The most interesting facts about cats. Interesting facts about cats (cats)

For children

Cats are considered one of the most beloved and popular pets, so many people want to know interesting facts about cats. These pets are quite easy to care for, they are moderately intelligent and very affectionate and have rightfully earned good treatment from millions of people.

1.About four million cats are eaten every year in Asia.

2. Cats spend an average of two-thirds of the day sleeping, meaning a nine-year-old cat spent only three years out of sleep.

3. Scientists have proven that cats, unlike dogs, do not like sweets.

4. As a rule, the left paw is considered the active paw in cats, and the right paw in cats.

5. Due to the structure of their claws, cats cannot climb a tree upside down.

6.Unlike dogs, cats are capable of making about 100 different sounds.

7. In cats, the same part of the brain is responsible for emotions as in humans, so the cat’s brain is as similar as possible to a human’s.

8. About 500 million cats live on the planet.

9.There are 40 different breeds of cats.

10.To sew a coat you will need 25 cat skins.

11.On the island of Cyprus, the oldest domestic cat was found in a 9,500-year-old grave.

13. During the Spanish Inquisition, Pope Innocent VIII mistook cats for messengers of the devil, so thousands of cats were burned in those days, which ultimately led to the plague.

14. In the Middle Ages, cats were believed to be associated with black magic.

15. A cat named Astrocat from France became the first cat to go into space. And this was in 1963.

16.According to Jewish legend, Noah asked God to protect the food on the ark from rats, and in response to this, God ordered the lion to sneeze, and a cat jumped out of his mouth.

17.On short distances a cat can reach a speed of about 50 kilometers per hour.

18. A cat can jump to a height that is five times its height.

19.Cats rub against people not only because of impulses of affection, but also in order to mark territory with the help of glands.

20.When cats purr, they close the muscles of the larynx, and air flows in about 25 times per second.

21.B Ancient Egypt When a cat died, its owners mourned the animal and shaved their eyebrows.

22. In 1888, three hundred thousand cat mummies were found in Egyptian cemeteries.

23.The maximum number of kittens a cat can give birth to at one time is 19.

24.The smuggling of cats from Ancient Egypt was punishable by death.

25. The group of animals that include modern cats appeared 12 million years ago.

26. The Amur tiger is the largest wild cat, and it weighs up to 320 kg.

27.The black-footed cat is the smallest wild cat, and their maximum size is 50 centimeters in length.

28. In Australia and Great Britain, meeting a black cat on the way is considered a good sign.

29. The Persian cat breed is considered the most popular cat breed in the world, and the Siamese breed ranks second.

30. Siamese cats are prone to sideways glances, and this is due to the structure of their optic nerves.

31.Turkish Van is a breed of cat that loves to swim. The fur of these cats is waterproof.

32.50000 dollars is maximum amount the money I had to pay for the cat.

33.A cat should have about 12 whiskers on each side of its muzzle.

34.Cats see perfectly in the dark.

35. Peripheral vision of cats has a greater angle than that of humans.

36. All cats are colorblind; they do not distinguish colors, and therefore green grass appears red to them.

37.Cats have the ability to find their way home.

38. A cat's jaws cannot move from one side to the other.

39.Cats do not communicate with each other by meowing. They use this tool to communicate with people.

40.Cats have excellent back flexibility. This is facilitated by 53 loosely adjacent vertebrae.

41. In a state of calm, all cats hide their claws, and the only exception is the cheetah.

42.Most of the cats on the planet were short-haired until they started crossing different breeds.

43.Cats can turn their ears 180 degrees thanks to 32 muscles in their ears.

44. Growth hormone in cats is released during sleep, just like in humans.

45. There are 20,155 hairs per square centimeter of a cat.

46. ​​A cat named Himmy was listed in the Guinness Book of Records as the heaviest domestic cat. His weight was 21 kilograms.

47. A cat named Crème Puff was included in the Guinness Book of Records. He was the oldest cat who lived 38 years.

48. In Scotland there is a monument to a cat who caught 30,000 mice in his life.

49. In 1750, cats were brought to America to fight rodents.

50.In 1871, the first ever cat show took place in London.

51.The first cat in a cartoon was Felix the Cat in 1919.

52.A cat has approximately 240 bones in its body.

53.Cats do not have a collarbone, so they can easily fit into small holes.

54. A cat's heart rate reaches 140 beats per minute. This is twice as fast as a human heartbeat.

55.Cats do not have sweat glands throughout their body. They only sweat through their paws.

56.The pattern of the surface of the nose in cats is unique, just like human fingerprints.

57. An adult cat has 30 teeth, and kittens have 26.

58. Dusty the cat holds the record for the number of kittens born. Their number is 420.

59.Cats are more sensitive to vibration than humans.

60.The claws on a cat’s front paws are much sharper than those on the back paws.

61. Scientists give preference to cats over dogs in research.

62.Ailurophilia is an excessive love for cats.

63. People who have a cat at home reduce the likelihood of a stroke or heart attack by 30%.

64. Despite the fact that dogs are considered smarter than cats, cats are capable of solving more complex problems.

65. Isaac Newton is believed to have invented the cat door.

66. Australians are considered the most loving cats nation. 90% of mainland residents have cats.

67. A kitten, like a child, loses its milk teeth.

68. America's first president, George Washington, owned four cats.

69. A cat’s whiskers serve to help it understand its dimensions, that is, they help the animal understand which crack it can fit through.

71.When a cat falls, it always lands on its paws, so even if it falls from the ninth floor, a cat can survive.

72. There are opinions that cats sense sick human organs and are able to cure them.

73.Cats determine the temperature of food with their nose so as not to get burned.

