A bachelorette party according to all the rules is a celebration of the bride and bridesmaids. Bachelorette party at home: looking for fresh ideas


Saying goodbye to girlhood among friends is a Russian tradition, the roots of which go back to ancient times and in our time more girls dream of distinguishing themselves on this day, making it original.

Previously, brides had few options. Bachelorette parties were usually held the day before the wedding and the “highlight of the program” were the sobs of the bride, mourning her braid, beauty, freedom, etc. Fortunately, today girls' get-togethers are more cheerful; girls have the opportunity to have a blast and have a bright and memorable evening.

Here you will not find offers to go abroad for a couple of days, to jump with a parachute as a whole crowd, or to book a table in a luxurious restaurant.

13 fun ideas for celebrating a bachelorette party

1. Bachelorette party in a cozy home environment

Who is it suitable for? This idea is suitable for active brides who want to organize a holiday on their own. The number of guests can only depend on the capacity of the venue and the sociability of the bride.

If these expressions: “organizer from God”, “home toastmaster”, “crazy hands” are about you, then a bachelorette party at home is just what you need.

Required attributes for home evening:
  1. Decorating a room or apartment in the desired style;
  2. Edible treats for girlfriends;
  3. Competitions, games with pre-prepared details.

The main advantage of a home party is its own territory, where everything is at hand. Scenario home holiday You can write it yourself or find it on the Internet; it is advisable to send everyone at home to the dacha or on a visit.

2. Stylized bachelorette party

To make get-togethers with the girls unforgettable, you can organize it in some style. Here the venue does not matter at all; it is important that the atmosphere and guests adhere to the chosen style.

It could be Barbie style, 80s disco, Gatsby, whatever. Another styling option is a party in color.

Usually at a wedding, bridesmaids wear dresses or T-shirts of the same color and style, but this does not mean that the same cannot be done at a bachelorette party.

Who is it suitable for? For a close-knit group of girls, for whom entertainment and topics of conversation do not need to be invented, everything happens on the go. You can agree in advance that the bachelorette party will be in such and such a style, and only at the meeting you can decide what to do next - stay at home, go for a walk in dresses, or have a photo shoot.

Required attributes: outfits, makeup, hairstyles in the same style or color.

3. Bachelorette party photo shoot

Since we are talking about a photo shoot, it would be a shame not to remember the growing trend. Nowadays it’s generally fashionable to organize family and romantic photo sessions and post beautiful photos on the social network.

If the bride cannot live without Facebook and Instagram, then a bachelorette party photo shoot is just what she needs.

A lot of fun during filming and a ton of professional photographs will make any girl happy. You can hold such an event in special salons, outdoors, or simply invite a photographer to your home.

Who is it suitable for? Option for small groups of 3-5 people, including the bride.

Required attributes: A professional photographer has been ordered in advance and a shooting location has been selected. It is advisable that each girl has 3-4 options for images that are interconnected. For example, some photos will be in dresses, some in jeans and plaid shirts, in “ nautical style».

If the first three ideas are for girls who want to celebrate the holiday in a more or less intimate atmosphere, then the next two options are for those who cannot live without fun, songs and dances. Everything is simple here, the bride and her friends who love to dance go to a club, and those who love to sing go to a karaoke bar.

4. Noisy girls' get-togethers at the club

As a rule, the highlight of a club party is a private dance from a handsome stripper for the bride and her friends.

Although there will be many girls who will say that this is banal, let them try to find at least one who will refuse such a show.

5. Bachelorette party at karaoke

As for song parties, what could be better than singing songs about female friendship after having a glass of wine?

Besides, no one forbids dancing in such establishments; you can have a blast.

Who is it suitable for? The number of people is not limited, but it is desirable that everyone be of the same age.

Required attributes: For this option - only a cheerful mood and free evening, preferably before the weekend, but not pre-wedding (to avoid yawning and dark circles from fatigue on the day of the celebration).

Girls' get-togethers to relax before the wedding

Often newlyweds organize their wedding on their own, and even more often the main generator of ideas and controller of their implementation is the bride herself. Therefore, it is not surprising that the closer to the celebration, the more nervous and worried the main character of the evening becomes. In this case, there are two luxurious options for holding a bachelorette party - in a sauna or with a massage.

