How to entertain guests at a birthday party. Do you want your birthday party to be a success? Entertain your guests with fun competitions! Table game with notes at the holiday table


The festive table is not only about delicious food and drinks. It is also a meeting of people who have gathered in one place to celebrate some kind of celebration. And in order for it to pass at the highest level, the owner of the house must make every effort to achieve this. And for entertainment, you can dilute the feast with various games, quizzes and other activities, where guests can show off their talents or knowledge.

Comic tasks at the table will help guests unwind, relieve the jitters of an unusual environment and get to know each other better. But, of course, their main function is to raise the level of fun. In order for the comic tasks to be a success, the host of the celebration needs to prepare in advance. To do this, you can use the topics described below.

Sobriety test

The simplest, but at the same time very funny task. Especially if the owner and guests use alcoholic beverages during the celebration of any event. But even a sober person may not be able to cope with such a task. Which will cause a fit of laughter among those around you.

As a task for the Sobriety Test, you can use various tongue twisters:

  • Lilac teeth picker from under the sleeve
  • In Kabardino-Balkaria, valocordin from Bulgaria
  • A fluorographer was fluorographing a fluorographer.
  • The Staffordshire Terrier is zealous, and the black-haired Giant Schnauzer is playful
  • It is pointless to comprehend meaning with unintelligible thoughts.

The list of such tongue twisters can be continued for a very long time. They can be found on the Internet or special dictionaries.

I love and I don't like

If close people are sitting at the table, then you can play a game of “like or dislike” with them. The essence of this game is simple. You need to look at your table neighbor and say which trait in his character you don’t like and which you like. You can complicate the task by prohibiting the next pair from using the already named traits. When all the main character traits are completed at the table, the real fun begins.

New Year's mafia

The popular game “Mafia”, stylized as this, is ideal for celebrating the New Year. But, to carry it out, you need to prepare and change the standard cards for this “holiday winter” game. You also need to purchase Santa Claus hats and decorate them with mafia cards. Like the classic “Mafia”, stylized for the New Year, it will cause a storm of positive emotions and fun.

Funny fun competitions and games for a small company for a birthday at the table

To ensure that your birthday celebration is not similar to a similar event a year ago, you can play several exciting and fun games at the festive table. For example, these:

I look like...

This very fun game is suitable for a small cozy company. To carry it out, you need to prepare several cards with animals, birds, cartoon and comic book characters. The main thing is that the images on these cards are fun and memorable.

In addition to such cards, you need to make cards with phrases, part of which will be the phrase “I look like.” For example:

  • In the morning I look like... . .
  • When I drink, I become like... . .
  • At work I'm like... . .
  • When the director calls me into his office, I become like... . .

The number of cards with phrases depends on your imagination. It is advisable to make 10-15 of them.

The game is played as follows. First, the guest draws a card with a phrase (he should not see it in advance) and reads it out loud. Then he takes a card with animals or cartoon characters. He shouldn't see her in advance either. Then he shows it to the guests.

Some combinations of cards will cause real fits of laughter among your guests.


Another simple but quite fun game is the Crocodile game. Its essence is simple. You need to think of a word for your table neighbor and ask him to portray it with pantomime and gestures. You can't use words. When one of the guests guesses the word, the turn is transferred to him.


A very interesting game for a small company is “Surprise”. You need to put various items in a small chest or box: a false nose, large false ears, a cap, funny glasses, etc. All these items can be purchased at any souvenir shop. A box with things put in it must be passed from one guest to another while listening to music. When it runs out, the person who has it will have to open it and take out the souvenir without looking. After which you need to put it on yourself. After such a transformation, guests are guaranteed to laugh.

Table fun competitions and games for a small company at a corporate event for colleagues

A corporate party is not only a way to relax after working days, but also one of the ways of team building. That is, team building and team building. Therefore, you need to choose games for such a holiday so that they are not only fun, but also able to unite the team. Most often, corporate events use games and competitions in which teams of 2-5 players participate.

Remember all

Guests of the corporate party are divided into two teams. The presenter writes on paper one task word at a time. Each team receives its own piece of paper. The essence of this task is to remember and sing a song that contains this word. Whichever team remembers the most songs wins.

What? Where? When?

The famous TV quiz show can be adapted to be held at a corporate party. Everyone knows the rules of this game. As for the questions, they need to be selected in advance. It is advisable to adapt them to the theme of the event or the company’s field of activity.

This game is based on remembering the voices of your colleagues. The presenter selects one person from the team, who stands with his back to those present. They take turns pronouncing the prepared phrase. Moreover, you need to say it by changing your voice. The player who guesses the most of his colleagues receives some kind of incentive prize.


The names and positions of colleagues are written on pieces of paper. Then they are rolled up and placed in a container. Players come up to him one by one and take out one piece of paper. Then they must imitate their colleague using gestures and facial expressions. The rest of those present must solve this riddle.

Funny table jokes for a cheerful small group of adults

Games in the company of adults can be ambiguous. Many people like these games and evoke a lot of positive feelings and emotions. Such games are especially interesting in companies in which participants do not suffer from complexes and evaluate the competitions presented below as a fun pastime, and not something more.

Come on, put it in

For this game you will need empty bottles and pens or pencils. The pencil must be tied to the belt of a male player using a long thread. The girl must hold the bottle between her legs. With the help of dexterity and coordination of movement, the man must hit the neck of the bottle with a pencil. And since this competition is held when the alcohol level in the blood rises, it looks very fun and perky.

