How to induce contractions at home. Hot bath to induce labor

For a wedding

In just 9 months, from two cells invisible to the human eye, a full-fledged perfect organism grows, capable of independent functioning and vital activity. This is perhaps the most mysterious and most beautiful process in the world.

During the period of intrauterine development, the fetus grows very quickly and develops rapidly. Organs and systems “connect” to work one after another, vital functions begin to work, and when a tiny creature becomes ready to take its first breath on its own, it initiates its exit into the light.

But it often happens that the baby stays in her mother's tummy. It's warm, cozy, familiar here, but still, a prolonged pregnancy carries some dangers and is fraught with consequences. That is why, after 42 weeks of pregnancy, doctors begin to think about inducing labor, and mothers begin to wonder how to induce contractions at home.

Over the centuries, mankind has accumulated a large arsenal of techniques and methods that can speed up the onset of childbirth. Many of them have been established and tested experimentally and are even offered today by doctors and obstetricians to women whose pregnancy has been delayed.

So, let's find out today how to induce labor at home?

Prostaglandins to the rescue!

This is probably the most pleasant, effective, safe and even useful way of all. Scientists have found that certain substances - prostaglandins - contribute to the softening of the cervix. But do not rush to go to the pharmacy or hospital. The best source of prostaglandins for a woman is male sperm! So have sex, but quickly - maybe, and the baby will wake up. Moreover, an orgasm makes the uterus contract, and this is exactly what is needed now. A similar effect is caused by stimulation of the nipples. Some even try to feed babies for this purpose - it works almost one hundred percent! But it’s probably better to have sex before childbirth with your beloved husband ... And if he also gives you a foot massage, then the blood supply in the small pelvis is improved, which can also activate the uterus.

This method - having sex - will certainly be advised by any doctor if the expected date of birth is already behind, and the tummy is still in place. But, unfortunately, there are some contraindications to its use (placenta previa, passage of a mucous plug or amniotic fluid, genital infections) and it does not work in one hundred percent of cases. Moreover, some especially susceptible and suspicious future fathers refuse to help the mother and the baby in delivery: there is a psychological factor - the man is afraid of somehow harming the child. Complete nonsense, but what can you do? We have to look for other methods of how to cause contractions at home.

Patience and a little effort!

Throughout your pregnancy, you were told that excessive physical labor is now extremely undesirable for you. Most likely, few people took this fact into account: almost all pregnant women do household chores, carry grocery bags home, and perform assignments at work that are far from easy work.

But now, when the pregnancy has tired you a little, the tummy has reached its apogee in growth, and the legs literally give way under a heavy burden and all the bones are cracking, you don’t really want to do anything like that, and it’s quite deserved. But maybe it’s worth a try: tidy up the house (in particular, wash the floors by hand), wash the car for yourself or your husband, make a small rearrangement in the room, maybe even help your mother at their summer cottage, and many advise scattering boxes of matches on the floor and collecting them one at a time ... But still do not be too zealous: be delicate and careful - you will give birth tomorrow or the day after tomorrow. Please note that excessive efforts can provoke placental abruption.

If you are physically completely unbearable or reluctant to work, just walk more: walking in the fresh air will not interfere even now. Very entertaining and useful - through the forest and mountainous terrain.

You can do gymnastics, yoga, aerobics, swimming. And if you are really interested in the fastest start of labor and the question of how to induce contractions is already very acute - go up the stairs and squat - very useful and effective.

No restrictions!

During pregnancy, many things were forbidden to you, including for eating. There are products and substances that can stimulate the contractile activity of the uterus, and therefore their use during the entire period had to be strictly controlled.

Now you can indulge yourself with your favorite drinks or dishes by preparing them specially for this purpose. Hot chocolate, cinnamon decoction, raspberry jam, dark chocolate - do not deny yourself anything, especially since a new breastfeeding diet will soon begin. However, do not forget that the risk of a child developing an allergy to a particular product still exists: do not abuse it.

Speaking of food. Some advise drinking 2 tablespoons of castor oil - it kills two birds with one stone: it cleanses the intestines before childbirth, and stimulates uterine contractions as a result of the carrying action. Castor can be replaced with others: a few tablespoons of any vegetable oil per day. It is also useful to eat parsley and beets in large quantities.