74.Cats love to drink running water.

75. In some countries of the world, cats get pension benefit in food equivalent.

76. Domestic cats often have a vertical tail, while wild cats, as a rule, have it down.

77. A cat named Oscar was wrecked on three warships and was saved each time on wooden planks.

78.In the European Union it is prohibited to trim cats' toenails, but in the USA it is allowed.

79.When a cat brings its owner a dead bird or mouse, it means that she is teaching him to hunt.

80.In Islamic culture, the domestic cat is considered an animal of honor.

81.According to opinion cat scientists can improve a person's mood.

82.A popular ingredient in energy drinks, taurine is needed in cat foods. Without it, animals lose teeth, fur and vision.

83.If a cat rubs its head against a person, it means that it trusts him.

84.In the English city of York, there are 22 cat statues on the roofs of houses.

85.Adult cats should not be fed milk as they cannot digest lactose.

86.In Japan, there is a cat cafe where you can have a good time with cats.

87.Domestic cats do not like to drink water from a bowl near their food because they consider it dirty, so they look for a source of water in other areas of the house.

88.Cats can drink sea ​​water thanks very much efficient work kidney

89. Savannah cats can be tamed and made into pets.

90. In 1879, cats were used in Belgium to deliver mail.

91.At night, Disneyland becomes home to roaming cats as they keep the mice under control.

92.Cats are blamed for the complete extinction of about 33 species of animals.

93. Copycat is the first successfully cloned cat in the world.

94.Older cats meow a lot more as they develop Alzheimer's disease.

95.Cats can hear ultrasonic noise.

96. A cat named Stubbs was the mayor of the city of Takitna, Alaska, for 15 years.

97.Cats have 300 million neurons, but dogs have only 160 million.

98. In England, cats are used in grain warehouses as guards against mice.

99.Cats wag their tail because of an internal conflict, that is, one desire blocks another.

Before you get yourself a pet, it’s a good idea to find out as much as you can about it. more information. The most interesting things about cats and cats are collected in this article. You will see for yourself that these are very kind, affectionate and unusual animals.

Owners can tell the most interesting facts from the life of cats - their beloved pets. For example, that these animals have their own special daily routine, and they can sleep most of the day. Many of them find a permanent place to sleep. The owner should be aware of it and clean it from accumulated hair and dandruff from time to time. You also need to remember that you cannot suddenly drive a cat away when it is resting or sleeping. This can lead to injury to the animal, as it may not have time to orient itself if it falls.


Inexplicable, but true - cats experience almost the same feelings as people: happiness and depression, playfulness and excitability, anger and affection. Surely many people know that it is better not to anger a cat, otherwise its reaction may be revenge on the owner for the offense. This could be, for example, damaged furniture or broken dishes.


If we compare the level of odor perception in humans and cats, then, of course, in the latter it is much more developed. In these animals, the part of the brain responsible for smell is much larger compared to its total volume. This feature gives cats the ability to easily distinguish people, and also establish, using scent marks, whether she has ever been in this place. In addition, the smell allows males to determine whether the female is ready to mate.

Here are some more interesting facts about cats related to their amazing ability to smell:

● The nose is not their only organ by which they can smell. In the animal's mouth there is a so-called Jacobson's tube, located behind the front teeth on the upper palate. Cats use this organ only when they need to concentrate on only one of the smells. To do this, they inhale, lifting upper lip and opening his mouth. It seems that they taste the air with an unfamiliar smell like food.

● Compared to humans, cats smell about 14 times better, since they have about 60-80 million olfactory cells for this, while humans have only 20 million.

● Each animal is unique. For example, to determine a person's identity, fingerprints are usually taken from him. In cats, the pattern on the nose is unique.

● Some owners consider their pets to be quite capricious animals due to the fact that before they start eating, they begin to sniff the food for a long time. This judgment is incorrect, because in this way cats try to find out its temperature, and their nose acts as a thermometer.

● They can also determine air temperature using their sense of smell. For example, when cats sleep curled up in a ball, it means that it is cool around them if they extend their front and hind legs- warm. Sometimes during sleep they can hide their nose or cover it with their paws - this behavior indicates that cold weather will soon come.

● It happens that animals lose their hearing or go blind. In this case, cats are quite capable of moving on and navigating their way through space, although not as well. But the loss of their sense of smell for them is tantamount to the loss of all chances of survival.

● Cats are sensitive to the smell of certain plants, which have an intoxicating effect on them. These include thyme and mint, and elderberry generally brings them unimaginable delight.

● Owners should be aware that a bowl that is washed too thoroughly, and even with the help of some kind of chemical agent, including simple soap, can scare away animals. The fact is that its smell is quite unusual for them, although a person may not feel it.

The following facts about cats and kittens show that smells play a very important role important role in their relationships. For example, they may contain quite valuable information that a strange male passed through a given place and could have encroached on the territory, or that there was a trace of a cat ready to mate. If the cat discovers the place where the partner was recently, he begins to rub against it with a joyful and satisfied look. This can symbolize either him good mood and readiness for love games, or determination for warlike actions.


It's no secret that these animals have excellent hearing, the capabilities of which are simply amazing: with its help, a cat can filter out everyday noises that mean nothing to it, and from all the various sounds, single out only the necessary ones. This could be, for example, the very quiet rustling of a mouse or the approach of the owner.

In addition, cats can “hear” even with their eyes. The fact is that they contain nerve cells that transmit sounds to the brain, but a person cannot hear them. By the word “silence” we mean the absolute absence of sounds, but the cat hears at this time various kinds noises indicating that life is in full swing around.