Beautiful maiden

The host must choose from a group of several girls who came to the party in skirts. He then places a small rug on the floor and blindfolds the girls. They must pass over the rug so as not to touch it. That is, their legs should be very wide apart. When all the girls have passed such an obstacle, the leader should lie face up on the mat and ask the girls to remove their bandages. The one who blushes the most at the sight of the presenter is declared the winner of the competition.


This game requires several pairs. Moreover, their number must be odd. Two guys are selected from them and taken to the far sides of the room. The rest converge in the center of the room, between the two guys. The guys are blindfolded and oriental music is turned on. Guys must select women for their harem. Whoever does it faster wins. The difficulty lies in the fact that in addition to women, there are also men in the circle. And if one of them is chosen, then he becomes the sultan and we take the place of the one who chose him. And so on until all the girls are “played out”.

Quizzes for a small group of adults at a table

The first quiz in our country appeared in 1928 in printed form on the pages of the Ogonyok magazine. Then quizzes moved to TV screens. Some of them are still popular. Like what? Where? When?" or "Field of Miracles". Others have sunk into oblivion. But every self-respecting person loves to show off his knowledge in such competitions. Due to this, they are held in schools, institutes and corporate events.

To conduct the quiz, you need to prepare questions in advance. It is advisable to dilute serious questions with funny ones, and also adapt them to the purpose of the event. At the New Year's corporate party, questions about winter and this cheerful holiday will be appropriate. You can also include in the list of questions those related to the company’s activities if the quiz is held during a corporate event.

The format of this article does not allow us to post a sample list of questions here. They can be found on the Internet or in various dictionaries and reference books. You can also find them on popular TV quiz sites. In addition to the above, you can find quite a few interesting questions in “Your Game”, “Who Wants to Be a Millionaire”, etc.

Table competitions and games for the anniversary

Congratulatory competitions during the anniversary celebration will help guests get to know each other faster, and the shyest ones can wish the hero of the occasion all the best without embarrassment. Even the shyest guests will enjoy such entertainment.

Let's reward the hero of the day

All guests are given paper or cardboard medals. Each of the guests writes on them what he wants to reward the hero of the day for. Of all the “awards”, the most original one is chosen. This competition can also be made as a team competition. Or if guests come in pairs, then one medal is accepted from each pair.

Competition "25 compliments"

All guests are divided into two teams. Each team is given one blank sheet of paper. You need to write 25 compliments on it in 2.5 minutes. Then the presenter takes these two sheets and compares them with each other. All identical compliments are crossed out. The team with the most original compliments on their list wins.

The best expert on the hero of the day

All guests of the event can participate in this competition. The presenter asks questions about the hero of the day, and the guests solve them. Each correct answer is worth one point. Whichever guest scores the most points is declared the winner.

To conduct this competition, you can use the following questions:

  • In what year was the birthday boy born?
  • How much did you weigh at birth?
  • At what age did you take your first step?
  • What year did you go to school?
  • What is his favorite dish?
  • What's your favorite color?
  • What is the name of the mother of the hero of the day?
  • What's his favorite book?
  • What's his favorite movie?
  • Which football club does the hero of the day support?
  • How tall is the birthday boy?
  • What shoe size does he wear?
  • What is the name of his cat/dog?

The more questions about the birthday boy, the better.

Table competitions and games for pensioners and the elderly

Surely, many readers of our site remember how our grandparents did not spend time watching the next series, but got together and enjoyed various games. But even today, your relatives of retirement age will definitely thank you if you gather them at the same table for games and competitions.


Perhaps the most popular game among all pensioners is lotto. Today, kits for this game are sold in every souvenir shop. If you want to make this game even more interesting for your grandparents, you can organize a prize for the winner.

Comic auction

You need to select several prizes and wrap them in bright and colorful packaging. Then each player needs to be given the same amount of souvenir money. We display lots and conduct auctions. For successful trading, players need to be given various leading questions. After the auction, a competition should be held to see which of the grandparents will be the most successful trader.

Master classes

Master classes can be held for creative grandparents. If a group of pensioners is dominated by grandmothers, then you can hold a master class on decorating bouquets for them. At the same time, you need to distribute flowers, ribbons and other floral tools and accessories to everyone. After such a master class, you can hold a competition for the most beautiful bouquet.

Wedding table competitions and games

A wedding is one of the happiest events in life. The celebration of this solemn day cannot be complete without a magnificent table and fun competitions. Most of which can be done right at the table. The relaxed and fun atmosphere of such competitions will help make your wedding celebration an even more memorable day.


The purpose of this game is to congratulate the newlyweds. But it is complicated by the fact that you need to start your congratulations with the letter indicated by the previous congratulator. Everyone starts with the letter "A". The first person should make a congratulation with this letter. For example, “Oh, what newlyweds we have today. I wish them many years of marriage and the same beautiful children.” The next person begins his congratulations with the next letter - “B”. And so on.

Cherished wish

All participants are divided into two teams. The presenter gives each team a wish word (happiness, health, love, success, etc.). At the same time, members of the opposing team should not hear this word. It is also called their word-wish. The goal of the competition is to describe the wish with gestures and facial expressions so that competitors can guess it. Whichever team best presents its word-wish wins.

Guess: Who are you?

