Good mood club - funny greetings, songs, jokes, anecdotes. Video jokes and comic congratulations for a mobile phone

For a wedding

Armenians are wonderful people. Almost without exception. We bet that the person you plan to wish a happy birthday is distinguished not only by good nature, but also by an excellent sense of humor, devotion and friendliness. Armenians are such a people, and it's just wonderful. And therefore, we are drawn to present congratulations that would not just sound in the ears of the birthday man, so to speak, for show, but he will remember him for several years, or even for the rest of his life.

How to do it? With what help to do it? For example, you can give a birthday man a huge boat or a luxurious mansion outside the city. Such a gift will definitely be remembered. But, unfortunately, so much money is at the disposal of few of us. And, we are sure, such a rich person would not read our site now. I would lie on the same yacht somewhere in the middle of the Mediterranean and relax. We, mortals, are forced to look for cheaper and more modest ones. For example, birthday greetings in Armenian.

So what if you don't even have a bit of Armenian blood in your veins? You will think that you do not know the language at all. For you, this should not be a hindrance. The poems presented here do not have to be read flawlessly. The fact is important. And here everything is in your hands.

Sirelis, tsnundt schnorhavor!
Kez isrtants tsankanum em
Arohchutsyun, Erjankutsyun
Gorzerum miayn hajohutsyun!

Jvarutsünner kankumt member,
Ete Linen, Kohkovt Toch Antsnen!
Amena lavn at barin em
Kez es tsankanum, imast kyanki!

(Name) ՋԱՆ!
Սրտանց շնորհավորում եմ ծննդյանդ օրվա առթիվ:
Ցանկանում եմ բազում երջանիկ տարիներ, առողջություն և աշխատանքային վերելքներ:

(Name) ՋԱՆ!!!
Ընդունեք իմ ջերմ շնորհավորանքները Ձեր ծննդյան տարեդարձի առիթով։
Քաջառողջություն եմ Ձեզ մաղթում։

Armenian toasts

Somehow a German, an Englishman, a Turk, a Russian and an Armenian gathered together at the table.
The German raises a toast:
- let's drink to German power!!
everyone is drinking..
- let's drink to the English precision!!
drink it too..
- and I want to raise a toast to Turkish carpets!!
- then I'll raise another toast to the Russian girls!!
the turn of the Armenian .. he, after thinking, raises a toast:
- let's drink to the Armenians who love Russian girls on Turkish carpets, with German power and English precision!!!

Armenians in Armenia drink:
Armenians in foreign countries drink:

Once Ashot was driving from one village to another. The road passed among the mountains, winding between rocks, along cliffs and abysses. Suddenly the donkey stopped - and not from a place. Ashot began to pull him, urge him on. The donkey stands rooted to the spot. Ashot began to scold him with bad words, call him names, whip him with a whip. But the donkey, as it stood, remained standing. Then he went. And then Ashot saw that around the bend there was a huge stone that had just fallen, and if the donkey had not stopped, the stone would have nailed him along with the rider. The owner hugged the smart animal and thanked.
So let's drink to the fact that we always listen in a dispute to the opinion of another person, even if he is a donkey.

One merchant had a shop, and he sold honey. One drop of honey fell on the ground, and a wasp sat on it, and the cat ran and grabbed it. The dog chased him and grabbed the cat, and the owner of the shop hit the dog and killed it. Near this village there was another one, and the dog was from that village.
How the owner of the dog found out that the shopkeeper had killed the dog, ran and killed the shopkeeper. The peasants of the two villages rose up to Tuti, and a great battle began between them. And all the people died, only one person remained who told me this story. And all this because of one drop of honey.
I propose to drink for the fact that not one drop could ever bring discord into our heads and deprive our minds.

One merchant had a son, and the merchant once gave him a coin and said:
- Take it, son and try to save money.
The son threw the coin into the water. The father found out about it, but said nothing. The son did nothing, did not work, but only ate and drank in his father's house.
Then the father called his son and said:
- Go son, and earn money yourself.
The son went and got a job. from morning to late evening he kneaded clay with his bare feet and, having received the money, brought it home.
- Look, father, - said the young man. - I have earned money.
The father replied:
- Well, son, now go and throw them into the water.
The son realized that he had previously been unfair to the kindness of his father and lowered his head.
So let's drink not for a belt and rods, but for the wisdom of our fathers and grandfathers.

It was a long time ago when the mountains of Armenia were even higher than they are now. Ashot stood naked by the rock, he had a hat on his head. A primitive naked woman approached Ashot. Ashot covered his lower abdomen with a hat. The woman first removed one of Ashot's hands, then the other - the hat continued to cover the lower abdomen.
Let's drink to the power that held the hat.

