How to recover after a miscarriage step by step. Early miscarriage, is cleaning necessary?

Other reasons

A miscarriage is always traumatic for a woman, especially if it occurs quite recently. long term. However, it will be extremely important to try to maintain composure in order to closely monitor your health and not miss the development of complications. What you need to know about possible problems after a miscarriage, to minimize them?

First of all, let us recall that spontaneous interruption pregnancy occurs in the early stages - up to 12 weeks and in later stages - from 12 to 22 weeks. Causes, causing miscarriage at these times are also different. Early miscarriages most often occur due to the non-viability of the embryo - their causes are genetic in nature. Termination of pregnancy at a later stage often occurs due to isthmic-cervical insufficiency - weakness of the cervix, which is unable to hold the fetus inside the uterus. Another reason is the presence of Rh conflict between the blood of the mother and the fetus. We will talk about the consequences of a miscarriage due to this reason a little later.

Consequences of miscarriage

What consequences a woman can expect from a miscarriage directly depends on several factors:

  • At what stage did the termination of pregnancy occur?
  • Has the uterine cavity been curetted?
  • Whether the woman complied with the restrictions set by the doctor;
  • Did she undergo the treatment prescribed by the doctor?

Most dangerous consequences after a miscarriage are inflammatory processes which can develop in the uterus. Even if curettage was performed, there is a danger that not all particles of the fertilized egg were removed. In this case, another scraping will be required. After a miscarriage, the uterus gradually contracts and returns to its normal state - this is the restoration of the body. However, heavy bleeding within a few days after a miscarriage should alert the woman - it is required immediate appeal to the doctor.

When can a new pregnancy occur after a miscarriage? This question worries all women without exception. The main thing to remember is that a miscarriage is the beginning of a new one. menstrual cycle. That is, in theory, there is a chance to get pregnant immediately after termination of pregnancy. But this should not be allowed under any circumstances, since even a short gestation period is a huge hormonal surge for the body, and it takes time for the hormones to return to normal. A new pregnancy occurring immediately after a miscarriage increases the risk of repeated spontaneous abortion.

What are the chances of failure again? If the miscarriage was the first, then it is extremely unlikely that the situation will repeat. Spontaneous abortion occurs in the most healthy women who subsequently give birth to children without problems. However, it is necessary to be examined before a new pregnancy, which many women neglect. But in this case, both problems with conception and new miscarriages are possible - and this will already be a significant problem.

If the interruption occurs late in pregnancy, the cervix may remain relaxed after a miscarriage. This is not a contraindication to repeat pregnancy, but doctors should definitely be aware of this problem. In this case, they will be able to prevent the threat of miscarriage in time by installing an obstetric unloading pessary or applying sutures to the cervix.

The consequences of a miscarriage that occurs due to Rhesus conflict (when the mother Rh negative, and the fetus is positive) are also very serious. The fact is that the lowest risk of Rh conflict occurs only during the first pregnancy. During a miscarriage, the blood of the mother and fetus mixes, so if she is pregnant again with an Rh-positive fetus, the mother will begin to produce antibodies faster. This is also not a reason for despair - a successful pregnancy is quite possible, but it will take place under the strict supervision of doctors.

So, planning a new pregnancy after a miscarriage should be thoughtful and balanced. If a miscarriage occurs due to sexually transmitted infections, both partners must undergo treatment.

Recovery after miscarriage

A woman should monitor her well-being, as well as the amount and color of vaginal discharge. Normally, discharge after a miscarriage lasts from 4 to 10 days, and varies in intensity. It is very important that an ultrasound diagnosis be carried out in a timely manner to determine whether there are any particles of the fertilized egg left in the uterus. If the discharge after a miscarriage is too abundant, bright, and the woman feels weak and unwell, she needs to consult a doctor as soon as possible to rule out uterine bleeding. This is a life-threatening condition.

