How to celebrate Victory Day and what not to do on the holiday. Announcements for parents How to correctly write an announcement for May 9

Other reasons

Sometimes people perceive the bright holiday of May 9 as a reason to drink, laugh and tear their shirts on their chests out of pride for their grandfathers. Life advises to spend this day in such a way that you do not feel painfully ashamed in front of the veterans.

Do not do it this way:

Don't tie yourself with a St. George's ribbon from head to toe. No bows, laces, or black and orange ties.

Don’t decorate your car with stickers with ridiculous inscriptions: “To Berlin!”, “I’m going to ram,” “You can’t see a dirty tank in battle.” There is nothing worse than a Volkswagen with the sticker “Friends! Don’t shoot! Captured car!”

Don't watch modern war films: in most cases this is not art, but commerce. Better watch the classic films: “Ivan’s Childhood”, “Twenty Days Without War” or “Ordinary Fascism”. They will never become outdated.

Don't knock back front shots at the dacha. By drinking like a pig, you are unlikely to honor the memory of your ancestors. Better stay in the city and congratulate the veterans.

Do not warm your hands by the Eternal Flame and do not light a cigarette from it, like a resident of Armavir, who was arrested for 12 days because of this.

Don't twerk near memorials. Remember the famous dance of girls from Novorossiysk near Malaya Zemlya. This cost them 15 days in prison.

Don't take pictures on a tank with a duck face.

Do not celebrate Victory Day at a discotheque, the poster of which depicts half-naked girls in military uniform, as in the announcement of the Tatarstan club.

How to correctly:

As a sign of remembrance and as a symbol of pride at the beginning of the weekend, tie one St. George's ribbon to your bag or attach it to your outerwear. And go study military equipment at the Kubinka Tank Museum. Here are collected the best examples of armored vehicles of various sizes, shapes, colors and countries, for example, Soviet, German, Japanese and American. You will learn about the exploits of tankers, what the T-34 is famous for and what its shortcomings are, what kind of slogans were written on the tanks.

Another film that deserves attention is “The Ballad of a Soldier” by Grigory Chukhrai, which will be shown at 15:00 in “Illusion” on May 7. The film is about what a wonderful person the main character could have become and how the war cut short his plans.

Much has been told and shown about the hostilities, but what is known about how and where fateful decisions for the country were made? The historical and documentary exhibition "1941. At the Victory Headquarters" in the New Manege reconstructs the interiors of the offices of top officials, where their strategic battles took place. Feel like one of the commanders at a meeting at the headquarters of Supreme Commander Stalin, where his correspondence with the leaders of the anti-Hitler coalition Roosevelt and Churchill, documents on the Yalta and Potsdam conferences, maps of military operations with the leader’s notes are kept.

Spend the second day of the weekend at one of the main venues of this weekend - Victory Park. Start with the Central Museum of the Great Patriotic War, whose exhibition covers all stages of the fighting and will help you understand their chronology thanks to a computer database that provides comprehensive information about each battle and feat. The museum contains weapons, awards, uniforms, front-line letters and photographs that once belonged to Soviet soldiers.

On Poklonnaya Hill, the festive events will begin with a traditional festival, at which performances will be performed by creative teams of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation.If you meet any veterans here, give them a happy holiday and thank them, and ask them a few questions about their service during the war. They will be pleased that people are interested in their fate.

And from 17:00 watch the performance of the Cavalry Honorary Escort of the Presidential Regiment and sing along with the performers of military songs at the festive concert until late in the evening.

On May 9, go straight to Tverskaya, to the very heart of the parade. First, get off at the Pushkinskaya metro station, where a huge crowd will be waiting for you. Your goal is to get through it and get as close as possible to the road along which military equipment will move to Red Square. The rule “I sit high, I look far” works here: a year ago the most desperate citizens climbed lampposts, to get a better look at tanks and armored vehicles. If you are not ready to become an urban climber, perch yourself on a truck - from there all the parade tanks will be clearly visible.

After the parade, buy carnations; there are plenty of flower shops on Pushkinskaya, and when you meet veterans along the way, give them flowers with words of gratitude.