In one eastern state, the ruler arranged a competition for young men: whoever cuts an apple on the chest of the Shah's daughter with a sword and does not injure her will receive a daughter as his wife and half the kingdom in addition. The first boy came out. The girl was so beautiful that he stared, miscalculated the blow and touched his chest with his sword. The servants seized the young man and cut off his head.
The second young man enters. He looked at the girl, his hand trembled, he waved his sword and wounded the girl's chest. He was also executed.
A third young man came out, raised his sword over his head, struck, cut the apple without touching the girl's chest. He, too, was captured and put in prison to be executed. When he asked why they wanted to execute him, they answered him:
- For company!
So let's drink to our honest company!

Eastern wedding is grand celebration with strictly observed traditions and rituals. Particular attention is paid to a generous and plentiful treat, because wedding table symbolizes a well-fed and rich life of young spouses. As a rule, during a festive feast, guests say wedding toasts. Oriental toast-wishes are extremely beautiful, exquisite and subtly convey the age-old wisdom of ancestors.

Kazakh wedding toasts

Traditional Kazakh wedding involves an invitation to the celebration of numerous relatives from the side of the bride and groom. Each guest during the holiday must say at least one toast in honor of the newlyweds. We present a few.

Congratulations on your wedding day! We wish you to keep your love! May all your dreams come true! Live long hand in hand - for many years! Happy years wish! We wish you health, wealth, peace and warmth in your life! May you always have fun! We wish you a long and happy life with a bunch of children! Let there be a bright road, let there be a friendly family!

Congratulations on your legal marriage! We wish you pure love like the snow of the peaks of Alatau, crystal clear love like the streams of Alatau. We wish you prosperity good health like winter frost spring life and heat summer heat. To have daughters of a bead, and a dozen boys. We wish you all the best on earth!

Dear newlyweds! Congratulations on joining legal marriage! From pure heart wish you keep your love forever! Today is the happiest day of your life. People say: “Is it easy to get married? It's hard to start a family." I want to wish you mutual understanding, love and harmony! We wish you to carry your happiness throughout your life!

Tatar wedding toasts

Toast on Tatar wedding- these are wishes in the form of a parable, endowed with wise sense. A special place at the celebration is occupied by toasts from the parents of the newlyweds. After all, the wishes of parents always come from the heart and are filled with great tenderness and hope for happy life their children.

In everyone's life there comes a moment when he becomes responsible not only for his own fate, but also for the fate of another person. Neither a man nor a woman, no matter how good they are in themselves, do not yet represent harmony. And only together, only together, having united hearts and souls, they form that wonderful unity, which is called perfection. Today, our young people are one whole and it is in their will to give the world a new harmony, to bring a new particle of love and kindness. And this moment is amazing! Look at the young, remember these moments. Raise your glasses and wish them happiness, joy and kindness! Wish them fulfillment of hope!

Dear our children! Today is the greatest day in your life, the day of the fulfillment of the most cherished, most important desire. Today you are connected by love. As any road begins with the first step, so your family begins today. Today is the first day of your family, the first day honeymoon and your honeymoon trip. We want everything to be fine with you, so that nothing overshadows this first, most honey, most green year your marriage. And so that he was joyful and calm, we decided to insure you. Accept this policy as a safe-conduct of your happiness, your first, most joyful and difficult year life together. Love each other and be happy!

Dear newlyweds! With all my heart I wish you to celebrate at least ten more weddings in your life: paper - in a year, glass - in two years, aged - in three years, chintz - in five years, bronze - in ten years, porcelain - in fifteen, crystal - in twenty, silver - in twenty-five, gold - in fifty, diamond - in seventy-five. And also I wish that all today's guests will certainly be present at all these weddings. Let's drink to the fulfillment of this desire and the happiness of the young!

Caucasian wedding toasts

Every word in caucasian toastgem eloquence and wisdom. Indeed, they combine the beauty and poetry of the highlanders, as well as best traditions this proud people. Do you want to please the newlyweds and surprise wedding guests? To your attention - a few Caucasian toasts.

Mountain sages often repeat to suitors: “If you want happiness to visit you for a day, drink wine. If you are waiting for happiness for two days, drink wine and eat meat. If you want to be happy all your life, then not just love, but respect, take care of and reckon with the opinion of your wife! Let's raise our glasses to our newlywed who made right choice and took for his wife a woman whom one cannot help but appreciate!

Smart people say that a man is obliged to make his wife happy. And what else can bring happiness to a woman, no matter how children? Let's drink to the fact that our newlywed brings his wife so much happiness that would be enough for a whole kindergarten!

