A pregnant woman has a period during which she can feel sick from anything - for example, from the smell of spices or her favorite perfume. Everyone has heard about early toxicosis; many await its first manifestations with horror. But sometimes pregnancy occurs, but there is still no nausea. What does this depend on? Why does a woman experience toxicosis at all?

There are several answers to these questions, but none of them can guarantee 100% truth. For example, our grandmothers claim that, according to a common belief, “boys” make you sick more. However, childbirth comes, and this sign comes true with an accuracy of fifty percent.

With the theories of scientists, the matter is much more serious - they are supported by research, all kinds of tests and surveys. Interesting Facts Canadian scientists have discovered that children of mothers who experienced toxicosis during pregnancy grow up to be intellectuals. According to researchers, nausea is caused by hormones that can have a positive effect on intellectual development child. Many scientists believe that the phenomenon of nausea is closely related to the protection developing fetus from harmful substances, entering his body through his mother’s food.

It is in the first months that the most important systems and organs of the child are formed, while the mother’s body, through toxicosis, is saved from miscarriage. But most probable cause is an increase in the level of pregnancy hormones in the mother. By the way, emotional experiences and stress only intensify these phenomena. Nausea and vomiting reduce the level of hormones that the child does not need, rejecting everything unnecessary and leaving what is essential.

Symptoms of toxicosis

Vomiting of pregnancy

There are three degrees of severity of vomiting. Mild vomiting occurs about 5 times a day after meals. Moderate vomiting - up to 10 times a day, after meals or even on an empty stomach. In 2 weeks, a woman can lose more than 3 kg of weight. At the same time, the pulse rate increases and blood pressure decreases. The third degree is very severe vomiting, which is difficult to tame. It does not stop even at night, disrupting sleep. There is a smell from the mouth, the skin deteriorates, and sometimes even the body temperature rises. In this case, kidney function may be impaired, so patients need to be hospitalized to exclude the issue of termination of pregnancy.

Drooling (ptialism)

The second most common sign of toxicosis is copious discharge saliva, which often accompanies vomiting. per day at the most difficult cases a woman can secrete 1.5 liters of saliva, along with which proteins and mineral salts. The condition can worsen quite quickly, so it is better to keep under close medical supervision if there is excessive drooling.

In addition, it is observed:

- Weakness,
- drowsiness,
- irritability,
- bad feeling,
- depression,
- increased salivation,
- weight loss,
- loss of appetite,
- change in taste sensations.

Sometimes early toxicosis takes the form of dermatoses, asthma or muscle spasms.

Nausea during pregnancy - early stages

Early toxicosis is most often combined with vomiting. In Greek, toxikon sounds like poison. In pregnant women, the first manifestations begin at about 6 weeks and last until 13-14 weeks. Morning sickness can torment a woman all day, but sometimes it hardly manifests itself - it all depends on individual characteristics body. The most long terms up to 15 weeks.

A real battle is unfolding in the mother’s body - the immune system is defending itself against the invading “invader.” At the biological level, the mother’s body perceives the development of the embryo this way. The fetus tries to hold on to increase its chances of development. Sometimes the urge to vomit can be quite strong and prolonged (up to 15 times a day). In such cases, it is imperative to ensure that the body does not become dehydrated. A woman may even be admitted to a hospital.

Nausea in late pregnancy

At the beginning of the second trimester, toxicosis gradually disappears. This is a fertile time when a woman can rest before her belly grows and brings along with it heaviness and discomfort. In the third trimester, nausea occurs as an unpleasant surprise. This phenomenon is explained by the fact that the child puts pressure on abdominal organs mother.

When the liver is affected, the body begins to rebel, and the mother experiences nausea. If other ailments are present at the same time, you should consult a doctor to rule out more serious reasons. A real threat can be posed by gestosis (another name is late toxicosis). Oxygen deficiency is accompanied by other symptoms:

- nausea and vomiting;
high blood pressure;
- dizziness, tinnitus;
- sudden weight gain, swelling and severe thirst;
- headache;
- the appearance of protein in the urine;
- pain in the hypochondrium.

Risk group for late toxicosis consists of women over 35 years of age who have had abortions and miscarriages, as well as those who have had the following diseases in the past:

- pyelonephritis;
- cardiovascular;
- endocrine.