Dining on this day is allowed only in the military field kitchen, which is located on Old Arbat. The menu includes soldier's porridge and naval pasta. Have time to have lunch by 13:00 - the beginning of the “Immortal Regiment” campaign. Don't forget to arrange the banner in advance. If there are no war veterans in your family, you can still join the procession to honor the memory of fallen soldiers.

And from 18:00 until the fireworks in Novopushkinsky Square, remember the feat of ordinary soldiers to the songs of the war years at the “Songs of Victory” concert in the company of the groups “The End of the Film” and VIA “Tatyana”.

Such a solemn day needs to be completed beautifully and traditionally - there are 15 sites in Moscow where you can watch the fireworks.

“In commemoration of the victorious completion of the Great Patriotic War of the Soviet people against the Nazi invaders and the historical victories of the Red Army, culminating in the complete defeat of Nazi Germany, which declared unconditional surrender, to establish that May 9 is a day of national celebration - VICTORY HOLIDAY.
May 9th is considered a non-working day."

Chairman of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR M. KALININ.
Secretary of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR A. GORKIN.

Appeal from Comrade I.V. Stalin to the people:

"Comrades! Compatriots and compatriots!

The great day of victory over Germany has arrived. Nazi Germany, brought to its knees by the Red Army and the troops of our allies, admitted itself defeated and declared unconditional surrender.

Knowing the wolfish behavior of the German bosses, who consider treaties and agreements to be empty pieces of paper, we have no reason to take their word for it. However, this morning, German troops, in pursuance of the act of surrender, began to lay down their arms en masse and surrender to our troops.

Now we can rightfully declare that the great day of the final defeat of Germany has arrived, the day of the great victory of our people over German imperialism.

The great sacrifices we made in the name of freedom and independence of our Motherland, the innumerable hardships and suffering experienced by our people during the war, the intense work in the rear and at the front, given to the altar of the Fatherland, were not in vain and were crowned with complete victory over the enemy. The centuries-old struggle of the Slavic peoples for their existence and their independence ended in victory over the German invaders and German tyranny.

From now on, the great banner of freedom of peoples and peace between peoples will fly over Europe.

Three years ago, Hitler publicly declared that his tasks included the dismemberment of the Soviet Union and the separation from it of the Caucasus, Ukraine, Belarus, the Baltic states and other regions. He bluntly stated: “We will destroy Russia so that it can never rise again.” This was three years ago. But Hitler’s extravagant ideas were not destined to come true - the course of the war scattered them into dust. In fact, what happened was exactly the opposite of what the Nazis were raving about. Germany is completely defeated. German troops capitulate. The Soviet Union is celebrating victory, although it has no intention of either dismembering or destroying Germany.

Comrades! The Great Patriotic War ended with our complete victory. The period of war in Europe is over. A period of peaceful development began.

Happy victory to you, my dear compatriots and compatriots! Glory to our heroic Red Army, which defended the independence of our Motherland and won victory over the enemy! Glory to our great people, the victorious people! Eternal glory to the heroes who fell in battles with the enemy and gave their lives for the freedom and happiness of our people!"

A comment:

The celebration of May 9 was established in 1945; until 1947, May 9 was a non-working day. At the end of 1947, May 9 was declared a working day. Until 1964, that is, throughout the “Khrushchev era,” May 9 remained a working day, but it was celebrated as Victory Day in the Patriotic War. And again May 9 became a non-working holiday only in 1965, the year of the 20th anniversary of the Victory.

Return to date May 9


Response form

In connection with the regular vacations of preschool employees and the need to carry out cosmetic repairs of groups and preschool premises, the implementation of which is incompatible with the presence of children in the premises of the kindergarten, in accordance with the requirements of SanPiN

  • building No. 1 for a period of 44 days from June 03, 2019 to July 16, 2019
  • building No. 2 for a period of 43 days from July 17, 2019 to August 28, 2019

From July 17, 2019, pupils will be admitted to preschool institution building No. 1 with a medical certificate.

From August 29, 2019, pupils will be admitted to preschool institution building No. 2 with a medical certificate.

Administration of the preschool educational institution

Due to the May holidays, the Kindergarten will operate as follows:

duty group until 18.00

duty group until 18.00


Dear dear mothers and caring grandmothers!