Caucasian wisdom says: if kind person wants to live in the same beautiful place for a month, he must sow corn there, if for a year - build a house, and if all his life - then raise a child. Let's raise our glasses to what's ours Dear Parents planted more than one cornfield, built a beautiful house and raised such beautiful children!

Armenian wedding toasts

An Armenian wedding usually takes place with great pomp and solemnity. Ancient customs and rituals are an important part of any celebration. Special place also occupy, which are pronounced by numerous guests as parting words and wishes to the newlyweds.

It is believed that the parents of love are the eyes and the heart! I raise this glass so that the hearts of our young people are blazing, and our eyes are long-sighted and long years. For the eternal ability to love, let's drink to the bottom!

I want to propose a toast to the fact that this table will never be empty, that it will break and even sag from the weight of wines and dishes, and that such cheerful, good and cheerful people will always sit around it. happy people, like now!

They once asked a very smart and old man: “Why is it very difficult to make enemies friends, and why is it easy to turn friends into enemies?” The simple answer of the sage made people think: “Yes, because it is easier to destroy a house than to build it, it is easier to spend coins than to earn them, and it is easier to give up love than to work on relationships!” I propose a toast to the overcoming of all life's difficulties by our newlyweds! For hard work and dedication!

Georgian wedding toasts

Like all oriental wedding toasts, Georgian “table” wishes are always filled with special meaning and folk wisdom. According to custom, each invited guest should say a toast to the newlyweds - often in the form of a parable or a poem. And how beautiful real Georgian toasts sound! Here is some of them.

In Georgia, they say that a husband is a falcon, looking from the height of his flight at the ground and looking for prey, and a wife is a turtledove hatching chicks, creating comfort in the nest and impatiently waiting for her husband. So let's drink to these young people, to their marital happiness and family well-being!

Almighty God grant you
strong family,
Full carts of good.
And may your family be numerous:
Mother and father, brothers and sisters, many daughters-in-law.
May you have many children
Beautiful and smart!

In the ancient Indian treatise "Peach Branches" it is said: the needs of the soul give rise to friendship, the needs of the mind - respect, the needs of the body - desire. All three needs give birth true love. Let us drink to the fact that we always have these needs, and we would love and be loved.

Dagestan wedding toasts

Dagestan weddings are musical, cheerful and crowded. Festive feast necessarily "orientally" generous and plentiful - what a feast for the whole world! One of the ancient traditions Dagestan wedding- beautiful eloquent toasts-wishes to the young. Such congratulations will be pleasant to hear for the newlyweds and all wedding guests.

A woman is a ray of sunshine that illuminates the darkness of our lives. So let's drink so that everyone has time to grab this ray, as our friend managed to catch the whole sun, which illuminates our tight circle today. For the bride, the future mistress of this house!

You, my daughter, are leaving for a strange house.
And each house is a power in itself.
There's only one king has the right
To be king is your husband, your chosen one.
Be obedient to him. His vices
Know how to soften. Don't darken your face.
And remember, daughter, that by that road,
Where they are looking for the ideal, there is no end.

When going to a wedding with Armenians, it is necessary to prepare in advance a sincere and sincere congratulations for newlyweds. Well-chosen words of toasts can touch, cheer or make you think about the future. In order for the Armenian wedding to be remembered for a long time, you need to approach the choice of wishes for the bride and groom with all responsibility. If you choose the right Armenian toasts to the wedding, then you will be able to convey all the positive feelings and emotions that you planned to tell your loved ones. Such wishes will become a real decoration for the celebration.

Funny wedding toasts in the Armenian style

gala evening significant event should be full of sincere toasts and congratulations. If you plan to impress your guests with a unique and dazzling speech, then you need to use Armenian wedding toasts. Each such wish is a short or long parable that can convey good nature, sincerity and humor to all the guests present.

Picking up Armenian toasts on upcoming wedding, you should also learn how to tell them excitingly. A wish uttered with an Armenian accent can push even a non-drinking guest to drink. Therefore, before you make a toast at a wedding, first learn the words and practice speaking in front of a mirror. But if you cannot decide which congratulation to choose, then we suggest using the presented examples of Armenian toasts.

  • Armenian toast from friends about a young family

Once it happened that the poor, but kind guy fell in love with a beautiful but rich girl. The parents of the future bride were against such a wedding and forbade their daughter to even look in the direction of an unpromising young man. After that, the unfortunate guy had to turn to God for help in this grief. This is how the Armenian epic appeared. But, not paying attention to the blessing of the Almighty, the father of his beloved took his sharp, long knife and decided to kill the poor young man. This is how the Armenian tragedy appeared. Meanwhile, the girl's father saw a young man in the distance, ran up to him, drawing a dagger.

