To get pregnant and give birth to a healthy child. What should a future father be prepared for? And now for the good stuff


The first question that concerns every conscientious expectant mother is whether to give birth healthy baby. Some people wonder about it just after starting. Someone has already learned about it. Of course, in the first case, the chances for healthy offspring are much greater, because the mother has time to correct a lot of things and do so as to minimize all possible risks. But this does not mean at all that women who do not plan a pregnancy will not be able to give birth to a strong and healthy baby. There are several for this traditional councils, following which you can avoid many troubles. Many of them may seem trivial and familiar to you, but as they say, repetition is the mother of learning. Therefore, read, remember, learn and apply.


Particular attention to own health at the planning stage

In order for the pregnancy to proceed without complications, and after 9 months a healthy baby is born, it is necessary to prepare for an “interesting situation”. To do this, you need to consult a doctor who specializes in planning. He will give competent advice and direct you to everything necessary tests. Moreover, not only the woman, but also the man will have to be examined, since the health of his offspring directly depends on his health. Diagnosis of sexually transmitted diseases, as well as various hereditary ones, will help eliminate the problem in time and increase the chances of having a healthy baby. Herpes simplex viruses, rubella, cytomegalovirus infection, enterovirus, adenovirus, HIV infection, hepatitis B and C are dangerous for the baby. It is also necessary to diagnose and treat diseases caused by various bacteria. For example, chlamydia, streptococci, staphylococci, treponema, listeria and others.

Often you may need to consult with specialized specialists, such as a therapist, ophthalmologist, neurologist, cardiologist, etc. A woman preparing for pregnancy will be sent for an ultrasound.

In order to give birth to a healthy and strong baby, experts advise choosing the period “end of summer - beginning of autumn” for conceiving a child. In their opinion, this is the most favorable time, because staying in the fresh air and sun, foods rich in vitamins, and the absence of viral infections are all only favorable factors.

Also, if you want to give birth to a healthy child, try to do this before the age of 35. After this age, the risk of having children with various health problems increases.

Down with bad habits!

It’s a truism, but many, for some reason, never find the strength to cope with this task. And if excluding alcohol is not so difficult for many (yes, even one beer a week!), then with cigarettes the situation is much more complicated. Meanwhile, the entire world community is shouting at the top of its lungs about how bad nicotine affects the formation and development of the fetus. Reduce the number of cigarettes you smoke to 2 or even one per day. And then break up with this one altogether. bad habit. The best option would be if you quit smoking 3-4 months before you start “working” with your husband on creating your “masterpiece”. For those who have never smoked and do not intend to, we advise you not to be in a room where others are doing so. After all, passive smoking is also bad for your health and affects the fetus.


Hooray! The test showed two cherished stripes, and an ultrasound confirmed that a tumor had arisen under your heart. new life! Take care of her. Remember that the most important period " interesting situation" - first trimester (12 weeks). It is at this time that the baby’s organs are laid down. Therefore, now you need to monitor your health especially carefully. So what do we do?

We undergo examinations and tests

If during planning you passed most of the tests to determine various infections and diseases, then you won’t have to take them now. If not, then these will also need to be taken in addition to the main “pregnant” tests. Remember that viral infections can lead to miscarriage or cause birth defects. But you want to give birth to a healthy baby, right?

Listen to your doctor's recommendations. Get an ultrasound to rule out various pathologies and adjust your actions if necessary. Throughout pregnancy, ultrasound examinations are performed 3 to 6 times, depending on the need.

Eating right

Nutrition expectant mother incredibly important for the birth of a healthy baby. While in the womb, the baby receives nutrition through the blood. Therefore, the quality of maternal blood directly affects the development of the fetus and a lack of certain substances can lead to the formation of various pathologies in the child.

And these include pathologies of the brain, spine, and various others (for example, such as “cleft lip” and “cleft palate”).

For a long time, or better yet forever, forget about fast foods, chips, colored soda, chewing gum, and candies with dubious ingredients. Also, you should not eat fruits and vegetables “out of season”, because they contain a large percentage of various chemicals, which certainly will not be beneficial. Don’t be lazy to prepare complete meals, because semi-finished products contain a large number of preservatives and other chemicals.

Avoid eating fatty, fried and salty foods. Limit your consumption of sweet and starchy foods. But at the same time, your food should be varied. Cereals, fish, meat, vegetables, fruits, herbs, fermented milk products- the choice of “right” products is wide, so you don’t have to worry that you won’t have enough to eat. Fish and meat are irreplaceable sources of protein. Calcium, which is contained in cottage cheese and other “fermented milk”, is simply necessary for both mother and baby. It is needed to maintain a woman’s health, as well as correct formation the fetus, primarily its skeleton and teeth. Make sure that the products from which you prepare your food are not only natural and in season, but also fresh.

Pay special attention to foods containing folic acid. Its deficiency in the early stages of pregnancy can cause various pathologies in the fetus.

You need to look for dark green leafy vegetables. This includes broccoli, spinach, sorrel, and Brussels sprouts. It is also found in some citrus fruits, cheese, and liver. Bread made from wholemeal flour, as well as yeast, are also rich in folic acid.

Drink as much as you want, but not less than two liters of fluid per day. The water you drink should be clean and fresh. Don't forget about fruit drinks and compotes. But try to forget about coffee.