Before the game starts, each participant is given a sticker with a cartoon, movie, politician, musician, etc. character on their forehead. All participants see everyone else's stickers, but not their own. The task is to understand faster than others what kind of hero is on your sticker. To do this, you can ask leading questions: “Am I a person?”, “Am I an actor?” and so on.

Table competitions and games for family feasts

The most precious thing a person has is his family. The more time we spend with our family, the more happy days we have. It is customary for us that all home gatherings are associated with eating food. But, you can also hold various fun competitions and games at the table. In many countries, board games are very popular among families. Why don’t we adopt this tradition too? But, in addition to board games, there are also various competitions that can be held in the family circle.

Games such as Monopoly, Scrabble or various adventure games, where the number on the die is responsible for moving the chip, are very helpful in bringing the family together. You can play the game “Memory” with children of primary school age. To do this, you need to buy a set with paired pictures, on the back of which there will be the same picture. First, the cards are placed face up and then turned face down. The player's task is to open all paired pictures. Whoever does it faster wins.

In addition, at the family table you can play a championship in chess, checkers, dominoes, backgammon and other classic games. You can also create an analogue of the quiz “What? Where? When" or "Brain Ring".

New Year's table competitions and games for an adult company

No holiday can do without games and competitions. Especially if this holiday is New Year. The competitions presented below will help make the New Year's feast more fun and playful.

New Year's drink

The players are divided into pairs. One player from each pair is blindfolded, and the second player mixes various drinks in a glass: champagne, Coca-Cola, vodka, mineral water, etc. The blindfolded “taster” must identify the ingredients of the drink.

An analogue of this competition is the game “New Year's Sandwich”. In it, the player must guess the ingredients of the sandwich.

New Year's prediction

To conduct this competition, you need to bake a cake, the pieces of which contain various accessories symbolizing predictions. Heart - love, envelope - good news, coin - wealth, etc. When eating this pie, guests find an object that characterizes something from their future. Of course, before serving such a dessert, you need to point out that there are “secrets” hidden in the pie.


To conduct this competition at the New Year's table, you need a product such as jelly, jellied meat or soufflé. The contestants' task is to eat a portion of this product using matches or toothpicks.

Table competitions and games for drunken company

In our country, it is rare to have a feast without alcoholic beverages. This gives games and competitions held at this time additional excitement and fun. For a not-so-sober group, various competitions are suitable. We have selected the funniest ones.


The presenter takes one person out of the room and explains to him that he must portray a kangaroo using facial expressions, gestures and pantomime. At the same time, the presenter, secretly from the person taken into the next room, tells the guests to pretend that they do not understand what the person is portraying. Fun guaranteed.

If only there was a sea of ​​vodka...

Those who wish to participate in this competition will be given transparent glasses and straws. Water is poured into all glasses, and vodka into one. Spectators do not know which glasses contain what is poured. Their task is to guess it. And the task of the contestant who gets the vodka is to do everything possible to make the audience think that he is drinking water.


Three male participants are selected from among the guests. They must pretend that they were going fishing, came to the place and cast their fishing rods. But then the tide began to rise and their task was to wrap up their pants so as not to get wet. After they do this, the presenter announces: “Attention! A competition is being announced for the best male legs of our party!”

Funny competitions, games for women's company

Funny and funny competitions are held not only during New Year celebrations or corporate events. When celebrating a girl's birthday or March 8th, there are also competitions. Since the team at such events consists mostly of representatives of the fair sex, this must be taken into account when holding competitions.


Several girls are selected. The presenter asks them to smile like:

  • Girl to beloved guy
  • Mother to her infant child
  • Negligent student to teacher
  • Like a man who just won a million

After which, the audience must determine which girl did better in this competition.

Witch on a broom

Skittles or champagne bottles (if there are enough of them) should be placed throughout the room. Girls participating in the competition must “fly” between all the pins on a broom. This competition must be accompanied by music. The winner is the “witch” who not only flies around all the obstacles faster, but also more accurately.

What can you find in a women's cosmetic bag?

The host of the competition should have a large cosmetic bag prepared. There is no need to place various items in it: nail polish, lipstick, mascara, bracelets and various accessories. The participant’s task is to remove an item from a cosmetic bag while blindfolded and say what it is. For more fun, you can put not the most “feminine” things in your cosmetic bag.

Chamomile game for adults' birthday

Chamomile is a game that will make any holiday bright and unusual. In fact, it resembles forfeits. In Chamomile, as in the mentioned forfeits, you need to read the task and complete it. And these tasks are written on the petals of a flower. To do this, they are cut out of white cardboard, and the core is made of yellow. You can attach the petals to the middle of the flower in any way.

The game host approaches the selected players and gives them to tear off a daisy petal. At the same time, the players do not see what is written on the petals, since the daisy is turned to them with the other side. The player carefully tears off the petal, reads the task out loud and completes it. You can use the following list as tasks:

Jokes for a small, cheerful group of adults

Jokes and a cheerful mood are commonplace during holiday feasts. But you can diversify the atmosphere with pre-prepared comic competitions and skits.

Who is thinking about what?

To conduct this comic competition, you need to prepare in advance. Select several excerpts from songs that will characterize this or that guest. For example, “Naturally blond, there’s only one like him in the whole country,” “I want to get married, I want to get married,” etc. Then, find a hat and when the guests gather at the table, tell them that you have a magic hat that reads minds. Place a hat on the guests and at the same time play a song excerpt that characterizes the guest.

