Questions for a guy on love topics. Personal questions for a guy

Other reasons

So, are you dating or not, you just started communicating, you really like him and you think “how not to scare him off?”

Men, by nature, are not particularly talkative, or rather, he may be talkative, but talking does not mean opening your soul.

So, let's figure out what questions you can ask a guy?

  1. Your questions should be far from the cliched phrases “How are you?”, “How is the weather?”. Such typical questions can only push him away, and in principle the answer to such a question is supposed to be monosyllabic: “Normal”, “Good” and so on. Our task is to start a dialogue that will be interesting to both and one question will flow smoothly from the other.
  2. Ask a guy about his hobby, for example, if you know that he is interested in boxing, hockey or goes to the gym. Guys love to talk about their hobbies, but just like girls, we always talk about what interests us with pleasure.
  3. Avoid very personal topics. You shouldn’t ask directly how much he earns, why he broke up with his ex-girlfriend, and why his grandfather died. You don’t need to get into his soul so quickly, the time will come and he will tell you everything himself.
  4. You can ask how he likes to spend his free time. This question will help not only set the tone for the conversation, but also help you find out more information about him, learn about his character, moral values ​​and inner world.
  5. Ask him about travel. It’s not bad if you’ve been abroad yourself, tell him about it, and he’ll share it with you in return.
  6. Ask where he studies/works. Just don’t go too deep into the topic of your work, it can get boring. Ask where and who he works for, what his responsibilities are, whether he is interested in this or whether he is going to develop in a different direction. There's no point in going any further.
  7. Be interested in his life principles. His attitude towards love and friendship. These questions can be used even in relation to unfamiliar men.
  8. Give compliments. This will help defuse the situation and relax him. Just choose non-personal compliments. For example, a compliment like “You are such a bunny” will not be appropriate, but “So cool, you have such a courageous profession” is just right.
  9. Don't ask too many questions. Still, you should have a dialogue, not a monologue or passing an exam.

What questions should you not ask a guy?

1. Aren’t you bored with me?

If he is still with you, then for sure he is interested in you, otherwise he would have left. Questions of this type can make a guy think that you are insecure and stupid. There are so many topics of conversation in the universe, so asking such nonsense is not recommended.

2. Do you love me?

This question is like a red rag for a bull. If he loves you, he will say so himself. Besides, you're probably rushing things. Girls, as a rule, after the first date begin to make plans for a young man, they are ready to say “I love you,” get married and have a bunch of children. For guys, things are different with this. Just because he's hanging out with you or dating you doesn't mean he loves you. Don't rush him.

3. Have I gained weight?

Men rarely notice minor changes in your appearance (this could be a couple of extra pounds or the color of your nail polish), they more often evaluate the image as a whole. But after your question, he will definitely pay attention. Do you need it?

4. Questions about his ex-girlfriends

You'll ruin your own quiet life. Why do you need to know that? Everything that was is past. Also be wary if he himself starts talking about his exes, he probably still has feelings.

What questions can you ask a guy on the Internet?

  • Counter questions. He asked you, and you repeated his question. For example, “How did you spend your day?” Communication on the Internet is difficult because, being at a distance, it is difficult to find common topics.
  • Clarifying questions. You asked, he answered, ask a clarifying question, for example, “What do you do in your free time?”, he answers “Boxing”, you answer “Boxing, it’s very interesting! How long have you been doing this?” and stuff like that.

In general, questions on the Internet are not too different from questions in real life; you can add a couple of topics:



Ask him about his plans for the future, there will be a reason to think about whether you are on the right path at all?

-bad habits

This question is worth asking so that if in the future you agree to meet in real life, you will not be surprised if he comes on a date with a bottle of beer and a cigarette.


Maybe you grew up in the same yard? Ask him what he was like: quiet or restless. This will show your interest in him and he will be pleased.

In any case, when communicating with a guy, the main thing is your sincere interest in him. You can ask at least a thousand questions, but if he doesn’t see a spark of interest in your eyes, he probably won’t want to continue communication. Good luck!

