Tea tree oil for problematic facial skin. How to use tea tree oil on the face? Mask recipes

For children

Well-chosen essential oils greatly enhance the effect of vegetable cosmetic oils or creams and other cosmetics.

In essential oils, the concentration of active substances is very high, and when caring for facial skin, they should be used in combination with base oils or applied pointwise.

Melaleuca (tea tree) essential oil– a product of high biological value, which is used in medicine and cosmetology; it is a powerful natural antiseptic, effective in the fight against skin diseases, healing wounds.

Many facial skin problems can be eliminated using this product.

Preparation and composition

The raw material for this essential oil is the leaves of the melaleuca tree, which grows in Malaysia and Australia. Valuable oil is extracted from them using steam distillation.

It has a pronounced spicy aroma and a pale yellow or pale olive color.

If we compare this oil with other essential oils, few can compete with its richness of composition, which combines about fifty organic components, including unique ones, not found anywhere else. And the composition determines the breadth of the spectrum of action and effectiveness.

Tea oil contains monoterpenes, diterpenes and cineole. The higher the content of diterpenes, the more noticeable the healing effect. But an increased content of cineole can lead to skin irritation.

A number of compounds contained in tea oil in amounts up to 1% or in the form of traces are almost impossible to find in nature.

Application of oil

With all the breadth of its spectrum of action, tea tree oil is recommended use exclusively as an external remedy.

It is used in aromatherapy, in the form of inhalations, as an additive to massage oils, in healing baths and compresses, for douching and rinsing, and also locally in concentrated form.

With its help, gynecological, dental, skin, colds, feverish conditions and disorders of the nervous system are treated, cosmetic defects of the skin are eliminated, itching and pain from insect bites are relieved.

If speak about tea tree oil in the context of facial care, it is used mainly in the following forms:

  • as part of cleansing and drying cosmetic masks;
  • in oily elixirs, lotions, tonics;
  • spot-on for cauterization of pustules, pimples, herpes;
  • for enriching natural homemade creams.

Tea tree oil is recommended for oily, combination and problematic skin prone to pustules and acne. If the skin is dry and normal, it can only be used as an additive to cosmetic products for the corresponding skin type.

For those who have never used this essential oil, It's worth doing a sensitivity test to make sure there is no individual intolerance, which is rare, but does occur.

The oil may cause mild redness and a slight burning sensation; this is normal; if the reaction is more severe, you will have to stop using it.

A burning sensation and a subsequent chill are signs of high-quality oil, not fake. Pregnancy is a contraindication to its use.. It is necessary to avoid contact of undiluted oil with mucous membranes.

Oil properties

As an antiseptic, this oil is used against pathogenic microorganisms, bacteria and fungi; its use helps strengthen the immune system.

The main effects of tea oil on the body:

Antiseptic properties make tea tree leaf oil the most effective anti-acne remedy among all vegetable and essential oils used in cosmetology.

It can be gently applied with a cotton swab directly to the rash, being careful not to affect healthy skin.

The oil stops the development of fresh, barely appeared pimples and dries mature ones well, healing pustules and relieving inflammation.

It also has a whitening effect and eliminates spots that appear at the site of acne. In addition to the targeted use of undiluted oil, it can be added to masks and lotions.

A few more ways:

Tea tree oil is highly effective not only for acne, but also for more serious diseases and skin defects - warts, boils, eczema, dermatitis.

Using anti-wrinkle oil

One of The reason why wrinkles appear on the face is skin pollution, preventing oxygen and nutrients from penetrating into the deep layers of the skin.

Tea tree oil deeply and efficiently cleanses the skin, promoting its proper nutrition. It is also a powerful antioxidant, but in its pure form it is not used against wrinkles.

It can be added to masks and other cosmetics to increase skin elasticity and restore its structure. For example these

It is a natural antiseptic that is many times more effective than most pharmaceutical drugs. The effect of this oil on skin with acne and pustular rashes is clearly expressed; it suppresses the inflammatory process and stimulates tissue regeneration.

If there are focal problems, undiluted oil is applied pointwise to the lesions; in all other cases, it can be used to enrich masks, creams, and lotions.

This component goes well with vegetable oils, cosmetic clay, fermented milk products, herbal decoctions and green tea.

Tea tree oil has a number of beneficial qualities, due to which it is widely used in the field of medicine and cosmetology. This product is especially useful for problematic and oily facial skin; with daily use it helps eliminate inflammation, redness and irritation of the skin. Adding this truly healing ingredient to homemade face masks will make your skin clear and matte, restoring a healthy and fresh appearance.