With a coin and a scarf

You can also do a trick with a coin and a scarf. You need to take the handkerchief by the middle and make it hang like a bell. With the other hand we take a coin and show it to the guests. We insert a coin into the bell of the scarf. Show everyone that the coin is under the scarf. The last person to check for a coin in the scarf is the partner, who quietly removes it from there. We shake the handkerchief demonstratively and... . . everyone becomes convinced that the coin “magically” disappears.

With lemon

A great prank to play while drinking tea. State that you really like tea with lemon and can drink 10 or even 20 mugs of it. As a rule, among the guests there are several gambling people who, of course, will not believe this and will ask you to prove it. Take a lemon, or better yet two, and place them entirely in a mug. Then pour some tea into it. Due to the fact that most of the mug is taken up by lemon, there will be very little tea in it. You can drink 10 or even 20 cups of tea in this quantity.

Table game with notes at the holiday table

The most popular competition with notes is forfeits. It can be arranged for both children and adults. The point of this game is to complete tasks that are written on paper. At the same time, the phantom does not know in advance what task he will get.

Tasks for playing forfeits should not be offensive, difficult from a physical point of view, unaesthetic or harmful to health. At the same time, it is important that all tasks must be quickly completed and when using them, the forfeiter must use his creative potential.

Each player writes a task on a piece of paper. Then all the leaves are rolled up and placed in an opaque vessel, cap or bag. Forfeit players take turns taking notes with tasks and completing them.

There are several variations of this game. The riskiest one is forfeits with collateral. Each player leaves some kind of deposit, which is left as a prize if the forfeit does not want to complete the task. You can also assign a cash prize. To do this, each player will hand over a certain amount, which will go to the winner.

The nature of this game lies precisely in the tasks. The following are suitable for a fun company:

  • Show us a master class, dance on one leg!
  • The new hairstyle suits you, now I’ll braid your hair!
  • And the mustache suits me, I wear it all evening!
  • Show your willpower and show your panties!
  • Tell us in Georgian and dance the lezginka for us!
  • Do you want a hell of a sandwich? Put fish and lemon in your mouth!
  • Do some quick exercise, bite your heel.
  • Really, if you're a ladies' man, hug as many girls as possible at once.
  • If you are not drunk yet, drink a glass of vodka through a straw.
  • Grab yourself by the butt, press your knees to your chest. And in this position, be ready to walk twenty steps!
  • Squeeze the bottle and glass quickly in the folds of your elbows. And try to fill the glass, and try not to spill a drop.

Video. Fun game for parties and fun companies

It’s wonderful when during a festive evening there are many delicious dishes and drinks on the table. But this is not enough for complete fun. In order for everyone who came to unite and have a great time during the celebration of the round anniversary, it is important to know how to entertain guests at the anniversary.

When starting to plan leisure activities, owners should imagine what age category of people will be present. For younger audiences, more frisky competitions are suitable. For older people - calm ones.

You should prepare for the entertainment program in advance. It would be nice to buy small gifts and souvenirs that will be a great incentive to participate in leisure activities.

When 2-3 toasts have already been raised to the traitor, the guests have had a good snack, then you can start having fun. When thinking about how to entertain guests at your anniversary, you can include a couple of well-known competitions in the program, but it would be nice to also prepare new ones.

Dance on the newspaper

This entertainment has been known for a long time, but is still popular. Several pairs of men and women come out. Cheerful music plays and the contestants dance on a large laid out newspaper. Gradually it is folded in half, then in half again, and so on until the couple can fit on a piece of paper. The most inventive men can eventually take their partners in their arms and dance this way. After all, the main thing is not to leave the newspaper, then you can win. The couple that lasts the longest on paper is awarded a prize.

Sedentary dancing

4-5 people are called. They sit on chairs facing the audience. The host invites them to dance on chairs. Participants write out the pretzel for a minute, after which the command “stop” is heard, and the organizer says that they are tired. He explains that the dancers' legs are tired and now they are allowed to dance using any part of the body except the legs. After a couple of minutes, the following announcement sounds that the hands are tired (they are already dancing without them). Gradually, various parts of the body should be immobilized: stomach, shoulders, head. Now the funniest part begins when the contestants begin to “dance” only with parts of their faces. You will get funny faces when you use your tongue, cheeks, lips, nose and even ears. You can make the task more difficult for participants by telling them that their mouth or tongue is tired. A great mood is guaranteed for everyone. The main thing is not to forget about the prizes for the participants at the end.

Here's how to entertain guests at an anniversary if the hero of the occasion is a man.

Attentive hero of the day

The hero of the day needs to be blindfolded and asked to find his wife’s hand by touch among several women’s hands. You can place among several participants and men. Then the entertainment will be even funnier, and you won’t have to rack your brains about how to entertain the guests. Competitions will lift the spirits, introduce everyone present and create a pleasant atmosphere.

Playing forfeits will also come in handy. If there are children present at the birthday party, then you can arrange a musical competition, where everyone in turn must sing a line from a famous song. Whoever thinks for more than 10 seconds is out.

Here's how to entertain guests at an anniversary so that guests don't get bored and then remember for a long time a wonderful evening. Nice prizes and souvenirs will also be an excellent reminder of a fun holiday.

It doesn’t matter for what occasion you invite guests - for a regular birthday or a significant anniversary - the birthday person should be prepared. The festive menu and musical accompaniment are, of course, important. But it’s not enough for the mood: I want everyone to have fun. Analyze the composition of your guests: acquaintances, strangers, gender, age, status. Although all adults remain children at heart, and a holiday is precisely the occasion when you can be a child for at least one evening, experiencing a storm of positive emotions. Competitions are a universal option even for a low-active company.