6. Let's go to the bathhouse

Take a steam bath, make honey, coffee scrubs- This great way relax, have a good time and, as a bonus, get gorgeous, clean skin.

7. Relaxing get-togethers

As for a massage or spa, don’t think that this option is not a budget option. If the bride has one or two bridesmaids, then why not. Nowadays on the Internet you can find coupons with crazy discounts for any event, including massage and spa.

Who is it suitable for? The first option is suitable for an unlimited number of participants of any age. In the second case, for a close group of 2-3 people, including the bride.

Required attributes: You need to decide in advance on the location of the bachelorette party by making a reservation in advance. If desired, you can make it yourself natural scrubs and peelings.

Two bachelorette party ideas for the most romantic and mysterious girls

8. Bachelorette party with fortune telling

One of best jewelry For any bachelorette party there are all kinds of fortune telling. You can guess and predict your fate different ways using cards, candles, mirrors and other accessories. You don’t have to believe these signs, of course. the main task- have a fun and exciting time.

Who is it suitable for? A fortune telling evening can be arranged for any company, anywhere.

Main attributes: Several options for fortune telling and everything necessary for them must be prepared in advance. Positive attitude, a sense of humor and the ability to dim the lights are welcome.

9. Rooftop Party

The next idea is to have a party on the roof of a building. The main feature of such a bachelorette party is the location. But as for the semantic content, there are no restrictions. One of the options is dinner with candles in cognac glasses and cozy blankets on shoulders.

Who is it suitable for? For close small company girls who have something to talk about and remember in a cozy, quiet environment.

Required attributes: Blankets, good wine and convenient access to the roof.

It's the turn of the most reckless brides - 4 ideas for an extreme bachelorette party

Well, for a snack, we left options for brides who love drive and adrenaline. And who said that all brides are romantic princesses who adore rainbows and unicorns? There are also young ladies who need extreme sports and a charge of emotions before a quiet and measured married life.

10. Idea number 10 – bachelorette party on the move

It doesn’t matter what to move and where, it is important that it is movement. For horse lovers, you can book a horse ride; for those who like something a little more adventurous, you can go karting or to an amusement park.

If you can’t live without chic and sparkle, then you can chip in with your girlfriends all together and surprise the bride by ordering a ride in a limousine. This option is not that expensive if 6-7 bridesmaids chip in and the bride buys champagne and fruit.

11. Hiking option

Option #11 – go on a short hike with your friends. Lovers of fire and songs do not have to change their traditions and deny themselves pleasure.

If you like to go hiking, why not lead your girlfriend into married life this way?

12. Extreme bachelorette party

Option No. 12 also cannot be called banal. The bride and her bridesmaids can tickle their nerves by going to the scare room, bungee jumping from a bridge, going to a rope park or a climbing wall.

Planning a wedding and preparing everything carefully is a troublesome task that requires a lot of effort. However, there is another important event - the bachelorette party before the wedding. Most brides pay great attention to its implementation, because a bachelorette party means the last party before the bride has yet become a married lady.

What you need to know about hen parties?

Since organizing a bachelorette party before a wedding is a long-standing tradition, over time certain rules or attributes of this event have formed. Of course, this doesn’t mean that you have to strictly comply with them; you can have a completely individual party. Here are the main ones:

How to spend a bachelorette party?

First of all, you should decide on the date of the holiday, and it is better to choose a date a few days before the wedding. It is unlikely that anyone will be able to have a good time at a bachelorette party, and the next day look fresh and neat at the wedding, be cheerful and in a good mood. Often the same date is chosen for the bachelor and bachelorette parties, a few days before the wedding.

Come up with cool scriptnot an easy task. It is best to combine some common common scenario with adding your own elements. Also, if the bride has a favorite movie or show, you can spend the entire holiday in its style.

Competitions will be an integral part of the bachelorette party. Here the bridesmaids love to play out, and come up with the most varied and fun challenges. If you use your imagination, the party will take place with a bang.

Party decoration

If you already got the role of organizer at a bachelorette party, the question arises of how to hold a bachelorette party in a certain style or according to the script.