Aromatherapy will also help induce contractions: in particular, essential oils of rosemary and rose have such properties. You can also try inhaling ether vapors in a warm (up to 38 ° C) bath, but it is not recommended to take it in the absence of other household members: there is a risk of increasing blood pressure, and indeed - you never know ...

Try to persuade the child

In the end, tell the child how much you have already done, trying to speed up your meeting with him. Tell me how much you and your dad love him and are waiting for him, be sure to describe the beauty and uniqueness of this world: how brightly the sun shines here, how playfully the breeze plays, how beautifully flowers bloom and birds sing.

Tell the baby something soothing and pleasant. And by all means promise that during childbirth you will try with all your might to facilitate his exit into this world.

Tidy up your cockroaches

However, it is not at all excluded that the reason for the delay in childbirth is you, and not the baby. It is not uncommon for a woman to decide to give birth for a specific event (after moving to a new apartment or completing repairs, upon her husband's return from a business trip, on the birthday of her first child, etc.). A fairly common reason for overstaying a pregnancy is a strong fear of the expectant mother before the upcoming birth. Dig into yourself and think carefully about whether you are holding the baby inside with your feelings, emotions, thoughts and experiences.

Now more than ever it is important to remember that the child perceives the world primarily through the prism of your feelings: whether it be fear, despair, resentment or another feeling - he experiences it no less than you. And in principle, there is nothing surprising in the fact that the baby is in no hurry to appear in a world where everything is not so good if the mother is on a bad wave...

No matter how hard or difficult it may be (if God forbid suddenly), put all sorrows aside: the best thing that can happen to any person on Earth is waiting for you - the birth of life coming from him!

Laughter therapy will help to cheer you up: go to a comedian's concert or watch a cheerful comedy. There are many cases when, after a long session of laughter, women began contractions.

Childbirth is inevitable

Whether we like it or not, we still have to give birth. The good news is that you won't be pregnant all your life. And therefore, calm down and tune in to the best - approximately 10% of all pregnant women overwear their children.

Undoubtedly, even all of the above methods taken together may not work specifically in your case, especially if your body or the child's body is not yet ready for childbirth. Then you will have to be additionally examined: if the condition of the amniotic fluid and the placenta is satisfactory, then the doctors will wait a little longer. Otherwise, it is possible that you will have to stimulate childbirth with medical methods.

In any maternity hospital, obstetricians know how to induce contractions. For this, usually, prostaglandin (in the absence of labor) or oxytocin / enzaprost (with irregular contractions) is administered drip or vaginally in the form of suppositories to a pregnant woman. If the contractions after this become very painful, warn the medical staff about this. It is also possible intravaginal administration of clove or evening primrose oil in capsules - also under medical supervision.

In addition to drugs, labor can be stimulated by other methods used in maternity hospitals: massage of the uterine pharynx, opening of the fetal bladder.

The doctor must certainly clearly explain his decision to stimulate, and the arguments must be weighty: aging of the placenta, green waters, "overripe" fetus. Perhaps, at first it is worth discussing with the doctor the folk methods of labor stimulation that are acceptable in your case.

Undoubtedly, it is better to do without medical intervention. But you should not worry in any case: look forward to meeting your long-awaited baby - this moment will never happen again in your life.

Especially for - Elena Semenova

Pregnancy is the most emotional period in the life of every woman, and the closer the due date, the more the expectant mother worries and worries. The 40th week of pregnancy is coming, the mother is looking forward to the long-awaited contractions, but they still do not start. The last days of gestation drag on for a long time, and the baby still does not want to get out into the big world.

When the day passes, on which the doctors suggested childbirth, mommy becomes really anxious. Is everything okay with the baby? How much longer to wait for his birth? Can you induce contractions on your own? Every pregnant woman wants to get rid of a heavy burden as soon as possible, to press her beloved baby to her chest. There are several fairly effective ways to speed up labor at 40 weeks of gestation, the only question is whether this is necessary.

When should you give birth?

Pregnancy ideally lasts exactly forty weeks, or ten lunar months, but the child may be born prematurely, or it may linger in the womb. It is not considered a deviation from the norm if the baby decides to get out of the abdomen already at 38 or only at 42 weeks. In the first case, the baby is fully formed, continues to grow and gain weight, and in the second case, he still does not show signs of postmaturity.

A woman's body manifests itself very individually, but you can approximately calculate how long the pregnancy will be by the duration of her menstrual cycle. If menstruation is repeated after 28 days, then the child is likely to be born exactly at the time determined by the doctors, but if the menstrual cycle takes more than 30 days, then the gestation will be long.