We wish you everything that life is rich in,
Health, happiness, long life!
Let this holiday be March 8th
It will leave a good mark on your soul for a whole year.
Be like spring, always young,
Happy, cheerful, forever alive.
Be like the sun, shine brightly
Give happiness and joy to people!

Come, come, we will be waiting very, very much!

Building No. 1

Age group Name of the matinee date Time
Junior group
“The sun shine brighter - congratulate all our mothers” 03/06/2019 16.00
middle group
“What should we give today to those whom we love most?” 03/04/2019 16.00
Senior group
"Why Chicks"
"Fairy-tale adventures in the underwater kingdom" 03/05/2019 15.30
preparatory group "Fantasers" “Across the seas, across the waves, we take mothers on vacation” 03/07/2019 15.30

Building No. 2

Age group Name of the matinee date Time

“The pencil babies brought their mothers to the party” 03/06/2019 09.30
Junior group
“We congratulate mother with a fairy tale” 03/07/2019 10.00
Middle group No. 2
"Little Red Riding Hood and the Gray Wolf Visiting the Children" 03/04/2019 15.30
Middle group No. 1
"Surprise for Moms" 03/01/2019 16.00
Senior group
“And in our yard” 03/07/2019 15.30
Preparatory school group "Rainbow" "A Fairy Tale as a Gift" 03/06/2019 16.00

Dear parents!

Thank you for understanding!

Dear parents,
March 7 until 17.00
duty groups until 18.00
March 8, 9, 10 are days off.

We wish you all the best! We invite you to the festive events that will take place in the music hall

Group “Fantasers” - February 18 at 16.00
“Dad can do it!”

Rainbow Group - February 19 at 16.00
“Dad can do it!”

We remind you that the kindergarten is open February 22 until 17.00 - shortened working day according to Art. 95 Labor Code of the Russian Federation,
duty groups until 18.00

Dear parents!

Thanks for understanding!

Dear parents!

Check out the kindergarten's operating hours during the New Year holidays:

December 29 – working day until 17.00

Duty group – until 18.00

from 12/30/18 to 01/08/19 - WEEKENDS

Happy New Year 2019!

Working hours of the duty group

daily on weekdays

Work schedule of the duty group of MBDOU kindergarten "Brigantina" building No. 1

Invitation to New Year's holidays

Dear parents!

The staff and pupils of the kindergarten will be glad to see you at the New Year's parties that will take place

No. Date Time Age group, name of the matinee

Junior group "Ladushki"

“The Christmas tree sparkles with lights”


Middle group "Fidgets"

"New Year's Adventures of the Fidgets"


Senior group

"Why Chicks"

"New Year's Circus Performance"


School preparatory group "Fantasers"

"An old fairy tale in a new way"


Second early age group


“How the kids woke up Santa Claus”


Junior group


"Masha and the Bear at the New Year's tree"


Middle group 1 “Sunflowers”

"New Year's Adventures of Preschool Children"


Middle group 2


"Magic Lantern"


Senior group


"New Year's Miracles"


Preparatory group "Rainbow"

"An old fairy tale in a new way"

Dear parents!

In order to maintain cleanliness and protect the health of children, we kindly request that when entering the music room, do not forget to wear shoe covers or spare shoes.

Thank you for understanding!

Dear parents!
We invite you to the Autumn Festival!
Come, come, we will be waiting very, very much!

Dear parents!
In order to maintain cleanliness and protect the health of children, we kindly request that when entering the music room, do not forget to wear shoe covers or spare shoes.
Thank you for understanding.

Dear parents!

We inform you about the All-Russian “hotline for the prevention of influenza and ARVI” during
from October 1 to October 15, 2018

From October 1 to October 15, 2018, the Rospotrebnadzor Office for the Pskov Region will operate a hotline as part of the implementation of measures aimed at prevention of influenza and acute respiratory viral infections (ARVI): 8-8112-664729, 664279, 662981.

Telephone "Hotline" FBUZ "Center for Hygiene and Epidemiology in the Pskov Region" - 8-8112-662981

Phone operating mode“hotline”: Monday-Friday from 10:00 to 13:00 and from 14:00 to 17:00.

You can obtain information about the epidemiological situation regarding influenza and ARVI in the region, about measures to prevent influenza and ARVI, including immunoprophylaxis.


