How to even out the color and texture of the skin on your face in the salon and at home. Types of the most effective procedures for evening out complexion at home or in a cosmetologist's office

To mom

Greetings, unforgettable representatives of the fair sex. Every woman always wants to look great and have a fresh and even complexion. But not everyone can boast of this.

Various redness and peeling, all this and much more gets in the way of the desired beauty. Therefore, now we will analyze the factors on which skin health depends and ways to even out color within your own apartment. After reading the article to the end, you will learn how to make an even complexion at home.

Factors affecting skin condition

The health of the skin depends on several factors:

  1. Proper care. This is the use of hygiene products taking into account the skin type, the application of moisturizing and nourishing creams, masks. Timely cleansing of pores, removal of the stratum corneum of the epithelium, protection from frost and ultraviolet rays.
  2. Proper nutrition. Refusal or limited use sweet and fatty foods - fast food, sweet soda, chips, etc. Remember, everything you eat is reflected not only on the scale, but also on your appearance.
  3. Water balance. In both winter and summer, you need to drink up to two liters of water. Exact calculations are made individually, taking into account anthropometric parameters and type of activity. IN in this case, only clean water is considered.
  4. Sleep at least 7-8 hours a day. Healthy and long sleep guarantees a fresh and rested face.
  5. Spend more time outside; spend two to three hours a day walking. This will have a beneficial effect on the condition of the skin and will help you relax and take a break from everyday work.
  6. Especially in summer period Do not get carried away with sunbathing and tanning, use creams with UV protection.
  7. Bad habits such as heavy coffee drinking and smoking leave their mark on the face.
  8. Pay attention to the condition of the gastrointestinal tract. Diseases in this area can affect the condition of the skin.

Methods for evening out facial tone

To make the skin color even and uniform, several methods are used:

  1. conducting healthy image life;
  2. applying decorative cosmetics;
  3. contacting professional cosmetologists;
  4. traditional medicine.

Leading a healthy lifestyle

Makeup is an emergency and short-term measure to even out the color tone, so you need to start with the basics own life, namely full, rational nutrition, drinking regime, physical activity and sleep.


The diet should include fish, lean meats, seafood, dairy products, chicken and quail eggs and A, E. Their content is high in sea fish, liver, fresh vegetables and fruits. Freshly squeezed carrots, citrus and beet juice, green tea.

Excluded: canned food and sausages, mayonnaise, sweet soda, chips, fried and fatty foods, a large number of spices As well as coffee, alcohol and smoking.

Drinking regime

Daily consumption clean water, with addition lemon juice. Avoid sugary drinks and alcohol, they make your skin look dull. healthy looking, increase production sebum and cause acne.

Physical exercise

Sport improves blood circulation and saturates tissues with oxygen. Promotes cell renewal, regeneration, makes wrinkles less noticeable and evens out facial tone.

Complete rest

Insufficient rest, less than seven hours, leads to the appearance of circles under the eyes and a tired appearance.

Evening makeup

Constant application of UV cream is important. Even in the cold season, they affect the condition of the skin and provoke the appearance of pigmentation. Reduce the time spent under direct sunlight, do not get carried away with the solarium.

Scrub your face once a week and daily care use lotion or foam to wash your face. You can buy them in a specialized store, but you can make the scrub yourself.

To even out the tone, use a corrective pencil, special liquid or cream. Don't be put off by yellow and green shades, they disguise redness and scarring.

Correctors should be applied only with a brush, so they will lie more evenly. Choosing them under natural color skin tone, pay attention to a tone slightly lighter than yours.

After this, apply a foundation, it can be powder or Foundation. They should also be distributed over the neck area so that the tone looks natural and there is no sudden transition. Once the foundation is applied and the color is evened out, add brightness and volume to your face using blush, eye shadow and highlighter.

Contacting specialists

Sometimes you can’t eradicate age spots and other irregularities on your own. In this case, cosmetologists will come to the rescue. A dermatologist will determine the cause of the problem and, if necessary, prescribe appropriate treatment or laser procedure. IN beauty salons You will choose a number of procedures that successfully improve the condition of the skin and even out the tone.

