LPG massage: what is it and is it worth doing. Lpg massage is a safe method for body correction and rejuvenation of the skin of the face and body HP G massage

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In the 80s, French engineer Louis-Paul Guitey was involved in a serious car accident. After long, painful sessions of manual massage, which were prescribed to him for faster rehabilitation, Louis-Paul Guitey thought about creating a device that would do the work of massage therapists. This is how the first LPG device was created, which got its name from the initials of its creator. After some time, Louis-Paul Guitey founded the company LPG Systems and patented a new technology called Endermology, or LPG massage.

The first devices were used for therapeutic purposes and were intended to smooth and soften post-traumatic scars. The effectiveness of the procedures has been confirmed by many studies. Also, therapists and their patients noted an unusual secondary effect: improved skin quality and a decrease in fat deposits. After this, research began on the effects of LPG massage in aesthetics.

The effectiveness of LPG massage technology in aesthetic cosmetology (weight correction, figure modeling, cellulite treatment, etc.) is confirmed by many years of scientific research. LPG Systems conducts research in its own research center, where leading specialists in various fields of medicine and aesthetics from all over the world are invited. In addition, research on the effectiveness of LPG technologies is carried out in well-known universities and private clinics. LPG Systems is the first company to receive FDA (USA) certificates, the most stringent certification system for medical technologies.

The essence of the procedure

The LPG massage procedure is based on a complex effect, which consists of mechanical kneading with self-propelled rollers enclosed in a manipulator, connective and adipose tissue, vibration and vacuum ventilation. This is not a vacuum massage, as it seems at first glance - the vacuum in this case is only an additional factor necessary to capture the fold of skin into the chamber of the working handpiece between the rollers. Manipulas work throughout the body. At the same time, it moves diagonally and sideways, forward and backward, and the rollers rotate in one direction, then in opposite directions, then towards each other.

As a result of the procedure, the following changes occur in skin cells: microcirculation and lymph flow are enhanced, stagnation is eliminated, and the process of natural lipolysis (breakdown of fats) is launched. Fibroblasts stimulate the formation of new collagen and elastin, which renew the skin and create a new framework with the correct structure.

Not everyone knows, but LPG massage not only reduces the appearance of cellulite, but also actually treats it. This painless, comfortable, relaxing and pain-relieving procedure allows you to work comprehensively throughout the body and work on problem areas, simultaneously solving several problems: cellulite treatment, body volume reduction, figure modeling, skin tightening, general strengthening and healing of the body.

LPG massage is the safest and most effective procedure that is suitable for people of absolutely any age and gender.

Are all LPG massages equally effective?

When trying to find reviews about LPG massage, we will see many conflicting opinions. Some are very happy with this procedure, others write about the lack of effect. Let's figure out what the effectiveness of LPG massage may depend on.

Let's start with the most important and primary thing - the device on which the procedure is performed. As mentioned above, the patent for LPG massage technology belongs to LPG Systems and its developer, Louis-Paul Guitey. Accordingly, only developers can improve their technology, modernize it and develop it in the right direction, because only they know all the intricacies, details and mechanism of operation. Everyone knows that as soon as something (device, product, things, bags, etc.) makes a splash on the market, analogues immediately begin to appear and attempt to copy the original. Yes, there may be similarities in appearance, and even the rollers in the handpiece seem to be the same, but the effectiveness of the procedures leaves much to be desired. Unfortunately, there are a lot of unscrupulous clinics and salons that use the well-known LPG brand in their advertising and mislead their clients. LPG massage - Louis-Paul Guitey massage - is performed only on LPG Systems equipment. Everything else is “replicas” of devices and analogues of technology. Today, LPG massage on the body (endermology) is carried out using the following devices: Cellu M6 Endermolab, Cellu M6 Integral and Cellu M6 Keymodule 2. LPG massage on the face, neck, décolleté and chest (liftmassage, cosmechanics) - using Lift M6, Cellu M6 devices Keymodule 2, Cellu M6 Integral, Cellu M6 Endermolab. The results of LPG massage performed using LPG equipment speak for themselves.

An equally important aspect is the qualifications of the specialist who performs the LPG massage procedure. LPG Systems cares about this issue no less than about the quality of its equipment and the effectiveness of the procedures performed on it, so each doctor undergoes training from authorized LPG trainers before starting work. On the official website of LPG in Russia, you can select the country, city, procedure you are interested in and find a salon or clinic where the procedure is performed by authorized doctors who have undergone training, and also find out what generation of devices they use. The equipment of LPG Systems is constantly being improved, and along with them the LPG massage technology itself is being improved, so the latest generation devices provide more effective results, but the price of LPG massage on this equipment will be higher.

