How to keep a living Christmas tree in the apartment longer. How to keep a live Christmas tree at home longer? What needs to be done, what to keep a live Christmas tree in so that the Christmas tree at home stands longer and smells? In what solution can you put a live Christmas tree at home for the New Year: a recipe

February 23

You will need

  • - A freshly cut Christmas tree (options: a seedling with closed roots or a plant in a pot);
  • - a bucket or pot with a wide mouth;
  • - water and watering can;
  • - pallet;
  • - a sharp knife;
  • - sand;
  • - a piece of woolen cloth;
  • - salt;
  • - a three-liter jar;
  • - aspirin;
  • - sugar;
  • - lemon acid;
  • - glycerin;
  • - gelatin;
  • - chalk;
  • - atomizer.


Make sure that the trunk of the purchased Christmas tree has a 45-degree cut. After buying a coniferous beauty, do not rush to install it right away - give the plant the opportunity to acclimatize. Lean it against the wall in a cool hallway, or in the hallway at the very exit to the street. A day later, be sure to update the cut of the spruce trunk sharp knife- so its pores will open, and the tree will better absorb the nutrient solution when watering.

Install Christmas tree into a bucket or pot with a wide mouth, filling the container with wet sand. In the future, you will need to carefully monitor that the contents of the vessel do not dry out. Water the spruce regularly with water from a watering can. It is also recommended to make an incision in the lower part of the trunk and constantly keep a wet piece of linen made of natural wool fibers (preferably undyed) in it. Make sure the coat is always wet.

Use a small amount of water to water your Christmas tree. table salt. In addition, other nutrient solutions can be used that keep the cut coniferous tree until spring. Eg,
dissolve the tablet in a three-liter bottle filled with water acetylsalicylic acid and 25 g granulated sugar. Stir the resulting mixture thoroughly.
A good refreshing effect gives the plant not a large number of gelatin diluted in water for irrigation; for spruce needles, a 50% solution of pharmacy glycerin is especially useful.
You can also make a nutrient solution for the Christmas tree from citric acid(no more than one teaspoon per three-liter jar of water). It is also a good idea to add three tablespoons of white school chalk, carefully crushed into a fine powder and sifted through a sieve, into the acidified liquid to avoid lumps.

Try to save the Christmas tree for the next one by buying living plant in a container. When buying, be sure to make sure that its branches have retained elasticity (bend, but do not break), and are also distinguished by fresh shiny ones. If you buy a seedling for later self-planting in a pot, do it only in a serious forestry and choose a closed root system in moist soil.

Do not water the indoor tree, but pour water into the container pan for it. Spray the needles regularly from a spray bottle with clean, settled water. room temperature. When holidays run out, put the Christmas tree on a glazed balcony or in the hallway - it should “sleep” in the cool. According to it, it will be possible to take it out into the garden and dig it slightly into the ground, choosing a darkened place.

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Only artificial can stand round year without losing its attractiveness, color and needles. But the charm of a living forest beauty, her new year ny aroma and spruce freshness cannot be replaced by any artificial trees. How to make a living Christmas tree stand at home all the holidays and even longer?


You should take care of the duration of storage of the Christmas tree at the stage of its purchase. Choose new year it is a tree with a thick and needle-covered trunk. Too thin stem sure sign illness. In girth, the base of the forest beauty should be at least 6 cm. The branches are frequent, elastic and densely covered with dark green needles, not yellow. Bend the branch of the Christmas tree - it should easily take its original position, not break or crumble. Lightly squeeze the needles with your fingers, an oily, fragrant aroma will remain on your hands. The absence of a stunning smell of needles in a freshly cut Christmas tree will give out a frostbitten or stale spruce.

If you bought a forest guest in advance, long before the holidays, wrap it in wrapping paper or a wide newspaper, wrap with tape and place on the balcony. Having brought the tree into a warm room, do not unfold it immediately from the packaging, gradually warm it to room temperature, otherwise the needles will crumble very quickly.

1) Living tree

Advantages natural Christmas tree- this is the smell, the aroma of coniferous forest and natural natural look. Here are some things to keep in mind when choosing a Christmas tree.

When to buy a Christmas tree. Now on sale are thick, beautiful, and what they will sell just before the holiday is unknown. Therefore, if there is any cold room where you can store a Christmas tree, then you must buy it in advance and store it, for example, on the balcony. If there is no balcony, you can try to tie the Christmas tree outside the windows. In a warm apartment with dry air from central heating, the Christmas tree will have a hard time, and in two weeks all the needles can crumble from it.