Traditional medicine methods

To the means folk wisdom came running always and at all times. To make the skin firm and elastic, contrast baths are taken and steam baths, with the addition of various additional components.

A lotion is often prepared, which also has a whitening effect. To do this, take sage, oak bark, parsley and linden blossom in equal quantities, mix all the ingredients. Pour vodka over the herbs and infuse for two weeks. Wipe your face with the strained lotion.


There are many recipes for refreshing and smoothing masks, with different components and in all sorts of variations. Here are some of them:

  1. . Take one medium cucumber and grate it. The resulting mass is mixed with any available nourishing cream. Distribute evenly over gauze and place on face, leave for 25 minutes. Wash off with warm water without applying chemicals. If you have fat type skin, then it is allowed to add small quantity vodka;
  2. Carrot. Mix chopped carrots with yolk and oatmeal (about one tablespoon). If you are not allergic, add a few drops of lemon juice. Apply the mask for 20 minutes and rinse with cool water. You can apply only chopped carrots for 15 minutes;
  3. With honey and lemon. (a couple of drops) mix with liquid honey and apply for 30 minutes.

As mentioned earlier, there are a lot of masks for evening out complexion; the list presented here is only a small list. Therefore, everyone can choose the most effective and safe option for themselves.

If you have uneven complexion, redness and pigmentation, don't despair. This is a problem on this moment can be solved well; for urgent matters, makeup will save you, and for longer-lasting results, only care and work on yourself. Subscribe to updates and recommend reading this and other articles to your acquaintances and friends.

How to even out your face tone? - ask many women who care about their beauty and health. Indeed, it is difficult to imagine a neat face without well-groomed skin.

That is why representatives of the fair sex have been collecting recipes and accumulating secrets for years that can significantly improve the condition of their facial skin. Best Secrets/ tips from folk cosmetology- how to even out your face tone, we present to you :)

1. Peeling / facial skin scrubbing

One of the most effective ways facial cleansing - / scrubbing. The main goal is to eliminate dead cells from the surface of the skin, which are the cause of its lethargy and dullness. For the same reason, problems often arise with the uniform application of foundation.

  • You can undergo the peeling procedure either independently, using folk remedies, or in beauty salons. Particularly effective are the peeling systems described by a cosmetologist from PhotoElf magazine in this article: “”.
  • And for deep peeling, which has an amazing effect, we suggest using the famous Hollywood recipe that we wrote about.

2. Moisturizing facial skin

Moisturized facial skin is much better suited for applying foundation. In this case, foundations are better fixed, do not roll off the skin of the face, but are evenly distributed over the entire skin. Currently, you can purchase a foundation that already includes a moisturizer, or pre-apply your usual one to the skin. For better absorption, it is recommended to leave it on the skin for 15-20 minutes, and only then use foundation.

3. How to even out your complexion using foundation?

Application foundation - The best way achieve uniform skin and its healthy color. However, it is important to consider how suitable the chosen product is for you. It is also important to understand that skin tones are different in winter and summer, so the products should be different. If the tone matches the skin color, it will be almost impossible to see it. If a mistake was made when choosing a foundation, the application boundaries will be very noticeable. This diagram clearly shows how to properly even out your face tone. 🙂

4. Elimination of defects

Even with the most careful care facial skin, signs of fatigue, small pimples, and small ones are difficult to avoid. The corrector will tell you how to even out your complexion. In its composition, it resembles foundation, but unlike the latter, it has a looser consistency. It should only be applied when problem areas, namely under the eyes, on pimples, on places of pigmentation, etc.

This simple diagram clearly shows how to apply makeup correctly to perfectly even out your complexion.

As you can see, concealer is used here to “highlight” the face. We wrote about how to use concealer correctly.