How to deal with nausea during pregnancy

It will probably not be possible to avoid toxicosis completely, but to mitigate its manifestations it is better to take some steps in advance. First, when preparing for pregnancy, you need to cure all current diseases. Review your diet and get rid of bad habits(smoking, alcohol). Pregnancy and childbirth will go well if you maintain self-confidence and have a positive attitude.

- Make something useful balanced menu from fresh healthy products. It is better to exclude hot, spicy, salty, fatty, smoked foods for a while.
— In the morning, get out of bed smoothly, without making sudden movements. Have something else to snack on in bed (cookies, crackers, yogurt or fruit).
— Adopt the principles fractional meals- eat often, but in small portions.
- Avoid acute hunger, but do not overindulge in chocolate, cakes and other sweet confectionery products.
— Forget about carbonated drinks - drink still water, weak tea and infusions of approved herbs. Avoid drinks containing caffeine.
- Also try not to force yourself to eat when you don’t feel like eating.
— Spicy, fried foods and hard-to-digest foods should be excluded from the diet, consume more dairy and fermented milk products.

— Practice daily walks in the fresh air.
— Avoid stress and unnecessary worries, fight their consequences.
— Take vitamins, especially vitamin B6 and ascorbic acid.
— If you experience debilitating nausea, consult a doctor.
— Sleep in a well-ventilated area. Leave the window open more often.

Herbal collection for nausea during pregnancy

- marigolds (2 teaspoons),
- mint (2 teaspoons),
- yarrow (2 teaspoons),
- valerian root (1 teaspoon).

Pour the mixture with 400 ml of boiling water, leave for 30 minutes. Strain. Drink 50 ml every 2 hours (6 times a day). You can drink for 25 days, break - 2 weeks.

Ordinary lemon relieves nausea well.

Have a safe pregnancy! And no toxicosis!

For many women, such a manifestation as morning sickness in combination with malaise and a passion for salty foods is undeniable. Although nausea and changes in taste are not always possible for expectant mothers, most of them have encountered such an unpleasant sensation at least several times during pregnancy. Should there be nausea during pregnancy or does it indicate health problems, how long will it last and when is it time to see a doctor? All these questions require answers.

Do all pregnant women feel sick in the morning?

Many women experience malaise and nausea in the morning and at other times of the day and outside of pregnancy, just as not all pregnant women suffer from nausea and. Manifestations typical of toxicosis are relatively subjective feelings, often they are caused not only physiological changes, but also a psychological component. “Pregnant” nausea is typical for the morning and first half of the day, usually occurs at the beginning of the first trimester and disappears without a trace by its end.

If the toxicosis is very painful, in addition to nausea, there is repeated vomiting, salivation is pronounced, and these sensations last after 10-12 weeks, without a tendency to decrease or disappear, a doctor’s consultation and examination are needed.

Often the occurrence of pregnancy provokes an exacerbation of gastroenterological pathology (,) and nausea refers to the manifestation of pathologies, and not the result of gestation.

Why does nausea and toxicosis occur?

Science does not yet know exactly the reasons that provoke nausea in pregnant women and toxicosis as such. Thus, the palm in this matter is given to the influence on the vomiting center of the brain of an altered balance of hormones, such as estrogens, hCG (chorionic gonadotropin), as well as a change in the ratio of thyroxine (the hormone thyroid gland).

Exceeding the concentrations of these hormones can irritate the vomiting center, provoking attacks of nausea and single vomiting. Usually, as the body adapts to pregnancy at about 13-14 weeks, all these phenomena, along with ailments and weakness, disappear without a trace.

Interesting fact

It has been noticed that in mothers who are expecting twins or triplets, the severity of toxicosis is more severe due to the fact that the concentrations of hormones in their plasma are even higher than in singleton pregnancies.

In addition to the influence of hormones, some other theories have also been proposed to explain the occurrence of toxicosis.

Theories of the origin of toxicosis and nausea If we consider nausea as a manifestation of toxicosis, there are whole line

  1. theories: Some scientists “blame” the development of nausea immunological factor
  2. . The fetus consists of half of the father's genes, half of the mother's, that is, half of the cells of its body are foreign to the mother. Therefore, her immune system can aggressively perceive the tissues of the fetus, which can provoke ailments and deterioration of well-being, nausea. As the immune system adapts and tolerance to fetal tissues develops, nausea gradually disappears. From point of view psychological theory

    It is believed that the new state of pregnancy for a woman is a special test for the body, including from a psychological point of view. Not all women are mentally prepared for motherhood, which can lead to anxiety and increased anxiety. As a result of this, stress nausea and malaise, symptoms of toxicosis, are formed.