Kiss - bite

The host asks each of the guests to name one feature that he likes in his neighbor and what he doesn’t like. After all the answers, the host asks you to kiss the place you liked and bite the part that irritates you.

Hold the coin

Cover the glass with the drink with a thick napkin (it should not sag) and place a coin in the center. We pass the glass in a circle and with a lit cigarette or candle, everyone tries to lightly burn the napkin so that it does not burn. Whoever lights it up and the coin falls into the glass drinks its contents. The “prize” in the form of a coin also goes to him.

Give me the shoe!

One of the guests reaches under the table and takes off someone's shoes. The owner of the shoes must remain unperturbed. Then they put on the shoes and move on to another guest. Whoever reveals himself during the process of putting on shoes, or is somehow identified, crawls under the table and becomes the leader.

Kiss Mishka!

They bring out a teddy bear and pass it around in a circle. Everyone should kiss him anywhere they want. Then the presenter offers to kiss only his neighbor there.

Read minds

One of those sitting at the table is covered with an opaque cloth over his head. The rest make a wish for something from his things and write it down on paper. The player under the cape must guess which of his things is intended. If he guesses correctly, the game continues; if not, he must take off his clothes.

Answer me, my dear

From the props, prepare a piece of paper and a pen. The first participant writes for the neighbor any question beginning with the word why or how. Then he folds the piece of paper so that the question cannot be read and tells the neighbor only the word - the question (why, where, how...). He writes the answer at his own discretion, hides it by folding the piece of paper, and composes a question for another neighbor. When the paper is returned to the first player, the answers are read out. We get some very interesting coincidences.

Another option: the leader writes a phrase, showing the neighbor only the last word in the sentence. Then from this word he begins to compose his own phrase and also shows his neighbor only his last word. They voice the story when the piece of paper returns to the presenter. This is how, in fact, rumors are born.

Glass and straw

All guests are provided with cocktail straws. They need to be held in your teeth. The first participant places a plastic cup on a straw and hands-free passes it to a neighbor, who removes the glass only with the straw. A tougher option is with a ring and a toothpick. But this is after the third toast.

I am a poet

Competitions for adults can also be creative. We put notes in a hat with excerpts of poems, for example: “I am a chocolate bunny,” “And I am unmarried, someone really needs it,” “It’s great that we are all here.” Each player takes a note from the hat and comes up with a rhyming continuation with humor and a holiday theme.


The participant is stuffed in the mouth (with a bun or other food) and given a piece of paper with text, which he must read expressively. The other participant must write down the story in detail. Then its description is compared with the original. Choose interesting material for the speaker.

For those who are thirsty

In the center of the table (or clearing in nature) are all the glasses (glasses) with a drink. Some must be deliberately spoiled (salt, pepper - the main thing is compatible with life and health). All guests have balls (for example, for badminton). They throw them into glasses without leaving their seats. Whichever glass the ball lands in, you take it and drink it.

Milked a cow?

A medical glove is tied to a stick and water is poured into it. Props are given to participants. They need to “milk the cow.” It looks very impressive. The winner will milk the “cow” the fastest.

Let's get acquainted

For the competition you need a roll of toilet paper. The host invites the guests to tear off a few pieces for themselves, and motivates them so that they stock up on paper thoroughly. Then he invites everyone to tell him as many interesting facts about himself as there are pieces of paper in his hands. Make sure that participants do not try to get rid of supplies in other ways and control the schedule of speakers.

Who is bigger?

We divide the guests into teams. Each person chooses a letter for themselves, and receives a task for that letter. For example, remember dishes starting with the letter K (another team - with its own letter). They call each other in turn. Whoever runs out of vocabulary faster loses.


A game similar to a broken phone. The presenter says a word in the ear of the first participant, for example, birthday, he whispers his version to the neighbor, causing him associations with the birthday, for example, drinking, then a hangover, a headache, etc. Then all the options are announced.

Thick-cheeked lip slap

A simple and very comical competition. Everyone fills their mouth with candy canes and with their mouths full says: “fat-cheeked lip slap.” The winner is the one who pronounces this (or other) phrase with the maximum amount of candy in his mouth.


There are many variations of this game, here is another one: “Forfeits on a schedule.” Each guest receives a number that corresponds to a task, for example: forfeit No. 1 makes a toast like an entertainer, introducing everyone to those around him and announcing the reason for which everyone has gathered; phantom No. 2 makes a toast to the birthday boy with the feeling of a person who has been hopelessly and for a long time in love with him (possibly with poetry); fan No. 3 makes a toast in the Caucasian style: long, with appropriate gestures and accent; fan No. 4 makes a toast with the air of a completely drunk guest; forfeit No. 5 must sing a toast, etc. When the host announces toasts at the table throughout the evening, they are not known to the guests. Whether these will be preparations from the beginning of the holiday or complete improvisations is up to you to decide.

Bon appetit

Pair competition. Participants are blindfolded and given an apple (or ice cream). They must feed each other until everyone has eaten everything. Or they won't bite your fingers.


Another doubles game. The presenter blindfolds the players and hangs ten clothespins on each of them. For a certain time, they, blindfolded, remove all the clothespins from their partner, the rest of the guests watch and count.

Who's the fastest?