5. Eyelids

Even if you don't plan to apply eye shadow, you shouldn't neglect to even out the skin in this area. Wanting to visually disguise the wreaths and blood vessels that are visible on the eyelids due to the thinness of the skin, apply a thin layer of foundation to the eyelids and blend it thoroughly. This will make it unnoticeable that you used foundation, and will be enough to mask all the “extra” stuff.

6. Place accents

To achieve a more realistic result, you need to use bronzer, concealer or blush. They will help to “revive” your face and at the same time make it a little brighter. You need to apply the product to the “apples” and remember to carefully shade it. To properly sculpt your face, use this simple diagram, taking into account the architectonics of the facial oval:

7. Save the result

In order to fix final result Simply brush the powder over the surface of your face. It's better if it's crumbly. You can always take the compact version with you and use it to correct your makeup throughout the day.

So, by following these simple tips, you will understand how to even out your complexion without leaving home :) At the same time, try not to forget about the regime: rest, get enough sleep and drink enough fluids!

How to even out your facial skin? This is a common request that interests both teenagers and older people.

The article will help you figure out how to even out the tone after acne, get rid of scars and simply improve your skin color at home, using cream and other products.

Skin color and tone depend on various factors– they can deteriorate both due to internal problems and external ones, for example, mechanical damage skin that appears after squeezing out pimples.

As a result, quite noticeable scars appear that make the skin structure uneven.

In addition, the external expression of scars is dark spots on the skin, which quite noticeably disrupt its even tone.

Other reasons that can worsen the color of the epithelium include:

  • poor nutrition. In particular, frequent use fatty, spicy or salty foods - it increases blood flow, which looks like an unhealthy blush or even bruises;
  • bad habits. Smoking and alcohol can significantly worsen skin color and tone. Alcohol weakens the walls of blood vessels, and tobacco, on the contrary, leads to their spasm, which inevitably affects the color and tone of the face;
  • bad ecology. The skin absorbs all harmful substances in the air, so it is difficult for those who live in areas with unfavorable environmental conditions to achieve a beautiful and even complexion;
  • ultraviolet. Sunbathing are of little use for the face, so sunbathers must protect not only the body, but also the face from burns, age spots and other problems that ultraviolet radiation can cause;
  • unfavorable weather conditions. UV exposure isn't the only thing that can worsen skin conditions. Frost, strong wind and a number of other natural phenomena are also unfavorable for it;
  • gastrointestinal problems. Some damage internal organs manifest themselves as rashes, changes in the color of the epithelium, etc. Therefore, in adulthood, you should pay attention to the sudden appearance of acne, redness and other damage to the skin - this may indicate some kind of malfunction in the body;
  • improper care. Unfortunately, many people have problem skin due to genetics, common problems with it arise due to poor ecology, water and other external factors. In this case, she needs proper care - you need to use a cleanser, protective cream etc. This will help you avoid many problems that affect your skin tone.

Professional color enhancement products

If your skin tone is affected by the presence of scars on it left after acne, then in this case the optimal solution would be to contact a professional cosmetologist who will help get rid of the scars and thereby even out your complexion.

At home, leveling will take much longer, and if extensive damage and may not be successful at all.

Cosmetic procedures will also help in cases where the problem is not the presence of acne or its consequences, but dullness, the appearance of red spots, vascular network and other problems that disrupt the normal skin color.

The following procedures are the most popular and effective:

  • facial cleansing with laser. With its help, it not only removes impurities from the pores, but also removes the top dead layer of skin. With the help of cleansing, you can often get rid of small scars or age spots, since more quick update epidermis. This procedure stimulates skin cell renewal and significantly improves complexion;
  • oxygen peeling. This procedure is also aimed at stimulating the regeneration of skin cells. With its help, the blood is saturated with oxygen, the complexion becomes fresher and more uniform;
  • peeling liquid nitrogen. This procedure not only helps fight noticeable skin damage, for example, helping to eliminate acne scars, but also strengthens the walls of blood vessels, which also promotes an even and healthy complexion. Peeling with liquid nitrogen is especially effective in the presence of redness, swelling, scars and other visible damage;
  • diamond peeling. Like any peeling, this procedure helps remove the upper keratinized layer of cells, improve complexion, make it fresher and healthier. Since diamond peeling is quite intense, it helps improve blood circulation and lymph outflow, which has a positive effect not only on the complexion, but also prolongs the youthfulness of the skin.