The dimensions of the Christmas tree should correspond to the dimensions of the room where it will stand. It is necessary to take into account the height of the ceilings and the size of the room. The Christmas tree should not clutter up the room and interfere with the passage of people. If you plan to put the Christmas tree in a corner, it is better to take a "one-sided" tree. A Christmas tree with a lush uniform crown is best placed in the middle of the wall of a spacious room.

Trunk. Arriving at the market and pulling out what you liked from a pile of branches, cones and needles, you need to hit the butt ( bottom trunk, which was once a single whole with the stump remaining in the forest) along the ground. If, as a result of such an action, needles fell on the ground, then you can safely put this “miracle” in its place. If the test was successful, meticulously inspect the trunk for mold, fungi and other impurities on it.

As a rule, Christmas trees for sale are cut in due date, upon reaching the age of eight, and in this case, with a tree height of one and a half meters, five kilograms are considered normal weight, and preferably all seven. A very thin trunk is a sign of illness. In a healthy tree, the trunk in girth should be at least 6 centimeters, if it branches - it's okay, this way the tree looks even more fluffy.

Needles. In fresh spruce, it is bright green in color. Lightly rub the needles between your fingers: if the tree is fresh, you can feel a slight oiliness and a fragrant smell of pine needles. If there is no smell, and the needles are dry to the touch, it means that something is wrong with the tree, most likely, it has frostbite.

Branches. The tree should be fresh, dry in two or three days it will begin to crumble. On a fresh tree, the branches are elastic, it is not easy to break them off, while on a dry one they break off easily with a characteristic crack. Branches should stretch upwards.

Tree transportation. In order not to break off the branches on the way home, it is best to wrap the Christmas tree with burlap and tie it with a rope. Bring the purchased Christmas tree home with the top back so that the ends of the lower branches do not fray. When you bring the Christmas tree into the house, its crown, on the contrary, should be in front.

Tree installation. If the Christmas tree was purchased in advance, then it is better to keep it in the cold before the holiday itself: hanging it out the window or putting it on the balcony. However, even if the Christmas tree was bought directly on December 31, then it is impossible to immediately bring it into a warm room, install and decorate it: from such a temperature difference, the Christmas tree can get sick and die. If the frost on the street is below -10 ° C, do not immediately bring the Christmas tree to the apartment. Let her stand in the porch for 20 minutes so that she thaws.

Before installing the Christmas tree, you need to clean the trunk from the bark by 8–10 cm and cut it with a sharp knife (to open fresh pores) under running water. You can also cut the top of the spruce obliquely, and anoint the fresh cut with Vishnevsky ointment.

The tree can be set up in a number of ways:
Bucket with sand. The ideal option is a bucket of clean wet sand. A liter of water is added to a bucket of sand, in which it is pre-dissolved a small amount of glycerin or gelatin. Another option - as for garden flowers - is an aspirin tablet plus 2 tablespoons of sugar. Some advise adding a small amount of a suitable liquid fertilizer along with the water. It is better to set up a Christmas tree in the sand in such a way that Bottom part the trunk was closed at least 20 centimeters. Sand should be watered every 1-2 days.
Water container. Water at the time of installation should be hot and contain acid - acetic or citric. An acidic environment can be replaced with effervescent aspirin tablets. Another recipe: add half a teaspoon of citric acid, a spoonful of gelatin and a little crushed chalk to the water.
Stem wrapping. The easiest option - but far from ideal: wrap the trunk at the cut point with a damp cloth that needs to be moistened periodically. Then strengthen the tree in a cross, on a stand, or in some other way.

Sprigs of spruce can be sprayed from time to time with a spray bottle - thereby the tree will retain freshness longer.

Or you can plant a small Christmas tree from the garden for the holiday in a bucket or tub and bring it into the room. The tree is transplanted a few days before the holiday into a fairly spacious container. The roots are abundantly moistened, wrapped in a synthetic film and sprinkled with sphagnum moss or simply coarse peat. To avoid a sharp temperature drop, first they bring a tree from a cold garden into a bright, but rather cool room, and only later, on the eve of the holiday, they move it to a warm, heated room.

