Involving parents in correctional and developmental work through a system of methodological recommendations. Speech therapist assigns homework

Choice of colors

Interaction between a teacher - speech therapist, educator and parents on the development of phonemic processes in older preschoolers

Every parent dreams of their child doing well at school.
How to properly prepare a child for school?

This question worries many parents of future first-graders, as well as teachers of preschool educational institutions. Often adults believe that the most important thing is to teach a child to read, write, and count before entering school. But this does not guarantee successful learning. It happens that a child who reads, counts and writes, starting to learn, gradually reduces his success.

Most parents believe that it is enough to teach their child the letters, and he will begin to read and write correctly. However, as practice shows, knowledge of letters does not exclude serious difficulties for preschoolers in learning to read and write. The reasons for the difficulties include the child’s microsocial and pedagogical neglect, lack of desire or habit to study, lack of perseverance, decreased attention, memory, and behavioral difficulties.
But the main reasons for this phenomenon are a violation of phonemic perception, pronunciation defects, as well as undeveloped skills of sound analysis and synthesis.

In order to write correctly, a child needs to imagine that sentences consist of words, words of syllables and sounds, and the sounds in a word are arranged in a certain sequence. The child’s reading skill is formed only after mastering the merging of speech sounds into syllables and words. K.D. Ushinsky noted that “only those who understand the sound-syllable structure of a word can read and write consciously.” It is important to form in a child the concepts of “sound” and “letter” in time, to teach them to isolate them from the composition of a word, to distinguish between vowels and consonants, voiced and voiceless sounds, hard and soft consonants, and to select words to match given sound patterns.

That is, if we want a child to master written language (reading and writing) quickly, easily, and also avoid many mistakes, we should teach him sound analysis and synthesis. In turn, sound analysis and synthesis should be based on a stable phonemic perception of each sound of the native language.

Early diagnosis shows that many children have disorders in speech development, including phonemic processes. This problem can only be solved in close cooperation between the educator, teacher-speech therapist and parents.

Our teaching team has built a certain algorithm for the interaction of all subjects of the pedagogical process:

  1. Parents' meeting (at the beginning of the year)
  2. Advisory hours (teachers - speech therapist with educators, with parents)
  3. Use of didactic games (in educational activities, educational activities, at home with parents)
  4. ICT (presentations on the development of phonemic hearing in educational institutions, educational institutions, at home with parents)
  5. The use of individual speech therapy notebooks.

Currently, there is a lot of different literature for preschoolers, teachers and parents. In kindergarten we organize thematic exhibitions of literature and offer to borrow the necessary books for individual lessons at home. (parents copy books, study individually and bring them back, buy the same one). The slide presents an exhibition of books that can be used to teach children literacy and the development of phonemic processes.

Child development occurs through activity. The main activity is play. Over the past two decades, kindergarten has gradually lost its developmental specificity in working with preschoolers. Play activities have been almost completely squeezed out of kindergarten; pre-school preparation has taken first place. Substitution of leading play activities had a negative impact on the child’s speech development. But still, the game is an effective means of developing children’s vocabulary, sound pronunciation, the formation of phonemic processes, sound analysis and synthesis.

Memo For will give birth oil.

We designate

Vowel sounds (A. O. U. I, Y, E)

Vowel letters (I, E, E, Yu) - consist of two sounds




Soft: (B.V, G, D, Z.K, L.M.NYL)

Ch.Shch - always soft

Voiced sounds (B V. G. D. M. N L. R. Z. F)

Dull sounds (K.P.S.T.F.Sh.H.Ts.Ch.Sch.)


Sounds: VOWELS - in red



Word ___________

Syllables __ __


Proposal analysis:

For example: “The golden autumn has come.

__________________________ .

_____________- ______________ __________ .

N. E. Teremkova This manual is intended for children 5-7 years old with GSD (general speech underdevelopment). In it you will find homework assignments on various vocabulary topics. The tasks are aimed at increasing vocabulary, developing skills of coherent speech, attention, memory, and thinking.

