Effective spa treatments for hands - Relaxation and care. Great spa treatments for hands - Pamper yourself with relaxation at home


There are many most various techniques and products, the purpose of which is to improve the skin. But before using any of them, it is necessary to find out if there are contraindications, and also to study in detail the technology of their use. Of all existing procedures aimed at nourishing, rejuvenating and restoring the skin, the most effective is paraffin therapy, namely, paraffin therapy for hands. You can carry out this procedure yourself, but we will help you understand all the intricacies of its implementation.

IN modern cosmetology one of the most effective and frequently used methods is paraffin therapy, but this procedure goes back to the most ancient centuries. Paraffin therapy received a “second life” quite recently, but it has already managed to interest and win over a huge number of people, and among them are not only girls, but also men. And it's not surprising, because this procedure perfectly copes with its tasks: nutrition, restoration and rejuvenation of the skin of the face, hands and the whole body; removing excess moisture and toxins through the skin and enriching its deeper layers with substances necessary for health. In addition, having done paraffin therapy once, you will still for a long time enjoy the effect.

Winter and autumn are more favorable for the implementation of paraffin therapy, since in the cold season the body, and in particular the skin of the hands, needs the most meticulous care. You will not only experience pleasant sensations during the complete, gradual warming of your hands, but also enjoy the healing effect of the procedure in the future.

Listing all the positive characteristics of paraffin therapy will take a very long time, so we will give only the most important:

But still, if you want to protect yourself from burns and other misfortunes that can occur with insufficient awareness of the technology of the procedure, and also achieve more strong action, then we suggest that you first study the tips and instructions we have proposed

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What do we need for the procedure?

To achieve the maximum positive effect in the implementation of paraffin therapy without the help of a master, first, of course, you need to stock up on everything that we need, namely:

What is the preferred paraffin?

Just in case, we will clarify that in no case can we use paraffin used for making candles for the procedure! It certainly does not contain the nutrients needed by the skin. The use of this type of material will not only not bring a positive effect, but can even harm. As you can see, far from any paraffin is suitable for this type of therapy, there are some requirements for it:

What are the steps involved in the procedure?

We propose to break the session of paraffin therapy into the following stages.

The delicate skin of the hands is often exposed to negative influence. The reason for this is climatic influences, exhausting work, household chores, and other factors.

Improper care leads to a loss of elasticity, hands become cracked, dry quickly and, accordingly, age faster.

A manicure can turn into a waste of money and time if you do not pay due attention to caring for your hands. SPA procedures in the salon provide professional care and guaranteed positive effect. Already after the first visit to the beautician's office, your hands will find silk softness.

SPA hand care features

Individual customer needs, skin condition, allergic intolerance cosmetics affect the spa program.

Price spa treatments for hands depends on the material used, the duration of the course and the frequency of procedures. Some clients require firming and rejuvenating spa treatments, others will be interested in whitening age spots. Someone should focus on the condition of the nail plates or on the intensive healing of damaged skin.

Cleansing and exfoliation is the first step in a comprehensive hand spa treatment. If you spend a lot of time doing household chores, this procedure is your savior.

A keratinized skin forms on the fingertips, which you will be relieved of after the first visit to the salon. Price comprehensive care also includes massage and moisturizing with cosmetics.

Spa hand care may include aroma baths, paraffin therapy, thermal mittens, and body wraps. Each of these procedures has a specific effect:

  • Tones;
  • Nourishes;
  • Revitalizes the skin.

The main stages of SPA procedures for hands

By visiting our salon, you will be convinced of the effectiveness of our procedures. SPA for hands consists of two main stages:

  • Cleansing. By using special scrubs, oils and masks, the cosmetologist performs the procedure for removing various contaminants of the nail plate and skin of the hands. In the process of exfoliating dead cells, the skin does not lose moisture;
  • Moisturizing, toning, protection against external environment and skin restoration. This set of procedures of the second stage contributes to the restoration of the ideal water balance skin. Also nourishes nail plate and hands with essential trace elements and vitamins, saturates nutrients smoothes, softens and protects against negative impacts environment.

To keep your hands always beautiful and well-groomed, it is recommended to spend 1 hour a week on spa treatments.

Video about spa treatments for hands:

Ordinary “spa” procedures have already become commonplace and no one raises questions, but “spa” procedures for hands are treated, if not with fear, then with distrust for sure, especially many decide to do the same baths at home. First of all, hands are an indicator of well-groomedness, it is on them that others pay attention, who, according to their condition, can understand both well-being and tone, and your age. In addition, it is worth monitoring the state constantly, as to spoil appearance you can quickly enough, for example, hard work, junk food, as well as being on outdoors in regions with harsh climates.

