The best pills for early pregnancy. Abortion pills: action, benefits and consequences

To mom

The range of medicines is huge, many of them have more affordable analogues made in China. However, the use of such funds is associated with certain risks.

What is meant here is not even the quality of these funds, but the lack of available information about them. After all, the instructions, in many cases, contain descriptions only in Chinese.

Therefore, the formula of the active substance, its dose and other properties of the drug remain unknown.

Many of these drugs contain mifepristone, therefore, such drugs can only be taken under the supervision of a physician, subject to a mandatory preliminary examination, including a test for tolerability of the active substance.

However, according to statistics, a fairly large number of women of different ages choose Chinese-made drugs for early termination of pregnancy.

As a rule, they do this on their own, without the supervision of a specialist. It should be noted that such an irresponsible attitude towards one’s health creates a significant danger to life.

Carefully! Under no circumstances should you opt for tablets whose description does not indicate the manufacturer, composition, dose of the active substance, instructions for use, side effects and contraindications.

Is it possible to terminate an early pregnancy? Indications and reasons

The very concept of “early termination of pregnancy” implies an abortion on the initiative of a pregnant woman before 12 weeks.

There are many known methods for this, however, in order to correctly decide on the choice of method, it is necessary to consult with a specialist who knows the features of each of them, indications for use and contraindications; after all, the method should be as suitable as possible for this specific situation, which will guarantee minimizing the likelihood of complications in the future.

Indications for manipulation:

  • initiative of the woman herself;
  • pathological changes in the fetus diagnosed early; At this time, as a rule, many genetic diseases are diagnosed, including anomalies in the development of the skull that are of a genetic nature, and genetic abnormalities in the development of the heart.

Medicinal methods of early abortion involve the use of pharmacological drugs with different mechanisms of action. The choice of a specific remedy depends on the duration of pregnancy and the characteristics of each specific case.

Note! Drugs in this group are not universal. The doctor must choose the remedy, and he must also monitor the patient’s condition during the procedure itself and after it, during the recovery period.

If the medication method is ineffective, the doctor must warn the patient that in this case the pregnancy will have to be terminated using one of the surgical techniques.

It is important to know! Pharmaceutical means for medical abortion are not so harmless.

When deciding on a procedure, numerous contraindications must be taken into account:

  • adrenal function deficiency;
  • long-term glucocorticoid therapy;
  • hypofunction of the kidneys and liver;
  • confirmed diagnosis of fibroids;
  • some metabolic disorders (eg, porphyria);
  • hemostasis disorders (occurring independently or as a result of the use of anticoagulants or antiplatelet agents);
  • severe anemia;
  • suspected ectopic pregnancy;
  • suspected pregnancy not clinically confirmed;
  • pregnancy that occurred during contraception (hormonal or using a spiral);
  • preeclampsia and eclampsia;
  • prematurity and post-term pregnancy;
  • abnormal position of the fetus or discrepancy between its size and the dimensions of the pelvis;
  • uterine hemorrhages of unspecified etiology during pregnancy;
  • hypersensitivity to the active substance;
  • duration of amenorrhea from 42 days;
  • inflammation of the genital organs;
  • age from 35 years in combination with smoking.

Non-medicinal methods:

  1. The so-called mini-abortion (aspiration); this technique is applicable for a period of no more than 7 weeks; A complete abortion with this interruption technique does not always occur, and subsequently, in some cases, it is still necessary to perform the so-called cleansing. General anesthesia is not used; local anesthesia is sufficient; this is an advantage of the method. This method is the least aggressive of the surgical methods, as it produces the fewest side effects.
  2. Curettage of the uterine cavity- this technique is applicable for up to 12 weeks. The operation is performed under intravenous general anesthesia. The uterine cavity is expanded with special forceps, after which the inside of its walls is scraped with a curette. The advantage of this technique is that it is the only method applicable for a period of more than 7 weeks. The disadvantage is a large number of complications, including infertility.


Belongs to the group of postcoital. The tablet contains 750 mcg of levonorgestrel.

It is important to know! Tablets for termination of early pregnancy Postinor are contraindicated during pregnancy, hypersensitivity, liver dysfunction, and certain metabolic disorders (lactose intolerance, malabsorption syndrome).

Contraindicated in pregnancy, hypersensitivity, liver dysfunction, certain metabolic disorders (lactose intolerance, malabsorption syndrome).

For maximum effect, the drug is taken as soon as possible after sexual intercourse.

The active substance directly affects the corpus luteum, suppressing its work. If fertilization has occurred, Postinor acts on the endometrium, as a result of which it undergoes involution and becomes unable to accept a fertilized egg.

Thus, the unwanted pregnancy must be terminated.

It is important to know! Experts unanimously say that cases of abortion with the help of Postinor are most likely a coincidence, so the drug should be used exclusively for its intended purpose. And to terminate a pregnancy, you should use drugs designed specifically for medical abortion.


Antigestagen. These early pregnancy termination pills are indicated for emergency contraception; they are effective for 3 days after sexual intercourse, however, the less time passes, the more effective.

For a number of conditions, this drug is contraindicated (anemia, porphyria, long-term treatment with corticosteroids, hemostasis disorder, liver and kidney dysfunction, pregnancy, breastfeeding).


Antigestagen. In addition, it increases the tone of the myometrium.

It is used when it is necessary to terminate a pregnancy in the early stages. In addition, it is applicable to induce labor during full-term pregnancy.


Postcoital contraceptive. Contrary to the reviews of those who used this drug to terminate early pregnancy, the instructions do not contain information indicating use in this area.

The drug is contraindicated during pregnancy.


Belongs to the category of stimulators of tone and contractile function of the myometrium.

It is used for early medical abortion (no later than 42 days of missed period). It can also be used for preparation and induction of labor.


A drug from the class of antigestagens intended for medical abortion.

The drug should be used strictly as prescribed by a doctor; Moreover, the instructions prescribe medical abortion under the supervision of the attending physician.


A synthetic antigestagenic agent that blocks the effect of progesterone. It is an antagonist to glucocorticosteroids.

Stimulates active contraction of myometrial fibers, causing desquamation and release of a fertilized egg.

In addition to termination of pregnancy in the early stages, the use of Mifolian is indicated for uterine leiomyoma up to 12 weeks of pregnancy.

Antigestagen medications are sold in pharmacies with a doctor’s prescription (including online pharmacies).

The cost of the drug Postinor in Russian pharmacies ranges from 370 to 400 rubles; in Ukraine - 180-190 UAH; in Belarus - 17-18 bel. R.

The drug Ginepristone costs approximately 400 rubles in Russia, 170 UAH in Ukraine, and 6-8 rubles in Belarus.

Mifepristone costs 5,500 rubles in Russia.