Watch your weight. Correct increase in weight - an indicator of the normal and timely development of the baby. Doctors say that optimal weight gain during the entire pregnancy should not exceed 12 kilograms.

Vitamins and medicines

Remember that taking medications and various biological active additives during pregnancy is extremely undesirable. In individual cases, if the health condition of the mother or baby requires it, it is permissible to take a certain number of medications. But any pill, even a spam one that seems harmless in your opinion, should be taken only with the consent and permission of the doctor.

However, vitamins are often recommended for pregnant women. But these are also separate drugs designed for the body of a pregnant woman, so any vitamins from the pharmacy will not work. It is especially important that a pregnant woman takes iron, iodine, and folic acid (B9) supplements. But you need to take vitamins only in the dosage prescribed by your doctor. Otherwise, you can seriously harm both yourself and the baby.

Watch your health

Minimal deterioration in health while carrying a baby affects his health. Therefore, if you want to give birth to a healthy child, try to take care of yourself: avoid contact with viruses. Your body is already vulnerable, because now it is working with double load, which is why the immune system is slightly weakened. Try not to travel to public transport. Wash your hands often. During periods of disease outbreaks, lubricate the nasal mucosa with oxolinic ointment. Keep Laferobion handy.

Reduce and, if possible, completely eliminate contact with pets, especially cats. They can cause toxoplasmosis, a dangerous disease for a pregnant woman. Having become infected with toxoplasmosis in the second trimester, the risk of increased intracranial pressure, mental retardation, epilepsy and blindness in a child increases by 20%. In the third trimester, the probability of illness, in case of infection, is 50-60%. Therefore, take care of yourself!

Calm, just calm!

This phrase from the famous cartoon now needs to be repeated like a mantra. None nervous stress! Yes, this is difficult and it is not always possible to put it into practice, but you should try your best to follow this rule. Try to understand that stress and anxiety greatly influence what your baby will be like in the future.

Create a pleasant environment at home. Even to the point of forcing your husband to repaint the walls, because you really want them to become gentle Pink colour! Try to receive only positive emotions. Go to concerts and exhibitions, draw, sing. However, do what makes you happy. And don't forget to smile more often)))

Relax, walk, do “pregnant” sports

Having learned about their pregnancy, some women try to “take care” of themselves: lying on the couch, reading magazines or watching TV. Undoubtedly, rest - Golden Rule pregnancy. Lunch nap, if desired, too. But not 24 hours a day! You need moderate and carefully planned physical exercise. Sets of exercises specially designed for pregnant women are ideal.

If possible, sign up for a swim. And even better - water aerobics for expectant mothers. This way you can strengthen the muscles of your back, abdomen, pelvis and prepare for upcoming birth. Moreover, by moving, you contribute to the flow of oxygen into the placenta, and this is vital for the baby.

Try to walk in the forest or at least in a city park more often. Admire the trees, watch the birds, insects, listen to the sound of leaves.

In general, tune in to the positive and live for your pleasure! Let your baby be healthy and happy!

Especially for Olga Rizak

In this article:

A child is the most valuable and dear person for any parent. It is especially important for a mother that her baby is healthy and strong. Even without being pregnant, a woman on a subconscious level is already ready to protect her child. The maternal instinct inherent in nature is further strengthened and aggravated when a woman learns about her upcoming motherhood.

From this moment on, the only thing that occupies all the thoughts of the expectant mother is the question “How to give birth to a healthy child?” Unfortunately, many potential parents understand the responsibility placed on their shoulders only when they find out about pregnancy.

In order to give birth to a healthy baby in all respects, you need to take care, first of all, of your health. This applies not only to the mother, but also to the father of the unborn child.

And begin to monitor the condition of your body and maintain it in in the required form follows long before conception.

If you think through and plan your pregnancy in advance and go through the necessary medical examination, then we can avoid the set serious illnesses, as well as congenital pathologies in a tiny person. After all, most of these diseases can be prevented even with early stages pregnancy, knowing the reasons for their occurrence.

Planned pregnancy has long been practiced in many developed countries. Thus, a married couple worries in advance about the health and safety of a new family member, having undergone a series of medical procedures and starting healthy image life.

What tests should you undergo before pregnancy?

So, if spouses are already ready to become parents, then they need to seriously take care of their health in order to prevent future possible diseases at the baby's.

  • First of all, the expectant mother should contact a gynecologist who will evaluate her physical condition and the ability to carry and give birth to a healthy baby.
  • It would be useful if both husband and wife consult a geneticist. Through a survey you can evaluate general state health of a married couple and their heredity.
  • You may need consultation from other specialists - a cardiologist, neurologist, ophthalmologist, therapist.
  • The expectant mother is recommended to visit the gynecologist's office more often, who will conduct a thorough examination of the patient to identify possible abnormalities in the development of the genital organs. In addition, to check for cancer, it is necessary to conduct examinations of the mammary glands and thyroid, take a smear for cytology, and in doubtful cases, take several more tests.
  • In addition to the usual examination, the woman also undergoes an ultrasound (ultrasound examination), which is recommended after critical days- this is the first phase menstrual cycle– for more reliable data.

What should you pay attention to during pregnancy?