    In those women who strongly anticipated and desired pregnancy, according to research, the manifestations of toxicosis are less pronounced.

  3. Based theories of general somatic health, the appearance of nausea and vomiting in many women is due to poor health in general, and the digestive system and liver in particular. In addition, nausea occurs more often in women of asthenic constitution, who are always losing weight and exhausting themselves with diets. If nausea in pregnant women is provoked by travel in transport and motion sickness, this may be a problem with the vestibular system.
  4. Experts also highlight vegetative theory of toxicosis related to adaptation internal organs and nervous tissue to pregnancy, the theory of age, according to which older pregnant women and those who are carrying more than their first baby feel more nauseous. Let's add here hereditary characteristics the course of pregnancy, typical for the entire female generation, starting with the grandmothers, mother and sisters of the pregnant woman, if everyone suffered from severe toxicosis, the risks for its development in this situation are also high.
  5. A number of experts claim that nausea can develop in a pregnant woman due to the fact that in a special way react to smells and tastes receptors of the nose and pharynx, tongue. Many expectant mothers report attacks of nausea from the strong smells of soap, cosmetics, and certain foods and dishes.

When does nausea occur during pregnancy?

Nausea most often develops from the early stages of pregnancy, and usually its first manifestations should be expected around the 5-6th week. In women with multiple pregnancy manifestations may occur 1-2 weeks earlier and last longer.

If expectant mother there are diseases of the digestive system, somatic pathologies, manifestations of toxicosis with nausea will be more pronounced and prolonged.

According to experts, The earlier toxicosis began and the stronger the nausea and vomiting, the longer they will appear.

Nausea and vomiting deserve special attention as late-term manifestations of toxicosis. They can last until childbirth and often occur due to increased pressure, swelling and the formation of manifestations, such manifestations are dangerous to health and require immediate appeal to the doctor. Often, nausea during gestosis weakens somewhat after the stomach drops by 37-38 weeks or decreases slightly after 35 weeks of pregnancy.

Mostly such manifestations in pregnant women occur during fasting, when the stomach is empty, so it is recommended not to take long breaks in eating.

How long does nausea last in pregnant women?

If this is early toxicosis, on average it lasts until 12-14 weeks of pregnancy, gradually decreasing in frequency and severity. Usually, after 10 weeks of pregnancy, nausea no longer occurs every day and there is almost no vomiting. If the symptoms do not decrease, but only increase, or occur after 20-24 weeks, you should immediately consult a doctor.

Features of nausea during early pregnancy

Nausea often accompanies the initial stages of pregnancy, but is not one of its mandatory manifestations. You shouldn’t judge just by the presence or absence of morning nausea or vomiting that a baby has appeared in the uterus . Often the first manifestations occur soon after two lines appear on the test, closer to 5-6 weeks, and are often combined with vomiting, severe salivation and distortion of taste and smell.

It is believed that the new state of pregnancy for a woman is a special test for the body, including from a psychological point of view. Not all women are mentally prepared for motherhood, which can lead to anxiety and increased anxiety. As a result of this, stress nausea and malaise, symptoms of toxicosis, are formed.

The appearance of nausea in the first trimester is a completely normal phenomenon; it does not require visiting a doctor, provided that the manifestations do not greatly disrupt the usual life and do not change the usual rhythm. If vomiting is also typical with nausea, repeated and not only in the morning, with toxicosis a woman suddenly loses weight - this is already a reason for examination and treatment.

Important facts about nausea during pregnancy:

Nausea, drooling, appetite

Factors that provoke nausea:

  • Nausea most often occurs in the morning, but during the day and evening time similar sensations are not excluded, although not so strong.
  • Increased nausea can occur with sudden rises from bed, due to a decrease in pressure, which also threatens dizziness and a feeling of weakness and darkening of the eyes.
  • May cause lightheadedness and nausea strong odors or food (meat, fish, boiled vegetables).