Firstly, if this is a party in a certain style, you can decorate the room with its attributes and come up with a dress code for all guests. Pick up unusual accessories It won’t be difficult, and on the Internet you can find ideas and photos on how to decorate the venue.

It would be very smart to make invitations for your friends. They can tell you about the theme of the party, inform about the place, time, and dress code, if present. It is recommended to decorate and select invitations according to the theme of the bachelorette party, and receiving an “official” invitation is much more pleasant than in words. Friends should be invited in advance so that they can prepare well.

Should I give gifts?

It is not necessary to give gifts at a bachelorette party. However, many friends are wondering how to surprise the bride? The best option will become themed gifts, For example, joint photos about the life of the bride before marriage, collected in a beautiful album. Or other surprises closely related to memories and girlfriends. You can present something for the future family life or gifts for the home.

Who pays for a bachelorette party?

Another common question is who pays for the bachelorette party? Here opinions are divided. For example, abroad it is believed that the witness organizes and pays for a bachelorette party, since it is she who accompanies her friend to family life and arranges her last free party. In other cases, it is believed that the bride pays, or her groom, who, as it were, gives this holiday to the bride - this is a typical Russian version.

Often at a bachelorette party, the amount is divided among all friends, or each pays for herself. To avoid quarrels and conflicts, it is better to get together with your friends in advance and discuss everything.

Budget bachelorette party options

How to celebrate a bachelorette party before a wedding on a modest budget? After all, the newlyweds already have exorbitant expenses for the wedding, and in addition, there are still hen and stag parties.

In such cases, brides decide to hold a bachelorette party at home, or go somewhere out of town. If friends treat everything with understanding and without offense, they can often offer a modest holiday themselves, and thereby make the bride’s work easier. Despite the simple holiday, it can be turned into real fun.

When celebrating at home, you can have a pajama party, or Barbie style. These are the most common themes, but the bride may have her own options. Noting in country house you can have a lot of fun, arrange a little karaoke and sing songs, organize a buffet table and a swimming pool, interesting competitions.

In addition, in such an environment it will be convenient to tell fortunes with girls. Fortune telling is an integral element of a bachelorette party. You can guess from a book, stories, gifts, and so on. Basically it involves fun, like competitions.

If you show your imagination, you can have a great bachelorette party that both the bridesmaids and the bride will remember for a long time.

More photos on the topic of the article:

The role of bachelorette party organizer usually falls before the wedding. best friend hero of the occasion, because she knows the tastes, preferences and desires of the bride well. She will have to conduct an original fun party, which everyone will remember for a long time. The first thing you have to decide is where to hold the bachelorette party.

Where to celebrate a bachelorette party in Moscow

The huge metropolis offers many options - the entertainment industry works well here. Think about what your friend likes - a relaxing holiday in nature (for example, Sokolniki Park), chic restaurants with unusual cuisine, karaoke until the morning? Go to a cozy pub, visit a fiery night club or book a limousine to spend the bride's last day of freedom in style.

Pajama pillow party at home

If you are looking for a cozy place to spend your bachelorette party, then this is the best place to go. home furnishings. An economical option for a home bachelorette party will allow you to spend your time carefree and interesting. To make the pajama party successful, create a pleasant atmosphere - decorate the house, prepare delicious alcoholic drinks, make light snacks. The main charm of the apartment building: girls can have fun, not paying attention to anything - after all, no one will look crookedly.

You can arrange original games, competitions with interesting tasks, accumulation of reward points - let the whole company have a blast. Also popular is the scenario for a children's party, symbolizing the bride's farewell to a carefree life, its attributes are balloons, candies, cartoons, everything that is associated with childhood.

Bachelorette party in a cafe, bar or nightclub

An interesting, cozy cafe will allow you to chat, the bar will give you the opportunity to try all the cocktails from the large menu, and the nightclub will provide a place to dance to your heart's content during your bachelorette party. But if you are at a loss before choosing where to hold a party for the bride and her friends, then be guided simple rule– the atmosphere of the holiday should depend on the hero of the occasion, because everything is organized for her sake.