There are also quite interesting facts about cats related to their hearing organ. For example, their ears can rotate up to 180 degrees and face different directions, and 27 muscles are involved in these actions. In addition, their hearing acuity exceeds not only humans, but also dogs several times, and its range reaches 65 kHz, while humans have only 20.

It should be borne in mind that cats' hearing is quite sensitive to very loud sounds and this sensitivity is 3 times higher than human. Therefore, owners who love their pets should not turn on the TV too loudly or the music at full volume when the animal is nearby in the same room. We need to let him leave this room.

In addition, information has become known that the upper limit of sound vibrations heard by adult felines reaches 65, and the lower - 30 kHz. But kittens at the age of 10 days are able to distinguish sounds in the range of up to 100 kHz. To make it clearer, for comparison let’s take dogs that hear noise in the range of no more than 40 kHz, and humans - 20 kHz.


It is quite specific for a cat. She can see everything that is happening within a radius of 180⁰, that is, not only in front of her, but also from both sides at the same time. But at the same time, the cat cannot see what is too close to it.

When playing with a ball, animals pay more attention to the horizontal movement of the object. This is due to the instinct associated with catching rodents.

The sizes of the eyes of different breeds of animals differ and have their own characteristics. For example, a British cat. Interesting Facts is that their eyes are too large compared to their body. In addition, they have one more feature - they do not have eyelashes. But it should be noted that these facts do not in any way affect the visual acuity itself.

The most common myth about cats is that they can see very well. complete darkness. It must be said that this is an erroneous statement, since under such conditions they cannot recognize objects. Facts about british cats indicate that there must be at least some glimpses of light in the room for them to see perfectly.

Unlike dogs, which are mostly myopic, cats are farsighted, and their vision is naturally designed in such a way that while catching mice, they can freely observe several minks at the same time.

Tongue and teeth

Interesting facts about cats also concern its unusual language, which, by the way, has some similarities with humans. It is also able to distinguish four basic tastes: sour, sweet, salty and bitter.

On top of the cat's tongue there are special microscopic horny hooks, which can be compared with a regular tongue. sandpaper. A person can feel them when an animal begins to lick his skin. A cat's tongue is so rough that its structure is similar to a rasp and after several touches the skin may turn red.

Now the main food for domestic animals is either canned food or human food. For such food, the cat almost does not need to use its teeth, since it does not chew it. But if she herself wants to hunt and kill prey, then the large front fangs are used. She bites into the neck of her victim, and her long teeth penetrate between her vertebrae, tearing them apart. And indigenous cats use it to tear their prey into smaller pieces.

Cats and mice

As you know, ears are one of the most significant sense organs in animals, which helps to recognize various sounds and determine where they are coming from. The organ of hearing warns them of danger or helps them hunt.

Amazing facts about cats say that although they are inferior to dogs in terms of smell, their hearing is much better developed. They can hear the rustling of a mouse at a distance of up to 500 m, and their scratching - up to 25. These actions can disturb a cat's sleep, especially if it is also hungry.

Excellent hearing is not the only super ability of this animal. The amazing thing is that cats understand “mouse language”. The fact is that rodents “communicate” with each other by emitting sound signals in the range of about 40 kHz. And cats are well versed in such “negotiations.” This ability allows them to know when the mouse will come out of the hole.

The most interesting facts about cats related to their hunt for mice are that one cat can save up to 10 tons of grain per year from voracious rodents. For example, in England, animals that guard food warehouses are fed at public expense. But cats are especially revered there, as they protect exhibits stored in the British Museum from mice.

In addition, in the UK, furry four-legged animals are part of the staff of some London post offices. Cats receive an official "wage", which increases from time to time due to inflation, and this has been the case for 130 years. And they occupy a very important position - they protect parcels from damage and rodents entering them.

There was a known cat in Austria that guarded warehouses for several years and was assigned lifetime pension, but not in the form of money, but in products - milk, meat and broth.

But in Russian Yekaterinburg there lived a cat Kuzya, who once protected... mice! His owner, having discovered a rodent in her closet, called him for help. The cat dealt with the mouse, but spared its babies, who hid in his fur. For some time he even took care of them, but, of course, the mistress did not like it.

Cats and dogs

The development of relationships between these animals belonging to the same owner can go in two directions. The first of them is close and selfless friendship, and the second is absolute indifference to each other.

It is worth noting that a cat and a dog living under the same roof cannot actively quarrel with each other for a long time. Over time, they get used to such a neighborhood. At first, the cat begins to perceive the dog as one of the elements of the environment and tries to stay away from it. But in the end, mutual understanding and affection inevitably arise between them, and later they can begin to play with each other and even eat from the same bowl.

Relationship with other animals

When a cat is an old-timer in the house, for a long time and with enviable tenacity it will defend, in its opinion, only the territory that belongs to it. At the same time, the gender or age of the competitor does not matter to her. If they bring it when there is already a dog or another cat in the house, then it begins to prove its right to live and actively conquer part of the territory.

It happens that owners also get rabbits, birds, fish or hamsters. Cats will always perceive such small animals as objects for hunting and one should not hope that this state of affairs will change over time. The only exception is when a cat loses its offspring. In this case, she can “adopt” the baby of another animal.

Scientific facts

It is believed that cats descended from miacids - ancient animals that lived on earth more than 40 million years ago. They were small in size and climbed trees. And about 12 million years ago, modern cats appeared.

Scientific facts, confirmed by specific studies conducted in the USA, indicate that about 50% of doctors in this country advise their patients to have pets. Most often they recommend cats. In their opinion, these little animals are the best “recipe” for healing. It has been proven that cats help get rid of certain diseases, and also relieve symptoms of overwork and constant stress.