Statistics say that medical abortion is one of the simplest and most convenient methods of terminating an early pregnancy, which does not entail an increased risk for the patient and does not worsen her health.

The main condition for safety is to use the drug correctly and strictly follow the instructions of the instructions and the attending physician.

However, different specialists, based on their clinical experience, have different assessments of the safety of medical abortion. Some consider this technique the most convenient, especially in the earliest stages of pregnancy.

Others are of the opinion that this method is too risky, since it is never known in advance how exactly the body of an individual patient will react to the active substance, and whether the medicine will cause more harm than expected.

The medical method of terminating pregnancy has been known for a long time, as well as the fact that all favorable outcomes are due to careful choice of drug, timely consultation with a doctor and an integrated approach to the operation (after all, not only the abortion procedure itself is important, but also the preparation for it, as well as the recovery period).

It is not without reason that the explanation for the drugs in this group indicates that the tablets should be taken in a specialized clinic, under the constant supervision of a specialist.

Only a doctor who has conducted a comprehensive examination and analyzed its results can select the right drug, on which the choice will depend.

Regardless of the reasons for termination of pregnancy and the pharmaceutical agent used, this procedure cannot be carried out by the patient independently.

Drugs intended for medical abortion must be dispensed from pharmacies only with a doctor's prescription.

It is known that in some cases this works. Moreover, sometimes such women even manage to maintain health.

However, more often such experiments can lead to serious consequences, often irreparable.

Early abortion, using so-called traditional methods, is a rather risky event, and has many side effects that negatively affect all organs and systems of the body.

Many people who want to get rid of early pregnancy are familiar with the advice of “knowledgeable” people regarding many different folk remedies.

Some of them have a toxic effect on the fetus, as a result of which they kill it. This situation leads to inevitable negative consequences in the form of intoxication of the body with the decomposition products of the embryo, leading to severe liver failure.

Important to remember! Termination of pregnancy using folk remedies can lead to serious consequences, often irreparable.

In addition, substances that have a toxic effect on the central nervous system of the fetus also negatively affect the state of the mother’s central nervous system.

Others, by stimulating increased contractile activity of the myometrium, thus provoke miscarriage. As a rule, these are products of plant origin.

It should be understood that plant alkaloids with this mechanism of action can also cause a heart attack as a result of persistent vasospasm, and contraction of the myometrium is only one of the side effects. It is also possible to develop uterine bleeding, which will lead to either amputation of the uterus or death.

These include:

  1. No 100% guarantee- manufacturers indicate an 85-95% success rate.
  2. The ability to terminate a pregnancy only in the earliest stages- up to 5 weeks.
  3. Apparent simplicity: Women who try to perform an abortion on their own risk complications such as infection that has entered the body, as well as severe uterine bleeding. The situation is complicated by the fact that bleeding symptoms occur suddenly, when there is very little time left to help the woman and the only way to save the woman is through emergency resuscitation measures.
  4. Possibility of partial fetal rejection. In this case, the woman’s condition will be complicated by bleeding, infection and intoxication by decomposition products of embryonic tissue.

Medical abortion

The procedure for terminating a medical abortion follows a very simple procedure - first, the woman takes the first pill, which contains mifepristone, and after 24-72 hours she must take the second, containing misoprostol.

This procedure must be carried out under the strict supervision of a doctor; in no case should you take the pills yourself, as there is a certain risk to the woman’s health.

Over the past few years, medical abortion has become the most popular among women, as it is one of the safest types of abortion.

It is worth remembering that the pills used to terminate a pregnancy will only be effective for the first 49 days from the date of your last period. Such medications are taken under the supervision of a doctor who monitors the woman’s health condition and, if necessary, takes action. The fact is that this type of abortion also has certain contraindications.

This popularity of medical abortion is easily explained, because this method of terminating an unwanted pregnancy has a number of advantages:

  • First of all, the likelihood of infertility after this type of abortion is minimized. In the case of medical termination of pregnancy, there will be absolutely no effect on the uterine mucosa, therefore, there is a minimal risk of developing secondary infertility. This is one of the main advantages due to which girls choose this type of abortion;
  • possible complications are minimized. As a rule, any artificial termination of pregnancy carries the risk of developing various complications - for example, injury to the cervix, the onset of inflammatory processes, injury to the uterine mucosa, etc. If a medical abortion is performed, the risk of developing such complications will be extremely small;
  • no need for hospitalization. One of the main advantages of this type of abortion is that the woman does not have to be in a hospital. Unlike a surgical abortion, with a medical abortion, recovery occurs much faster, and the woman can do her usual activities and go to work the very next day after the procedure.

For artificial termination of pregnancy, special medications are used, which should only be prescribed by a doctor, after an appropriate examination of the pregnant woman. Since these tablets contain a large amount of hormones, as a result they provoke the death of the embryo, and then cause the onset of increased contractions of the uterus, consequently, rejection and further expulsion of the fetus from the uterine cavity.

The procedure for medical abortion is carried out in exactly three stages:

  1. Stage 1 - ongoing full medical examination pregnant. Before a medical abortion is carried out, it is mandatory that the doctor examines the pregnant woman.

    There is a need to conduct an ultrasound (ultrasound examination), thanks to which a more accurate gestational age is established, after which the woman is prescribed a manual gynecological examination.

    As soon as the doctor is 100% sure that there are absolutely no contraindications for a medical abortion, he will tell you in more detail about the main principles of the action of the medications taken.

    Then the pregnant woman will have to sign the appropriate papers, which confirm that she is thoroughly familiar with the principles of this type of abortion, and also that she gives her consent to the procedure;

  2. Stage 2 – abortion. The pregnant woman takes the pills, and then must be under the supervision of a doctor for the next few hours. After about 5 hours, you can return home, provided that there are no complications.

    The process of expulsion of the fertilized egg occurs approximately 3 hours after taking the pill, but may take several days. This process will be accompanied by bleeding;

  3. 3rd stage – control inspection. After a couple of weeks, you need to come back for an examination with a doctor. It is mandatory to undergo an additional examination, because the doctor will have to make sure that the fertilized egg has been completely expelled from the uterus.

    If this does not happen (this phenomenon is very rare), in order to prevent the development of possible complications, curettage of the uterine cavity is performed to remove the remaining parts of the fertilized egg.

Despite the fact that medical termination of pregnancy has a lot of positive qualities, there are also certain contraindications, which include the following:

  • suspicion of ectopic pregnancy;
  • the presence of diseases that are associated with a violation of the blood clotting process;
  • the presence of uterine fibroids in a pregnant woman;
  • the presence of acute diseases of the female genital organs, which are inflammatory in nature;
  • long-term treatment with corticosteroid drugs;
  • the presence of dangerous kidney diseases, primarily this applies to adrenal and renal failure.

