How to keep a Christmas tree longer. We choose, install and extend the life of a living New Year's beauty

New Year

It doesn’t matter what we choose, spruce or pine, first of all we should inspect the tree and assess its condition at the time of purchase. The surface of the trunk should be strewn with needles. It is good if there is no wide dark border on the cut. The resin, which is characteristic of conifers, should remain fresh and sticky.

The freshness of the Christmas tree is easy to check. If the tree was recently cut down, the needles on it are saturated green, the elastic branches bend well. In addition, the needles light touch does not crumble, but keeps firmly on the branches.

A strong coniferous smell suggests that the tree was cut down quite recently, you can safely buy it.

Very important point when choosing a tree is the presence of a document or a tag on the trunk. This means that spruce or pine is grown specifically for sale in an ecologically clean place and the purchase of this tree does not pose a threat to health.

We do not buy a Christmas tree if:

  • the needles are yellowish and crumble easily;
  • the branches are dry and, when pressed, crunch and break, and do not bend;
  • there are no required documents.

Transport and preparation

After you have chosen a suitable tree, ask the seller to tie up the branches with a rope if you need to carry it far. This must be done very carefully so as not to damage or break the branches.

Upon arrival home, do not rush to bring spruce into a warm house from frost, since a sharp temperature drop adversely affects its condition and further storage. If there is a glazed balcony or veranda, hold the Christmas tree there for a while. If there is none, let the tree stand in the corridor or in the pantry.


Before you install a spruce, you need to remove the lower branches, which will be useful in compiling festive wreaths, bouquets or ekibana. In addition, when removing the lower branches, the trunk will become much longer, which will allow you to easily place the spruce in any container.

If your goal is not just to install a Christmas tree, but to prolong its existence in the proper form, do not use a standard stand or cross. Since in such stands the spruce is fastened with nails or screws, then what kind of life extension can we talk about. To do this, you will need a container into which you can pour liquid. It can be a special stand or the most common bucket that can be found in every home.

And now we are approaching the most important question. What can help prolong life? New Year's beauty in your house?

improvised means

Let's start with the simplest. If you decide to put the tree in a bucket or any other container, fill it with wet sand, clean up the cut on the trunk and set the tree so that it does not fall. To do this, select a container deeper and, if necessary, secure the spruce with a rope or thin wire.

Instead of sand, you can use earth, small pebbles or plain water. The most important thing is that the trunk is in a humid environment.

The next option: it is necessary to wrap the cut and the lower part of the trunk with a wet cloth, which must be moistened regularly. Branches can be periodically sprayed with a spray gun, this will allow them to stay fresh longer.

Special solution

If there is no opportunity or desire to mess with sand or stones, use special solutions that are not difficult to prepare. The easiest thing to do is to buy a ready-made solution and use it according to the instructions. But there are several recipes that will help the New Year's guest stay green and fresh as long as possible:

  • Dissolve a tablespoon of crushed chalk in 6 liters of water, add 10 g of gelatin and the same citric acid. Mix everything well and add to the sand.
  • Stir a few crystals of potassium permanganate in water to make the water bright pink. There is an opinion that the tree takes root with the help of this solution, moreover, it acts as an antibacterial agent.
  • A teaspoon of superphosphate, a tablespoon of ammonium nitrate and half a teaspoon of saltpeter, mixed into water, give the result of feeding. One spoonful of the product every day is enough and the tree will be as good as new.
  • A couple of spoons of sugar or a few pieces of refined sugar along with an aspirin tablet are a nourishing and revitalizing remedy. This solution must be mixed with sand. By the way, this recipe is the most common.
  • Pour acetic acid into hot water and hold the barrel in this solution for a while. By using hot water the pores of the wood will open, and the acid will kill all the pests living under the bark of the tree. In addition, the solution is used as a preservative that prolongs the life of spruce.

Well, the New Year is coming soon and it's time to think about what kind of Christmas tree you will install in your home: live or artificial.

And if your choice is, then you need to approach the purchase of one of the main symbols of the New Year as responsibly as possible. After all, it is not enough to buy a Christmas tree, you need to take care to keep it as long as possible in your apartment or house.

