Eastern rhythms. How to train with breast implants? A complete guide for girls Trembling in the heart: diagnosis and treatment

New Year

Good afternoon, fun hour, glad to see you with us! This Friday we have a note inspired by the letters of some readers who asked about how to train with breast implants. Also within the framework of this article, we will talk about the anatomy of the procedure itself, the pros and cons of silicone breasts, as well as how your training (and not only) life will change.

So, take your seats in the auditorium, it will be extremely interesting and informative.

Silicone breasts: everything a woman needs to know

Well, first off, a little warning. The male part of the audience can easily skip this article, because they do not need to know what women are willing to go to improve their figure and appearance. On the other hand, we are physically unable to drive you away (well, leave in a good way! :)), so, so be it, stay with us.

Actually, why did we decide to write this note? Everything is very simple: a series of letters has accumulated in the mail of the project with questions from women about how to train with breast implants. Well, since we always try to listen and hear our audience, we decided to cover this topic in more detail. In addition, we did not find a complete guide on the Internet that would give exhaustive answers to this question. And if (not a name :)) there is none, we decided to write it. What we get out of this, we will find out further in the text.

For better assimilation of the material, all further narration will be divided into subchapters.

Where do the “legs grow” at the chest?

What drives a woman to undergo breast augmentation surgery? It seems to us that everything begins with thoughts in the head, which are rarely visited at first and not insistently. But over time, they become stronger and begin to occupy all the thoughts of a woman. The media and the film industry also add fuel to the fire. If earlier it was TV with its Hollywood and Western show business stars, now everything is on Youtube. It is enough to look at any video on the channel of some popular blogger and you can see the “product face”. If we take into account that the female audience of AB is “sitting on fitness”, then we can assume that their figured ideal is bikinist girls. About how most of them are doing with the naturalness of the breast, we know or at least guess.

No, we are not going to evaluate such decisions. This would be incorrect, since it concerns every woman personally. You just need to understand that breast augmentation surgery is not a momentary impulse “I want”, a thoughtless following of fashion or another whim. It should be a balanced decision with an understanding of the consequences and acceptance of them. Therefore, if you are still in thought or do not have the necessary information, our note will help you clarify the situation and give answers to the most popular questions.

So let's dive into the topic.

What is breast augmentation surgery

Breast augmentation is a cosmetic surgery that increases the size and shape of the breasts through the placement of silicone or saline breast implants. From a cosmetic point of view, the ultimate goal of the operation is to increase the natural proportions and create a more symmetrical and aesthetically pleasing breast profile.

Breast augmentation is one of the most effective procedures for correcting noticeable breast asymmetries. Breast implants can also be used to correct tuberous deformities of the mammary gland.

The operation must be performed by a certified cosmetic surgeon in a special accredited institution. In consultation he (by agreement with you) defines:

  • filler: saline (saline, saline saline), silicone gel, high-cohesive silicone "Gummy Bear";
  • shape: round and drop-shaped endoprostheses. Anatomical teardrops are more natural and natural. The most popular prostheses are Mentor, McGhan Medical, Nagor and Sebbin;

  • profile: your cosmetic surgeon will help you choose it based on your existing proportions and goals. As a rule, patients with a smaller bust will require a higher profile implant;

  • Size: The size of breast implants varies from 150 before 800 see Some patients may require different sizes of implants for each breast. This helps to achieve the best symmetry.

How will my new breasts "sit" on me

Do you know that even before going to the surgeon, you can decide on the size and shape of your breasts and see how it can sit on you? All you need to do is upload your “flat” photo in a swimsuit to a special service (breastimplantsbymentor.com/breast-augmentation/visualizer) and play around with the settings (size and height). Here's what we got:

So, if you decide to install breast implants, then read the information that surgeons rarely talk about.

TOP 10 facts a woman needs to know before "breast placement"

Most women who want to install implants think only about the cosmetic and visual effect: how everything will look. This approach is extremely careless and is due to the poor awareness of women about the lifestyle after surgery. Ideally, the surgeon should educate on the impact that surgery can have on everyday life.

Therefore, conscious surgeons, even before the operation, should inform the woman about the following.