Each expectant mother has her own characteristics during toxicosis; nausea may also occur in the mouth or a feeling of bad odor. Against the background of nausea, you may crave certain foods (sweets, salty foods, chalk, lime). In general, mild toxicosis indicates the progression of pregnancy and full development fetus But quite normal occurrence

It is also considered that there is almost a complete absence of toxicosis or its mild manifestations, which are not permanent and do not interfere with normal life. If, against the background of toxicosis, you suddenly feel better, in the pubic or lumbar area, this may indicate a frozen pregnancy. It's better to see a doctor!

Nausea in the second half of pregnancy

It is believed that the new state of pregnancy for a woman is a special test for the body, including from a psychological point of view. Not all women are mentally prepared for motherhood, which can lead to anxiety and increased anxiety. As a result of this, stress nausea and malaise, symptoms of toxicosis, are formed.

If nausea occurs in the second or third trimester, this is not a manifestation of toxicosis. This is how it usually manifests itself, serious complication pregnancy, as well as pathologies of the digestive tract and systemic diseases, various other health problems.

Due to the growth of the uterus, compression of the walls of the stomach occurs and a change in its location relative to its usual position, as well as a change in the position of the intestines, bile ducts, liver and other internal organs. Evacuation processes and peristaltic contractions may be slowed down, leading to digestive problems (nausea, heartburn). Due to changes in posture and fullness of the stomach, some of the food with gastric juice is thrown into the esophagus, forming heartburn, which can also provoke attacks of nausea and malaise. Typically, such attacks of nausea associated with digestive disorders occur after 28 weeks of pregnancy, with quite large sizes abdomen and high position of the uterine fundus.

In the third trimester, nausea can be triggered by the development of preeclampsia and eclampsia due to increased blood pressure and headaches, impaired perception of sounds and light, and convulsions. This condition is dangerous to health and requires immediate hospitalization and a decision on delivery.

Often, nausea can be associated with a full stomach and its overdistension, weakening during fasting. This leads to the fact that a woman switches to eating frequently and in small portions, with dietary restrictions on fatty, spicy or fried foods. The sensations decrease or disappear very shortly before childbirth, when the abdomen lowers and breathing and digestion become easier.

How to get rid of nausea during pregnancy?

One and good advice There is no way to get rid of nausea during pregnancy; each woman in this situation is helped by her own, individual set of recommendations and methods.

Non-drug ways to combat nausea and vomiting

There are time-tested and most effective, while safe methods combating nausea and toxicosis:

Drug correction for nausea in pregnant women

Most anti-nausea medications are prohibited for use during pregnancy; anti-nausea tablets and injections are used only in extreme cases in a hospital with indomitable vomiting and severe weight loss.

If you feel very unwell and if the nausea does not go away by the end of the first trimester, the doctor will prescribe an examination, based on the results of which a diagnosis will be made and treatment will be prescribed. Sometimes nausea is caused by the presence in the blood bile pigments or ketone bodies. IN in rare cases Nausea and vomiting may be caused by food allergies or intolerance to certain foods. In treatment, doctors use some types of drugs:

  • Vitamin and restorative, mineral supplements
  • short course
  • if you suspect an allergy
  • Hepatoprotectors, natural choleretic agents
  • in combination with psychotherapy
  • Physiotherapeutic treatment.

Regarding herbal preparations and traditional medicine The opinions of doctors differ, many consider them ineffective and dangerous during pregnancy, others say that reactions to them are individual and not everyone is helped by certain decoctions.

Pregnancy is a long-awaited and exciting state for many women. In addition to pleasant emotions, expectant mothers are haunted by unusual sensations. First of all, this is nausea during early pregnancy. However, this symptom is not a harbinger of abnormal fetal development. According to statistics, at 4-7 weeks of pregnancy, 60% of women show signs of toxicosis. And less than 10% of expectant mothers need hospital treatment.

In most cases, toxicosis occurs without consequences or complications. At mild form it does not require any treatment. If you experience sudden weight loss, severe vomiting or weakness, you cannot do without the help of a specialist.

The most common belief is that weakness and nausea during early pregnancy must be present, and their absence is an alarming signal.

ICD-10 code

R11 Nausea and vomiting

Causes of nausea during early pregnancy

According to most experts, nausea is provoked by the slightest hormonal changes. Risk factors:

  • pathologies of the digestive system;
  • heredity;
  • diseases of the thyroid gland or kidneys;
  • frequent stress;
  • infectious diseases;
  • obesity;
  • poisoning or intoxication.