  • She likes to sing? Feel free to book a table at the karaoke bar.
  • Is the bride a foodie? Let the venue be a cafe of her favorite cuisine.
  • Do you prefer active recreation? Then choose a club.

Create a bachelorette party scenario based on one important factor - her tastes.

At the restaurant

Where to have a stylish bachelorette party in style? Without a doubt - in an expensive restaurant! Beautiful outfits, delicious food, sparkling champagne, pleasant music will allow your soul to relax from pre-wedding troubles. Take care of an interesting dress code - it could be the graceful sixties with babette hairstyles and lady-like dresses, or the American twenties, when there was a fashion for cold waves and straight dresses. It is ideal when all the girls' clothes have the same color, and the bride's dress stands out.

Bath bachelorette party in the sauna

Even in Rus', the day before marriage, girlfriends traditionally gathered for a bachelorette party to go to the bathhouse with their betrothed. Nowadays, few people hold a bachelorette party right before the celebration, but visiting the sauna a week before will not only be pleasant, but also good for the skin - combine it with spa treatments.

In the limousine

Where you can have a bachelorette party on a grand scale is in a huge limousine. Prepare a list of event participants and order a car - all limousines are designed for a certain number of people. Create a map to guide the driver. You can make stops at places memorable for the bride, take pictures, dance, drink, lean out of the hatch and share your emotions with the city at night.

This unusual way holding a bachelorette party will certainly please everyone present.

In aquapark

Fun water rides are perfect for lovers of active rest. Such a pastime will be much more original than a classic house party watching movies or going to a club. After having fun on the slides to your heart's content, visit a café nearby - there you will have the opportunity to discuss the upcoming celebration.


Answer the question where to spend best bachelorette party, simple: in nature! Rent a house in a special complex or have a picnic by the beautiful river. Invite men to help you with this event - prepare a grill for barbecue, light a fire. It will be great if the groom and his friends want to join your bachelorette party - then you can have a full-fledged family vacation. If you are celebrating separately with your loved one, then invite your girlfriends, grab some bedding, simple snacks, good wine and go look for a picturesque place.

At the beauty salon (spa party)

Any girl would be happy to be at a spa party. Such a relaxing party can include any procedures to improve the health of the skin, nails, hair - this special type of bachelorette party will help the bride gain strength and make herself a real beauty, because the wedding worries did not leave any time for a full-fledged, deep care. If such leisure is not enough, after all health activities apply light makeup and go ahead - have fun further.

On a walk

Order funny T-shirts that will “explain everything” to passers-by: let the main character’s T-shirt be decorated with the inscription “Bride”, and the rest - “Bridesmaid”. European girls definitely wear something pink during their bachelorette party.

The right approach will turn an ordinary walk around the city into a truly memorable adventure.
How to spend this holiday in a fun and exciting way, watch the video:

Bachelorette party - glamorous photo shoot

An invitation to a professional photographer during the celebration will be a wonderful surprise. He can shoot a planned event, but it would be even better to specially prepare for a beautiful glamorous photo shoot. Spend it by renting a small yacht, booking a photo studio, or just walking around the city. The presence of various attributes (signs, T-shirts, balloons) will decorate memorable photos from the bachelorette party.

Best time to do it

It's no secret that modern girls can have a blast just like men - alcohol flowing like a river, dancing until you drop, returning home late in the morning. So that after such a celebration the bride does not oversleep her own wedding, hold it in advance - for example, a week in advance.

Some useful tips will help you prepare this pleasant holiday in a fun way:

  • The pre-prepared guest list will become great start preparation. The names, phone numbers, and ages of all girls must be written down - the latter will be needed to organize a club party where minors are not allowed.
  • Without a plan - nowhere. It will help you organize your bachelorette party and not get lost during the celebration.
  • Let the other participants help you - talk to each about a financial or other investment (idea, location, attributes).
  • The guide to finding a venue and style is the bride herself and her preferences.
  • The dress code will be a beautiful addition to the holiday.
  • You can take photographs yourself, but professional photographs look more beautiful and of higher quality - call a photographer for the holiday.
  • Small gifts - for example, to the winners of competitions - should also be included at the bachelorette party.