If a woman has been diagnosed with at least one of the above diseases, then the use of medical termination of pregnancy can have a serious negative impact on the woman’s health and it is simply impossible to predict the consequences.

Before choosing this particular method of getting rid of an unwanted pregnancy, it is worth familiarizing yourself in more detail with the consequences of medical abortion.

As already written above, an abortion is performed on an outpatient basis and the woman will not be under the supervision of a doctor around the clock. Therefore, it is necessary to independently monitor your health with increased attention.

Medical termination of pregnancy may be accompanied by complications such as:

  • the appearance of quite strong painful sensations in the lower abdomen;
  • about 1% is a further continuation of pregnancy, but the development of the child may occur with deviations;
  • serious hormonal imbalance;
  • Body temperature may rise, a feeling of weakness and chills may appear (this is extremely rare);
  • A feeling of severe nausea and vomiting may occur. In this case, you may need to take the drug again;
  • the opening of intense bleeding, which can be caused by incomplete removal of the fertilized egg from the uterus. In this case, additional curettage may be necessary.

After a medical abortion, it is necessary to visit a doctor to make sure that everything is fine and to consult on effective contraceptives, since it is not recommended to resort to this type of abortion too often, otherwise there is a risk of seriously deteriorating your own health.

The safest method of terminating a pregnancy for women's health is the use of abortion pills in the early stages. Medical abortion is carried out under the close supervision of a gynecologist during the entire time when the woman is taking pharmacological drugs to terminate the pregnancy.

For a medical abortion, the timing is absolutely clear. It can only be used for 49 days from the first day of the last menstrual period. After this period, taking the pills becomes ineffective. The safest method of terminating a pregnancy for women's health is the use of abortion pills in the early stages.

Low risk of infertility

Taking pharmacological drugs is absolutely safe for the uterine mucosa. This significantly reduces the likelihood of developing secondary infertility in the future.

No complications

Unlike surgical termination of pregnancy, which is accompanied by the risk of developing inflammatory processes and injures the cervix, the possibility of complications developing after taking pills to terminate pregnancy in the early stages is very small.

Outpatient mode

Medication interruption is carried out without hospitalization. A woman’s body recovers very quickly, and the very next day you can return to your normal rhythm of life.

Medical abortion pills contain large amounts of hormones. These hormones cause the embryo to die. And after this, a strong contraction of the uterus occurs and the fetus is rejected from its cavity.

Drugs for medical abortion

For medical abortion, certain drugs are used that are not commercially available. Typically, antigestagens (also known as antiprogestins) are used - a group of biologically active substances that suppress the action of natural gestagens at the receptor level.

A representative of antiprogestins is mifepristone (mifegin). Use it once in a dosage of 600 mg (3 tablets). The drug is effective for three days. Prostaglandins are also prescribed (for example, Mirolut at a dose of 400 mg (2 tablets) 36-48 hours after taking the antigestagen).

All this time, the woman needs medical supervision in a gynecological hospital. Spontaneous miscarriage usually occurs within the first week after taking the abortion pills. The completeness of the miscarriage is monitored using ultrasound (ultrasound).

I. Examination

Before taking pills to terminate pregnancy in the early stages, you should be examined by a doctor. To do this, it is enough to undergo an ultrasound to determine the exact date of pregnancy and a gynecological examination.

The doctor must make sure that the woman has no contraindications to the use of abortion pills in the early stages. The patient will be familiarized with the principle of action of the drug and the technique of performing an abortion, after which the woman must sign a written agreement for the operation.

II. Abortion

  1. the presence of an ectopic pregnancy or suspicion of it;
  2. kidney diseases – renal and adrenal failure;
  3. long-term use of corticosteroid drugs;
  4. the presence of diseases associated with blood clotting disorders;
  5. inflammatory diseases of the female genital area;
  6. the patient has uterine fibroids.

Is it possible to terminate a pregnancy in the early stages using folk remedies?


These include:

  1. Episodes of severe pain in the lower abdomen.
  2. Significant hormonal imbalances.
  3. The development of intense bleeding, which can be caused by incomplete release of embryonic tissue.

No matter how much pharmaceutical companies praise their medications, before deciding on a medical abortion, you need to weigh the pros and cons, take into account all the possible side effects, and only then decide whether it’s worth the risk.

Take care of yourself and be healthy!

Postinor is a time-tested remedy that does not allow a fertilized egg to attach to the wall of the uterus. This drug is suitable in cases of non-protection during sexual intercourse. Of course, no one can give you a 100% guarantee that the pregnancy will be terminated, but 85% is already hope. The package consists of two tablets, the first of which you need to take immediately after sexual intercourse, and the second only after 12 hours.

Pencrofton is safe in terms of subsequent pregnancies, because does not lead to infertility after medical abortion. If your pregnancy is short, then this drug can still help you. The drug promotes fetal rejection and separation from the walls of the uterus.

Mifolian has the same indications and the same effect on your body as Pencrofton. Can be used to speed up natural childbirth.

Mifepristone is a steroid drug and helps to terminate a pregnancy no later than six weeks. You will have to take three tablets of the drug at one time.

Mifeprex is one of the most effective drugs for abortion. Its advantage is that the drug is well tolerated by women. Capable of ending a pregnancy up to 42 days.

Mifegin is the only drug whose effectiveness is close to 100%. Mifegin was produced in France, which already speaks about the quality of the product. Able to terminate pregnancy up to 6 weeks.

The procedure for taking pills to terminate a pregnancy, that is, performing a medical abortion, consists of the following steps:

  1. Before taking drugs to terminate a pregnancy, a woman should undergo examination by a gynecologist. A complete gynecological examination and tests make it possible to find out whether a woman has contraindications to a medical abortion. For these purposes, an ultrasound examination is performed, which determines the exact duration of pregnancy. If the test results are normal, then the gynecologist gives a prescription for pregnancy pills and introduces the instructions for use of the drug. Also, the woman signs papers that express her consent to the procedure and confirm that she is familiar with all the nuances and information about medical abortion.
  2. Pregnancy pills are taken orally. After taking the drug, the woman should be under the supervision of a gynecologist for 2-4 hours and, after his permission, go home. If necessary, the woman also receives a prescription for a contraceptive drug. A few days after taking the pill, the woman begins to experience rejection of the fertilized egg. The process is accompanied by heavy bleeding, which can last up to two weeks.
  3. After 2-3 weeks, the gynecologist examines the woman. This allows you to check whether the abortion procedure went well. If the fetus is not completely gone, the gynecologist prescribes surgery.
  • When undergoing a medical abortion, you do not need to go to the hospital.
  • The procedure for termination of pregnancy, that is, rejection of the fertilized egg, is no different from normal menstruation.
  • When taking anti-pregnancy pills, there is no possibility of contracting HIV.
  • Medical abortion does not require anesthesia or surgery.
  • The tablets protect against the risk of developing secondary infertility.