Dear parents!

In kindergarten with 09/10/2018 Children are being vaccinated against influenza.

The end of autumn and the beginning of winter is a period of increased incidence of acute infectious diseases, including influenza. Influenza is an acute infectious disease of the respiratory tract and the traditional and effective way to prevent influenza, recommended by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention and the World Health Organization, is vaccination. Statistically, getting vaccinated significantly reduces your chances of getting the flu. You can find detailed answers to questions about this disease and types of vaccines on the website.

Remember that by getting vaccinated, you can protect yourself from the flu and avoid spreading the disease to others!

Our employees, along with their children, are also vaccinated against influenza annually.

Dear parents!

A schedule for receiving citizens regarding parental payment for meals at preschool educational institutions has been approved:

Monday from 14.00 to 17.00

Wednesday from 14.00 to 17.00

Friday from 14.00 to 17.00

Reason: Order No. 49 - l/s dated August 27, 2018, MKU “Financial Service Center” of the municipal formation “Ostrovsky District”.


In order to identify the needs of parents and taking into account the recommendations of the Founder, in accordance with the Federal Law of December 29, 2012 No. 273-FZ “On Education in the Russian Federation”, the Procedure for organizing and implementing educational activities in basic general education programs - educational programs of preschool education and the Regulations on the schedule of classes for students (pupils) in the MBDOU kindergarten "Brigantina" for working parents whose working day does not coincide with the working hours of the kindergarten, there is a duty group at the MBDOU d/s "Brigantina".

Working hours of the duty group

in the morning from 7.00 - 07.30
in the evening hours from 18.00-19.00
daily on weekdays

Work schedule of the duty group of MBDOU kindergarten "Brigantina" building No. 1

Work schedule of the duty group of MBDOU kindergarten "Brigantina" building No. 2

Dear parents!

Due to the announcement of June 12 as a non-working holiday, the kindergarten will operate in the following mode:
June 10,11,12 – days off
June 09 – working day until 17.00
Group on duty until 18.00


Dear parents!

In connection with the regular vacations of preschool employees and the need to carry out cosmetic repairs of groups and preschool premises, the implementation of which is incompatible with the presence of children in the kindergarten premises, in accordance with the requirements of SanPiN:

The functioning of preschool educational institutions will be suspended

  • building No. 2 for a period of 44 days from May 28, 2018 to July 10, 2018
  • building No. 1 for a period of 43 days from July 11, 2018 to August 22, 2018

Those in need of preschool education services, during the period of closure of the kindergarten, must submit an application to the teachers of your group to place their children in a working building.

From July 11, 2018 Pupils will be admitted to preschool institution building No. 2 if they have a medical certificate.

From August 23, 2018 Pupils will be admitted to preschool institution building No. 1 if they have a medical certificate.

Administration of the preschool educational institution


Due to the May holidays, the Kindergarten will operate as follows:

duty group until 18.00

duty group until 18.00

Dear dear women, we invite you to a holiday dedicated to International Women's Day on March 8th. Come, come, we will be waiting very, very much

Dear parents, we remind you that the kindergarten is open
March 7 until 17.00- shortened working day according to Art. 95 Labor Code of the Russian Federation,
duty groups until 18.00
March 8, 9, 10, and 11 are days off.
We will be glad to see you and your children on March 12th. Dear parents!
In order to maintain cleanliness and protect the health of children, we kindly request that when entering the music room, do not forget to wear shoe covers or spare shoes.
Thank you for understanding.

Dear parents!

Dear fathers and grandfathers, we congratulate you on the upcoming holiday of February 23 - Defender of the Fatherland Day!
We wish you all the best! We invite you to the festive events that will take place in the music hall:

“The soldiers were coming!”

“The soldiers were coming!”

“Dad, mom, I am a sports family!”

We remind you that the kindergarten is open February 22 until 17.00 - shortened working day according to Art. 95 Labor Code of the Russian Federation,

duty groups until 18.00

Dear parents!

Our kindergarten is very clean, and cleanliness is the key to health. Our junior teachers monitor this.
Please try to prepare shoe covers in advance and remember to wear them.
Thanks for understanding!

