Lower abdominal pain throughout pregnancy. Causes of pain in the lower abdomen during pregnancy


Any severe and sudden pain causes discomfort and makes an ordinary person worry. And if we are talking about a pregnant woman, then this is doubly dangerous. Most expectant mothers have an increased threshold of sensitivity and anxiety. Therefore, information about the causes of sharp pain in different parts of the body during pregnancy will be useful for them.

Lower belly

Pain is a common complaint among expectant mothers. But it is the pain syndrome that occurs in the abdomen that women pay special attention to. After all, this place is an object of constant care. Trouble there is always perceived with alarm.

If the nature of the pain syndrome is sharp, then this may be a sign of many diseases. The pain is cutting, sharp and occurs suddenly, sometimes it is constant, sometimes it is cramping or increasing. It is important for the doctor that the woman accurately describe their character - aching, pressing, stabbing, cutting. The location, that is, localization, also plays a role in the diagnosis of pathology.

If it is the upper abdomen, then the cause of the pain may be a problem with the biliary tract, pancreas, or even the lungs. Around the navel, trouble occurs due to diseases of the small intestine. But if we are talking about sharp and severe pain in the lower abdomen, then practice shows that most often they are a harbinger of miscarriage, that is, this is a threat of termination of pregnancy. At first the pain may be mild and nagging, but later it becomes sharp, strong, and cramping. They are usually localized in the center, above the pubis, and can sometimes be accompanied by severe discomfort in the lower back and vaginal discharge. In this case, the woman is obliged to inform the observing obstetrician-gynecologist about the problem as soon as possible. You don't need to take any painkillers. If the hospital is far away, then you need to call an ambulance and not hesitate.

Sometimes the expectant mother may experience severe abdominal cramps after physical or emotional stress. They are no less dangerous. After all, even after stopping hard work and calming down, such pain syndrome may not stop and can also provoke a miscarriage if we are talking about the early stages of pregnancy. It can change its character, become cramp-like, that is, repeat itself with a certain frequency. If there is a real threat of miscarriage, such symptoms are also accompanied by bloody discharge from the genitals. And this condition also requires seeking help from a doctor as soon as possible. He uses ultrasound to diagnose the cause. With its help, increased uterine tone, placental or ovum abruption are detected. This confirms the threat of miscarriage. During an ultrasound, the condition of the fetus is determined. It is central to the choice of therapy methods. When pathology occurs in the later stages of pregnancy, the woman also undergoes cardiotocography. It allows you to determine the condition of the fetus and the presence of uterine contractions.

In the crotch and groin

Such pain in pregnant women most often appears from 35-37 weeks of pregnancy. They most likely serve as harbingers of an imminent birth. After all, by this period the child is already beginning to slowly move down. It puts pressure on nerves, muscles, ligaments.

By the above period, the hip joints also begin to diverge, and the ligaments do not always keep up with them. And this can also be the cause of shooting pains in the groin and perineum. Compression of the nerves also causes sharp pain. If we are talking, for example, about the sciatic area, then the pain syndrome is both strong and sharp. Usually, if there are problems with this nerve, the expectant mother will not be able to stand up or even lie down calmly. The way out of this situation is patience. The fetus can take a different position - and the pinched nerve will calm down.

Another cause of pain that occurs in the perineum and groin is loosening of the ligaments or varicose veins of the perineum. But an accurate diagnosis must be carried out by an observing gynecologist. If necessary, he will prescribe treatment appropriate to the situation.

If a woman is diagnosed with symphysiopathy as the cause of pain in the groin and perineum, then she probably cannot do without hospital treatment. This disease is hereditary. It is associated with significant stretching of the pubis and hemorrhage into it.

In the lower back

Practice shows that sharp pain in this area of ​​a woman’s body appears after the 5th month of pregnancy. They are explained by the fact that the load on the spine increases; due to the strong stretching of the abdomen, its muscles weaken. The pain syndrome begins to radiate to the lower extremities due to stretching. A woman most often feels this when walking, after being on her feet for a long time. Then severe discomfort is felt in the area of ​​the hip joints, which is associated with softening of the ligaments.

