Beetroot benefits and harms for pregnant women. Beetroot juice during pregnancy, recommendations

Other reasons

This vegetable has a beneficial effect on digestion and contains almost the entire set of necessary beneficial elements (read about how beets are beneficial for men, women and children).

Beetroot contains:

  • glucose;
  • fructose;
  • pectins;
  • carotenoids;
  • vitamins C, B2, B5, B9, E, PP;
  • malic, citric and oxalic acids;
  • cellulose;
  • potassium;
  • iron;
  • manganese;
  • iodine, etc.

In addition, it does not lose its properties after heat treatment, so it can be eaten in various forms.

Pregnant women often gain excess weight, but beets do not contribute to this process. It also perfectly cleanses the intestines and restores its imbalance, forcing it to work smoothly, by stopping putrefactive processes.

Beets are very useful for pregnant women - experts have come to this conclusion.

  • In the early stages, in the first trimester of pregnancy, the vegetable helps fight toxicosis.
  • In the late prenatal period, it prevents the formation of constipation, relieves swelling and acts as an ally in the fight against excess weight.

To the question “Can I eat beets during pregnancy?” the answer is clearly positive.

Important! Any product, even a very healthy one, should be consumed in moderation.

Does it matter how a vegetable is eaten?

As mentioned earlier, the beneficial properties of beets do not weaken when processed, which means they can and should be used to prepare various dishes.

The root vegetable can be added to salads, soups, and side dishes - this will diversify a limited diet during pregnancy. Baked fruits have an unusual and pleasant taste, while maintaining their usefulness, but fried beets, unfortunately, lose their beneficial properties and become high in calories, so it is better to avoid their excessive consumption.

Benefits and harms

The vegetable is easily digestible and rarely causes pain. During pregnancy, it helps solve a number of health problems:

  1. Helps relieve swelling due to its diuretic properties.
  2. Strengthens intestinal function, helping to avoid constipation.
  3. Stabilizes blood pressure, preventing it from rising.
  4. Improves blood formation.
  5. Normalizes the functioning of the kidneys and liver.
  6. Helps treat hypertension and has a beneficial effect on heart function.
  7. Supports the functioning of the nervous system, etc.

In addition to the benefits of beets, it perfectly removes waste and toxins from the body, and is also an effective antipyretic. Undoubtedly, the benefits of eating beets are much greater than the harm, but in some cases it is better for pregnant women to avoid them.

Possible negative consequences of consuming vegetables:

  1. Decreased blood pressure in women. In those predisposed to low levels, it can worsen general well-being and cause fainting.
  2. Intestinal dysfunction is possible in women suffering from diarrhea.
  3. Beets are a sweet product, which in diabetes can increase sugar levels with all the ensuing consequences.

On a note. In general, problems when eating root vegetables rarely arise; as a rule, personal intolerance to the product plays a role.

Indications and contraindications

During pregnancy, a woman’s body can unexpectedly react to the consumption of familiar foods, so expectant mothers are wary of what ends up on their table. Let's take a closer look at when you can and should eat beets, and when you should limit yourself to other vegetables.

Eating the root vegetable is necessary for pregnant women suffering from:

  1. High blood pressure.
  2. Constipation.
  3. Increased body temperature (many medications are contraindicated for pregnant women, and beets are a natural antipyretic).
  4. Iodine deficiency.
  5. Edema and severe weight gain.

Let's look at what contraindications there are.

Limit the amount of weight consumed or completely Women with such ailments as:

  1. Diabetes.
  2. Low blood pressure.
  3. Diarrhea.
  4. Urolithiasis disease.
  5. Tachycardia.
  6. Heart disease.

Recipes for preparing the product

There are a lot of recipes for preparing the product. They are varied in the method and use of raw materials.

Reference. You can use not only root vegetables, but also tops, which are in no way inferior in the number of useful elements.


Not everyone likes the vegetable raw, but for those who like it, there is a wonderful recipe for a crispy salad.