  1. Fruits
  2. Vegetables
  3. Garden Garden
  4. Trees
  5. Berries
  6. Mushrooms
  7. Autumn
  8. Human
  9. Toys
  10. Dishes

Examples of tasks

Game "Greedy": Imagine that these are your fruits. Answer the questions: Whose orange is this? (My orange.) Etc.

Exercise “Tell me!”: Write a story about fruits according to the proposed visual plan (Color - shape - taste)

Exercise “Which from what?”: Circle the dotted lines and say what fruits mom made and what they made. What kind of juice is this (jam, pie, compote)? (Apple pie, pear juice)

Exercise "Cook": Tell me what you need to do to prepare the soup? (Vegetables are washed, peeled, cut, boiled.) Juice? Puree?

Exercise “Guess the riddles, draw the answers.”

Exercise “Help Dunno”: Correct Dunno's mistakes.

Exercise “Listen, remember and name”: Listen to the poem. Remember and name what vegetables grew in the garden.

Exercise “Complete the sentences with the correct words”.

Exercise “Say the opposite”.

Exercise “Which tree is the leaf or twig from?”: Color the leaves and twigs above. Draw a line from each of them to the corresponding tree. Name what kind of leaves and twigs these are.

How to help a child become attentive?

Attention is not a quality given once and for all. Attention can and should be developed! Of course, at school there are tasks for attention in almost all lessons. But it should be noted that no matter how hard teachers try to use these tasks in their teaching activities, they can only maintain the level of attention development that students have at this stage. There are certain reasons for this: firstly, the volume of educational material is quite large; secondly, there must be a certain system of tasks and work, as a rule, must be individual, which is difficult to do in the classroom.

However, the student needs to be helped to learn how to manage his attention. It is still difficult for the youngest schoolchild to do this. And the child’s main assistant can be his parents.

To help a child, we must know what to do and how.

What is attention? Attention is a person’s ability to focus on certain objects and phenomena. We are simultaneously influenced by a large number of sources of information from the surrounding world. It is impossible to absorb all the incoming information, and it is not necessary. But it is absolutely necessary to isolate from it what is useful, significant at the moment, and important for making the right decisions. This function of mental activity is performed by attention.

When a teacher talks about lack of attention at all, this is very general. Attention has such basic properties as concentration, volume, stability, distribution and switching.

And a child may have well developed one of the named properties of attention and completely lack another, which is precisely what requires correction.

Therefore, before starting classes on developing attention, you need to know which properties are poorly developed in your child, because each property is very important for successful educational activities. Concentration of attention

- the ability to focus on the desired object, its parts, the ability to understand the task. A child with good concentration is characterized by good observation and organization. And vice versa, someone who has not developed this property is absent-minded and uncollected. Attention span

Sustainability of attention- this is the ability to concentrate on the same object for a long time. A child with stable attention can work for a long time without being distracted; he likes long, hard work (interest in tasks of increased difficulty).

Distribution of attention- this is simultaneous attention to two or more objects while simultaneously performing actions with them. The characteristics of the distribution of attention are judged by whether it is easy or difficult for the child to do several things at the same time: do work and observe the environment (whether additional explanations and cursory comments from the teacher are easily perceived).

Switching attention- this is the movement of attention from one object to another or from one activity to another in connection with the formulation of a new task.

Individual characteristics of switching attention can be judged by how quickly a child moves from one activity to another, whether he easily starts a new task, whether he can quickly finish any activity or whether he constantly returns to it in his thoughts and actions (they continue to decide when everything finished; everyone is counting orally, and some are trying to write down what they did not have time to do before).

When you study your child’s attention and determine which property is the least developed, you can begin classes.

Effective means of developing attention include games and play exercises that can be included in any, even very serious, activity.

Examples of games and game exercises

Series of messages " ":
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“Sounds and Letters” (September)

What is sound? (Sound is what we hear and pronounce)

What is a letter? (A letter is what we read and write)

I will pronounce a series of sounds, you must name which vowels I pronounced and lay out diagrams of red circles: AOUI, IUAO, UIOA, OAUI.