A diet, the main components of which are foods containing a lot of calcium, will help eliminate such pain. Also, during the period of manifestation of pain in the lower back, you need to especially take care of yourself. It is necessary to limit physical activity, because the spine is already overloaded. It is recommended to sleep on an orthopedic mattress. The stock should be elastic and rigid. Water aerobics can be helpful for lower back pain. This is general strengthening gymnastics with unloading of the spine.

Another cause of lumbar pain during pregnancy is radiculitis. In this case, a consultation with a neurologist is needed; perhaps he will prescribe the woman bed rest and advise her to wear a bandage.

Sharp pain in the lumbar region and back may be associated with deterioration in kidney function. Pyelonephritis will also make itself felt by an increase in temperature, swelling, change in the color of urine and the appearance of protein in it. In this case, the expectant mother cannot do without hospital treatment, because the disease is also dangerous for the fetus.

Sharp and cramping pain in the lower back in a pregnant woman can mean renal colic if she suffers from urolithiasis. Doctors will conduct a course of antispasmodic and analgesic therapy to relieve the attack. During pregnancy, stones are not removed - a woman should do this after childbirth.

On the right or left side

A common pathology that requires surgical intervention during pregnancy is acute appendicitis. The disease occurs in expectant mothers, usually in the second trimester. It begins with sharp pain in the right side. They become permanent and may be accompanied by vomiting, nausea, and fever. Such pain can begin after the expectant mother remains in a position on her right side for a long time. Peritonitis may develop if an ambulance is not called immediately.

In second place among surgical pathologies of pregnant women is cholecystitis (inflammation of the gallbladder). It manifests itself as sharp pain in the acute form of the disease, aching and dull in the chronic form. Pain from cholecystitis is accompanied by vomiting, nausea, a feeling of bitterness in the mouth, heartburn, and belching. An attack of acute cholecystitis is usually provoked by errors in diet. This is the consumption of smoked, fried, fatty foods. If a pregnant woman has gallstones, an attack can be triggered by shaking while driving.

Pancreatitis, as the cause of sharp pain in the left side, is an inflammation of the pancreas. An attack of acute pancreatitis is also provoked by the above factors. Additional symptoms in this case may include bowel dysfunction and a drop in blood pressure.

For acute appendicitis and cholecystitis, surgical treatment is performed. This can be done at any stage of pregnancy. Sometimes laparoscopic techniques are used for this category of patients - inserting instruments through small punctures and performing the necessary manipulations.

As a rule, treatment of chronic inflammatory processes and their relapses during pregnancy is carried out conservatively.

In the bladder

In most cases, the cause of such pain is cystitis - inflammation of the bladder. Then the woman’s lower abdomen hurts. A sharp cutting pain is observed in the acute form of the disease. It can be combined with frequent urination with the release of small portions of urine and the appearance of blood in it.

If we are talking about a relapse of chronic cystitis, then the pain syndrome is of a pulling nature, it intensifies when the bladder is full. In this case, the woman feels the pain of greatest intensity at the end of urination.

To treat cystitis in pregnant women, gentle methods and diet are used. There are many herbal remedies that help cope with its clinical manifestations.

What to do if you have severe pain?

In such situations, a woman should not self-medicate. After all, the main thing is to determine the exact cause of the pathology. And only a doctor can do this. Therefore, if sharp and severe pain appears, the expectant mother should call an ambulance or call her doctor - he will determine further tactics.

Especially for - Diana Rudenko

Seeing 2 coveted lines on a pregnancy test is the cherished dream of many women. But sometimes time moves inexorably forward, and the stork is in no hurry to arrive.

How can you determine that a new life has arisen within you? And, if the usual menstruation does not come on the right day and the lower abdomen hurts, is this a sign of pregnancy? Or could this condition be caused by other processes in the body? Let's figure it out.

Lower abdominal pain and possible pregnancy

So, the new menstrual cycle is nearing completion and you are looking forward to the “news” about the desired conception.