  1. Grate 1 small fruit on a fine grater.
  2. Steam 1 tbsp. l. raisins and mix with the main beet mass.
  3. Add salt and sugar (possibly honey) to taste.
  4. Add a little lemon juice.
  5. Let stand for half an hour - an hour, and then top with sour cream.

If there are no problems with digestion, then you can eat 100-150 grams of this salad at a time. For women with frequent bouts of diarrhea, no more than a couple of spoons are recommended, and for those suffering from high stomach acidity, it is better to avoid eating raw vegetables altogether.


Boiled beets can be used as a dietary side dish. To do this you need:

  1. Pour cold water over small root vegetables and bring to a boil. Depending on the type of vegetable, the cooking time is adjusted. Usually the process lasts no more than an hour, and for young fruits 15-20 minutes.
  2. Drain the water and let the beets cool.
  3. Cut into slices and season with lemon juice.
  4. Salt and add dill, parsley or spinach.

Due to its low calorie content, the product is harmless to the figure, for which it is appreciated by expectant mothers.

Beets are a storehouse of useful substances that are so necessary for expectant mothers. The vegetable does not lose its properties after cooking using heat treatment, and does not affect the figure. The beneficial effect on the entire body as a whole and in case of certain ailments makes it indispensable in the diet of every person.

Pregnancy is a period in a woman’s life when she needs to be especially careful about what she eats. After all, vitamins and other beneficial substances that enter her body with food are necessary not only for her health, but also for the normal formation of the fetus. Vegetables and fruits are products without which the expectant mother’s diet will not be complete, because they contain a large number of microelements.

For example, simple beets and the juice from them during pregnancy can become invaluable helpers, thanks to which many problems can be avoided. The vegetable can be consumed in any form, without reducing the amount of microelements it contains. Beets are healthy, have an excellent taste and almost never cause allergies. However, during pregnancy, any food must be consumed with caution, adhering to certain rules, this also applies to beets and juice from them.

General information

Beetroot juice was used as a healing agent in ancient times in Babylon. And later, during the period of prosperity of the Roman Empire, it was used as a medicine for colds, gastrointestinal diseases, migraines, toothaches, as well as a remedy for healing burns, wounds and even helping to get rid of dandruff. It was not only consumed as a drink, but also rubbed and used as compresses.

Today, this vegetable has not lost its popularity in medicine. Moreover, scientists have proven that it is impossible to find a replacement for beets, since there are no other products that provide as many health benefits. Not all vegetables can compete with beets in terms of the content of vitamins and beneficial elements. At the same time, they have value and can be eaten, not only the fruits themselves, but also beet tops.

Preparing and drinking beet juice during pregnancy

In order for the drink to bring health benefits, certain rules must be followed when preparing it. A raw vegetable must first be soaked in cool water (about half an hour), peeled, cut into small pieces, from which the juice must be squeezed using a juicer. The finished drink must be poured into a glass or enamel container.

Important! Do not consume beetroot juice immediately after preparation! In order for substances harmful to the body to come out of it, you need to wait a while. The drink should be refrigerated for at least three hours. In this case, there is no need to close the container with a lid so that everything that is not needed evaporates.

Now you should move on to the rules for drinking beet juice. It should be borne in mind that drinking such a drink in its pure form is extremely undesirable. It is better to dilute it with water in a 1:1 ratio. The recommended volume is from 100 to 130 ml of non-concentrated juice, but it should be divided into several servings, which should be drunk three times a day.

You can mix beet juice with carrot juice, this will increase the benefits of the drink, because carrots bring great health benefits, especially for vision. In addition, this will improve the taste of the juice. The same can be achieved by adding a slice of lemon to the drink.

Beets have a huge number of beneficial properties. This is due to the presence of many useful substances in its composition. Thus, it contains plant digestible sugars, malic, oxalic, tartaric, folic, ascorbic, pantothenic, citric acids, carotene, B vitamins, many elements necessary for the normal functioning of the body: copper, cobalt, manganese, phosphorus, potassium, zinc, magnesium , calcium, iron, iodine, betaine, betacyanin and other substances.