Spa procedures for hands, regularity

Spa hand care should be done regularly. If you do it with a beautician, but for some reason you can’t visit him on the scheduled day, then arrange a spa for yourself at home. You should be aware that the skin of the hands is softer than it actually seems, and you need to be careful about caring for it, since it contains a very small percentage sebaceous glands, which indicates that there is practically no moisture.

What are the benefits of spa treatments?

Spa procedures for hands will give your hands softness, tenderness, and the effect is often noticeable the first time, and with constant use, excessive pigmentation disappears. If you lead an active lifestyle, play sports, calluses appear, your hands become rough, then only spa baths can help get rid of rough skin.

Spa treatment for hands, description

A spa procedure for hands should be carried out in a warm bath, in which tonic solutions are added, to get rid of bacteria, disinfectants are included in the composition. If you intend to do a manicure, or remove growths and cuticles, then first do a hand bath. After 15 minutes, peel, applying special cream by removing dead skin cells. Remember - wash off the applied solution, by the way, it can be a regular cream, with warm, running water without using soap. After that, you can apply a nourishing cream.

Spa hand care consists of three consecutive procedures:

  • Procedure No. 1 - hand bath

First of all, you need to relieve fatigue. To do this, we need warm water and warmed milk, dilute it in a bath of water in a ratio of 1 to 1. Add 1-2 tablespoons olive oil and hold for about 15 minutes.

  • Spa treatment for hands No. 2 - peeling

It is not necessary to run to the store and buy a special cream. Hand peeling solution can be made at home. To do this, take half a glass of sugar, mix with two tablespoons of olive oil, you can add a little ginger, or grated lemon zest. Apply the resulting mixture on your hands, massaging with a sponge. Rinse with running water when finished.

  • Spa treatment for hands No. 3 - mask

The final apple mask. It is done in the absence of a cream, although its use is desirable. Grate an apple, add a spoonful of oil, vaseline and glycerin by a teaspoon, camphor oil 1 drop. You can buy it at any pharmacy. Hold the mask for 10-15 minutes and then wash off without using soap.

The woman's hands are hers business card, her passport. There is not always time to go to the spa to entrust your hands to professionals, and our “calling card” requires constant care. The skin of the hands is as delicate as the skin of the face. Nevertheless, it is impossible to enumerate what we expose our hands to compared to the skin of our face.

Only a few women put on gloves while cleaning the house and washing dishes, a few take care of their hands daily and carefully. But the hands, unlike the face, cannot be made younger with the help of plastic surgery.

Unacceptable, barbaric attitude towards our eternal workers - hands! Let's arrange a spa for our hands at home! And how to do it - read here.

Let's start with the simplest and most necessary truths:

1. Always wear gloves during cold seasons. The skin on the hands, when cooled, loses a lot of moisture, dries and flakes. The metabolic processes of the skin slow down.

2. Never wash your hands hot or hard cold water. Let the water be warm. Even if there is a need for contrast baths Do them alternately with warm and cool water.

3. Do not rub your hands when drying: dry them thoroughly with a towel. Do not forget that the skin of the hands is also delicate and vulnerable.

4. Keep a tube of moisturizing hand cream in the bathroom, on the nightstand, in your purse.

5. And finally, once again about washing (there are still gizmos made of very delicate fabrics that cannot be trusted washing machine), cleaning the house, washing dishes - wear special rubber gloves.

Now let's talk about spa care. So that your hands just rest, make your favorite baths for them.

Spa treatments with chamomile

Make an infusion of dried chamomile, lime blossom, or sage. To do this, put in a thermos 3 tbsp. spoons chamomile and fill it up hot water(but not boiling water), close tightly and leave for one hour (longer). While doing household chores.

When time is free and you sit down to rest, pour the filtered infusion into a convenient container, cool to a warm state and immerse your hands in it. 15 minutes is enough to soften the skin of the hands. Then dry your hands tissue paper or soft towel.

The same bath can be done with sage or lime blossom. You can, of course, alternate infusions. And chamomile, and sage, and linden blossom soften and soothe the skin of the hands. After spa treatment, apply a nourishing cream to your hands.

Spa with essential oils

If there is absolutely no time to make an infusion, purchase at a pharmacy essential oils grapefruit, orange or tangerine. In warm water, dilute with 5-7 drops of essential oil, juice of half a lemon and immerse your hands for 10 minutes. Dry with a soft towel. After such a bath, hands can be lubricated with cream only before going to bed.

Bath with milk

In a glass of warm milk, add the same amount of warm water, 2 tbsp. l. olive oil. Dip your hands in the bath and hold for 10-15 minutes. Milk will soothe tired hands, and oil will soften them.