Of course, pregnancy, its inception and course is a purely individual process and can take place in different ways. But there are still basic similar signs, and one of them is a “pulling” pain in the lower abdomen.

Causes of pain in the lower abdomen at the beginning of pregnancy

  1. The process of fusion of female and male eggs occurs during the period of ovulation, which, as a rule, occurs in the middle of the cycle;
  2. A few days (usually from 6 to 12) after fertilization, the egg reaches the uterus, passing through the fallopian tubes;
  3. In the wall of the female reproductive organ, she finds a “cozy place” and is fixed in it;
  4. At the same time, the fertilized cell seems to “push apart” the epithelial cells in order to settle better;
  5. The implantation process causes the first signs of pregnancy, in which the lower abdomen hurts and scanty bleeding appears;
  6. Most often, “population” of the egg occurs towards the end of the cycle, when there are only a few days left before menstruation.

Therefore, aching or nagging pain in the lower abdomen means either the successful consolidation of the zygote, or the approaching menstruation (if fertilization has not occurred).

Interesting! Nagging pain (moderate) in the suprapubic area often means the fact that the female body has accepted the unborn baby. All organs and systems “launch” the necessary processes and are ready to help the full growth and development of the baby.

Pulling in the lower abdomen: how to recognize pregnancy

Determining whether pregnancy has occurred is quite difficult. Often a woman perceives such sensations as harbingers of menstruation.

If implantation was accompanied by spotting bleeding, most often the verdict is the same - the beginning of menstruation. In such cases, the expectant mother does not even suspect that a joyful event has taken place in her body.

So, what to do if nagging pain appears in the lower abdomen?

The answer is simple: nothing.

We received the long-awaited positive result - wonderful, a joyful event is expected in your home soon.

Attention! Nagging pain in the suprapubic part is characteristic of approximately 4 weeks of pregnancy. If after some time the pain does not go away, but only intensifies, go to the doctor.

It is also important to ensure peace and rest for yourself; it is worth taking sick leave from work to spend a few days on bed rest.

By the way! If your doctor complains of pain in the lower abdomen, he will most likely immediately diagnose you with uterine tone and prescribe a whole bunch of pills and hormones. Don't rush to accept them!

Read the article about uterine tone and make sure that doctors often play it safe: Uterine tone in early pregnancy >>>).

Also look at the online course posted on the website, where, in addition to recommendations on a healthy conception, you will learn how to properly live the first weeks of pregnancy and bear a healthy baby. Follow the link: I want a child!>>>

If you think that you have felt the first signs of pregnancy only because your stomach hurts, you should carefully listen to the sensations of your body. Usually the birth of a miracle is accompanied by some additional signs:

  • Delayed menstruation (by the way, read the current article: Can you have periods during pregnancy?>>>);
  • Heavy vaginal discharge caused by dysbacteriosis;
  • The appearance of a metallic taste in the mouth, sensitivity to odors;
  • Swelling of the breasts (mammary glands), darkening of the halo;
  • Mood swings, short temper, irritability.

Lower abdomen hurts: when is a doctor needed?

Unfortunately, stretching in the lower abdomen does not always mean pregnancy.

Sometimes this phenomenon is a sign of gynecological diseases - they are often accompanied by a similar symptom. Often the pain intensifies before menstruation, which can be perceived as an early sign of pregnancy.

In some cases, pain in the area below the navel can be caused by the following pathologies:

  1. Gynecological diseases;
  • Apoplexy of the ovaries. This is the term doctors call hemorrhage into ovarian tissue;
  • Ectopic (tubal) pregnancy (read the article: How to determine an ectopic pregnancy?>>>).

Important! Continuous aching pain in the lower abdomen is a reason to immediately consult a specialist.

Ectopic pregnancy, cysts and ovarian apoplexy can only be eliminated surgically. Losing precious time in such cases can lead to disastrous consequences.