1. How long the tree will stand indoors depends largely on its health. Choosing Christmas tree, pay attention to the trunk. It is desirable that it be thick and, like branches, covered with needles. The branches on the trunk should grow quite often.

The good condition of the Christmas tree is indicated by the elasticity of its branches, pricklyness and dark green (but not yellowish!) Needle color, preferably not very large. It is important that the branches of the Christmas tree bend, and do not break or crumble, since even a tree recently brought from the forest can be dry.

A young, healthy tree can also be identified by the specific smell of the forest. The preservation of the tips of the branches and especially the tops is very important. For this reason, be especially careful when transporting the Christmas tree, after carefully pressing it to the trunk and securing its branches with wide ropes.

Before dressing the Christmas tree, chop off the lower branches of the tree and expose the trunk by 15-20 centimeters, put the Christmas tree for two hours in water that has been separated from chlorine.

Further, experts recommend: (1) - dissolve 40 grams of sweet syrup, add a teaspoon of fertilizer per liter of water and the same dose of bleach for fabrics; (2) - Pour in 2 tablespoons of triple cologne and a tablespoon of glycerin. Cologne can be replaced with Nitchinol. After a week, the solution is recommended to be changed.

3. If the purchased Christmas tree was stored on the balcony, when bringing it into the house, do not immediately unfold it, but gradually warm it up to room temperature, otherwise the needles can quickly crumble.

The lower cut on the trunk is renewed and made even, added to the water in which the tree will be placed, an aspirin tablet, a pinch of salt and a spoonful of sugar. Aspirin prevents putrefactive bacteria from developing, while salt and sugar provide nutrition. Water is added from time to time, the container should always be full.

A Christmas tree made of polyethylene and polyvinyl chloride, removed from the mezzanine, is vacuumed before being installed in the room. It should not be washed, otherwise the metal rods that serve as the base of the branches and trunk may rust.

4. Get a special stand - a tripod holder for a Christmas tree, because the cross, popular in the time of our grandmothers, has long gone out of fashion - it was painfully short because of it, the life of the Christmas tree in the house was.

Lower the end of the tree trunk, peeled from the bark, into the inside of the stand - a container of water (it is important that the water level in the vessel is always higher than the place where the bark is cut), add 3-4 tablespoons of glycerin to it.

The stand can be replaced with a bucket or other deep vessel. Here it is important to give the tree stability by cutting off several lower branches to half so that they rest securely against the walls of the bucket, or to strengthen the trunk of the spruce with the help of special extensions.

5. To keep the Christmas tree as long as possible, there is another way to create a nutrient and preservation solution: add about 5 grams of citric acid and gelatin, as well as an incomplete tablespoon of crushed chalk, to 3 liters of water. As the water evaporates, add it to the desired level.

6. 2-3 days before the holiday, you buy a live Christmas tree and keep it on a cold balcony all this time. Next, dissolve an aspirin tablet and 3-4 teaspoons of sugar in one liter of water. Mix this solution in a bucket of clean sand.

In the wet sand prepared in this way, put the Christmas tree so that its bare root is deepened into the sand mixture by 15-20 centimeters. When the sand dries, moisten it with water, it is necessary that the sand is always wet, as the tree “drinks” a lot.

7. The lower part of the spruce trunk, peeled from the bark, is immersed in a bucket of water, in which a teaspoon of garden fertilizer, urea, is first dissolved. A day later, an incision can be made in the tree trunk, into which a woolen cloth can be inserted.

A full-fledged New Year's holiday is hard to imagine without a Christmas tree in the apartment. After the celebration forest beauty it is not customary to take it out of the house until the Old New Year. During this time, it may begin to dry, and the needles will crumble. To keep the Christmas tree as long as possible, it is important to learn some subtleties and secrets that will help save the tree.

How to choose the right Christmas tree

It happens that unscrupulous sellers try to sell a tree that is far from the first freshness. Therefore, it is necessary to inspect the Christmas tree carefully before buying. First of all, you need to evaluate appearance. And if the spruce looks normal at first glance, then you need to check its flexibility. Christmas tree branches should bend easily without breaking.

