Increased sensitivity of the scalp. Features of care for sensitive scalp

Church holidays

Good for those who can simply wash their hair with any shampoo and do not experience any discomfort. But this doesn't always happen. Recently, more and more women, and men too, have complained that they have sensitive scalp. And sensitivity is not just an increased reaction to touch. In this case, this is a serious problem that causes a lot of trouble.

Problems with increased sensitivity of the scalp

First of all, it is a huge difficulty in choosing cosmetics. Finding a shampoo or conditioner that does not cause irritation is a problem. Even expensive products labeled “For sensitive skin” can cause irritation. People experience discomfort, burning, and the inability to comb normally.

And what many people mistake for dandruff appears, although the skin flakes off for other reasons. It is easy to distinguish between dandruff and just flaking. In the first case, large particles of dead skin constantly fall on the shoulders, neck, and litter clothing. If flaking occurs due to increased sensitivity, the scales remain in the hair.

Over time, the problem worsens; constant scratching leads to inflammation. In severe cases, boils appear. The functioning of the sebaceous glands also changes; they produce more sebum, which leads to increased oiliness of the hair.

Increased sensitivity of the scalp also negatively affects the condition of the hair. Their nutrition deteriorates, which leads to brittleness, dryness of the rods, and weakening of the roots. As a result, the hair thins and loses its attractiveness.

What is the cause of increased sensitivity

Increased sensitivity is the result of dry skin, constant and prolonged lack of moisture. Because of this, the epidermis becomes thinner, weakened, and unprotected from negative external influences.

As for the reasons for this phenomenon, there are many:

  1. The most common is improper care. Using harsh shampoos, neglecting skincare products, and overusing styling products – all of this dries out the skin, gradually increasing its sensitivity.
  2. Frequent heat styling, perm, coloring.
  3. Excessive sunbathing with bare head. A hat, Panama, or cap are not just headwear for beauty on the beach or street, they are indispensable protection on a hot sunny day. If you do not use it, burns will occur, and such damage to the skin can increase its sensitivity.
  4. , some diseases of internal organs.
  5. Poor nutrition.

In some cases, several factors act at once, which leads to problems.

How to get your skin back to normal

The first step is to find out the exact reason why the epidermis has become dry, thin, and irritable. If the main factor is illness or hormonal imbalance, treatment will be complex and lengthy, but even in this case, proper care for sensitive scalp will give good results.

It is recommended to choose a suitable shampoo. An inexpensive but sulfate-free option is quite sufficient. There are many of these today, ranging from budget brands to luxury organic cosmetics. What to choose, everyone decides for themselves, based on their beliefs and preferences, but there is a main rule: all surfactants in the product must be mild.

In addition, the shampoo should be moisturizing and soothing, containing plant extracts, oils, glycerin or panthenol, allantoin.

A product for sensitive scalp will not contain silicones, especially those that can accumulate. Organic cosmetics are free from such components, so you can safely choose one of these shampoos, although in the end everything is decided by the skin’s reaction to a specific type of cosmetic.

It is worth making friends with natural oils, aloe, and herbs that will help get rid of the problem. A simple inexpensive decoction of nettle, mint, burdock root, calamus, oak bark or birch leaves can sometimes do more than expensive cosmetics. It is worth rinsing your hair after each wash with such decoctions, and the result will be noticeable very soon.

As for masks, oil ones are especially good. , coconut and cocoa, flax or nut, olive. Any of the oils has good moisturizing properties and contains a lot of useful substances. Homemade oil masks will restore the water balance in the skin, provide its nutrition and restoration, and at the same time take care of the hair.

Advice! The broth must be acidified with lemon juice or apple cider vinegar. Because even the mildest shampoo has an alkaline or neutral reaction. And the optimal reaction for the skin is acidic. By acidifying your homemade mouthwash, you can achieve a good moisturizing effect.

Oils are often mixed with yolks, honey, and aloe juice. And if honey is not suitable for everyone, then aloe juice is one of the necessary, healthy ingredients. If agave does not grow at home, buy aloe extract in ampoules at the pharmacy. This is a powerful moisturizing, regenerating product available to everyone.

Another good product is kefir or sour cream. Sour reaction, calming effect, rich composition - fermented milk products are recognized leaders in the care of capricious scalp and hair.

As for industrial products, they should be chosen carefully, since many of them, in addition to useful components, may contain too many emulsifiers, silicones - everything that gives the product good consumer properties, but does not provide any benefit.