  1. Diseases of the genitourinary system;

It cannot be said unequivocally that pain in the lower abdomen is a sign of inevitable pregnancy. In some cases, it can be triggered by cystitis - an inflammatory process in the bladder. Additional signs of this disease are:

  • frequent and painful urination;
  • pain in the lumbar region;
  • the presence of blood in the urine.

During pregnancy, a woman from time to time feels discomfort or pain in different parts of the body. This is due to hormonal changes in the body, and to the exacerbation of diseases that were in a “dormant” state in a non-pregnant body. Most of all, the mother is in alarm if discomfort or pain occurs in the abdomen, an organ directly related to the child. The stomach, unlike the heart or liver, is not a single organ. In his “department” there are many different organs, tissues, structures, etc. If something is sick, then you are unlikely to be able to independently determine what exactly it is. Therefore, consult a doctor immediately. We suggest you familiarize yourself with what pain that occurs in the abdomen can be and what they can signal.

The sensations that arise in the abdomen during pregnancy can be divided into obstetric and non-obstetric. What does it mean? When they say “obstetric,” they mean the sensations and feelings that arise in the body precisely because of pregnancy. For example, fetal movements in the later stages or mild, fleeting pain in the sides. These symptoms are considered harmless and do not require intervention from medical professionals. In the first trimester, moderate pain is not an alarm signal, but is caused by physiological changes: softening of the tissues that form the supporting apparatus of the uterus occurs, as well as their stretching and displacement due to the growth of this organ. Often such pains bother women who had painful menstruation before pregnancy. But, remember: if a pregnant woman feels a pulling or cramping pain in the lower abdomen, if she “aches” in the area, consult a doctor immediately. This may indicate the onset of a spontaneous miscarriage. The likelihood of an induced abortion increases if the pain is accompanied by discharge. If you take action in time, you can avoid misfortune.

In addition, hormonal changes in a pregnant woman's body cause the intestines to work more slowly, which, in turn, leads to stagnation of its contents. A favorable environment is created for the proliferation of pathogenic bacteria. To alleviate the condition, it is recommended not to overload the intestines: eat right (balanced, 4-5 times a day in small portions). Pain can also be caused by stretching of the intestine, compressed by an enlarged uterus.

A decrease in immune defense and changes in blood circulation in the small vessels of internal organs also lead to conditions that contribute to the development of inflammation. Due to the displacement, the greater omentum, designed to limit the inflammatory process in the abdominal cavity, is pushed aside by the uterus and has poor contact with the internal organs. This leads to the fact that the inflammatory process quickly spreads to nearby organs and the peritoneum, causing their inflammation.

In the second case, when talking about non-obstetric sensations, they mean those that are inherent to any person, regardless of gender and age. So, abdominal pain can be a symptom of a variety of diseases. Let's list the main ones.

Appendicitis during pregnancy

It is extremely rare in pregnant women and causes severe pain in the navel area, as well as in the right hypochondrium and right side. At the same time, nausea and vomiting appear. In the second trimester, acute cases occur that require urgent intervention from doctors. In this case, the pain appears suddenly and manifests itself in sharp, severe attacks, and after a while it acquires a constant aching character. Pain, as with simple appendicitis, may be accompanied by nausea and vomiting, and fever.

Cystitis during pregnancy

Diseases of the duodenum during pregnancy

The occurrence of an intestinal infection is indicated by pain in the navel, loose stools, nausea, vomiting, and sometimes a rise in temperature is possible. During pregnancy, this is also dangerous because it provokes intestinal tone. In addition, an increase in the number of pathogenic bacteria can lead to the threat of miscarriage.

Under the influence of hormones, intestinal motility may be impaired, leading to. In this case, the woman experiences periodic discomfort in the lower lateral parts of the abdomen. To avoid it, it is necessary to carry out a number of measures to force the large intestine to work. For example, eat vegetables and fruits, wholemeal bread and wheat bran. Physical activity will be useful.