Now let's get to you. If you have signed up for an LPG massage course and want to get a more pronounced effect from the procedures, then you will also have to work hard, especially if your task is to reduce the volume. You don’t have to go to the gym, you can do without grueling workouts, but at least start limiting yourself to fatty, rich foods, add proteins, reduce your carbohydrate intake, drink more water. Your doctor will also tell you about nutrition during the course. In combination with a light diet, the effectiveness of the procedures increases significantly.

Analogs, like “replicas,” are rarely better than the original, so before you come to the salon, ask what equipment they offer you to perform a Louis-Paul Guitey massage, or just look on the LPG Systems website - all the clinics and salons that provide LPG massage. And do not forget that this procedure, like any other, has contraindications. Remember also that you should not expect instant results. LPG massage is a course of procedures, the duration of which is determined by a specialist and depends on the indications. The success of the course depends on three components: equipment (must be LPG Systems equipment), the qualifications of the doctor and your additional efforts and desire to achieve the best results.

There are contraindications, it is necessary to consult with specialists.

A sedentary lifestyle, poor environment, poor diet, poor quality food saturated with all kinds of preservatives quickly lead to the appearance of fat deposits, cellulite, loss of skin elasticity, and the appearance of wrinkles. Fitness and diets do not always help correct the situation, and for some, for certain reasons, they are not available. But this is not yet a reason to seek help from a plastic surgeon. Currently, various hardware methods of combating figure imperfections have become widespread in the beauty industry, among which a special place is occupied by lpg massage (endermological lipomassage) - a highly effective procedure aimed at:

  • cellulite treatment;
  • figure correction;
  • skin lifting;
  • elimination of swelling;
  • getting rid of subcutaneous fat;
  • normalization of metabolism and functioning of the reproductive system;
  • Relieving nervous tension, relaxing the body.

What happens during the procedure and how is the desired result achieved?

The procedure is carried out using a special device, which uses a vacuum to create a fold of skin and fat, sandwiched between two moving rollers. By moving the attachment of the lpg device over the patient’s body, the doctor moves the skin-fat fold along certain trajectories.

During the procedure, the fat layer is broken down, venous and lymphatic vessels dilate, lymph flow increases, thereby improving the removal of toxins and excess water from the body that are formed during the breakdown of fat. All subcutaneous fat tissue is warmed up, and fat cells decrease in size. Due to accelerated blood circulation, all processes in the subcutaneous fat proceed faster. This is one of the effective techniques that allows you to reduce the skin flap by 20-40 percent.

Almost all reviews about the lpg massage procedure say one thing: the result is noticeable and does not require physical effort, but the procedure is expensive and sometimes painful, and the course lasts a long time (up to 20 sessions, 2 times a week).

Initially, the specialist who will do the massage conducts a visual diagnosis of the patient’s figure, determines the main points of influence and areas requiring maximum treatment. A photograph of the patient's figure is taken in a standing position.

After this, the patient puts on a suit made of thin elastic material and lies down on the massage table. The specialist conducts another examination, during which the patient may be asked to take a certain position. During the inspection:

  • the localization of fat deposits is clarified;
  • problem areas are accurately identified;
  • graphic marking of target zones on the suit is carried out;
  • The type of fold is selected to obtain the optimal result.

After these manipulations, the specialist begins to perform the massage. It uses different roller rotation modes, optimizing them for a specific area. Thus, to reduce volumes, a “roll in” fold is used, to eliminate cellulite and correct body contours, a “roll up” fold is used, and to increase the firmness and elasticity of the skin, a “roll out” fold is used.

During the massage the following movements of the nozzle are made:

  • Rocking aimed at removing fat deposits.
  • Twisting aimed at eliminating cellulite.
  • Resurfacing to increase skin tone.
  • Sliding, modeling the contours of the figure.

Are there any contraindications for the procedure?

It is quite logical to ask whether lpg massage has contraindications. It turns out it does. These include:

  • oncological diseases;
  • phlebeurysm;
  • skin damage in the area of ​​intended treatment;
  • acute infectious and colds;
  • neurological disorders;
  • pregnancy;
  • hernias, adenomas, lipomas, phlebitis.

How much does this useful pleasure cost?

Prices for the lpg massage procedure vary widely and depend on the problem being solved, the time of the procedure and the area of ​​the treatment area. Usually a session lasts 35 minutes and costs 2 – 2.5 thousand rubles. The course requires about 20 sessions. Sessions are held 2 times a week. After this, it is recommended to massage once a month to maintain a positive result.

Face lift using LPG Systems device

A special place among the procedures performed on LPG Systems devices is occupied by lpg facial massage.

During the procedure, three-dimensional stimulation of the skin of the face and neck occurs. The rollers of the device’s handpiece move in three directions, gradually working through all zones. The result is muscle relaxation, skin tightening, clear facial contours, and the disappearance of facial wrinkles. Regenerative processes in the skin are launched.