Now let’s make letter rows, I will pronounce the rows of sounds, and you must lay out the letter rows. AOUI, IUAO, UIOA, OAUI

Let's repeat it again:

What is sound?

What is a letter?

Yotated vowels (October).

  1. Name the vowels of the first row. (A O U E Y)

Name the vowels of the 2nd row (YA YU E I)

  1. Name a paired vowel letter from another series, for example, I say E, you say O.

I - ..., E - ..., E - ..., Yu - ..., I - ..., O - ..., A - ..., Y - ..., U - ..., E - ....

  1. Repeat after me the chain of syllables:



  1. Name a syllable with a nar vowel from another series, for example, I say BA, you say BYA.

VA - ..., GYA - ..., DYO - ..., ZO - ..., KYU - ..., LU - ..., ME - ..., NY - ..., PI - ....

Syllable. Hyphenation. Emphasis (October).

  1. "Halves."

Find parts of words, connect them and write down the words:

dy sos la pa na ra zabor nok shawl zvo

  1. "Battleship".

Using the given code, make up words, read and write the sentence.

B1 B2 A2 B2 A3 B3 B2 C1 A1 A B C 1









  1. "Collect the word."

Make words from syllables written in different orders.

lod, ho -…

ta, vo, ro - ...

ve, ka, shal - ...

tu, ar, tro -…

sha, ta, we -...

mo, gra, ta - ...

bi, army, for -...

pi, kra, va -…

chick, boron, for -…

before, about, in, water -…

flax, dar, ka -...

  1. Find the syllable, insert the missing syllables.

sa__gi ma__na li__ny

to __ with lot__ta ba__ny

Do__ga porridge so__ka

5. Fold using the given syllables.
a) Add the 1st syllables:

road car

Rich shovel drown

Leaf goods stepdaughter

Come out to spend the night

Thinking I'll go out the shoe

b) Add 2 syllables:

food candle

wet the grief

blanket garden luck

caught up got depth

Patterns pricked empty

c) Add 3 syllables:

Roosters floors are gray

Waist bad weather parades

Treat lingonberry locust

d) Add: 2 syllable 3 syllable 3 syllable

Birch trees were given to scare

Similar words. Root word (November).

  1. Read a group of related words.

Freckles spring stonefly (water)

Spring-like freckles

Freckled spring

Determine the most important word from which all related words are derived. Name the root. (Check out the meaning of some words for your child.)

  1. Choose words with the same root when answering the question.

– Who is the baby (chick) of the siskin? - Chizhonok.

– Who is the chizh’s mother? - Chizhikha.

– What is the affectionate name for a little boy? - Little boy.

– What can you affectionately call a singing siskin? - Siskin, siskin.

– Whose cheerful singing makes us happy in the spring? - Chizhinoe.

  1. Come up with a word, highlight the root, select related words to it. Place emphasis on each word. Make a sentence with each word.

Spelling of unstressed vowels at the root of a word (December).

1. Determine the place of the stressed syllable in the word. I will name the word, and you write down the number where the stressed syllable is in the word.


2. Syllable – the rhythmic structure of a word.

I say a word, and you have to clap the syllables: a stressed syllable is a loud clap, an unstressed syllable is a quiet clap.

Spit, linden, rock, hay, toad, strongman;

Grandmother, feeding trough, room, dishes, flashlight, chamomile;

3. Insert a word at the end of each verse, indicate the unstressed vowel in it, and select a test word.

  1. On holidays on the streets

In the hands of a child

They burn and shimmer


  1. The squirrel hid in a hollow,

It is both dry and...

  1. Deep and wide

Our fast...

  1. Kolya went out onto the porch,

I washed my hands and...

  1. The starling flew away for a reason

For the forests and for...

  1. Always temper us

Sun, air and...

  1. I went to the skating rink in the morning

My youngest...

  1. The submarine is not scary

Ocean... wave.

  1. All around the buckwheat began to sing -

Brings honey to the hive...

  1. Green in winter and summer

The beauty is standing...