Foodborne illnesses during pregnancy

It happens that abdominal pain is caused by poisoning, or rather, toxic food infections. This happens when microorganisms enter the gastrointestinal tract, causing intoxication of the body. The most likely causes of infection are dirty water, food or unwashed hands. If infection occurs, a person experiences nagging or cramping pain in the navel area, frequent loose stools, nausea, and in some cases vomiting. Possible increase in body temperature. In especially severe cases, weakness, pallor, cold sweat, decreased blood pressure and increased blood pressure are noted. In this case, the person is sent to a hospital for treatment.

As you can see, the cause of pain in the lower abdomen can be a variety of diseases, so if such symptoms occur, it is very important to seek medical help as quickly as possible. If you experience pain that you have never had to deal with before, it is better to immediately call an ambulance team. Sometimes the illness can be dealt with at home, and sometimes additional tests, consultations with specialists and treatment within medical institutions may be required.

Especially for- Elena Kichak

Pain in the lower abdomen during pregnancy can cause two types of reasons:

  1. Problems associated with pregnancy- This , .
  2. Non-obstetric pain most often caused by digestive disorders, stretched abdominal muscles, pressure on organs, and in severe cases – acute surgical pathologies.

Problems associated with pregnancy

Risk of miscarriage

Drawing and aching pain in the lower abdomen as with menstruation during pregnancy, which do not spread to other areas, can occur when there is a threat of miscarriage. They become a frequent accompanying symptom. If these symptoms occur woman needs medical attention.

In the future, cramping pain may appear, bleeding will increase and the cervix will shorten, which will lead to miscarriage or premature birth.

Threatened miscarriage with characteristic symptoms may provoke:

  • infections;
  • physical exercise;
  • pathologies of fetal development.

Ectopic pregnancy

Sometimes the fertilized egg is located outside the uterine cavity - for example, in the tubes. At 8-12 weeks they may rupture. Observed cramping cutting pain in the side of the lower abdomen during pregnancy. Possible irradiation into the anus, under the ribs, into the leg, and the area above the collarbones. The intensity of the pain is so severe that it can cause fainting.

The attacks are short-lived and pass with slight bleeding. However, you should not delay going to the hospital due to the risk of intra-abdominal bleeding. Between attacks, the woman feels normal, but this does not mean that they will not happen again.

Premature placental abruption

Premature placental abruption during pregnancy and childbirth provokes a number of factors:

  • abdominal injuries;
  • shortened umbilical cord;
  • severe gestosis;
  • arterial hypertension;
  • abnormal labor activity.

Because of very severe pain in the lower abdomen During pregnancy, a woman strives to accept a position in which they will decrease. Internal bleeding is also observed, but external bleeding is often absent. During this period, the uterus is painful and tense, and the placental hematoma intensifies. Without timely medical intervention, fetal death is possible.

Pain not associated with pregnancy

Digestive disorders

Due to hormonal changes, expectant mothers often suffer from bloating and intestinal dysbiosis. Provoking factors are:

  • unhealthy diet;
  • a hearty dinner;
  • low physical activity.

Digestive disorders often occur in the 2nd half of pregnancy and are accompanied by nagging and aching pain. Nausea with vomiting, heartburn, and belching may be present. In severe cases, there is a risk of miscarriage.

Abdominal muscle and ligament strain

During pregnancy, the uterus grows, which increases the load on the ligaments that support it, and the organs in the pelvis are displaced. At the same time, the load on the abdominal muscles increases, causing them to stretch.

In these conditions it is possible mild aching or stabbing pain. If the stomach is large, an umbilical or linea alba hernia is possible. Towards the end of pregnancy, moderate abdominal pain can provoke separation of the pelvic bones.

Acute surgical pathologies

Pregnant women often develop acute surgical pathologies, including intestinal obstruction, appendicitis, and pancreatitis. Diagnosis is difficult, and symptoms depend on the specific disease. Observed abdominal pain of varying intensity, radiating to different areas. With an “acute abdomen”, nausea with vomiting, diarrhea, weakness and high body temperature appear.