You need to understand that professional procedures for achievement desired effect must be comprehensive, otherwise the effect will be little noticeable.

In addition, you need to apply other supporting procedures, in particular, take care of high-quality cleansing skin at home.

It is best to use cosmetics and care products (cream, milk, toner, etc.) recommended by a cosmetologist - this will help protect the skin and be sure that the products used are completely safe and suitable for your skin type.

Home Remedies

Professional cosmetic procedures are undoubtedly quite effective when it comes to restoring your complexion. However, they have a significant disadvantage - a high price.

There are alternative products that can be used to smooth the skin at home.

They will help not only improve its color, but also remove scars left after acne.

Of course, smoothing your skin at home will take much longer, but in the end it can also give a noticeable effect.

Firstly, the skin needs quality care. It includes cleansing and protecting procedures, as well as the creation of a high-quality base for applying decorative cosmetics.

You need to cleanse the epidermis with special means appropriate for his type, at least twice a day.

It is best to choose care products after consulting with a cosmetologist once your skin type has been established. This also applies to decorative cosmetics.

During the day you should try to touch your skin as little as possible. with dirty hands, before leaving the house, be sure to apply a protective cream, and after washing your face, it is better to wipe your face with an ice cube - it will strengthen the walls of blood vessels, making them dense and elastic.

This will help even out your skin tone and also eliminate redness. It is best to have a daycare center at home night cream for care, because they have different properties.

Of course, using protective cream and other products is not enough. If not applicable salon cleaning face, then it should be done at home once a week.

You can use special cleansing masks for this. To get rid of scars and acne marks, you can use special skin whitening products - ointments, masks, creams.

Scrubs will help make the relief of the epithelium more even and the color healthy. You can make them yourself or buy them ready-made product. For best effect They are also best used at least once a week.

A very good cleansing effect can also be achieved by visiting a bathhouse, especially with a font.

Alternating hot steam and cold water not only cleanses pores, but also improves the functioning of blood vessels and their elasticity, which makes the complexion healthier and more even.

It is best to visit the bathhouse once a week, but if this is not possible, then you can try a contrast shower.

You can also use steam baths for cleansing at home.

It is best to make them not from ordinary water, but from a herbal decoction, which is easy to prepare at home.

To cleanse the skin, you need to hold your face over the steam for several minutes, and after finishing cosmetic procedures Be sure to wipe your skin with an ice cube to tighten the pores.

For those who live in unfavorable natural and environmental conditions, the use of vitamin tonics will also help improve their skin color - they will provide the necessary nutrients, will increase protective properties and improve appearance epidermis.

Uneven skin color, age spots and other spots on the face, acne marks and small scars always spoil the appearance, and you want to quickly give your face a beautiful, even tone and radiance to your skin. In this publication we will talk about how to even out your complexion at home and in a beauty salon, and consider cosmetics and makeup techniques for creating a perfectly even complexion. Let's start with the issue of skin health, because, first of all, the appearance of the skin depends on it.

A healthy lifestyle is the basis for an ideal complexion

The ideal complexion is a completely achievable goal. Today there is big variety folk recipes for an even complexion, salon procedures, and also as an express method, you can use decorative cosmetics and use makeup to achieve an ideal, even complexion. However, all these procedures will have a temporary effect if you do not get rid of the cause of skin unevenness, various spots and rashes. Often the reasons for uneven complexion are trivial: bad habits, poor diet, sedentary lifestyle, neglect of rest and excessive exposure to the sun. By changing your lifestyle, you can achieve a healthy, even complexion without resorting to additional procedures to even out your tone.