Beneficial features.
This unique oil is extracted through steam distillation from the leaves of the tea tree (Melaleuca alternifolia), which is found and mainly grows in Australia, which is so far from us. In general, the oil appears as a light yellow or golden yellow liquid with a very aromatic fragrance. Thanks to its multifaceted and in many ways unique composition (L-terpineol, viridiflorene, B-terpineol, alligexanoate), tea tree oil has many properties that benefit our skin, while being a leader among other essential oils. The bactericidal effect of the oil can only be compared with the effect of eucalyptus.

Due to its strong antiseptic, bactericidal, antiviral, antifungal, protective, anti-inflammatory and wound-healing properties, it is used for medical and cosmetic purposes. Tea tree oil is especially useful, I would say, simply necessary in the care of oily complexions and problem skin. Cleansing and antibacterial properties make the skin clean, while simultaneously relieving inflammation and irritation, as well as getting rid of acne and pustular rashes, stimulating the release of purulent contents to the outside. As a rule, this useful product is included in medicinal cosmetics (balms, lotions, pencils or sticks for treating acne).

This oil is recommended as an excellent product for external care in the complex treatment of various skin diseases (ulcers, dermatitis of various types, eczema, boils, ringworm and shingles, carbuncles, etc.). It is also an excellent nourishing agent for the lips, serves as a prevention and treatment for herpes and lip sores. You can also get rid of unpleasant growths on the skin (warts, papillomas) through the external use of tea tree oil.

It is worth noting the wound-healing and intense regenerating properties of the oil, thanks to which burns, cuts, abrasions and wounds can be quickly cured.

It is useful to add tea tree oil to homemade skincare products (on a natural basis) for combination skin as a preventive measure for inflammation. Usually a couple of drops of oil per application of the cream is enough to achieve visible results and the desired effect. Homemade masks with the addition of this product, which are intended for oily and problem skin, have a good effect. They normalize the process of secretion production by the sebaceous glands, which ultimately has a positive effect on the condition of the skin, its oily effect is reduced, and they also prevent acne in the future.

Recipes for face masks with tea tree oil.
It should be noted that before using any natural-based masks, it is recommended to first test the composition on the inside of the elbow. Typically, tea tree oil has no contraindications or side effects, with the exception of individual intolerance. Let me remind you that it is important to apply any masks to previously cleansed skin. This will increase the effectiveness of the procedure and prepare the skin for further care.

For preventive purposes, as well as for the treatment of acne, pimples and inflammation, which especially often like to occur on problem skin, it is effective to make the following mask twice a week: take a tablespoon of cream at room temperature and combine with three drops of tea tree oil, adding a drop of lavender oils Mix everything well and distribute on your face. Cream can be replaced with kefir, fermented milk or honey. Wash off the mask after twenty minutes with warm water, after which you should apply a fat-based nourishing product.

This mask is great for getting rid of acne and reducing inflammation: add one drop of chamomile and lavender essential oils, as well as five drops of medicinal oil, into pre-beaten egg whites. Using a cotton pad previously soaked in the resulting composition, apply the mask to your face and leave for half an hour. After this, you need to wash your face first with warm and then with cool water. At the end of the procedure, the affected areas of the skin should be wiped with lotion with tea tree oil. I will describe them below. Carry out this procedure twice a week.

To care for problematic skin types, the following very effective mask is recommended: combine a tablespoon of crushed pulp of the exotic avocado fruit with five drops of the original oil. Apply the resulting composition in a thick layer to the skin and leave for half an hour. Remove the mask with cool water, then wipe the skin with a healing tonic.

This unique healing product can be added to compositions for preparing cosmetic ice. For example, mix half a glass of boiling water with eight drops of tea tree oil, mix well and cool. Next, everything needs to be poured into molds and frozen. Use the product daily for morning and evening washes.

For oily skin, it is effective to make the following mask with the addition of this component: take a tablespoon of oatmeal, pre-ground in a coffee grinder, add to it the same amount of strongly brewed tea leaves and a teaspoon of freshly prepared lemon juice. Enrich the resulting mass with seven drops of the medicinal product. Spread the composition over your face with light movements and leave for ten minutes. After the specified time, rinse the mixture with water at room temperature.