No. 1. Minimum 2 operations

Breast endoprostheses have their own service life. Therefore, it is possible that in a few years (usually 10-12 ) you will need another operation. Over time, the implant may begin to leak, and a “scar sheath” may form around it, changing its shape and causing the need for new implants. Weight loss, pregnancy, and changing preferences are other factors that may lead a patient to repeat surgery after a few years.

No. 2. High price

3500-4500$ - this is the average issue price in US clinics (according to statistics from the American Society of Plastic Surgeons for 2017-2018 of the year). In Russia, the price range starts from 60.000 R (Volga Federal District) and ends 250.000 R (Moscow, data for 2017 year). In any case, it will cost you from 2 before 5 your monthly salary.

No. 3. Artificial breasts are different from the real ones

Despite the anatomy of endoprostheses and the experience of the surgeon, the silicone breast will still reveal itself. If in a dress she can still pass for a real one, then this number will not work with a swimsuit. In general, smaller implants and those placed under the muscle are harder to detect.

No. 4. Feeding the baby

Increase (same as reduction) breasts may affect your ability to breastfeed in the future. Women who receive implants choose not to breastfeed. However, if you have an areola incision, there is some risk that you may damage the small ducts and detach the areola complex from the main gland, limiting your ability to breastfeed.


It is worth bearing in mind that after the birth of a child and his feeding, breast size may naturally increase. For example, a not pronounced second can become a solid three.

No. 4. Loss of sensation

You may lose nipple sensation after a breast augmentation or reduction. Loss of sensation in the nipples can occur whenever there is breast surgery. It depends on a number of factors, including the shape of the breast and the type of surgery.

No. 5. Consequences in the future

Absolutely any breast surgery can have some impact on future breast cancer screening. In addition, silicone and saline implants make it difficult to detect cancer during a mammogram.

No. 6. Discomfort

Surgical practice shows that implants are more comfortable if the procedure is performed after childbirth. It is also worth bearing in mind that any implant placed under the muscle will be felt and give you a certain level of discomfort. Therefore, you can forget about sleeping on your side and stomach.

No. 7. Change in posture/back problems

An increase in the weight of the breast leads to a change in the woman's posture. The larger its size, the more it will “curve” you (feed forward). In addition, if you are a fragile girl who had back problems before surgery, then the additional weight of the implants will increase your pain.

No. 8. Refusal of certain exercises/movements

If you are an active girl, then keep in mind that after the operation you should avoid (when installing the endoprosthesis under the muscle) all exercises for the chest, as well as some movements for the back, shoulders and legs. We will talk about this in more detail in the final part of the note.

No. 9. Premature aging

Our doctors do not talk about this, however, there are foreign studies regarding premature aging of a person after being under anesthesia. And since breast augmentation is anesthesia, then keep in mind that after the operation your face will grow old (data refer to age at +3-5 years, depending on the duration of anesthesia and the age of the woman).

No. 10. Once upon a time it doesn't have to

Despite the fact that plastic surgery is developing by leaps and bounds, it is worth understanding that each person is individual. Someone tolerates anesthesia well, does not get stretch marks after surgery and “returns to normal” lifestyle and training after 2-3 weeks. And someone is quite the opposite. Therefore, you should not exclude the possibility that for the next six months you will not have anything to do with it, except for your chest.

So, with the theory sorted out a bit, now let's talk about practice and start with ...

Anatomy of breast augmentation: how to install an implant

The breasts are the mammary glands that cover the pectoral muscles of a woman. They are held in place by the support of the musculoskeletal system. The structure of the mammary gland is divided into two functional components:

  1. epithelial component - a system that produces milk;
  2. structural component - a system of adipose tissue and ligaments that support and protect the structure of the mammary gland.

The epithelial component consists of a series of 15 before 25 lobes arranged in an orderly manner around the center of the chest. Each lobe contains clusters of lobules. All lobules end in dozens of tiny milk-producing bulbs. All lobes are connected to a network of ducts called the lactiferous sinus, which carries milk to the nipple. The nipple is surrounded by an areola, which crowns the breast from the outside. This sinus carries milk through the nipple and out of the breast.

The structural component of the mammary gland consists mainly of adipose tissue. There are no muscles in the chest itself, but there are a number of muscles behind and below it. These muscles work in conjunction with a ligament called Cooper's ligament and act like a natural bra, supporting the weight of the breasts on the front of a woman's body.