  1. We will build a house for you,

Not a birdhouse, but a palace.

Finally, come

Our feathered friend...

  1. We decorated the Christmas tree: beads in three rows,

The red sparkles above...

  1. Your iron tongue

I hide it up to the cap.

Call for class,

And my name is...

  1. They sow and grow in the field,

They clean it up, put it in storage,

And it goes for bread,

And his name is...

  1. Birches, rowan trees, oaks, poplars -

Ours is rich in trees...

  1. For the pie filling


  1. If you have a diary with A's,

So you are exemplary...

  1. I have a lot to do:

I'm a white blanket

I cover the whole earth,

White fields, houses,

My name is …

  1. I'm bursting my buds

In green leaves.

I dress the trees

I water the crops

Full of movement

My name is …

  1. Their mustaches are not for show -

They show the time

And they are called...

  1. I don't run to the doctor

I myself...

  1. I don't want to respond

My name is and I….

  1. The stars began to spin,

They began to lie down on the ground.

No, not stars, but fluff,

Not fluff, but...

  1. Put it in for lunch

Spoons, forks and...

  1. They wear red berets,

Autumn is brought to the forest in the summer.

Very friendly sisters -


  1. Ate a sweet tooth on Sunday

Everything is cherry...

  1. Our child with a long nose

This is a small...

  1. Jumped from rooftops with Carlson

Our little naughty boy is….

  1. Gray wolf in a dense forest

Met a redhead...

  1. -Where did the sparrow have lunch?

At the zoo at...

31. Clap! And the candy shoots like a cannon!

It is clear to everyone that this is...

  1. I admire you, how good you are!

How delicately fragrant...

  1. Even though she's vagrant,

migratory bird,

But in the spring I always

I love singing...

  1. – Sharing with everyone is my habit!

Don't you need poison? – asked….

  1. Dogs, don't touch the camel,

This will end badly for you:

He deftly fights enemies

With your big...

  1. The airplane landed on the grass

I went through a gas station at the flower,

Spun over my head -

He starts a fight with you.

Before landing on the nose

Have time to drive away...

  1. Apples on the branches in winter.

Collect them quickly!

And suddenly the apples flew up.

After all, this is...

  1. Guess what kind of bird:

Afraid of bright light

Beak with a hook, eyes with a snout,

Eared head. This ….

  1. Autumn has come

Snowstorms coming soon.

With a farewell cry

Birds ….

  1. The mother goat has babies,

And they call them all...

  1. We saw off Seryozha,

Him with a pen...

  1. The sisters braided it in the morning


  1. He's so used to working

Although he is small in stature.

But the owner is very angry

Why is he stubborn...

  1. Arches back, tail like a pipe

And he comes to me as if into battle.

Red, like a tiger cub,

I have ….

Composition of the word (January).

1.In each line, identify the extra word.

fight, fighter, fight, fight;

enmity, enemy, adversary, hostile;

funny, laughter, mix, make laugh;

wind, whirlwind, breeze, calm;

pine, tree, sapling, wooden.

2. Clap your hands if you hear a word with the same root–asin-:

Aspen, wasp, aspen, donkey, aspen, aspen, boletus, donkey.

Stomp your right foot if you hear a word with the same root–sadness-:

Sad, sadness, sad, print, sadden, stove-maker, grieve.

3. Come up with a word, highlight the root, select related words to it. Place emphasis on each word. Determine the test words and the ones being tested. Make a sentence with each word.

  1. Listen to the words and write down only the prefixes.

Words: moving, arrival, departure, departure, rally, departure, took away, brought, brought, ran away, ran away.

Sample: attributed to OT-.

  1. Help the prefixes fall into place so that you get pairs of words with opposite meanings.

Sample: stick - unstick

Words : bring - ... crawl - ... tie - ... jump up - ... get used to - ...

Bend - ... bring - ... let in - ... bend - ... flutter - ...

Noun (February).

1. Converting nouns from one gender to another through word formation or selection of nouns denoting persons of the opposite sex.

Exercise : listen to the words and choose the opposite.