For problem skin, it is also good to use the following medicinal composition: add half a tablespoon of cosmetic clay (preferably blue) to a tablespoon of high-fat sour cream. Add three drops of tea tree oil to the resulting mixture. Mix everything thoroughly and apply for fifteen minutes. Rinse off with lukewarm water.

For the same purpose, the following mask recipe is recommended: combine a teaspoon of essential oils of black cumin and milk thistle, add a tablespoon of grape seed oil and five drops of tea tree oil. Then add potato starch (or wheat flour) into this oily mass, stirring constantly. The amount of starch added should be such that the result is a creamy, non-spreadable consistency. Spread it over your face, and after half an hour, rinse with warm water, and then rinse your face with cool water.

The following mask has good cleansing properties. It should be used for oily skin. So, to prepare it you need to grind 200 g of soft cottage cheese with two tablespoons of chamomile infusion and three tablespoons of cosmetic clay. Mix the mixture and add essential oils of apricot (two tablespoons) and tea tree oil (seven drops). The mixture should be whipped until it reaches a creamy consistency. Spread this mixture over your face and leave until it dries, then rinse with warm water. In addition to cleansing, this procedure fills the skin with moisture and refreshes it. It is enough to do the mask once a week.

Mix white, green and blue clay, taken half a teaspoon each, with a tablespoon of oatmeal, dilute the mass with a small amount of kefir and enrich with three drops of tea tree oil. Apply the resulting paste for ten minutes, then remove the mask.

Cleansing lotions based on tea tree oil.
Based on this product, miraculous facial lotions are obtained that have a bactericidal effect. To prepare the lotion, you can use the following recipe: combine 100 ml of green tea with two tablespoons of sage infusion and add ten drops of this unique product. Shake the mixture well and pour into a container with a lid. This lotion can be stored for no more than a week in the refrigerator. The product needs to be shaken before use. Effectively used on porous skin with frequent pimples.

Or another effective recipe: add 25 ml of sage decoction and fifteen drops of oil to a quarter glass of rose water. The composition is applied to the face an hour before bedtime and left overnight.

For problem codes, lotion should be prepared from 100 ml of distilled water, a tablespoon of medical alcohol and eight drops of “tea oil”. Store the composition in the refrigerator for no more than a month, use twice a day as a facial wipe.

Tea tree oil for the face is available in small glass bottles, so it can fit into even the smallest handbag. This miracle product should be in every woman's beauty arsenal. It not only quickly treats acne, but also protects the skin from infections and colds.

Nowadays, tea tree cosmetic oil is very popular among women. It has a natural base and therefore has a beneficial effect on the entire body as a whole. This oil helps fight all known skin problems. It is also used to prevent diseases, including colds.

About the properties and methods of using tea tree oil in the following video:

Features and Benefits

The most famous is Australian tea tree oil. In general, the tea tree is a shrubby plant that previously grew only in Australia. Residents of this country used this remedy to treat wounds and injuries.

In the last century, the use of this plant and its oil became more widespread. This shrub was brought to Europe in the twenties of the previous century. Scientists and specialists have found that such a substance has the following properties: it perfectly fights harmful bacteria, various inflammations, and also helps cope with fungus.

Action and applications

Cosmetic tea tree oil is used to cope with many problems. Regular use of this product allows you to overcome skin imperfections; this oil can also cope with swelling of the face and, in particular, the eyelids. Daily use of tea tree essential oil helps transform the skin of the face and body as a whole.

Also, many people use this substance to cope with pimples and blackheads on the face. Many women even use cosmetic tea tree oil to stimulate rapid hair growth.

Tea tree oil has a wonderful effect on the skin of the face. The main thing is to find out if you are allergic to this product. Cosmetologists recommend making face masks using tea tree ether. This substance can be purchased at a pharmacy, and you can prepare a mask with it at home with your own hands.

In order to make a healthy face mask with this cosmetic product, you only need five drops of it and a tablespoon of honey. These components must be mixed until smooth and applied to the face as a mask, and then this composition must be removed after half an hour.

Using this mask once a week for a month will make your facial skin more delicate and well-groomed, and this mask will also cope well with acne.

Many manufacturers include tea tree oil in face creams. Each such cream, when used daily, can perfectly moisturize the skin and smooth out its structure. Also, tea tree oil perfectly evens out the complexion and gives it a healthy appearance.

You can mix a few drops of tea tree oil into your regular day or night face cream. You can mix five drops of this product with one hundred grams of regular moisturizer.