Having learned about pregnancy, spouses often succumb to panic, as they understand the importance and significance of the changes taking place. How to give birth to a healthy baby? How will the birth go? What problems might arise? How will the pregnancy proceed? These are just some of the questions that young parents will be looking for answers to.

Visiting a gynecologist throughout pregnancy. He will monitor the health of the mother and the intrauterine development of the fetus. The doctor sends his patient for a series of studies and tests. An ultrasound is mandatory at 11–12 and 20–22 weeks of pregnancy. Before week 10, it is necessary to undergo tests to identify and treat viral infections such as rubella, herpes, toxoplasmosis, and cytomegalovirus. And at 16–20 weeks, a study is carried out to determine the level of proteins of human chorionic gonadotropin and alpha-fetoprotein.

All these medical procedures help identify infections, malformations and disorders in the development of pregnancy early stages when you can still do something. Possibility to resort to intrauterine treatment will help get rid of many diseases during pregnancy so that a woman can give birth to a healthy baby.

  • in this period Special attention You need to pay attention to the physical and emotional state of the expectant mother. Positive thoughts healthy sleep and the absence of strong physical activity contribute to harmonious and proper development fetus A woman can look good and positive. A woman needs to be surrounded with care and warmth so that she enjoys the fact that a new life is being born in her. Then the birth will take place without complications;
  • a balanced diet and a healthy lifestyle will provide the baby with everything essential vitamins and useful substances through the umbilical cord. Reception medicines must be agreed with your doctor. Many medications are strictly prohibited during pregnancy and lactation;
  • at this time, a woman should protect her body from colds and other diseases, because they can cause complications and affect the condition of the fetus;
  • When planning a pregnancy, you should give up bad habits (smoking, alcohol, drugs) about six months before conception. During this time, the body will be cleansed of nicotine and other harmful elements and fully restored;
  • physical activity should be in moderation. Overwork should be avoided, but there is no need to switch to a less active lifestyle. Hiking in the fresh air and a set of exercises designed specifically for pregnant women will help prepare female body to childbirth.

Maternal infections and diseases affecting fetal development

Many diseases can occur in a woman’s body in a latent form, that is, asymptomatically. Some of them can cause miscarriage or pathology in the development of the baby. Both men and women can be carriers of infections. Microorganisms and viruses that can affect the condition of the fetus are absolute pathogens.

However, expectant mothers with infectious diseases can give birth to a completely healthy baby. Not always detected microorganisms influence the development of pathologies in a tiny creature.

How to give birth to a healthy child if a medical examination indicates the presence of an infection in the body? This is possible if the disease is diagnosed in time and the correct treatment is prescribed.

The most common infectious agents are:

Herpes– the least dangerous viral infection, which has a low probability of infecting the fetus and a minimal percentage of the development of any abnormalities in the child. However, an exacerbation of the virus after 32 weeks of pregnancy can lead to a cesarean section, since natural childbirth A baby can become infected with herpes while passing through the birth canal.

Cytomegalovirus- an infection that is transmitted both sexually and by airborne droplets. This disease is most dangerous if a woman first contracts it during pregnancy from a person with acute form infections. The virus has the ability to freely penetrate the placenta and can damage the fetus, because the mother’s body does not have the necessary antibodies that would prevent the child from being infected.

In the early stages of pregnancy, cytomegalovirus can cause spontaneous miscarriage or the development of abnormalities in the baby. At later stages, this infection causes premature birth, contributes to the occurrence of polyhydramnios and serious pathologies newborn

Rubella- one of the most dangerous species infectious diseases. This virus is almost always transmitted to the fetus and causes many complications. Rubella acquired during pregnancy causes heart defects, deafness, cataracts, physical underdevelopment, pneumonia and disorders of the child's circulatory system.

The expectant mother should in every possible way avoid contact with patients with rubella throughout pregnancy, and especially in the first trimester, when the formation of congenital pathologies of the fetus is most likely. A previous vaccination or rubella infection in childhood will strengthen the mother's immunity. In this case, the woman’s body will not allow the infection to spread and penetrate through the placenta.

Flu. The influenza virus itself does not pose a danger to mother and baby. However, possible complications on the immune and cardiovascular system, and also on the kidneys can provoke threats of miscarriage and premature birth. After suffering from the flu, a weakened female body can contract a staphylococcal or pneumococcal infection. In the early stages of pregnancy, a woman is advised to boost her immunity in every possible way and eat well. Until the 12th week, all important organs form and develop in the baby, so it is important not to let the infection affect this process.

Bacteria, protozoa and fungi

Toxoplasmosis– the most dangerous bacterial infection for the health of the mother and her baby. Very often, infection with this disease occurs through contact with a cat or infected meat. If a woman had this infection before pregnancy, then throughout her life there are antibodies in her body that fight the disease.

Other infections. Mycoplasmosis, thrush (candidiasis), gardenellosis, chlamydia, trichomoniasis and listeriosis. These diseases are also dangerous for a pregnant woman and her child, but if detected in a timely manner, they can be treated.

Useful video material

A healthy, physically strong, smart baby - cherished wish any married couple.

A child is the “center of the universe” of any family, a source of pride and adoration for parents, their hope and continuation. In our age of environmental disasters, chronic stress and physical inactivity, many ailments have appeared that can affect the “quality” of future offspring.