But, despite these benefits of pregnancy pills, do not forget that they can only be taken after the permission of the gynecologist. Self-administration of pills can pose a threat to a woman’s life. Also, before taking medications, it is necessary to conduct an examination to ensure that there is no ectopic pregnancy.

The drug is available in the form of round tablets that are yellow in color with a greenish tint. Zhenale is used for emergency contraception after unprotected intercourse for 72 hours. But Zhenale has a number of contraindications that can adversely affect the vital functions and systems of the body.

Thus, pregnancy pills can cause bleeding from the vagina, cause pathologies of the uterine appendages, and cause severe pain in the lower abdomen. Gastrointestinal upset, diarrhea and vomiting are also possible. If you experience these symptoms, immediately seek help from a gynecologist.

The advantage of the pills is that they are safe for the female body. Vaginal medications have virtually no side effects. Thanks to this, the drugs can be taken at any period of the menstrual cycle and the woman’s condition. Vaginal tablets can be used with other contraceptives and for a long period of time.

The most popular vaginal pills:

  • Benatex
  • Pharmatex
  • Ginakotex
  • Traceptin

The choice of vaginal pills for pregnancy depends on each woman, the characteristics of her body and the method of contraception. But do not forget that non-hormonal drugs that prevent pregnancy are much more effective in combination with other contraceptives.

Taking Chinese abortion pills can only be prescribed by a doctor and only after a full examination. Another rule for allowing the use of Chinese drugs is the instructions translated into Russian. Since there are often cases when Chinese drugs contain completely different drugs that do not correspond to those specified by the manufacturer.

If, after taking Chinese pregnancy pills, you experience symptoms such as fever, nausea or vomiting, then you should immediately consult a gynecologist, as there is a threat to life.

  • The first dose of the drug causes oxygen starvation of the amniotic sac. That is, an embryo that is three to five weeks old dies from lack of nutrition and oxygen.
  • The second time you take the pregnancy pill, it causes your uterus to contract harder, causing nauseating and sometimes painful contractions. As a result of this, the dead embryo is expelled from the uterus. This stage may be accompanied by spotting that resembles menstruation and lasts up to two weeks.

Pregnancy pills can also be taken in the first days after a missed menstrual cycle. But this is possible only after examination by a gynecologist, who will confirm that the woman has no contraindications for a medical abortion, and the pregnancy period allows her to take the drug.

You can take pregnancy pills on an outpatient or inpatient basis. If medical termination of pregnancy occurs in a clinic, then the gynecologist monitors the woman’s condition for 2-4 hours. This helps prevent complications of abortion in the early stages.

10-15 days after taking the drug, the woman undergoes a full examination by a gynecologist. The gynecologist performs a bimanual examination of the vagina and an ultrasound examination. This allows you to find out how the abortion went; in case of an incomplete abortion, the doctor prescribes surgical cleaning.

Early termination of pregnancy with pills gives almost 100% results. But before taking the drug, you must undergo an examination by a gynecologist. In order to exclude an ectopic pregnancy and obtain permission to take anti-pregnancy pills. After taking the drug, after 10-15 days, you also need to visit a gynecologist. The doctor must check how the abortion went and, if necessary, prescribe surgery or take other measures.

The mechanism of action of the emergency pregnancy pill depends on the stage of the menstrual cycle. Let's look at the benefits of the emergency contraceptive pill:

  • An emergency pregnancy pill delays the maturation of the egg and prevents its release from the ovaries.
  • The active chemicals in the tablet prevent the egg that is released from the ovary from being fertilized.
  • The tablet prevents the attachment of an egg that has already been fertilized to the endometrium.

Please note that slight changes to your menstrual cycle may occur after taking the emergency pregnancy pill. Menstruation can start earlier or later, be scanty or, on the contrary, very heavy and painful. Also, after taking the drug, a woman may experience spotting, which will last until her next menstruation.

Pregnancy pills 24 hours

24 hour pregnancy pills are a means of emergency contraception. This drug is called the next-day birth control pill. Typically, this tablet is used when:

  • Had unprotected sex two or more days ago.
  • During sexual intercourse, the condom broke or leaked, which may have caused fertilization.
  • The woman was raped.

The effectiveness of the 24-hour pregnancy pill increases depending on how much time has passed since unprotected intercourse. So, according to research, if the tablet was taken within 24 hours, the effectiveness of protection is 95%. If pregnancy has occurred, then taking the pill is not effective and will not cause fetal rejection.

Despite the effectiveness of the 24-hour pregnancy pill, the drug can cause a number of side effects. Let's take a closer look at them:

  • Abdominal pain, nausea, diarrhea, vomiting
  • Increased fatigue and headache
  • Irregular menstrual cycle and vaginal pain

Pregnancy pill 72 hours

72 hour pregnancy pills are “emergency” contraceptives that help prevent unwanted pregnancy. The effective action of the tablets is possible if sexual intercourse took place no later than 72 hours ago. Taking the drug during this period allows you to stop the process of conception.


Benefits of using abortion pills

Surgical termination of pregnancy often leads to the development of inflammatory processes and injury to the cervix. Complications after a medical abortion occur much less frequently, especially if it is performed at 3-4 weeks. After this procedure, the body recovers quickly, so long-term medical supervision is not needed. If the medical abortion was completed without complications, then you can return to your normal lifestyle within 1-2 days.

These kinds of pregnancy pills are nothing more than strong hormonal steroids that cause immediate death of the embryo. The components of anti-pregnancy pills cause an increase in the sensitivity of the uterus to oxytocin, due to which it begins to contract vigorously, rejecting the fetus inside itself. After this action, the fetus leaves the uterine cavity, which is simply called abortion.

Medical abortion occurs according to several stages:

  • First, the woman should be examined by a gynecologist, which includes examination, tests and ultrasound. After that, the doctor clarifies whether there are any contraindications to this method of medical abortion. Next, the specialist calculates the required dosages and method of taking the pills, and gives detailed instructions to the woman. She, in turn, after all the procedures and consultation, must sign papers stating that she is aware of all the risks and will not make any further claims to the specialist.
  • Next, the medicine selected by the doctor is taken orally., for 2-4 hours after this, it is advisable for the woman to be under the supervision of a doctor. A couple of days after oral administration of the drug, a medical abortion should occur, which causes heavy bleeding. It can last about 2 weeks.
  • 2-3 weeks after the procedures, the woman must see a specialist to check how the interruption went and whether the fetus is completely gone. Otherwise, surgery will be required to completely clean the uterus.