In front of the teams on the table are identical containers with drinks on the same level. At the signal, everyone begins to drink with spoons what you offered them. The team that licks its bowl first wins.

For the savvy

An object is laid out on the table and everyone takes turns voicing their version of its use. It may not be traditional, but it is logical (it doesn’t matter whether you cover a window with paper, stuff wet boots, or make origami). Those who run out of ideas leave the game until the most resourceful one is determined.

Gifts for the birthday boy

Each guest cuts out from paper a symbol of a gift for the birthday boy: a car, an apartment key, etc. Then the “gifts” are hung on a string, and the birthday boy, blindfolded, cuts off three objects. What he found will appear with him in the near future. Then he guesses whose gift it is. If he names correctly, the owner of the forfeit fulfills the wish of the birthday boy.

Be vigilant

An attention game for tipsy guests. The host turns to any guest at the table with a question, and his neighbor on the right must answer. The one who did not get his bearings in time and gave the wrong answer ends the game. The game can be complicated by thoughtful questions, asking instead of the banal “what is your name,” for example, “two nails fell into the water, what is the Georgian’s last name?” (Rusted)"

The most sober

The first participant takes a button on his index finger and gives it to his neighbor. He must take it with the same finger. You cannot help with other fingers. Whoever fails is eliminated from the game. Guests need to reach across the table until the two most dexterous and sober winners remain in the game.

I can feel it in my backside!

Participants rise from their chairs without turning around and place several potatoes, sweets or other hard objects on the seats. They cover it with newspaper or cloth and the guests sit down in their chairs, trying to guess how many items are on the seat. Whoever guessed right, the “prince (princess) and the pea” will receive a prize for the best intuition.

Brown and polar bear

A brutal competition for an already very cheerful group. The glass is filled with beer. This is a “brown bear”. It must be turned into “white.” The participant, who knows his norm, drinks half of the glass. Vodka is immediately added there. Another half is drunk. Vodka is added again until the participant turns into a “polar bear” and drinks a clean glass of vodka. You can continue the reverse transformation from a polar bear to a brown one, but do not forget about the likelihood of alcohol intoxication.

Who washes the dishes

The final stage. Two teams of participants. At a signal, everyone takes off their clothes and ties them to the clothes of their neighbor, who - to the next one, until everyone has tied the rope. At the signal from the leader, the ropes are passed on for control. Whoever got the shortest answer goes to the kitchen.

An anniversary is a special holiday. Among other things, it assumes a fairly large number of guests. That is why, the question of how and with what to entertain them needs to be given special attention. After all, this is not a small company, in which there are enough sincere conversations and some kind of board game so that the guests do not get bored. The anniversary will become truly interesting and memorable if someone takes on the role of host. This person will be able to notice in time when it is necessary to pause in the feast and offer the guests something interesting and fun. It is very important to take into account the fact that guests can be of completely different ages and social status. After all, not only friends are invited to anniversaries. There may be colleagues, bosses, co-workers, relatives with children, and so on.

Table games and competitions

At every anniversary there will definitely be a large-scale feast. Of course, in addition to this, there will be time to dance and play active games, but guests still spend most of the holiday at the table. Therefore, you need to especially carefully consider those entertainments that will amuse those present during the feast.

Predictions in sweets

A fairly well-known and popular way to cheer everyone up is fortune cookies. Baking it is very simple - small, rolled-up strips with pre-written predictions are simply placed into the cavity inside each cookie before they are placed in the oven. The whole secret is that all predictions will be extremely kind, cheerful and bright. Such sweets can be distributed to guests before tea is served, or at the very beginning, as soon as everyone has gathered.

Let's play forfeits

There is probably not a single person who has never played this game. The rules are very simple and clear. You need two presenters (they will also participate). Each person present must put something of their own into a tight bag. It is important not to confuse them later, so things should be recognizable. Then one of the presenters turns his back to the other. He will wonder what the first forfeit should do. For example, sing a famous children's song. This is done after the forfeit (thing) is taken out of the bag. Everyone sees him except the one who makes a wish. Thus, all forfeits must be taken out and everyone will be involved in the entertainment.

Question answer

This game is suitable for the middle of the holiday, when guests are already a little tired of toasts and snacks
. The props for it are very simple - two sets of cards of different colors, for example, white and green. There should be enough for everyone present, including the hero of the day, if you hand out two pieces. Questions will be written on white cards, and answers on green cards. The whole highlight is in their combination. Examples of questions:

  • Do you eat snails?
  • Do you sleep in a coat?
  • Do you wear high boots?
  • Do you think about the future of humanity when visiting a dentist?

Example answers:

  • Only after the holidays.
  • No! How could you possibly think?
  • Mandatory on Mondays.
  • Yes, this is the meaning of my whole life for me!

There can be many options. All guests take turns reading the question and answering it immediately, reading the answer from the second card. Another advantage of this entertainment is that you can shuffle the questions and answers and distribute them again.

In the next video, you will also find a game called “Question and Answer” - but in a slightly different interpretation:

Who knows the hero of the day?

This is also a game with questions. Only this time they all relate directly to the hero of the day. This is a wonderful opportunity to check how much friends and relatives know the birthday person, and at the same time to have fun with them. You need to make a list of questions in advance. They can be both elementary and complex from the point of view of guests. For example, these:

  • What color are the birthday boy/girl's eyes?
  • What institute did he/she study at?
  • Favorite school subject?
  • What year was the wedding?
  • What is the hometown of the hero of the day?