Therefore, preparation for pregnancy should begin even before conception. Unfortunately, many married couples, especially young ones, neglect family planning and believe that everything will work out on its own - they say, nature will help…
And we often don’t pay too much attention to our health, we don’t pay attention to many symptoms until they become very obvious - and, as a result, we “carry” many diseases within us in a latent or chronic form that can be far from in the best possible way influence the condition of the unborn child.

Therefore, you need to think about health, especially reproductive health, from a young age, and it’s better if you think about it even more early age parents will start caring. According to experts, from 15 to 25 percent of girls preschool age and teenage girls who have not yet reached adulthood suffer from various gynecological pathologies. This and inflammatory diseases genital organs, and cysts, and fibroids, and menstrual dysfunction. They need to be identified and treated promptly. Otherwise, they can not only undermine the girl’s health, but also cause reproductive dysfunction in later childbearing years. Of course, there is no need to show a small child to a gynecologist once every six months, as is recommended for adult women, but periodic examination (especially if there are any complaints) should be carried out.

But even if you think that everything is in order with your health, you need to make sure of this before pregnancy.

So, you understand that you are ready to become parents. Where to begin?

First of all, the expectant mother should inform her gynecologist that she is planning a pregnancy. It would be good if it was a doctor who specializes in planning and managing pregnancy.
During a detailed survey of a married couple, the doctor determines the hereditary characteristics of the future parents, assesses their general level of health and determines the need for consultation with doctors of other specialties (therapist, ENT specialist, ophthalmologist, neurologist, geneticist, etc.). Examination by a gynecologist in combination with ultrasound examination, examination of the mammary glands, thyroid gland, a smear for cytology is necessary to exclude oncological diseases and malformations of the genital organs.

It is mandatory to examine future parents for the presence of a number of infections that may pose a danger to the fetus during its development: blood tests for antibodies to HIV, rubella, toxoplasmosis, herpes simplex, cytomegalovirus, blood tests for RW and hepatitis B and C.

A number of infections detected in the genital tract of spouses PCR methods and cultural inoculation: chlamydia, ureaplasma, mycoplasma, streptococcus B (70% of patients have no complaints), can lead to infertility and miscarriage. These infections must be treated in preparation for pregnancy. Of great importance for the formation of the central nervous system and intelligence in the fetus is normal level maternal thyroid hormones.

If a woman has a pathology of the cervix (so-called erosion), it also needs to be treated before pregnancy. In modern gynecology, the method of radio wave surgery is actively used, which is also suitable for nulliparous women and is practically painless.

It will be more convenient to go through all the examinations, take tests and do an ultrasound in one medical center under the supervision of your doctor, especially since nowadays it is already possible to do this in one visit.

It is advisable to lead a healthy lifestyle 2 months before pregnancy: avoid stress, overwork, colds, eliminate alcohol, reduce or stop smoking, avoid exposure to harmful physical factors (male reproductive cells are completely renewed every 2 months). On the eve of and in the early stages of pregnancy, a woman is recommended to take at least 400 mcg of folic acid per day; this reduces the likelihood of accidental malformations of the fetal nervous system by 80%.

The first visit to the doctor is possible against the background of a 7-10 day delay in menstruation, when an ultrasound visualizes the fertilized egg in the uterus, assesses the place of its “attachment” and its size. Two weeks after the first ultrasound, it is time to begin a comprehensive examination; consultation with many specialists is required, of which the following are required: therapist, ENT, ophthalmologist, dentist. From 6 weeks of pregnancy, during an ultrasound examination, signs of the life of the unborn child are already visible: the heartbeat of the embryo is clearly visible, and you can “hear” it on the device. The tests you took before pregnancy now need to be repeated. If deviations are detected, maintenance therapy is prescribed.

- at 10-12 weeks of pregnancy, an ultrasound examination is necessary to exclude “gross” fetal malformations;

- at 18-20 weeks it is already possible to assess the structure of all the formed organs of the child, the heart is examined especially carefully at this age;

— Ultrasound at 26-28 and 32-34 weeks of pregnancy allows you to assess the size of the fetus, the condition of the placenta, the amount of amniotic fluid, blood flow in the vessels of the uterus and umbilical cord. By the 28th week, the fetus’s cheeks are rounded, the face becomes more formed, lips and nose are visible. He can scratch his ear, fold his fists, make a grimace, smile. Thanks to modern capabilities Ultrasound devices (3D/4D modes) future parents will be able to see all this in real time!

Thus, a whole chain of examinations allows us to assess the risk of having a child with any abnormalities.

However, pregnancy planning includes not only monitoring the health of the parents and the unborn child.

If possible, avoid nervous stress and physical fatigue, beware of colds and other “accidental” illnesses, completely eliminate alcohol and, if possible, give up smoking (or at least reduce the number of cigarettes you smoke as much as possible).

A pregnant woman must comply correct mode nutrition and lead a healthy lifestyle. Try to eat more fruits and vegetables; your diet should include fish or meat every day - irreplaceable sources of protein, cottage cheese and others dairy products— the calcium they contain is vital for the proper formation of the fetus, especially its skeleton and teeth, and for maintaining the health of the woman.

You should limit your consumption of sweet and starchy foods ( overweight adversely affects the course of pregnancy), salty, carbonated drinks (except lightly salted mineral water, from which it is necessary to “remove” excess gas). Strong tea and coffee create extra stress on the cardiovascular system - it is much healthier to replace them with juices and fruit drinks.