A place for a Christmas tree is chosen away from heating appliances. The room is ventilated more often, and the root system of the tree is well watered (the moss immediately absorbs all the moisture, so on average it takes four liters of water per day). After the holiday, the Christmas tree, together with the container, is taken outside to a place protected from the wind. If the weather is warm, the tree is taken out of the tub and planted directly into the ground. In cold, frosty weather, they wait until spring, and a tree with a container is dug in the garden and covered with peat, film and snow.

2) Artificial tree

The advantage of an artificial Christmas tree is durability; it will not lose its appearance by the end of the holidays and can serve for several years. As for the smell, they have now learned to skillfully imitate it. You can buy a bottle and sprinkle the Christmas tree.

Now you can buy an artificial Christmas tree of any kind, quality and even color. Christmas trees for every taste: Canadian and blue, pines, fir, with cones, snow-covered, colored, with toys on the branches. Or, for example, spruce with light-optical fiber. Such a tree glows "from the inside" - the branches and needles shimmer with multi-colored lights. What points are worth paying attention to?

Price. Price artificial firs depends on many parameters. Main - manufacturer country. The most expensive spruces are brought from Germany, Italy and Holland. They mainly take middle-class Christmas trees from Taiwan and Thailand, the cheapest ones are Chinese products. The second factor that determines the price is the height of the tree and the environmental friendliness of the materials. The assembly method also affects the price: expensive Christmas trees are laid out like an umbrella, cheap ones are collected by branches. Each additional "bells and whistles", namely: fluffiness, original colors, the presence of cones and snow on the branches - also affects the price.

Strength of branches and needles. You can test the Christmas tree like this: you need to stroke the soft needles “against the grain”, and pull the hard needles by the needles. If the needles did not crumble and quickly returned to their original position, the exam was passed.

Fire resistance. The packaging should indicate that the Christmas tree is made of special refractory polyethylene or plastic. The best synthetic Christmas trees are now made from polymers with the addition of so-called fire retardants - substances that prevent fire. Such Christmas trees do not burn, in the worst case they only smolder.

Ultimately, you will have to choose from three main types of Christmas trees: with cast needles, cut from PVC film or twisted from fishing line.
Cast plastic Christmas trees are the most expensive to manufacture, but they look more natural than any others. The secret is that each branch is cast separately in special molds. They are not produced in Russia, but German products of this class are enough to decorate the windows of jewelry boutiques and offices on the main streets. A meter tree made using this technology will cost at least $150-200.
Christmas trees made of PVC film with an aluminum trunk are wider than others in stores. PVC does not burn or decompose, making them safe. They look quite natural, especially if they are included in the kit. plastic bumps and cotton wool snow. And if this cotton wool is glued in several layers, as some German manufacturers do, then the illusion of "snowiness" becomes complete. PVC Christmas trees of domestic production cost 600 rubles per meter, and European - already about $ 100.
Christmas trees made of fishing line, the branches of which resemble bottle brushes, are now extremely rare. They are produced only in a specialized workshop at the Ufa Cable Plant. But in Soviet times all trade establishments were decorated with them, people dreamed of getting at least a small such tree somewhere. In addition to nostalgia for childhood, the buyer will only be attracted by the emphatically unnatural appearance of such a Christmas tree. They cost, as befits mass goods, inexpensively (up to 500 rubles), but now they are a real rarity.

What is important to know. Whatever the Christmas tree is made of, it must be provided with a hygiene certificate. Such a document is issued by the Federal Service for Supervision of Consumer Rights Protection. It certifies the chemical safety of the product, that the material from which it is made does not contain formaldehyde, resin, methylene and acetone. Buy christmas garlands from artificial branches or a whole fir tree is possible only with this document, otherwise there is a chance all holidays to breathe poisonous fumes and suffer from the suffocating smell of plastic.

What lasts longer New Year at home: live Christmas tree or fir or spruce? How best to install, in what, what solution to keep the Christmas tree and Christmas tree branches so that it stands longer. How long should a tree stand after Christmas?

Of course, we all want the tree to stand and please us as long as possible, but what if the needles dry quickly and crumble? Beyond the tainted festive mood in this case, we also get a lot of trouble, since cleaning up the crumbled needles is not an easy task. In this article, we will talk about which tree is better to give preference to and how to actually ensure that the symbol of the New Year stays in your home for as long as possible.

