A former participant in the project was accused of fraud. Unscheduled arrival of participants - Lyuba, Yaroslav, Tanya and Makar Tanya Count's children died


A participant in “DOM-2” revealed the secret of her chosen one. Tanya Grafova and Artem Zhukov broke up a few days ago, but the girl intends to return to her relationship with her ex-boyfriend. However, she admitted to Dom2Life that now this is hardly possible, because the guy has someone else.

Tanya Grafova
​Photo: Instagram

For several weeks, Tanya Grafova communicated with Artem Zhukov through social networks. She even invited her chosen one to the project in order to build a relationship with him. And then this day came - Zhukov appeared at the gate and became a participant in “DOM-2”. Tanya declared her love and tried to make every effort to become a couple with him. However, there were more actions on her part than the guy needed. And the bright romance did not take place.

“Unfortunately, I’m single now. But you know, I still want male warmth, someone to guide me and say a kind word, wish me good morning. So that I could finally feel like a girl. Because in my case I am defending myself. Because of this, I have a lot of scandals in my team, because the best defense is an attack. “I always attack,” Tanya admitted to Dom2Life.

Grafova intends to reunite with Zhukov
​Photo: Instagram

Now Zhukov went to Love Island, and Grafova remained on Polyana. The brunette does not lose hope of renewing her relationship with her ex-boyfriend, but there is one nuance - Artem has started communicating with his ex-girlfriend.

“Unfortunately, before leaving for the Seychelles, he made peace with his ex. More precisely, I reconciled them. Her name is Olga, I communicate with her very well, but she is outside the perimeter. Although everything can change at one moment: perhaps he will be on the Islands and move away from all conflicts and from Olya, and I will successfully support him (smiles). I’ll talk to Olya: maybe she’ll change her mind after all, because she also has an unstable emotional state, like me,” Tanya revealed her secret.

Artem Zhukov communicates with his ex-girlfriend
​Photo: Instagram

According to the girl, all her close friends are now in the Seychelles, and her potential boyfriend too. Now Tanya intends to persuade the hosts to let her go to the islands in order to be closer to Artem and other residents of the “hot” site of “DOM-2”.

“Now Artem will fly to the Islands, and I’m sad. Although we all decided here on the shore that we were good friends. But, unfortunately, Kevin, Artem, Maya, Lesha, Shtrikh are still in the Seychelles - all my support. It’s difficult for me in Polyana, although I like it here: this is my place, my home, where I know every corner and every person...

I have grown morally here. But now I understand that it will be easier for me without advice and a native corner, but with those people with whom I really feel comfortable,” concluded Grafova in a conversation with Dom2Life.

Tanya wants to fly to the Seychelles
​Photo: Instagram

For many Dom-2 participants, the project became a springboard for starting a family and further career growth. For some, it’s a step into the abyss of greed and vices. There were also guys who, barely having time to appear on the screen, tragically left this world without having time to realize their plans and dreams.

Oksana Aplekaeva

Andrey Kadetov

Another bright participant in the Dom-2 project. He spent 212 days on the project, tried to build a serious relationship with Olga Agibalova, but was forced to leave the “TV set” due to his marriage with his ex-wife not being officially dissolved. The tall, slender blond man with blue eyes was liked by many women and often got into various stories because of this. One of them led to tragic consequences.

A month before his death, Andrei met a resident of St. Petersburg named Alexandra, whom he invited to his friends’ dacha. A few days later, the girl wrote a rape report against him and began extorting money. Then Andrei himself took a counter-statement of extortion to the police, and a few days later he was killed by Alexandra’s former lover, Yuri Zhidkov. On the evening of December 24, 2010, he waylaid Kadetov near the entrance and stabbed him fourteen times in the back. He was sentenced to fifteen years and is serving his sentence in a maximum security colony.

Oksana Korneva

Oksana Korneva, nicknamed Kesha, stayed on the project for only 48 days, but was long remembered for her cheerful disposition, rich inner world and outstanding culinary abilities. She tried to build a romantic relationship with May Abrikosov, but he was seriously infatuated with a girl named the Sun and did not reciprocate Kesha's feelings.

On January 8, 2009, at one in the morning, a girl and her friends tried to cross the Garden Ring in the wrong place near the exit from the tunnel under Mayakovsky Square. They were hit by a Toyota minibus that suddenly appeared. Oksana's friends died on the spot, and she was taken to the hospital, where she died some time later from injuries incompatible with life. Pedestrians who flagrantly violated traffic rules were found guilty of this accident.

Kristina Kalinina

She also didn’t stay on the project for long, only three weeks. Before the TV show, she managed to appear in the reality show “Hunger”, and came to “Dom-2” to find the man she loved. The girl had a small daughter behind the perimeter, and when this fact came to light, Christina was subjected to sharp criticism from both “household members” and television viewers. This was the main reason for her leaving the project. A year later, the 22-year-old girl died of acute renal failure. Christina's little daughter remained in her grandmother's arms. The first person to learn about the tragedy and offer help to Kalinina’s family was Dom-2 participant Olga Nikolaeva (Sun)

A fraudster visited House-2 again. It turned out to be her. The participant was not at all a good girl on the project, so the team had a negative attitude towards her. The girl constantly staged some kind of provocations and practical jokes. Young people who wanted to build love with her abandoned her immediately on the second day. However, luck still smiled on the participant and the guy with whom she went to Love Island came to her.