For example : cat - cat, dog - dog...

Words : horse - ... sparrow - ... chicken - ... hedgehog - ... goat - ... cow - ...

ram - ... tiger - ... dove - ... elephant - ...

Prepositions. Verb (March).

  1. “Reverse prepositions.” I tell you a word with a preposition, and you also name this word, with a preposition with the opposite meaning, for example: I say “to the forest,” and you say “from the forest.”

To the cinema - from the cinema

To the door - from the door

To the board - from the board

To the shore - from the shore

Above ground - underground

Above water - under water

From notebook to notebook

From window to window

Under the table - above the table.

  1. "Confusion". We make sentences from the given words:

Guys, ride, slides, p.

In winter, there is a lot of snow, in the forest, in.

Children were given gifts at a holiday.

Snow-covered trees stand in a fairy-tale forest.

Metro, being built, underground, under.

In the spring, the first snowdrops will break out from under the snow.

3. Determine whether it is a pretext or not?

(In the forest

(from the corner

(from home

(over) the lake

(before) walked

(about) rejoiced

(before) ran

(for) sad

(at) carried

(across the road


4. Read the text of the riddle, insert prepositions, underline them. Guess the riddles.

1) The house... is on the street,

... the work brings us.

Not... chicken legs,

And... rubber boots.


2) The white star... fell from the sky,

I... laid my palm -

And disappeared. (Snowflake)

3)… hollow… old oak

I live... in a dense forest.

I walk... in a fluffy fur coat,

I'm gnawing nuts. (Squirrel)

4) Red-haired, ... with a fluffy tail,

I live... in the forest... in the bush. (Fox)

5)… blue flower bed

Golden bell.

... blossoms in the morning,

It emits light and heat. (Sun)

6) All day long... the grass is thick

Horns roam... beard. (Goat)

  1. Isolating prepositions from speech.

“Count how many prepositions there are in the poem. Bend your finger when you hear an excuse.”

I will help my mother

I will clean everywhere.

And under the closet

And behind the closet

And in the closet

And on the closet

I don't like dust, ugh!

Adjective (April).

  1. Formation of relative adjectives

What kind of iron key? -...

And made of steel? -...

Is it actually made of metal? -...

What kind of cast iron frying pan? -...

What kind of cardboard house? -...

And from plastic, plasticine, plasticine? -...

A bag made of paper, cellophane? -...

What kind of wool sweater? -...

What about silk and lace? -...

Rug made of rubber, acrylic, synthetics? -...

What kind of jewelry made of glass, porcelain, crystal, gold, diamonds? -...

What are the dishes made of?

Glass pan - glass

Made of metal - metal

Wooden bowl - wooden

Made of plastic - plastic

Porcelain cup – porcelain

Made of clay - clay

Made of ceramics – ceramic

Made of crystal - crystal

From earthenware - earthenware

What kind of grove is there? (what kind of leaf is there?) from oaks, birches, aspens, rowan trees, beeches, tangerine trees, maples,

What kind of juice is there?

From apples, oranges, lemons, pineapples, ... Think of what else you can make juice from?

The next task combines the formation of relative adjectives and their agreement with nouns in gender. To do this, pay a little more attention to the sound of the endings.


from pineapple - pineapple




  1. Formation of possessive adjectives. (who owns this, whose?):

Whose tail?

While looking at pictures of animals, ask your child the question: “Whose tail does the hare have?” - “zaikin” (at best) – “or maybe a wolf? Or a cat? (use only words of the same group with the same suffixes, otherwise, by analogy with “horse”, the child forms the word “rabbit”)

The hare's tail is hare,

Squirrel, wolf, dog, cat, chicken, frog, pig, magpie, bull, bird,

Cow, fox, crow, eagle, chicken, horse, lion, mouse, tiger

Bear, camel, sterlet,

Proposal (May).

1. Read the notes.

On the city tower

They were jumping funny

Picked up from the ground

Are these suggestions?(No)

Are the words related?(Yes)

What's wrong then?(They're not finished)

Complete to make sentences.