But a miracle happened, and the sharp blade of the knife pierced not the guy, but the container of wine on the back of the animal, which the young man was leading to a watering place. This is how the Armenian martial arts. The father, seeing how the wine flows out, decided to drink under the blossoming almonds along with the future next. And hugging each other, they sang a song. This is how Armenian folklore appeared. After some time, passers-by saw the young man and brought the good news to the young beauty, who was looking forward to the indulgence of her father. This is how the Armenian radio appeared.

We offer to drink a glass of wine for all the guests present to witness how an Armenian family appeared!

  • Armenian toast from the uncle of the bride

High up in the mountains where Moonlight gently embraces the peaks of the mountains, a beautiful flower grew. The beauty of it was breathtaking, and the smell made the heart of anyone tremble. So let's raise a glass to our flower - beautiful bride, whose charms drove millions of men crazy. But on this day, she went to one lucky man who forever stole the heart and soul of this beauty. Let's drink to the bottom for the bride and groom!

  • Armenian toast from friends for the groom

The parents had The only son whom they refused nothing. The boy grew up sociable, kind, so he had many friends. When he was 18 years old, he met a beautiful and unique girl. After some time, the young man decided to marry. When it came time to invite friends, the guy's father offered to help. He said that he would independently call everyone with whom his son was friends. The young man agreed.

When the wedding day came parental home was filled with the guy's relatives. But the young man was surprised by the fact that no one came to the wedding close friend. The frustrated guy approached his father for an explanation. The old horseman replied: “All your friends have received invitations. But in postcards I wrote a request for help. Here you can see what came out of it.” So let's raise our glasses to the true friends who gathered at the wedding to congratulate and support the groom on a responsible day.

  • Armenian toast from parents for newlyweds

Three brothers lived in a mountain village. The youngest was 40 years old, but he looked like a decrepit old man. The middle brother was left without a single tooth at the age of 50. And the eldest was 70 years old, but his health was envied by those around him. Decided younger brothers find out what is the secret of such youth. The old man gladly received the guests in his house. And when the brothers came, he asked his wife to prepare refreshments. "Honey, don't forget to bring the best watermelon," the owner ordered. When the woman brought a watermelon, the old man cut it up and said: "This fruit is not suitable, bring another one."

Six times the owner sent his wife for a new watermelon. He liked the last option, and he was pleased with the woman's choice. When the meal came to an end, the guests asked the old man: "What is the secret of your youth and excellent health?" The owner replied: “Did you see how my wife obeyed me, fulfilling my desires? But at the same time, neither she nor I were irritated. My wife and I have been living in harmony and peace for many years. This is the secret of my appearance." In this toast, let's wish the newlyweds eternal peace, youth, harmony, mutual understanding!

  • Armenian toast from friends

One day the gods decided to create a woman. They took a bright sunlight, a warm sea breeze, the harmony of a siren, the talkativeness of a magpie, the beautiful voice of a nightingale, drops of rain, the beauty of a snow-white swan, thoughtful moonlight. Added some thunder and lightning sparks to the image. All components were combined, mixed and got a woman. After that, the gods decided to give it to the man: "Take it and enjoy it." So let's drink to the magical and mysterious mixture that lurks in every woman! This toast is for beautiful ladies!

  • Armenian toast to love

Several hundred years ago, in a mountain village, a young couple decided to exchange rings. To do this, they climbed a high mountain, but the groom became agitated and dropped the ring into a deep gorge. The young guy decided to get the wedding rings on his own, and ordered his bride to stay where she was and wait for her return. Many years have passed since then.

When the groom returned, he saw a wrinkled old woman instead of a beautiful lover. But such changes did not frighten the young man. Without looking away, he went up to the woman and put on wedding ring on her hand. The old woman instantly turned into a young one, beautiful bride. So let's raise our glasses to the healing power of love! This toast is for our newlyweds to pass all life's trials with dignity!

Video: real Armenian wedding toast

If you plan to surprise the guests present with a long and plot-driven congratulation for the groom, we recommend using the toast presented in the video below. With the help of this plot, you can feel the whole flavor of Armenian wishes addressed to close friends. Such original toast will cause a storm positive emotions from all the guests present.

Armenian toasts can decorate any wedding feast. With long and beautiful congratulations, you will be able to surprise everyone present. But if you prefer to address the newlyweds a few kind, but meaningful words, then we suggest learning for this short wedding toasts in prose or verse. Say congratulations from the bottom of your heart, and you will surprise a young family with interesting, unusual wishes on your wedding day.