And everything is in the same vein. There is no doubt that someone present will certainly be puzzled by the question of eye color.

Fantasy competition

More suitable for a sweet table, when everyone already feels free and relaxed. Everyone, instead of telling the story of their acquaintance with the hero of the day, must come up with a new one. To do this, you can choose any surroundings - eras, adventures, the age of those around you, and so on. With the help of this competition you can look at your friends and colleagues from a different perspective and get to know them better. The winner is chosen jointly through applause. This must be the best dreamer and storyteller. He definitely needs to be awarded a symbolic prize.

Roll in pieces

This game is good for a holiday where people who don’t know each other are present. This often happens on anniversaries. The game will help those present get to know each other.

The host gives the nearest guest a roll of paper (plain paper towels are quite suitable). He tears off a few pieces for himself and passes the roll to the next one. When the roll has passed everyone, the game itself begins. Everyone in turn must tell something about themselves. Be sure to introduce yourself - just your name will be enough. Depending on how many pieces of paper a person tore off, how many facts he must tell about himself. It could be anything: your favorite type of tea, your position at work, your favorite movie, and so on.

Today your wishes come true!

Everyone writes one wish on small pieces of paper. It should be simple, something that someone sitting next to you can immediately perform. Guests should be warned that wishes will actually be fulfilled now, so let them be restrained. All wish leaves are collected in a bag or hat and mixed thoroughly. Then all guests draw one, read and do what is written. The game is a little reminiscent of forfeits, but maybe even more interesting.

Tongue Twisters

The most fun competition is to tell a tongue twister quickly and never miss a beat. It is better to offer it to those gathered when everyone has had time to drink a little. Tongue twisters should be written on cards and distributed to guests. They may be different. It’s better to start with simple ones, for example, “the cuttlefish is rolling off the ship” and then move on to more complex ones. The best announcer receives a small symbolic prize. You can even present a homemade medal with the appropriate inscription.

Active entertainment

An anniversary feast must be diluted with funny entertainment that requires some physical activity from guests. In this case, it does not matter at all how old the guests are or when they were last in the gym or stadium. The fact is that the main goal of active games is to have fun, not to win. Therefore, you need to try to involve everyone in such entertainment, except, perhaps, the oldest grandparents, as well as small children.

Relay race “Bring the ball”

Everyone knows this competition. However, most people think that it is only intended for children's competitions. This is completely wrong. With the participation of respectable adults, a simple game turns into amazing entertainment. Participants must be divided into two teams. It is possible for three, but this will depend only on the dimensions of the room and the availability of free space in it. Each team receives a spoon and a tennis ball. The ball is placed in a spoon and, at the command of the leader, they run with it to the established obstacle and back. If you take plastic spoons, you can make the task a little more difficult - run while holding the spoon in your teeth. Alternatively, you can use not a ball, but an ordinary chicken egg. If it breaks, the team is eliminated from the game.

Bring me something, I don’t know what

Several people can participate in this competition. The maximum number is ten, otherwise it will take a little longer. It should be held when guests are not sitting at tables and there is some free space. Participants line up a few meters (up to ten) from the table facing it. In this case, it is advisable that all other guests be on the other side of the table and not move far away. The presenter makes the first demand: “Now you must bring... a fork!” Immediately after the end of this phrase, the participants run to the table, take what is required, return and demonstrate the desired item. The slowest one is eliminated from the game. After the third requirement, the task needs to be complicated. You need to bring not something from the table, but some personal item, for example, a tie, ring or watch. The whole difficulty is that these things should not be yours. They should only be taken from guests.

Everybody dance!

This is a dance competition in which men and women participate. It is desirable that these are married couples. The number of participating couples is completely unlimited. No one is told in advance what will have to be done. Each couple is given an uninflated balloon, which should only be taken in the classic shape - long and thin ones, similar to snakes, will not work. At the leader's command, the balloons must be inflated. The size is whatever you want, the presenter should not pay attention to this. After this, the participants are announced that they need to dance “in threes.” That is, holding the newly inflated balloon between each other. It will be more difficult for those who tried to inflate it very big. The winner is the couple who never drops or bursts the balloon. Any holiday will be wonderful if you remember the main thing - you need to be attentive to your guests. You need to notice in time that someone is tired, someone is bored, and a quarrel is brewing between someone. A welcoming and attentive host is already half the holiday. The second half can be made up of fun games and entertainment that don’t let guests get bored.

While events outside the home usually include an entertainment program, hosting guests on their own property usually confuses the owners. How to make a holiday fun? How to entertain guests - we have included quizzes, competitions and other entertainment in the universal list. This will certainly help brighten up your leisure time for both you and your guests. It’s not just a salad...

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Where to start preparing, how to entertain guests? Of course, from analysis. Decide who your guests are (their age, gender, level of activity, number). Depending on the results, you will have a family feast, a hen or stag party, or a mixed youth group. Well, now it's time to act!


So, you have a bunch of relatives of all ages and genders visiting, from your three-year-old niece to your 90-year-old grandfather. How to entertain them? Olivier salad, chicken, photographs from the family archive and a discussion of your aunt’s second cousin will probably not be enough for a “killer” party.