How to keep the Christmas tree at home longer: ways

With the approach of such a wonderful and family holiday As the New Year, many people begin to think about buying a Christmas tree or a pine tree. Anyone can buy or bring with my own hands this green beauty to her house, so that she would please her household members with her appearance. Decorations and tinsel on the Christmas tree give a special atmosphere to the whole house, and the smell of pine needles only enhances the feeling of the coming holiday.

This question has always been and remains relevant. There is no single right answer to it, but there are many ways that can extend the life of a green beauty in your home. So let's get started:

  • Initially, even when buying a tree, pay attention to the elasticity and resilience of the branches. If you notice that the branches bend too easily and at the same time crackle (even slightly), then you should not take such a Christmas tree. All of the above signs indicate that the tree is already dry and most likely old, and from this we can conclude that at room temperature all the needles will begin to crumble. That is, you need to buy only the tree whose branches are green and the needles are odorous.
  • To forest beauty does not start to crumble immediately after you put it in the house, give it the opportunity to adapt to the new environment. Do not bring the tree into the house, a sharp temperature drop can play a cruel joke. Let the tree stand for a while on the veranda or balcony.
  • If you still did not inspect and purchased a spruce that already has even slightly yellowed needles, they must be removed immediately. To do this is very simple - hit the barrel several times on the floor.
  • The following procedure will also extend the life of the Christmas tree. Before putting it in the house, process the tree trunk. To do this, you need to clean it with a knife (by 15 cm) and cut it off.
  • To make the spruce look as fresh as possible, you need to spray it with water from time to time.
  • Also save beautiful view a forest guest will be helped by an ordinary damp rag, which needs to be tightly wrapped around a tree trunk.

What to put a live Christmas tree in at home so that it stays longer and does not crumble: the composition of the solution, the amount of sugar in the solution

As far as practice shows, a live Christmas tree tends to be stored in an apartment for two weeks, that is, the period of its “prosperity” lasts almost until the Old New Year, or even longer. It is important to understand that what you put the spruce in directly depends on how long it will stand.

In order for the tree to stand longer, a variety of components are added to the water or a certain solution is made that can support the life of a beauty:

  • The most elementary way to prevent the tree from drying out quickly (and the most common, one might even say primitive) is to add aspirin or citric acid to the container with water into which the trunk is lowered. They saturate the water nutrients which our beauty so much needs.
  • The second method is also considered quite simple and anyone who cares about the freshness of the tree can handle it. One has only to mix hot water with acetic acid and immerse the tree in this liquid. The fact is that hot water promotes the opening of pores on the trunk of a tree, and acetic acid fights pests that have settled under the bark and suck the life out of a poor Christmas tree. Thanks to this method, the tree will last several days longer than in ordinary water, or in a mix of water and citric acid.
  • The next option is suitable for those who want the tree to take root and take root. To do this, you need to use either soil for indoor plants or regular sand.

  • Find a sturdy pot that can support your tree. Fill it with sand or soil. Add water to the sand, in which you first dissolve a few tablespoons of sugar and a couple of aspirin tablets.
  • If the spruce appreciates your careful efforts, then it can take root, and this in turn will allow you to plant it outside in the spring.
  • This will save you money - you will not need to buy on next holiday new tree. Convenient, isn't it?
  • If you want your tree not to rot (which sometimes happens), then you can prepare a simple solution that consists of components such as ordinary water (preferably cold or just cool) and liquid glycerin. Glycerin is worth taking just a couple of tablespoons. l. This solution will really protect the trunk of your Christmas tree, it will not rot and the tree will last longer.
  • For those who always have at hand a large container like a bucket and a few kilograms of sand, a special offer - just put the Christmas tree in this bucket filled with sand and water it daily. The main thing is that the tip of the wood does not touch the bottom. That's the whole point. This is quite simple for those who live in a private house.
  • Perhaps everyone has a little potassium permanganate lying around in the first aid kit. She's on the move too. Just dissolve a small portion of potassium permanganate in water and put your tree in it.

How long does a live Christmas tree stand at home, how long is it stored?

  • As mentioned above, a living Christmas tree can live in a house for about 2 weeks. This will be the term of her life if you do not apply any of the above methods.
  • If you use one of the methods to maintain the life of the Christmas tree, then the chance that it will live longer will increase several times.
  • Unfortunately, drying and shedding of needles cannot be avoided, no matter how much you want it. However, when proper care green beauty will be able to please you for at least 3 weeks.
  • The main thing is to repeat the watering procedure daily so that the tree does not need moisture. It is her absence that contributes to the rapid death of needles.