The size and shape of the female breast is determined by heredity. Other factors that can affect breast size include weight fluctuations, medication, pregnancy,.

Breast implants are small pouches consisting of an elastomeric shell with a self-sealing filling valve located at the front or back. It is this filling that distributes the implant like a balloon, which increases the size of the breast.

As for the installation locations, they are:

  • Full construction ;
  • behind the mammary gland and in front of the muscle (under the gland);
  • under the pectoralis major. The implant is placed behind the pectoralis major muscle and behind all supporting fascia (connective tissue) and non-pectoral muscle groups.

The installation process itself and the end results represent the following picture:

Which installation option to choose? You decide this issue together with the surgeon. For example, if you plan to go to the gym and train the pectoral muscles, then the installation will be made under the gland (they do not put pressure on the implants, the chest can be pumped). If naturalness is a priority, you are ready to completely abandon chest exercises, then the installation will be made under the muscle.


With age, the tone of the pectoral muscles weakens, so the implants can “float”, move down a little. In this case, they will need to be corrected.

In fact, we only have one question left to answer.

How to train with breast implants

So, your breasts have been enlarged, the surgeon has done his job. Now you need to understand how to train in this new state. Most often, doctors do not give any recommendations on this matter. On the one hand, they can be understood, they are not coaches. You can also understand coaches who do not know the answer to this question, because they are not doctors :). Of course, it looks comical, but what should a woman do, how to properly organize her training process?

For this, the following rules must be observed.

Rule #1

Work out with a compression sports bra. Select the size and material of the bra based on its comfort and degree of breast fixation. He should not strongly compress it, but only confidently support it during active movements.

Rule #2

If the implant was placed under the muscle, then exclude all targeted chest exercises. The complete constantly updated list includes .

Rule #3

If the implant was placed under the gland, then chest exercises can be performed. However, one should limit (include them in training no more than 1 once a week) such movements:

1. Chest Exercises:

  • breeding of hands with dumbbells lying down;
  • dumbbell / barbell bench press horizontally and at an angle;

2. Leg exercises:

  • Romanian deadlift with barbell/dumbbells;
  • exercise good morning with a barbell.

3. Arm/shoulder exercises:

    • burpee;
    • squats + jumping up;
    • lunges with a change of legs in a jump;
    • walking on an elliptical trainer;
    • run (when installing large implants);
    • jumping rope / in place;
    • swimming in all styles;
    • downward bending and tension of the press;
    • some yoga asanas;
    • picking up a child (for example, lifting from the floor to the chest).

    Rule #5

    6-12 weeks - postoperative recovery time. After a minimum 1,5 months, you can return to the gym and start training, incl. put pressure on the chest (if the implant is under the gland). A serious swing of the top should not be carried out earlier 3 -x months after surgery.

    Rule #6

    After the operation, it will be problematic for you to perform some simple movements. The main rule here is to observe yourself. You need to listen to your body, and if any of them cause you to swell or feel uncomfortable, you need to stop doing it or find an alternative.

    Rule #6+1

    This rule applies not to training, but to nutrition. Statistics say that after breast augmentation surgery, a woman gains from 3 before 5 kg overweight. Perhaps you will have smaller values, but they will still be there. Since you will become a vegetable for a while, less energy will be consumed, kilograms will begin to stick at an accelerated rate. So reconsider your diet: cut the amount of carbohydrates (average for 0,6-1 g/kg body) and increase your dietary intake of protein, fiber, and vegetables.

    Here's What Your Rehab Plan Could Look Like Right After Your Surgery (the terms are conditional and are not a working rule for everyone):


    Throughout the rehabilitation period (minimum 6 weeks) you can perform a special breast massage from the memo, which is usually issued by the surgeon. You can not take a hot bath, go to the sauna, have sex.

    • first 2-3 day. Low activity. Complete denial of exercise. Restoration of forces. Dream;
    • With 3 By 10 days. Light non-long-term cardio: walking on the track without holding hands, stationary bike;
    • 11-20 days. Regular home exercises, exercises without additional weight and involvement of the pectoral muscles;
    • 3-6 weeks. Isolation exercises on the lower body with additional weight;
    • 7 a week. Return to the gym to full workouts with gradual (over the next 2 -x weeks) increasing intensity and expanding the list of exercises.