If for some reason the baby is born before 38 weeks, he is considered premature and is subject to nursing in the postpartum department. And if the baby is born later than 42 weeks, he has all the signs of postmaturity, which also does not reflect very well on his health.

The doctor informs the future mother of the preliminary date of birth at the first appointment at the antenatal clinic, and a more accurate date is determined during the examination by an ultrasound machine, when the doctor observes the degree of development of the embryo. At the 40th week of pregnancy, if there are no pathologies or complications, childbirth takes place in a natural form. But under certain conditions, the doctor may prescribe a caesarean section.

Is it really necessary to induce labor?

Whether it is worth stimulating labor at the 40th week of pregnancy, only the doctor can say after the examination. If the baby in the womb grows and develops normally, there is enough space for him, the mother need not worry, waiting for the natural birth process. In this case, it is better not to intervene during pregnancy.

But if the baby is large, he may not have enough oxygen from the aging placenta. A post-term infant who does not want to get out of their abdomen experiences oxygen starvation. In addition, after the 40th week of pregnancy, the bones of the skull begin to harden in the fetus, which means that it will be very difficult for him to move through the birth canal, and the mother will experience severe pain during childbirth. In this situation, in order not to wait for a referral to a caesarean section, a pregnant woman is advised to induce labor.

How to induce labor at home?

Already at 39 weeks, doctors begin to frighten a pregnant woman with artificial induction of labor with the use of medications. Not a single mother wants to poison either herself or the unborn baby with drugs, so many people think about how to cause contractions at home. There are many ways to independently cause contractions and childbirth, the doctor can tell you in detail about them in the antenatal clinic. Women who have firmly decided to give birth should have a good rest and sleep, because childbirth is a long and tiring process.

  1. Hiking. Vigorous walking in the fresh air is useful at any period of gestation: it increases the tone of the body and gives it a good shake, bringing the birth closer.
  2. Physical exercise. Many women admit that their contractions began as soon as they finished cleaning the house. The main thing is not to overwork, so as not to provoke placental abruption instead of childbirth. You can wash floors, dust furniture, take out the trash, bathe an older child in the bath, wash clothes, but you can’t carry heavy buckets, lift loaded boxes and bags of groceries.
  3. Sex. A natural and very effective way to speed up labor at home, especially if the intimate process ends with an orgasm. Spermatozoa in high concentrations contain the hormone prostaglandin, which helps soften the tissues of the uterus, and orgasm causes its active contraction, which can smoothly develop into labor pains.
  4. Breast massage. Intense stimulation of the breast in the area around the nipples provokes the production of the hormone oxytocin, which is responsible for the onset of the birth process.
  5. Laxatives. Increased peristalsis of the intestinal tract not only helps to speed up labor, but also cleanses the body, which makes it possible to avoid loose stools during labor with a high probability. A good laxative for pregnant women is ordinary castor oil, one tablespoon is enough to induce contractions. Also, in the last days of gestation, it is advisable to eat more fresh fruits and vegetables, cereal cereals.
  6. Folk remedies. Strong tea from raspberry leaves activates labor activity, softens the tissues of the cervix, but it should not be taken until the 40th week of pregnancy. This is a very strong remedy that can cause miscarriage in the early stages. A carefully whipped mixture of sparkling water, apricot, almonds and castor oil also helps to quickly stimulate labor.
  7. Linseed oil. The components contained in it make the tissues of the uterus and birth canal soft and elastic, preparing them for the upcoming birth. If you have an allergic reaction to flax oil, you can replace it with evening primrose oil.
  8. Fragrances. It is believed that the smell of certain flowers, especially rose or jasmine, can cause contractions. A woman who wants to give birth at a later date can do aroma therapy at home using flower oils. The main thing is not to cause allergies.
  9. Acupuncture. This method of inducing labor is best left to a specialist. The master, with the help of the finest needles, acts on the points of the body responsible for the functioning of the uterus. This technique quite often contributes to the occurrence of contractions.

All future mothers want to find the answer to the question of how to cause contractions at home in order to speed up the future birth process. All these thoughts come already in the last weeks of pregnancy. The body is quite tired by this period, if in the early stages there was a fear of any urge in the stomach. Then, by the end of pregnancy, tension is replaced by expectation and a feeling that this will last forever.