The first condition for beautiful skinabsence bad habits . As long as the body is regularly poisoned with nicotine or alcohol, the skin will not look healthy. In addition, it is worth remembering that there is no immediate restoration of the skin immediately after or exclusion from life. alcoholic drinks. It will take time for the body to clear accumulated harmful substances and began to work fully again. The sooner the intoxication of the body stops, the faster the restoration of the epidermis will begin.

You need to pay special attention to your nutrition. The condition of the skin depends on the foods we eat. Complexion is no exception. Poor nutrition affects gastrointestinal tract, and diseases associated with it also affect complexion. As for specific food products, the tone of the face is negatively affected by the consumption of smoked meats, sausages, canned food, fatty mayonnaise, hot spices, chips and other fast food, fried foods, and carbonated drinks.

Striving for an ideal complexion, consume as little sugar and salt as possible, and drink at least one and a half liters of clean water a day. Let it be on the table more vegetables and fruits. Best helper in achieving a uniform complexion – watermelon. For healthy smooth skin Vitamins are also needed, especially A and E. They are found in eggs, pork liver, nuts and oatmeal. Instead of soda, drink natural juices.

Another enemy of an even complexion is excessive influence. ultraviolet. Sun rays dry the skin, make it thinner, and in the case of sensitive skin th ultraviolet penetrates into the deep layers of the dermis and leads to the formation dark spots, which are not easy to get rid of. When sunbathing on the beach or in a solarium, always use high-quality products carefully selected for your skin type.

For a healthy complexion, you also need to sleep at least 8 hours a day, regularly be in the fresh air, move and protect your nerves from overload. Very beneficial effect on skin tone physical exercise. During active movement of the body, blood circulation in the body improves, tissues receive more oxygen and nutrients, as a result skin acquire a healthy, radiant appearance.

Proper skin care for an even tone

To keep your skin healthy and smooth, you need to take proper care of it. The stage of complete cleansing skin, otherwise you won’t be able to get the ideal complexion tone. Cleansing should be done every day, regardless of the use of cosmetics.

Once or twice a week is necessary additional procedures for more thorough skin cleansing: peeling or deep cleaning s to completely remove dead skin cells and clean pores. Home peeling can be performed using all kinds of scrubs with a whitening effect, so you will immediately get a double effect: cleanse the skin and even out the complexion.

In addition to cleansing, do not forget about hydration And nutrition facial skin. This needs to be done regularly. You can use purchased cosmetics, or you can independently prepare compositions for masks, tonics, lotions, and creams from natural ingredients. Both finished products and products homemade should include components to even out facial tone. We'll talk about them a little later.

You should not leave makeup on your face overnight. High-quality makeup remover will allow the skin to relax during sleep and start its own processes of restoring a healthy complexion.

It is worth taking seriously the choice of decorative cosmetics, they should be suitable for your skin type and not contain harmful components, which in themselves can ruin the tone of the face. If you can’t choose cosmetics on your own and your complexion continues to disappoint, visit a cosmetologist who will diagnose your skin and advise you on what to look for when purchasing.

Folk remedies for evening out skin color

Folk remedies– the most inexpensive, but very effective option achieve an even complexion. The choice of home remedies for evening out complexion is quite wide, all that remains is to choose the appropriate option:

  1. Among the effective ways to improve your complexion, it takes pride of place. badyagi mask. This product is sold in any pharmacy and is perfect for cleansing the face and obtaining an even skin tone. It is recommended to do masks with badyaga before bedtime. They are especially relevant in spring and summer, as they help eliminate traces of uneven tanning and increased pigmentation caused by exposure to ultraviolet radiation. The recipe for the mask is simple: badyagi powder should be mixed with boiling water until you get a mass with the consistency of thick sour cream. Next, apply the mixture to your face and leave for 15 minutes. The mask improves blood circulation in the epidermis; on sensitive skin, the composition may cause tingling. After the mask, the epidermis will turn red, this effect will disappear after a few hours. After the mask, moisturizer is applied. Don't forget to do an allergy test before using new products.
  2. Cucumber mask brightens the skin and evens out the complexion. To prepare it, you need to grate the cucumber (if the seeds are large, they must be removed), add potato starch and mix until smooth. Apply the composition to problem areas or the entire face and leave for at least 20 minutes. Then you should remove the mixture from your face with a napkin, wash with cool water, and apply nutritious cream.
  3. The ideal complexion can be achieved using carrot mask. From grated carrots (1 piece), 1 yolk (preferably quail) and oatmeal (1 tsp) you need to prepare a homogeneous mass, hold on your face for 15-20 minutes and rinse with cool water.
  4. Toning mask for the face from a mix of watermelon, melon and honey can give the skin an even tone. You need to take all 3 ingredients in equal proportions (pre-mash the watermelon and melon and drain the liquid), mix well and apply to the face. Leave on for 20 minutes and rinse off.
  5. Banana and strawberry mask will refresh the complexion and strengthen capillaries (suitable for rosacea). Mash half a ripe banana with a fork, add 1 tbsp. l. natural yogurt without dyes, 1 drop of lemon juice and 3 strawberries (mash or grate). Mix the resulting mass and apply to the face. After 20 minutes, wash off.
  6. Effective celery mask with a brightening effect. Grind 100 g of leaf celery to a puree, add a quarter tsp. lemon juice, mix and keep on your face for no more than 15 minutes.
  7. Do not lose popularity and flax seed masks. A paste of flaxseed broth and a spoonful of oatmeal is applied to the face for 20 minutes, and then washed off with warm (not hot!) water.
  8. For oily skin can be cooked herbal tincture on alcohol. You need to take sage, parsley, linden and oak bark in equal proportions (5 g of each dried herb), add alcohol or vodka (250 ml), place in a glass container and leave in a dark place for 2 weeks. You can wipe your face with the resulting composition every day. As a result, inflammation and acne will go away, the complexion will become even, and the color will be fresh.
  9. Well proven use case ice from the decoction medicinal herbs – calendula, sage, yarrow – for wiping the face. The procedure not only helps restore a healthy complexion, but also invigorates and tones the skin.
  10. Helps brighten and even out complexion tone whitening scrub. To prepare it you will need 1 tsp. honey, 1 tsp. bran, 0.5 tsp. lemon juice and a few drops essential oil lemon. All ingredients are mixed, the mixture is applied to the face and the skin of the face is massaged with light finger movements. The composition should be kept on the skin for a few more minutes and washed off.

Decorative cosmetics and ideal complexion

You can also temporarily even out your complexion using decorative cosmetics. This method will not solve the main problem, but it will allow you to disguise defects and look flawless.

Recall that to create perfect tone face using makeup, the skin should be well cleansed of dead particles that form during natural process skin cell renewal. As a result, the epidermis becomes dull and looks painful and tired. Regular exfoliation will remove a layer of dead skin particles from the face and prepare the skin for makeup that evens out the complexion's tone.

Before you start applying makeup base, it is recommended to moisturize your facial skin and wait 10-20 minutes so that the cream is well absorbed.

If there are defects on the face in the form of age spots, traces of acne, scars and small scars, red spots, dark circles under the eyes, as well as manifestations of rosacea ( spider veins), you need to disguise them using a corrector or concealer, depending on the purpose.

Corrector has a dense structure, it happens different colors(green, orange, purple, etc.), used to disguise redness, rosacea, dark circles under the eyes, age spots and acne. Currently released for problem skin, with their help you can also achieve a therapeutic effect. Corrector must be applied before foundation, pointwise, only on problem areas, gently driving it in with your fingertips or a sponge. The corrector cannot be rubbed in.

If the corrector contains salicylic acid, it is not advisable to apply it to the area around the eyes.

Concealer Apply after applying foundation. It only happens flesh tones and allows you to hide the unevenness of the skin, as well as give desired shade and radiance to the face. The product smoothes out areas with wrinkles, making them less noticeable. Using concealer, you can lighten or darken individual areas of the face or even out the complexion as a whole.