What is especially important is that the effect becomes visible immediately after the procedure. For a lasting result, you need at least 10 procedures lasting 30-35 minutes, and then one maintenance session per month.

During the massage, the patient feels only warmth and a slightly noticeable tingling sensation in the treated area.

In general, lpg facial massage generates positive reviews, but before trying the procedure on yourself, you should familiarize yourself with its existing contraindications. These include acute infectious and colds, the presence of neoplasms, blood diseases, pregnancy and lactation, as well as the presence of skin damage (scratches, irritations, rashes, acne, etc.).

French lpg massage (lpg massage) to eliminate cellulite and get rid of extra pounds is performed using devices in accordance with the latest technology.

Thanks to the multidimensional and multi-level effects on tissue and skin, massage actively breaks down fat in the subcutaneous tissue and helps remove deep scars and scars. This is especially important after operations.

Lpg massage can be done in massage or beauty centers. If everything is done correctly, LPG massage for weight loss can be done at home.

What happens during a hardware massage of the face and body

When performing lpg massage at home, you need to take into account that the effect of weight loss in women or men depends on the speed of rotation of the rollers in the device’s manipulator. The speed also affects the quality of the suction of the skin fat layer by vacuum onto the rollers, which move forward or backward in given directions.

Roller massage removes excess fluid and broken down fat from the body, thereby reducing body size. At the end of the procedure, a lifting and lymphatic drainage effect occurs, since rollers and vacuum help relieve swelling and get rid of swelling, tightening the skin.

LPG body massage (lipomassage, vacuum roller or epidermological) should be done with rollers rotating in different modes along the folds of the skin of different types. By performing lpg massage, the skin flap can be reduced by 40%.

Types of device impact

With multidimensional and multi-level effects of the device on the skin, subcutaneous tissue and tissue, the following is provided:

  • twisting is a technique that eliminates cellulite and excess fat;
  • resurfacing is a technique that restores elasticity and smoothness to the skin;
  • sliding is a technique that restores the contours of a figure;
  • Rocking is a technique that removes fat and cellulite from problem areas.

lpg massage for weight loss at home restores and tones connective tissue structures, muscle and skin, its relaxing and normalizing effect has a powerful effect on the nervous system. Effective stimulation of connective tissue occurs, which restores blood circulation and lymph outflow. The cells are freed from the captivity of viscous lymph and receive fresh oxygen and nutrition. At the same time, the metabolic process is restored, and the elasticity of the skin returns.

Hardware lpg facial massage is also performed at home in accordance with the doctor’s recommendations, the instructions supplied with the device and the facial massage lines. A specially designed program will allow you to treat the face, neck, and certain delicate areas on the face: lips, around the nose and eyes. After the procedure, the elasticity of the skin effectively and quickly increases and it tightens. Scars from wounds and burns dissolve, a double chin and other skin changes are removed.

Lpg weight loss massage over 10 procedures promotes the production of elastin in the skin, so it becomes elastic, firm and smooth. With accelerated metabolism within the skin tissue, old cells are replaced by new ones. The skin is tightened by accelerating lymph outflow by 3 times, and venous outflow by 2-3 times. Collagen in the epidermis increases by 30-130%.

Use devices lpg Suitable for sensitive, aging, wrinkled skin of any type on the face, neck and décolleté. In this case, the tissue structure is not disturbed and pain does not occur.

Ipg massage is a worthy alternative to cosmetic surgeries for skin rejuvenation and tightening and mesotherapy.

Indications for hardware massage

The lpg massage procedure for weight loss is prescribed to people with the following diseases and cosmetic defects:

  • excess weight, fat deposits and pronounced cellulite;
  • burns, scars and injuries;
  • “breeches” on the hips, full arms;
  • saggy and bulging belly;
  • folds on the lower back and back;
  • excess deposits on the buttocks;
  • loose skin on the face, thighs and buttocks;
  • cellulite on areas of the body;
  • swelling of different localization;
  • weak skin tone after childbirth;
  • saggy face cheeks and double chin.

When performing lpg massage, contraindications cannot be ignored if there are serious diseases and conditions:

  • chronic course with exacerbation;
  • varicose veins and thrombophlebitis;
  • neoplasms, including malignant ones, fibroids;
  • menstruation, pregnancy and breastfeeding;
  • blood diseases, lymphostasis;
  • serious disorders of the nervous system;
  • skin rash, abscesses, hematomas, eczema, dermatitis, any violation of the integrity of the skin;
  • acute infectious;
  • in the affected area - inflammation or irritation.
  • severe cardiovascular diseases: myocardial infarction, angina pectoris, heart failure;
  • back and spine injuries;
  • chronic diseases of the uterus, kidneys and liver.