Organizing, preparing, and finding a place for such an event is not an easy task. Make your choice, taking into account the preferences of the hero of the occasion, and in extreme cases, do not hesitate to talk about it with her. Then the question of where to have a fun bachelorette party will be resolved, and the celebration will be completely unforgettable.

Do you have experience organizing a bachelorette party? Tell us about it by leaving your comments.

Bachelorette party is a kind of farewell to your free life, accordingly, you need to have a lot of fun. The tradition of celebrating a bachelorette party came to us quite recently, so few people are familiar with how to organize a farewell to their “bachelor” life.

The main thing in the article

Ideas for a themed bachelorette party

In order for you to remember the celebration for a long time, you should not organize boring gatherings in the women's circle. Be sure to choose a theme for your bachelorette party. You'll have a fun themed party.

Celebration options:

  • Holiday on a yacht. If you live in big city, rent a yacht or motor ship. Don't forget about the buffet and dancing. If space allows, organize a dance party with a DJ. You can celebrate a holiday on a boat as a party in a nautical style
  • Party at the club. This is the classic and most affordable option. So, you don’t have to order a stripper, because the night program in such an establishment includes performances by dancers of the erotic genre
  • Limousine ride. Rent a luxury car, don't forget to buy drinks and food. Visit beautiful places in your city. You can combine such a bachelorette party with a photo shoot
  • Extreme party. It is suitable for extreme sports enthusiasts. You can start it with skydiving. Some cities have interesting underground cafes in the style of the Addams Family
  • Spa party. This option will allow you not only to get yourself in order, but also to relax properly. Buy a spa membership for the most common treatments. Be sure to include massage, face masks and wraps in your program
  • Picnic. Outdoor recreation is appropriate in warm time of the year. It is best to organize a celebration at a camp site. Of course, you need to buy groceries and think through the menu. If the camp site is outside the city, you should take care of a transfer.

Ideas for holding a bachelorette party at home

This celebration option is suitable for thrifty women. After all, most of the expenses go towards organizing the wedding. Many people think this option is boring, but in fact it is not. After all, a bachelorette party at home is not just about eating goodies at home and drinking, it is about fun and an interesting pastime.

Options for celebrating a bachelorette party at home:

  • Pajama party. This is a classic pajama party. The girls gather at the bride's in the evening, putting on pajamas or nighties. They eat pizza, drink beer or martinis and talk interesting stories. This option is ideal if there are very close friends among the invitees. The evening smoothly turns into night and morning. All the girls spend the night with the bride.
  • Spa party. In order to get a lot of pleasure and benefits for your body and face, you don’t have to go to the Spa. It is enough to invite a massage therapist and cosmetologist to your home. All the girls will be delighted with such a bachelorette party
  • Party in oriental style. All girls put on appropriate makeup and wear translucent tunics. The evening takes place to oriental music. Girls smoke hookah, sitting on pillows and drinking wine
  • Economic evening. This exciting idea for girls who love to cook or sew. A chef from a restaurant is invited to the bride’s home and conducts a master class on making sushi or rolls. You can organize a master class on making soap self made or beautiful vase from coffee beans
  • Evening with striptease. A stripper is invited to the bride's home. He dances an erotic dance, and the girls drink champagne and chat.

Be sure to prepare competitions for your home bachelorette party, so you won’t be bored.

How to make a bachelorette party at a club unforgettable?

First, decide on the theme of the party. After all, some clubs offer an excellent striptease program, and in some the main direction is disco or music in the style of the 80s. Ask your friends where they want to go. If among your friends, former members school choir, invite them to a karaoke bar.

  • You can rent a VIP room. This pleasure is not cheap, but at least you can retire and do whatever you want
  • Send out invitations. Be sure to indicate the dress code. Clothing depends on the theme of the evening
  • It is necessary for the friends to arrive at the club in advance and all congratulate the bride together.
  • Be sure to discuss the menu and drinks in advance. It is also important to discuss financial questions. Booze and cocktails are not cheap, so the bride’s friends may agree to help financially
  • Consider gift ideas
  • Prepare competitions and purchase everything needed for them
  • You can meet at a bar or order a taxi and pick up all the participants of the bachelorette party right from home

Fun competitions for a bachelorette party

Bachelorette party competitions can be aimed at the bride or bridesmaids. Usually for future wife organize competitions for professional aptitude. Fun and active competitions are organized for girlfriends.