To achieve full recovery after a miscarriage, it is extremely important to follow the doctor’s recommendations: abstain from sexual intercourse (usually for one month), and use protection for at least 3 months. Many doctors believe that the recovery period takes about 6 months.

In addition, in the first month you should not overheat, including going to the sauna, bathhouse, taking hot bath. Lifting weights and playing sports is prohibited. These recommendations must be followed, otherwise the consequences may be unpredictable. 4.7 out of 5 (24 votes)

For many women, pregnancy is a long-awaited and desired event. However, it can often end in miscarriage, this is especially true in the early stages. A woman experiences not so much physical stress as emotional stress. The pain of loss pushes us to new attempts to conceive a baby as quickly as possible. Nevertheless, it is necessary to give the body time to recover, find out and eliminate the causes of what happened, and also restore peace of mind.

Miscarriage and its consequences

A miscarriage is a failure of pregnancy due to pathologies in the development of the fetus, or the unsatisfactory state of the woman’s health without medical intervention.

A miscarriage can happen for many reasons, including:

  • Availability bad habits;
  • history of abortion;
  • stress and nervous tension;
  • hormonal imbalance;
  • infectious diseases;
  • physical exercise:
  • abnormalities in the development of female genital organs;
  • diseases thyroid gland, heart, kidneys, blood vessels, presence of tumors;
  • heredity;
  • injuries;
  • usage medicines etc.

Regardless of the period at which spontaneous abortion occurs, the woman experiences serious hormonal changes. The balance of hormones is disrupted even more than during conception, which affects the entire body.

Often a miscarriage is accompanied by a curettage process. During cleaning, the uterine cavity and its mucous membranes are damaged. A thin layer of the endometrium may later become the reason why ovum will not be able to attach.

In addition, although not always, a miscarriage leads to severe blood loss. Heavy bleeding requires long recovery.

In addition to physiological shock, the woman experiences psychological stress. She needs time to get over it. Not every woman can cope with such a situation on her own; she needs the help of her spouse, close people, and often a psychologist. The period of emotional recovery varies from person to person and can take several weeks, months or even years.

Examinations after a miscarriage

If the miscarriage occurred in a hospital setting, then it is possible to analyze the embryo and determine its viability and the absence of abnormalities and pathologies.

The woman will have to undergo the following studies to identify the causes of the incident:

  1. Karyotyping. Often, miscarriage occurs due to serious genetic disorders of the fetus that are incompatible with life. If the embryo has developmental defects or defects, it dies, after which spontaneous abortion begins. To identify chromosome mismatches in married couple it is necessary to donate blood, after which a geneticist will examine the number and structure of chromosomes under a microscope and determine whether there are any violations of the genetic code. Based on the analysis, a conclusion is made about possible risks birth of a baby with genetic disorders.
  2. Hormonal examination. A miscarriage can occur as a result of hormonal imbalance, when the body has an excess or deficiency of certain hormones. To find out, you need to take a test for sex hormones, for example, progesterone, thyroid-stimulating hormone, prolactin, testosterone, and thyroid hormones.
  3. Immunological status studies. An examination by an immunologist will detect the presence of infectious inflammatory processes, as well as hidden chronic diseases. The doctor will individually select what tests both spouses need to undergo in order to assess their health.
  4. Gynecological examination. The cause of the miscarriage could be pathologies of the female genital organs, including a bicornuate or saddle-shaped uterus, fibroids, polyps, etc. They can be identified using ultrasound, as well as hysteroscopy and laparoscopy. Before planning a new pregnancy, a woman will need to have another ultrasound and examine her ovaries, fallopian tubes, uterus, and her endometrium to assess whether it has recovered from the miscarriage. Miscarriage can be caused by genital infections. To exclude them, a genetic smear is taken, bacterial culture is taken, and PCR diagnostics are performed.

In addition to basic research, additional research may be required. If a woman has diseases such as thrombophilia, antiphospholipid syndrome, then the doctor will prescribe her a coagulogram to determine blood clotting. In case of chronic diseases, consultations with a therapist, surgeon, nephrologist, cardiologist, etc. may be required.