For hair

In cosmetology, this product is also used for hair procedures. It helps strengthen their structure, and this substance can also make hair stronger and give it a healthy appearance. Many cosmetologists recommend applying tea tree oil to the hair roots. Such a procedure will accelerate their growth, and it can also awaken dormant hair follicles.

It is very easy to use this hair product. In order to make a mask with tea tree oil, you need to rub this composition into the base of the hair and into the surface of the scalp. Then you need to leave it for half an hour, and then wash your hair with regular running water and your shampoo. A combination of tea tree cosmetic oil and burdock oil will help speed up hair growth. They must be mixed in a one to one ratio and applied in the specified manner.

This useful substance can be regularly added to each new bottle of hair shampoo. Ten drops are enough for a standard volume of 250 milliliters. This product will perfectly heal your hair and protect it from brittleness and damage.

For body

This product is also used in the bathing process. To do this, add a few drops of tea tree oil (about ten) and then enjoy bathing. It has a tonic and relaxing effect on the body. Cosmetologists do not recommend soaking in such a bath for more than fifteen minutes.

In order to completely relax, you can prepare a bath with tea tree oil and lavender oil, which should be dripped into the bath in equal proportions. Such bathing also has a calming effect.

A bath with lavender and tea tree extract is the best way to rest and relax after a hard day at work.

A higher concentration of tea tree oil in less water is used for various infectious diseases. This product is a natural antiseptic.

Skin care for hands and feet

Cosmetologists recommend carrying out water treatments for the skin of the hands and feet with this beneficial substance. For a small volume of water, approximately one liter, you can use five to seven drops of tea tree oil extract, then immerse your hands or feet in such a bath. It perfectly softens the skin and also helps to cope with swelling of the legs. When caring for the skin of your hands and feet, it is useful to add sea salt to the solution with tea tree oil.

Tea tree oil has a captivating aroma and has an excellent effect on combination and problem skin due to the presence of fatty acids and vitamins in its composition. Melaleca leaf extract has an anti-inflammatory and disarming effect on the surface of the epidermis, which is why it is widely used in cosmetology.

Tea tree plant extract is often an additive in industrial or homemade cosmetic products; its use is widespread not only among adolescents with problematic epidermis, but also among mature women with a combination type and prone to skin rashes.

You will learn about the beneficial properties of tea tree for the face in the video.

A little history

The tea tree came to us from the sunny continent of Australia; by the way, the evergreen fragrant tree has the scientific name Melaleuca alternifolia. There are more than two hundred varieties and varieties of this tree on the planet, and only the Australian one, or rather its leaves, are famous for their medicinal properties and valuable cosmetic effects from use.

The interesting name “tea tree” received after the expedition of the famous traveler James Cook to the Australian continent: his comrades noted a whole grove of green trees and the fresh spicy aroma emanating from it. A group of pioneers began to use the leaves of an unusual tree to prepare a refreshing drink - the prototype of modern tea, which gave the tree such an unusual name.


The chemical components of tea tree extract are quite complex and unique in nature: the largest share is terpinen-4-ol, slightly smaller ones are y-terpinene, a-terpinene, 1,8 cineole and some others (viridiflorene (up to 1%), B- terpineol).

If we talk about the properties of the listed components, it is worth noting the following actions of essential oil:

  • Antiseptic;
  • Anti-inflammatory;
  • Wound healing;
  • Stimulating the work of the epidermis;
  • Cell regeneration;
  • Evens out complexion and eliminates oily shine as a result.

Beneficial features

The benefits of rich tea tree extract are noticeably felt when used on problem skin, oily and combination types of epidermis, so using the product is advisable in such conditions. The beneficial properties of the product are unlikely to be felt on dry skin, but they will be noticeable on pigmented, aged and aging epidermis.

In cosmetology, it is customary to use tea tree essential oil as an additive to a finished product or home remedy: the high concentration of the composition allows it to be used economically and with tangible benefits for the epidermis.

  • Tea tree essential oil normalizes sebum production and prevents the formation of new inflammations, additionally removes oily shine due to prolonged use as part of a finished cosmetic product or created at home;
  • Its extract helps even out the complexion: the components of the product fight post-acne (acne spots), age-related pigment formations. In addition, the use of the product allows you to achieve an even color of the epidermis and adds natural radiance to it;
  • The herbal product is involved in the “breathing” of the skin and provides the skin’s cells with a complex of useful microelements;
  • The essential extract slows down cell aging and is therefore suitable for the care of mature skin due to the presence of antioxidants and beneficial fatty acids;
  • It has the property of refreshing the epidermis, making it smooth and silky and visually tightening, feeding cells with oxygen and retaining moisture inside them.