Competition options for a bachelorette party:

  • Professional suitability. For this competition it is necessary to prepare answer options. The presenter should have questions in the folder. For example, what should a wife give her husband for his birthday? Answer options: moped, bicycle, lunch or your own option. After the competition, the bride is awarded a certificate of “fitness”
  • Honest answers. For the competition, all the girls sit in a circle. You need to light a long match and pass it around. On whom it goes out, he must sincerely answer the question. Questions are printed on pieces of paper and rolled into tubes. Such convolutions are selected randomly
  • Pantomime. This is a traditional competition during which those invited to a bachelorette party are divided into two teams. The host thinks of a word related to the wedding. One of the girls shows what the presenter wished without words. For example, a veil, a wedding cake, guests fight.

Ideas for bachelorette party outfits

This is usually done based on the theme of the party. Can be ordered from a tailor for all girls identical outfits. But usually some accessory is simply chosen, which should indicate the idea of ​​\u200b\u200bcelebration.

Outfit options:

  • If the party is in cowboy style, then the girls wear jeans, plaid shirts and hats. Hats can be rented from your local theater.
  • If you plan to relax in a club, then girls usually wear short dresses. To emphasize the idea of ​​the holiday, the bride wears a short white veil, and the bridesmaids wear a veil made of colored tulle. IN Lately it's very popular. You can unite your girlfriends with identical leg garters. They should be different colors
  • If you are having a pajama party, then everything is simple, the girls wear pajamas. Of course, it's best if they are the same
  • They often organize a party in a nautical style. In this case, girlfriends can wear vests and captain’s caps
  • A party in the style of the 60s implies the presence beautiful dresses sun-flare. Girls make babettes from hair. It is advisable that the dresses be made from the same fabric. On the contrary, you can choose outfits different colors, but the same cut

Do they give gifts for a bachelorette party?

In general, there is no such tradition, but it is very nice to give and receive gifts. Accordingly, girlfriends usually discuss the idea of ​​a gift in advance. There are two ways to do this:

Each of the girls will give something from themselves or the girlfriends will collect a substantial amount and choose a good one the right gift. In order not to make a mistake with your choice, analyze the character of the bride. If she likes to cook, give her something for the household. If she can’t imagine her life without sports, give her a certificate to a fitness club. Ask the bride in advance what she wants.

Comic gifts for a bachelorette party

Such gifts will help lift the spirits and cheer up all those invited. There are many options funny gifts, here are some of them:

  • Rolling pin with the inscription "Heavy weapons"
  • Intimate maid, cat or bunny costume
  • Gifts from a sex shop
  • Boxing gloves with the inscription “I don’t like to fight”
  • An immodest cake. Usually made in the form of a male torso. This gift must be made by a professional
  • Corset and stockings

You should not give watches, piggy banks, candles, or figurines. It is believed that these little things can bring married life discord

DIY gift for the bride for a bachelorette party

Handmade gifts have always been most valued. Of course you can prepare beautiful postcard. A photo album using the scrapbooking technique would be ideal. If you and your girlfriends love to cook, then you can bake themed cakes. They are also called shameless. These are cookies made from biscuit or shortbread dough, which are painted with colored glaze. Cakes can be in the shape of a male sexual organ or female breast. If the bride is pregnant, you can bake cookies in the shape of a baby and decorate them with icing in different ways.

As you can see, there are a lot of ideas for celebrating a bachelorette party. Choose a topic that is closest to you and your friends.

VIDEO: Bachelorette party in Chicago style

Well, you've been waiting for it - the wedding is just around the corner. A little more, and on yours ring finger will paint over wedding ring, and the status of “married” will pleasantly warm your soul.

How to have a fun bachelorette party with friends?

Every girl wants her party to be better than that of her friends who have already crossed the threshold of the registry office.

This means that you need to try to come up with something original so that the invited girls will have fun and interesting.

The task is clear, let's start implementing it.