Moderate and carefully planned physical activity is useful: you can’t “stay too long”! To preserve the health of mother and child and to prepare for childbirth, various sets of exercises and procedures have been specially developed, about which you should consult with your doctor.

Take reasonable care, combine activity with rest, eat right, get regularly examined and consult a doctor - in this case everything will go well and your baby will be born healthy!

The long-awaited pregnancy, the sacred feeling of impending motherhood, the indescribable sensations of a new life under your heart... What thoughts are swarming in the head of the expectant mother? What is she worried about? So that the child is healthy, smart and happy...

Everyone has their own concept of happiness. From a philosophical point of view, influence this side future life relatively hard. But the health and intelligence of our children directly depends on us, the parents.

Health and mind are practically inseparable concepts. Therefore, the algorithm of actions described below will help the birth of both an intelligent and healthy baby.

Let's start with what we cannot influence...

This is the will of the Artist who writes our life. Simple and banal - fate... (I believe in it). And a purely scientific field - genetics.

Parental heredity certainly influences mental capacity children. Moreover maternal genes influence the baby's mind to a greater extent than the father's genes. Intelligent mothers have a great chance of giving birth to smart children.

According to various sources, hereditary predisposition determines intelligence by 40-70%. Everything else is the influence of the external environment. The intrauterine development of a baby, the lifestyle of a pregnant woman and childbirth - this is the main part of that very “external environment”.

There is little hope for fate and genes. What is needed is aspiration backed by action. More on this later.

Thinking about a child before conception is stupid or...

Many people, when reading fiction books, skip the preface. Let's get straight to the fun part. In the matter of having a child, the “introduction”, namely pregnancy planning, is very, very important.

Are partners preparing to become parents healthy? Friendly or not with bad habits? Concept healthy eating Does it make you sad or is it a way of life? Folic acid - a set of letters or a conscious understanding of the importance? The answers to these questions and consequences, I think, are clear to everyone.

The formation of the neural plate, from which the brain and nervous system will subsequently form, begins on day 11 intrauterine development. That is, when the woman does not yet know about her pregnancy! Therefore, the quality of this life depends on how the expectant mother has prepared her body to accept a new life.

All 9 months, mother and baby are connected to each other. This connection begins on the 10th day after fertilization, when the embryo begins to attach to the wall of the uterus. The chorion is formed, and by the 16th week the placenta is formed.

Only well-formed " children's place“will be able to give the baby everything useful from the mother’s body, protect it from harmful things, and thereby have a positive effect on health and intelligence.

Again, laying the foundation for the child’s future “house” occurs before seeing two lines on the test...

When we want to build good house, we draw plans, create layouts. When we want to give birth to a pretty baby, we rely on fate... Plan your pregnancy!

Hooray! I am pregnant. What to do?

The first thing you need to review is your diet. A pregnant woman's diet should be expanded and increased. The phrase “eating for two” is not so meaningless. But one cake for two is enough for you, and the portion of beef with fresh vegetables can be larger. Moderation and common sense are good in everything.

Since the article is about intelligence, below we will present food components that have a huge impact on the formation of the mental abilities of the unborn child.

More than half of the structure of the brain is represented by fats and their complexes with proteins. Omega-3 fatty acids, which take part in the transmission of impulses across the synaptic cleft, are of key importance in the lipid composition. Increases brain endurance during periods of stress.

Animal experiments were conducted, during which it was found that a lack of essential omega-3 fatty acid during pregnancy leads to serious damage to the intellectual abilities future baby. Logical thinking suffers.

The daily requirement of omega-3 for pregnant women is 2.5 grams.

Table of omega-3 polyunsaturated fatty acids content in foods.

Dietary supplements containing omega-3 should only be taken as prescribed by a doctor.

Interesting fact: American scientists have found that the intellectual development of children depends on the body type of their mother! It turns out that more difference between the waist and hip volumes of a woman planning a pregnancy, the greater the likelihood of giving birth to a smart baby.

The explanation is very simple. The subcutaneous fatty tissue of the thigh area has a fairly high concentration of omega-3 PUFAs, which, as is already known, have a very beneficial effect on intelligence.

A rounded tummy appears due to an excess of foods containing omega-6 fatty acids in the diet. They have absolutely opposite action. With a high content of omega-6 in the body of a pregnant woman, the development of the baby’s brain can be inhibited.

  • Choline, or vitamin B4

The normal functioning of the nervous system is due to acetylcholine, the most important transmitter that transmits impulses from one neuron to another. Acetylcholine is synthesized in the body from choline.

Also, with a lack of vitamin B4, the protective myelin sheaths of neurons begin to collapse- you end up with exposed nerves, which logically causes breakdowns in their functioning. But our every movement, spoken word, every thought is a collection of nerve impulses.

Only with the coordinated functioning of the nervous system can one count on high intelligence.

An experiment by English scientists can be cited as proof of the effect of choline on mental abilities. For 10 days, a group of volunteers received an additional 10 g of choline. The result is a significant improvement in short-term memory.

Minimum daily norm choline for pregnant women -400-600 mg.

Tablecholine content (Vitamin B4)in products.