What lasts longer for the New Year at home - a living Christmas tree, fir or pine?

Every lover of pine needles wants this magical smell to stay in the house for as long as possible, and so that a prickly beauty flashes bright lights before their eyes.

  • For most people, the choice of wood is obvious - spruce. It's big, smelly and so familiar. Yes, tree, this is the standard. It costs a couple of weeks and most of this is enough. But I must say that for a change, trees such as fir or pine are also used.
  • The fact is that such a wonderful tree as fir can withstand much longer than an ordinary Christmas tree. Her needles do not fall off so quickly, and they wither more slowly. And with proper care, she will delight you for a very long time.
  • For comparison, fir lives even longer than « blue spruce » , which is known for its endurance - it fades just as slowly and the smell of pine needles stays in the house for a long time.
  • As for the pine tree, its period of life is slightly different from the period of the life of the Christmas tree. At good care, practically no different from caring for a Christmas tree, the pine will spread very strong smell needles and will stand for at least 3 weeks. She also loves wet sand. The main nuance is that over time, its trunk becomes thinner, dries out. Therefore, you need to make sure that your pine does not tip over by accident, because few people will like the process of cleaning crumbled needles.

Drawing conclusions, we can say that the best option for lovers of the long presence of a tree in the house is, of course, fir. As for unchanging traditions, you can choose any tree between a Christmas tree and a pine tree. Care is almost the same. The difference is only in the strength of the coniferous smell. Here the advantage is definitely in the pine.

How long should a tree stand after Christmas?

Opinions about new year traditions have their own nuances. The most common question is the question: “When should I throw away the Christmas tree?”.

  • For someone, she does not live up to January 3 (just imagine how you can torture an unfortunate tree). And someone is worth almost until spring.
  • Speaking of traditions, green beauty must leave your house no earlier than the Old New Year. That is, at Christmas, the tree must certainly please you with its presence.
  • It is customary to remove the green guest after the Old New Year. According to the calendar, it comes on January 13-14, a week after Christmas.
  • Also, there is a theory that the Christmas tree should stand all New Year's holidays, and this also includes Epiphany - January 19th. And since such a thing, then the life of the tree in your house needs to be extended for another week.
  • However, we want to draw your attention to the fact that it is not necessary to keep a tree in the house if it is completely withered and looks like a crooked bush. If the tree did not live up to last holiday- no problem. The main ones are still New Year and Christmas.

How to store a Christmas tree after the New Year on the balcony?

Some people, due to circumstances or simply personal preferences, leave the tree in the house only for the time of the actual celebration, and then move it to the balcony.

In order for the tree to continue to please you, even in such a place, you must adhere to some rules and recommendations.

  • You need to free up quite a bit of space on the balcony, preferably in the corner so that the tree does not interfere too much under your feet when you need to take something important on this very balcony. In order to protect yourself, do this whole ritual of parting with a tree in protective gloves - the needles dig into the skin of the palms very easily.
  • In order not to litter too much, you can wrap the tree with a film, or with paper, after laying some kind of coating under the trunk.
  • In this form, the Christmas tree can stand on the balcony until spring, and for the laziest - even until summer. Some pranksters keep the Christmas tree on the balcony for several years - it already depends on the sense of humor and endurance of the owner of the balcony.

If your Christmas tree is still alive, but for some reason you need to get rid of it and you don’t see another way out, like a balcony, you should do one simple ritual:

  • We find a container in which the tree can stably exist, fill it with sand or soil (the second option is better) and insert the tree trunk there.
  • After that, it is worth pouring water on the tree at room temperature and putting it on the balcony. As we know, Christmas trees are adequately treated to sub-zero temperatures, the main thing is not to forget to “feed” it - the same water with sugar, glycerin or aspirin. Do not forget that you need to water not hot and not warm water This is too big a temperature difference. In this way, your tree will be able to live longer and even take root.

As you can see, there are more than enough ways to extend the life of a coniferous tree, all you need is your desire and quite a bit of time. Use our advice and enjoy the beauty of the forest guest.

Video: How to keep a Christmas tree longer?

What will help raise Christmas mood? Of course, a living Christmas tree that will give you a joyful feeling of a holiday, warm memories and expectation of a miracle! Every adult is in a hurry to please their children.

In order for a festive tree to bring a lot of joy, you need to know how to choose the right one. live Christmas tree on holiday. And then she'll stay fresh for the time of all New Year's festivities. About how to choose, put, keep fresh living beauty at home, read on!