Of course, a vegetable with such a rich composition simply must be included in the diet of the expectant mother. It will bring invaluable benefits to her body, since it has the following effects:

  1. Reducing the risk of iron deficiency anemia due to the presence of iron and ascorbic acid in the composition, which improves the absorption of this element.
  2. Normalization of blood sugar levels. Beetroot has this property because it has a low glycemic index.
    Reducing the risk of miscarriage, which can be caused by vitamin C deficiency.
  3. Prevention, thanks to the presence of a large amount of folic acid, intrauterine fetal anomalies that can develop in the first trimester of pregnancy (neural tube anomalies).
  4. Replenishment of a pregnant woman's internal iodine reserves. This is very important when carrying a child, since a lack of this element increases the risk of miscarriage and the formation of defects in the mental development of the fetus.
  5. Ensuring the normal functioning of the gastrointestinal tract, in particular due to the presence of vitamin B in the composition.
  6. Reducing the content of homocysteine ​​- a highly toxic metabolite, an increased amount of which poses a threat in the form of premature termination of pregnancy, as well as gestosis in the later stages and oxygen starvation of the fetus, and for a woman it is dangerous because it can injure blood vessels and cause blood clots.
  7. Cleansing the liver and blood of toxic substances, which is possible due to the fact that beets contain the antioxidant betacyanin.
  8. Protects the liver from fatty degeneration of cells due to the fact that it contains betaine. In addition, this substance has a strong anti-inflammatory effect, relieves swelling and pain in the joints.
  9. Elimination of cramps in calves and feet. Expectant mothers encounter this phenomenon quite often. This is due to a lack of calcium in their body. The amino acids contained in beet juice help the body absorb this microelement.
  10. Improves blood circulation and lowers blood pressure.
  11. Thanks to the ideal combination of potassium and sodium in beets, beet juice is an excellent preventive measure against atherosclerosis and varicose veins, helps normalize the functioning of the heart, strengthen vascular walls, and improve blood composition.
  12. The diuretic properties of the drink make it possible to use it to combat edema, which affects many women carrying a child.
  13. Regular consumption of beetroot juice for preventive purposes helps improve immunity, due to the vegetable containing a large amount of vitamin C (ascorbic acid), which not only has immunomodulatory properties, but also provides protection against depression and sudden mood swings.
  14. Regulating bowel function. Beets prevent the formation of constipation and the accumulation of harmful bacteria, which is very important in the last months of pregnancy, when the uterus is actively growing and begins to affect intestinal motility.
  15. Beets can improve metabolic processes, preventing excessive weight gain for the expectant mother.
  16. Drinking their beets will give a pregnant woman tone, strength and endurance.

Contraindications and possible side effects

The expectant mother will have to stop drinking such a drink if she has problems such as kidney problems, high cholesterol, excess body weight and a predisposition to obesity, or increased acidity of gastric juice.

Possible side effects when drinking beet juice are due to the presence of betaine in it. Such reactions include nausea, vomiting, stool upset, lethargy, gastrointestinal disturbances, and dizziness. In addition, if you drink beet juice in unlimited quantities, betaine can increase your total cholesterol levels.

Nutritionists advise including this vegetable in the diet of a woman carrying a child. But there are no definite recommendations regarding beet juice.

However, considering that beets are an excellent natural supplier of folic acid, consuming them during pregnancy, if you follow the cooking recommendations, is an excellent solution for expectant mothers.

Video: cold-pressed juices during pregnancy

During pregnancy, it is vital for your body to receive an adequate set of vitamins and minerals. They can be replenished with the help of pharmaceutical drugs, of which there are a huge number. But it is better to use a safer and more accessible means - eat vegetables and fruits.

For example, beets help during pregnancy, but in large quantities they can cause harm to both your body and the baby.