Recovery after miscarriage

To make rehabilitation easier and faster, you need to do the following:

  1. On the first day, rest more, do not neglect long sleep, which will help the body recover.
  2. Measure body temperature. If it rises above 37.6°C, then this indicates the presence of an infection in the uterus.
  3. Take medications prescribed by your doctor. These include antibiotics, hemostatics, and anti-inflammatory drugs. After the onset of sexual activity, you must take birth control pills for at least 3 months.
  4. Monitor vaginal discharge, which normally lasts 4-10 days. If after this period they are abundant, bright, and also present general malaise, you need to visit a doctor.
  5. Do not use tampons. Replace them with gaskets, which must be changed at least 5-6 times a day. Take a shower 2-3 times a day.
  6. For one month, abstain from intimacy.
  7. Do not visit saunas, baths, or take hot baths.
  8. Do not lift heavy objects, avoid physical activity.

Besides, important buy walks on fresh air, proper nutrition, reinforced drinking regime. Support and attention from loved ones will help you recover, and in severe cases, consultations with a psychologist.

How long before you can get pregnant after a miscarriage?

As for physiology, you can get pregnant in the first month. A miscarriage begins a new cycle, and therefore ovulation occurs after 2-3 weeks.

However, even if a woman really wants to start trying to conceive a baby as soon as possible, doing this in the first month is very dangerous, since the risk of repeat miscarriage increases. The blood formula that is not restored after bleeding, as well as, what is much more dangerous, a thin layer of the endometrium can cause another breakdown.

Experts believe that it is optimal to wait 3-6 months before starting new attempts to give new life. During this time, the hormonal levels, which have gone astray due to conception and then miscarriage, will normalize, and the body will prepare for re-fertilization.

Besides psychological rehabilitation important psychological attitude, wish. The woman herself must feel that she is ready for a new pregnancy.

On average, it takes about six months to recover and go through everything necessary examinations, if necessary, undergo treatment. This period is not too short and will allow you to prepare for a new pregnancy, and it is also not too long so as not to cause further psychological stress in the woman.

What to do to carry a child after a miscarriage?

After a miscarriage it will help to bear new pregnancy caring attitude towards her. Initially, one should not neglect tests and studies, and subsequently the therapy proposed by the doctor. In addition, there is no need to hide any particular health conditions from the doctor.

It is necessary to give up active physical activity and also avoid stressful situations, which can affect the condition of both mother and fetus. It is recommended to walk more often, but not in crowded places, to avoid the risk of contracting infectious diseases.

Equally important is proper nutrition. You should avoid products containing preservatives, dyes, flavor enhancers, flavorings and other chemicals. It is necessary to include in your diet foods rich in vitamins and microelements.

In addition, during the planning stage you should start taking vitamins. 3-6 months before the expected conception, a woman is recommended to start taking folic acid and continue taking it until the 12th week of pregnancy. Besides folic acid the doctor may recommend taking tocopherol or vitamin E, which prepares the body for pregnancy and also prevents miscarriages, missed pregnancies, etc. However, it must be taken only as prescribed by a doctor and strictly in the dosage determined by him, since excess vitamin is also dangerous. The gynecologist may prescribe other vitamins depending on their deficiency in the female body. For example, if tests show low hemoglobin, then the doctor may prescribe medications that replenish the iron content in the body.

The emotional state plays no less important role, and sometimes even big role in maintaining pregnancy. It is important not to give in to fear, not to compare the new condition with a previous pregnancy, not to look for all sorts of deviations, and to read less about the negative experiences of other women. After the first miscarriage, a woman has no less chance of giving birth to a baby than any other. Therefore, you need to tune in to the good, enjoy the new day, smile, and everything will definitely work out.