What you need to know when choosing a live Christmas tree

It’s not difficult to choose a beautiful live Christmas tree for the New Year, but you need to try a little and be careful. There are certain selection criteria New Year's beauty Read all about it below.

First of all, shortly before you go to a store or market to buy a tree and choose a live Christmas tree, decide where exactly it will stand:

  • in the middle of the room it would be preferable to choose spruce symmetrical and chic from all sides;
  • but if you put it in corner, then fit and one-sided.

First of all, we advise you to determine the distance from the floor to the ceiling in your house in order to choose a live Christmas tree of the appropriate height. Usually they buy spruce 1.5-2 meters long. The height of the festive prickly attribute is not measured at all from the very top, but from the beginning of the first branches. Also, think in advance how you will put it: in a pot of sand, a bucket of water or a cross.

Interesting to know! The very first Christmas tree was placed in the French outback Alsace in 1600 and was decorated with roses made of bright paper.

  • We advise you to buy it during the day in order to notice all the flaws in the tree.
  • Arriving at the store, you should find out - when the tree was cut down, carefully examine the branches - the needles should not fall out. Shake the trunk to see the number of fallen needles. A few needles, of course, will fall to the ground (if more falls, this should alert).
  • Fresh spruce has needles of a bright green, shiny color. Spruce needles should be odorous and oily (feel them to check).
  • Dry needles without the characteristic smell of needles will tell you that the tree is damaged, frostbite.

  • You can check the freshness of spruce by bending a branch. Flexible, elastic branches will indicate the good condition of the tree, and vice versa, hard, dry branches will indicate that the tree is old and will not last long.
  • It is not uncommon for sellers to process live fir trees for longer storage. How not to fall for the trick? Just sniff it if you smell a strange smell (perhaps pungent and nasty) - of course, you should not take such a spruce.
  • There is an opinion that it is more correct to choose a live Christmas tree with a thicker trunk, because this indicates its condition. A thick trunk is considered a size of 7-8 centimeters in girth.
  • Inspect the cut of the tree, you should not choose the option with dark stripes on the cut or with mold. Mold and mildew can make their way into your home, so it's especially important to pay attention to this. The presence of resin on the cut is mandatory, a large amount of resin indicates a recent cut of the tree. At the same time, you need to make a new cut at home. holiday tree, excess resin will interfere with water absorption.
  • Carefully inspect the spruce - the lower branches should stick up.

Video: how to choose a live Christmas tree

Best time and place to buy

Live Christmas tree for New Year's Eve It is better to buy 5-7 days before the holiday, since spruce can be stored in fresh 2-4 weeks.

It is advisable to buy a Christmas tree in a nursery or in the market- they are grown specially for the New Year, and therefore you, for sure, will not be an accomplice in the illegal cutting of young coniferous trees.

It is necessary to use a special mesh or fabric to wrap the Christmas tree after purchase. To do this, carefully bend the branches from top to bottom, wrap them with a net and secure it all with a rope so as not to break the branches on the road.

drag New Year's miracle preferably barrel forward to avoid damage. But to bring it into the house, on the contrary - forward with the top.

How to bring beauty home

So, you have chosen the perfect Christmas tree for the New Year! But how to bring her home so that she does not “lose” all her beauty along the way?

The most convenient way of transportation after purchase is by car. You can bring a Christmas tree by car like this:

  • In the trunk. But the space in the trunk is quite limited, so this option is only suitable if the tree is very small.

  • In the cabin. If the Christmas tree does not fit in the trunk, then you just need to fold rear seats and place it carefully.
  • in a trailer- the easiest and most convenient way to transport a festive tree, but not everyone has a trailer.
  • On the roof. The best transportation option, especially if a roof rack is installed on the roof of the car - you only need to secure the winter beauty and that's it.

If there is no trunk, then you need to put it on the roof dense fabric, if there are roof rails - tie them to them, if not, then you can skip the ropes through the slightly lowered rear doors.

To bring a live Christmas tree home and not harm either the car itself or the Christmas tree, the following recommendations should be taken into account:

  • Before you load the Christmas tree onto or into the car, you need to carefully tie it with a rope (so that the branches do not break off and it becomes more compact).
  • It is advisable to wrap the tree with a bag / polyethylene / cloth. This is necessary in order not to scratch the car and not stain the interior.
  • When transporting, handle the Christmas tree for the New Year very carefully.