Armenian toasts

A man and a bear fraternized. The man called Toptygin to visit and gave a feast in his honor. And saying goodbye, he kissed the clubfoot and asked his wife to do the same. But the wife spat and said angrily: - I can't stand stinking guests! Soon the man visited the bear. Deciding to chop wood on the way back, he took an ax with him. Mishka affectionately greeted the guest, and then began to insistently ask him: - Hit me on the head with an ax! The man refused for a long time: is it possible?! But the owner of the den insisted on his own. What to do? The guest grabbed the clubfoot with a butt on the head and badly injured him. A month later, the friends met again. The bear's head had time to heal, and he said to the man: - You see, brother: the wound from the ax has healed, but the heart, wounded by the tongue of your wife, has not healed. The tongue can not only hurt, but also kill.
Let's be careful with this dangerous weapon!

Suliko and Shota lived and fell in love with each other. They fell in love and got married. Just got married, Shota has to go on a business trip.
“Don't worry,” he says to his young wife, “I'll be back in three days.
Three days have passed, three times three days have passed, and Shota does not return. Ten times three days passed, and still no Shot.
The young wife became agitated, sent to ten cities ten true friends telegrams. And telegrams came from ten cities from ten true friends:
- Don't worry, Shota is with us.
So let's drink to true friends who do not fail in trouble.

Drinks a warm group of Georgians, toasts in a circle. One gets up
- I want to drink for our Dato! This a real man: he can drink three horns of wine in a row and fall in love with three women!
- I want to drink for our Gogi - this is a real man: he can drink ten horns of wine in a row and love ten women!
A third gets up, mournfully looking at the floor:
- And I propose to drink for Vladimir Ilyich Lenin ... I don’t know how much wine he could drink, and I don’t know if he could love women in any way, but only a real man could avenge the death of his older brother!
So let's drink to real men!

Once, an old man lived in a distant mountain village, and he beat his beautiful daughter. And so he decided to marry her. He called the jigits and said to them this speech: - The one of you who climbs this high mountain so that not a single pebble falls from under his feet will catch a mountain sheep there, bring him to my feet and slaughter him so that no one drop of blood will not fall on my snow-white robe, and so, one of you will become the husband of my beautiful daughter. And whoever does not do this, I will kill him. And then the first dzhigit came out. He was brave, dexterous, smart, but one small grain of sand fell from under his feet - and his old father killed him. Then the second horseman came out, and he was also brave, dexterous, smart, handsome. He brought the mountain sheep to the feet of the old father and began to cut him, the sheep, in the sense, the throat with his sharp dagger. But one small drop of blood fell on the snow-white robe of the old father - and the second horseman fell, stabbed, next to the first. And then the third horseman came out, and he was the most proud, brave, dexterous and handsome. He brought the ram to the feet of the old father, surgically cut his ram's throat without a single drop of blood, and joyfully looked at the old father. But his old father killed him too. The beauty's daughter screamed in horror: - Listen, atets! After all, the third horseman did everything as you ordered! Why did you slaughter him? And the old father said to her: - For the company! So let's drink to good and warm company!

The Georgian ended up in Siberia in the winter. All frozen, he stands at the bus stop and curses:
- Your mother, damn Sibyr! I put on two fur coats, and the flock, as if in shorts !!! ..
You gave me such a warm welcome that it’s time for me to scold your regions: “Your mother, damn Si-byr! I’m sitting in a T-shirt and shorts, but it’s as if I put on two fur coats! ..” Thank you for your warmth and hospitality!

He was a quiet and reserved young man. After standing for half an hour near the house where his beloved lived, he saw the door suddenly open and a woman appeared in front of him, giving him a stern look. - Who are you waiting for here? she asked. - In ... your daughter, - he answered frightened. "In that case, you'd better get the hell out of here," she said. - You are not suitable for our daughter. When her father was courting me, and I suddenly didn’t show up for a date, he climbed over the garden fence, strangled the dog, put out the window, locked my father in the room, put a ring on my finger and said that we would get married right away. This is the kind of groom we would like for our daughter. So let's raise our glasses to the brave and dexterous horsemen!

It was a very long time ago, when the mountains of Armenia were even higher than they are now. Ashot stood naked by the rock, he had a hat on his head. A primitive naked woman approached Ashot. Ashot covered his lower abdomen with a hat. The woman first removed one of Ashot's hands, then the other. The hat continued to cover the lower abdomen. Let's drink to the power that held the hat!

High, high in the mountains stood a basketball hoop. One proud horseman decided to throw the ball at him from above. He ran up, jumped high high, straight to the sun, and got burned, so blacks and ... basketball appeared.