Thus, you can conceive a baby after a miscarriage in the same month. However, experts are unanimous in the opinion that such a rush could end in failure. It is better to wait 3-6 months, during which you will undergo examinations and treatment. Time will fly by, and soon you will be able to try again. At the right approach To recover from a miscarriage, most women will experience the joys of motherhood in their next pregnancy.

Especially for- Elena Kichak

Signs and causes of early miscarriage

Pregnancy up to 12 weeks is considered early. Next comes the second trimester. Interrupted pregnancy is accompanied by aching, spasmodic pain in the lower section abdomen and lower back. You may notice signs of bleeding on your underwear, which is usually red or brownish in color. With absence medical care In a woman, bleeding can lead to a condition that is life-threatening for the woman.

The sooner a pregnant woman consults a doctor, the greater the chance that the fetus will be saved and the bleeding will be stopped without consequences for further pregnancy. Confirmation that a miscarriage has already occurred are pieces of flesh coming out along with the discharge.

The most common causes of miscarriages before 12 weeks are:

Genetic factor - abnormalities are to blame for 75% of all accidents genetic nature associated with previous diseases, viral and infectious. Doctors call this a kind of natural selection of non-viable organisms.

Hormonal imbalance - lack of progesterone reduces the chances of getting pregnant and carrying a baby. A timely doctor's appointment is required hormonal drugs. There are still chances to maintain the pregnancy. In addition, a miscarriage provokes an increase in the male hormone in the pregnant woman’s body, which suppresses the production of progesterone and estrogen.

Rh conflict is the difference between the Rh factor of the baby and the expectant mother. The pregnant woman's body perceives pregnancy as something foreign, dangerous and therefore does not accept it.

Sexually transmitted infections - gonorrhea, chlamydia, syphilis. They are dangerous because for a long time do not make themselves felt by any symptoms, but have a negative effect on the fetus.

Abortions that took place in the past - operations are performed using instruments that injure the uterus, as well as under the influence of strong drugs. Stress in the female body disrupts many functions.

In addition, an interrupted pregnancy can be the result of severe stress, bad habits, and uncontrolled use of medications. Expectant mothers are strictly prohibited from taking a hot bath or engaging in intense physical activity.

What to do up to 12 weeks and how to restore the body?

If during a miscarriage, a whole embryo comes out along with the discharge, resembling a gray lump in appearance round shape, then most likely no action will be required from the woman. Cleaning is not necessary here; the body will independently remove all residues along with menstruation, which will last about two weeks. You still need to see a doctor to get examined and make sure there are no dangerous residues that can cause rotting and inflammation.

If the fetus comes out in parts, impurities of flesh are visible in the discharge, or the pregnancy is generally considered frozen, then cleaning must be carried out. The gynecological term for this is curettage, which means scraping.

Immediately after a miscarriage occurs, the following manipulations are carried out:

Histological analyzes and studies of the uterine cavity;

Ultrasound with a transvaginal sensor of the pelvic organs, which makes it possible to detect congenital abnormalities and disorders in the genital organs, the presence of myomatous nodes;

Analysis of the fetus for the presence of genetic abnormalities.

Not only the woman, but also the husband should visit the doctor. A man needs to undergo a spermogram.

A set of tests and studies after 1-2 months of miscarriage:

Analysis for TORCH infections (latent type), cultures for mycoplasmosis and ureplasmosis, herpes virus, human papilloma and cytomegalovirus;
- taking smears for microflora and gonococcus, culture for streptococcus;
- examination of hormonal levels (in the first days of the cycle, in the middle and at the end);
- blood tests from a vein for lupus anticoagulant;
- blood test for the presence of antiphospholipid bodies;
- immunogram;
- blood clotting test;
- blood homocysteine ​​test (checking the regularity of genetic failures);
- thromboelastogram - a procedure that will help detect hidden internal bleeding and hematopoietic disorders.

If human papillomavirus is detected in the body, you should also seek advice from an oncologist. At their discretion, the gynecologist and therapist may prescribe additional examinations of other organ systems.