    Stick to this plan, and you will be able to quickly recover and return to the gym to your native iron :). Actually, this is all on the topic, there is nothing to add. Let's recap.


    Today we dedicated 2500 words to the answer to the question of how to train with breast implants. If you have not installed them yet, perhaps this article will help you understand whether the game is worth the candle at all. If everything is already worth it, then a detailed training guide will come in handy for you. Take it into account and be healthy!

    We say goodbye to this. See you soon!

    PS. Do you have a lot of women with silicone breasts in the gym? Which one are you?…

    PPS: European quality sports nutrition with discount 40% . Don't miss the opportunity to shop at 2019 ! Discount link http://bit.ly/AZBUKABB

    With respect and gratitude, Dmitry Protasov.

We all want to be the owners of a beautiful toned body, luxurious feminine forms. But in addition to food restrictions, constant physical activity is necessary for a brilliant result. Today, one of the most popular types of fitness is belly dancing. We will talk about him.

Belly dance- graceful, sensual and very plastic, demonstrating all the grace and beauty of the female body. Without this colorful performance, it is difficult to imagine a real oriental holiday.

Bellydance has a long history. Many of his movements are borrowed from ritual births, fertilization dances, and religious worship. For centuries, the dance acquired new movements.

Many changes were brought about by gypsies traveling the world. The dance has evolved along with the urbanization of the population in the Middle East and North Africa. The style changed under the influence of the West, the dances of Greece, Turkey, North Africa, Persia, India and other countries of the Middle East.

In the Middle East young girls were introduced to belly dancing from an early age, trained their abdominal muscles in preparation for the birth of a child, as Arab women knew that a trained abs is the best mechanism for relieving the pain of childbirth. During pregnancy, women danced at sacred ceremonies and prepared for.

In the Ottoman Empire, gypsies were hired to entertain women living in harems with belly dancing. Women danced exclusively for women! The art of belly dancing was also demonstrated by men. According to one version, it was originally male dance.

The art of belly dancing entered the Western world in the 19th century. His mesmerizing movements inspired such greats of modern dance as Isadora Duncan, Ruth St. Denis and Martha Graham.

Bellydance got fantastic popularity in the West, because he demonstrates sensuality, grace, the power of emotions, mastery of the body, the alluring beauty of a woman who is in the ecstasy of dance.

So, what is attractive for thousands of modern girls and women bellydance? Why do they choose belly dancing out of the variety of programs offered?

Margarita has been belly dancing for several years. “Once I saw a very interesting girl who danced at one event, we met, and she suggested that I go to her class. And from that moment on, I was really hooked.

When I dance a learned dance or improvisation, I feel that the movements come from somewhere inside, I am overwhelmed with feelings and energy. Even if I get tired after dancing, I don't notice it.

For me, bellydance is an opportunity to show a whole story, sad or funny, it depends, which can be either pop (Tarkan, for example) or serious, slow.

When all eyes are on me, when I dance for someone, then I share my emotions and fill up with energy myself. This is a great way to drive away the blues. After training, despite muscle pain, I return home the happiest person!

You can begin to comprehend the art of belly dancing at any age and regardless of physical fitness. This is another of its advantages.

Bellydance is a sexy, bewitching spectacle. Dancing in a light airy suit, you feel like a real woman ... "

Exists three types of belly dance: Egyptian, Arabic and Turkish.

I have been doing Egyptian belly dance for 3 months. During this time, I lost 4 cm at the waist, my hips became rounded, and I became very feminine. Needless to say, the fans are delighted, every movement in my dance usually causes a strong reaction.

By the way, I no longer recognize any diets. After all, the main thing is the forms that create that very true, fatal femininity ...

Have you noticed that belly dancers have luxurious, glowing skin? That's right, they can eat to their heart's content. Because they know: the secret of seduction is not at all in a model appearance, but in the ability to present yourself correctly.

A Few Basic Bellydance Moves.

At first warm-up. Sharp and strong movements without warm-up and without prior preparation can cause sprains and ruptures of ligaments and muscle tendons, displacement of the vertebrae, subluxation and dislocation of the joints.