Smoking by the expectant mother may also be a cause of severe nausea during early pregnancy. And in some cases this is the result of self-hypnosis. Many mothers are repelled by previous experiences or simply pay too much attention to experiences. Perhaps in this case the pregnant woman should visit a psychologist.

Despite the fact that nausea does not indicate a disorder, it should not be considered the norm. Since frequent and strong vomiting can negatively affect the health of not only the mother, but also the baby. It is considered acceptable to take it in the morning on an empty stomach.


There are a huge number of different theories that have tried to explain the causes of nausea in the first trimester of pregnancy. Among them: reflex, hormonal, immune, allergic and others. However, to date, experts have not been able to find out the exact reason.

The body of the expectant mother is exposed to various irritants from the moment of fertilization. Not all systems and organs are ready to fully resist this, and as a result, a unique response occurs.

Symptoms of nausea during early pregnancy

A woman finds out about her interesting position at about 4-5 weeks. At the same time, the first signs appear early toxicosis. Besides weakness constant desire Sleep and irritability, the expectant mother begins to worry about nausea, vomiting and increased sense of smell.

Many pregnant women suffer from nausea in the early stages of pregnancy until the delay. The reasons for this phenomenon are quite difficult to explain. Perhaps this is due to fear and anxiety or self-hypnosis.

The main symptoms of nausea during early pregnancy:

  1. Vomit. Doctors identify several forms of vomiting:
  • light. Characterized by infrequent vomiting attacks (up to five per day). Within a week, the expectant mother can lose 1-3 kg. Her general condition is normal. Apathy may occur. Changes in analyzes are not recorded;
  • average. The number of vomiting attacks increases up to 10 times a day, and metabolism is disrupted. In seven days, an expectant mother can lose up to 5 kg. Blood pressure may drop and heart rate may increase. If you start treatment on time, the prognosis will be favorable;
  • heavy. This form is accompanied by dizziness and nausea in the early stages of pregnancy. The frequency of vomiting attacks reaches twenty times a day. Sleep disturbance is observed, liquid and water are not retained in the stomach. A pregnant woman suddenly loses weight and experiences a dry tongue. Appears from the mouth Strong smell acetone;
  1. Dermatosis. Cases of its occurrence are much less common. It often manifests itself skin itching;
  2. Choking or bronchial asthma. The disease is severe and is accompanied by a dry cough;
  3. Increased salivation. It may appear as an independent pathology or with vomiting.

A mild form of nausea does not require treatment and goes away over time. Nausea without vomiting may be present in early pregnancy. This often happens on an empty stomach or in the morning. To remove the unpleasant feeling, just eat a little.

However, there are a number of symptoms that indicate the need to go to a medical facility and undergo an examination:

  • vomiting attacks occur more than 10 times a day;
  • elevated temperature and nausea in early pregnancy;
  • heart rate increases;
  • the expectant mother is rapidly losing weight.

If you have these symptoms, you should consult a specialist and undergo treatment.

Diagnosis of nausea during early pregnancy

It is not difficult for specialists to determine the diagnosis of nausea in pregnant women. To establish the extent and severity of the disease, the expectant mother must undergo examination and tests. As a result, the doctor will be able to determine the content of bilirubin in the blood, sodium, potassium, glucose, nitrogen, protein, as well as protein fractions. In urine, the doctor determines the level of protein, acetone, bile pigments and urobilin. Based on the Ht level, you can determine how dehydrated the expectant mother’s body is.

Instrumental diagnosis of nausea includes:

  • Ultrasound. Survey abdominal cavity will allow you to assess the condition of not only the bile ducts and gallbladder, but also the intestines, kidneys, and pancreas;
  • acidity test. The test will show the level of acidity in the body. If the study showed that the pH of the stomach is not more than 2.0, this indicates the presence of gastroenterological diseases or inflammatory processes;
  • esophagogastroduodenoscopy. It is a procedure that allows a specialist to assess the condition of the surface of the stomach, esophagus and duodenum. For this, a special instrument is used – an endoscope. Carried out in case of urgent need.