Benefits of beets during pregnancy

Beetroot with its unique taste has several names: beetroot, beetroot and Béta (in Latin). People have known about its ability to help with constipation since ancient times.

Beetroot came to the Slavs in the 10th century. After four centuries, it was grown in every garden and used not only for cooking, but also for cosmetic purposes. It is completely impossible to find a replacement for beets, since the components of this vegetable are unique:

  • fructose and pectins;
  • glucose and carotenoids;
  • vitamin complex, which contains C, B5, E, and PP;
  • oxalic and malic acids;
  • amino acids and fiber;
  • chlorine and phosphorus;
  • sulfur and zinc;
  • copper and iron.

The list can be continued, but many people say the main advantage of beets is the presence of kilocalories - 40 per 100 g. At the same time, it contains a sufficient amount of carbohydrates and proteins. As for fats, there are 0 of them. This is the best thing that cleanses the body and restores metabolism.

Many pregnant women complain of pressure surges and constipation. This is where beetroot comes in handy. After all, it takes excellent care of the cardiovascular system, which is very important for the last trimester of pregnancy (read more in the article 3rd trimester of pregnancy >>>). During this period, the organs feel uncomfortable due to compression and, naturally, all this affects the functioning of the heart muscle.

Boiled beets are very useful for constipation during pregnancy. Gentle bowel cleansing, trouble-free excretion of feces. Simultaneous cleansing of the body and restoration of blood circulation are not the whole list of advantages of the vegetable. But still, the question remains open: “Can I eat beets during pregnancy?”

How should an expectant mother eat beets?

Considering all the benefits that beets provide, pregnant women still try to avoid such an important product. Thinking that it is useful only in its fresh form. But in vain. Even if you boil or bake beets in the oven, the taste improves, but the beneficial properties do not disappear. This means that use will bring only positive aspects:

  1. increasing hemoglobin and maintaining it at normal levels. Most women, during pregnancy, have problems with a lack of iron in the blood;
  2. curbs excessive appetite (stabilizes the weight of the child and mother), and this is important for any pregnant woman. With increased appetite, weight always increases, which leads to pathological childbirth;
  3. eliminates constipation and improves metabolism. Due to improper functioning of the intestines, intoxication of the body can occur, which affects the development of the fetus (read about how the baby develops throughout pregnancy in the article Development of the child in the womb >>>);
  4. The benefit of beets during pregnancy is that all pathogenic microbes are destroyed, complete cleansing of the blood and the entire body occurs. The vegetable is perfectly digestible;
  5. Boiled beets during pregnancy in the form of a salad are an excellent medicine for those with hypertension. And in combination with sour cream or cheese, it prevents anemia and prevents gastrointestinal diseases;
  6. If you have problems with the thyroid gland, then beet salads will help here too.

But this is all that concerns the body of expectant mothers, and what effect does beets have on the baby? Only positive things.

The acids found in beets, as well as vitamin B9, will take care of preventing heart disease and help the nervous system to form without deviations. So eating beets during pregnancy is not only possible, but also necessary.

Important! Vegetables should only be cooked unpeeled. This way, all substances that are beneficial to the female body are preserved. Beets must be washed under running water, as they are root vegetables. When consumed raw, be sure to rinse and peel!

What about raw beets?

  • Not everyone likes raw beetroot. Its juice, of course, is very useful and helps in treating colds (read the article for more details on what to do if you have a cold during pregnancy >>>), and during pregnancy it helps to improve and restore the immune system of the expectant mother.;

It is also useful for the baby. But the taste is completely different from the boiled root vegetable, which is repulsive and frightening at the same time.

  • There is no need to be afraid, but it is worth including in your weekly diet. If you prepare a salad from grated beets, season with oil and add a little onion, you will get much more benefits: vitamins E and A are better absorbed and accepted by the body. In addition, this salad gives strength and relieves stress, both mental and physical.