If your hands need to be gently cleansed, then peel them:

  • Put in an enamel bowl 2 tbsp. l. only ground coffee, pour so much boiling water to make a thick slurry. Pound 2 tablets of acetylsalicylic acid (aspirin) and mix this powder with coffee gruel. Apply to hands and massage gently for one minute (never rub hard). Then wash your hands with warm water.
  • Make sponge in a small amount water foam and add 2 tbsp. l. sugar, soda on the tip of a knife and 1 tbsp. a spoonful of vegetable oil. Massage your hands and rinse with warm water.
  • Perfectly whitens hands gruel from a tomato with the addition of sugar (you can not add anything). fresh tomatoes pass through a strainer or through a meat grinder, apply on the hands and massage for 3-5 minutes.

To treat, soften, nourish the skin of the hands, make masks for them:

  • Mix starch and vegetable oil heated in a water bath until a slurry is formed. Apply to hands, wrap with a napkin and put on cotton mittens. After an hour, remove the wrap, rinse your hands with warm water and dry with a soft towel.
  • If your hands are dry and even cracked, buy glycerin at the pharmacy. Wash your hands with warm water and wet hands apply 1 hour l. glycerin. Massage your hands for 5-7 minutes. If there are wounds, it will pinch a little, but there is nothing to worry about. The healing and softening effect is amazing.

Now let's move on to spa nail care. Most often, ladies complain about the fragility and delamination of nails. Of course, the main thing in eliminating these shortcomings is proper nutrition, the right way of life, but now about how to directly influence the nails so that they become healthy and strong.

The most interesting thing is that since the nails have a porous structure, this is quite possible.

By the way, all the spa treatments that you do for your hands have a beneficial effect on your nails. But most of all, nails respond well to sea salt and paraffin therapy.

1. In warm water(0.5 liters) dissolve 1h. spoon sea ​​salt and the same amount of algae extract. Dip your fingers in this bath and hold them for about 15 minutes. Then wipe them with a soft cloth and do not wash your hands, for example, until the morning, if the bath was done before bedtime. During the day, the time of exposure to salt and algae, you know, is significantly reduced.

2. Warm paraffin baths can be prepared only by buying ready-made, for example, lavender paraffin. This paraffin with lavender oil has a low melting point. Immerse your hands in "hot" paraffin and hold them for 7-10 minutes until the paraffin cools down.

In fact, the paraffin only seems to be hot. and hands and nails after such a spa treatment become surprisingly soft and smooth.

3. In addition to baths, nails “love” massage. Essential oils are applied to the fingers, and soft in a circular motion the nail and fingertip are massaged.

Baths for nails should be done much more often than for hands.

SPA care for hands and nails at home

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beautiful, well-groomed hands is an important attribute for any modern man. On a daily basis, we encounter various “little things in life”, such as dry soap, cold morning or just gloves, forgotten houses… The hands of a modern person endure many imperceptible trials, because they are always at work, they are in plain sight. Minor cracks and wounds cause a lot of discomfort in the cold season. And the well-groomed hands today are often a visiting card of a person.

Our beauty salon, located in a shopping center in Moscow, offers one simple and pleasant way to maintain the skin of the hands in winter and autumn. The hand spa service has already earned the respect of many of our clients in Moscow and the Moscow region, in addition, we often hold promotions that allow you to get this service at the most pleasant price.

Spa for hands in a salon in Moscow.

Spa service in our beauty salon in Moscow is not only a pleasure, but also a recovery for your hands. Also spa is a great opportunity cheaply restore their delicate, healthy and soft skin.

Spa procedure for brushes in our beauty studio in a shopping center in Moscow takes place in several stages:

  • cleansing and peeling;
  • applying a penetrating spa mask;
  • massage with spa cream mask.

At the first stage, the master thoroughly cleans the brushes from keratinized particles, for this a scrub with an extract of bergamot and Tuscan citrus is used. In our beauty studio at the spa, quality cosmetics containing only herbal ingredients. The scrub is rubbed in with massaging movements, after which it is washed off warm water along with exfoliated epidermis. Then the master applies an even layer on the hands of a cream-mask for spa, which has medicinal properties. At the final stage, a massage is done with a spa cream mask. All this is relatively cheap.

Note that we have promotions for clients living in Moscow and the Moscow region, allowing you to receive spa treatments for hands for the most affordable prices. You can also buy inexpensive spa memberships from us.

Any discrepancy between the information in the price list and the actual prices is just an unfortunate misunderstanding, check the information by phone with the administrator. The information in the price list is for reference only and is not a public offer, determined by the provisions of Article 437 of the Civil Code Russian Federation. If you notice a discrepancy, let us know, we will definitely fix it!