Warming up at a low pace for 3-10 minutes warms up the muscles enough and makes them more elastic and resistant to damage. Combine a variety of exercises in the warm-up: for compression and stretching, for flexion and extension, for rotation in three planes.

Tilts are performed symmetrically in both directions. After twisting or rotation exercises, it is recommended to perform stretching. During rotation, the cartilage tissue of the joint is erased or thinned. Stretching stimulates the formation of this tissue.

Belly Roll (Wave)

Mentally divide the stomach into two parts - upper and lower. First, retract the upper part, while the lower one is motionless. Let go. Then, on the contrary, retract the lower one, the upper one is motionless. Let go. Perform these two movements in turn until you start to get fairly relaxed.

Now retract the "upper" tummy, try to squeeze the muscles successively lower and lower, as if rolling the retracted belly down along the spine. When you reach the very bottom, relax all the muscles and repeat from the beginning. This is a downward wave.

The same, but in reverse order, starting from the bottom, is a wave up. For this movement, it’s good to have a sufficiently trained one, then it will turn out more expressively.


Option one - Brazilian Carnival

Initial position: shift the weight a little on the toes and relax the muscles of the legs and buttocks as much as possible. Start walking slowly in place, keeping your toes on the floor, lifting your heels low.

The knees are involved in the movement, slightly bending. The pelvis is fixed, does not swing. Gradually increase the pace of movement of the heels and reduce the amplitude. Keep your muscles relaxed, and soon you will feel the special sensation of this shaking: your buttocks and stomach are shaking like jelly.

Option two - On straight legs

When you learn a little and can easily isolate the upper and lower halves, you can do the same, but without bending your knees. Make sure that the shaking stays in the lower part of the body.

This type of shaking is performed and one foot. Put your right leg forward one step, bend it slightly and transfer your body weight to it, and straighten your left leg and shake from the heel. This is a good highlight for dancing!

Option three - Vertical shaking with the whole body

Shaking from heels, with straight legs. The legs do not work alternately, as in most shakes, but simultaneously. Shaking extends to the whole body.

Vertical shaking with the whole body. Second option

This species does not fit into the conditional classification. This is the only type of shaking that is done by strong muscle tension. The result is a very fine, very piquant shaking of the whole body.

The knee joints are not locked. We strongly strain the muscles of the thighs and, the stomach can be tightened, but kept a little relaxed. We move our knees simultaneously back and forth, very quickly, very small.

This shaking looks on very thin girls, but it is effective only up close. From afar, it will seem that you are just standing still.

Option four. Vertical belly shake

In the starting position, relax all the muscles as much as possible. Squeeze only the muscles of the buttocks, so that the pelvis leans slightly forward and upward.

Relax the buttocks, the pelvis returns to its original position. Repeat the movement, gradually increasing the pace and decreasing the amplitude. You seem to very often and quickly toss your stomach up. The abdominal muscles should be relaxed.

Option five. knees back

Initial position: straighten your knees as far as you can until you feel like you are pushing your knee joint back.

Now your task is to alternately push your knees back, strongly straightening your legs. Feet do not come off the floor. The pelvis is fixed, does not swing.

This type of shaking can be done with a large amplitude. Her stomach is shaking from side to side. Up close, this shaking looks rough, especially if you have something to shake, but it is one of the few shaking that is generally visible from afar when you are dancing on stage.

For very thin girls, this shaking is usually not suitable, it's good when there is.

chest shaking

As in "gypsy", but it is the chest that moves, not the shoulders. Movements are focused on the closest shoulder blades.

chest punch

You seem to straighten up, straightening your shoulders sharply. Mentally determine the middle point on the chest and make a “hit” with it.

belly punch

Pull your stomach in and push it out sharply.

Right-left hip kick

One leg on the toe parallel to the other. Hip (with the help of the other hip) as if pushing someone.

Attention should be paid to selection of clothes for classes. It should be convenient, comfortable, meet your taste and accepted requirements, which you can learn from the teacher.

The ideal form sweatpants and a T-shirt that reveals the belly. If you are concerned about your "non-model" figure, get a sweater with a mesh on the stomach. The mesh will visually reduce the volume.

By the way, oriental dancers, who specially gained kilograms, covered their belly with a suit with a mesh if it increased too much.