Write one sentence in your notebook.

What do you need to remember to complete this task correctly?(The sentence is written with a capital letter, all words in the sentence are written separately. A period is placed at the end)

Parent meeting in the senior group on the topic: “Why does a speech therapist assign homework?”(SLIDE No. 1).

They wrote it in my notebook

A difficult task.

Mom and Dad said:

What kind of punishment?(SLIDE No. 2).

Parents often believe that if a child goes to a speech center or speech therapy group, then all problems are solved. The speech therapist and teachers will teach him to speak correctly and prepare him for school. What else is needed??

Parents are increasingly surprised by the fact that the speech therapist asks to have a notebook for doing homework, writes assignments in it and asks to take this notebook home weekly and follow all the recommendations with the child.

It’s not easy to organize classes with a child at home. It is necessary to carve out evening time (which is usually reserved for household chores) to sit down with the child at the table, do finger exercises, tongue exercises (and always in front of a mirror), and go through oral tasks on vocabulary and grammar, and on correcting sound pronunciation. Often the speech therapist asks to draw or paste pictures in a notebook that correspond to the topic, and if the parents are not good at drawing, then these pictures still need to be found somewhere, cut out and pasted.

Why do you need to do homework if a speech therapist already works with children 2-3 times a week, and teachers practice speech skills at special times?

Let's find out...

The effectiveness of correctional assistance to a child depends on the degree of interest and participation of parents in speech correction. Homework plays an important role in the cooperation between parents and speech therapist.

Speech therapy homework is an individual form of educational activity for a preschooler, which is carried out without the direct guidance and control of a speech therapist teacher, but on his instructions.

(SLIDE No. 3).Speech therapy tasks - these are various types of tasks aimed at consolidating in children at home the knowledge, skills and abilities that were acquired in group and individual classes on the formation of lexical-grammatical structure and coherent speech, in preparation for learning to read and write, developing correct sound pronunciation, then there are in all areas of speech development provided for by the program content.

The child completes his homework in an individual workbook under the mandatory supervision of an adult. It is advisable for one of the parents to work with the child constantly - this helps both to tune in and adhere to familiar common requirements. Carrying out certain types of work at home on the instructions of a speech therapist disciplines and prepares for the responsible performance of future school homework.

You can try to entrust all this to the child himself, but this is also fraught with problems.Adult help is required!!!

What is the importance of speech therapy homework? (SLIDE No. 4).

1) Doing homework is a huge help to the speech therapist. Children who receive additional training at home with their parents according to the instructions of a speech therapist are much faster and more successful in introducing not only set sounds, but also complex speech structures into everyday speech.

The most important thing that parents must understand is that without their participation the desired results cannot be achieved.

2) Speech therapy homework has great educational, training and correctional significance: with proper organization of its implementation, preschoolers develop new knowledge and skills, as well as independent thinking skills, the ability to control themselves, develop a responsible attitude towards their new responsibilities, and consolidate all the material they have covered. classes with a speech therapist.

Parents must understand that if they do not fulfill the requirements of a speech therapist with a preschool child today, tomorrow they will not be able to demand composure, independence, and responsibility from the student.

3) Why do parents need to do speech therapy homework?

Doing homework for parents and their children is necessary in order to eliminate the children’s lag as soon as possible, both in speech and in general development. The special importance of parents in the correction of speech pathology lies in the fact that, using the proposed material, they have the opportunity to consolidate the speech skills acquired in speech therapy classes by the child in free speech communication. This is possible in everyday life: during games, walks, excursions, trips to the store, market, library, etc.

Basic rules of work when performing speech therapist tasks. (SLIDE No. 5).

1) The child completes homework with his parents for 5-20 minutes, at least once a day.

2) If you notice that your child has lost interest in an activity, stop it and resume it again after some time.

3) Articulation gymnastics is performed while sitting in front of a mirror.

(You can get advice on how to do it correctly from a speech therapist).

4) Your speech should be a model for the child.