American scientists from Buffalo conducted whole line research. As a result, it turned out that the happiness of cat owners directly depends on whether their pet is healthy. In addition, families where these animals are kept cope much easier with various crisis situations and stress, and also communicate with each other more often.

Many doctors tell amazing facts about cats, from which it follows that furry creatures are simply irreplaceable for people. For example, they can prevent heart attacks. To a person with high blood pressure As soon as you stroke your favorite cat, it will begin to decrease.

There have been cases when animals even helped scientists make useful discoveries. One of them is the invention of iodine. They say that he was found by accident, and the cat helped in this. She accidentally knocked over the flasks with chemicals, as a result of which they mixed, and the well-known iodine was obtained.

Facts that no one knew about

Many will agree that cats are very mysterious animals. And even scientists are not sure that a person will ever be able to reveal all their secrets. Here are 10 facts about cats that most likely no one knew until recently. American scientists conducted research for several years and found out a lot of things that make people look at their pets in a new way.

● Short memory. Cats can remember their surroundings or obstacles they overcome in as little as 10 minutes. Wherein visual memory much shorter than the muscular one.

● The birth rate of cats is affected by global warming. An increase in air temperature led to a reduction in the duration of the cold season, and this, in turn, increased the mating season in animals. The birth of too many kittens leads to an increase in the number of stray cats on city streets, since most of them do not find homes.

● Cats are loved more than dogs. That's what the American Veterinary Association found after surveying many families about their pets. They learned quite interesting facts about dogs and cats. It turned out that in 2007, about 72 million families kept the first animals, and almost 82 million kept the second. This means that most people prefer to have cats. In addition, you need to take into account that there can be two or more of them in one house.

● Dogs are smarter than cats. In 2010, scientists published the results of their research. They said that social species animals such as dogs occurred greater growth brain over the past 60 million years than in solitary individuals, i.e., cats. In addition, there are many cases where the former show intelligence much more often than the latter. For example, dogs benefit humans: they serve as guides for the blind, find drugs, diagnose cancer, search for and save people from avalanches and rubble. What do cats do? They bask in the sun for hours and wake up all the inhabitants of the surrounding houses with their nightly “concerts”. Based on the degree of usefulness for humans, we can conclude that dogs are smarter than cats. This is considered only because they are more often used by people and behave more actively than furry purrs.

● The most interesting facts about cats and dogs are that they can live together quite peacefully and even be friends. Scientists are confident that the long-standing enmity between these two different types animals exist only due to disruptions in communication, and not due to innate instincts, as previously thought. If you bring them together enough early age, then they will communicate, play and understand each other perfectly.

● Cats are very cunning and cunning. In 2010, one was introduced interesting video, filmed by wildlife researchers in the Amazon forest. Thanks to these sensational shots, they became known unusual facts about cats living in this area. In the Amazon jungle there is a small species of monkey - tamarins. They are the favorite prey of the local wild cat, the margi. In order to lure a monkey out of hiding and catch it, it imitates the sounds of its prey.

● Cats control humans. Probably many have already thought about this. Interesting facts about cats say that our pets manipulate us and encourage us to do what they want with the help of purring, rubbing against their legs, loud meowing, or even a heart-rending and unpleasant “concert”. They force their owner and his family members to fulfill all their wishes - to feed them, pet them, let them out for a walk, or allow them to jump on the bed.

● Interesting facts about cats say that they drink not like other animals, but in a special way. To see this, you need to record a video of them lapping up milk, and then watch the recording in slow motion. You can see that cats first bring their tongue to the liquid, creating a small vertical column out of it, and then return it to the mouth with milk. In order to make it convenient for them to drink, you need to choose a bowl that is not too large and deep.

● Cats, like people, can also be obese. Number of animals having overweight, is increasing every year. There are now about 50 million obese cats in the world. This is due to the fact that pets rarely leave the apartment and they really lack any physical activity. And its absence when consuming large amounts of high-calorie food leads to excessive weight.

Those people who have kept a cat at home for many years know almost all the behavioral features of this cute animal. They can confirm that each of the animals has its own special temperament. Sometimes cats can be very demanding and sometimes completely unpredictable, but in any case they are loved and cared for.

Each of us has a hobby.
Some people do modern dancing, others cheat aquarium fish, some are passionate about creating figures out of paper or balloons, and others are into roller skating.

Hobbies are very diverse, but each of them brings joy and the opportunity to open up with new side, improving in your favorite activity.

But no matter what we are passionate about, we are all united by the love for our pets, which are not only the subject of our special care and pride, but also, sometimes, truly amazing creatures, about which many unusual facts can be told.

Today I want to bring you 50 amazing facts about cats - the usual inhabitants of our apartments, which will help you get to know our little furry pets better.

1. There are 33 main cat breeds. And the number of domestic cats in the world reaches 500 million.

2. A cat's pulse rate is much higher than that of a person and ranges from 110 to 140 heart beats per minute.

3. On average, cats weigh about five kilograms, but Singapore cats weigh only a little over two kilograms.

4. The smallest cats are considered to be representatives of the Indian red spotted cat breed living in Sri Lanka. Their weight does not exceed one and a half kilograms, and their size is about 15 centimeters.

5. Although the lion is considered the king of beasts, it is not the largest representative of cats. Tigers are much larger than lions, growing up to three meters and weighing about three hundred kilograms. A tiger can eat about 40 kilograms of meat at one time.