How to determine if pain is not dangerous

As a rule, rare stabbing pain in the lateral surfaces of the uterus and lower abdomen, not associated with physical activity during pregnancy, is not dangerous. This symptom is evidence of stretching of the supporting ligaments in the pelvis or enlargement of the uterus. However Only a gynecologist can make an accurate diagnosis. If there is such an opportunity, it is better to play it safe and make an appointment with him.

When you need to see a doctor urgently

A woman should see a doctor if she has severe sharp pain in the lower abdomen, bleeding or- all this may indicate the possibility of pregnancy complications, especially in the early stages.

Bloody discharge sometimes occurs in pregnant women after sexual intercourse if they have cervicitis or erosion of the uterine cervix. However, only a doctor can identify pathology.

It is especially important to go to the hospital if other symptoms are added to the pain:

  • fever;
  • nausea with vomiting;
  • increased pain during movement;
  • discomfort when urinating.

These signs may indicate a variety of pathologies, including kidney stones, uterine fibroids, and genitourinary infections. Appendicitis often causes severe abdominal pain in pregnant women.

Pain during training contractions

Everyone has different pain thresholds, so some may find training contractions painful. In such cases, it is recommended to take valerian or another mild sedative. Discomfort is usually short-lived. It goes away when the woman takes a comfortable body position and relaxes.

Intense and prolonged pain during training contractions most often indicates increased uterine tone or a “pathological preliminary period” that occurs before childbirth in emotionally unstable women. It is accompanied by irregular attacks of pain in the lower abdomen and back, which do not lead to childbirth. This condition lasts from 6 hours to 2 days and causes fatigue. Early rupture of water, weak labor and fetal hypoxia are possible, so the woman requires medical attention.

Stitching pain in the lower abdomen in women during gestation can be a sign of both normal physiological processes caused by the natural course of pregnancy, and evidence of developing pathologies. It is often quite difficult to independently determine the cause of the deterioration of the condition. If you feel unwell, you should definitely pay attention to the intensity of the pain syndrome, its location and the presence of concomitant symptoms. If the discomfort persists for several hours or leads to a rapid deterioration in your health, you should immediately consult a doctor.

Abdominal tenderness is a normal symptom of a healthy pregnancy. During gestation, large-scale changes occur in a woman’s body caused by hormonal changes and increasing pressure on the abdominal organs. Mild short-term pulling or tingling pain in the lower abdomen is not a sign of pathology. You can relieve discomfort by taking a warm bath or drinking a tablet “ Drotaverina" or " No-shpy", having massaged the lower back.

Stitching pain syndrome, which occurs due to normal physiological processes during gestation, can be caused by the following factors:

In addition, stabbing sensations in the lower abdomen in pregnant women can occur due to a number of different pathologies. Therefore, during this period, patients should carefully monitor their condition and pay attention to the appearance of alarming symptoms.

Manifestations of ectopic gestation

Ectopic pregnancy is a gestational developmental anomaly caused by implantation of the zygote in the woman’s body outside the uterine cavity. Normally, the fusion of male and female gametes occurs in the fallopian tube, after which the fertilized zygote continues to move towards the uterus, where it attaches to the wall of the organ. In some cases, a disruption occurs in the normal course of this process, as a result of which the egg is implanted in other organs and tissues.

The most common types of ectopic gestation are:

  • in the oviducts;
  • in the cavity of the gonads;
  • in the abdominal organs;
  • in the rudimentary uterine horn.

Attention! In more than 90% of cases of ectopic gestation, implantation of the embryo in the uterine tubes is noted.

The vast majority of women with tubal pregnancy are advised to terminate gestation. The embryo and, if necessary, the affected organ are removed under anesthesia.

In the first weeks, an ectopic pregnancy is manifested by normal signs of gestation:

  • increased appetite;
  • nausea;
  • drowsiness and lethargy;
  • enlargement and increased sensitivity of the mammary glands;
  • sudden mood swings.