Differential diagnosis

Also held differential diagnosis. It is necessary to determine an accurate diagnosis. Since nausea is accompanied various diseases. For example, pancreatitis, gastritis, food poisoning, stomach cancer.

Treatment of nausea during early pregnancy

Expectant mothers are worried main question what to do and how to get rid of nausea in early pregnancy. There are many effective ways combat this problem. However, you should not self-medicate. In order not to harm yourself and your unborn child, it is better to undergo an examination and follow the recommendations of your doctor.

Treatment methods for nausea during early pregnancy

Treatment of nausea involves eliminating the cause of its occurrence. Its main goal is to restore metabolism, water-salt metabolism, and improve the functioning of important organs. Severe and moderate vomiting is treated in a hospital. You can get rid of mild nausea on an outpatient basis.

To eliminate nausea in the evening during early pregnancy, you should first review the pregnant woman’s diet. Food should be taken in small portions approximately 3-4 times a day, chilled.

Drug treatment involves the use of medications that will help eliminate nausea and vomiting:

  • Motilium. The drug is used for disorders of the motility of the digestive system and severe attacks of nausea. It has an antiemetic and antinausea effect by blocking dopamine receptors in neuron cells. Contraindications for use: internal bleeding, epilepsy, pain in the abdominal area, increased arterial pressure. According to the instructions, the daily dose of the drug is 1-2 tablets, the dose should be divided into 3 times. Motilium should be taken after meals;
  • Cerucal. Helps get rid of constant nausea during early pregnancy. Used for frequent vomiting, nausea, and stomach cramps. The dosage is prescribed by the attending physician individually. Because the drug can negatively affect the condition of the fetus. The average daily dose is 10-15 mg 2-3 times. Side effects: dry mouth, weakness, apathy, muscle spasms. If a woman followed the specialist’s recommendations and took the drug correctly, as a result her general condition will improve significantly and intestinal function will accelerate;
  • Regidron. Diarrhea and nausea in early pregnancy lead to excretion from the body large quantity liquids. To restore it, doctors prescribe this drug. Daily dose medications - 30/60 ml of solution per kilogram of weight. Per liter warm water 1 sachet of the drug is enough. It is forbidden to add sugar or its substitutes to the resulting solution, as they will reduce healing effect. Despite the fact that the drug is safe, it is better to take it under the supervision of a doctor;
  • Polyphepan. This is an enterosorbent agent that helps with diarrhea, nausea and vomiting, and has a detoxifying effect. Taken an hour before meals. Pregnant women are prohibited from taking the drug on their own. The doctor, after conducting an examination, establishes the dosage and duration of the course of treatment.

To eliminate nausea and vomiting in the early stages of pregnancy, physical procedures are performed. Physiotherapeutic treatment includes:

  1. Endonasal electrophoresis. B vitamins are used for the procedure;
  2. Electrosleep;
  3. Galvanization of the brain.

Carrying out these procedures helps suppress the activity of the vomiting center in the brain.

The effectiveness of traditional medicine for nausea

To get rid of unpleasant symptoms many resort to traditional treatment. Most effective means To combat nausea during early pregnancy, in the morning or evening it is different:

  • cranberry juice. To prepare fruit juice, you need to wash and grind approximately 150-200 grams of cranberries. Pour boiling water over the ground berries and boil for ten minutes. You can add to fruit drink lemon juice and sugar. You should drink the product when the first urge to vomit appears;
  • potato juice. Potatoes must be chopped using a blender or meat grinder. The resulting liquid is taken for nausea after eating in early pregnancy, about 2 tablespoons;
  • To get rid of heartburn and nausea in early pregnancy, it is recommended to drink pumpkin juice or seeds.

Nausea at night during early pregnancy leads to sleep disturbances and irritability. In order to get rid of discomfort, you can turn to herbal treatment. The most effective and safe lemon balm decoction. For 1 liter of water use 6 tbsp. l. herbs. Melissa should be poured with boiling water and left for 3 hours. Take a decoction of 0.5 cups 4-5 times a day.

Tea made from mint (20 g), valerian root (15 g), marigold flowers (20 g) and yarrow (20 g) also helps well. Pour boiling water (0.5 l) over the mixture of herbs and leave for 3 hours. Afterwards, the tea should be strained and taken 6 times a day, three tablespoons.