All this is understandable, the condition on the eve of childbirth is very difficult, it becomes difficult to move, the back hurts, the legs swell, it is simply impossible to sleep and lie down, the stomach constantly reminds of itself. Everyone around is waiting for you to give birth, looks, hints begin to tire you and in some situations even annoy. Especially, calls from relatives with questions, you haven’t given birth yet, cause a violent reaction. In this situation, we begin to doubt the timing of the pregnancy itself, we think about a medical error, in general, a variety of bad thoughts come into our heads. But, nature is nature and it is impossible to force your own child to be born on time, the baby himself decides when to be born.

It is possible to speed up the approach of childbirth by a few days, but for this you must be one hundred percent prepared for this.

Let's find out how this process happens in the hospital

It's no secret that doctors stimulate labor with the help of drugs. If there is a special indication for this patient. This is an extreme measure and it is used in cases of threat to the life of the mother herself or her baby. In the normal process of pregnancy, doctors are in no hurry to get ahead of events, several weeks are allowed here on a rolling schedule for establishing the very date of pregnancy, and the individual characteristics of the patient.

If you intervene in this process, then unforeseen complications may arise - a violation of labor activity, weak labor activity, and its complete absence. Therefore, in medical practice there are a number of indications for labor induction of labor, they are based on the inability of the mother to give birth herself, these are chronic diseases of the heart, kidneys, fetal disorders and discharge of amniotic fluid before childbirth.

Labor begins well if both mother and baby are healthy and all deadlines are met. In this case, the only thing left for doctors is to open the fetal bladder to start childbirth. Usually, drugs of the oxytocin and prostaglandin series will be used during childbirth. They stimulate labor by affecting the uterus. But, this procedure is effective in case of a full-term pregnancy, if the timing is set incorrectly and the pregnancy is premature, these drugs may not work. You can use this series of drugs if the uterus is relaxed and begins to open, and if it is compacted, labor activity will not begin even with stimulation.

In such cases, when the uterus is dense and there is no labor, drugs of the dinoprostone series are used, and their administration is intravenous. If time permits, a more gentle method is used with the help of mifeprostone tablets. It is possible to prepare the cervix for childbirth with medication (we have already described it) and mechanically.

Mechanical methods include the very mechanical effect on the cervix. To do this, use special obstetric kelp sticks made from algae.

But, the most commonly used method is when the doctor himself, in order to speed up the opening of the cervix, stretches it with his fingers. After this procedure, the mucous plug quickly comes out and the process of childbirth begins.

Modern medicine has created a special vaginal gel, which includes prostaglandins. It is easy to use to stimulate labor, contractions can come on faster and the interval between contractions will be reduced.

Induce contractions at home

This question may be of interest to women whose gestational age has come to childbirth, and they are offered to go to the hospital. After reading reviews on the Internet and hearing stories from friends about the horrors of artificial induction of childbirth, they want to avoid all this. Induce contractions at home and go to the hospital for the birth itself. If you are suffering from false contractions, and your uterus is not yet ready, there are ways that can speed up this process.


The most accessible and successfully used method is sex. Yes, sex, before childbirth, it is very important that there is a rush of blood to the genitals of a woman, and this is successfully solved by pleasant sensations during intercourse, in addition, there is a natural massage of the cervix itself, which contributes to its opening. That's nature for you. Scientists, trying to unravel this mystery, tested male sperm and found that it contains substances that help relax the walls of the uterus. Here, of course, there are many warnings against a kind of husband therapy.

Doctors forbid sex when placenta previa occurs, when the water has departed or has just begun to break, in such cases it is urgent to go to the hospital. If you are not sure about the health of a man, then, naturally, sexual contact does not need to be made with him before childbirth. The same question can be addressed to the expectant mother, if she is not healthy and has inflammation in the vagina, it is better to postpone sex until better times, in this case it will not bring the necessary relaxation. Sex can only be used if the sexual partners are healthy and trust each other.

This is an additional stimulation of our body. It can be different - cleaning, brisk walking, walking up the stairs, etc. But, all excessive physical activity can have negative consequences from acute limb edema to placental abruption. Measure and gradualness are important here. You can do loads, but in portions, using rest intervals and exercises with holding your breath.

Simple laxatives, and even the safest bowel cleansing procedure, that is, an enema, can stimulate labor and cause contractions. On this occasion, tell the recipes of our grandmothers about the use of castor oil. And there is some truth in this method.