6. In England, cats are readily recruited to guard granaries. One cat hunting mice can save up to 10 tons of grain in a year. Cats are also used to guard food warehouses, and they are officially paid for.

7. If a cat stands near you with its tail raised and its tail slightly trembling, this is an expression of its love for you.

8. Cats wag their tail when she cannot make a choice or cannot decide on something.

9. Cats often spread their fingers out of pleasure, extending and retracting their claws.

10.B wildlife felines hold their tail horizontally or downward, and only domestic cats can walk with their tail raised in a pipe.

11. Domestic cats do not communicate with each other by meowing. They use this “language” exclusively to communicate with people.

12. During its life, a cat can give birth to up to hundreds of kittens.

13. In the fifties of the last century in Texas, a cat named Dusty set a record for fertility - for his long life more than 400 kittens were born from him. Moreover, his last kittens were born when he was already over 18 years old.

14. Most big number the number of surviving kittens in one litter is 14 and was recorded in a cat named Bluebell in South Africa.

15. The skin pattern on a cat’s nose is comparable in its uniqueness to fingerprints.

16. A cat has 517 muscles. Moreover, 12 of them are used to control each ear.

17. There are almost 40 more bones in the cat’s skeleton than in the human skeleton.

18. The age of a cat correlates with a human’s approximately as follows: when a cat is 3 years old, this corresponds to approximately 21 human years, when it is 8 years old, it corresponds to 40 human years, and when it is 14 years old, it corresponds to 70 human years.

19. A cat named Puss lived the longest in England. She passed away a couple of days after her 36th birthday.

20. Average term life wild cats much less than at home and is about 5 years.

21. One cat in Argentina lived in a tree for six years, where she gave birth to several litters of kittens.

22. The body temperature of cats is almost the same as that of humans - 38 degrees.

23. People who have a cat at home are less susceptible to heart attacks and, on average, live longer than those who do not have a cat.

24. Cats hate the smell of citrus fruits. This is used to create products that discourage people from shitting in certain places or sharpening their claws.

25. Cats understand your mood and tone of voice well, even if they don’t show it.

26. The more you talk to your cat, the more she talks to you.

27. Cats have poor vision small parts, but they see quite well in the dark - a few hundredths of the illumination is enough for them when the human eye ceases to distinguish anything in the darkness.

28. The cat sleeps almost 16 hours a day. And of the time when she doesn’t sleep, a third of the time she takes care of herself.

29. Whiskers help a cat not only determine whether it will fit through a hole, but also navigate space in general and receive information about temperature, wind direction and other environmental parameters.

30. A cat’s whiskers are constantly in motion. If a cat is interested in something, its whiskers look forward, if its whiskers look back, it is frightened by something.

31. In England, according to statistics, there are nine domestic cats per ten residents.

32. On average, Americans spend about four billion dollars a year on cat food, which is a billion less than on infant food.

33. The heaviest cat in the world was Himmy from Australia. His weight was 21 kg. His waist size was 84 cm.

34. The smallest domestic cat was the Himalayan cat Tinker Toy, who weighed just over half a kilo and was 7 cm tall at the withers.

35. Cats only sweat on the pads on their paws.

36. Cats can make about 100 different sounds - that's ten times more than dogs.

37. Cats are quite farsighted and see well from a distance of at least 70 cm.

38. Cats are three times more sensitive to the volume of sounds. The range of frequencies perceived by cats is from 50 Hz to 60 kHz, while a person can hardly hear even a sound at a height of 20 kHz.

39. A cat smells on average 14 times better than a human.

40. If a cat defends itself, it presses its ears to its head, and when it attacks, it spreads its ears to the sides for greater intimidation.

41. According to some data, the purring of cats can have a beneficial effect on human health, and its bioenergy has a positive effect on the functioning of the cardiovascular system.

42. Cats have paranormal abilities, anticipating trouble before it happens - they anticipate earthquakes, fires, floods and other natural disasters.

43. In medieval Europe, cats were destroyed by being burned at the stake as servants of the devil. It is believed that it was the extermination of cats that contributed to epidemics of plague, spread by proliferating rodents.

44. Cats in a dream - to deception in love. If a cat scratches you in a dream, you may get sick in reality.

45. It is believed that adopting a stray kitten will bring good luck to your home. If you drive away a kitten that has gotten stuck, you won’t see any luck for 7 years.

46. ​​Drowning kittens - for 7 generations, doom your family to possible violent deaths, including through drowning.

47. If a cat hisses at a person who comes to your house, the person is unkind to you, but if he fawns over him, the person who comes to you has good intentions and wishes you well.

48. If a cat lies on you or crushes a certain part of the body with its paws, then some kind of developing disease which she feels and wants to help you get rid of.

49. Places where a cat likes to sleep are usually unfavorable for humans and should not be chosen for a bed or chair.
50. If a cat washes itself, it means it will soon have guests, and if it curls up in a ball, covering its nose with its tail, it means cold weather.

These cats are such amazing animals. No wonder having a cat at home has always been considered good luck. So if you want to live happily ever after, then just get yourself a cat and luck will not leave you!

The surface pattern of a cat's nose is unique, like a human fingerprint.

Cats never meow to each other. This sound is special for humans.

A cat's skeleton consists of 230 bones, which is 24 more bones than a human's.

On globe There are about 600 million domestic cats.

Cats do not have normal collarbones. Thanks to this disadvantage, cats are able to squeeze their body through the smallest holes where the cat's head fits. You may have seen how a cat checks the hole where it has to crawl, trying its head to the hole. The average adult cat can fit through a hole, such as a fence, that is only 10 cm wide.