Another good remedy, which helps to forget about nausea and vomiting in the first trimester of pregnancy - fennel. It improves digestion and soothes the stomach. To prepare the decoction, you need to brew 1 teaspoon in a glass of boiling water. After 10 minutes, the broth should be thoroughly strained. You can add honey or lemon juice.

Homeopathic remedies for nausea

Many specialists prefer to prescribe homeopathic remedies that reduce vomiting and alleviate the general condition of the expectant mother. Today, the most popular homeopathy medications are:

  1. Kokkulin. The tablets eliminate nausea and prevent vomiting, improve appetite. Take two tablets three times a day per day. The drug has no side effects. Contraindications include individual intolerance;
  2. Sepia. The drug is developed on the basis of dried cuttlefish ink. The drug is prescribed for vomiting attacks, constant nausea, constipation and pain. The duration of the course of treatment and dose are determined by the attending physician;
  3. Ipecacuanha. The product helps relieve severe nausea and increased salivation. The drug is taken three times a day. Doses are determined by a specialist;
  4. Colchicum. For nausea from food and chills, it is recommended to take the drug three times a day, three balls (grains).


To avoid having to suffer from vomiting and nausea during pregnancy, you should carefully prepare for pregnancy. A planned pregnancy will help avoid the appearance of various unpleasant symptoms.

Also, we must not forget about nutrition. A pregnant woman's diet should be varied. Meals are small 3-4 times a day.

It is advisable not to get carried away physical activity. At the same time, it is necessary to three hours a day to walk in the fresh air, if weather conditions permit. IN winter time You should dress warmly to avoid freezing.

To combat vomiting and nausea, herbal infusions are suitable. Before taking them, you should consult a specialist.

It is worth noting that nausea haunts almost all expectant mothers. However, if you listen to your body and follow the doctor’s recommendations, a woman will easily overcome this stage and will be able to fully enjoy the joy of motherhood.

Some women associate pregnancy with two problems. First - strange taste preferences for nine months, and the second - toxicosis. Many women have no idea at all. And, by the way, very often such an expectation is psychological reason nausea in the morning and generally feeling unwell. Although this is rather a factor real reason may be completely different.

Surprisingly, even modern doctors still cannot accurately name the causes of toxicosis during pregnancy. Naturally, there are a number of theories, versions and assumptions, but the exact reason has not been established. Therefore, let's consider some assumptions about why a woman suffers from morning sickness while expecting a child.

1. Difficult adaptation of the body. Originated in a woman new life, so the body needs some time to readjust. During this, it is possible that the nervous system may malfunction, and this manifests itself in the form of vomiting. Usually this condition goes away on its own after the 12th week of pregnancy.

2. The cause of morning sickness is heredity. If we believe the statistics, they tell us that in 35% of cases of toxicosis during pregnancy, the same condition was once observed in the mother of the pregnant woman.

3. Psychological side of the issue. If a woman is constantly nervous, worried and worried, then this condition can easily cause toxicosis.

4. Gastroenterological cause of morning sickness. When an expectant mother has any chronic liver or gastrointestinal diseases, the risk of developing toxicosis increases many times.

5. Hormonal disbalance. This reason is called natural and justified. The placenta produces a substance called lactogen, a hormone that affects metabolism. Thanks to this, the body stores additional amino acids, which are so necessary for the formation of tissues of the unborn child. However, it can make mom feel nauseous.

6. Immunological cause of morning sickness. The conception of a child occurs during the fusion of the cells of a woman and a man. The body’s own cells are familiar to them, and it perceives them normally, but it has to get used to foreign cells. But don’t worry about it, because it’s only a matter of time.

How to get rid of it A few tips:

  1. You need to eat often, but the portions should be small. In this case, the stomach will not be empty, which helps alleviate toxicosis. In addition, protein foods relieve symptoms. Don't eat anything fatty.
  2. Don't get up quickly and abruptly in the morning. Place a couple of crackers on the nightstand or chair next to your bed before going to bed. When you wake up, first of all, eat them and lie down for about 15 minutes, then only carefully get up.
  3. Ginger is good. It can be cut into pieces for tea or chewed.
  4. Drink water. Try to drink about 1 liter per day. Consult your doctor to avoid swelling.
  5. Get plenty of rest during the day. Don't overload yourself with worries and worries.

In any case, tell your doctor about your difficulties and follow his recommendations.