Marina Nikitina

Often girls get lost when communicating with the guy they like; they don’t know what topics to talk about and what questions to ask. But it is important not to push a man away from you, to attract his attention. Correctly selected questions will help you get to know the young person better.

If you have known the guy for a long time, then the task becomes much easier. After all, you already have an idea about his preferences and desires, you know what the young man likes to talk about and what you shouldn’t ask. In any case, we suggest using our advice.

Talk about hobbies

The young man will tell you what is really interesting to him, perhaps the story will drag on. Listen patiently, find common ground and smile. Perhaps this will be the beginning of a long, serious relationship.

Career Questions

Ask the young man whether he is studying or working, about his career, and plans for the future.

What institute did you study at?
What subjects did you love most?
Why did you choose this particular specialty?
Where do you work?
Do you love your job?
What exactly do you do at work?
Are you planning to develop in this area or do you want to try something else?

Questions concerning his personality

Ask a few questions that characterize the guy’s inner world.

Do you consider yourself an open person?
If you could change one quality about yourself, what would it be?
What do you love most about yourself?
What values ​​are most important to you in life?
If you could live anywhere in the world, where would you choose?
Have you ever regretted anything in life?

Questions about family

Ask the young man what kind of relationship he has with his parents and other family members, whether he has brothers or sisters, and how often he gets to see them. This way you will show true interest in his personality. But don’t insist if the guy doesn’t make contact and avoids discussing this topic.

About friends

Ask a man about his friends, this will help reveal his personality more widely. Moreover, this will allow you to learn more about the people the guy will soon introduce you to.

We offer several possible questions:

Do you have a lot of friends? How many of them are the best?
Do you often meet with friends?
Where do you usually spend time with friends?
Do you like to travel with friends?
Are you communicating with?
Do you have friends with whom you have been together since childhood?
How much do you trust your best friend?

About childhood

Ask the young man to talk about his childhood. Was it very different from yours?

How was your childhood?
What city were you born and raised in?
Do you have colorful childhood memories that you will remember for the rest of your life?
As a child, who did you dream of being?
Did you like studying at school?
Would you like to go back to your childhood?

And a few questions about relationships

This topic is deeply personal for many. So you should ask them when you reach a certain level of comfort between you.

What do you pay attention to when you see a girl for the first time?
What qualities are most important to you in a girl?
Would you change your habits for the sake of your loved one?
Would you continue dating a girl who is terminally ill?
What will you never forgive your partner for?

What questions should not be asked?

Be careful with questions of an intimate nature, about past relationships; not everyone likes to discuss such topics. This will cause awkwardness and...

Refrain from being interested in financial opportunities: he will suspect you of being prudent. Refrain from asking questions about unpleasant things, his problems. Such conversations will cause . Men do not like to show weaknesses; if the desire arises, they will share it themselves.

Try not to turn the conversation into an interrogation; be sure to give the young man the right to speak.
Do not impose yourself under any circumstances if the guy is not in the mood for communication. Perhaps he is not in the mood that day.
Do not interrupt your interlocutor, otherwise he will no longer have the desire to continue the story. Besides, it's impolite.
Learn to listen, men love it.
Use your sense of humor. Just kidding, this will help “break the ice.”
We recommend asking clarifying questions, this will show your interest in the conversation.

16 February 2014, 13:02

Ask, be interested and you will find out what he breathes and what he hears, what he dreams about, about whom he suffers!


The main thing is that some “rules” are followed:

  1. Don't be intrusive! Guys (men) avoid people with such a negative “feature”! Wouldn't you avoid it yourself? Put yourself in the shoes of any of them.
  2. Don't bombard him with questions. Give dialogue a chance! Imagine what the conversation will turn into if you let “questioning rain” fall on the lines of your correspondence.
  3. Don't interrupt him. Write what you wanted to write when the guy or man fully speaks out, speaks out.
  4. Answer your interlocutor's questions! If you ignore them, you will lose the thread of communication.
  5. Always let us know if you are busy with something or if you need to go somewhere.
  6. Be mega-punctual even in virtual reality! We agreed to meet online at a certain time - don’t be late!
  7. Don’t force a boy or man to answer certain questions if he doesn’t want to. Switch the conversation to a completely opposite topic or take a “rest” from each other.
  8. Be honest and open, without forgetting tact. Be extremely careful with your words. Any “careless” word can hurt very deeply.