It is very important to strictly follow the doctor’s instructions and the dosage of such tablets, as well as control the bleeding process. If it only increases over time, you should see a specialist, since blood loss is very dangerous for human health and even life.


Early pregnancy termination pills are contraindicated in the following cases:

  • ectopic pregnancy;
  • the presence of renal and/or adrenal insufficiency;
  • long-term use of corticosteroid drugs;
  • bleeding disorders;
  • inflammatory diseases of the reproductive system;
  • uterine fibroids, scars, tumors;
  • allergy;
  • epilepsy;
  • liver failure;
  • some diseases of the cardiovascular, digestive and respiratory systems;
  • pregnancy if present intrauterine device, against the background of reception hormonal contraceptives.

Unfortunately, a woman is not always happy when she finds out about her pregnancy. There can be many reasons for this: health status, financial dissatisfaction, psychological unpreparedness to become a mother, too young an age and even the opinion of others, including the husband. At such moments she realizes that she needs pills that cause miscarriage in early pregnancy.

However, termination of pregnancy, be it mechanical or medicinal, causes quite serious harm to the female body. A miscarriage that occurs in the early stages of pregnancy can also cause moral trauma to a woman, but in some cases it cannot be avoided. In this article you will find pills that cause miscarriage and also read about their features. Whatever you choose, you should not take such serious medications without consulting a specialist.

Pills that cause miscarriage in early pregnancy

It is recommended to take this drug no later than 72 hours after sexual intercourse. These pills, which cause miscarriage in early pregnancy, are powerful. However, there are times when you will need to take more than 2 tablets. Try to immediately contact a specialist who will determine the required dose to take. The action of Escapelle is in many ways similar to the action of Postinor. If you make a mistake with the dose and drink it “by eye”, in addition to miscarriage in the early stages of pregnancy, thyroid diseases or disturbances in the functioning of the endocrine system may occur.


Such pills, which cause miscarriage in early pregnancy, are the most effective. They are made in France and can guarantee almost 100% miscarriage in the early stages (up to 6 weeks) of pregnancy. Read the instructions carefully.

This drug, in addition to early miscarriage, is easily tolerated by women and causes virtually no side effects. It must be taken no later than 42 days after sexual intercourse. If you notice that the bleeding does not go away, contact your gynecologist.

The most popular drug used for miscarriage in early pregnancy. This drug cannot guarantee 100% results. Typically, miscarriage occurs early in 85% of cases. Postinor should be taken as follows: 1 tablet no later than 74 hours after sexual intercourse and the second tablet 12 hours later. In this case, there is a higher chance that a miscarriage will occur in the early stages of pregnancy.

This medicine not only leads to early miscarriage, but also does not cause serious complications such as cervical problems and infertility. The downside is that it is not sold in pharmacies. After taking Pencrofton, a miscarriage in early pregnancy should occur in the presence of a doctor who will monitor the patient's condition.

The abortion scheme is as follows: the doctor gives her three pills that cause a miscarriage. Observation is carried out for an hour or two. If there are no side effects and the fetus is rejected without consequences, the pills are taken again after a couple of days. Whatever pills you take, miscarriage in the early stages of pregnancy is quite dangerous for a woman’s health.

Used together with Misoprostol for early miscarriage. This drug causes sudden contractions of the uterus, which lead to fetal rejection. Used no later than 9 weeks after sexual intercourse. Mifepristone is recommended to be used under the supervision of a gynecologist. Next, after the appointment, the patient is monitored. If there are no complications, an ultrasound is done a couple of days later to determine how the early miscarriage went.

In some cases, pills that cause miscarriage should not be taken.

1. Ectopic pregnancy or suspicion of it.
2. Kidney problems (stones, kidney failure).
3. Long-term use of medications that lead to early miscarriage.
4. Low blood clotting.
5. Myoma or inflammatory diseases of the female genital organs.

Important! Pills that cause miscarriage should only be taken in the presence of a doctor. Under no circumstances should the dosage be exceeded. Also be sure to do an ultrasound in a few days.

Consequences and Cautions

Miscarriage pills may cause consequences and side effects. These include: nausea, pain in the uterus, prolonged bleeding, headaches, high fever. They also often cause a woman to feel guilty and suffer moral trauma. You should not have a miscarriage before the age of 17 and over 35 years of age in the early stages of pregnancy, as well as with asthma, diseases of the digestive system and a history of uterine surgery. Under no circumstances should you prescribe medications on your own without first consulting a specialist!

Termination of pregnancy sometimes becomes the only option for girls in difficult living conditions. The reason for an abortion may be the mother's chronic illnesses or a personal factor (for example, when the child's father denies paternity). Before deciding to take such a step, you need to visit a gynecologist and get detailed advice about the possibility of using one or another method of terminating a pregnancy.

Medical abortion - what is it?

It is legal to have a medical abortion up to 12 weeks of gestation. It is performed using surgery and is a medical curettage of the uterine cavity. The consequences of such an abortion can be extremely dangerous for a woman’s life and her health: from infertility to purulent sepsis (blood poisoning that can cause the death of the patient).

Unlike medical abortion, termination of pregnancy using medications is a more gentle method.

The risk of complications after this procedure is minimal, but there is still a small probability of incomplete expulsion of the fertilized egg and the development of an inflammatory process. Infertility after this type of abortion occurs rarely (less than 5% of all cases), but this possibility cannot be completely excluded.

Some people mistakenly call medical abortion a mini-abortion. This statement is incorrect, since this term refers to vacuum aspiration (“sucking out” the fetal face using a vacuum). Mini-abortion can be performed exclusively up to 5 weeks, and medical abortion - up to 6-7 weeks of pregnancy.

Sometimes women do not go to the hospital after they see two lines on the test, and try to solve the problem on their own - they get prescriptions through friends or buy steroid drugs on the Internet. This should not be done for two reasons:

  • there is no guarantee that the purchased drug will be an original medicine and will not harm health;
  • only a doctor will be able to calculate the required dosage taking into account the gestational age, the woman’s body weight and the presence of chronic pathologies in the anamnesis.

How is a medical abortion performed?

To begin with, a woman will have to undergo the necessary examination, which includes:

  • Ultrasound examination (necessary to determine the exact gestational age);
  • blood test (for signs of infection and inflammation);
  • blood test to determine the Rh factor group (in case of complications, for example, heavy bleeding);
  • examination using a gynecological speculum.

After this, the doctor will calculate the required dosage and give recommendations regarding taking the pills and regimen.

When the necessary preparation has been completed, the woman will need to take a tablet of a special steroid drug. It will block the production of progesterone, the female hormone responsible for the preservation of the fertilized egg and the development of the embryo.

After 2-3 days, the gynecologist will prescribe medications to cause regular uterine contractions, due to which the fertilized egg will be expelled from the uterine cavity.