The selected tree should also be transported carefully. You can wrap it with burlap, and tie it with a rope or twine.

Things are much easier if a person lives in a private house, and in his garden grows his own personal, small Christmas tree. To bring it home for the holidays, you need to dig live Christmas tree from the ground, transplant into a tub and sprinkle with moss on top. At the same time, you need to take care of the roots, which should be moistened with plenty of water and wrapped in a plastic bag.

You can not immediately bring the tree into a warm room, as this can quickly dry it out and die. To avoid this, you need to determine the spruce in a cool, bright room, and leave it there until the holiday.

While the Christmas tree will be in the apartment, it needs to be watered every day, while spending 3-4 liters of water. After all the holidays, the tree must be taken out into the street and placed in a place where it will be protected from the wind.

With the onset of spring, the Christmas tree should be transplanted to its original place, that is, in the ground, so that it survives until the next New Year.

If what tree is far from the most best quality, it turned out after the purchase, then you need to store the cut Christmas tree in the cold. Should be released on the balcony enough places, and put a tree there. Already closer to the holidays, you can bring it into the room and install it using the tips.

Tip number 1. So that the needles do not crumble maximum amount time, you must select the correct capacity for installation. Usually use:

  • a bucket or tub of wet sand;
  • a bucket or small barrel of water;
  • wet rags.

The first option is considered the most effective, but it is unlikely to be suitable for those who have cats at home. Pour a sufficient amount of sand into the tub, and prepare a solution of water and glycerin. If glycerin is not at hand, you can stir one aspirin tablet in water and add 2 tablespoons to it. Sahara. Next, you need to pour the solution into the tub, and pour water over the sand every day so that it is always wet.

The second option also helps to keep the Christmas tree longer. In a bucket of water, mix 1/2 tsp. citric acid, 1 tbsp. gelatin and a few grams of crushed chalk.

But there is a minus here, since the tree will be unstable, and you will have to invent additional ways to secure it.

The third option is the simplest, but not very effective. The place of the log house should be wrapped with a damp cloth, and the material should be periodically placed in water so that it is always damp.

Tip number 2. If the tree has to be installed on a cross or on a special stand, but you want to save it until the New Year, then you should adhere to the following algorithm of actions:

  • prepare a solution of water and glycerin;
  • place the Christmas tree in a container for a day;
  • after 24 hours, get the tree and make an incision at the bottom of the trunk;
  • push a rag made of woolen material into the recess.

The rag will need to be moistened daily with water so that the spruce gets the necessary moisture and pleases people with its appearance for as long as possible.

Tip number 3. A Christmas tree or pine can stand for a month if you install it in a bucket of water and do some manipulations. You need to mix a little salt in a container, 1 tsp. sugar and 1 aspirin. Next, you should update the cut on the trunk, and place the tree in the solution. The main thing is to monitor the water level, and periodically add it.

Tip number 4. To prevent the Christmas tree from crumbling longer, you need to periodically spray the branches clean water. It will be more convenient to do this with a spray gun.

Tip number 5. If the tree nevertheless began to dry out and lose its needles, then you can remove it from the stand and knock the trunk on the floor. Then all the extra needles will fall in one place, and will not roll around the house.

Tip number 6. The bottom of the trunk can be freed from the bark, but not more than 10 centimeters. After that, the tree needs to be planed, as this will help open fresh pores.

Tip number 7. You can extend the life of the Christmas tree with ammonium nitrate, iron sulfate, or any complex fertilizer. To do this, you need to prepare a special solution in which the selected agent and water are mixed, in the proportion: 5 gr. substances per 1 liter. liquids.

Christmas tree or fir - what to choose

Lately, under New Year on the market you can find not only the usual spruces, but also other types of coniferous trees. For example, the Nordmann fir is very popular, as it is very beautiful, and its needles are long and airy. The needles of this tree do not prick at all, and do not fall off, which attracts buyers.

But such a New Year's guest will not be affordable for everyone. Prices for fir, to put it mildly, bite, and it costs much more than its modest "sisters". For the holiday, in addition to decorations, there are enough other expenses, but if you really want to, you can just buy fir branches.