Questions for a man or guy (for online dating)

Don't rush to ask the guy the following questions

Such questions can drive any guy into a dead end!

You risk asking such questions ahead of time.– the man will be visited by the following thoughts:

If the guy (man) took the initiative, then let him think about what to talk to you about. If there are difficulties in communication, save the situation. You can not only ask questions, but simply have a conversation on various topics (entertainment, adventure, incidents, jokes, paranormal phenomena).

You can write a joke or copy it from the site. The main thing is that it is “inserted” on the topic, and not just for the sake of humor. Don't be offended if he doesn't understand what you wanted to say or prove with an anecdote. You see, dear, men are completely different people. They are different from us in many ways. And don’t try to count the differences, as you’ll lose track of everything!

If you ask questions, get answers to them, but the conversation doesn’t go well - don’t worry! Everything happens in life. You will definitely meet your favorite person.

Don’t fall in love with people you’ve never seen in reality (so that later, suddenly, you don’t get upset and disappointed).

Continuation. . .

Girls love to ask tricky and confusing questions for guys, especially when it comes to love relationships or the past of a young man. What is it permissible to ask your lover or guy you know, and what phrases are best to refrain from in order to maintain a warm relationship?

To add to the list of extraordinary and interesting questions, type into a search engine “what can you ask a guy” and follow the links. Source: Flickr (katie_adele173)

"Right" questions for guys

Every girl has a cunning nature and a rich imagination. At the slightest hint of a former relationship, or the presence of a close friend with her boyfriend, the woman goes into the offensive phase. Hundreds of intrusive questions, unwillingness to accept the truth of the other half - such situations often lead to protracted conflicts. The “right” questions are those that do not violate the guy’s inner personal world. Do not try to get into the soul of your chosen one - this rarely ends well.

Important! Don’t give in to emotions, don’t try to find out everything about the young man’s past. Psychologists on the topic “What questions can you ask a guy?” They advise you to build on his hobbies, desires, and character in general.

Questions of a psychological nature

Here are some neutral psychological questions you can ask a guy without fear of consequences:

  1. What kind of life seems ideal for you?
  2. How do you feel about bad habits? Do you think that you have addictions?
  3. What positive traits of yours can you be proud of?
  4. Would you like to change your appearance or anything about your character?
  5. Do you have a favorite memory?

But here are psychological and quite complex questions for guys that are best not asked, at least in the initial stages of dating:

  1. Have you had many girlfriends, for what reason did you break up with them? (Such questions can be confusing, and besides, the person is not obligated to tell you about his past or reveal such sensitive topics).
  2. What are your plans for your future life? (This question has a vague wording, so a person will not always be able to answer honestly and objectively).
  3. What is your attitude towards psychological tests? (As a rule, most young people have a negative attitude towards psychologists and various tests. You should not force your boyfriend to answer numerous questions in questionnaires).

Non-standard questions to ask a guy

Do you want to seem like an interesting conversationalist? The topics for conversation have dried up, and the conversation seems more and more boring? You don't know what to ask a guy? Add a twist - ask an unusual question that will definitely interest the young man.

  1. Do you believe in having a soul mate or in love at first sight?
  2. What would you do if you had to spend several days without electricity or hot water?
  3. Do you believe in intuition? Do you often make decisions based purely on an intuitive approach?
  4. If three of your wishes could come true immediately, what would you wish for?
  5. How do you feel about the political situation in the country?

Note! You need to ask such questions carefully, because if you have different political views, there is a high risk of starting a meaningless discussion or simply quarreling.

Questions must not only be asked, but also answered! Otherwise, the interlocutor will simply lose confidence in you. Source: Flickr (Donna_Muccio)

Tricky questions

What questions can you ask a guy if you have known him for a long time? List of interesting and exciting options:

  1. What (or who) would you take with you to a desert island first?
  2. What actions would you never be able to forgive a person?
  3. What can you do for your loved one?
  4. Will you continue to communicate with a person if you find out that he is gay?