Product type (100g)

Egg yolk chicken

Beef liver

Quail egg

Chicken egg

Turkey meat

Chicken meat


  • Iodine

An acute lack of thyroid hormones in the fetus, caused by iodine deficiency, can lead to severe, sometimes irreversible, “damages” of intellectual development. The formation of a child’s brain directly depends on the level of thyroid hormones T3 and T4.

Studies conducted in different countries have shown differences in physical and intellectual development children who were born to mothers who received iodine preparations before pregnancy and took “dummy pills.” Moreover, most scientists note the proven benefits of prescribing iodine only during pregnancy planning!

The daily requirement for pregnant women is 200 mcg of iodine.

The Republic of Belarus is an area endemic for iodine deficiency in water, vegetables and fruits. However, the state is taking measures to compensate for its deficiency (for example, iodization of salt, bread and other food products, which are in special demand).

Therefore, it is enough to take an additional 100 mcg of iodine per day during pregnancy (if it is not possible to compensate for the deficiency with nutrition).

Tableiodine contentin products.

Breathe “for two” during pregnancy and childbirth

Oxygen. Fresh air. Breath full breasts... Yes, yes, and this is important in the development of intelligence. How important! Remember yourself in a stuffy, unventilated room. Doing any mental work is simply unbearable! The head feels like a lead weight. The brain gives weak signals of life...

Brain cells, especially in the fetus, are also extremely sensitive to oxygen starvation(hypoxia). Lack of oxygen can be chronic or acute.

Bad habits, poor social and living conditions, a sedentary lifestyle, and extragenital diseases in the expectant mother can lead to a constant lack of oxygen.

A chronic hypoxia during pregnancy is fraught with delays in the growth and development of the baby. Therefore, roughly speaking, if you are offered to sit at home with a tablet or take a walk in the park, choose the latter without hesitation! Love oxygen cocktails.

Acute hypoxia is a condition that is 100% impossible to predict. In this situation, “spreading a cushion” does not always work. But we'll try.

As soon as they learn about pregnancy, many immediately begin to fear... childbirth. After all, childbirth is the period when the likelihood of encountering acute hypoxia the fruit is greatest.

It’s normal to worry, worry, think, especially for the first time. But walking around with trembling knees and not preparing for the climax of the pregnant state is already stupid. Thus, you are “laying” on yourself not a pillow, but bricks...

Many women in labor are not prepared for pain and unpleasant sensations in childbirth. Fear and ignorance are doing their job. Breathing becomes difficult, behavior is disrupted. The result is that the child and his urgent need for oxygen, which only his mother can give him, are forgotten.

Childbirth and its outcome depend both on the woman giving birth and on the actions medical personnel, and from the will of Fate. But the expectant mother must first of all be prepared, determined and confident. Correct behavior women in childbirth are the key to the intellectual health of the future little Man.

Much has been written. But even this may not be all...

Let's summarize. What should you do to give birth to a smart, healthy and happy baby?

  • Work on yourself so that you are not ashamed of your genes.
  • “Read the prefaces”, i.e. plan pregnancy.
  • Do proper nutrition rule number one. Introduce foods containing omega-3 fatty acids, choline and iodine into your kitchen.
  • Inhale deeply the delights of life, preferably in nature.
  • Be prepared for childbirth in mind and soul.
  • Hope and believe that EVERYTHING WILL BE GOOD!

The column is led by:

Takunova Maria Grigorievna, obstetrician-gynecologist, director and lecturer of the School of Maternity and women's health"Lyra".

Courses for pregnant women at the Lira School - a qualified medical approach, sincere understanding and a warm attitude.

Advantages of the Lira courses:

  • small groups;
  • the opportunity to visit with a partner with the issuance of a certificate of partner birth;
  • a complete program of preparation for childbirth, including methods of labor pain relief, recovery after childbirth, breast-feeding and baby care;
  • information support on issues of bearing a baby;
  • there is a course about pregnancy;
  • nutrition, tests and examination, psychological adaptation and much more.

How to conceive and give birth to a healthy baby

Give birth to a healthy child, conceive a child, pre-pregnancy examination, pregnancy infections affecting the fetus Any person who has already become a parent or is just waiting for this joyful event wants one thing more than anything in the world - for his child to be born healthy. However, this wish does not always come true. What to do - even the youngest children are susceptible to serious illnesses, and I don’t even want to talk about the possibility of any congenital disorders and diseases. But it is necessary! After all, many of them can be prevented, taken away from a small fragile creature long before its birth! And future parents should worry about this in advance - as soon as they decide to “give birth to a child.”

Preparation for pregnancy should begin even before conception. Unfortunately, many married couples, especially young ones, neglect family planning and believe that everything will work out on its own - they say, nature will help... Alas, it does not help. Human nature is not able to cope with many of the unfavorable consequences of the stresses and shocks that are found in our time on the body of the “average person”.

This especially applies to residents of large cities: and from an environmental point of view, megacities are far from the best place for living, and the urban lifestyle leads to constant, chronic stress, overload of the nervous and cardiovascular systems, physical inactivity, and poor nutrition. But all this affects not only our health, but also the development of our children even before they are born.

And we often don’t pay much attention to our health, we don’t pay attention to many symptoms until they become completely obvious - and, as a result, we “carry” many diseases within us in a latent or chronic form, which can not be done in the best possible way. influence the condition of the unborn child.