Do not think that a miscarriage is a death sentence and the inability to become pregnant in the future. The forecasts are absolutely favorable. As a rule, the next pregnancy is allowed after six months if it is not detected serious illnesses and pathologies.

Home " Weeks » Recommendations after a miscarriage. What to do after a miscarriage in early pregnancy

When is sex possible after a miscarriage? What is the risk of premature sexual dysfunction? With what problems? psychological nature can sexual partners collide? The situation of miscarriage, which is traumatic for a woman, is, unfortunately, not uncommon. After what happened, I want to quickly get away from the problem and restore spiritual harmony.

So, it happened. Perhaps after this the woman had to go through medical procedures like scraping. This is a difficult situation, often leading to depression. But do not despair, because in the future there is a high probability happy pregnancy and the birth of a long-awaited child.

Consequences of miscarriage

Let's consider what physiological manifestations after a miscarriage are considered normal. At the time of fetal loss, a woman experiences bleeding. It may be more abundant than during menstruation and last from 4 to 10 days. This normal phenomenon, because the uterus (especially after cleaning) is a real wound, only closed. Sometimes the doctor prescribes hemostatic drugs.

A situation that should cause concern is when bleeding does not stop after the tenth day. In this case, you may feel weakness, nausea, and faintness. A clear deterioration of the situation is indicated by fever and elevated temperature bodies. In this case, you should definitely go for an examination at antenatal clinic or call an ambulance.

What to do after a miscarriage?

First of all, move on with your life, trying to recover morally and physical health. You need to be aware that you are not to blame for what happened, because a fairly large percentage of women encounter a similar phenomenon at least once in their lives.

But this does not mean that nothing needs to be done about this problem. Are you planning another pregnancy in the future? This means that competent prevention of recurrent miscarriages is needed. Consult your gynecologist on this topic. Try to find out together the reason why the abortion happened.

There are several possible reasons this problem:

  1. Genetic defects of the embryo. It is because of this that a large percentage of women lose their unborn child. Under conditions of unfavorable environmental conditions, poor-quality food, and stressful situations, a fatal effect on the development of germ cells in both men and women can occur. In this case female body makes natural selection, removing not entirely healthy fruit.
  2. Hormonal disorders. During repeated pregnancy, you need to pay attention more attention hormonal levels. Get your progesterone tested regularly. Androgens (male hormones), adrenal and thyroid hormones also influence pregnancy. Check the functions of these glands in advance (before your next pregnancy).
  3. Rh conflict with a partner, structural features of the uterus (curvatures, irregular shape). These situations require special measures developed together with your doctor.
  4. Infections that are sexually transmitted. Contact modern laboratories for testing. Without identifying (or treating) these diseases, you can safely plan your next pregnancy. Keep in mind: both sexual partners need treatment.
  5. General infectious diseases and other inflammatory processes. Go through the full medical examination and proper treatment after a miscarriage.
  6. Past medical interventions - abortion. Treatment needed reproductive organs.
  7. A lifestyle that is detrimental to health, stress. Do you want to carry a child? Avoid smoking, alcohol, stressful work and environments.
  8. Taking herbal tinctures and certain medications. Use is especially contraindicated in the first trimester. traditional medicine(many herbs can abort pregnancy). Do not self-medicate; take all pills under the supervision of a doctor.
  9. Physical activity - intense sexual intercourse, sudden falling or lifting excessive weights.

Naturally, during the recovery period you need to pay a lot of attention to genital hygiene and follow all the doctor’s recommendations.

Depression after miscarriage

Many women (especially those staying at home) face this problem. How to survive a miscarriage? What to do if depression becomes daily?

A depressed mood, anxiety, and constant thoughts returning to your problem indicate that you need to stop withdrawing into yourself and consult a psychologist. You need to learn to cope with your thoughts and fears, because you still have a healthy baby ahead.