There is another interesting option transportation - sledging. It is suitable for those who live near the points of sale.

What to do after you bring her home

Leave the Christmas tree in the entrance or in the hallway of a private house for 30-40 minutes, during this time the tree will adapt to your temperature regime.

How to set up a Christmas tree

considered the most correct and the best optionfix a live Christmas tree at home in a bucket of sand. Many people simply put it on a cross and wrap it with a damp cloth. It is better, of course, to choose the option with a bucket of sand, it will be more reliable, and the tree will last longer.

To install a live Christmas tree in a bucket of sand, you must do the following manipulations:

  1. Just clear the bottom of the trunk from branches (about 15-20 cm) and chop off the bark. The safest way to do this is with a special knife or hatchet.
  2. The trunk is dipped deep into the bucket, the sand is rammed and the Christmas tree is leveled vertically, along the way, placing stones or bricks in the sand bucket. This will help to secure it well at home.
  3. Stand can be decorated beautiful cloth or bright paper.
  4. Next, to beautifully install a live Christmas tree in the apartment , you need to coverthe space on which it will stand, with bright wrapping paper, cloth. Now crumbling needles will not fall to the floor and clog into cracks, similarly, the needles will be carried around the house to a lesser extent.
  5. And if you have Small child, then at the end it is required to cut off the lower branches so that the child does not manage to injure himself with needles.

Such a simple option will help to install a live Christmas tree at home without a stand and keep it for a longer period. Convenient for both a private house and an apartment.

Video: how to install a live Christmas tree at home

How to keep a living tree for a long time

Even after new year holidays it's nice to admire a live Christmas tree in a room of an apartment or a private house. It perfectly decorates and enlivens any interior. But how long does a live Christmas tree last at home? It can stand in excellent condition for about 2-3 weeks. To prolong the "life" of the festive tree and delay the yellowing and shedding of needles, you can use some tricks.

  • In order for the tree to stand longer and the needles not to crumble, sand is poured cold water with a spoonful of sugar and a teaspoon of salt dissolved in it. Experienced people advise add a regular aspirin tablet to the water either use warm water and a few drops of acetic or citric acid. This will help keep the live Christmas tree in excellent condition until the New Year and until the end of the holidays.
  • If you use sand, then sometimes sand needs to be watered several times.
  • She does not like dry air, for this reason the room should be provided air humidifier or every day spray branches sprayer water. They will help you properly care for a living Christmas tree for the New Year.
  • With the use of a simple wet rag, it is also possible to put up a live Christmas tree. Simply wrap the barrel with it and fix it in the crosspiece. The only thing, do not forget to wet the rag sometimes, otherwise it will begin to crumble.
  • You can help prolong the freshness of a live Christmas tree if you put it away. from heating devices and ovens.
  • Do not use for decoration candles and homemade electric garlands.

How to dispose after the holidays

Unfortunately, the Christmas tree will sooner or later begin to dry out and crumble. Do not forget that it must be properly disposed of.

You need to prepare for the release in advance, because most often, when disassembling and utilizing a tree, it is impossible not to litter with crumbling dried needles. To avoid this, it is necessary to carefully remove the dried tree so that needles do not have to be picked up throughout the house and in the entrance.

Here's how to properly dispose of a Christmas tree:

  1. put on mittens and outerwear with long sleeve;
  2. cut the branches as close to the trunk as possible and carefully fold them into large bags;
  3. now you only have a bare trunk left, you can throw it in the trash without worrying that you will litter your apartment or entrance.

By the way! Christmas tree elements do not have to be thrown away. Can be made from wood various crafts and decorations.

Video: how to properly dispose of a Christmas tree

By following all the above recommendations, you can easily select and install a living odorous beauty both in the apartment and in the house. It remains only to decorate it beautifully and festively. By the way, as for decorating the main symbol of the holiday, here you can bring to life the most bold ideas and ideas. We wish you to choose the most beautiful live Christmas tree for the New Year!

Video: how to choose a live Christmas tree for the New Year

In contact with

On furry prickly paws
The Christmas tree brings the smell to the house:
The smell of warm pine needles
The smell of freshness and wind
And the snowy forest
And a slight smell of summer.
Y. Shcherbakov

There is a trade in fragrant trees in numerous Christmas markets. Although every year the demand for live Christmas trees is declining, and that's good! After all, what a lot of work it takes to grow a good tree! And his life is short, fleeting.