The medical abortion procedure does not require the woman to be hospitalized in a hospital - a follow-up examination will be necessary 3-4 days after the start of the procedure.

Abortion drugs: review

"Mifeprex". The medicine can be used to terminate an unwanted pregnancy strictly up to 6 weeks. The drug is one of the most effective drugs with a minimum number of negative consequences and side effects.

Women who took Mifeprex usually continued their professional activities and did household chores without any discomfort or unpleasant sensations.

Feature: after taking for 5-10 days, scanty bleeding is possible (their amount should not exceed 20-30 ml).

"Mytholian". A drug based on Mifepristone, which can be used in obstetric practice during labor to accelerate the expulsion of the fetus.

The maximum gestational age at which the use of this medication is allowed is 6 weeks. "Mifolian" causes rejection of the fertilized egg and its expulsion from the uterine space.

"Mifegin". A modern drug made in France, the effectiveness of which is close to 99 percent. In the absence of contraindications, it can be used to terminate pregnancy for up to 5-6 weeks. Mifegin is well tolerated and does not cause dizziness or nausea.

"Mifepristone". Effectively blocks the production of progesterone, which leads to rapid detachment of the fertilized egg from the walls of the epithelium. The only inconvenience of the medicine is that to reduce progesterone synthesis you need to take 3 tablets at once.

"Pencrofton". Belongs to the pharmacological group of emergency contraceptives, which are taken immediately after unprotected contact.

The drug can be taken by nulliparous girls, since cases of infertility while taking it are practically not diagnosed (less than 4%).

"Postinor". A drug based on levonorgestrel. A package of medicine consists of only two tablets: the first should be taken no later than 3 days after intimacy, and the second exactly 12 hours later.

Cases often arise when the use of Postinor does not give a 100% result, and the pregnancy continues to develop, or part of the fertilized egg remains in the uterus. To minimize possible risks, you should take the drug immediately (within 1-2 hours) after sexual contact.


Despite the relative safety of medical abortion, there is a possibility of complications.

Among the most common consequences of this type of abortion:

  • infertility (treatment by a fertility specialist);
  • hormonal imbalance;
  • disruptions of the menstrual cycle;
  • large blood losses (as a result of bleeding);
  • inflammatory processes (in cases where the fertilized egg does not completely leave the uterus);
  • blood poisoning;
  • allergic reactions to drug components (sometimes quite severe - up to angioedema and anaphylactic shock).

Termination of pregnancy with pills is the safest of all permitted types of abortion. If having children for some reason is not part of your plans, use contraception and take preventive pregnancy tests. This will allow you not to miss the maximum possible gestational age for a medical abortion and minimize the risks of complications and negative consequences.

Sometimes life situations develop in such a way that there is a need to terminate the pregnancy. Today, several different methods of performing an abortion are known, with medical termination of pregnancy beginning to gain the greatest popularity.

Medical termination of pregnancy

Medical termination of pregnancy is carried out using tablets that contain misoprostol and mifepristone. These drugs are used to terminate pregnancy in the early stages (no more than eight weeks).

The procedure for terminating a medical abortion follows a very simple procedure - first, the woman takes the first pill, which contains mifepristone, and after 24-72 hours she must take the second, containing misoprostol.

Misoprostol provokes the onset of uterine contractions, resulting in. Thanks to the combined effects of misoprostol and mifepristone, it is possible to terminate a pregnancy. The tablets provide the desired effectiveness only if they are used early, and provided that all medication rules are followed.

This procedure must be carried out under the strict supervision of a doctor; in no case should you take the pills yourself, as there is a certain risk to the woman’s health.

Over the past few years, medical abortion has become the most popular among women, as it is one of the safest types of abortion.

It is worth remembering that the pills used to terminate a pregnancy will only be effective for the first 49 days from the date of your last period. Such medications are taken under the supervision of a doctor who monitors the woman’s health condition and, if necessary, takes action. The fact is that this type of abortion also has certain contraindications.

This popularity of medical abortion is easily explained, because this method of terminating an unwanted pregnancy has a number of advantages:

  • First of all, the likelihood of infertility after this type of abortion is minimized. In the case of medical termination of pregnancy, there will be absolutely no effect on the uterine mucosa, therefore, there is a minimal risk of developing secondary infertility. This is one of the main advantages due to which girls choose this type of abortion;
  • possible complications are minimized. As a rule, any artificial termination of pregnancy carries the risk of developing various complications - for example, injury to the cervix, the onset of inflammatory processes, injury to the uterine mucosa, etc. If a medical abortion is performed, the risk of developing such complications will be extremely small;
  • no need for hospitalization. One of the main advantages of this type of abortion is that the woman does not have to be in a hospital. Unlike a surgical abortion, with a medical abortion, recovery occurs much faster, and the woman can do her usual activities and go to work the very next day after the procedure.

How do abortion pills work?

It is the intake of mifepristone that does not allow further production of the hormone progesterone in the required quantity. The fact is that the hormone progesterone is responsible for the proper development of the child. If this hormone is produced in insufficient quantities, the uterine mucosa begins to peel off, as well as the muscles of the uterus begin to relax.

As a result, bleeding occurs. After taking misoprostol, the uterus begins to contract, as a result of which the bleeding will only intensify. After about eight hours, spontaneous abortion will occur.

It is the intake of mifepristone that will provoke the onset of quite severe vaginal bleeding, during which copious blood clots are released. As you know, each person’s body is individual and therefore, after the second tablet is taken, the resulting bleeding will have varying degrees of intensity. In some cases, there is minor blood loss, but there is a possibility of more heavy discharge. However, there are cases when bleeding does not appear until the woman takes the next misoprostol tablet.

Approximately 20 minutes after taking misoprostol, cramping pain in the abdomen may begin. It is possible that painful spasms may increase or decrease throughout the entire duration of exposure to medications.

After a medical abortion, you need to visit the doctor again, who can confirm the miscarriage. It is extremely rare that such tablets do not have the desired effect. Such situations account for approximately 5% of all medical abortions. In this case, the doctor monitoring the abortion may prescribe a vacuum abortion or take other measures.

Technique for medical abortion

For artificial termination of pregnancy, special medications are used, which should only be prescribed by a doctor, after an appropriate examination of the pregnant woman. Since these tablets contain a large amount of hormones, as a result they provoke the death of the embryo, and then cause the onset of increased contractions of the uterus, consequently, rejection and further expulsion of the fetus from the uterine cavity.

The procedure for medical abortion is carried out in exactly three stages:

  1. Stage 1 - ongoing full medical examination pregnant. Before a medical abortion is carried out, it is mandatory that the doctor examines the pregnant woman.

    There is a need to conduct an ultrasound (ultrasound examination), thanks to which a more accurate gestational age is established, after which the woman is prescribed a manual gynecological examination.