Hardware lpg massage procedure for men and women

By applying lipomassage in accordance with an aesthetic program, one can achieve a reduction in the volume of the arms, shoulders, abdomen, hips and buttocks and other typical problem areas of women and men. In the presence of edema and obesity, the elasticity and quality of the skin is restored, and a perfect figure is modeled.

During the procedures, a multidimensional mechanical effect on the skin occurs through a combination of rollers, vacuum and lipomassage. The superficial and deep layers of tissue give a biochemical response.

For hardware-vacuum massage, a special suit is used. It provides local contact with the device, which effectively treats the tissues of a certain area of ​​the body at different depths.

This effect will restore the skin after rapid weight loss. Hardware lymphatic drainage will remove stretch marks, scars, sagging skin after childbirth (but not during breastfeeding!).

After a correctly performed procedure, you feel a surge of strength and improve your mood, changes in the skin become noticeable: swelling disappears, which makes it elastic and smooth. A properly performed massage does not leave bruises and does not cause discomfort or pain.

How many procedures are prescribed?

The procedure is used as a prophylaxis for varicose veins. This procedure lasts 30-40 minutes. The number of procedures is prescribed by the doctor, but not less than 10-15 procedures.

Initially, 8-10 procedures are carried out with an interval of 2 days, after which the interval can be increased by another day and another 5-7 procedures can be performed while simultaneously performing cavitation, peeling or wrapping, pressotherapy or mesotherapy.

After completing all prescribed procedures, it is recommended to take lpg massage 1-2 times a month.

Important: 2 hours before the hardware massage and 3 hours after it, do not eat food. The liquid you need to drink is 1.5-2 l/day.

lpg massage - video

Losing those hated pounds, tightening the skin in problem areas and making it elastic, noticeably reducing your volume and feeling at your best is the dream of many women. If it seems to you that you have tried all possible methods, but have not achieved the desired result, do not despair. Specialists from the cosmetology department of Es Class Clinic Voronezh will help you quickly and effectively get rid of cellulite, excess weight and other problems with your figure.

Our cosmetologists have at their disposal a new generation device Cellu M6 Integral from the French manufacturer LPG Systems. This unique device allows you to solve a full range of body aesthetic problems. In this case, the maximum effect is achieved in a short period of time.

LPG (LPG) body massage

The LPG massage procedure is now more relevant and popular than ever. After all, it is a truly revolutionary and very effective method that allows you to bring the body into ideal condition. With all this, visible results appear very soon. And you don’t need to torture yourself with diets and gym workouts. After just a couple of procedures, you will admire yourself in the mirror and rejoice at the results.

Why is the LPG massage procedure so good and how is the desired effect achieved?

The procedure is based on a unique LPG massage, which is done using a special handpiece. It captures a sufficient amount of tissue and acts on it. This procedure is absolutely painless for the patient. Allows you to successfully fight cellulite, strengthen the skin, reduce volume and model your figure.

LPG massage technology was developed by Louis-Paul Guitey in the 80s (the LPG company is named after his initials). This is an exclusive, patented technology for multidimensional mechanical tissue stimulation. The complex effect of LPG massage is based on kneading connective and adipose tissue, as well as vacuum aspiration. This happens with the help of special self-propelled rollers, which are enclosed in a manipulator. As a result of this procedure, stagnation is removed, microcirculation and lymphatic drainage are enhanced in the tissues. It also stimulates the process of natural lipolysis and the synthesis of new collagen and elastin. To enhance the effect, the patient additionally purchases a special suit. You don’t have to look for it anywhere; it is sold in our cosmetology department and is intended for reusable use.

Let us note in more detail what problems LPG massage can solve and why our patients love it so much:

  • Allows you to remove cellulite at its different stages. After a course of procedures, women forget about orange peel very quickly. Our cosmetologist will select for you an individual course of LPJ massage from a certain number of procedures that will solve your problem with cellulite.
  • Skin laxity goes away, and elasticity in problem areas returns. On average, the surface of the skin that was actively exposed to LPG massage is reduced by 20-25%.
  • Local fat deposits that cannot be removed by diet or exercise quickly recede.
  • In addition, swelling is eliminated; the severity of stretch marks (stretch marks) and scars decreases; improves posture and coordination of movements (due to neurosensory effects)

At the same time, during the procedure, the patient does not feel pain or discomfort. On the contrary, a soft but deep impact allows you to relax and enjoy while the body takes on the desired shape.

LPG massage is an effective way to give your appearance an ideal appearance. Safe, painless, physiological and without surgical intervention. The prices in the cosmetology department of our medical center will pleasantly surprise you. Visit a free consultation with a specialist in the cosmetology department at Es Class Clinic Voronezh and discover the wonderful LPG massage procedure.