Important! Under no circumstances should you make garlic dressing for beets. Raw beets + garlic during pregnancy increase uterine tone (read the article

Can pregnant women eat this vegetable? Is there any benefit from it? What should an expectant mother know before including beets in her diet? This will be discussed below.

General information about beets

Beets are a juicy root vegetable of a dark burgundy color. Because of such a rich color, people often call it “buryak”.

The vegetable has been used as food since time immemorial. In Russia it was first mentioned in the 10th-11th centuries, and in the 14th century. is becoming widespread. Beetroot is grown in every corner of the country, even in the far north.

Research confirms the exceptional benefits of beets for the human body. It has been proven that this vegetable cannot be replaced by any other, as it contains unique beneficial components.

  • carotenoids;
  • amino acids;
  • bioflavonoids;
  • vitamins B, PP, C;
  • cellulose;
  • malic, oxalic, folic, pantothenic acids;
  • minerals (magnesium, copper, sulfur, etc.).

It is a rare vegetable crop that can boast of containing so much carbohydrates, fructose, glucose, sucrose. Boiled root vegetables retain many useful substances.

When beets are consumed, toxins are eliminated and the growth of malignant tumors is stopped.

Consumption of beets by pregnant women suffering from chronic diarrhea and colitis.

If a woman has gallstones, beets can cause the stones to move, leading to tissue damage and severe pain.

Sufferers may experience increased sugar levels.


A pregnant woman should consume beets in the following cases:

    1. If she has . It usually increases when you gain excess weight in the third trimester. In this case, it is recommended to drink 100 grams of beet juice in the morning after meals.
    1. Suffering from systematic constipation. Microenemas with beet juice are effective.

  • For a cold. Since pregnant women are not allowed to take various pills, root vegetable juice will be a salvation. If necessary, instill beet juice into both nostrils, a few drops per day. You can also gargle a sore throat by mixing the juice with boiled water.
  • For the treatment of wounds and cracks on the skin. For this purpose, compresses made from beet juice are used.
  • For acne and inflammation. It is necessary to mix beet juice with oatmeal or clay and apply to the skin until the problems are eliminated.
  • For iodine deficiency.
  • For swelling and severe weight gain.


In case of overdose of beet juice Spasm of cerebral vessels may occur; therefore, its use is not recommended for heart defects.

Also, the consumption of beets should be minimized for those who have been diagnosed with urolithiasis or have gallstones.

Methods of use

Raw beets retain all vitamins, have more adsorbing power and are low in calories. In terms of its nutritional value and medicinal properties, it has no equal among other vegetables.

Compared to raw beets, boiled beets have a less aggressive effect on the gastrointestinal tract, so they can be eaten without fear. Boiled in water or a double boiler, it retains many beneficial substances and minerals.

Beet juice
It is enough to drink ¼ glass of juice a day to provide yourself with the necessary vitamins, increase performance, get rid of stress, improve digestion, etc. It is recommended to take it at night, diluting it with apple juice.

Beet kvass
The drink is prepared from beets and water. You need to cut the apples and beets into large pieces, add boiled water and leave to ferment in a warm place for a week.

This delicious drink has a general healing effect on the entire body. Pregnant women should drink it with caution, in small quantities.

In various salads
To prepare salads, both raw beets and boiled or baked ones are used. Its taste qualities allow it to be successfully combined with a wide variety of products.

For example, a salad of raw beets and nuts is ideal for expectant mothers. You can also use additional ingredients: radish, cucumber, radish, greens, spinach, etc.

Boiled beets can be used to prepare the most popular salad - herring under a fur coat.

In soups
Borscht, summer beet soup, okroshka, kholodnik - all these are hearty dishes in which beets are the main ingredient.

Beetroot - “Live Healthy!” program

Precautionary measures

Since beets are not a food that can cause an allergic reaction, they can be consumed in any form.

The exception is the presence of contraindications, which are described above. Also, you should not abuse beet juice and know when to stop eating the vegetable raw.