It is most convenient to dance in socks or Czechs. At performances, they usually dance. By the way, you can sew a costume for concerts on your own, focusing on your own taste.

Consideration should be given to a handkerchief or cape that can be thrown over heated shoulders during a pause in the warm-up or during non-exercise explanations.

To make your hips “shake”, tie a handkerchief with small bags of salt on them in the first month of classes. Scarves with monists in the learning process will only distract you with their ringing. So leave them for performances.

After intense physical activity, do not rush to immediately go outside, especially if there is a pronounced temperature difference in the training room and outside it.

In dance and practice alternate tension and relaxation. This approach is at the heart of Arabic dance. This contributes to the operating time, the ability to switch from one type of activity to another, the conservation of energy necessary for life.

If your muscles hurt the next day after class, you need to do a few squats.

The main thing is to smile! You must dance with a smile. Be light, springy, soft. Imagine that you are in an oriental fairy tale, that you are dancing on the shores of the Mediterranean or the Red Sea, where there are no problems and worries ...

Some diseases have such a symptom as trembling in the chest area. It can be cardiological, neurological and psychological diseases. Trembling in the region of the heart can bother a person regularly (several times a day, a week) or appear once a year. A person with a similar symptom experiences constant discomfort. The inconvenience is aggravated if all the time to be in anticipation of a recurrence of attacks. To treat this problem, you need to contact a qualified specialist. The Yusupov Hospital employs high-class doctors, doctors of sciences, who have extensive experience in diagnosing and treating complex diseases. In the Yusupov hospital, patients undergo a complete examination, on the basis of which adequate treatment is prescribed.

Trembling in the heart: symptoms

The feeling of trembling in the chest area and, in particular, in the region of the heart, may have a different character. Trembling can begin directly in the heart, spreading to the chest and even passing through the whole body. Or vice versa: appear absently in the sternum, gradually localizing in the heart.

Trembling patients describe in different ways:

  • vibration;
  • buzz;
  • purring cat.

Trembling in the chest may be accompanied by dizziness, a feeling of lack of air, a feeling of uneven strong heartbeat, fainting. Regular sensations of trembling in the chest usually have a certain pattern. They appear in a specific situation, for example, under stress, during travel, during physical activity, etc. Also, shivering can be time-of-day, and may become more frequent in the hours before bedtime or upon waking up. The posture of a person and its change also affect the frequency of manifestations of trembling in the region of the heart.

In many cases, trembling in the chest is not accompanied by pain. However, this condition is a serious reason to consult a specialist, since it can be a harbinger of the development of a dangerous pathology. This is especially true in cases of regular seizures.

Trembling in the chest: causes

The occurrence of trembling in the region of the heart may be due to cardiological, neurological, endocrinological and psychological pathologies. Among the cardiological diseases, accompanied by a feeling of vibration in the heart, there are:

  • arrhythmias;
  • hypertension;
  • ischemic heart disease;
  • heart valve disease (mitral valve disease).

Cardiac disorders require urgent diagnosis and treatment, as they can develop into conditions that pose a direct threat to human life.

Among neurological pathologies with a similar symptom, neuralgia (nerve pinching in the chest area) is often found. Thyrotoxicosis (high levels of thyroid hormones) is also often accompanied by a feeling of trembling in the chest area.

Attacks of trembling in the chest and heart are noted by people suffering from panic attacks. This is a psychosomatic state characterized by an attack of fear, anxiety, accompanied by various vegetative symptoms. Panic attacks develop against the background of severe stress, phobias, depressive disorders. This disease requires observation by a psychotherapist.

Periodic vibrations in the region of the heart are observed in people who abuse alcohol, former alcoholics. Regular alcohol consumption leads to atrial pathology, which is accompanied by persistent fibrillation. A similar effect occurs with the use of stimulants: caffeine, nicotine, drugs.

Trembling in the heart: diagnosis and treatment

To prescribe effective treatment, it is necessary to establish the nature of attacks of trembling in the chest. A person with a similar disorder can first of all turn to a therapist who will perform a preliminary examination and refer you for a consultation with a specific specialist (cardiologist, neurologist, endocrinologist, etc.). During the examination, additional symptoms are usually revealed that help determine the direction of the search.