To add to the list of extraordinary and interesting questions, type into a search engine “what can you ask a guy” and follow the links. Carefully select and analyze information when doing this.

  1. No need to be too intrusive. If a person finds it difficult to answer, it is better to postpone the topic of conversation and ask the question another time.
  2. Don't interrupt the guy. It will be better if he speaks out completely - this way you can learn much more about the person.
  3. Be extremely honest and tactful. Remember that a carelessly spoken phrase can completely nullify communication and worsen even an ideal connection.
  4. If you're chatting online, it's a good idea to let them know if you're busy or need to be away for a while. A suddenly interrupted conversation is a sign of disrespect for the interlocutor, even if this happens online.
  5. Are you planning to have a romantic or serious relationship with someone? In this case, it is recommended to clarify all important issues for you (attitude towards marriage and family, bad habits) immediately, so that unpleasant misunderstandings do not arise later.

Important! Questions must not only be asked, but also answered! Otherwise, the interlocutor will simply lose confidence in you.

Now you know what questions to ask a guy to maintain a friendly and exciting conversation.

Video on the topic

If previously it was believed that dating sites were the lot of losers and old maids, now a huge part of life is spent online. People fall in love, build relationships, break up, post photos from weddings and christenings... Therefore, if you have an interesting fan on social networks, why not try to turn sweet communication into something more?

To make this plan a success, we will tell you what questions you can ask a guy via correspondence and how to interest him from the first message.

What to ask a guy in a text message and how to do it right

The reason for correspondence can be a like on a photo, a clash in an interest group, the presence of mutual acquaintances offline, and a thousand other reasons.

His “hello” may be expected, or it may be a pleasant surprise.

Whatever scenario turns into reality, you want not only to show your interest, but also to learn more about the interlocutor, to understand what kind of person is hiding behind the screen. How he laughs and gets angry, how real his photos are (or staged), why he even decided to start a virtual acquaintance...

But before you pour out a stream of questions on the guy, remember - on the Internet, as in real life, there are certain unspoken rules. And breaking them often means being left with nothing.

So remember:

– no one likes intrusiveness, which makes a person feel awkward and come up with the “correct” answers to the questions asked. Do not turn communication into an interrogation, because the points that interest you can be clarified not immediately, but over time in the process of correspondence;

- don’t try to be better, prettier, smarter, sexier, more original, etc. Behavior that is unusual for you, pompous phrases, photoshopped photos betray themselves as a lack of “soul” - and who would want to communicate with an ideal robot? Therefore, be yourself, don’t try to adapt to everyone you meet. After all, as you know, for every hunter there is his own beast;

– publish your own good quality photos on your profile, don’t hide behind pictures – such actions reveal a fake, with whom hardly anyone wants to communicate;

- write correctly. Of course, complex phrases taken from the pages of scientific works of the past will scare off even a fighter for the purity of speech, but the banal absence of spelling and grammatical errors will only work in your favor. And don’t hide your emotions under monosyllabic “aha”, “meh”, “ok”, write in such a way that a stranger sees you as a real interlocutor with his own opinion and outlook on life;

– end the conversation in such a way that the guy wants to continue the conversation.

How to get a guy to like you via pen pal

First, critically evaluate your page - how interested would you be in such an interlocutor? Look through the photos (not only the latest avatars, but also the archived ones, which you yourself have long since forgotten), flip through the audio recordings, read the available information in the profile. And if incriminating evidence, strange entries of unknown origin, errors and typos are found there, it is better to spend half an hour and bring your “Internet face” into proper shape.

If a guy is attracted to your page, try to create a positive first impression. But don't overdo it - if you've had a rough day, it's better to be honest about it than to pretend to be Miss Fun. The interlocutor is not an idiot. Even if he does not recognize an outright lie, the chill and tension between you is guaranteed for a long time.

An important point is to correctly bypass the “slippery” places in the conversation. If the topic is unpleasant to you, it is better to honestly say that you do not want to discuss this issue now than to try to make a forced joke or clumsily change the topic. The guy will like appropriate directness, but trying to get out of the quagmire will, at best, make you laugh, and at worst, make the guy lose interest in you.