Beets are a real storehouse of nutrients. This product is available at any time of the year, so you should definitely include it in your daily diet. Let eating beets help you give birth to a healthy baby!

An expectant mother should definitely include fresh vegetables and fruits in her diet. At the same time, it is absolutely not necessary to purchase expensive foreign products. After all, ordinary beets contain a lot of nutrients. The vegetable can be eaten raw. In addition, beets can be boiled, stewed or baked in the oven.

The vegetable has a pleasant, juicy taste. The beets are colored dark burgundy. In Russia, the vegetable has been widely consumed since the 14th century. According to the results of modern research, beets help cope with many diseases.


  • amino acids;
  • bioflavonoids;
  • B vitamins;
  • Apple acid;
  • vitamin PP;
  • minerals;
  • oxalic acid.

Beets contain vitamin B9, which helps strengthen blood vessels. The vegetable normalizes the level of acidity in the body. Beetroot helps with anemia, thyroid pathologies, insomnia, neurosis, and excess weight. The vegetable also contains vitamin C. This substance improves the condition of the immune system and increases the body's resistance to infectious and viral diseases.

The benefits of beets for the expectant mother

Beets contain a lot of fiber and organic acids. The vegetable normalizes metabolism, improves intestinal function, and helps cope with constipation. Beets eliminate swelling and prevent high blood pressure.

The vegetable contains vitamin C, which has a general strengthening effect on the body. The product has a beneficial effect on the circulatory system and reduces the likelihood of developing anemia in a pregnant woman.

Beets contain iron. It is necessary for the normal functioning of the body. When the amount of iron consumed decreases, hemoglobin levels decrease, which can lead to anemia. In advanced cases, this disease causes large blood loss during childbirth and severe weakness in the postpartum period. That is why a pregnant woman must include such popular beetroot dishes as borscht and vinaigrette in her diet.

The vegetable helps combat sudden mood swings in the expectant mother. The vegetable contains magnesium, which improves heart condition and is used in the treatment of hypertension. Beets give strength, eliminate fatigue, and increase endurance.

The vegetable contains calcium. It strengthens bones, helps protect against osteoporosis, and increases the strength of tooth enamel. But in order for a woman’s teeth to delight with their natural whiteness, you need to not only watch your diet. A pregnant woman should visit the dentist regularly. If you experience discomfort or severe pain, you should not postpone your visit to the clinic!

Beetroot and toxicosis in the first trimester of pregnancy

If a pregnant woman has chronic liver disease, she often experiences severe toxicosis. Currently, a large number of medications have been developed that are approved for use when expecting a baby. Medicines help remove harmful toxins from the body. But at the same time you need to eat natural foods. Beets help normalize the functioning of the digestive organs during pregnancy. The dark red vegetable contains betacyanin. This substance helps cleanse the blood of toxic substances. Eating beetroot dishes regularly weakens the gag reflex that occurs during brushing your teeth.

Several useful recipes

Beets are an excellent medicine. It helps lower blood pressure in the last trimester of pregnancy. To normalize blood pressure, you need to drink 100 ml of freshly squeezed beet juice in the morning after breakfast.

The drink helps with severe nasal congestion. To make breathing easier, you need to instill three drops of the product into each nasal passage. The procedure must be repeated at least twice a day.

Ways to eat vegetables

A vegetable boiled in a steamer retains a large amount of minerals and other nutrients. It is beneficial for a pregnant woman to drink 100 ml of beet juice per day. The drink provides the expectant mother with the necessary vitamins, increases performance, helps get rid of stress, and improves the condition of the digestive organs. Juice made from beets is taken at night and should be diluted with apple juice.

You can also make vegetable kvass. It is made from apples, beets and water.

Beet kvass is made as follows:

  1. It is necessary to cut the beets and apples into large pieces.
  2. The ingredients listed above are poured with boiled water and left to ferment in a warm room for 7 days.