The cat is a great acrobat. Her front legs can rotate in almost any direction and both halves of her body can move in opposite directions!

Cats have five toes on their front paws, but only four on their back paws.

The cat's ear rotates 180 degrees. A cat has 32 muscles in each ear, and they use twelve or more muscles to control the ear.

A cat's hearing is much more sensitive than that of a human or a dog. A cat hears within 65 kHz, while a person hears within 20 kHz.

A cat can hear sounds in the ultrasonic range, and its "ambush" near a mouse hole makes sense, even if the rodents do not move. Rodents communicate using ultrasound, and the cat overhears these conversations.

There are tactile hairs on the cat's head and front paws - they help the cat not to lose orientation in space, and the cat orients itself without these hairs coming into contact with obstacles, but by feeling them at a distance.

In relation to its body weight, a cat has the most big eyes of all animals. If a cat were the size of a person, the size of its eyes would reach 4-5 cm.

Most cats do not have eyelashes.

Cats' eyes are positioned so that both look in the same direction, just like ours (unlike, for example, dogs) - for us this is a more familiar type of face, maybe that's why we consider cats such cute animals?

A cat cannot see in absolute darkness, but its “night vision” is unrivaled. Her eyes have a reflective layer that increases the amount of light hitting the retina.

Under favorable conditions, the greenish cat's eye is visible at a distance of up to 80 meters due to the fact that cat's eyes reflect light so that some of the rays return along the same path along which they entered the eyes.

A cat's binocular vision covers 130 degrees (a dog's - 83). But the cat is also able to observe everything that happens on the sides! Her visual field is 287 degrees compared to ours 200. The extremely flexible head rotates in all directions and allows you to maintain a direct gaze at all times.

The cat doesn't see anything right under its nose. That's why she doesn't immediately find the tidbit you gave her on the floor.

A cat has approximately 60 to 80 million olfactory cells, a human has 5 to 20 million.

Compared to humans, cats certainly have a highly developed sense of smell. In relation to the total volume of the brain, the part of it that is responsible for smell is much larger in a cat. This allows her to easily distinguish between individual people or determine by the smell of marks that she herself has already been to this particular place before. It is by smell that males recognize a cat whose much-desired mating smell is secreted by a special scent that attracts females in their urine.

Cats, like humans, can have AB blood type.

A cat's normal pulse is 110-170 beats per minute, breathing is 20-40 breaths per minute.

A cat's normal body temperature is 102 degrees Fahrenheit (38 Celsius)

A domestic cat can run at a speed of 31 miles per hour (almost 50 km per hour).

A cat has a very sensitive nervous system.

A cat can jump 5 times its height.

A cat has 50 thousand genes, which are distributed over 19 pairs of chromosomes.

According to the University of Lyon (France), there are about 400 million domestic cats in the world. The top spot goes to Australia, where there are 9 cats per 10 inhabitants. On the Asian continent, the first place goes to Indonesia, where there are more than 30 million furry animals, and in Europe, it goes to France, whose residents have 8 million cats in their care. At the same time, there are countries, for example Peru and Gabon, where domestic cats are almost never found.

Cats wag their tails when faced with a choice, with one desire blocking another. For example, if a cat is standing in a doorway and wants to go out and it is raining outside, the tail will wag due to internal conflict. The cat wants to go out, but doesn't want to get wet. As soon as she makes a decision (stay home or go out into the rain), the tail will immediately stop swinging.

A cat can have more than 100 kittens in her life. One pair of cats and their offspring can produce 420,000 kittens in 7 years.

In 1952 tabby cat from Texas named Dusty set a new record - she had more than 120 kittens, and her last litter was born when she was 18 years old.

The largest litter (including all surviving kittens) was recorded for a Persian cat in South Africa. The cat's name was Bluebell. She gave birth to 14 kittens! Maximum number kittens in the litter - 19.

The cat's ear rotates 180 degrees. A cat has 32 muscles in each ear; they use twelve or more muscles to control the ear.

A cat has five more vertebrae in its spine than a human.

Sir Isaac Newton, who discovered the law of attraction, also invented the cat door.

The oldest cat in the world was Puss from England, who died in 1939 one day after her 36th birthday.

The most fantastic record was set in Argentina by a cat named Mincho, who climbed a tree and did not come down until she died six years later. During this time, she managed to bring three litters with the same kittens - steeplejacks.

How many mice can one cat catch? 28899! This is exactly how much the Scottish tortoiseshell cat Towser (1966-1987) caught in 21 years of his life. That's about four mice a day.

The giraffe, camel and cat are pacer animals: when walking, their left legs walk first, and then their right legs. This type of walking guarantees speed, agility and silence.

Cats can see colors. Experiments have proven that cats can distinguish between red and green; Red and blue; red and gray; green and blue, green and gray; blue and gray; yellow and blue, and yellow and gray!

Cats can see up to 60 meters away. Their peripheral vision is approximately 285 degrees.

Cats are the laziest mammals. They sleep 16 hours a day

Cats groom themselves 30% of the time when they are not sleeping.

According to the Guinness Book of Records, the heaviest cat in the world was the Australian cat Himmy, who weighed 21 kilograms. The record was set in 1986. His waist was 84 centimeters! The previous record holder, Spice, a ginger and white cat from Connecticut, weighed 20 kilograms when he died in 1977.

The tiniest cat in the world was the Tinker Toy Himalayan cat from Illinois. He weighed 680 grams, was 18 cm long and his height was 7 cm!

The Egyptians shaved their eyebrows as a sign of mourning when they lost their beloved cat.

“Sociable” cats follow you from room to room to monitor your actions.