    As soon as the doctor is 100% sure that there are absolutely no contraindications for a medical abortion, he will tell you in more detail about the main principles of the action of the medications taken.

    Then the pregnant woman will have to sign the appropriate papers, which confirm that she is thoroughly familiar with the principles of this type of abortion, and also that she gives her consent to the procedure;

  2. 2nd stage - abortion. The pregnant woman takes the pills, and then must be under the supervision of a doctor for the next few hours. After about 5 hours, you can return home, provided that there are no complications.

    The process of expulsion of the fertilized egg occurs approximately 3 hours after taking the pill, but may take several days. This process will be accompanied by bleeding;

  3. 3rd stage - control inspection. After a couple of weeks, you need to come back for an examination with a doctor. It is mandatory to undergo an additional examination, because the doctor will have to make sure that the fertilized egg has been completely expelled from the uterus.

    If this does not happen (this phenomenon is very rare), in order to prevent the development of possible complications, curettage of the uterine cavity is performed to remove the remaining parts of the fertilized egg.

Termination of pregnancy during the first few hours

In case of unprotected sexual intercourse, if there is a risk of conception, you can take a medication such as Postinor to terminate an unwanted pregnancy.

This remedy gives an effective result only if it is taken within the first 24 hours after intimacy. In this case, the effectiveness is about 95%, if the drug is taken after 24-48 hours - about 85%, if after 48-72 hours - about 59%. Therefore, the sooner the medicine is taken, the greater the chance of getting the desired result.

The action of this drug is based on its suppressive effect on ovulation, as well as fertilization. To prevent conception, you need to take two tablets - one should be taken as early as possible, and the second 12 hours later.

Postinor is allowed to be taken only once during the entire menstrual cycle. To minimize the likelihood of complications, you should first consult with an experienced doctor, as this remedy has certain contraindications.

Side effects of abortion pills

This type of abortion is carried out using special medications that have certain contraindications and side effects. Most often, negative consequences arise in the case of a woman’s negligent attitude towards her health - for example, self-administration of medications without the supervision of a doctor.

Women, after terminating a pregnancy by medication, may experience unpleasant sensations such as headache, nausea, dizziness, possible loss of consciousness, and weakness. In almost all cases, these conditions go away on their own over time, and no additional medical intervention is required.

There are cases that women experience an allergic reaction in the form of characteristic redness of the skin. If the discomfort bothers you greatly, you should seek help from a doctor who can prescribe antiallergic medications.

There is a minimal chance that a miscarriage will not occur and the pregnancy will continue to develop. That is why you will need to visit the doctor again, who may suggest using a different method of abortion. Even if the woman changes her mind and decides to keep the child, there is a possibility that the baby will develop various defects and abnormalities.

During a re-examination, the doctor may notice that not all of the fertilized egg has come out and to remove its remains from the uterus, a procedure will be required.

This type of abortion can only be used in the early stages of pregnancy, but it is worth remembering that the longer the period, the greater the risk of developing various complications. If a medical abortion is performed in late pregnancy, the bleeding will be more severe and prolonged.

There are cases that a small fragment of the fertilized egg remains in the uterine cavity, which may not be noticed on ultrasound. This can lead to the development of severe infection, requiring special treatment using broad-spectrum antibiotics, as well as medications that provoke uterine contractions.

Medical termination of pregnancy can cause pronounced bleeding, which requires immediate treatment using special medications that can leave bleeding. If taking such medications does not give the desired effect, then the doctor will clean the uterine cavity under anesthesia. In the most severe cases, open surgery on the uterus, and sometimes its complete removal, is performed.

It is worth remembering that abortion is very serious and it is not recommended to try to carry out this procedure yourself at home. The fact is that, like any other type of abortion, medical abortion is associated with health risks and the woman may need immediate medical attention.

Contraindications for medical abortion

Despite the fact that medical termination of pregnancy has a lot of positive qualities, there are also certain contraindications, which include the following:

  • presence of suspicion;
  • the presence of diseases that are associated with a violation of the blood clotting process;
  • presence in a pregnant woman;
  • the presence of acute diseases of the female genital organs, which are inflammatory in nature;
  • long-term treatment with corticosteroid drugs;
  • the presence of dangerous kidney diseases, primarily this applies to adrenal and renal failure.

If a woman has been diagnosed with at least one of the above diseases, then the use of medical termination of pregnancy can have a serious negative impact on the woman’s health and it is simply impossible to predict the consequences.

Consequences of medical abortion

Before choosing this particular method of getting rid of an unwanted pregnancy, it is worth familiarizing yourself in more detail with the consequences of medical abortion.

As already written above, an abortion is performed on an outpatient basis and the woman will not be under the supervision of a doctor around the clock. Therefore, it is necessary to independently monitor your health with increased attention.

Medical termination of pregnancy may be accompanied by complications such as:

  • the appearance of quite strong painful sensations in the lower abdomen;
  • about 1% is a further continuation of pregnancy, but the development of the child may occur with deviations;
  • serious hormonal imbalance;
  • Body temperature may rise, a feeling of weakness and chills may appear (this is extremely rare);
  • A feeling of severe nausea and vomiting may occur. In this case, you may need to take the drug again;
  • the opening of intense bleeding, which can be caused by incomplete removal of the fertilized egg from the uterus. In this case, additional curettage may be necessary.

After a medical abortion, it is necessary to visit a doctor to make sure that everything is fine and to consult on effective contraceptives, since it is not recommended to resort to this type of abortion too often, otherwise there is a risk of seriously deteriorating your own health.

In the early stages, not requiring surgical intervention. Such an abortion is carried out using medications that are taken orally in the form of tablets. This has a complex toxic effect on the woman’s body, as a result of which the fetus dies and is rejected. Medical abortion is a fairly simple procedure to perform and relatively safe (compared to surgery).

Medical termination of pregnancy

In the seventies of the last century, it became possible to terminate a pregnancy with the help of medications quickly, effectively and relatively safely for a woman’s health.

In France, the substance mifepristone was developed, which is an antiprogestin. Laboratory and practical research began in Geneva in the early eighties. Already in the late 80s in France they began to use the method of medical termination of unwanted pregnancy using such drugs.

Benefits of medical abortion

Medical termination of pregnancy does not involve surgical intervention. In addition, a woman can easily hide this from her loved ones if she does not want relatives or friends to find out about the procedure. Medical abortion is performed in the early stages: from the first day of delay to 6-7 weeks. At this time, the fetus is not well attached, and there are no pronounced hormonal changes yet. Interruptions at such early stages can reduce stress on the body.

Also, in the absence of surgical intervention, the risk of infection, medical error, adhesions, injuries, the development of endometritis and many other gynecological complications is eliminated. And the procedure itself is painless. True, nulliparous women may experience discomfort, but pain relief is not required.