Set yourself a goal to lead more healthy image life, gradually preparing for the next one, successful pregnancy. Take multivitamins, exercise (it treats stress and produces joy hormones). Breathing practices are also beneficial for physical and mental health.

A loving and patient man next to you will also help you get rid of depression. Support each other, especially if you can't have traditional sex yet.

Resumption of sexual activity

Have you successfully passed the period of bleeding and started to think about resuming an active sex life? Do not hurry. Gynecologists recommend abstaining from sex for 2-4 weeks after a spontaneous abortion, depending on the woman’s well-being. Recovery after a miscarriage involves complete sexual rest.

It must be remembered that the uterus is open to infections during this period.

Even with a regular sexual partner, you can get into a situation in which the female reproductive organs can become infected.

You risk mechanically damaging the healing mucosa again and delaying recovery.

Ideally full sex life It is better to start after the onset of new periods (1-1.5 months) from the moment of termination of pregnancy. The sexual partner must be aware of the dangers of early sex for the health of the woman he loves. After all, sex can come in other forms, you can experiment with them.

Some alternative views sex that can be recommended in in this case, this is sex without penetration (petting, oral sex, masturbation), mammological (the woman’s breasts are actively involved), vertebral (“riding” along the partner’s vertebrae), virtual (phone sex), intrafemoral (member between the thighs) and the like.

There are options, the main thing is not to overdo it, because women Health in this case it is more important. Be aware of uterine contractions during female orgasm and the possibility of rebleeding.

Due to depression after a miscarriage, some women do not want not only sex, but also ordinary communication with their partner. There may even be a feeling of hostility. Don't despair because this is a temporary condition. Find a way to distract yourself from the situation, do something that interests you, and the negativity will go away on its own. You can consult a psychologist.

The main thing is that planning for the next pregnancy must begin no earlier than six months (or even a year) after the miscarriage. Conceiving at an earlier stage can lead to recurrent miscarriage. There is no need to take risks; it is better to select suitable contraceptives with your doctor and patiently wait out the period of recovery.

Without a doubt, the loss of a fetus during pregnancy is always a tragedy for the spouses and causes feelings of bitterness and disappointment. They are joined by fear of the future - whether a woman will be able to get pregnant after a miscarriage. In order for pregnancy to occur after a miscarriage, certain measures must be taken.

Miscarriage - causes and consequences

Before we discuss the problem of pregnancy after miscarriage, let's find out what a miscarriage is. The term “miscarriage” is used when spontaneous termination of pregnancy occurs during the first twenty-eight weeks (seven obstetric months). This doesn't happen very often. As doctors say, there are many more miscarriages occurring than gynecologists register. During one cycle in a fertile couple, in approximately sixty percent of cases, fertilization of the egg occurs, that is, pregnancy actually occurs.

More than half of fertilized eggs die on their way to the uterus. Another third cease to exist immediately after implantation, in fact, when the woman is not aware of the pregnancy. And when the fact of pregnancy is established, every fourth woman's pregnancy ends in miscarriage. The risk of miscarriage decreases after the eighth week. After an early miscarriage, the risk of miscarriage in a subsequent pregnancy increases by twenty-five percent.

Miscarriages are divided into early, which occur before sixteen weeks of pregnancy, and late, after the sixteenth week. Spontaneous abortion in this case, it occurs without any intervention and against the woman’s wishes. If spontaneous abortion occurs more than two times in a row, then this is called recurrent miscarriage. In this case, it becomes more difficult to get pregnant after a miscarriage.

Causes of spontaneous abortion in early pregnancy

There are many reasons why miscarriage occurs. You should never blame someone for what happened. Most miscarriages occur due to genetic defects. When a female oocyte fuses with a sperm, the embryo receives half of the genetic information from the father and the other half from the mother. At this moment, a completely new cell with a unique set of chromosomes is formed.