5) Do not focus the child’s attention on the shortcomings of his speech. However, when the sound being studied is at the stage of automation (i.e. delivered), parents need to be reminded in an unobtrusive manner of its correct pronunciation.

6) Do homework with your child in a playful way.

7) Teach your child to take care of the notebook and the attached cards. (The cards are handed in along with the notebook).

What may be included in the tasks of a speech therapist: (SLIDE No. 6).

1) A task for the development of articulatory motor skills - articulatory gymnastics.

First - general, designed to activate the speech apparatus, strengthen its muscles, then - special, “staged” for missing sounds. These exercises are performed in front of a mirror (so that the child can see himself and look after himself). Subsequently, exercises are added to the gymnastics to consolidate sound in syllables, words, phrases and coherent speech.

2) Fine motor skills activity .

Goal: to activate the child’s hands, develop accuracy, consistency, and strength of finger movements. (This includes hand massage, finger exercises, working with stencils and templates, drawings, appliques, cutting and pasting pictures).

3)Tasks to prepare your hand for writing and strengthen reading skills . (Tracing along the contour, completing the drawing of elements, shading, typing letters, syllables and words under the dictation of an adult, etc.).

4) The task of developing a directed air stream is breathing exercises.

5) A task to automate the supplied sound.

6) Lexico-grammatical games and exercises - necessary to clarify and expand children’s vocabulary, teach them to use acquired knowledge, skills and abilities in independent speech. (These are exercises on word formation: “Call it affectionately”, “What kind of juice do you like?”); inflection (“One or several”, “What is - what is not?”), coordination of different parts of speech (“My, mine, mine, mine”, “Count to 5 and back”), etc.

7)Tasks for the development of coherent speech.

This is the composition of simple and complex sentences, with and without prepositions, according to a scheme or supporting words, descriptive stories according to a plan and diagram, asking questions about objects, stories based on a series of plot paintings and one painting, etc.

8)Tasks to consolidate the skills of sound analysis and synthesis and reading skills (depending on the level of preparation of the children).

1) The homework is written down in the speech therapy notebook by the speech therapist. The notebook is given out by the teachers of the speech therapy group in the evening.

2) You need to do homework in parts (15-20 minutes), interrupting for physical education minutes and warm-ups to avoid the child getting tired.

3) Every day at the beginning of each lesson (5-7 minutes) do finger exercises and articulation gymnastics (in front of a mirror).

5) An adult reads the assignments out loud to the child. The child performs them orally, and the adult writes the child’s answer in the notebook.without correcting it, exactly as he said.

6) Graphic tasks (color, circle, draw), the child performs himself, but under the guidance of an adult.

7) If there is no new task, repeat the old one.

8) Handle the speech therapy notebook with care and teach the child how to handle it carefully. This will allow us to keep the notebook neat and beautiful throughout the school year. A well-designed notebook is one of the important points of correctional and pedagogical influence.

9) Do not try to do the task for your child; it is better for him not to do his homework at all than for you to do it. Help your child with homework only if he needs it.

10) Praise your child, rejoice at his results associated with a positive mark. Encourage your child for homework done well.

11) Consult a speech therapist teacher, if you see that your child is having difficulty preparing homework.

Only by regularly doing your homework can you achieve positive dynamics and consolidate the material learned in speech therapist classes. Only with the systematic work of a speech therapist and parents will the child learn to use the assigned sound in independent speech and stop making grammatical errors.

Dynamics of speech development of children of senior group No. 4

(21 children): (SLIDE No. 9)

Conclusion: 1. During the period of work (from September to January) as a speech therapist at the speech center, there has been a positive trend in improving sound pronunciation in children of the older group (see diagram);

2. Family and kindergarten must worktogether , because even the best speech therapist alone cannot cope with speech disorders:

(SLIDE No. 10).Dear parents!

I wish you patience, sincere interest and success in working with children.

Thank you for your attention!!! (SLIDE No. 11).

Sources: (SLIDE No. 12).

Internet resources:

[email protected] ;

“Speech therapist at home”;

Social network of education workers ;

- www. Logopedy. ru