Contracting, the intestines, causes the entire abdominal cavity to contract, that is, the uterus as well. There is a side effect of this method - frequent trips to the toilet up to diarrhea. But, the method is effective, according to stories it was used earlier even in maternity hospitals, women in labor were given castor oil with bread.


This method is longer, but it's worth it, its benefits for the mother and baby are obvious. And it consists in the following, the mother needs to completely change her diet a few days before giving birth. This is to soften the stool. Food should consist of fresh vegetables. Particular attention should be paid to parsley, juice and boiled beets, decoction of raspberry leaves. These products have a mild laxative effect and stimulate the uterus.

In addition, the raspberry leaf itself contains phytoestrogens, which stimulate the release of female sex hormones and thereby accelerate the course of pregnancy. Parsley is unique in that it is itself capable of causing uterine contractions (it is not for nothing that its use is even prohibited in early pregnancy, a miscarriage can occur, and in the villages a bunch of parsley greens got rid of an unwanted pregnancy). Evening primrose oil has a similar effect. It is sold in a pharmacy, in capsule form, convenient to use. This remedy perfectly stimulates the uterus and is even recommended for late-term pregnant women as a homeopathic remedy.

The well-known procedure of taking a hot bath helps to relax. But, here it is important not to overdo it with the temperature of the water, you need to monitor the pressure, and finally, you need someone to be nearby and help, if you feel dizzy, there will be weakness. The water temperature is recommended 38 degrees, the bath time is no more than 15 minutes.

If you read the article, you can find out that there are many ways to cause labor pains at home, there are medications, mechanical, and folk ones. It is important to listen to your own body, and give yourself an answer to the question, am I ready for childbirth? You need to apply these methods very carefully, and you need to choose what is right for you, and not all at once. Just imagine a day, you started cleaning, then took a hot bath, then drank castor oil and then pain, dizziness, pressure jumps and, as a result, the onset of contractions. You just don’t have the strength to give birth yourself.

Remember, you are responsible not only for your life, but also for the life of your baby, he will be born two or three days later - this practically does not matter in life.

The last weeks of pregnancy are a hectic period for the expectant mother, because the day of meeting with the baby is getting closer. 38-42 weeks of pregnancy is the most favorable period for the onset of labor and is considered the period of normal natural childbirth. The date of birth of a newborn depends on the individual characteristics of the pregnant woman, as well as on the duration of her menstrual cycle. The longer the cycle, the longer the pregnancy lasts. In the event that the baby "stays up" in his mother's tummy and does not want to be born on time, the woman in labor begins to worry and worry about the well-being of her baby. How to induce contractions on your own and speed up labor?

According to obstetrician-gynecologists, the period of pregnancy from 38 to 42 weeks is considered the normal period for childbirth. A baby born at this time is considered full-term. After 42 weeks, doctors, as a rule, resort to medical stimulation of labor, and the pregnancy is considered post-term. Doctors decide on the stimulation of labor in a hospital setting. Many mothers are worried that there are no contractions, and are wondering if it is possible to induce labor on their own, without medication?

Future mothers on examination at the gynecologist often ask the question of how to induce contractions faster, how to induce contractions at week 38 and at the same time not harm the unborn baby. Doctors are sympathetic to the desire of a woman to give birth as soon as possible. In the last months, it becomes more and more difficult to walk, the baby sometimes shows great activity and does not allow a full rest, the pregnant woman feels tired from the tedious waiting. But still, the course of natural childbirth at the time laid down by nature is the best solution to this issue. Sometimes you need to wait a bit and be patient, and soon the long-awaited baby will be born according to its biological clock. If a woman does not want to wait and is thinking about how to induce contractions at 39, 40, 41 weeks of pregnancy on her own, she needs, first of all, to consult a doctor. It is necessary to make sure that the fetus has taken the correct position in the uterus, head down. In addition, the doctor will assess the general well-being of the woman, as well as:

  • prescribe an additional ultrasound examination;
  • will establish whether there is no conflict between the Rh factors of the blood of the mother and the fetus;
  • make sure that there is no discharge of amniotic fluid without the onset of contractions or placental abruption.

How to induce contractions with medication

To date, there are several methods of artificial stimulation of labor, which are available to physicians. The actions of physicians are aimed at stimulating the contractility of the uterus and the use of methods that affect the rapid opening of the cervix.