In addition, at this time, chromosome crossing and exchange of sections occurs. In the process of exchanging genetic information, genes that are very important for the development of pregnancy may be lost. In this case, the fertilized egg is not viable from the very beginning. There may be a loss of genes that may be required for later development. Such a pregnancy can develop normally for a certain period of time, and subsequently end in spontaneous abortion.

In addition, since half of the genetic information contained in the zygote is foreign to the female body, it perceives the fetus as foreign body. In most cases, mechanisms are launched in the body of a pregnant woman that suppresses the production of antigens to fetal tissues. But, if a husband and wife have a similar set of genes or are in consanguineous marriage, the female body cannot cope with the task and a miscarriage occurs. After a miscarriage, it is possible to become pregnant in this case, but the woman will need genetic counseling and special treatment.

As you can see, most miscarriages occur due to genetic disorders. In this case, you need to know that as a result proper treatment After a miscarriage, you can get pregnant after some time. Modern geneticists can even prevent miscarriage due to genetic pathology, and in this case the chances of successful resolution of pregnancy by childbirth increase. There are other causes of miscarriages that medicine can predict and neutralize.

Miscarriage can occur for the following reasons:

  • due to hormonal disorders;
  • in the presence of isthmic-cervical insufficiency;
  • after the postponed infectious diseases;
  • due to malformations of the uterus, neoplasms of the uterus and ovaries;
  • in case of diseases of the kidneys or organs of the cardiovascular system, which experience additional stress during pregnancy;
  • if a woman has bad habits (smoking, alcohol abuse, drug use) that affect both the formation and development of the fertilized egg;
  • with excessive physical or nervous tension;
  • as a result of exposure to harmful factors environment(gas pollution, radiation, high concentration of chemicals).

Hormonal disorders, genetic aberrations, infectious processes in a woman’s body, as well as environmental factors and bad habits lead to miscarriages in early pregnancy, and all other reasons lead to spontaneous abortion in later stages. People often ask: after a miscarriage, how much protection should you take? This issue should be discussed individually with your gynecologist.

I would especially like to note the role of termination of the first pregnancy in subsequent miscarriage. No one disputes the fact that a woman always has the right to choose what to do with her pregnancy. However, she should be informed that termination of the first pregnancy greatly increases the risk of future miscarriages, since it is common cause isthmic-cervical insufficiency.

Pregnancy after a miscarriage is quite possible, because spontaneous termination of pregnancy is a signal that not everything is fine in the female or male body. Nature is always determined to create best conditions for the development of a new organism. If there are none, she solves the problem by miscarriage. If the pregnancy is terminated, this does not mean at all that next pregnancy after a miscarriage it will also end in failure. Menstruation after a miscarriage usually occurs according to the woman’s schedule.

How to get pregnant after a miscarriage

Different families experience a miscarriage differently. Some people try to quickly forget what happened and make the next attempt to conceive a child. For others, the fear of failure again is so severe that they are not prepared for a subsequent pregnancy for an extended period of time. Of course, partners must decide for themselves how long to use contraception after a miscarriage. However, they we can recommend the following:

  • You should not try to get pregnant after a miscarriage before six months. If the pregnancy occurs immediately after a miscarriage, you can fail again, since the likelihood that it will end on its own is one and a half times higher than usual. But it should be understood that if pregnancy occurs after a miscarriage a month or two later, then there is no need to panic - it may well end happily.
  • Do not attempt contraception without discussing it with your doctor. He will help you choose the safest contraceptives.
  • Of course, it is necessary to find out the cause of miscarriage and try to eliminate it. To do this, you need to go to a reproductive center, undergo an examination, including genetic screening, and then treatment prescribed by a reproductologist.

After a miscarriage, both a man and a woman may be prescribed the following examination one month later:

  • tests to exclude infectious diseases of male and female genital organs;
  • clarification immune status;
  • study of the blood coagulation system;
  • determination of the condition of all organs and systems on which the load increases during pregnancy;
  • genetic screening.