How to interest a guy by correspondence

To prevent the conversation from becoming boring, add a touch of interest to it. For example, offer to have a conversation in an “either-or” format. Such games help not only to have a good time, but also to find out the type of temperament of your interlocutor. For example, questions like “mountains or beach”, “racing car or Mercedes S-class”, “redhead or brunette” will help you get to know the guy better, his inclinations, attitude to risk, etc. After all, a direct question can be answered with a “comfortable answer”. "response, but the one veiled under the game often receives a more overt return.

Another way to interest a guy is to skillfully ask for his opinion, show interest in his hobbies, and ask for advice. It’s especially cool if you’re smart and ask him about something you haven’t discussed yet. Look at his photos, look for pages on other social networks, don’t be lazy to look for photos with him - such materials sometimes provide more information than correspondence. And the more original you ask the question, the more interest you are guaranteed.

What to talk about with a guy by correspondence

Of course, being original in an intimate area is unacceptable. Just like joking or teasing a guy. It will be better if you leave questions about his exes and sexual preferences for the future, when you have every right to ask such questions. For now, be content with general topics: travel, books, films, friends, family, hobbies, dreams, interests, work (study). Such discussions can give a basic description of any person.

Correspondence with a guy: examples of questions

  • Which dreams have you already made come true, and which ones are you planning in the near future?
  • What do you do in the evenings after work?
  • An action you are proud of?
  • What's your bravest move?
  • What were you like as a kid?
  • How do you dream of spending your old age?
  • Do you like to travel?
  • What countries do you dream of visiting?
  • Favorite movie, TV series, book, super hero?
  • What is your relationship with your family?
  • Are there any brothers or sisters?
  • How do you feel about children?
  • Are you a morning person or a night owl?
  • What did you dream of being when you grew up?
  • Do you like spontaneity?
  • What's your best birthday ever?
  • Do you have a lot of friends? Tell us about them.
  • Can friendship exist between a guy and a girl?
  • What wish would you ask to be granted right now?
  • What do you like about girls?
  • What can't you stand?
  • What clothes do you prefer?
  • Can you cook?

How to understand that a guy likes you by correspondence

The most important “beacon” that will help you understand a guy’s attitude is his readiness and desire to correspond. If he is waiting for an online meeting, writes to you first, is not late at the agreed time, and is not too inclined to say goodbye, most likely he likes you.

What is also important is how willing he is to share intimate things with you. Moreover, it is not necessary to wait for confession - a story about how the day went can mean more than a confession of something supposedly very personal. Ask about his mood, ask questions about relationships with friends, funny things that happened at work, and note whether the guy is ready to share a part of himself with you.

The same applies to you - if a guy talks about himself and makes no attempt to get to know you more deeply, you are looking at a typical narcissistic talker.

Flirting can be seen in his tone: the guy is clearly not indifferent to you if he praises you, gives you compliments, wishes you pleasant dreams in the evening and a good day in the morning. He can send virtual gifts, delight you with funny emoticons, make surprises, that is, show his attention in all available ways. Caring, the desire to protect and advise is also important - it is characteristic of any man in love.

Just in case: how to send a guy off by correspondence

Sometimes the reason for wanting to stop correspondence can be the guy’s obsession, sometimes it can be boredom and coldness, sometimes it can be a mismatch of characters, tastes and interests. In any case, you shouldn’t delay, hoping that tomorrow he will definitely change.

If you don’t even want to start a dialogue, it’s time to end it.

Honestly write to the guy that you don’t want to communicate with him anymore, that real life means more to you than letters on the monitor. Stop showing interest, because the flirtatious “we need a break from each other”, on the contrary, fuels the hunter’s instinct in the male soul.

In general, the simplest, most honest and effective way to stop communication is the “spam” or “black list” button. Everything else is half measures.

Conduct correspondence only with those who are interesting, with whom you would communicate in real life. And be yourself as usual, don’t pretend and don’t hide behind a fictitious personality. And, you know, if you had to figure out what questions you could ask a guy via correspondence, most likely, this is simply not your person.