In the process of diagnosis, the patient may be assigned the following types of examinations:

  • electrocardiography (ECG);
  • 24-hour ECG monitoring (Holter monitoring);
  • echocardiography;
  • measurement of blood pressure (including daily);
  • dopplerography of cerebral vessels;
  • tests to determine the level of hormones.

Based on the results of the examination, the doctor prescribes treatment. In the case of the development of cardiac pathology, the patient is prescribed drugs to control the rhythm and heart rate. According to indications, blood thinners are prescribed, the action of which is aimed at preventing strokes. For psychosomatic disorders, sedatives and antidepressants are used. Prescribing medications is carried out only by the attending physician, based on the patient's condition. You can not use various drugs on your own, as there is a risk of worsening your health.

In the Yusupov Hospital, qualified specialists (general practitioners, neurologists, cardiologists, psychotherapists, etc.) use evidence-based medicine methods that have proven themselves in practice. The constant exchange of experience with foreign colleagues allows us to keep abreast of the most modern and effective methods of treatment. The diagnostic center of the Yusupov hospital is equipped with the latest technology, which makes it possible to establish the correct diagnosis in the most complicated cases. The use of modern techniques and high-tech equipment makes the treatment of diseases effective and returns a person to normal life in a short period of time. In the Yusupov hospital, you can receive treatment on an outpatient basis or in a hospital, specially equipped for a comfortable stay of the patient.

You can make an appointment with a therapist, get advice from other specialists by calling the clinic.


  • ICD-10 (International Classification of Diseases)
  • Yusupov hospital
  • "Diagnostics". - Brief Medical Encyclopedia. - M.: Soviet Encyclopedia, 1989.
  • "Clinical evaluation of the results of laboratory studies" / / G. I. Nazarenko, A. A. Kishkun. Moscow, 2005
  • Clinical laboratory analytics. Fundamentals of clinical laboratory analysis V.V. Menshikov, 2002.

Prices for diagnosing the causes of trembling in the heart area

*The information on the site is for informational purposes only. All materials and prices posted on the site are not a public offer, determined by the provisions of Art. 437 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation. For exact information, please contact the clinic staff or visit our clinic. The list of paid services provided is indicated in the price list of the Yusupov hospital.

*The information on the site is for informational purposes only. All materials and prices posted on the site are not a public offer, determined by the provisions of Art. 437 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation. For exact information, please contact the clinic staff or visit our clinic.

Health problems

Firstly, women with large breasts often experience pain: their back and neck are constantly numb, because they have to carry several kilograms. Moreover, the larger the breast, the greater the likelihood of various formations. For example, I have fibrocystic mastopathy, this is not a very terrible problem, but it usually occurs in mothers after feeding, but I have never given birth. Doctors say that this pathology is often found in owners of magnificent forms. But, believe me, this is not very comforting when you have frequent chest pains, once every six months you need to do not very cheap procedures (for example, an MRI), and your chest hurts almost every other day and you just live with it.

Skin problems can also begin: only bras with wide straps will hold large breasts, and they rub the skin, sometimes even to the point of blood. I generally keep quiet about stretch marks, but this is not such a problem.

If you have large breasts, then finding a cute or vice versa sexy bra will be quite difficult: in general, such bras do not support well, even if they are your size. Once I bought myself a beautiful lace bra and every time I bent down to lace up my shoes, for example, my breasts just popped out of it. The same goes for various bralettes, crop tops and so on. Why is it so difficult to make a beautiful and supportive bra at the same time? I don’t know, but if you are a lingerie designer and for some reason you are reading my article, then this is your chance to get rich: make comfortable and beautiful lingerie for women with large breasts and you will get rich

Dresses and overalls with an open back are also a dubious pleasure: I can’t live without a bra, I’m uncomfortable, and a bra without straps, and even more so without fastening from behind, will simply fall off me.

people attitude

From an emotional point of view, this is also not very pleasant: no matter how you dress, people will constantly stare at your chest or make very original jokes about it. This may be taken as a compliment by some, but I personally don't really like being sexualized.

If I had a choice, then I would prefer smaller breasts, because large breasts are simply not very comfortable. But since I was born this way, I don’t want to change. Of course, curvy forms cause a lot of trouble, but I like myself and love my body the way it is. In the end, loving yourself is more useful and cheaper than going under the surgeon's knife, right?

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