They can be hung around the house, just decorate Christmas decorations and tinsel. Such decorations will create a festive and cozy atmosphere even in the most modest dwelling. The only thing is that fir does not have a pronounced smell, therefore, in order to fill the house with the aroma appropriate for the New Year, you can spread several bunches of spruce branches in the room.

This question is asked by lovers of the living, not the artificial. Only a real Christmas tree will create the aroma of the New Year holiday.

First of all, clean the bottom of the trunk from the peel by 10 cm. Now prepare a bucket of water with dissolved aspirin, a pinch of salt and a spoonful of sugar. Aspirin prevents putrefactive bacteria from developing, and sugar and salt provide nutrition.

Then the solution is mixed with purified sand and the tree is placed so that the grenade launcher is rotated 20 cm. Pour 1000 ml of water into a container with sand. You can even add gelatin.

When the sand dries, moisten it with liquid so that it is not dry, because the Christmas tree drinks enough. You can add a few crystals of potassium permanganate to the river sand. This microfertilizer will keep the Christmas tree for a very long time. for a long time.

There is a chance that the tree will grow and take root. Fluid must be added to keep the container full. It should be dark red in color.

It is not advised to place the Christmas tree next to heating appliances. To keep fresh coniferous branches Spruce is sprayed with fresh water.

Choose the right tree! When choosing a Christmas tree, look at its trunk. It should be with needles and not thin. Watch for the branches to grow abundantly.

The fact that the Christmas tree is in good condition is indicated by its elasticity, degree of pricklyness and emerald shade needles.

Pay attention to whether the branches are bent. If, when buying, you notice that they bend and crack, this means that the spruce is dry and the needles will quickly fall off. After all, it also happens that a fresh tree is brought dry.

The youth of a tree is determined by a special forest smell. You can rub the needles in your palms, after which you will understand and feel the true aroma of pine needles.

It is important that the limbs of the branches and tops are preserved. Be careful when transporting the Christmas tree, clinging to the trunk and fastening the branches with twine.

Do not keep the Christmas tree for a long time in a warm room before decorating. If you bought it in advance, then store it wrapped and in a cool place. If there is no such place, then carefully tie the tree from the side of the street outside the window.

To decorate it, remove the lower branches so that the trunk is 20 cm bare. Now place the tree in water separated from bleach for two hours.

Dissolve 40g of sweetened syrup, 10g of fertilizer and 10g of bleach in 1000 grams of liquid. Pour in two tablespoons of triple cologne (or Nithilone) and a spoonful of glycerin. After 7 days, replace the solution with another one.

In the case when the spruce was on the balcony, bringing it into the room, do not immediately open it, but warm it so that it finds the warmth of the room. If you do not do this, then the spruce may crumble. The bottom cut must be straight.

The polyethylene Christmas tree must be vacuumed before installation. It is forbidden to wash it, otherwise the base of the branches and the grenade launcher will rust.

Buy a stand, lower the peeled trunk into it so that it is in the water. Add 4 tablespoons of glycerin there, and see that the liquid is above the cut peel.

After placing the Christmas tree in a stand, cover the liquid with corrugated paper or any similar material.

Periodically spray spruce with a spray bottle, which will keep the tree fresh for a long time.. In 3 liters of liquid, add citric acid and gelatin (5 g each) and 15 g of crushed chalk.

In addition, you can dissolve 10 g of urea (garden fertilizer) in the liquid. After a day, make an incision in the grenade launcher, where you then put the worsted fabric.

When buying spruce, do not look at those that are wrapped in green netting. Sellers thus hide damaged copies. When it is not allowed to remove it, pay attention to another spruce. There should not be a single yellow tint on the Christmas tree.

If it is available, then the spruce was cut down a long time ago or it grew on poor sandy soil and will not be able to stand for a long time. The cut should be fresh and smell like resin. Store the tree in a room where the temperature is no more than 18 C.

The room must be ventilated and humidified. The long-liver is pine, the most odorous is fir, but the most beautiful is spruce (if the crown is properly processed).