It is also necessary to find out whether the woman has taken medications that could affect the fetus or the course of pregnancy. After full examination and to find out the cause of miscarriage, the doctor will prescribe treatment. You need to find out from him how these medications can affect the condition of a woman’s reproductive organs, whether they have a teratogenic effect, that is, whether they can have a damaging effect on the fetus.

A woman needs to keep a diary, write down in it what medications she takes, in what dosage and how often. You should also write down any unusual sensations that occur while taking the medication. It is necessary to find out from the doctor, if a woman is receiving treatment after a miscarriage, how long after stopping the medication she can try to get pregnant. It is also necessary to pay attention to psychological condition women after miscarriage. You can talk about the situation with a loved one, but if this does not help, and bitter memories arise depressive state, it is better to seek the help of a psychotherapist.

Do not forget that the next pregnancy that occurs after certain time after a miscarriage, it will be associated with fears and anxieties for the unborn child, and if you cannot get rid of them, then you need to learn to cope with them. From emotional state Women largely depend on the outcome of pregnancy.

Perhaps, in order for pregnancy to occur after a miscarriage, you will have to change your lifestyle, for example, give up bad habits and hard work, eat right, bring your weight back to normal, take multivitamin complexes, and do gymnastic exercises.

How should a woman behave after a miscarriage?

No one argues that the pain of loss after a miscarriage does not leave a woman for a long time. However, it should be remembered that pregnancy after a miscarriage is a completely achievable dream, and in order for it to come true, you must muster your will and force yourself to live a full life. Continue to communicate with people, do not isolate yourself. You should not avoid communicating with family and friends out of a feeling of awkwardness. Remember that a woman who has lost a child, no matter how much time has passed after the miscarriage, needs the support of her spouse.

Close people do not need to hide their sympathy. You just need to be close to the woman, because she may need to talk at any moment. You should never tell a woman after a miscarriage, no matter how long after you talk to her, what she should feel or do. If she starts talking about loss, don't change the subject. A woman will never forget about it, no matter how much time has passed since the miscarriage.

Uterus after miscarriage

Since the pain associated with contractions increases after a miscarriage, the woman may experience increased bleeding. Naturally, the condition of the uterus after a miscarriage does not change better side. What the uterus looks like after a miscarriage is evidenced by many studies. First of all, after a miscarriage, the external os of the uterus remains open, and, secondly, the cervix increases significantly in volume. This happens because there is a fertilized egg in the cervical canal. Its bottom can extend far beyond the vagina.

If a miscarriage is diagnosed early, medical abortion with scraping. In the case when the pregnancy period exceeds eight weeks, doctors usually advise waiting until the fetus comes out on its own. This is done for the reason that this period The fertilized egg has a certain weight, thanks to which it is able to carry along all the amniotic segments.

After an early miscarriage, the fetus does not completely exfoliate and subsequently part of it remains on the walls of the uterus. After a miscarriage, the uterus cannot contract and the woman usually begins heavy bleeding. Sometimes it happens that a small part of the lining remains in the uterine cavity after a miscarriage. In this case, the bleeding is not profuse, but continues for a long time.

After a miscarriage, purulent inflammation may begin in the uterus. With a thorough examination, the doctor can determine what the cervical cavity looks like at this time. Since the cervical canal opens almost completely, you can freely reach the internal pharynx. The uterus after a miscarriage is soft, not enlarged in volume, since part of the fetus has already come out.

After a miscarriage, a woman may have bloody issues, reminiscent of menstruation. Usually, doctors do not recommend having sex for two or three weeks, so as not to infect the uterine cavity and allow its usual microflora to recover. Menstruation after a miscarriage occurs five weeks later. Since the uterus does not immediately tone up after a miscarriage, a woman is not recommended to engage in physical labor and sports.

After a miscarriage, you can hope that the next pregnancy will end happily. To do this you need to make every effort. Six months after a miscarriage, you can try to get pregnant.

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