Bingo. This game is considered a win-win option for a group of different ages. The materials at hand can be cards and barrels from regular lotto. The game is divided into three rounds: in the first round, the winner is the one who completes the first row of numbers on the card, in the second, the participant who completes two rows wins, and in the third, the one who completes all the numbers on the card wins. Don’t forget about musical and dance performances between games and treats to signature cocktails “Bingo” and “Bird of Happiness”, which bring good luck (this can be the name for any alcoholic drinks, juices and lemonade). Prizes to be won must be announced in advance. Win-win quiz options: good wine, a gift set of chocolates, movie tickets, a pacifier, a notebook.

Guess the melody. An excellent alternative to drinking songs and karaoke. Beginner music lovers are divided into two teams and take turns listening to 10 famous songs (the music plays for 15-20 seconds). If guests from one team find it difficult to answer, the right to vote passes to their opponents. The correct answer is one point. Those who score the most points win.

Advanced music lovers also need to be divided into teams. One person from the team approaches the leader and receives the name of the song, which he must hum (hum, whistle, tap, etc.) to his comrades. If they guessed right, one point; if not, the right to answer goes to the opponents.

"Fanta". A great game for any company. Each guest puts some small item (hairpin, pen, keychain, etc.) in a hat or opaque bag. This is a phantom. One person stands with his back, and the presenter takes an object at random from the hat and asks: “What is this phantom doing?” The one who turns away comes up with a task: crow under the table, tell a joke, dance, sing, show a striptease (the younger the company, the more frivolous the actions can be). This continues until the hat is empty. Then the fun part begins - completing tasks.

"Nonsense". Guests are divided into two teams, each of which delegates one person. The presenter tells them two different words (the others should not hear him). The player must explain the word to his team without making a sound. For each concept guessed, the team receives a point. Whoever scores ten points faster is the winner. It’s better to start with something simple: the names of animals and vehicles. Then move on to more complex concepts (love, friendship, dream, diffusion), names of cities or countries.

"Pygmalion". All guests must be divided by gender into two teams. Everyone is given balloons of different sizes and shapes, colored paper, scissors, and tape. The task for men is to create an ideal woman, for women - an ideal man. The next step is to make a statue of love (the degree of frivolity of the pose depends on the imagination of the guests).

There are a huge number of variants of this game: you can call a husband and wife and instruct them to create a statue of your other half; if the company is predominantly female or male, sculpt a snowman, Santa Claus and Snow Maiden. In general, the main thing is not the task, but the process of joint creativity.

How to entertain young guests?

Peers don't need a reason to have fun. With people close in age and spirit, you can laugh for no reason, chat incessantly, and even dance without music. However, this does not prevent you from holding a couple of fun competitions and, remembering your childhood, playing something.

"Checkers". This game is absolutely not suitable for a society of teetotalers and ulcer sufferers. So, if you are in good health, you will need a chessboard and twenty glasses - ten with red wine and ten with white (for those who are especially persistent - with vodka and cognac). The piles are arranged across the cage: red on one side, white on the other. The rules are the same as in checkers, only the enemy’s “figure” must not be “eaten”, but drunk. The piles can also be placed not one at a time, but in the corners and play “corners”. If there are checkers fans among the guests, then you can arrange a simultaneous game with several opponents. The main thing is not to harm the grandmaster’s health!

"Eiffel Tower". This quiz is also designed for brave and healthy people. All participants in the game build an analogue of the French landmark from domino plates - two are placed vertically, the top one is placed horizontally. The one through whose fault the tower collapses must drink a glass of champagne or wine (a glass of vodka).

"Default". In the competition, 3-4 pairs are called. The girls are given money (5-7 small denomination bills), a catchy melody is turned on, and while it plays, they make deposits, that is, they hide the money in their boyfriend’s clothes. After this, the presenter blindfolds the girls and switches places with the young people. Then someone loudly shouts: “Default! Withdraw your deposits!” The same melody is turned on, and while it is playing, the girls must have time to find money and “withdraw their deposits.”


The main entertainment at hen and stag parties, of course, is intimate conversations and drinking (sometimes in very large quantities) of alcoholic beverages. However, no one is stopping you from making a few homemade preparations. Karaoke, board games like Monopoly and White Crow, movie cassettes, and electronic darts and games consoles are great, but why not have fun without the aids? Remember: Literball is not the only way to entertain guests.

"I never". This activity is ideal for a bachelorette party. The girlfriends sit in a circle and take turns admitting something they have never done. “I have never tried oysters”, “I have never cheated on my husband”, “I have never kissed Petya”... The cherished phrase can be changed to “Once I...”, “Most of all I am ashamed of... ", "I love...", "My mother-in-law said..."

"Papers." In reality, this game is just a calmer version of Nonsense. Participants write words on pieces of paper, put them in a hat, and then take turns explaining the option they got. For example, if the piece of paper says “cow,” you should say, “This is an animal that moos and gives milk.” The main thing is to keep it within 10 seconds. Either friendship wins, or the one who was most often understood the first time or words.

Now you know exactly how to entertain guests - there are a lot of quizzes and competitions. The main thing is not to overdo it and not “load” the guests with them to the point of “I can’t do it.” After all, no one has yet canceled the importance and value of a simple intimate table conversation...


Do not forget:

1. Buy small prizes for competitions. The funnier they are, the better.

2. Come up with names for the teams (for example, “Bisons of Accounting” versus “Blondes”, “Beauty” and “Beast”, etc.).

3. Offer alternative entertainment for those who do not like to participate in competitions. Place family albums and videos in a prominent place, or place a hookah in the kitchen.