Then, from 3-7 weeks of gestation, the woman begins to be bothered by pathological symptoms:

  1. Stitching or cutting pain in the lower abdomen, in some cases may be accompanied by spasms or cramping sensations. Often, patients complain of increased pain during bowel movements or urination. Over time, the pain syndrome becomes more pronounced and unbearable.
  2. Bleeding. Most often, women note scanty brownish or spotting scarlet discharge from the vagina. This symptom persists for a long period until the pathology resolves.
  3. Shock. A state of shock occurs when a fallopian tube, ovary, or other organ ruptures. Manifested by loss of consciousness, a sharp decrease in blood pressure, tachycardia, disorientation, pallor and wetness of the skin.

Attention! If the patient develops a state of shock, it is necessary to immediately take her to a medical facility. Failure to provide medical care in this case can lead to the death of the patient.

To detect an ectopic pregnancy, an ultrasound scan and a human chorionic gonadotropin test are performed. In women, in this case, the absence of a fertilized egg in the uterus and a slowly rising or falling hCG is determined. When determining the pathology, laparoscopic removal of the fertilized egg is necessary.

Pain due to isthmic-cervical insufficiency

Isthmic-cervical insufficiency is a deviation during pregnancy that occurs against the background of dysfunction of the muscular ring of the internal uterine pharynx. As a result, the fetus and its surrounding membranes cannot be retained in the uterine cavity. This pathology is diagnosed on average in 10-15% of patients.

Attention! Isthmic-cervical insufficiency in the early stages does not manifest clinical symptoms, which makes its diagnosis extremely difficult. As a rule, women first consult a doctor with complaints of malaise during the second or third trimester of gestation.

Often this disorder occurs latently and does not cause any alarming symptoms in the patient for a long period. A woman may experience some discomfort, which is often attributed to physiological changes occurring in the body due to pregnancy:

  • stabbing pain in the lower abdomen and vagina;
  • feeling of pressure or fullness;
  • nagging pain syndrome in the lumbar and sacral spine;
  • the appearance of mucous or bloody discharge from the vagina.

The most informative method for diagnosing this pathology is ultrasound scanning. The specialist identifies shortening and softening of the cervix. Normally, the length of the cervical canal is at least 30 mm in late gestation. Lower rates indicate the presence of isthmic-cervical insufficiency and the threat of miscarriage.

Treatment of this disorder involves adherence to bed rest, refusal of physical and psycho-emotional stress. If necessary, the patient is fitted with an obstetric pessary - a plastic or silicone device to support the uterus.

Stitching pain due to intestinal obstruction

Intestinal obstruction or ileus is a syndrome caused by any disease or mechanical compression of the intestines, as a result of which the movement of feces through the digestive tract is disrupted or completely stopped. In women with a tendency to constipation and hypofunction of intestinal motility, the risk of developing ileus during pregnancy increases several times.

Often, intestinal obstruction occurs due to increased pressure of the uterus on the intestine, as well as the effect of the hormone progesterone on the patient’s body. It sharply reduces the contractility of the motor function of the digestive tract, against which stagnation of feces occurs.

In most cases, ileus forms in women during the second or third trimester. The pathological syndrome is manifested by the following symptoms:

  1. Stitching or bursting pain in the abdomen. The most informative sign of developing obstruction. It usually occurs suddenly and occurs in paroxysms, appearing every 15-20 minutes. If you do not take measures to eliminate the disease, then after a few days the pain syndrome will disappear for 48-72 hours, after which it will resume, but will sharply intensify.
  2. Lack of bowel movements and gas retention. One of the early symptoms of ileus. Due to abnormal bowel movements, the patient develops bloating and heaviness. After treatment, multiple profuse bowel movements are usually observed, which indicates the effectiveness of therapy.
  3. Abdominal asymmetry. In the initial stages of obstruction, asymmetry is noted only by a specialist during palpation. However, in the absence of medical intervention, fecal impaction can lead to the formation of a pronounced protrusion of the abdominal wall.
  4. Vomit. Nausea, vomiting and headache are characteristic symptoms resulting from intoxication of the body with waste products. Vomiting usually occurs repeatedly and provides short-term relief.

Attention! In case of acute intestinal obstruction, the probability of fetal death if medical care is not provided in a timely manner reaches 60-65%. Therefore, you should consult a doctor when the first symptoms of ileus appear.