Pre-pregnancy examination

Based on the above, when planning a pregnancy, you should try to eliminate as much as possible all possible deviations and violations - as in external environment, and in the health of the parents themselves (and both!) - so that conception occurs normally, and the pregnancy proceeds without complications, and in the future it is necessary to undergo examination.

If you decide to have a baby, there is no need to be afraid or embarrassed about pre-pregnancy examinations! Even before conception, as soon as the decision is made that a child should appear in the family little man, you need to take care of him. To begin with, the expectant mother should contact a gynecologist - preferably one who regularly observes her and is better informed than other specialists about possible individual deviations and problems.

Most likely, the spouse will also have to come to the same doctor: a detailed survey of the future parents is necessary to assess their health and heredity. In some cases, consultation with other specialists may be required - a therapist, a neurologist, an ophthalmologist, a cardiologist... and, of course, a fairly detailed and thorough examination of the spouses.

The most close attention Naturally, the health of the expectant mother is given priority. To exclude possible defects and deviations in the development of the genital organs, an examination by a gynecologist is indicated; to check for cancer, an examination of the thyroid and mammary glands, a cytology smear, and in doubtful cases, a more thorough examination.

A routine examination in our time is necessarily supplemented by an ultrasound examination, which is best for a woman to undergo after her menstrual period - in the first phase of the menstrual cycle.

Infections affecting the fetus

Give birth to a healthy child, conceive a child, examination before pregnancy, pregnancy infections affecting the fetus A number of infections, the carriers of which can be both the father and the mother, can occur in a latent form and cause the death of the fetus or the occurrence of congenital deformities. All viruses and microorganisms are usually divided into unconditional infectious agents that can cause intrauterine infection of the fetus, and conditional ones, whose role in the development of disorders has not been proven.

The most common pathogens are: viruses (herpes simplex, cytomegalovirus infection, rubella, Coxsackie (enterovirus), hepatitis B and C, adenovirus, HIV infection); bacteria (chlamydia, treponema, listeria, streptococci, staphylococci, klebsiella); protozoa (Toxoplasma, Plasmodium malaria); fungi of the genus Candida (causing thrush).

But the detection of microorganisms in fetal tissues does not always lead to the development of any disorder - it just increases the risk of unfavorable changes. Thus, even a woman who has had an infectious disease during pregnancy may well give birth to a healthy baby.

There are two main routes of transmission of infection from mother to fetus: with blood through the placenta and through the infected genital tract of a woman. To infect a child, it is necessary not only to have an infection in the mother’s body, but also a large number of microorganisms, which usually happens with an acute infection or with a serious exacerbation of a chronic infection during pregnancy. But even in this case, the baby does not always get sick.


The rubella virus is considered the most dangerous, since it is almost always transmitted to the fetus and causes serious disorders. More often congenital rubella leads to the combined development of cataracts, deafness and heart disease. In some cases, blood disorders, pneumonia, and physical underdevelopment occur.

The virus is transmitted by airborne droplets, the source of infection is usually sick children, so the expectant mother needs to avoid this kind of contact. The most dangerous for the fetus is infection in the early stages (up to 5 weeks), since at this time there is a greater likelihood of developing congenital deformities. Rubella also manifests itself in spontaneous abortions, stillbirths and deaths of newborns.

If a woman had rubella in childhood or was vaccinated against it, there is no need to worry about the baby’s health - the immune system will not allow the infection to develop. In all other cases, you need to take a blood test for rubella antibodies as soon as possible. If pregnancy is planned, then as a preventive measure, a few months before conception, it is worth getting vaccinated and taking a control test for antibodies to ensure the presence of immunity.


The second most dangerous infection is considered to be cytomegalovirus infection, transmitted by airborne droplets and sexual contact. Most worst option is an infection of a pregnant woman from a sick person with an acute form of infection, since the absence of antibodies in the mother’s body allows viruses to freely penetrate the placenta and damage the fetus.

If before conception a woman was infected with the causative agent of cytomegaly, and an exacerbation of the disease developed during pregnancy, existing antibodies weaken the virus, which reduces the possibility of its penetration through the placenta and negative impact for the fruit.

If a child is infected in the early stages, there is a high probability spontaneous miscarriage or fetal developmental abnormalities. If the infection occurred more than late dates, polyhydramnios, premature birth and “congenital cytomegaly” of the newborn often develop. Such a baby is characterized by an enlarged liver and spleen, jaundice, anemia, and serious damage to the central nervous system, eyes and hearing.

As a preventive measure for cytomegalovirus infection, one thing can be recommended: avoid contact with patients in the acute stage.


The herpes virus is considered the least dangerous among viral infections, since the likelihood of a child becoming infected and developing any pathologies in in this case small. Only an exacerbation of genital herpes in an expectant mother after the 32nd week of pregnancy can be considered a serious situation.

If doctors confirm the presence of an exacerbation, they most often resort to caesarean section so that the baby does not become infected when passing through the birth canal. For your own peace of mind, at the beginning of pregnancy you can take a test to identify the herpes simplex virus.