Cats can make about 100 different sounds. For comparison, dogs are only about 10.

A falling cat always acts the same way. First the head is leveled, then the back, then the legs, and finally the back is arched to soften the landing.

If your cat is tearing up furniture, try giving the area a lemon or orange scent. Cats hate these smells.

The more you talk to cats, the more they talk to you.

If a cat is near you and its tail is shaking, this is the same great feeling love that she can express. When the tail begins to droop, it means the mood has changed, you can move away, she will not be offended.

Cats rub against humans to “cut out” other people’s odors. The smell comes from glands that are located between the eye and ear and at the base of the tail.

If the pupils are dilated despite bright lighting, the cat is very interested in something or is in a playful mood.

For cats to see, 1/6th of the light needed by humans is enough. Their night vision is amazing! In the dark, a cat's eye even uses light reflected from the retina.

Cats, unlike dogs, cannot focus their gaze on nearby objects, that is, cats are farsighted, and dogs are nearsighted. In fact, a cat sees best at a distance of 75 cm to 2-6 meters.

A cat's sensitivity to sound volume is 3 times higher than that of a human! (If we listen to loud music or the TV is blaring in the room, then we should give the cat the opportunity to go to another room!)

Cats perceive sound frequencies in the range from 50 to 60 kHz. The dog reacts to a sound with a frequency of about 40 kHz. A person is able to detect sounds with a frequency of 20 kHz.

The cat's lower jaw trembles and its teeth chatter only if the prey is unattainable.

Cats smell 14 times more powerfully than humans!

In addition to the nose, cats can detect odors using the so-called Jacobson tube, located on the upper palate behind the front incisors. A cat uses it when he is completely concentrating on something in particular. interesting smell, sucking in air, slightly raising your upper lip and nose.

Grooming calms and neutralizes incipient aggressiveness. If your cat can't decide which path to take, she should reconsider her behavior. In a state of uncertainty, there is a universal recipe: in doubtful cases, lick yourself!

The litter box should be in a secluded area so that the cat is not embarrassed, and away from the food bowl, as cats do not like to get dirty near the area where they eat.

Never feed your cat dog food. The protein requirement of cats is five times greater than that of dogs.

Cats love heights. Leopards and jaguars, which sleep in trees, also love heights.

If a cat falls, its inner ear, which controls balance, helps it land on its feet.

A cat has an average of 12 movable whiskers on each side of its face. At the base of the mustache there is a large number of nerve endings, so with the help of them the cat receives information about everything that surrounds it: objects, wind, temperature, etc. If a cat's whiskers are removed, it may have poor spatial orientation, for example, difficulty hunting and generally feel insecure.

Whiskers help your cat determine if it will fit through the hole!

The scientific name of the whiskers is vibrissae, therefore they are often called simply vibrissae in Russian-language literature. The mustache really vibrates.

If a cat's whiskers point forward, she is very interested in something. Or in skirmishes he wants to scare his opponent. If the whiskers point back, the cat is frightened and avoids being touched.

A cat’s nervous state is revealed by its ears; they twitch slightly, although the cat itself can sit quietly and watch. You can even touch a cat in this state and get it to hiss and hit you with its paw.

When attacked by someone, cats press their ears tightly to their heads. This is to protect against the teeth and claws of the enemy. If the cat attacks itself, then it lowers its ears horizontally and to the sides, forming a triangle.

Cat fights are short but very ferocious and brutal. Their main weapon in fights is their teeth.

When we pet a cat, our heart rate and blood pressure decrease. And people with cardiovascular diseases have a chance to live longer if they have a cat, compared to those who do not have a cat or dog.

Every year Americans spend four billion dollars on cat food. That's one billion dollars more than they spend on baby food!

American scientists managed to look at the world through the eyes of a cat. Scientists inserted electrodes into the cat's brain that connected to 177 neurons. Having read and deciphered the signals from the electrodes, the computer showed on the display the picture that the cat sees. The picture turned out to be blurry, but various objects and people’s faces can be clearly distinguished on it.

Other American scientists have determined that cats, unlike dogs, saturate the air with negative ions, which are beneficial to human health.

In cats, the gene responsible for the red coat color is tied to the sex of the animal and belongs to one of the X chromosomes. This gene can give red or black color. Thus, a cat with two X chromosomes can have both red and black colors in its coat. A cat with only one X chromosome can be either black or red, but not both.

If the cat still has both red and black colors (this is extremely rare), then it will be sterile. The point is that such a cat must have both or part of both female X chromosomes. This unusual combination of chromosomes leads to the fact that the animal is sterile.

When kittens are born, their eyes and ears are closed. When the eyes open, they are always blue at first. Then, over time, they change their color to a permanent one.

Kittens develop milk teeth between 10 and 30 days. In the period from 4 to 10 months they change to permanent ones. The number of which an adult animal should have is 30. A adult cat is considered from 15 months of age.

Healthy adult cats spend approximately 15% of their lives in deep sleep, 50% in light sleep, and just 35% awake.

The cat's daily toileting is explained not only by its cleanliness. Another purpose of “washing” is to lick from the fur a certain amount of a substance containing vitamin B, which is necessary for regulating mental balance. If you deprive a cat of this opportunity, it will become nervous and may even die.

A cat's predilection for mice has a physiological explanation: mouse fur contains a lot of sulfur, which cats simply need to avoid being bald.

Cats are the only animals that, when walking, rely not on their paw pads, but on their claws.

25% of all cats are ambidextrous (that is, they are equally good at using their right and left paws)

Cats do not have fat and sweat glands, so it doesn't smell like anything. Only the leathery ends of their paws sweat.