Saturated tea tree extract is used in cosmetology to treat skin diseases during adolescence and after: acne, comedones (blackheads), post-acne, age spots, allergies and other rashes caused by poor nutrition. According to the advice of cosmetologists, the oil can be used for problematic and rash-prone skin, but there are a number of restrictions, which we will discuss in the next section of the article.

Rules of application

The use of saturated tea tree essential oil is possible only as part of a cosmetic product and it does not matter whether it is homemade or ready-made. It cannot be used in its pure form due to the high concentration of chemical compounds.

It is indicated as a supplement for oily and problematic skin, inflammation and acne, tired epidermis and mature, stressed, aging, lacking tone. Its use is contraindicated in case of an allergic reaction to the product or its components.

  • You can apply tea tree elixir as part of a wash-off mask only to a cleansed face: after cleansing, scrubbing or regular daily washing. A mask with aromatic oil will work better if it is preceded by a cleansing or light peeling procedure.
  • The holding time of the finished product after cleaning takes 15-30 minutes; there is no need to hold it longer.
  • It is recommended to wash off the composition with warm water without using soap.
  • To tone aging skin after removing the mask, you can use ice as a lotion and a homemade refreshing product.
  • Afterwards, you can smear your face with day or night cream.
  • Tea tree oil can be used together with other high-concentration products: cinnamon, flower, nutmeg, pine, rosewood extracts.
  • Be sure to do an allergy test before applying it to your face to avoid causing irritation.

Recipes for skin problems

Oily skin requires hydration and simultaneous decontamination of the surface.

Mix a few drops of aloe (freshly prepared pulp from a plant leaf is also suitable) with honey melted in a water bath and a few drops of tea tree extract. It is recommended to treat cleansed skin with the freshly prepared mixture.

The following ingredients will help relieve inflammation: cottage cheese, clay, freshly brewed chamomile and a few drops of apricot and tea tree essential oils. The resulting mixture moisturizes well and at the same time has an anti-inflammatory effect on the irritated epidermis.

Drying masks based on aromatic tea tree will help get rid of acne:

  • Take any cosmetic clay as a base and mix it with warm water, kefir and oatmeal until you get the consistency of sour cream. Mix the ingredients thoroughly and finally add 2-3 drops of essential oil and mix again. The mask acts on cleansed skin for about 15 minutes and is washed off with warm water.
  • To treat acne, mix a little starch and egg white whipped into a strong foam, add 3-5 drops of essential oil and carefully move the mixture. The mask will relieve redness after the first use and will be an excellent home care for treating pimples.
  • The oil is suitable for whitening post-acne: first wipe the visible scar or stain with the essential composition of rosemary, and only then with tea tree extract. It is necessary to wipe age spots twice a day for about 1-2 months, after which you take a break and continue the care ritual.

Another “working” mask includes avocado pulp, a few drops of lemon and an essential component (the first two components are used in equal proportions, the last - 2-3 drops).

Dry skin needs nourishment and hydration, and tea tree extract will help cope with this task.

  • Mix together vegetable oils of olive, wheat germ seeds, apricot and 3-5 drops of tea tree essential oil. The mask is suitable as a night leave-in cream if you apply it an hour before bedtime and allow the components to be absorbed into the skin; simply blot off the excess composition with a dry cloth.
  • A mask based on egg whites will help against wrinkles: beat one egg without yolk until thick and add up to 5 drops of aromatic extract to it.

    The “anti-aging” effect is achieved by mixing drops of tea tree, lavender and birch extract, cream with a fat content of 10-15% and applying a homemade product to the face.

A folk remedy would be a decoction of the string with the addition of a few drops of an essential product; It is worth wiping the areas of the face or body that are susceptible to demodicosis, or the area near them, with a herbal tonic.

Pure vegetable 100% tea tree oil will help against warts. For the first use, a diluted product with clean water is suitable: apply the composition pointwise, that is, on the wart with a cotton swab and leave the product to act, fix the product on the skin with a patch. The mask against warts or papillomas is used twice a day for 2 to 4 weeks.


The main contraindication to the use of a finished cosmetic product is allergies: conduct an allergy test before using the oil on your face. It is important to know that the essential component should not be used by persons suffering from epilepsy and mental disorders.