Give birth to a healthy child, conceive a child, pre-pregnancy examination, pregnancy infections affecting the fetus Quite little is said about the dangers of influenza viruses for a pregnant woman, although such an infection can lead to serious consequences. It is not the virus itself that is dangerous, but its complications on the kidneys, cardiovascular and immune system. The most unpleasant thing is the threat of miscarriage or premature birth. In addition, after the flu it is much easier to contract a pneumococcal or staphylococcal infection.

The most severe consequences of influenza are in the early stages of fetal development - up to 12 weeks, when the formation and development of the most important organs and systems occurs. Hence the conclusion about the need to increase the mother’s immunity: hardening, vitamins and good nutrition.


From bacterial infections The greatest danger to the health of a pregnant woman and her baby is toxoplasmosis. People become infected with this infection through contaminated meat or contact with a cat (most often). If a woman had this disease before pregnancy, immunity remains for life.

The risk of toxoplasmosis increases with pregnancy. Infection in the first trimester will most likely not lead to any consequences. In the second trimester, the probability of congenital toxoplasmosis increases to 20% - pathogens accumulate in the brain, affecting the eyes and central nervous system. nervous system fetus The most common consequence– increased intracranial pressure, mental retardation, epilepsy and blindness. In the third trimester, the probability of the disease is 50-60%.

Still, toxoplasmosis is not an absolute indication for termination of pregnancy. If the tests are normal and the ultrasound does not reveal organic changes, then everything is in order. As a preventive measure, a pregnant woman should avoid contact with cats and eat only well-cooked meat.

Other infections

Such infectious diseases, like candidiasis (thrush), gardenellosis, mycoplasmosis, trichomoniasis, chlamydia and listeriosis can also pose a danger to the mother and fetus, since in severe cases they increase the risk of spontaneous miscarriage and stillbirth. However, with timely diagnosis and adequate treatment they are quickly suppressed and leave no “traces.” It is important to take the necessary tests on time and consult a doctor.

Prevention of abnormalities in a child

If the couple has already had problems or failed pregnancies leading to miscarriages, premature birth, birth of sick children, etc. – such spouses require special attention and a more thorough examination with detailed analyzes, consultation with a geneticist and ultrasound at different stages of the menstrual cycle to determine the condition of the inner layer of the uterus (endometrium).

With the onset of pregnancy, even absolutely healthy woman It is necessary to repeat many studies and consultations in order to identify possible violations and deviations in advance. Already with a delay of menstruation of 7-10 days, ultrasound can determine the size ovum and its location in the uterus.

After another two weeks, the expectant mother needs to undergo a comprehensive examination with a visit to a therapist, dentist, and otolaryngologist. The next (and mandatory!) ultrasound is prescribed at 10-12 weeks of pregnancy - it is necessary in order to exclude pronounced disturbances in the development of the fetus.

If chromosomal abnormalities are suspected (especially common in women over 35 years of age), parents may be asked to genetic analysis single cells of the fetal membrane (chorionic villus biopsy). Such a study makes it possible to exclude a number of serious diseases and disorders in the development of the unborn child within 2-3 days with a high degree of reliability.

And, starting from 20-24 weeks. With the help of ultrasound, it is already possible to directly observe the condition of the fetus: during the study, all its organs are visible, the state of the placenta and blood flow in the vessels of the uterus and umbilical cord, the amount of amniotic fluid and other important indicators are easily determined.

Lifestyle during pregnancy

Give birth to a healthy child, conceive a child, pre-pregnancy examination, pregnancy, infections affecting the fetus. However, pregnancy planning includes not only monitoring the health of the parents and the unborn child. Prevention is also necessary possible violations and deviations, and it should be started 2 months before conception by both parents at the same time (it is during this time that men’s sperm “reserve” is completely renewed).

If possible, avoid nervous stress and physical fatigue, beware of colds and other “accidental” illnesses, completely eliminate alcohol and, if possible, give up smoking (or at least reduce the number of cigarettes you smoke as much as possible).

Taking medications and dietary supplements at this time is permissible only in consultation with a doctor, with the obligatory exclusion of drugs that are contraindicated for pregnant women.

A pregnant woman must follow a proper diet and lead a healthy lifestyle. Try to eat more fruits and vegetables; your diet should include fish or meat every day - irreplaceable sources of protein, cottage cheese and other fermented milk products - the calcium they contain is vital for the proper formation of the fetus, especially its skeleton and teeth, and for maintaining a woman’s health.

You should limit your consumption of sweet and starchy foods (excess weight has an adverse effect on pregnancy), salty foods, and carbonated drinks (except for lightly salted mineral water, from which excess gas must be “removed”). Strong tea and coffee create extra stress on the cardiovascular system - it is much healthier to replace them with juices and fruit drinks.

Moderate and carefully planned physical activity is useful: you can’t “stay too long”! To preserve the health of mother and child and to prepare for childbirth, various sets of exercises and procedures have been specially developed, about which you should consult with your doctor.

If your city has an indoor pool, go swimming; it prepares the muscles of your back, abdomen, and pelvis well for the upcoming loads. At many swimming pools there are now special groups of health-improving gymnastics - water aerobics, and a number of complexes designed specifically for women with disabilities. different terms pregnancy.

But swimming in open waters, unfortunately, will have to be limited - in most of them the risk of contracting an infection is too high. Take reasonable care, combine activity with rest, eat right, get regularly examined and consult a doctor - in this case everything will go well and your baby will be born healthy!