In order to identify the needs of parents and taking into account the recommendations of the Founder, in accordance with the Federal Law of December 29, 2012 No. 273-FZ “On Education in the Russian Federation”, the Procedure for organizing and implementing educational activities in basic general education programs - educational programs of preschool education and the Regulations on the schedule of classes for students (pupils) in the MBDOU kindergarten "Brigantina" for working parents whose working day does not coincide with the working hours of the kindergarten, there is a duty group at the MBDOU d/s "Brigantina".

Working hours of the duty group

in the morning from 7.00 - 07.30
in the evening hours from 18.00-19.00
daily on weekdays

Work schedule of the duty group of MBDOU kindergarten "Brigantina" building No. 1

Work schedule of the duty group of MBDOU kindergarten "Brigantina" building No. 2

The schedule was approved by order No. 04 - o/d dated 01/09/2018 by the head of the MBDOU kindergarten “Brigantina” T.A. Martynyuk

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“People are singing on the street,
He makes noise and carries on conversations.
So here it is - the hour, and the day, and the year
Achieved victory!

S. Ya. Marshak

8 May 1945 at 22:43 Central European Time (9May at 00:43 Moscow time) in the Berlin suburb of Karlshorst, the Act of Military Surrender of the German Armed Forces was signed. On behalf of the German Supreme High Command, the act was signed by the Chief of Staff of the Supreme High Command of the Wehrmacht, Field Marshal W. Keitel, the Commander-in-Chief of the Navy, Admiral of the Fleet von Friedeburg, and Colonel General of Aviation G. Yu.Stumpf. The Soviet Union was represented by the Deputy Supreme Commander-in-Chief, Marshal of the Soviet Union G. K. Zhukov , Allies - British Air Chief Marshal A. Tedder. The commander of the US Strategic Air Forces, General K. Spaats, and the Commander-in-Chief of the French Army, General J. M. Delattre de Tassigny, were present as witnesses.

8 May 1945 even before the signing of the act of surrender I.V. Stalinsigned a decree of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR on the proclamation of 9 May Victory Day.

"On the night of 9 May 1945 Muscovites did not sleep. AT 2At one o'clock in the morning the radio announced that an important message would be broadcast. At 2:10 a.m. Dr. Yuri Levitan read the Act of Military Surrender of Nazi Germany and the Decree of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR on the announcement of 9May Day of national celebration - Victory Day. People ran out of their houses... joyfully congratulating each other on the long-awaited victory. Banners appeared. There were more and more people, and everyone moved to Red Square. A spontaneous demonstration began. Joyful faces, songs, dancing to the accordion. In the evening there was a fireworks display: thirty salvos from a thousand guns in honor of the great Victory” (war correspondent Alexander Ustinov).

That day the newspaper"Is it true" wrote: “The ninth of May! Soviet people will never forget this day. How will he not forget June 22, 1941 A century passed between these dates. And as happens in folk epics, during this time the Soviet people grew fabulously. He grew up so that a Red Army soldier standing by a waving banner in Berlin is visible to the whole world. We did not wait for the twenty-second of June. But we longed for the day to come when the final blow would knock down the black monster that had insulted life. And we dealt this blow... My soul is incredibly joyful today. And the night sky over Moscow seems to radiate a reflection of the joy that the Soviet land is full of. We witnessed events about which volumes could be written. But today we fit them all into one word: victory!..”

June 24, 1945 The first Victory Parade took place on Red Square in Moscow. The parade was hosted by Marshal G.K. Zhukov, the parade was commanded by MarshalK. K. Rokossovsky. Regiments of the Belarusian, Leningrad, Karelian, and Ukrainian fronts, as well as a combined regiment of the Navy, marched along Red Square. The columns were headed by the commanders of these regiments. Heroes of the Soviet Union carried flags and banners of units that distinguished themselves in the war. At the end of the parade, 200 soldiers carried fascist banners bowed to the ground and threw them onto a special platform at the foot of the Lenin Mausoleum.

From 1948 to 1964 9 May was a normal working day. In the year of the 20th anniversary of the Victory, the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR issued a decree declaring 9May is a non-working holiday; On Red Square in Moscow, for the first time since the end of the war, a parade of troops and military equipment of the Moscow garrison was held

Until 1995, parades on Red Square on Victory Day were held only in anniversary years - in 1965, 1985 and 1990. Then they began to be held annually; Since 2008, military equipment has again begun to participate in parades.