As foundation can be used different means: creams, mousses, powder, etc. Creamy products are suitable for dry skin; for oily skin it is better to use powder. When choosing a foundation, you need to carefully select the tone; it should ideally match the tone of your face.

A thin layer of foundation should also be applied to your eyelids, even if you do not plan to use eye shadow. As a result, the blue veins on the eyelids will disappear and the tone will become the same as on the rest of the face.

After applying the foundation, the complexion becomes uniform, but “flat”. To give the face volume and a healthy look, then apply creamy blush or a little bronzing powder. Can also be used regular blush, but only if you know how to shade them correctly. To apply powder, use a fluffy brush, which you need to go over the forehead, nose and cheeks.

You can fix your makeup powder, applying it all over your face in a thin layer. However, this is not necessary. Next, if you wish, you can start doing eye makeup or simply tint your eyelashes.

To learn how to achieve a perfectly even complexion using cosmetics famous brands, watch the video:

There are also special creams to even out complexion. They not only moisturize and nourish the skin, but also fight various kinds spots: freckles, age spots, redness. Among the most popular products are GreenMama and Lumene Arctic Aqua creams.

Salon procedures: we even out the color with a cosmetologist

If you decide to seek help from a professional and go to a beauty salon, you will be offered the following hardware procedures to even out your complexion:

  1. - a hardware method of cosmetology that allows you to get rid of age spots, small scars, scars, post-acne. Old cells are destroyed by the laser, and the division of new ones is activated. As a result, the complexion becomes more even and natural. The advantage of the procedure is almost complete painlessness.
  2. Cryomassage will help eliminate the problem of post-acne, acne marks, and normalize work sebaceous glands and reduce oily skin, narrow pores on the face. The procedure is carried out with liquid nitrogen, and the skin is exposed several times during one session.
  3. will free the skin from keratinized particles, improve blood circulation in the cells, as a result, the dull complexion will be revived, the skin will become more elastic.
  4. Microdermabrasion is a type of mechanical peeling. To eliminate age spots and blackheads, 2-3 sessions are enough. If the complexion is spoiled by scars, the course will be about 10 procedures.
  5. Oxygen treatment carried out by introducing a substance into the skin cells that replenishes the lack of oxygen in the tissues. Injections improve metabolic processes in the epidermis, resolve small scars, enhance tissue regeneration, resulting in an even complexion and disappearance of acne.

The advantage of hardware salon procedures to even out complexion is a deeper effect on the epidermis, resulting in the elimination of the very causes of uneven complexion. However, results cannot be achieved with just one procedure; you will need to complete a whole course.


Thus, achieving a beautiful, even complexion is not so difficult; there is a wide variety and traditional methods, and salon treatments to even out skin tone. In addition, for a temporary effect you can use high quality makeup, which is capable of giving a face perfect shade. But it is always worth remembering that diet and many habits often lead to unevenness on the face, dull color, acne and other skin problems, so you need to start with lifestyle correction, then maybe other products won’t be needed.

Uneven skin tone is a problem that occurs due to many factors and is widespread. Some people don’t even notice such defects on their skin. Others, most often women, spend a lot of effort and time trying to get rid of it. There are many ways to even out your complexion at home.

A small percentage of people inhabiting the earth can boast of perfect skin. Many people have certain problems, for example, the appearance of age spots, redness, inflammation, peeling with the development of light areas on the face, dark circles under the eyes, bags, and uneven tanning.

All such skin defects in most cases affect the female half of the population, who strive to improve their appearance, and facial skin plays an important role in it. There are many methods to stabilize skin tone, but to choose correct option correctly determine the cause of the development of imperfections.

Possible reasons for the development of uneven color:

It is clear that some factors arise due to misbehavior the person himself and can be eliminated independently, but to eliminate others you will have to use medical care. In any case, the appearance of uneven color on the face indicates that something in in the usual way a person’s life needs to be changed in order to preserve youth and beauty of the skin.