But only products for sensitive scalp will not be quite effective in solving the problem once and for all. You need to remember about UV protection and wear hats in the summer. Do not get carried away with curling, dyeing, or other procedures that harm your hair. Eat nutritiously, eating a large amount of vegetables and fruits, do not give up cereals, dairy products and high-quality meat and fish. Naturally, you should take care of your sleep and avoid stress.

Everything that harms the body in one way or another affects not only the condition of the internal organs. First of all, appearance suffers, so a sudden increase in skin sensitivity may simply be a reaction to unfavorable conditions. Care should begin with proper self-care. And masks, the right shampoos, rinses are an important, but still additional item.

21 years old, height 182, weight 77.
I have been experiencing pain on the left side of the back of my head and shoulder for about a year now. It only hurts when I run it through my hair or the T-shirt touches my shoulder, left side, sometimes, but especially my feet, sometimes it makes me shiver - as if there is increased sensitivity. There is also noise in the ears. Sometimes everything goes away and sensitivity becomes normal.

As the symptoms manifest themselves, the throat also begins to hurt and throb on the left side in the area of ​​the wisdom teeth, which are just cutting in on the left side, and the mendalin on the left side (tonsillitis), the tongue on the left side becomes a little numb.
Basically, it starts to hurt when I sit down, when I walk, when I stand, pain rarely appears. As soon as I sit down it starts to hurt, but not always. In the area between the shoulder blades, when I straighten my back or take a deep breath, it crunches. I also noticed while using the hydromassage bath that on the back near one of the upper vertebrae there is a point with very increased sensitivity when a stream of water is directed at it, it radiates a little to the shoulders and the left side of the head, but also not always and when symptoms appear.

As part of the examinations, I had consultations with neurologists who referred to cervical osteochondrosis, and took an X-ray of the neck with tests, 6 photographs in various positions, no shifts of the vertebrae were detected, small osteophytes or some similar name were visible (I don’t remember exactly right now).
I took many different blood tests, including hormone tests, and had an ultrasound of my kidneys and gastrointestinal tract. Well, this was a general examination. Massage of the cervical-collar area does not help. The pressure is slightly elevated, usually 135/75, sometimes higher, but mainly the upper level rises and the difference becomes large 160-170/75-80. But this is rare; blood pressure monitoring was done and no hypertension was detected.

I measured the pressure in various lying and sitting positions, it is always the same, except for lying on the left side, it drops sharply to 100-110/48-60. I can’t sleep on my left side; if I fall asleep I wake up and jump up suddenly. More than a year ago I couldn’t lie for more than 5 minutes on my left side, I felt bad, there was a strong arrhythmia, but now it’s gone.

Well, my overall health is normal, except for increased sensitivity, I don’t feel dizzy, I never feel sick, I’ve never lost consciousness in my life. Sometimes my right side hurts from the liver area to the ribs, I did an ultrasound of the gastrointestinal tract and found small stones in the bile ducts, the pain was attributed to them.

I have been doing sports periodically for 2-3 months. I recently started running 2.5-4 km, after running I feel better, I read that if you have problems with your spine, then running can cause harm, what should you do to continue running or should you not?

I also came across an advertisement that we have in our city
* Vertebral electromechanical simulator "Swing machine" - recommended for sclerosis, poor posture, osteochondrosis, radiculitis, dysfunction of the digestive system, insomnia, stress and other cases.
* Technology of motor rehabilitation of patients using the “Fifth Vertebra” simulator. Rehabilitation is carried out under natural conditions of the spine. Recommended for people with spinal curvature and other problems, as well as healthy people as a preventive measure.
* The autogravitational training device "Gravitrin" is proposed to be used to restore the physiological shape of the spine and restore correct posture. Relieves pain, tension, fatigue in the back, dizziness, changes in blood pressure and more.

I would like to go for a preventive workout, what do you say about these exercise machines?

Sensitive skin is a concept that is well known to specialists in the field of aesthetic medicine. Aestheticians know how complex and capricious such skin is, because sensitive skin reacts very sharply to the slightest influence of environmental factors, causing the patient discomfort and unpleasant sensations, such as itching, peeling, redness, and so on. It turns out that not only facial skin can be sensitive. In trichology, there is such a thing as sensitive scalp, about the peculiarities of caring for which, read on the site in today’s article.

How to properly care for sensitive scalp

Sensitive scalp is often confused with other trichological problems such as dandruff or allergic reactions to skincare products.

Characteristic signs of a sensitive scalp are itching, flaking, redness of areas of the skin and other similar symptoms.