With a medical abortion, the risk of contracting serious diseases (hepatitis, HIV) and the risk of secondary infertility are eliminated. There is no need to go to the hospital, and the abortion itself is similar to heavy menstruation, so it is perceived by the woman as a natural process.

Description of the procedure: how an abortion occurs

This procedure must be carried out under the supervision of a doctor. For this reason, it is impossible to purchase abortion pills in pharmacies without a prescription. Some drugs are sold only directly to medical institutions, so a woman must consult a doctor if she decides to terminate an unwanted pregnancy with the help of drugs.

Medical abortion takes place in several stages. After discovering pregnancy, a woman should visit a gynecologist. The doctor conducts a preliminary examination to make sure that the fetus is developing in the uterus. The patient is then asked to sign the appropriate documents confirming her desire to terminate the pregnancy. The woman takes all responsibility upon herself.

Tests and taking pills

After setting the deadline, it is proposed to take tests: a vaginal smear for microflora, blood for group and Rh factor, Wasserman reaction. If the results are normal and there are no contraindications, the doctor will issue the necessary drug. As a rule, these are three 200 mg tablets.

Two hours before taking the pills and another two hours after, you should not eat. In addition, the patient must stay in the department for about two hours so that doctors can monitor her condition. Bleeding may occur at this time, so help will be needed immediately.

The pills will cause a miscarriage within 24 hours. The next visit to the gynecologist should take place 36-48 hours after taking the drug to terminate the pregnancy. At this time, you need to be careful about your condition. Any intense pain and heavy bleeding is a reason to urgently contact your doctor.

Three days after the procedure, a control ultrasound is performed. If remnants of the fertilized egg are found in the uterus, surgical curettage may be required. The second control ultrasound and examination are scheduled after 7-14 days. If necessary, the doctor will refer the patient for additional tests, for example, to determine hCG (pregnancy hormone) in the blood.

Terms at which abortion is permissible

At the request of a woman, abortion is performed up to a maximum of 11-12 weeks of pregnancy. If there are medical and social indications (for example, if pregnancy resulted from rape), termination is possible for up to 23 weeks. After this, an abortion cannot be performed, and if there are medical indications, the abortion is no longer carried out, but premature birth is stimulated.

Medical abortion: timing

Medical abortion is possible until the 42-49th day from the first day of the last menstruation. The effectiveness of pills for inducing miscarriage is greater, the shorter the pregnancy period. After the 49th day, the effectiveness of drug interruption is significantly reduced, so that it may be necessary to carry out other techniques (curettage of the uterine cavity, vacuum aspiration).

Pills that cause miscarriage

Medicines used for medical abortion are sold only with a prescription or given by your doctor. What kind of miscarriage pills are commonly used? These are substances such as mifepristone, prostaglandins and others. They are produced under different brands, so the name may be different.

One of the most effective pills for miscarriage (during pregnancy no more than 6 weeks) is Misoprostol. The drug provokes contractions of the uterus and relaxes smooth muscles. The medicine can also be prescribed for gastrointestinal erosion and peptic ulcers. Its use is unacceptable when breastfeeding, under the age of 18, with allergies and individual intolerances. Use with caution for diabetes, epilepsy, renal failure, coronary heart disease and so on.

Pills that provoke miscarriage with virtually no side effects are Mifeprex. This remedy is well tolerated by women. It must be taken no later than 42 days after unprotected sex.

What other pills cause miscarriage? For example, "Pencrofton". The drug rarely causes complications, but this medicine is not sold in pharmacies. After taking Pencrofton, the patient should be under the supervision of a doctor who will monitor the condition and can help if complications arise.

Mifepristone is used together with Misoprostol. The medicine causes contractions that lead to the death and rejection of the embryo. The drug can be used no later than 9 weeks. Taking pills that cause early miscarriage is recommended only under the supervision of a doctor. If there are no complications, then a control ultrasound is performed a few days later to determine the success of the abortion.

Emergency contraception

It is necessary to distinguish emergency contraception from medical abortion, which is used after unprotected sexual intercourse to terminate a possible pregnancy.

The most popular drug, but which does not guarantee results, is Postinor. Effective in 85% of cases. There are two tablets in the medicine package, one is taken a maximum of 74 hours after unprotected intercourse, the second - after 12 hours. In this case, the likelihood of miscarriage from the pills increases significantly.

No later than seventy-two hours after unprotected sex, you can take Escapelle. This is a powerful remedy, but there are situations where it is necessary to take more than two tablets. It is better to immediately consult a doctor who will determine the right dosage. The action of "Eskapelle" is similar to "Postinor". If you make a mistake with the dose, you may later encounter problems with the functioning of the thyroid gland or disruptions in the functioning of the endocrine system.

Contraindications to medical abortion

A miscarriage from pills is a serious stress for the body. Therefore, doctors categorically do not recommend this method of terminating a pregnancy if there are contraindications, the list of which is quite extensive:

  • age less than 18 years and over 35;
  • conception while taking contraceptives (orally) or;
  • recent use of antibiotics, steroids;
  • use of oral contraceptives for three months before conception;
  • suspected ectopic pregnancy;
  • kidney or liver failure;
  • bronchial asthma and other serious problems with the respiratory system;
  • diseases of the heart and blood vessels;
  • anemia, hemophilia and other hemorrhagic pathologies;
  • irregular cycle before pregnancy;
  • various gynecological diseases;
  • epilepsy;
  • adrenal insufficiency;
  • tendency to allergies;
  • hypersensitivity to mifepristone.

Possible complications and consequences

About 8% of patients experience a serious complication - incomplete removal of the fertilized egg. To complete the abortion in this case, surgical intervention is required (that is, curettage of the cavity of the reproductive organ). Pain sensations of varying intensity are possible. The pain depends on the emotional state of the woman, sensitivity and characteristics of the body.

Possible consequences of a miscarriage from the pills include nausea and vomiting (usually the use of special drugs is not required), high temperature, which is caused by increased contractions of the uterus, diarrhea, severe bleeding, and the accumulation of blood clots in the uterine cavity.

Medical abortion is not completely harmless. Clinical trials and practical experience with the use of abortion pills confirm that it is not just an easy and safe alternative to surgical abortion, but a serious procedure. This is a toxic effect on a woman’s body. As a result, the immune system is suppressed, and the body is vulnerable to infections and bacterial exposure. In addition, the reproductive system also needs time to recover.

Recovery after medical abortion

In exceptional cases, pregnancy continues after termination. To verify the effectiveness of the abortion, control ultrasound diagnostics are performed. If the woman then decides not to terminate the pregnancy, the fetus may have severe congenital pathologies.