Spruces are harvested for sale in special nurseries, less often in an ordinary forest, they do it in advance, somewhere in the beginning or middle of November, or even in October. And by the end of December, needles are already falling quite heavily from the trees. And how you want the festive tree to stand in the house longer, creating a joyful mood!

I remember my childhood years in a small northern town. Then there were no Christmas tree markets, we went to the forest ourselves to get a Christmas tree - first dad, then my sister and my girlfriends. Remember, even these verses were:

I will cut down the Christmas tree in the forest,
I'll bring the Christmas tree to school
all in icicles of ice,
in strong resin cones ...

Big Christmas trees we didn’t chop, we took one so that it was within our power to carry it, the main thing was that it was fluffy and even. She was dressed up in the house no earlier than December 29-30, almost on the eve of the holiday, and she stood, not crumbling much, until the Old New Year, that is, until the end winter holidays.

There were no special tree stands back then. So dad made a cross from thick boards, cut a round hole in it, where the Christmas tree was fixed. Over time, since autumn, they began to prepare a bucket of sand and strengthen the Christmas tree in it. The sand was watered, and then the tree dried less and crumbled.

Now Christmas trees are placed in special, very convenient stands with a bucket for water and a screw fastening of the trunk. And although the tree is standing in the water, it still crumbles very much, you constantly need to clean up around it, the needles then fall into our hands for a long time. different places apartments or houses. How to keep the Christmas tree longer - a green living beauty?

If you decide to buy a live spruce, choose one with darker needles and a thick trunk. We bought a Christmas tree in advance, two or three weeks before the holiday, do not rush to immediately put it in the apartment. First, shake off the old needles on the street and saw off 3-4 centimeters from the butt, you can even trim the butt a little to open the pores of the tree, and cut off the extra branches (they can then be put in the form of a bouquet in a jar of water).

Then bring it into a cool room (you can go to the balcony) and put it in a bucket of water for about a day or two. During the day, the Christmas tree can “drink” 2-3 liters of water, so watch how it “drinks” and add more. Then you can already install the Christmas tree in a prepared stand with a solution container. Previously, we added a little chalk and citric acid to the solution. Then, when they lived in Klaipeda, someone advised putting a couple of pieces of sugar and copper wires from the wires into the water. Of course, the Christmas tree crumbled less, stood longer.

And recently I read in the newspaper confirmation of what we were doing, as if someone had generalized our experiments.

In Sweden, scientists from the Forest Research Institute specifically experimented with Christmas trees. They took three Christmas trees, one was placed in water with the addition of sugar, the other - with the addition of aspirin, the third - in a vessel with a large copper coin. But where to get copper coins now? Is it that someone has preserved Soviet nickels and three-two-kopeck money? And if there are no coins, then copper wiring will do! It turned out that after all, Christmas trees were best preserved in sweetened water. And while neither aspirin nor copper coin contributed much to preservation, scientists recommend using all three supplements at once.

  • It turns out that aspirin acts on the tree as a growth hormone, and copper prevents bacteria and fungi from developing.

If you have fertilizer for indoor flowers or a powder in your house, which is often given with the purchase of a bouquet for longer preservation, you can add them to the water.

In St. Petersburg, I have been using an artificial Christmas tree for a long time. Because at the Christmas tree markets in our region, trees are usually sold in a dull, miserable look, crooked, one-sided, and even at such a cosmic price that it’s better to just buy a couple of twigs and put them in a jar next to a synthetic spruce for smell.

In Houston, I will celebrate the New Year for the third time. Son artificial Christmas trees do not recognize. Natural ones have been sold here since the end of November at all supermarkets, you can buy directly with a stand. And every day they are watered with water from a hose so that they are better preserved, because here until the end of December the air temperature is +15, +20.

Christmas trees are grown in special nurseries, they are not at all like ours, they are of some special breed, they are very thick, and their needles are not very sharp. And their trunk is very thick, at least 10 cm in diameter! In mid-December, we put it in the house, following all the rules, constantly adding a little water, sugar and aspirin, or citric acid to the coaster. And it pleases us until mid-January, and more often until the Epiphany holiday.

In conclusion, I congratulate all our dear "schoolchildren" on the coming New Year 2009! Happiness and prosperity to all! And may it always be in your homes - "health, peace, tranquility, plenty of food, a pleasant companion - a true friend!"