As you know, dandruff is an extremely unpleasant aesthetic sight, and traces of it can often be seen on clothes. In the case of sensitive skin, keratinized scales, which are mistaken for dandruff, remain on the scalp and do not fall off. It is also quite simple to distinguish sensitive skin from allergies: the allergy goes away after stopping the use of the product that caused it, and the problems of sensitive skin simply do not go away.

Sensitive scalp:
. main causes of sensitive scalp;
. what products to use to care for sensitive scalp.

Main causes of sensitive scalp

Today it is impossible to unequivocally answer the question of why such a phenomenon as sensitive scalp occurs. The problem may bother the patient from birth or arise under the influence of internal or external factors. Triggers can be hormonal imbalances, lack of vitamins in the body, thermal, chemical or mechanical damage to the scalp, hyperinsolation and other factors. But trichologists believe that the main factor in increasing the sensitivity of the scalp is dehydration. When, under the influence of any reasons, the skin loses its protective lipid-fat layer, moisture from its surface quickly evaporates, and the slightest external influence provokes itching, irritation and other manifestations of sensitive scalp.

What products to use to care for sensitive scalp

The main task of a specialist who is approached by a patient with sensitive scalp is to select care products that can cope with this problem or at least minimize its manifestations. Such products must contain moisturizing, nourishing, regenerating and soothing components, which include:

Aloe vera is a component that covers the scalp with a protective film, while moisturizing and softening it;
. calophyllum oil - eliminates itching and redness;
. peppermint extract - contains menthol, which cools the skin and thus neutralizes discomfort;
. glycerin - moisturizes the skin well;
. piroctone olamine - enhances the exfoliation of dead cells and normalizes the process of optimal blood supply;
. shea, macadamia or jojoba oils - moisturize the skin and restore its protective film;
. Lavender extract - soothes sensitive scalp, relieving irritation.

An experienced specialist in the field of trichology can select care products for sensitive scalp, who will take into account all the individual characteristics of the patient’s skin, as well as the factors that provoked this process.

It is not always possible to completely eliminate the problem of skin sensitivity, but proper skin care will help neutralize the signs of sensitive skin and ensure comfort for the patient.

One of the most difficult problems among people visiting beauty salons is problematic or sensitive scalp.
It is difficult to understand how sensitive she is. Any type of skin may be more or less sensitive to certain changes.
But many hair salon clients think their skin is sensitive, even when there are no signs of it.
This article will help you find out what it feels like to have a really problematic scalp, and what advice you should heed regarding this.
Many studies have shown that most adults believe that they have sensitive scalp.
There are many symptoms. Most often it is dandruff, skin tightness, redness, itching, and the presence of areas with inflammation. Such symptoms appear in people at different times and can be confused with allergies.
Skin sensitivity occurs from birth, but it can also be acquired over time.

The main signs appear after you wash your hair; the skin may turn red and begin to itch. Sometimes the skin continues to remain red for several days. Sometimes different climate conditions can cause skin irritation. Some people have an allergic skin reaction to alcohol, certain foods, and cosmetics. During a stressful period, sensitivity may increase. If a person has five of these symptoms, his scalp is really sensitive.

Many people have increased sensitivity of the scalp due to the fact that they often use chemical products and hair dyes. Others use the wrong hair products.
The protective layer is made up of lipids and fatty compounds. When moisture is lost, the skin is open to harmful substances entering it. Therefore, irritation, burning, itching and redness of the skin, tightness, and dandruff appear.
Therefore, if your hair needs daily washing, use a mild shampoo. Do not use styling products that contain alcohol. Instead, use waxes, sprays and conditioners that do not need to be washed off.
If you experience constant itching on your skin, you may have a fungal infection. Its main signs are red skin and large flakes of dandruff.
If you have an oily scalp, it is ideal for fungus to grow and multiply. If you complain of itching, you should make an appointment with a dermatologist.

Consult a trichologist about the hair care complex you need to use. There is no need to delay this. This doctor specializes in scalp and hair growth problems.
Unfortunately, problematic scalp not only causes severe discomfort and anxiety. This is a disease that can lead to serious consequences - baldness, etc.

The skin on the head is no less delicate and sensitive than on the face. And it needs no less care. Its absence will sooner or later affect the quality of the hair. What other factors affect the health of your scalp and hair?

Hair health depends on the condition of the scalp © IStock


“Stress, tension, emotional instability - all this not only injures our nervous system, but also disrupts tissue trophism, causing fibrosis around the hair follicles and hair loss,” explains Elena Eliseeva, medical expert at Vichy. - In addition, stressful situations provoke changes in the processes of sebum synthesis. All this does not have the best effect on the health of the scalp and hair.”