First, let’s determine in what thematic manner we would like to organize our bachelorette party. There are a lot of ideas for carrying it out, and it’s important not to make a mistake here.

Much depends on your character, hobbies, social circle, financial capabilities, finally. Taking these nuances into account, bachelorette party options can be grouped as follows.

Bachelorette party at the club: ideas for a bright party

Bachelorette party with a blast on the dance floor

You are modern, active and always love to be “in trend”. Club life is your element, which means your bachelorette party should be organized with chic, brilliance and dancing until the morning. Let Short skirt, high heels and fashionable clutch will become the dress code for a disco party.

Bachelorette party with friends at the club - dancing until you drop!

A company of such beautiful girls hard not to notice, which means free cocktails at the expense of the establishment and best songs on the dance floor you are guaranteed. With them and good mood in addition.

Bachelorette party at a karaoke bar

Another option is a karaoke bar. A great opportunity let your broad soul unfold and test your vocal cords for strength.

Fun bachelorette party at karaoke!

Having chosen this place for a bachelorette party, your girlfriends can present you with a prepared musical gift– a mix of their favorite songs or sing a composition they composed specifically for the occasion.

Ideas for a bachelorette party at home

You are a calm, balanced and homely girl. Do you like to cook, come up with new recipes, and free time are interested in handicrafts. Noisy youth parties are alien to you, so even for a bachelorette party there is no desire to leave the apartment. You can have a good evening at home!

A bachelorette party at home will be especially original if you choose the style of the party in advance.

It could be a culinary evening in the Pin Up style, a stylish feast in vintage style or cocktail home party in bright retro colors!

For example, arrange a tea party with delicious buns, embellishing it with all sorts of games, competitions or sincere conversations. Or have a pajama party with a pillow fight!

Game for a bachelorette party: “test of endurance”

The bride (that is, you) is placed in an impromptu circle and tries to persuade her to refuse to get married. Get ready, you may come across very tempting offers, with approximately the following content:

  • If you want, I'll give you mine favorite dress and the shoes I brought from Paris in exchange for my wedding ring?
  • So, are you going to wash dirty shirts and take out socks hidden under the sofa - do you need this?
  • Are you really ready to listen to your mother-in-law’s instructions, obediently nodding your head?

A bachelorette party before a wedding is a very fun and memorable event.

The girlfriends prepare their questions in advance, it will be more interesting. Your task is to be unperturbed and find “iron” arguments for disagreeing with them. In a humorous style, of course.

Organize a slideshow for your bachelorette party

That's why she is young, so that there is a place in her for songs around the fire in a pioneer camp, and night swims at sea, and awkward dates that make you laugh even after years, and much more.

Every girl has such interesting memories. What if you put them together and have a retro photo party? This evening you will learn a lot of new things about your girlfriends, and you will also tell a lot about your secrets.

Cocktail competition for hen party

The bachelorette party becomes a kind of home bar where the most delicious exotic cocktails are prepared.

A prerequisite is to invent original name associated with men.

The bachelorette party cocktail competition will leave no one behind!

Well, you, as the hero of the party, will choose the most delicious drink with an equally “delicious” name.

Creative ideas for a bachelorette party

Extreme ideas for a bachelorette party

You are young, energetic and reckless. You love extreme sports and know first-hand how adrenaline can boil in your blood. It’s not hard to guess that your friends are the same. Sitting in straw hats on a picnic and choking on sandwiches to the nightingale trills of such a group of girls will be boring.

But jumping with a parachute is just the thing. Male half will quietly sigh with envy when she finds out exactly how her friends decided to bring the bride into family life.

Extreme bachelorette party: skydive!

If there is no parachute club in your city, you can completely replace it with karting, jumping or any other type of active pastime.

There will be plenty of bright emotions - guaranteed. And don't forget to grab a couple of bottles of champagne to celebrate a successful day ahead of your own wedding.

Original ideas for a bachelorette party

Ideas for a bachelorette party photo shoot

You are photogenic and have a striking appearance. You need to know how to use beauty, so why not turn your bachelorette party into an exciting photo shoot. You can rent a studio or shoot outdoors, or you can combine both.