In the Seychelles, Tatyana did not find happiness with this young man. She continued to behave rudely and unceremoniously. This behavior of the young girl caused condemnation from the audience at Dom-2, but Grafova won a special favor among the organizers. Characters of this format have always been interesting to the project. Moreover, the girl never refused to implement the editors’ intricate scenarios, even with the most obscene ideas. So the participant was sent to Love Island to create a stir in a corner of paradise and undergo a certain test before signing an agreement for long-term cooperation with Dom-2.
However, for unknown reasons, Tatyana Grafova and the two young men with whom she arrived on the island left the set without explanation. The Seychelles team of House-2 was so confused that they did not know how to explain to the audience such a sudden disappearance of the participants.

The TV viewers of the project also guessed that something had happened. In the next episode of Love Island they did not show a single moment where Grafova and her gentlemen packed their bags and said goodbye to the guys. Later, she hinted that the guys were breaking the rules of House-2. The fact is that participants never leave the perimeter without permission, but Grafova dared to stumble. But the adventures don't end there...
Tatyana Grafova was unable to behave with dignity on the project and continues to cause mischief outside of it. The girl said that in the near future she would tell live the whole truth about the project and explain the true reasons for leaving.
The editors of the television program got ahead of Grafova and told everyone that she turned out to be a fraud. The girl deceived the hairdresser who gave her hair extensions. Grafova cost the stylist several thousand. The hairdresser begged for his money from the former participant for a long time, but never achieved anything. Therefore, in despair, I decided to turn to the journalists of the Dom-2 magazine for help.

The last vote in House 2 was very tense. And not only because a long-standing dispute between and was being resolved. The situation with the project’s recruits was also difficult. Participants with experience showed blatant callousness, callousness and disregard for them. And he pointed this out himself. He stated that out of the three candidates (Lubov Gavrilina and Yaroslav Chertkov), the old people of House 2 chose the first - the most vulnerable and in need of help and support for the project. The presenter emphasized that the girl told everyone about her loss (the death of her children) and expressed hope that the project would help her forget about her grief. And the participants are so focused on themselves that they forgot about it! Or even completely missed it! And it was her name that was crossed out.

In a word, Andrei scolded the wards and left the poor thing on the show in order to help her recover from grief and find her love.
Everything seemed to work out beautifully. And I think I wasn’t the only one who was brought to tears. But some facts did not allow me personally to be happy for the girl and praise the “kind presenters.” Maybe it's not about kindness at all, huh? Maybe we shouldn’t have used good intentions to cover up the flaws in the work of the casting service? Maybe they left Tatyana after all because people are disastrously fleeing the project?

Let's find out!

Firstly, why did Andrei Cherkasov lie? He said before the voting began: “Out of the five new girls who came, only three remain!” However, it is not. If we talk about the last parish, there were four candidates: Tatyana Grafova, Lyubov Gavrilina, Yaroslav Chertkov and Makar Brelgin. If we take into account the unscheduled ones (Karina Kupryakova and Natalia Iseeva), who came two days earlier, then six. And there are actually three left.

Secondly, why didn’t the presenter initially say that there would be no voting? After all, according to a law recently established, half of those who come are usually left after a week. If two girls and two guys came, they voted against one girl and one guy, right? Taking into account the fact that Lera Frost supposedly “saved” (but in fact had agreed with her superiors in advance!), and Makar Brelgin left quietly on his own initiative, exactly half remained at the time of voting. Consequently, it would be reckless to kick anyone else out - there are always not enough people on the site.

Best regards, LiluRose!

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A participant in the television production changed the site. Artem Zhukov was sent to Love Island, where he will have to build a relationship, while his ex-lover Tanya Grafova remained in Polyana. The guy assured Dom2Life that he was going there as a single person and would be looking at different girls.

Artem Zhukov
​Photo: Instagram

After the presenters decided to send Artem Zhukov to Love Island, he noticeably cheered up. And even the recent conflict with Tanya Grafova could not spoil his mood. Zhukov assured that he is open to new and serious relationships, and if this happens in the Seychelles, he will be only happy. However, the happiness from the upcoming trip was overshadowed by a small nuance - Artem is afraid to travel on airplanes. But the flight went well, and Artem breathed a sigh of relief.

“To be honest, I was afraid. I tried to fly with an empty head, to let go of the situation, since I had never flown that far. But there is a first time for everything. But now I’m on the Islands and I’m very glad that life gave me such a chance!” - the guy shared with Dom2Life.

Zhukov flies to Seychelles
​Photo: Instagram

Zhukov assured that after breaking up with Tanya Grafova, he is in “single” status. According to a participant in the TV show, his heart is absolutely free. “I will be looking at the girls on the Island. I don’t know yet who I like the most, because I haven’t communicated with anyone personally. But it’s very stupid to judge by appearance,” Artem assured. However, Tanya Grafova, Zharkov’s ex-lover, is sure that he already knows with whom he will build a relationship. According to the brunette, the guy’s chosen one is called Olga, and she is located outside the perimeter.

Artem denies any connections with girls. The guy is sure that Grafova just wants to win his favor again, but he is not ready to give her a second chance.

“Tanya and I broke up, and we have different lives. We are young people, why should we limit each other in any way? We have no children, no apartment, we have nothing to share with her - please let her walk. If we didn’t learn, well, okay, we let go of the situation and move on,” Zhukov told Dom2Life.

Artem built a relationship with Tanya Grafova
Photo: Instagram