A suitable option for stimulating contractions is selected taking into account the characteristics of the course of pregnancy in a woman in labor. An obstetrician-gynecologist can use a medical stimulation method with the introduction of oxytocin or prostaglandins, as well as open the fetal bladder. When administering drugs to a woman's body, the doctor must make sure that the cervix is ​​\u200b\u200bready for labor and that the pregnancy is full-term. To soften the cervix, special medications are used: Mifeprostone, Dinoprostone - pills that cause contractions. Also, these drugs are used in the form of intravenous injections.

The opening of the uterus is possible mechanically. To open the cervix, special obstetric sticks, a Foley catheter are used, and a gel containing hormones is used. Soon, after a medical or mechanical effect on the cervix, contractions and labor begin.

How to induce contractions at home

The question of how to cause contractions at home is relevant for those women whose due date has already arrived, and the baby is still in no hurry to appear. Doctors recommend that the pregnant woman go to the hospital and resort to drug stimulation of labor. But most expectant mothers prefer to induce contractions naturally at home. Consider the most popular, affordable and safe ways to stimulate contractions.

We cause contractions ourselves with the help of moderate physical activity

The physical activity of the expectant mother in the last weeks of pregnancy is one of the most effective options for inducing contractions recommended by doctors. The load should be moderate, without fanaticism. The expectant mother will benefit from walking outdoors, cleaning the house, including squatting floors, and climbing stairs sideways. Perfectly stimulate contractions yoga classes for pregnant women, light exercises with squats. Physical activity should be enjoyable and not tiring. It is strongly not recommended to lift heavy objects, so as not to provoke placental abruption.

Contraction inducing exercises

There are 5 simple physical exercises that will help speed up labor and help the baby descend properly in the uterus for better progression through the birth canal:

  1. Walking. This is the easiest way to speed up contractions. With unhurried walking, the fetus presses on the cervix, which contributes to its expansion and softening. In addition, walking in the fresh air improves blood circulation, trains the heart and tone the muscles.
  2. Climbing and descending stairs. Avoiding the elevator is a great way to induce labor. Raising or lowering the legs when moving to the next step, there is a slight swaying of the pelvis. The baby quickly takes the correct position, and the cervix gradually expands and prepares for the birth process.
  3. Swimming. Going to the pool in the last weeks of pregnancy is an effective way to induce contractions. It is very useful to swim breaststroke. Being in the water is very useful for expectant mothers. Water helps keep the body in the water, relieves tension from the legs and joints, and allows you to completely relax.
  4. Squatting. Squatting can speed up contractions and help your baby head down if he hasn't yet taken the correct position.
  5. wiggle. Small pelvic rocking is a pleasant way to speed up labor.

Gentle sex causes contractions

This way to quickly cause contractions will appeal to the future dad, who will gladly agree to help. Sexual intimacy promotes spontaneous contraction of the uterus and will help provoke labor. In addition, the composition of the male ejaculate contains prostaglandins - a biologically active substance, which, when it enters the cervix, softens it. Thus, the uterus prepares for normal opening during childbirth. Moderate and gentle sexual activity before childbirth is a great way to naturally stimulate contractions. However, there are contraindications for having sex:

  • With low placenta previa.
  • In the presence of a sexual infection in a partner.
  • If a pregnant woman has a discharge of a mucous plug that protects the fetus from infection.

Gentle nipple massage to stimulate labor

Gentle massaging of the nipples contributes to increased production of the hormone oxytocin in the body of the expectant mother, which is involved in the process of preparing for childbirth.

Hot bath to induce labor

Taking a hot bath with a temperature not exceeding 38 degrees will help the body relax and prepare the body for childbirth. However, this method should be treated with caution. Too long water procedures in hot water can lead to an increase in blood pressure, provoke dizziness or weakness. Bath is recommended to take no more than 15 minutes.

Foods that cause contractions

The most effective and safest method to induce contractions is to eat foods that contain fiber. Fiber helps the natural cleansing of the body and stimulates the uterus to give birth. Therefore, before giving birth, expectant mothers should include more greens, seasonal vegetables and fruits in their diet. Of the products, parsley, fresh beets, dried fruits, and prunes are especially useful. The last weeks of bearing crumbs are the time to eat light and healthy food. It is noticed that chili pepper and tincture of raspberry leaves contribute to the stimulation of contractions. Raspberry decoction promotes the production of estrogen.