Another tap the barrel on the ground, and if the needles crumble, then do not take it. When everything is fine, then carefully look at the trunk so that there is no mold or fungus on it.

After the purchase, it is required to saw off or plan the butt so that the pores of the tree open. Then bring it to a cold place and put it in water for two days. She can drink up to 3 liters of fluid per day.

Therefore, watch her and add liquid. In a stand with water, add sugar and copper wires from the wires.
To save the Christmas tree will help its gradual preparation for heat. The tree can also stay in ordinary liquid.

Some wrap the barrel in a multiple layer of gauze. It also needs to be moistened.

This option is also very effective: take 20 g of ammonium nitrate, 10 g of superphosphate and 5 g of potassium nitrate for a bucket of liquid. Pour a spoonful of the solution into the liquid daily.

You can only add aspirin to the water. For this, two tablets of crushed aspirin are thrown per liter. To destroy the microflora, you can throw copper coins. First, the tree will drink a liter of liquid.

The simplest option is to moisten a cloth with liquid and wrap the barrel, then wet it when it dries.

When a Christmas tree has suddenly grown in your garden, do not cut it, but rather wait until it grows. Then, taking it into the house a couple of days before the New Year, transplant it into a spacious bucket, and moisten the roots with liquid.

Wrap with plastic wrap and sprinkle with moss or peat mixture. First, determine it in a bright and not warm room, and the day before the New Year in a warm one. This way you avoid sudden temperature changes.

Daily for watering the moss you need 4 liters of liquid. After the holidays are over, make sure that the Christmas tree is preserved until next holiday. Take the bucket of wood out into the yard and place it where there is no wind.

With the onset of warm weather, immediately transplant the Christmas tree into the ground. When the weather is cold, it is better to wait for the coming of spring and bury the tree with a tub in the garden. For shelter, you can use peat, film or snow.

Exotic plants from the Araucaria family have become popular. They grow for a very long time, have various shapes and look like a Christmas tree.

They also have elastic twigs and hard leaves, like needles. The tree will grow like your baby and stay green forever.

We buy a Christmas tree

If you bought a Christmas tree ahead of time, keep it in the cold. Before you bring it into a warm room, hold it for several hours on a cold balcony or loggia. To make dried needles fall off, tap the tree trunk on the floor.

If the Christmas tree is not stored in frost, two days before installation, lower the end of the trunk into a bucket of water, to which 3-4 tablespoons of glycerin are added.

How to install a Christmas tree correctly?

So that the tree does not crumble as long as possible, it is recommended to install it:

  • in a bucket of wet sand. This perfect option. The sand must be clean enough. About a liter of water should be added to a bucket of sand, in which a little glycerin or gelatin is placed, or an aspirin tablet plus 2 tablespoons of sugar. The tree should be placed in such a way that Bottom part the trunk was covered with wet sand for at least 20 centimeters. Sand needs to be watered after 1-2 days.
  • worse option - in a bucket or tank of water. It is worth adding half a teaspoon of citric acid, a spoonful of gelatin and a little crushed chalk to the water.
  • and, finally, you can simply wrap the barrel at the cut point with a damp cloth that needs to be moistened periodically.

Whichever option you use, the bottom of the tree trunk needs to be cleaned of bark by 8-10 cm, and cut off sharp knife to open fresh pores. Sprigs of the Christmas tree can be sprayed from time to time with a spray bottle, this will help the tree stay fresh longer.

To install the Christmas tree, you can use a special stand, or you can use any durable deep vessel. You can strengthen the trunk with the help of stretch marks, wooden planks, an ordinary rope. The vessel is covered from above corrugated paper, tinsel or cloth.

How long can you keep a tree?

Do not bring the tree to a crumbling state, do not be greedy. It is better to throw it out early, without waiting until it is out of holiday symbol will become a carrier of necrotic information.

If you love to keep a Christmas tree for months - with catholic christmas before the Chinese New Year - get an artificial one. High-quality Christmas trees will serve for a long time, and in appearance practically do not differ from the real ones. And two or three live pine branches will create a forest aroma.