The drink has a general strengthening effect on the body of a pregnant woman. But the expectant mother needs to drink it with caution and in moderation.

Beetroot is also used to make various salads. The vegetable goes perfectly with nuts. You can use the following ingredients to prepare delicious salads:

  • cucumber;
  • greenery;
  • spinach;
  • radish.

Vegetables are added to the following soups:

  • borsch;
  • beetroot;
  • chilly;
  • okroshka.

Beet soup with kefir

Kholodnik tastes like the well-known okroshka. But beets are used in its preparation. Kefir cold drink is a great thirst quencher. It should be eaten on a hot summer day.

Kefir kholodnik can be prepared according to the classic recipe:

  1. First you need to boil three small beets until tender.
  2. Then the vegetables are cooled and grated on a grater with fine holes.
  3. After this, one liter of fresh kefir is diluted with a liter of boiled water.
  4. Add beets to the resulting mixture.
  5. The dish must be infused in a cold place for at least one hour.
  6. At the same time, you need to cut boiled chicken fillet, two fresh cucumbers, five boiled eggs, three boiled potatoes and half an onion into cubes.
  7. After this, dill, sorrel and green onions are finely chopped.
  8. Combine all ingredients in a deep bowl, add two tablespoons of sour cream and mix the dish thoroughly.
  9. The improvised salad is added to the infused kefir.

If the kholodnik turns out to be a little thick, you can add a small amount of water to it. You need to put a little salt in the soup (to taste), you can season it with lemon juice. Before eating, the soup is cooled, and before serving on plates it is decorated with chopped herbs. You can add half a boiled egg to a serving of cold water.

The recipe below will change the way you think about traditional cold soup. Beet leaves are used in its preparation:

  1. The leaves and stems of the vegetable are finely chopped.
  2. Pour 500 ml of boiling water over the beets.
  3. The leaves and stems of the vegetable are simmered over low heat for at least ten minutes.
  4. Cucumber, cut into neat cubes, is added to the resulting vegetable broth.
  5. Then carefully chopped greens are placed in the dish: onion and dill.
  6. Add 0.3 liters of kefir, sugar and salt to taste to the soup.

Preparing beet juice

Raw beets contain the maximum amount of vitamins and other beneficial substances. Therefore, the product is poorly tolerated by the digestive tract. A pregnant woman who decides to eat raw beets may experience stomach and intestinal problems. Therefore, a pregnant woman is recommended to prepare nutritious juice from fresh vegetables. To do this, grate the beets on a fine grater. The juice is squeezed out of the resulting pulp through cheesecloth. You can choose a simpler option: pass the beets through a juicer. After preparation, it is recommended to put the juice in the refrigerator. After two hours, the drink is ready to drink.

Some women may not like the taste of beet juice. To improve the taste, you can add a little apple or carrot juice to the finished drink.

Beetroot with garlic when expecting a baby

Many people like beet salad with garlic. The dish is usually seasoned with vegetable oil. During pregnancy, this salad should be eaten with caution. Garlic in combination with beets can provoke an increase in uterine tone. This complication often leads to miscarriage in early pregnancy. Therefore, in order not to risk the well-being of your unborn child, you should replace garlic with some other ingredient.

You can add the following products to beet salad:

  • corn;
  • apples;
  • boiled potatoes;
  • green pea;
  • cranberry;
  • gooseberry;
  • currant.

In order for beet salad to be better absorbed by the body, it is recommended to season it not with oil, but with a small amount of sour cream.

Harm of beets

Eating beets can cause unpleasant consequences. The vegetable has antihypertensive properties: it lowers blood pressure. Due to changes in blood pressure, a pregnant woman’s health often worsens, and she may lose consciousness.

Women suffering from diarrhea should avoid eating the product. If the expectant mother has large gallstones, beets are contraindicated. It can provoke the movement of stones. This often leads to blockage of the bile duct and severe pain. Pregnant women who have been diagnosed with diabetes may have an increase in blood glucose levels when eating beetroot.