Use of natural laxatives and cleansing enemas

Having a bowel movement with laxatives or enemas is another popular way to speed up labor. Bowel cleansing promotes contraction and muscle activity of the intestinal walls. The uterus is located next to the intestines, therefore it contracts along with all the organs of the abdominal cavity. Also, bowel cleansing is sometimes necessary for expectant mothers suffering from prolonged constipation. Fecal masses accumulated in the large intestine put pressure on the uterus and prevent the fetus from taking the correct position in it.

Among the effective folk remedies for constipation that can cause contractions is castor oil. It has a powerful laxative effect, perfectly emptying the intestines and leads to uterine contractions. To cleanse the intestines, one dose of 50 g of castor oil diluted with apple juice or fresh orange juice is enough. Do not increase the amount of castor oil, as increasing the dose can cause severe diarrhea, which can lead to dehydration of the woman's body.

All of these methods can speed up labor and help a woman induce contractions without resorting to medicine. If the gestational age does not exceed 40 weeks, and contractions do not make themselves felt, you should not worry and panic. Most likely, the time has not yet come for the birth of a new life. If you decide to cause contractions without the help of drugs and become a mother sooner, be sure to consult an obstetrician-gynecologist on this issue. It is possible to start stimulating contractions only after the permission of the doctor, so as not to harm the child.

In early pregnancy, most moms-to-be worry about making it to 40 weeks safely. But now the PDR has already passed, but there are no special precursors, the examination shows that the cervix is ​​not ready for childbirth, and the need for drug stimulation looms ahead as a terrible nightmare ... Is it possible to somehow bring the cherished world of meeting with the baby and start the process of childbirth at home?

Unfortunately, science does not yet give an unambiguous answer why we are starting to give birth and who exactly “gives a signal” for the start of contractions - the mother’s body or the child himself. Perhaps this information would greatly help both doctors and women in labor, but at present there are only some hypotheses that do not fully explain the essence of the phenomenon.

And only one thing can be said for sure - childbirth will not begin until the body is ready for them. Yes, this applies to any childbirth, even premature. Many expectant mothers are afraid of sneezing once again throughout pregnancy so as not to give birth before the term, but then they make every possible effort so that the birth finally begins, and do what they avoided for 9 months - but nothing helps.

Therefore, all the methods described below will work only in one case - when the mother and baby are completely and completely ready for the meeting. It is best to use them when the mother feels that labor is about to begin on its own. It can be light contractions or tone, or maybe even some kind of internal sensation that is available only to very attentive pregnant women.

On the Internet, you can find many recipes for "birth cocktails" based on herbs or, for example, castor oil. However, you should not resort to them, especially if you are not familiar with herbal medicine and do not have an obstetric education. The same castor oil in a small amount is not able to influence the onset of labor, and if you drink more of it, the effect can be comparable to real poisoning. If you don't want to give birth in a toilet stall, leave this recipe to someone else.

Herbs also affect our bodies in completely different ways. And instead of the onset of labor, you can get an attack of an allergic rhinitis or a rash all over your body (which means you will have to give birth in the observation department, where all women in labor with suspicious symptoms are placed).

What really works

Modern gynecologists, who are not devoid of a sense of humor, often recommend “male therapy” to women, that is, regular sex, in case of a threat of overbearing. If the expectant mother manages to achieve orgasm, uterine contractions can trigger the onset of labor. True, not immediately and not abruptly - most likely, for some time (about a day), a woman will feel something similar to pain during menstruation, and then these sensations develop into classic contractions.

Another safe method is long walks. This does not mean that you need to drive yourself to exhaustion. Just walk as you like, do not lie down at home. Any physical activity is pretty good at bringing labor closer, and if small contractions have already begun, then a walk will help support and enhance this process.

Another method, also based on activity, is cleaning the apartment. Carrying weights is contraindicated for pregnant women, but washing the floor, especially when squatting down, will be very useful.

Let go and forget

Perinatal psychologists have long noticed an interesting thing: the onset of childbirth can be delayed if the expectant mother has important unfinished business. This does not apply to all women in labor, but if you are afraid to endure, then you should heed this advice. Complete everything that you would like to do before the birth, and then really feel that everything is really done and you can safely give birth. The main thing is that you be in a calm, not alarmed state - and this is what can serve as a signal for the onset of labor.