Unbalanced diet

Strict diets, unbalanced nutrition, poor drinking habits, as well as smoking and alcohol are not good for the scalp.

Deficiency of vitamins and microelements

Substances obtained by the body from food, as well as dietary supplements and vitamin complexes, reach the skin and hair last. Just be aware of this if you decide to neglect care, reassuring yourself with the phrase “well, I’m taking vitamins.”

Styling products

On the one hand, styling products are protection against the drying effects of thermal styling devices and the negative influence of the environment. On the other hand, they accumulate on the scalp and, mixing with particles of dirt and sebum, create problems for healthy hair growth. Regular exfoliation will help.


Cold winds and low temperatures in winter overcool the scalp, which leads to spasm of the surface capillaries, and therefore deprives the hair follicles of nutrition. This leads to a lack of vitamins and, as a result, problems such as:

  • dry hair,

    tip sections.

In summer, the hair and scalp are exposed to ultraviolet radiation. It loosens the hair cuticle and the hair shaft becomes dry.

The scalp is sensitive to weather conditions © iStock


“Hair is a marker of the body’s condition,” says Elena Eliseeva. - If they fall out, become dry and brittle for no apparent reason, visit a therapist. Malfunctions in the body’s functioning lead to deterioration of the hair structure, the sebaceous glands cease to perform their functions in full.” Possible reasons for this condition may be:

    infectious diseases;

    high fever for several days;

    diseases of internal organs, often helminthiasis or long-term inflammatory processes;

    taking certain medications - immunomodulators disrupt the functioning of hair follicles, and powerful hormonal drugs sometimes provoke hair loss.

Proper care of the scalp and hair

The basic rules of care are regularity and properly selected cosmetics.

  1. 1

    Wash your hair as your hair gets dirty. There are no rules like “wash every day” or, conversely, “every three days.”

  2. 2

    Do not use water that is too hot or cold. The best option is 37–38°C.

  3. 3

    Choose shampoo based on the condition of your hair, type of scalp, existing problems.

  4. 4

    Use balm it covers the hair scales and makes combing easier.

  5. 5

    Make a mask for hair 2-3 times a week.

  6. 6

    Apply to ends leave-in products based on oils and silicones.

Choose shampoo according to your indications © iStock

Each of the listed products has its own mission.

    Shampoo and peeling agent serve for gentle and deep cleansing.

    Conditioner makes hair smooth.

    The balm and mask are aimed at improving the health of hair and scalp.

    Leave-in products enhance the effect of other care products, remove static electricity, and protect ends from the thermal effects of hair dryers, straighteners and curling irons.

5 hair and scalp care rules

If the scalp is healthy, it does not require special care. It is enough to monitor your overall health:

    adhere to healthy eating rules;

    observe the drinking regime (drink clean still water at the rate of 30 ml per 1 kg of weight per day);

    Avoid prolonged exposure to the sun or frost.

But for women living in a metropolis, such a case is very rare. Therefore, we recommend that you take our advice into account.

1. Hydration

One of the most common problems of the inhabitants of the concrete jungle is too dry scalp due to violations of the skin barrier functions.

Your actions: After cleansing your skin and hair, use leave-in lotions with a moisturizing effect - they will help restore pH balance. Look for amino acids, oils, and wheat proteins.

2. Exfoliation

Exfoliation is an extremely important and necessary procedure for those who cannot imagine their life without styling products. It is almost impossible to wash off their remains from the scalp, so it is recommended to exfoliate once or twice a month.

Your actions: use cleansing masks, shampoos, special deep cleansing products based on AHA acids. Apply the product to the skin, distribute with massaging movements. Massage will help improve blood circulation and have a beneficial effect on the condition of the hair follicles.

3. Night care

While we are resting, the scalp restores damaged cells and establishes all their life support systems.

Your actions: Before going to bed, apply a mask, special night care or oil to your hair and scalp.

4. Massage

Pleasant sensations are a bonus effect from scalp massage, the main objectives of which are:

    relieve tension;

    help improve blood circulation;

    improve nutrition of hair follicles.

Your actions: massage with your fingertips or a massage comb. Session time is 10–15 minutes.

5. Hair oil

Oils strengthen, moisturize, restore, and smooth hair. By creating an invisible film on the hair, they protect it from aggressive environmental influences. But the main thing is not to overdo it with this product - apply it in small quantities.

Apply oil to damp hair © iStock

Your actions: The oil is applied along the entire length of the hair without touching the scalp. If the hair is damp, the oil will nourish it and make it softer; if it is dry, it will add shine. Rub a couple of drops of oil in your palms and distribute along the length of your hair.