In most cases, surgical intervention is used to eliminate obstruction. It is also possible to perform decompression of the digestive tract with the placement of a nasogastric tube. In addition, the patient is indicated for novocaine blockade, metoclopramide and the introduction of other drugs that prevent intestinal paresis.

Stitching pain during miscarriage

One of the most common and dangerous causes of pain in the lower abdomen is miscarriage - spontaneous cessation of gestational development for up to 22-28 weeks. In this case, pregnancy cannot end in birth, since the embryo does not reach a viable state and is not able to independently exist outside the mother’s body.

Attention! Most often, miscarriages occur in the early stages of gestation, up to 6-7 weeks, when the fetus has not yet had time to attach to the wall of the uterus. In most cases, a woman mistakes a miscarriage for heavy menstruation.

Pain syndrome during miscarriage can be of a different nature and depends on the gestational age, the reasons for the development of spontaneous abortion and a number of other factors.

Clinical symptoms of miscarriage

FormPain syndromeBleedingWoman's body temperature
Risk of miscarriageConstant cutting or stabbing pain in the lower abdomenPossible slight bleedingFine
Incipient miscarriageCramping, stabbing, cutting painBloody issuesHyperthermia up to 37.5°C possible
Miscarriage in progressIntense cramping pain in the lower abdomen and vaginaHeavy bleedingHyperthermia up to 38°C possible
Complete spontaneous abortionConstant mild dull, stabbing or cutting painThe discharge is bloody or absentFine

Therapeutic measures for spontaneous abortion depend on the gestational age and stage of the miscarriage. If there is a threat of miscarriage or small placental abruption, tactics are used aimed at maintaining the vital activity of the fetus:

  • the patient is prescribed bed rest, complete psychological and physical rest;
  • inpatient observation;
  • hormone therapy with progesterone;
  • anti-spasm medications, tocolytics: magnesium injections, No-spa;
  • vitamin therapy.

If a miscarriage is ongoing or the death of the embryo is recorded, then the patient is indicated for surgical intervention to remove remnants of gestational products. After vacuum aspiration or curettage, the following therapeutic measures are prescribed:

  • injections of oxytocin to stimulate myometrial contraction;
  • antibiotic therapy: Ciprofloxacin, Spiramycin, Doxycycline;
  • vitamin therapy and good nutrition.

Attention! After completion of treatment, the woman is advised to undergo a full examination to determine the cause of the miscarriage and prevent the development of complications when planning gestation in the future.

Pain syndrome in ulcerative colitis

Ulcerative colitis is a pathology in which there is chronic inflammation of the large intestine. The exact reasons for the development of this disease in pregnant women have not yet been established. Most often, the appearance of ulcerative colitis is provoked by autoimmune disorders, genetic factors and exposure to viruses and bacteria on the patient’s body. With this pathology, patients experience ulceration of the internal membranes of the digestive tract.

The disease manifests itself with the following symptoms:

  • long-lasting stabbing pain in the lower abdomen, which intensifies several hours after eating;
  • violation of defecation: constipation and diarrhea, mushy stool mixed with pus and blood;
  • tenesmus – false painful urge to defecate;
  • general deterioration of health: headache, weakness, myalgia and arthralgia, lethargy;
  • decreased or lack of appetite;
  • hyperthermia up to 37.5-38°C.

Patients are prescribed Sulfasalazine And Mesalazine for healing mucous membranes. Often used in the treatment of colitis Prednisolone And Dexamethasone, however, they are prohibited from being used to treat pregnant women. A mandatory prescription is to follow a diet that excludes foods that cause inflammation.

Pain in the lower abdomen in pregnant women is a common symptom that may indicate normal physiological processes occurring in the patient’s body caused by the growth of the uterus and changes in hormonal levels. However, in some cases, pain occurs as a result of the formation of some pathological processes. To prevent the development of complications, it is necessary to promptly pay attention to alarming symptoms and consult with a specialist.

Video - Stomach pain during pregnancy