As you know, nature has allocated to man and animals the most different terms life. Meanwhile, youth, maturity and old age are characteristic of all living beings. Naturally, the time of entry into a particular age varies depending on the species. So, a one-month-old kitten is at the same stage of development as human child 5-6 months old. The six-month-old cat is the same age as a seventh-grader (14 years old), and a fourteen-year-old cat is the same age as a seventy-two-year-old man.

Average lifespan domestic cat 15 years, while for wild ones from 3 to 5 years.

Cats are living longer. If in 1930 they were an eyesore for their owners for 8 years on average, now they have to be “tolerated” for 16 years. The oldest cat in the world was called Puss (Kiss in Russian) - he died in America without living even a day after party for his thirty-sixth birthday.

Under the skin of a kitten's scruff are nerve endings, which cause a specific behavior - the “neck reflex” - when the kitten’s body relaxes, and its tail and paws are tucked towards its tummy so as not to get caught on anything while it is being transported.

The front legs of kittens develop faster than the hind legs, but by the end of the 3rd week they are equal in development, however, they are poorly coordinated with each other - so the kitten's back and front legs seem to walk in different directions.

At the 3rd week, kittens begin to erupt milk teeth - this process continues until 6 weeks. And starting from 3 months of age, the roots of these first teeth begin to dissolve, the crowns begin to fall out, and 30 new adult (permanent) teeth appear to replace them.

A cat can guard several mouse holes at once and detect subtle movements of mice. A cat's field of view is 187 degrees, a dog's field of view is half as large, and a human's is one and a half times less.

Cats use more than a hundred different sounds when communicating, surpassing dogs, chimpanzees and gorilla in this.

We offer the most interesting facts about cats that will not leave even the most icy person indifferent! Feeding your brain!

All people on earth are divided into 2 categories - dog lovers and cat lovers.

And speaking of cats, the question immediately arises: how can you not love these cute and at the same time harmful creatures?

Since I am a cat lover, I can give you, dear readers of the Success Diary, +100500 reasons why you should get a cat! 😉

After reading at least the first twenty reasons, I’m sure that you will immediately run to get a furry friend (or girlfriend).

So let's begin!

Facts about cats: the most interesting!

  • Cats are usually right-handed, but cats are left-handed.
  • Scientists generally favor cats over dogs.
  • Cats cannot taste candy or cookies.
  • Men with cats are more often lucky in love. And such men themselves are much kinder and gentler. A man with a cat will not force you to choose between him and your four-legged friend.
  • A cat's brain is similar to a human's. They have areas similar to those of humans that are responsible for their emotions.
  • When a cat rubs against a person, it marks him. So if your cat is constantly rubbing against you, you can consider yourself her property! 🙂
  • Ailurophilia is called too strong love to these cute animals.
  • Cat owners are 30% less likely to have a heart attack or stroke.
  • Although the IQ of cats is several times lower than that of a dog, cats are capable of solving more complex problems. Does this remind you of anything?
  • Despite the fact that in all films and cartoons cats drink milk, in reality these tailed pets suffer from lactose intolerance...
  • All cartoons lie! Most cats hate fish.
  • Many believe that in addition to the force of gravity, Newton invented the cat door.
  • The purring of a cat can be interpreted in different ways... A cat can purr with pleasure, and during a period of illness. But my cat likes to purr when she bites my leg or arm. Or while hunting mice.
  • It is believed that a cat purrs with the frequency with which its muscles and bones are restored.
  • Cats sleep 18 hours a day.
  • Any cat is capable of producing 100 different sounds. This is 90% more than any dog ​​can reproduce.
  • Most a big cat length more than a meter. Children probably don’t even drag him by the tail!
  • With the help of meowing, cats love, for example, their owner. They are even able to reproduce the voice of a child.
  • A cat's ears are made up of 20 muscles! It’s impossible to imagine, isn’t it?!
  • Australia is considered the country of cats. 90% of Australians have these furry creatures in their homes.
  • The first cat video was filmed in the 19th century.
  • Every third cat lover believes that his a pet psychic and reads the owner’s thoughts. He also brings beer and changes channels! 🙂
  • The record for feline offspring belongs to Dusty. During her short life, she gave birth to over 400 kittens.
  • A kitten, like a child, loses its baby teeth.
  • In Alaska, in the city of Talkeetn, the cat Stubbs served as mayor for 15 years.
  • America's first president had 4 cats.
  • Cats love bags and boxes.
  • The Scottish Towser Tower was erected in honor of a cat who caught 30 mice.
  • Americans believe that a black cat brings bad luck, the British and Austrians believe that black cats promise good luck and.
  • The surface of a cat's nose can be compared to fingerprints.
  • When a cat stops burying her poop, she stops being afraid of you! Amazing, right?
  • Multi-fingered cats are called “Hemingway’s cats” because he doted on them.
  • When cats wash themselves, they wash away the human spirit.
  • When ancient Egyptian the cat was dying, all family members mourned and shaved their eyebrows.
  • Cats need whiskers to figure out which cracks they can squeeze through and which ones they can’t.
  • Cats don't sweat. The most that a cat can sweat is its paw pads.
  • A domestic cat can give Usain Bolt a head start.
  • The cat knows the owner's voice, but prefers to ignore it.
  • All cats climb down from the tree tail first.
  • Any cat sees perfectly in the dark, but is color blind.
  • The cat is able to cover a huge distance and run home.
  • The most fertile cat gave birth to 19 kittens in one litter.
  • Some cats can survive falling from the roof of a 9-story building.
  • At Murkina's