Eat big number methods giving a more uniform shade, which professionals share. Such procedures are carried out mainly in beauty salons and clinics by specialists. There are also non-professional procedures that can be easily performed at home by people who do not have any professional knowledge in this area and do not have special tools and equipment.

How to even out your face tone with cosmetics

In order to stabilize skin color and put it in order at home, there are many special products, some of which can be purchased at a pharmacy or in a simple cosmetic store, and others - create your own from products in a refrigerator. What methods of correcting skin color are most effective?

It should be noted that in terms of color evening, there are two categories of creams: quick action and gradual. There are significant differences between them. The first, moisturizing creams, eliminate the initial heterogeneity of color, and the result becomes noticeable over time. The remaining methods instantly help eliminate all problems with the shade; they are classified as decorative cosmetics and may contain additional nutritional components.

The first category includes products that include natural components, can supply nutrients to every cell of the skin, and also restore the overall structure, stabilize metabolism and fight the aging process. They also significantly increase the protective properties of the skin. Main disadvantage - this is a necessity long-term use to achieve an impressive effect.


This product has long been used to give a uniform skin tone. It is considered the most widely used method of changing skin tone. Creams from different manufacturers differ from each other in their texture, shades, and stability when applied throughout the day. They may contain additional beneficial substances.

The finer the texture of the cream and the more correctly its shade is chosen, the more natural it will look on your face when applying makeup. But many foundations They simply clog the pores, resulting in impaired air exchange, which leads to problems with the skin. Foundation should be applied to cleansed skin treated with primer or corrector. After application, it needs to be “sealed” with powder. At the end of the day, foundation must be washed off the face using special makeup removers.

BB cream

In Asia, this product is called a balm for skin imperfections. The specially developed formula was created from the very beginning for camouflage purposes. serious problems with facial skin after operations, but then they began to use it as a base for makeup. BB cream is capable qualitatively hide inflammation and redness on the face, scars, freckles, age spots.

It evens out the structure, hides enlarged pores, nourishes and moisturizes, and slightly brightens the skin. Some manufacturers add substances to their products that additionally protect the skin from ultraviolet radiation. When cleansing the skin from such a cream, you need to use a special oil.

CC cream

This product is considered an improved version of BB cream., compared to which it contains a significantly reduced amount of oils, which lightens the overall texture of the product. The product can even be used in the area around the eyes, as well as for the care of dark circles and their disguises. Has high durability, optimally matches natural tone faces. Another one important function The cream provides ultraviolet protection, moisturizing and nutrition, mattifying areas with increased sebum production, and an anti-aging effect.

The advantages of using creams from decorative cosmetics are the speed and ease of achieving your goal. Main disadvantages: high price for truly quality products, inability to completely eliminate uneven skin tone.

Folk remedies for evening out tone

How to even out complexion? Folk remedies for skin care are the best option, if you don’t have either the time or the financial resources to visit cosmetologists frequently. ethnoscience to eliminate uneven tone is to use those substances and products that any housewife has in her home, you just need to take into account the characteristics of the body, so as not to accidentally make yourself worse through ignorance.

Some recipes to stabilize skin tone:

Usage familiar products provides for improved complexion high rate efficiency. Natural substances that contain a complex of vitamins and minerals can safely and quickly improve not only complexion, but also strengthen skin health.

Using face masks

How to even out your skin tone? Even color skin can be achieved by applying different masks. There are several rules for performing procedures:

Recipes for masks to even out complexion:

Potato mask. To do this, you need to boil the potatoes in their skins, turn them into a homogeneous mass, using a grater, blender, or, in extreme cases, a meat grinder. Add 1 to 2 tablespoons of sour cream and 1 tablespoon of milk. This mask will qualitatively moisturize the face, and sour cream will lighten the upper layers of the skin.

Yeast mask. Take 20 grams of yeast (live is best) and dilute with warm water until you get thick mixture, add one tablespoon olive oil. The application time for this mixture is 15 minutes. To wash off the mask, use warm water. After this treatment, the skin will become more elastic, moisturized and slightly brighter.

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