Lit.: Zhukov G.K. Memories and reflections. M.,2002; The same [Electronic resource] URL: ; Our Victory. Day after day[Electronic resource] // RIA Novosti. 2005. URL:

See also in the Presidential Library:

During the Great Patriotic War, a parade took place on Red Square in Moscow // On this day. November 7, 1941 ;

Victory Day. Victory Parade // Combat operations (TASS photo chronicle);

Memory of the Great Victory: collection.

Victory Day or May 9 is a celebration of the victory of the Soviet army over Nazi Germany in the Great Patriotic War of 1941-1945.

First day of victory

The first Victory Day in history was celebrated by the Soviet people on May 9, 1945. On the occasion of the celebration, a Victory Salute was organized in Moscow - 30 victorious salvoes fired from thousands of anti-aircraft guns. There was no military parade that day, which, however, is not surprising. It took place on Red Square only a month and a half later - on June 24, and this entire period of time was spent on the necessary preparations.

The photo shows the first victory day in history - May 9, 1945. Neither the people nor the current government had time to prepare for the holiday, but that didn’t matter at all! The Soviet people were happy because the most long-awaited day had arrived - the day of the end of the Great Patriotic War.

Brief history of the holiday

The day after the death of A. Hitler, May 1, 1945, the German command decided to negotiate a truce with the USSR, but I. Stalin stated that he would only be satisfied with unconditional surrender. There was no response from Germany, after which the Soviet army dealt a crushing blow to Berlin. On the morning of May 2, Berlin was captured by Soviet soldiers, but the hostilities did not end there: German troops resisted for several more days.

The act of unconditional surrender was signed on the night of May 9, and in the morning a Decree of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR was issued declaring May 9 the Victory Day and an official holiday.

Photo of the document recognizing May 9 as Victory Day.

May 9 in the USSR

The photo shows a military parade in honor of Victory Day on Red Square during the Soviet era.

After the end of the Second World War, Victory Day or May 9 from 1945 to 1948 was an official holiday and a non-working day, but later the day off was canceled. Only 20 years after the victory, when Brezhnev came to power, the May 9 holiday again became a day off.

How Victory Day is celebrated in modern Russia

The photo shows a military parade on Red Square after the collapse of the USSR.

After the collapse of the USSR, the first military parade on Red Square took place in 1995 in honor of the anniversary of the Victory, after which the festive procession became an annual event. Since 2008, the parade has been held with the participation of military equipment.

Victory Day Parade 2016

Video source: Russia 24

Victory Day traditions

The photo shows fireworks on Red Square in honor of Victory Day (May 9).

The main traditions of Victory Day include:

  • Laying flowers at the monument to war heroes or the unknown soldier;
  • A minute of silence in memory of the fallen soldiers;
  • A festive parade that is held in all major cities;
  • Festive fireworks in the evening, usually at 22 o'clock.

St. George Ribbon

The picture shows the St. George ribbon.

A new attribute of Victory Day is the St. George Ribbon, made of two colors: orange and black. It is believed that black symbolizes gunpowder, and orange symbolizes fire, but the ribbon itself is not directly related to the Second World War.

The history of the ribbon takes us back to the reign of Empress Catherine II, who established the soldier's Order of St. George the Victorious, and with it the St. George's Ribbon in 1769 during the Russian-Turkish War. The ribbon was complemented by the motto: “For service and courage” and it was awarded to the most courageous and loyal soldiers of the Russian Empire as an encouragement. The ribbon was not just a symbol - it was accompanied by lifelong payments to the owner, after whose death the ribbon was inherited. It could be confiscated from the owner in the most exceptional cases, for example, in case of a gross violation of the law.

This combination of colors became a symbol of courage and courage, and therefore was widely used in the design of military orders and awards after the end of the empress’s reign.

Since 2005, St. George ribbons have been distributed free of charge in public places to everyone who wants to honor the memory of fallen soldiers and express admiration for the courage of veterans of the Great Patriotic War.

History of the St. George Ribbon