Natural cosmetics are an ideal facial care product, as they do not overload the skin and help it maintain its natural freshness. Natural components provide thorough cleansing with the easiest possible care, because eco-cosmetics, created on the basis of herbal extracts and essential oils, contain natural antiseptics. Due to this, the skin is effectively cleansed of impurities and dead particles. At the same time, the acid layer is not disturbed and the natural lipid film is preserved. Among essential oils, tea tree oil can be especially highlighted, which is a unique natural antiseptic and moisturizer. Face masks with tea tree oil will help you start skin regeneration processes and get rid of various skin problems, as they have a strong antimicrobial effect.

Tea tree oil is a powerful antiseptic and anti-inflammatory agent. It disinfects the skin well, eliminates acne, relieves inflammation and relieves swelling. Nothing compares to it when used in masks for problem skin and for preventive care for oily and combination skin. Tea tree oil, having wound-healing properties, helps restore the health and beauty of the skin.

Face masks with tea tree oil

Tea tree oil is mainly used in masks for problem, oily and combination skin. Thanks to its properties, it effectively relieves inflammation and redness, treats acne, and stimulates rapid skin regeneration. But even in the absence of skin problems, you should not neglect masks with tea tree oil, as this is a good prevention of the appearance of acne, pimples and even the first wrinkles.

Oily skin care

Beat the egg white until stiff and then add three drops of tea tree oil. For greater effect, you can add one drop each of chamomile and lavender essential oils to the mask. Mix everything thoroughly and apply the mask to your face. After fifteen minutes, rinse it off with cool water. After this, wipe your face with lotion.

Combination skin care

Add one or two drops of tea tree oil to a teaspoon of milk thistle oil. Using a cotton swab, apply the mixture to your face and leave the mask on for ten to fifteen minutes. Then rinse it off with warm water and rinse your face with cold water. After this, wipe areas with oily skin with lotion.

Mask for problem skin

Mix three tablespoons of blue cosmetic clay and a tablespoon of sour cream, and then add a few drops of tea tree oil to the mixture. Apply the clay mask to your face and leave it on for a quarter of an hour. After this, wash your face with lukewarm water.

Cleansing and toning mask

Strongly brew a teaspoon of green tea and steam two tablespoons of oatmeal with this tea. When the oatmeal has steamed, add two to three drops of tea tree oil and a teaspoon of lemon juice. While still warm, apply the mixture to your face, massaging the skin. Leave the mask on for five to ten minutes, and then wash thoroughly with cool water.

Acne masks

To get rid of acne, tea tree essential oil is used both in pure form and in a mixture with basic vegetable oils, which include olive, peach oil, as well as jojoba, shea butter, wheat germ, apricot kernels, avocado, etc.

Undiluted tea tree oil should be used very carefully. Typically, it is used against acne spot-on, lubricating only the affected areas - pimples, blackheads and acne.

A mask based on tea tree oil mixed with birch oil, taken in a 3:1 ratio, helps well against acne. To soften the effect of tea tree oil, add a few drops of lavender oil to this mask. It also soothes the skin and relieves irritation. Apply the mask to your face or problem areas of the skin and leave for five to ten minutes. After this, wash your face with warm water.

Moisturizing face mask

Thoroughly grind two tablespoons of low-fat cottage cheese, and then add a tablespoon of strong chamomile infusion and three to four drops of tea tree oil. Beat the mixture with a blender until smooth and creamy and apply the mask to your face. Keep it on until the mixture dries and then wash your face with cool water.

Cleansing pores

Mix three tablespoons of honey with a teaspoon of olive oil and add three to four drops of tea tree oil to the mixture. After slightly heating the mixture in a water bath, apply the mask to your face and hold it for no more than fifteen to twenty minutes, and then wash with warm water.

Getting rid of blackheads

Steam a tablespoon of calendula with boiling water and let it brew well. Add a couple of drops of tea tree oil and one drop each of calendula and oregano oil to a tablespoon of this infusion. Dilute this mixture with a glass of purified water and soak a cotton napkin or gauze folded in several layers in it. Lightly wring out the fabric and apply the mask to your face, and after fifteen minutes, remove it and wash your face with cool water. After a quarter of an hour, repeat the procedure again.

Mask for mattifying facial skin

Dilute two tablespoons of white cosmetic clay with water until a mass with the consistency of sour cream is formed, and then add a couple of drops of tea tree oil to the mixture. Apply the clay mask to your face for ten to fifteen minutes, then wash with warm water. To achieve a lasting effect, make this mask once or twice a week.

Jan 14, 2016 abrvalg